Depencency chain:
gnome-software -> gnome-softare-plugin-apk -> gnome-software-lib -> gnome-software
is broken.
Application should not depend on its own plugin,
instead plugin should probably be installed using
install_if="gnome-software apk-tools".
This is needed to unblock BPO:
master/x86_64/gnome-software-9999_git20211203-r0.apk (missing depends: gnome-software)
[ci:skip-build] already built successfully in CI
The plugin now is linked dynamically against gnome-software
and pmos fork does not touch the library, only the ui,
so it should be save to drop this fork
This enables an auto-update mechanism on post-upgrade for the u-boot
firmware on the librem 5 and librem 5 devkit. This mechanism is largely
copied from the implementation in the pinephone u-boot package.
efidebug is useful for booting the kernel via EFI mode in u-boot.
Fix current version of epiphany not being installable because of soname
bump in libportal:
/ # apk add epiphany
ERROR: unable to select packages: (no such package):
required by: epiphany-9999_git20210916-r0[]
Upgrade to 41.3 while at it, and drop the firefox sync dialog patch
since it doesn't apply cleanly anymore. Only the disable fullscreen
patch is really important, Pablo only included the firefox sync patch
because it applied cleanly.
This packages the megapixels fork that purism has supporting the librem
The `provides="megapixels"` is there so that apk doesn't try to install
both megapixels and this package side-by-side. If the user explicitly
installs megapixels-purism, apk will remove megapixels first. The
original megapixels is still preferred by apk by default.
[ci:skip-build]: already built successfully in CI
alsa-* 1.2.6 breaks audio switching and microphones on several devices,
with some outstanding issues still open upstream.
This 'fork' is meant to be very short-lived, to restore audio on devices
while we figure out how to fix it on 1.2.6.
This will be upgraded soon, however let's let this broken URL not block
the initial v21.12 bring up for now. Again, same checksum as the
previous tarball.
For edge we'll probably remove this package and instead Alpine's version
instead. [ci:skip-vercheck]
Upgrade u-boot to the latest in purism's librem5 branch, and use newer
DDR firmware (syncs version with what purism is using)
The patch that was dropped here was merged, so it's not necessary to
carry it anymore.
[ci:skip-build]: already built successfully in CI
Purism's g-c-c fork is stuck in version 3.38. This has
multiple problems, including carrying old unnecessary
patches and producing some incompatibility with newer
GNOME releases available in Alpine. In consequence,
we fetch the source from upstream and only apply those
patches that make sense for our usecase. When the Purism
patches apply without issues, then we fetch them directly
from their repo.
* The first patch has been droped from PureOS, which currently
ships stock debian 0.99.11. Therefore the fix must have been
applied somewhere else, same as it happened with the torch patches.
* The second patch is already merged upstream and present in latest
0.99.13 release in alpine.
With Phosh 0.13.0, Logind is used without patches for the torch
as UPower doesn't want to handle this. Therefore, we can drop
the torch patches to UPower.
[ci:skip-build] already built successfully in CI