This changes the way item types, item fields, creator types, and CSL mappings are defined and handled, in preparation for updated types and fields. Instead of being predefined in SQL files or code, type/field info is read from a bundled JSON file shared with other parts of the Zotero ecosystem [1], referred to as the "global schema". Updates to the bundled schema file are automatically applied to the database at first run, allowing changes to be made consistently across apps. When syncing, invalid JSON properties are now rejected instead of being ignored and processed later, which will allow for schema changes to be made without causing problems in existing clients. We considered many alternative approaches, but this approach is by far the simplest, safest, and most transparent to the user. For now, there are no actual changes to types and fields, since we'll first need to do a sync cut-off for earlier versions that don't reject invalid properties. For third-party code, the main change is that type and field IDs should no longer be hard-coded, since they may not be consistent in new installs. For example, code should use `Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('note')` instead of hard-coding `1`. [1] https://github.com/zotero/zotero-schema
345 lines
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"use strict";
describe("Zotero.Utilities.Internal", function () {
var ZUI;
before(function () {
ZUI = Zotero.Utilities.Internal;
describe("#md5()", function () {
it("should generate hex string given file path", function* () {
var file = OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'test.png');
describe("#md5Async()", function () {
it("should generate hex string given file path", function* () {
var file = OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'test.png');
yield assert.eventually.equal(
it("should generate hex string given file path for file bigger than chunk size", function* () {
var tmpDir = Zotero.getTempDirectory().path;
var file = OS.Path.join(tmpDir, 'md5Async');
let encoder = new TextEncoder();
let arr = encoder.encode("".padStart(100000, "a"));
yield OS.File.writeAtomic(file, arr);
yield assert.eventually.equal(
yield OS.File.remove(file);
describe("#gzip()/gunzip()", function () {
it("should compress and decompress a Unicode text string", function* () {
var text = "Voilà! \u1F429";
var compstr = yield Zotero.Utilities.Internal.gzip(text);
assert.isAbove(compstr.length, 0);
assert.notEqual(compstr.length, text.length);
var str = yield Zotero.Utilities.Internal.gunzip(compstr);
assert.equal(str, text);
describe("#delayGenerator", function () {
var spy;
before(function () {
spy = sinon.spy(Zotero.Promise, "delay");
afterEach(function () {
after(function () {
it("should delay for given amounts of time without limit", function* () {
var intervals = [1, 2];
var gen = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.delayGenerator(intervals);
// When intervals are exhausted, keep using last interval
var testIntervals = intervals.slice();
testIntervals.push(intervals[intervals.length - 1]);
for (let i of testIntervals) {
let val = yield gen.next().value;
it("should return false when maxTime is reached", function* () {
var intervals = [5, 10];
var gen = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.delayGenerator(intervals, 30);
// When intervals are exhausted, keep using last interval
var testIntervals = intervals.slice();
testIntervals.push(intervals[intervals.length - 1]);
for (let i of testIntervals) {
let val = yield gen.next().value;
// Another interval would put us over maxTime, so return false immediately
let val = yield gen.next().value;
describe("#extractExtraFields()", function () {
it("should extract a CSL type", function () {
var str = 'type: motion_picture';
var { itemType, fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.equal(itemType, 'videoRecording');
assert.equal(fields.size, 0);
assert.strictEqual(extra, '');
it("should extract a field", function () {
var val = '10.1234/abcdef';
var str = `DOI: ${val}`;
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.equal(fields.size, 1);
assert.equal(fields.get('DOI'), val);
assert.strictEqual(extra, '');
it("should extract a field for a given item", function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'journalArticle' });
var val = '10.1234/abcdef';
var str = `DOI: ${val}`;
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str, item);
assert.equal(fields.size, 1);
assert.equal(fields.get('DOI'), val);
assert.strictEqual(extra, '');
it("should extract a CSL field", function () {
var val = '10.1234/abcdef';
var str = `container-title: ${val}`;
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.equal(fields.size, Zotero.Schema.CSL_TEXT_MAPPINGS['container-title'].length);
assert.equal(fields.get('publicationTitle'), val);
assert.strictEqual(extra, '');
it("should extract a CSL field for a given item type", function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'journalArticle' });
var val = '10.1234/abcdef';
var str = `container-title: ${val}`;
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str, item);
assert.equal(fields.size, 1);
assert.equal(fields.get('publicationTitle'), val);
assert.strictEqual(extra, '');
it("should extract a field with different case", function () {
var val = '10.1234/abcdef';
var str = `doi: ${val}`;
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.equal(fields.size, 1);
assert.equal(fields.get('DOI'), val);
assert.strictEqual(extra, '');
it("should extract a field with other fields, text, and whitespace", function () {
var place = 'New York';
var doi = '10.1234/abcdef';
var str = `Line 1\nPublisher Place: ${place}\nFoo: Bar\nDOI: ${doi}\n\nLine 2`;
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.equal(fields.size, 2);
assert.equal(fields.get('DOI'), doi);
assert.equal(fields.get('place'), place);
assert.equal(extra, 'Line 1\nFoo: Bar\n\nLine 2');
it("should extract the first instance of a field", function () {
var place1 = 'New York';
var place2 = 'London';
var str = `Publisher Place: ${place1}\nPublisher Place: ${place2}`;
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.equal(fields.size, 1);
assert.equal(fields.get('place'), place1);
assert.equal(extra, "Publisher Place: " + place2);
it("shouldn't extract a field that already exists on the item", function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'book' });
item.setField('numPages', 10);
var str = 'number-of-pages: 11';
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str, item);
assert.equal(fields.size, 0);
it("should extract a CSL name", function () {
var str = 'container-author: First || Last';
var { creators, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.lengthOf(creators, 1);
assert.propertyVal(creators[0], 'creatorType', 'bookAuthor');
assert.propertyVal(creators[0], 'firstName', 'First');
assert.propertyVal(creators[0], 'lastName', 'Last');
assert.strictEqual(extra, '');
it("should extract a CSL name that's valid for a given item type", function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'bookSection' });
var str = 'container-author: First || Last';
var { creators, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str, item);
assert.lengthOf(creators, 1);
assert.propertyVal(creators[0], 'creatorType', 'bookAuthor');
assert.propertyVal(creators[0], 'firstName', 'First');
assert.propertyVal(creators[0], 'lastName', 'Last');
assert.strictEqual(extra, '');
it("shouldn't extract a CSL name that's not valid for a given item type", function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'journalArticle' });
var str = 'container-author: First || Last';
var { creators, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str, item);
assert.lengthOf(creators, 0);
assert.strictEqual(extra, str);
describe("#combineExtraFields", function () {
var originalDate = "1887";
var publicationPlace = "New York";
var doi = '10.1234/123456789';
var fieldMap = new Map();
fieldMap.set('originalDate', originalDate);
fieldMap.set('publicationPlace', publicationPlace);
fieldMap.set('DOI', doi);
var fieldStr = `DOI: ${doi}\noriginalDate: ${originalDate}\npublicationPlace: ${publicationPlace}`;
it("should create 'field: value' pairs from field map", function () {
var extra = "";
var newExtra = ZUI.combineExtraFields(extra, fieldMap);
assert.equal(newExtra, fieldStr);
it("should add fields above existing Extra content", function () {
var extra = "This is a note.";
var newExtra = ZUI.combineExtraFields(extra, fieldMap);
assert.equal(newExtra, fieldStr + '\n' + extra);
it("should replace existing fields", function () {
var extra = "This is a note.\nOriginal Date: 1886\nFoo: Bar";
var newExtra = ZUI.combineExtraFields(extra, fieldMap);
fieldStr.split(/\n/).filter(x => !x.startsWith('originalDate')).join("\n")
+ "\nThis is a note.\nOriginal Date: 1887\nFoo: Bar"
describe("#extractIdentifiers()", function () {
it("should extract ISBN-10", async function () {
var id = "0838985890";
var identifiers = ZUI.extractIdentifiers(id);
assert.lengthOf(identifiers, 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[0]), 1);
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[0], "ISBN", id);
it("should extract ISBN-13", async function () {
var identifiers = ZUI.extractIdentifiers("978-0838985892");
assert.lengthOf(identifiers, 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[0]), 1);
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[0], "ISBN", "9780838985892");
it("should extract multiple ISBN-13s", async function () {
var identifiers = ZUI.extractIdentifiers("978-0838985892 9781479347711 ");
assert.lengthOf(identifiers, 2);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[0]), 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[1]), 1);
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[0], "ISBN", "9780838985892");
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[1], "ISBN", "9781479347711");
it("should extract DOI", async function () {
var id = "10.4103/0976-500X.85940";
var identifiers = ZUI.extractIdentifiers(id);
assert.lengthOf(identifiers, 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[0]), 1);
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[0], "DOI", id);
it("should extract PMID", async function () {
var identifiers = ZUI.extractIdentifiers("1 PMID:24297125,222 3-4 1234567890, 123456789");
assert.lengthOf(identifiers, 4);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[0]), 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[1]), 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[2]), 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[3]), 1);
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[0], "PMID", "1");
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[1], "PMID", "24297125");
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[2], "PMID", "222");
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[3], "PMID", "123456789");
it("should extract multiple old and new style arXivs", async function () {
var identifiers = ZUI.extractIdentifiers("0706.0044 arXiv:0706.00441v1,12345678,hep-ex/9809001v1, math.GT/0309135.");
assert.lengthOf(identifiers, 4);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[0]), 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[1]), 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[2]), 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[3]), 1);
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[0], "arXiv", "0706.0044");
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[1], "arXiv", "0706.00441");
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[2], "arXiv", "hep-ex/9809001");
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[3], "arXiv", "math.GT/0309135");
describe("#getNextName()", function () {
it("should get the next available numbered name", function () {
var existing = ['Name', 'Name 1', 'Name 3'];
assert.equal(Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getNextName('Name', existing), 'Name 2');
it("should return 'Name 1' if no numbered names", function () {
var existing = ['Name'];
assert.equal(Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getNextName('Name', existing), 'Name 1');
it("should return 'Name' if only numbered names", function () {
var existing = ['Name 1', 'Name 3'];
assert.equal(Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getNextName('Name', existing), 'Name');
it("should trim given name if trim=true", function () {
var existing = ['Name', 'Name 1', 'Name 2', 'Name 3'];
assert.equal(Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getNextName('Name 2', existing, true), 'Name 4');