129 lines
4.1 KiB
129 lines
4.1 KiB
"use strict";
describe("Zotero.CollectionTreeView", function() {
var win, collectionsView;
// Load Zotero pane and select library
before(function* () {
win = yield loadZoteroPane();
collectionsView = win.ZoteroPane.collectionsView;
after(function () {
// Select library
// TODO: Add a selectCollection() function and select a collection instead
var resetSelection = function () {
assert.equal(collectionsView.getSelectedLibraryID(), Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID);
describe("#notify()", function () {
it("should select a new collection", function* () {
// Create collection
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "Select new collection";
var id = yield collection.saveTx();
// New collection should be selected
var selected = collectionsView.getSelectedCollection(true);
assert.equal(selected, id);
it("shouldn't select a new collection if skipNotifier is passed", function* () {
// Create collection with skipNotifier flag
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "No select on skipNotifier";
var id = yield collection.saveTx({
skipNotifier: true
// Library should still be selected
assert.equal(collectionsView.getSelectedLibraryID(), Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID);
it("shouldn't select a new collection if skipSelect is passed", function* () {
// Create collection with skipSelect flag
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "No select on skipSelect";
var id = yield collection.saveTx({
skipSelect: true
// Library should still be selected
assert.equal(collectionsView.getSelectedLibraryID(), Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID);
it("shouldn't select a modified collection", function* () {
// Create collection
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "No select on modify";
var id = yield collection.saveTx();
collection = yield Zotero.Collections.getAsync(id);
collection.name = "No select on modify 2";
yield collection.saveTx();
// Modified collection should not be selected
assert.equal(collectionsView.getSelectedLibraryID(), Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID);
it("should reselect a selected modified collection", function* () {
// Create collection
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "Reselect on modify";
var id = yield collection.saveTx();
collection = yield Zotero.Collections.getAsync(id);
var selected = collectionsView.getSelectedCollection(true);
assert.equal(selected, id);
collection.name = "Reselect on modify 2";
yield collection.saveTx();
// Modified collection should still be selected
selected = collectionsView.getSelectedCollection(true);
assert.equal(selected, id);
it("should add a saved search after collections", function* () {
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "Test";
var collectionID = yield collection.saveTx();
var cv = win.ZoteroPane.collectionsView;
var search = new Zotero.Search;
search.name = "A Test Search";
search.addCondition('title', 'contains', 'test');
var searchID = yield search.saveTx();
var collectionRow = cv._rowMap["C" + collectionID];
var searchRow = cv._rowMap["S" + searchID];
var duplicatesRow = cv._rowMap["D" + Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID];
var unfiledRow = cv._rowMap["U" + Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID];
assert.isAbove(searchRow, collectionRow);
// If there's a duplicates row or an unfiled row, add before those.
// Otherwise, add before the trash
if (duplicatesRow !== undefined) {
assert.isBelow(searchRow, duplicatesRow);
else if (unfiledRow !== undefined) {
assert.isBelow(searchRow, unfiledRow);
else {
var trashRow = cv._rowMap["T" + Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID];
assert.isBelow(searchRow, trashRow);