2029 lines
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2029 lines
47 KiB
* Constructor for Item object
* Generally should be called through Scholar.Items rather than directly
Scholar.Item = function(){
// Accept itemTypeID in constructor
if (arguments.length){
Scholar.Item.prototype._init = function(){
// Public members for access by public methods -- do not access directly
this._data = new Array();
this._creators = new Scholar.Hash();
this._itemData = new Array();
this._creatorsLoaded = false;
this._itemDataLoaded = false;
this._changed = new Scholar.Hash();
this._changedCreators = new Scholar.Hash();
this._changedItemData = new Scholar.Hash();
// Public Scholar.Item methods
* Check if the specified field is a primary field from the items table
Scholar.Item.prototype.isPrimaryField = function(field){
// Create primaryFields hash array if not yet created
if (!Scholar.Item.primaryFields){
Scholar.Item.primaryFields = Scholar.DB.getColumnHash('items');
Scholar.Item.primaryFields['firstCreator'] = true;
return !!Scholar.Item.primaryFields[field];
Scholar.Item.editableFields = {
title: true
* Check if the specified primary field can be changed with setField()
Scholar.Item.prototype.isEditableField = function(field){
return !!Scholar.Item.editableFields[field];
* Build object from database
Scholar.Item.prototype.loadFromID = function(id){
var sql = 'SELECT I.*, lastName || '
+ 'CASE ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM itemCreators WHERE itemID=' + id + ')>1) '
+ "WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE ' et al.' END AS firstCreator "
+ 'FROM items I '
+ 'LEFT JOIN itemCreators IC ON (I.itemID=IC.itemID) '
+ 'LEFT JOIN creators C ON (IC.creatorID=C.creatorID) '
+ 'WHERE itemID=' + id
+ ' AND (IC.orderIndex=0 OR IC.orderIndex IS NULL)'; // first creator
var row = Scholar.DB.rowQuery(sql);
* Populate basic item data from a database row
Scholar.Item.prototype.loadFromRow = function(row){
for (col in row){
// Only accept primary field data through loadFromRow()
if (this.isPrimaryField(col)){
this._data[col] = row[col];
else {
Scholar.debug(col + ' is not a valid primary field');
return true;
* Check if any data fields have changed since last save
Scholar.Item.prototype.hasChanged = function(){
return (this._changed.length || this._changedCreators.length ||
Scholar.Item.prototype.getID = function(){
return this._data['itemID'] ? this._data['itemID'] : false;
Scholar.Item.prototype.getType = function(){
return this._data['itemTypeID'] ? this._data['itemTypeID'] : false;
* Set or change the item's type
Scholar.Item.prototype.setType = function(itemTypeID){
if (itemTypeID==this.getType()){
return true;
// If existing type, clear fields from old type that aren't in new one
if (this.getType()){
var sql = 'SELECT fieldID FROM itemTypeFields '
+ 'WHERE itemTypeID=' + this.getType() + ' AND fieldID NOT IN '
+ '(SELECT fieldID FROM itemTypeFields WHERE itemTypeID='
+ itemTypeID + ')';
var obsoleteFields = Scholar.DB.columnQuery(sql);
if (obsoleteFields){
for (var i=0; i<obsoleteFields.length; i++){
this._data['itemTypeID'] = itemTypeID;
return true;
* Return an array of collectionIDs for all collections the item belongs to
Scholar.Item.prototype.getCollections = function(){
return Scholar.DB.columnQuery("SELECT collectionID FROM collectionItems "
+ "WHERE itemID=" + this.getID());
* Determine whether the item belongs to a given collectionID
Scholar.Item.prototype.inCollection = function(collectionID){
return !!parseInt(Scholar.DB.valueQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) collectionID "
+ "FROM collectionItems WHERE collectionID=" + collectionID + " AND "
+ "itemID=" + this.getID()));
* Returns the number of creators for this item
Scholar.Item.prototype.numCreators = function(){
if (this.getID() && !this._creatorsLoaded){
return this._creators.length;
* Returns an array of the creator data at the given position, or false if none
Scholar.Item.prototype.getCreator = function(pos){
if (this.getID() && !this._creatorsLoaded){
if (!this._creators.items[pos]){
return false;
return this._creators.items[pos];
* Set or update the creator at the specified position
Scholar.Item.prototype.setCreator = function(orderIndex, firstName, lastName, creatorTypeID){
if (this.getID() && !this._creatorsLoaded){
if (!firstName){
firstName = '';
if (!lastName){
lastName = '';
// If creator at this position hasn't changed, cancel
if (this._creators.has(orderIndex) &&
this._creators.get(orderIndex)['firstName']==firstName &&
this._creators.get(orderIndex)['lastName']==lastName &&
return false;
if (!creatorTypeID){
creatorTypeID = 1;
var creator = new Array();
creator['firstName'] = firstName;
creator['lastName'] = lastName;
creator['creatorTypeID'] = creatorTypeID;
this._creators.set(orderIndex, creator);
return true;
* Remove a creator and shift others down
Scholar.Item.prototype.removeCreator = function(orderIndex){
if (this.getID() && !this._creatorsLoaded){
if (!this._creators.has(orderIndex)){
throw ('No creator exists at position ' + orderIndex);
// Go to length+1 so we clear the last one
for (var i=orderIndex, max=this._creators.length+1; i<max; i++){
var next =
this._creators.items[i+1] ? this._creators.items[i+1] : false;
this._creators.set(i, next);
return true;
Scholar.Item.prototype.creatorExists = function(firstName, lastName, creatorTypeID, skipIndex){
for (var j=0, len=this.numCreators(); j<len; j++){
if (typeof skipIndex!='undefined' && skipIndex==j){
var creator2 = this.getCreator(j);
if (firstName==creator2['firstName'] &&
lastName==creator2['lastName'] &&
return true;
return false;
* Retrieves (and loads from DB, if necessary) an itemData field value
* Field can be passed as fieldID or fieldName
Scholar.Item.prototype.getField = function(field){
//Scholar.debug('Requesting field ' + field + ' for item ' + this.getID(), 4);
if (this.isPrimaryField(field)){
return this._data[field] ? this._data[field] : '';
else {
if (this.getID() && !this._itemDataLoaded){
var fieldID = Scholar.ItemFields.getID(field);
return this._itemData[fieldID] ? this._itemData[fieldID] : '';
* Set a field value, loading existing itemData first if necessary
* Field can be passed as fieldID or fieldName
Scholar.Item.prototype.setField = function(field, value, loadIn){
// Primary field
if (this.isPrimaryField(field)){
if (!this.isEditableField(field)){
throw ('Primary field ' + field + ' cannot be changed through ' +
if (this._data[field] && this._data[field]==value){
return false;
this._data[field] = value;
return true;
// Type-specific field
else {
if (!this.getType()){
throw ('Item type must be set before setting field data.');
// If existing item, load field data first unless we're already in
// the middle of a load
if (this.getID() && !loadIn && !this._itemDataLoaded){
var fieldID = Scholar.ItemFields.getID(field);
if (!fieldID){
throw (field + ' is not a valid itemData field.');
if (!Scholar.ItemFields.isValidForType(fieldID, this.getType())){
throw (field + ' is not a valid field for this type.');
// If existing value, make sure it's actually changing
if ((!this._itemData[fieldID] && !value) ||
(this._itemData[fieldID] && this._itemData[fieldID]==value)){
return false;
this._itemData[fieldID] = value;
if (!loadIn){
return true;
* Save changes back to database
Scholar.Item.prototype.save = function(){
if (!this.hasChanged()){
Scholar.debug('Item ' + this.getID() + ' has not changed', 4);
return !!this.getID();
// Existing item, update
if (this.getID()){
Scholar.debug('Updating database with new item data', 4);
var itemID = this.getID();
try {
// Primary fields
var sql = "UPDATE items SET ";
var sql2;
var sqlValues = [];
if (this._changed.has('itemTypeID')){
sql += "itemTypeID=?, ";
if (this._changed.has('title')){
sql += "title=?, ";
// Always update modified time
sql += "dateModified=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ";
sql += "WHERE itemID=?";
Scholar.DB.query(sql, sqlValues);
// Creators
if (this._changedCreators.length){
for (var i=0, len=this.numCreators(); i<len; i++){
var creator = this.getCreator(i);
if (this.creatorExists(creator['firstName'],
creator['lastName'], creator['creatorTypeID'], i)){
throw('Cannot add duplicate creator/creatorType '
+ 'to item ' + this.getID());
for (orderIndex in this._changedCreators.items){
Scholar.debug('Creator ' + orderIndex + ' has changed', 4);
var creator = this.getCreator(orderIndex);
// Delete at position
sql2 = 'DELETE FROM itemCreators'
+ ' WHERE itemID=' + this.getID()
+ ' AND orderIndex=' + orderIndex;
// If empty, move on
if (!creator['firstName'] && !creator['lastName']){
// See if this is an existing creator
var creatorID = Scholar.Creators.getID(
// If not, add it
if (!creatorID){
creatorID = Scholar.Creators.add(
// If this creator and creatorType exists elsewhere, move it
sql2 = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM itemCreators'
+ ' WHERE itemID=' + this.getID()
+ ' AND creatorID=' + creatorID
+ ' AND creatorTypeID=' + creator['creatorTypeID'];
if (Scholar.DB.valueQuery(sql2)){
sql = 'UPDATE itemCreators SET orderIndex=? '
+ "WHERE itemID=? AND creatorID=? AND "
+ "creatorTypeID=?";
sqlValues = [
Scholar.DB.query(sql, sqlValues);
// Otherwise insert
else {
sql = "INSERT INTO itemCreators VALUES (?,?,?,?)";
sqlValues = [
Scholar.DB.query(sql, sqlValues);
// Append the SQL to delete obsolete creators
// TODO: fix this so it actually purges the internal memory
if (sql = Scholar.Creators.purge(true)){
// ItemData
if (this._changedItemData.length){
var del = new Array();
for (fieldID in this._changedItemData.items){
if (this.getField(fieldID)){
sql2 = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM itemData '
+ 'WHERE itemID=' + this.getID()
+ ' AND fieldID=' + fieldID;
if (Scholar.DB.valueQuery(sql2)){
sqlValues = [];
sql = "UPDATE itemData SET value=?";
// Take advantage of SQLite's manifest typing
if (Scholar.ItemFields.isInteger(fieldID)){
else {
sql += " WHERE itemID=? AND fieldID=?";
Scholar.DB.query(sql, sqlValues);
else {
sql = "INSERT INTO itemData VALUES (?,?,?)";
sqlValues = [
if (Scholar.ItemFields.isInteger(fieldID)){
else {
Scholar.DB.query(sql, sqlValues);
// If field changed and is empty, mark row for deletion
else {
// Delete blank fields
if (del.length){
sql = 'DELETE from itemData '
+ 'WHERE itemID=' + this.getID() + ' '
+ 'AND fieldID IN (' + del.join() + ")";
catch (e){
// New item, insert and return id
else {
Scholar.debug('Saving data for new item to database');
var isNew = true;
var sqlColumns = new Array();
var sqlValues = new Array();
// Primary fields
if (this._changed.has('title')){
try {
// itemData fields
var sql = "INSERT INTO items (" + sqlColumns.join() + ')'
+ ' VALUES (';
// Insert placeholders for bind parameters
for (var i=0; i<sqlValues.length; i++){
sql += '?,';
sql = sql.substring(0,sql.length-1) + ")";
// Save basic data to items table and get new ID
var itemID = Scholar.DB.query(sql,sqlValues);
this._data['itemID'] = itemID;
// Set itemData
if (this._changedItemData.length){
for (fieldID in this._changedItemData.items){
if (!this.getField(fieldID)){
// TODO: update DB methods so that this can be
// implemented as a prepared statement that gets
// called multiple times
sql = "INSERT INTO itemData VALUES (?,?,?)";
sqlValues = [
if (Scholar.ItemFields.isInteger(fieldID)){
else {
Scholar.DB.query(sql, sqlValues);
// Creators
if (this._changedCreators.length){
for (orderIndex in this._changedCreators.items){
var creator = this.getCreator(orderIndex);
// If empty, skip
if (!creator['firstName'] && !creator['lastName']){
// See if this is an existing creator
var creatorID = Scholar.Creators.getID(
// If not, add it
if (!creatorID){
creatorID = Scholar.Creators.add(
sql = 'INSERT INTO itemCreators VALUES ('
+ itemID + ',' + creatorID + ','
+ creator['creatorTypeID'] + ', ' + orderIndex
+ ")";
// Reload collection to update isEmpty,
// in case this was the first item in a collection
catch (e){
if (isNew){
Scholar.Notifier.trigger('add', 'item', this.getID());
return this.getID();
else {
Scholar.Notifier.trigger('modify', 'item', this.getID());
return true;
Scholar.Item.prototype.updateDateModified = function(){
Scholar.DB.query("UPDATE items SET dateModified=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP "
+ "WHERE itemID=" + this.getID());
var date = Scholar.DB.valueQuery("SELECT dateModified FROM items "
+ "WHERE itemID=" + this.getID());
this._data['dateModified'] = date;
// Methods dealing with item notes
// save() is not required for note functions
* Add a new note to an item and return the noteID
Scholar.Item.prototype.addNote = function(text){
var noteID = Scholar.getRandomID('itemNotes', 'noteID', 65535);
var sql = "INSERT INTO itemNotes (noteID, itemID, note) VALUES (?,?,?)";
[{'int':noteID}, {'int':this.getID()}, {'string':text}]
Scholar.Notifier.trigger('modify', 'item', this.getID());
return noteID;
* Update an item note
Scholar.Item.prototype.updateNote = function(noteID, text){
var sql = "UPDATE itemNotes SET note=?, dateModified=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP "
+ "WHERE itemID=? AND noteID=?";
[{'string':text}, {'int':this.getID()}, {'int':noteID}]
Scholar.Notifier.trigger('modify', 'item', this.getID());
* Delete an item note
Scholar.Item.prototype.removeNote = function(noteID){
var sql = "DELETE FROM itemNotes WHERE itemID=" + this.getID()
+ " AND noteID=" + noteID;
Scholar.Notifier.trigger('modify', 'item', this.getID());
* Returns number of notes in item
Scholar.Item.prototype.numNotes = function(){
if (!this.getID()){
return 0;
var sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM itemNotes WHERE itemID=" + this.getID();
return parseInt(Scholar.DB.valueQuery(sql));
* Get the text of an item note
Scholar.Item.prototype.getNote = function(noteID){
var sql = "SELECT note FROM itemNotes WHERE itemID=" + this.getID()
+ " AND noteID=" + noteID;
return Scholar.DB.valueQuery(sql);
* Returns an array of noteIDs for this item
Scholar.Item.prototype.getNotes = function(){
if (!this.getID()){
return [];
var sql = "SELECT noteID FROM itemNotes WHERE itemID=" + this.getID()
+ " ORDER BY dateCreated";
return Scholar.DB.columnQuery(sql);
* Delete item from database and clear from Scholar.Items internal array
Scholar.Item.prototype.erase = function(){
if (!this.getID()){
return false;
Scholar.debug('Deleting item ' + this.getID());
// Remove item from parent collections
var parentCollectionIDs = this.getCollections();
for (var i=0; i<parentCollectionIDs.length; i++){
sql = 'DELETE FROM itemCreators WHERE itemID=' + this.getID() + ";\n";
sql += 'DELETE FROM itemNotes WHERE itemID=' + this.getID() + ";\n";
sql += 'DELETE FROM itemKeywords WHERE itemID=' + this.getID() + ";\n";
sql += 'DELETE FROM itemData WHERE itemID=' + this.getID() + ";\n";
sql += 'DELETE FROM items WHERE itemID=' + this.getID() + ";\n";
try {
catch (e){
throw (e);
// If we're not in the middle of a larger commit, trigger the notifier now
if (!Scholar.DB.transactionInProgress()){
Scholar.Notifier.trigger('delete', 'item', this.getID());
Scholar.Item.prototype.isCollection = function(){
return false;
Scholar.Item.prototype.toString = function(){
return this.getTitle();
// Private Scholar.Item methods
* Load in the creators from the database
Scholar.Item.prototype._loadCreators = function(){
if (!this.getID()){
throw ('ItemID not set for item before attempting to load creators');
var sql = 'SELECT C.creatorID, C.*, creatorTypeID, orderIndex '
+ 'FROM itemCreators IC '
+ 'LEFT JOIN creators C USING (creatorID) '
+ 'WHERE itemID=' + this.getID() + ' ORDER BY orderIndex';
var creators = Scholar.DB.query(sql);
this._creatorsLoaded = true;
if (!creators){
return true;
this._creators = new Scholar.Hash();
for (var i=0; i<creators.length; i++){
var creator = new Array();
creator['firstName'] = creators[i]['firstName'];
creator['lastName'] = creators[i]['lastName'];
creator['creatorTypeID'] = creators[i]['creatorTypeID'];
// Save creator data into Hash, indexed by orderIndex
this._creators.set(creators[i]['orderIndex'], creator);
return true;
* Load in the field data from the database
Scholar.Item.prototype._loadItemData = function(){
if (!this.getID()){
throw ('ItemID not set for object before attempting to load data');
var sql = 'SELECT ID.fieldID, value FROM itemData ID JOIN '
+ 'itemTypeFields ITF ON (ITF.itemTypeID=(SELECT itemTypeID FROM '
+ 'items WHERE itemID=?1) AND ITF.fieldID=ID.fieldID) '
+ 'WHERE itemID=?1 ORDER BY orderIndex';
var result = Scholar.DB.query(sql,[{'int':this._data['itemID']}]);
this._itemDataLoaded = true;
if (result){
for (var i=0,len=result.length; i<len; i++){
this.setField(result[i]['fieldID'], result[i]['value'], true);
return true;
else {
return false;
* Primary interface for accessing Scholar items
Scholar.Items = new function(){
// Private members
var _items = new Array();
// Privileged methods
this.get = get;
this.getAll = getAll;
this.reload = reload;
this.reloadAll = reloadAll;
this.getNewItemByType = getNewItemByType;
this.search = search;
this.erase = erase;
this.unload = unload;
* Retrieves (and loads, if necessary) an arbitrary number of items
* Can be passed ids as individual parameters or as an array of ids, or both
* If only one argument and it's an id, return object directly;
* otherwise, return array
function get(){
var toLoad = new Array();
var loaded = new Array();
if (!arguments[0]){
Scholar.debug('No arguments provided to Items.get()');
return false;
var ids = Scholar.flattenArguments(arguments);
for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++){
// Check if already loaded
if (!_items[ids[i]]){
// New items to load
if (toLoad.length){
// If single id, return the object directly
if (arguments[0] && typeof arguments[0]!='object'
&& typeof arguments[1]=='undefined'){
return _items[arguments[0]];
// Otherwise, build return array
for (i=0; i<ids.length; i++){
return loaded;
* Returns all items in the database
function getAll(){
var sql = 'SELECT itemID FROM items';
// DEBUG: default order?
var ids = Scholar.DB.columnQuery(sql);
return this.get(ids);
* Reloads data for specified items into internal array
* Can be passed ids as individual parameters or as an array of ids, or both
function reload(){
if (!arguments[0]){
return false;
var ids = Scholar.flattenArguments(arguments);
Scholar.debug('Reloading ' + ids);
return true;
* Reloads all items
function reloadAll(){
_items = new Array();
function getNewItemByType(itemTypeID){
return new Scholar.Item(itemTypeID);
function add(data, itemTypeID){
var insert = new Array();
var obj = new Scholar.Item(itemTypeID);
for (field in data){
var id = obj.save();
return this.get(id);
* Fulltext search on all fields
* TODO: more
function search(text, parentCollectionID){
if (!text){
text = '';
var sql = "SELECT itemID FROM items WHERE title LIKE ?1 UNION "
+ "SELECT itemID FROM itemData WHERE value LIKE ?1 UNION "
+ "SELECT itemID FROM itemCreators WHERE creatorID IN "
+ "(SELECT creatorID FROM creators WHERE firstName LIKE ?1 "
+ "OR lastName LIKE ?1) UNION "
+ "SELECT itemID FROM itemKeywords WHERE keywordID IN "
+ "(SELECT keywordID FROM keywords WHERE keyword LIKE ?1) UNION "
+ "SELECT itemID FROM itemNotes WHERE note LIKE ?1";
var sqlParams = [{'string':'%' + text + '%'}];
if (parentCollectionID){
sql = "SELECT itemID FROM (" + sql + ") WHERE itemID IN "
+ "(SELECT itemID FROM collectionItems WHERE collectionID=?2)";
return Scholar.DB.columnQuery(sql, sqlParams);
* Delete item from database and clear from internal array
function erase(id){
var obj = this.get(id);
obj.erase(); // calls unload()
obj = undefined;
* Clear item from internal array (used by Scholar.Item.erase())
function unload(id){
delete _items[id];
function _load(){
// Should be the same as query in Scholar.Item.loadFromID, just
// without itemID clause
var sql = 'SELECT I.*, lastName || '
+ 'CASE ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM itemCreators WHERE itemID=I.itemID)>1) '
+ "WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE ' et al.' END AS firstCreator "
+ 'FROM items I '
+ 'LEFT JOIN itemCreators IC ON (I.itemID=IC.itemID) '
+ 'LEFT JOIN creators C ON (IC.creatorID=C.creatorID) '
+ 'WHERE (IC.orderIndex=0 OR IC.orderIndex IS NULL)';
if (arguments[0]){
sql += ' AND I.itemID IN (' + Scholar.join(arguments,',') + ')';
var result = Scholar.DB.query(sql);
if (result){
for (var i=0,len=result.length; i<len; i++){
// Item doesn't exist -- create new object and stuff in array
if (!_items[result[i]['itemID']]){
var obj = new Scholar.Item();
_items[result[i]['itemID']] = obj;
// Existing item -- reload in place
else {
return true;
* Constructor for Collection object
* Generally should be called from Scholar.Collection rather than directly
Scholar.Collection = function(){
Scholar.Collection.prototype._init = function(){
// Public members for access by public methods -- do not access directly
this._childItems = new Scholar.Hash();
* Build collection from database
Scholar.Collection.prototype.loadFromID = function(id){
// Should be same as query in Scholar.Collections, just with collectionID
var sql = "SELECT collectionID, collectionName, parentCollectionID, "
+ "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM collections WHERE "
+ "parentCollectionID=C.collectionID)!=0 AS hasChildCollections, "
+ "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM collectionItems WHERE "
+ "collectionID=C.collectionID)!=0 AS hasChildItems "
+ "FROM collections C "
+ "WHERE collectionID=" + id;
var row = Scholar.DB.rowQuery(sql);
* Populate collection data from a database row
Scholar.Collection.prototype.loadFromRow = function(row){
this._id = row['collectionID'];
this._name = row['collectionName'];
this._parent = row['parentCollectionID'];
this._hasChildCollections = row['hasChildCollections'];
this._hasChildItems = row['hasChildItems'];
Scholar.Collection.prototype.getID = function(){
return this._id;
Scholar.Collection.prototype.getName = function(){
return this._name;
* Returns collectionID of the parent collection
Scholar.Collection.prototype.getParent = function(){
return this._parent;
Scholar.Collection.prototype.isEmpty = function(){
return !(parseInt(this._hasChildCollections)) && !(parseInt(this._hasChildItems));
Scholar.Collection.prototype.hasChildCollections = function(){
return !!(parseInt(this._hasChildCollections));
Scholar.Collection.prototype.hasChildItems = function(){
return !!(parseInt(this._hasChildItems));
* Rename the collection
* _name_ is non-empty string
* Returns true on success, or false on error
Scholar.Collection.prototype.rename = function(name){
if (!name){
return false;
var sql = "UPDATE collections SET collectionName=? "
+ "WHERE collectionID=?";
Scholar.DB.query(sql, [{'string':name},{'int':this.getID()}]);
this._name = name;
Scholar.Notifier.trigger('modify', 'collection', this.getID());
return true;
* Change the parentCollectionID of a collection
* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on error
Scholar.Collection.prototype.changeParent = function(parent){
if (!parent){
parent = null;
var previousParent = this.getParent();
if (parent==previousParent){
Scholar.debug('Collection ' + this.getID() + ' is already in '
+ (parent ? 'collection ' + parent : 'root collection'), 2);
return false;
if (parent && !Scholar.Collections.get(parent)){
throw('Invalid parentCollectionID ' + parent + ' in changeParent()');
if (parent && parent==this.getID()){
Scholar.debug('Cannot move collection into itself!', 2);
return false;
if (parent){
if (this.hasDescendent('collection', parent)){
Scholar.debug('Cannot move collection into one of its own '
+ 'descendents!', 2);
return false;
var parentParam = parent ? {'int':parent} : {'null':true};
var sql = "UPDATE collections SET parentCollectionID=? "
+ "WHERE collectionID=?";
Scholar.DB.query(sql, [parentParam, {'int':this.getID()}]);
this._parent = parent;
var notifyIDs = [
(previousParent ? previousParent : null),
(parent ? parent : null)
// TODO: only reload the necessary ones
Scholar.Notifier.trigger('move', 'collection', notifyIDs);
return true;
* Add an item to the collection
Scholar.Collection.prototype.addItem = function(itemID){
if (!Scholar.Items.get(itemID)){
throw(itemID + ' is not a valid item id');
var nextOrderIndex = Scholar.DB.valueQuery("SELECT IFNULL(MAX(orderIndex)+1, 0) "
+ "FROM collectionItems WHERE collectionID=" + this._id);
var sql = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO collectionItems VALUES "
+ "(" + this._id + ", " + itemID + ", " + nextOrderIndex + ")";
// If this was previously empty, update and send a notification to the tree
if (!this._hasChildItems){
this._hasChildItems = true;
Scholar.Notifier.trigger('modify', 'collections', this.getID());
Scholar.Notifier.trigger('add', 'item', itemID);
* Remove an item from the collection (does not delete item from library)
Scholar.Collection.prototype.removeItem = function(itemID){
var sql = "SELECT orderIndex FROM collectionItems "
+ "WHERE collectionID=" + this._id + " AND itemID=" + itemID;
var orderIndex = Scholar.DB.valueQuery(sql);
if (orderIndex===false){
Scholar.debug('Item ' + itemID + ' is not a child of collection '
+ this._id);
return false;
var sql = "DELETE FROM collectionItems WHERE collectionID=" + this._id
+ " AND itemID=" + itemID;
// Move down items above deleted item in collection
sql = 'UPDATE collectionItems SET orderIndex=orderIndex-1 '
+ 'WHERE collectionID=' + this._id
+ ' AND orderIndex>' + orderIndex;
// If this was the last item, set collection to empty
if (!this._childItems.length){
this._hasChildItems = false;
Scholar.Notifier.trigger('modify', 'collection', this.getID());
Scholar.Notifier.trigger('remove', 'item', itemID);
* Check if an item belongs to the collection
Scholar.Collection.prototype.hasItem = function(itemID){
if (!this._childItemsLoaded){
return this._childItems.has(itemID);
Scholar.Collection.prototype.hasDescendent = function(type, id){
var descendents = this._getDescendents();
for (var i=0, len=descendents.length; i<len; i++){
// TODO: fix this to work with smart collections
if (((type=='collection' && descendents[i]['isCollection']) ||
(type=='item' && !descendents[i]['isCollection']))
&& id==descendents[i]['id']){
return true;
return false;
* Deletes collection and all descendent collections and items
Scholar.Collection.prototype.erase = function(deleteItems){
var descendents = this._getDescendents();
var collections = new Array(this._id);
var items = new Array();
for(var i=0, len=descendents.length; i<len; i++){
// Descendent collections
if (descendents[i]['isCollection']){
// Descendent items
else {
if (deleteItems){
// Delete items from DB
// Remove item associations for all descendent collections
Scholar.DB.query('DELETE FROM collectionItems WHERE collectionID IN ('
+ collections.join() + ')');
// And delete all descendent collections
Scholar.DB.query('DELETE FROM collections WHERE collectionID IN ('
+ collections.join() + ')');
// Clear deleted collection from internal memory
Scholar.Notifier.trigger('remove', 'collection', collections);
if (items.length){
Scholar.Notifier.trigger('delete', 'item', items);
Scholar.Collection.prototype.isCollection = function(){
return true;
Scholar.Collection.prototype._loadChildItems = function(){
this._childItems = new Scholar.Hash();
var sql = "SELECT itemID FROM collectionItems WHERE collectionID=" + this._id;
var itemIDs = Scholar.DB.columnQuery(sql);
if (!itemIDs){
Scholar.debug('Collection ' + this._id + ' has no child items');
for (var i=0; i<itemIDs.length; i++){
this._childItemsLoaded = true;
* Returns an array of descendent collections and items (rows of 'id' and 'isCollection')
Scholar.Collection.prototype._getDescendents = function(){
var toReturn = new Array();
var children = Scholar.DB.query('SELECT collectionID AS id, '
+ '1 AS isCollection FROM collections '
+ 'WHERE parentCollectionID=' + this._id
+ ' UNION SELECT itemID AS id, 0 AS isCollection FROM collectionItems '
+ 'WHERE collectionID=' + this._id);
for(var i=0, len=children.length; i<len; i++){
if (parseInt(children[i]['isCollection'])){
id: children[i]['id'],
isCollection: true
var descendents =
for(var j=0, len2=descendents.length; j<len2; j++){
else {
id: children[i]['id'],
isCollection: false
return toReturn;
* Primary interface for accessing Scholar collection
Scholar.Collections = new function(){
var _collections = new Array();
var _collectionsLoaded = false;
this.get = get;
this.add = add;
this.reloadAll = reloadAll;
this.unload = unload;
* Returns a Scholar.Collection object for a collectionID
function get(id){
if (!_collectionsLoaded){
return (typeof _collections[id]!='undefined') ? _collections[id] : false;
* Add new collection to DB and return Collection object
* _name_ is non-empty string
* _parent_ is optional collectionID -- creates root collection by default
* Returns true on success; false on error
function add(name, parent){
if (!name){
return false;
if (parent && !this.get(parent)){
throw('Cannot add collection to invalid parent ' + parent);
var parentParam = parent ? {'int':parent} : {'null':true};
var rnd = Scholar.getRandomID('collections', 'collectionID');
var sql = "INSERT INTO collections VALUES (?,?,?)";
var sqlValues = [ {'int':rnd}, {'string':name}, parentParam ];
Scholar.DB.query(sql, sqlValues);
Scholar.Notifier.trigger('add', 'collection', rnd);
return this.get(rnd);
* Clears internal cache and reloads collection data from DB
function reloadAll(){
_collections = new Array();
* Clear collection from internal cache (used by Scholar.Collection.erase())
* Can be passed ids as individual parameters or as an array of ids, or both
function unload(){
var ids = Scholar.flattenArguments(arguments);
for(var i=0; i<ids.length; i++){
delete _collections[ids[i]];
* Loads collection data from DB and adds to internal cache
function _load(){
// This should be the same as the query in Scholar.Collection.loadFromID,
// just without a specific collectionID
var sql = "SELECT collectionID, collectionName, parentCollectionID, "
+ "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM collections WHERE "
+ "parentCollectionID=C.collectionID)!=0 AS hasChildCollections, "
+ "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM collectionItems WHERE "
+ "collectionID=C.collectionID)!=0 AS hasChildItems "
+ "FROM collections C";
var ids = Scholar.flattenArguments(arguments)
if (ids.length){
sql += " WHERE collectionID IN (" + ids.join() + ")";
var result = Scholar.DB.query(sql);
if (!result){
throw ('No collections found');
for (var i=0; i<result.length; i++){
var collectionID = result[i]['collectionID'];
// If collection doesn't exist, create new object and stuff in array
if (!_collections[collectionID]){
var collection = new Scholar.Collection();
_collections[collectionID] = collection;
// If existing collection, reload in place
else {
_collectionsLoaded = true;
Scholar.Creators = new function(){
var _creators = new Array; // indexed by first%%%last hash
var _creatorsByID = new Array; // indexed by creatorID
this.get = get;
this.getID = getID;
this.add = add;
this.purge = purge;
var self = this;
* Returns an array of creator data for a given creatorID
function get(creatorID){
if (_creatorsByID[creatorID]){
return _creatorsByID[creatorID];
var sql = 'SELECT * FROM creators WHERE creatorID=' + creatorID;
var result = Scholar.DB.rowQuery(sql);
if (!result){
return false;
_creatorsByID[creatorID] = result;
return result;
* Returns the creatorID matching given name and type
function getID(firstName, lastName){
var hash = firstName + '%%%' + lastName;
if (_creators[hash]){
return _creators[hash];
var sql = 'SELECT creatorID FROM creators '
+ 'WHERE firstName=? AND lastName=?';
var params = [
{'string': firstName}, {'string': lastName}
var creatorID = Scholar.DB.valueQuery(sql,params);
if (creatorID){
_creators[hash] = creatorID;
return creatorID;
* Add a new creator to the database
* Returns new creatorID
function add(firstName, lastName){
Scholar.debug('Adding new creator', 4);
var sql = 'INSERT INTO creators '
+ 'VALUES (?,?,?)';
var rnd = Scholar.getRandomID('creators', 'creatorID');
var params = [
{'int': rnd}, {'string': firstName}, {'string': lastName}
Scholar.DB.query(sql, params);
return rnd;
* Delete obsolete creators from database and clear internal array entries
* Returns TRUE on success, or SQL query to run in returnSQL mode
function purge(returnSQL){
var sql = 'SELECT creatorID FROM creators WHERE creatorID NOT IN '
+ '(SELECT creatorID FROM itemCreators);';
var toDelete = Scholar.DB.columnQuery(sql);
if (!toDelete){
return returnSQL ? '' : false;
sql = 'DELETE FROM creators WHERE creatorID NOT IN '
+ '(SELECT creatorID FROM itemCreators);';
if (!returnSQL){
var result = Scholar.DB.query(sql);
// Clear creator entries in internal array
for (var i=0; i<toDelete.length; i++){
var hash = _getHash(toDelete[i]);
delete _creators[hash];
delete _creatorsByID[toDelete[i]];
return returnSQL ? sql : result;
function _getHash(creatorID){
var creator = self.get(creatorID);
if (!creator){
return false;
return creator['firstName'] + '%%%' + creator['lastName'];
Scholar.CreatorTypes = new function(){
var _creatorTypes = new Array();
var _creatorTypesLoaded;
var self = this;
this.getTypes = getTypes;
this.getTypeName = getTypeName;
function getTypes(){
return Scholar.DB.query('SELECT creatorTypeID AS id, '
+ 'creatorType AS name FROM creatorTypes order BY creatorType');
function getTypeName(creatorTypeID){
if (!_creatorTypesLoaded){
if (!_creatorTypes[creatorTypeID]){
Scholar.debug('Invalid creator type ' + creatorTypeID, 1);
return _creatorTypes[creatorTypeID];
function _load(){
var types = self.getTypes();
for (i in types){
_creatorTypes[types[i]['id']] = types[i]['name'];
_creatorTypesLoaded = true;
Scholar.ItemTypes = new function(){
var _itemTypes = new Array();
var _itemTypesLoaded;
var self = this;
this.getTypes = getTypes;
this.getTypeName = getTypeName;
function getTypes(){
return Scholar.DB.query('SELECT itemTypeID AS id, typeName AS name '
+ 'FROM itemTypes order BY typeName');
function getTypeName(itemTypeID){
if (!_itemTypesLoaded){
if (!_itemTypes[itemTypeID]){
Scholar.debug('Invalid item type ' + itemTypeID, 1);
return _itemTypes[itemTypeID];
function _load(){
var types = self.getTypes();
for (i in types){
_itemTypes[types[i]['id']] = types[i]['name'];
_itemTypesLoaded = true;
Scholar.ItemFields = new function(){
// Private members
var _fields = new Array();
var _fieldFormats = new Array();
var _itemTypeFields = new Array();
// Privileged methods
this.getName = getName;
this.getID = getID;
this.isValidForType = isValidForType;
this.isInteger = isInteger;
this.getItemTypeFields = getItemTypeFields;
* Return the fieldName for a passed fieldID or fieldName
function getName(field){
if (!_fields.length){
return _fields[field] ? _fields[field]['name'] : false;
* Return the fieldID for a passed fieldID or fieldName
function getID(field){
if (!_fields.length){
return _fields[field] ? _fields[field]['id'] : false;
function isValidForType(fieldID, itemTypeID){
if (!_fields.length){
if (!_fields[fieldID]['itemTypes']){
throw('No associated itemTypes for fieldID ' + fieldID);
return !!_fields[fieldID]['itemTypes'][itemTypeID];
function isInteger(fieldID){
if (!_fields.length){
var ffid = _fields[fieldID]['formatID'];
return _fieldFormats[ffid] ? _fieldFormats[ffid]['isInteger'] : false;
* Returns an array of fieldIDs for a given item type
function getItemTypeFields(itemTypeID){
if (_itemTypeFields[itemTypeID]){
return _itemTypeFields[itemTypeID];
var sql = 'SELECT fieldID FROM itemTypeFields '
+ 'WHERE itemTypeID=' + itemTypeID + ' ORDER BY orderIndex';
_itemTypeFields[itemTypeID] = Scholar.DB.columnQuery(sql);
return _itemTypeFields[itemTypeID];
* Check whether a fieldID is valid, throwing an exception if not
* (since it should never actually happen)
function _fieldCheck(fieldID){
if (!_fields.length){
if (typeof _fields[fieldID]=='undefined'){
throw('Invalid fieldID ' + fieldID);
* Returns hash array of itemTypeIDs for which a given field is valid
function _getFieldItemTypes(){
var sql = 'SELECT fieldID, itemTypeID FROM itemTypeFields';
var results = Scholar.DB.query(sql);
if (!results){
throw ('No fields in itemTypeFields!');
var fields = new Array();
for (var i=0; i<results.length; i++){
if (!fields[results[i]['fieldID']]){
fields[results[i]['fieldID']] = new Array();
fields[results[i]['fieldID']][results[i]['itemTypeID']] = true;
return fields;
* Load all fields into an internal hash array
function _loadFields(){
var i,len;
var result = Scholar.DB.query('SELECT * FROM fieldFormats');
for (i=0; i<result.length; i++){
_fieldFormats[result[i]['fieldFormatID']] = {
regex: result[i]['regex'],
isInteger: result[i]['isInteger']
result = Scholar.DB.query('SELECT * FROM fields');
if (!result.length){
throw ('No fields in database!');
var fieldItemTypes = _getFieldItemTypes();
for (i=0,len=result.length; i<len; i++){
_fields[result[i]['fieldID']] = {
id: result[i]['fieldID'],
name: result[i]['fieldName'],
formatID: result[i]['fieldFormatID'],
itemTypes: fieldItemTypes[result[i]['fieldID']]
// Store by name as well as id
_fields[result[i]['fieldName']] = _fields[result[i]['fieldID']];
* Scholar.getCollections(parent)
* Returns an array of all collections are children of a collection
* as Scholar.Collection instances
* Takes parent collectionID as optional parameter;
* by default, returns root collections
Scholar.getCollections = function(parent){
var toReturn = new Array();
if (!parent){
parent = null;
var sql = 'SELECT collectionID FROM collections C WHERE parentCollectionID';
sql += parent ? '=' + parent : ' IS NULL';
sql += ' ORDER BY collectionName';
var children = Scholar.DB.columnQuery(sql);
if (!children){
Scholar.debug('No child collections of collection ' + parent, 5);
return toReturn;
for (var i=0, len=children.length; i<len; i++){
var obj = Scholar.Collections.get(children[i]);
if (!obj){
throw ('Collection ' + children[i] + ' not found');
return toReturn;
* Scholar.getItems(parent)
* Returns an array of all items that are children of a collection--or all
* items if no parent provided--as Scholar.Item instances
Scholar.getItems = function(parent){
var toReturn = new Array();
if (!parent){
var sql = 'SELECT itemID FROM items';
else {
var sql = 'SELECT itemID FROM collectionItems '
+ 'WHERE collectionID=' + parent;
var children = Scholar.DB.columnQuery(sql);
if (!children){
if (!parent){
Scholar.debug('No items in library', 5);
else {
Scholar.debug('No child items of collection ' + parent, 5);
return toReturn;
return Scholar.Items.get(children);