Clayton Craft 9ebdbd023c
linux-purism-librem5: upgrade to 5.11.0pureos1 (MR 1960)
Purism has changed the kernel name they used, so that's reflected in the

This kernel includes patches for renaming the audio device, and requires
a corresponding upgrade to the device package to bring in the new ucm2
config changes for that.
2021-02-21 13:54:18 +01:00
0001-Revert-arm64-dts-librem5-Drop-separte-DP-device-tree.patch linux-purism-librem5: upgrade to 5.11.0pureos1 (MR 1960) 2021-02-21 13:54:18 +01:00
8f11380ec32912370b8ae9134a0387a6f18862f7.patch linux-purism-librem5: upgrade to 5.9.1 (MR 1673) 2020-11-01 19:15:42 -08:00
APKBUILD linux-purism-librem5: upgrade to 5.11.0pureos1 (MR 1960) 2021-02-21 13:54:18 +01:00
config-purism-librem5.aarch64 linux-purism-librem5: upgrade to 5.11.0pureos1 (MR 1960) 2021-02-21 13:54:18 +01:00