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extensions.zotero@chnm.gmu.edu.description=Järgmise põlvkonna uurimistööriist
general.dontShowWarningAgain=Seda hoiatust enam mitte näidata.
general.browserIsOffline=%S on preagu ilma võrguühenduseta.
general.restartRequired=Vajalik alglaadimine
general.restartRequiredForChange=Et muudatus rakenduks on vajalik %Si alglaadimine.
general.restartRequiredForChanges=Et muudatused rakendusksid on vajalik %Si alglaadimine.
general.restartNow=Alglaadida nüüd
general.restartLater=Alglaadida hiljem
general.restartApp=Alglaadida %S
general.quitApp=Quit %S
general.errorHasOccurred=Tekkis viga.
general.unknownErrorOccurred=Tundmatu viga.
general.invalidResponseServer=Server andis vigase vastuse
general.tryAgainLater=Palun mõne minuti pärast uuesti proovida
general.serverError=Server andis veateate. Palun uuesti proovida.
general.pleaseRestart=Please restart %S.
general.pleaseRestartAndTryAgain=Please restart %S and try again.
general.checkForUpdate=Uuenduste kontrollimine
general.actionCannotBeUndone=Seda ei saa tagasi võtta.
general.updateAvailable=Uuendus saadaval
general.noUpdatesFound=No Updates Found
general.isUpToDate=%S is up to date.
general.notNow=Not Now
general.etAl=et al.
general.accessDenied=Ligipääs keelatud
general.permissionDenied=Juurdepääs keelatud
general.moreInformation=More Information
general.seeForMoreInformation=Edasise info tarbeks vaadake %S.
general.open=Open %S
general.useDefault=Vaikimisi seaded
general.openDocumentation=Dokumentatsiooni avamine
general.numMore=%S rohkem...
general.openPreferences=Avada eelistused
general.dontShowAgain=Dont Show Again
general.tryAgain=Try Again
general.tryLater=Try Later
general.showDirectory=Show Directory
general.copyToClipboard=Copy to Clipboard
general.thanksForHelpingImprove=Thanks for helping to improve %S!
general.describeProblem=Briefly describe the problem:
general.nMegabytes=%S MB
general.operationInProgress=Zotero parajasti toimetab.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Palun oodake kuni see lõpeb.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinishedAndTryAgain=Palun oodake kuni see lõpeb ja proovige uuesti.
networkError.connectionNotSecure=%S could not make a secure connection.
networkError.errorViaProxy=Error connecting via proxy server
about.createdBy=Zotero is a project of the [Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media] and is developed by a [global community].
about.getInvolved=Want to help? [Get involved] today!
install.quickStartGuide.message.welcome=Tere tulemast Zoterosse!
install.quickStartGuide.message.view=Vaadake lühiülevaadet, mis õpetab uurimisallikaid lisama, haldama, tsiteerima ja jagama.
install.quickStartGuide.message.thanks=Aitäh, et paigaldasite Zotero.
upgrade.status=Upgrading database…
upgrade.failed.title=Uuendamine ebaõnnestus.
upgrade.failed=Zotero andmebaasi uuendamine ebaõnnestus:
upgrade.advanceMessage=Vajutage uuendamiseks %S.
upgrade.dbUpdateRequired=Zotero andmebaasi peab uuendama.
upgrade.integrityCheckFailed=Enne uuenduse jätkamist peab Zotero andmebaasi parandama.
upgrade.loadDBRepairTool=Andmebaasi parandustarviku laadimine
upgrade.couldNotMigrate=Zotero ei saanud vajalike failide liigutamisega hakkama.\nPalun sulgege kõik avatud manused, alglaadige Firefox ja paigaldage seejärel uuendus.
upgrade.couldNotMigrate.restart=Kui te saate seda veateadet juba mitmendat korda, alglaadige arvuti.
upgrade.nonupgradeableDB1=Zotero found an old database that cannot be upgraded to work with this version of Zotero.
upgrade.nonupgradeableDB2=To continue, upgrade your database using Zotero %S first or delete your Zotero data directory to start with a new database.
errorReport.reportError=Teatage veast...
errorReport.reportErrors=Andke vigadest teada...
errorReport.reportInstructions=You can report this error by selecting "%S" from the Help menu.
errorReport.followingReportWillBeSubmitted=The following report will be submitted:
errorReport.noErrorsLogged=No errors have been logged since %S started.
errorReport.advanceMessage=Veateate saatmiseks Zotero arendajatele vajutage %S.
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Kuidas viga tekib:
errorReport.expectedResult=Loodetud tulemus:
errorReport.actualResult=Tegelik tulemus:
errorReport.noNetworkConnection=Puudub võrguühendus
errorReport.invalidResponseRepository=Repositoorium andis vigase vastuse
errorReport.repoCannotBeContacted=Repositoorium ei ole kättesaadav
attachmentBasePath.selectDir=Baaskataloogi valimine
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.title=Baaskataloogi kinnitamine
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.message=Allolevad lingitud manused salvestatakse kasutades suhtelisi viiteid.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.singular=Uues baaskataloogis leiti üks olemasolev manus.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.existingAttachments.plural=Uues baaskataloogis leiti %S olemasolevat manust.
attachmentBasePath.chooseNewPath.button=Baaskataloogi seadete muutmine
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.title=Absoluutsetele radadele üleminek
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.message=Uued lingitud manused salvestatakse kasutades absoluutseid radasid.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=Üks olemasolev manus vanas baaskataloogis lingitakse absoluutse raja kaudu.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S olemasolevat manust vanas baaskataloogis lingitakse absoluutse raja kaudu.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Baaskataloogi seadete kustutamine
dataDir.dirCannotBeCreated=The %S data directory (%S) cannot be created.
dataDir.checkDirWriteAccess=Make sure you have write access to this directory and that security software isnt preventing %S from writing to the disk.
dataDir.databaseCannotBeOpened=The %S database cannot be opened.
dataDir.checkPermissions=Make sure you have read and write permissions for all files in the %1$S data directory and that security software isnt preventing %1$S from accessing that directory.
dataDir.moveToDefaultLocation=You may be able to fix this problem by moving the data directory to the new default location in your home directory. %S will automatically detect the new location.
dataDir.location=Data Directory: %S
dataDir.notFound=The %S data directory could not be found.
dataDir.notFound.defaultFound=The %S data directory could not be found at %S, but a data directory was found at %S. Use this directory instead?
dataDir.useNewLocation=Use New Location
dataDir.previousDir=Eelmine kataloog:
dataDir.default=Default (%S)
dataDir.useDefaultLocation=Use Default Location
dataDir.selectDir=Zotero andmete kataloogi valimine
dataDir.selectNewDir=Select a new %S data directory
dataDir.changeDataDirectory=Change Data Directory…
dataDir.chooseNewDataDirectory=Choose New Data Directory…
dataDir.unsafeLocation.selected.dropbox=Choosing a data directory within Dropbox may corrupt your database.
dataDir.unsafeLocation.selected.useAnyway=Use this directory anyway?
dataDir.unsafeLocation.existing.dropbox=Your Zotero data directory is within Dropbox, which may lead to data corruption.
dataDir.unsafeLocation.existing.chooseDifferent=Would you like to choose a different location now?
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=Kataloog ei ole tühi
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=Kataloog, mille valisite ei ole ilmselt tühi ja ei ole ka Zotero andmete kataloog.\n\nLuua Zotero failid sellest hoolimata sinna kataloogi?
dataDir.mustSelectEmpty.title=Directory Not Empty
dataDir.mustSelectEmpty.text=The directory you selected is not empty. You must select an empty directory to continue.
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Kataloog on tühi
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=Kataloog, mille valisite, on tühi. Et liigutada olemasolev Zotero andmekataloog, on tarvis käsitsi kopeerida failid olemasolevast kataloogist uued asukohta. Selleks on vajalik kõigepealt sulgeda %1$S.
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.useNewDir=Use the new directory?
dataDir.moveFilesToNewLocation=Be sure to move files from your existing Zotero data directory to the new location before reopening %1$S.
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Andmebaasi versioon ei ole toetatud.
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The selected data directory is too old to be used with this version of Zotero. Please first upgrade the data directory using Zotero 4.0 for Firefox or select a different directory.
dataDir.migration.inProgress=Data directory migration in progress…
dataDir.migration.failure.title=Data Directory Migration Error
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.automatic.text=%1$S attempted to move your data directory to a new default location, but some files could not be transferred. Close any open attachment files and try again. You can also quit %2$S and attempt to move the remaining files manually.
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.manual.text=Some files in your %1$S data directory could not be transferred to the new location. Close any open attachment files and try again. You can also quit %2$S and attempt to move the remaining files manually.
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.old=Old directory: %S
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.new=New directory: %S
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.showDirectoriesAndQuit=Show Directories and Quit
dataDir.migration.failure.full.automatic.text1=%S attempted to move your data directory to a new default location, but the migration could not be completed.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.automatic.text2=It is recommended that you close %S and move your data directory manually.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.automatic.newDirOnDifferentDrive=%S attempted to move your data directory to a new default location, but the old directory is on a different drive and cannot be migrated automatically.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.manual.text1=Your %S data directory could not be migrated.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.manual.text2=It is recommended that you close %S and manually move your data directory to the new default location.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.firefoxOpen=Your data directory cannot be migrated while Zotero for Firefox is open. Please close Firefox and try again.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.current=Current location: %S
dataDir.migration.failure.full.recommended=Recommended location: %S
dataDir.migration.failure.full.showCurrentDirectoryAndQuit=Show Current Directory and Quit
app.standalone=Zotero Sõltumatu
app.firefox=Zotero Firefox
startupError=Zotero käivitamisel tekkis viga.
startupError.databaseInUse=Zotero andmebaas on juba praegu kasutusel. Vaid üks variant Zoterost saab samaaegselt andmebaasi kasutada.
startupError.closeStandalone=Kui Zotero Sõltumatu on avatud, siis palun sulgege see ja taaskäivitage Firefox.
startupError.closeFirefox=Kui Zotero Firefox on avatud, siis palun sulgege see ja taaskäivitage Zotero Sõltumatu.
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder=Praegune versioon Zoterost on vanem kui see versioon, mida kasutasite viimati andmebaasiga.
startupError.incompatibleDBVersion=This %1$S database requires %1$S %2$S or later.
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.current=Praegune versioon: %S
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.upgrade=Please upgrade to the latest version from %S.
startupError.databaseUpgradeError=Andmebaasi uuendamise viga
startupError.internetFunctionalityMayNotWork=Functionality that depends on an internet connection may not work.
startupError.bundledFileUpdateError=%S was unable to load translators and styles.
startupError.startedFromDiskImage1=%S was started from a disk image, which may break some functionality.
startupError.startedFromDiskImage2=To install %1$S properly, quit the program, open the disk image you downloaded, and drag “%1$S” to the alias of the Applications folder shown in the window. Then eject the disk image and launch Zotero by opening it from your Applications folder.
date.relative.secondsAgo.one=1 sekund tagasi
date.relative.secondsAgo.multiple=%S sekundit tagasi
date.relative.minutesAgo.one=1 minut tagasi
date.relative.minutesAgo.multiple=%S minutit tagasi
date.relative.hoursAgo.one=1 tund tagasi
date.relative.hoursAgo.multiple=%S tundi tagasi
date.relative.daysAgo.one=1 päev tagasi
date.relative.daysAgo.multiple=%S päeva tagasi
date.relative.yearsAgo.one=1 aasta tagasi
date.relative.yearsAgo.multiple=%S aastat tagasi
pane.collections.delete.title=Delete Collection
pane.collections.delete=Soovite kindlasti seda teemat kustutada?
pane.collections.delete.keepItems=Items within this collection will not be deleted.
pane.collections.deleteWithItems.title=Delete Collection and Items
pane.collections.deleteWithItems=Are you sure you want to delete the selected collection and move all items within it to the Trash?
pane.feed.deleteWithItems=Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from this feed?
pane.collections.deleteSearch.title=Delete Search
pane.collections.deleteSearch=Soovite kindlasti seda otsingut kustutada?
pane.collections.emptyTrash=Soovite kindlasti Prahi hulgast kirjed lõplikult kustutada?
pane.collections.newCollection=Uus teema
pane.collections.name=Pange teemale nimi:
pane.collections.newSavedSeach=Uus salvestatud otsing
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Pange salvestatud otsingule nimi:
pane.collections.rename=Nimetage teema ümber:
pane.collections.library=Minu raamatukogu
pane.collections.publications=My Publications
pane.collections.libraryAndFeeds=My Library & Feeds
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Jagatud kataloogid
pane.collections.unfiled=Teemata kirjed
pane.collections.removeLibrary=Remove Library
pane.collections.removeLibrary.text=Are you sure you want to permanently remove “%S” from this computer?
pane.collections.menu.rename.collection=Teema ümbernimetamine...
pane.collections.menu.duplicate.savedSearch=Duplicate Saved Search
pane.collections.menu.edit.savedSearch=Edit Saved Search…
pane.collections.menu.edit.feed=Edit Feed…
pane.collections.menu.remove.library=Remove Library…
pane.collections.menu.delete.collection=Delete Collection…
pane.collections.menu.delete.collectionAndItems=Delete Collection and Items…
pane.collections.menu.delete.savedSearch=Delete Saved Search…
pane.collections.menu.delete.feedAndItems=Unsubscribe from Feed…
pane.collections.menu.export.collection=Teema eksport...
pane.collections.menu.export.savedSearch=Salvestatud otsingu eksport...
pane.collections.menu.export.feed=Export Feed…
pane.collections.menu.createBib.collection=Create Bibliography from Collection…
pane.collections.menu.createBib.savedSearch=Create Bibliography from Saved Search…
pane.collections.menu.createBib.feed=Create Bibliography from Feed…
pane.collections.showCollectionInLibrary=Show Collection in Library
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.collection=Teemast raporti loomine...
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.savedSearch=Salvestatud otsingust raporti loomine...
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.feed=Generate Report from Feed…
pane.collections.menu.refresh.feed=Refresh Feed
pane.tagSelector.rename.title=Lipiku ümbernimetamine
pane.tagSelector.rename.message=Sisestage lipikule uus nimi.\n\nLipik nimetatakse ümber kõigil seostatud kirjetel.
pane.tagSelector.delete.title=Lipiku kustutamine
pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Soovite kindlasti lipikut kustutada?\n\nLipik eemaldatakse kõigilt seostatud kirjetelt.
pane.tagSelector.deleteAutomatic.title=Delete Automatic Tags
pane.tagSelector.deleteAutomatic.message=Are you sure you want to delete %1$S automatic tag in this library?;Are you sure you want to delete %1$S automatic tags in this library?
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=0 lipikut valitud
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=%S lipik valitud
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=%S lipikut valitud
pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Vaid %S lipikut igas teemakataloogis võivad olla värvilised.
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=Selle lipiku saate lisada kirjetele vajutades klaviatuuril $NUMBER klahvi.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Kuni %S lipikut igas teemakataloogis võivad olla värvilised.
pane.items.intro.text1=Welcome to %S!
pane.items.intro.text2=View the [Quick Start Guide] to learn how to begin building your library, and be sure to [install a %S] so you can add items to %S as you browse the web.
pane.items.intro.text3=Already using %S on another computer? [Set up syncing] to pick up right where you left off.
pane.items.loading=Loading items…
pane.items.columnChooser.moreColumns=More Columns
pane.items.columnChooser.secondarySort=Secondary Sort (%S)
pane.items.attach.link.uri.unrecognized=Zotero did not recognize the URI you entered. Please check the address and try again.
pane.items.attach.link.uri.file=To attach a link to a file, please use “%S”.
pane.items.trash.title=Liiguta Prahi hulka
pane.items.trash=Olete kindel, et soovite valitud kirje Prahi hulka liigutada?
pane.items.trash.multiple=Olete kindel, et soovite valitud kirjed Prahi hulka liigutada?
pane.items.delete=Olete kindel, et soovite valitud kirje kustutada?
pane.items.delete.multiple=Olete kindel, et soovite valitud kirjed kustutada?
pane.items.remove.title=Remove from Collection
pane.items.remove=Are you sure you want to remove the selected item from this collection?
pane.items.remove.multiple=Are you sure you want to remove the selected items from this collection?
pane.items.removeFromPublications.title=Remove from My Publications
pane.items.removeFromPublications=Are you sure you want to remove the selected item from My Publications?
pane.items.removeFromPublications.multiple=Are you sure you want to remove the selected items from My Publications?
pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF=Find Available PDF
pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF.multiple=Find Available PDFs
pane.items.menu.remove=Kirje eemaldamine teemast...
pane.items.menu.remove.multiple=Kirjete eemaldamine teemast...
pane.items.menu.removeFromPublications=Remove Item from My Publications…
pane.items.menu.removeFromPublications.multiple=Remove Items from My Publications…
pane.items.menu.moveToTrash=Move Item to Trash…
pane.items.menu.moveToTrash.multiple=Move Items to Trash…
pane.items.menu.delete=Delete Item…
pane.items.menu.delete.multiple=Delete Items…
pane.items.menu.export=Valitud kirje eksportimine...
pane.items.menu.export.multiple=Valitud kirjete eksportimine...
pane.items.menu.createBib=Valitud kirjest bibliograafia loomine...
pane.items.menu.createBib.multiple=Valitud kirjetest bibliograafia loomine...
pane.items.menu.generateReport=Valitud kirjest raporti loomine...
pane.items.menu.generateReport.multiple=Valitud kirjetest raporti loomine...
pane.items.menu.reindexItem=Kirje uusindekseerimine
pane.items.menu.reindexItem.multiple=Kirjete uusindekseerimine
pane.items.menu.recognizePDF=PDF tarbeks metadata hankimine
pane.items.menu.recognizePDF.multiple=PDFide tarbeks metadata hankimine
pane.items.menu.createParent=Luua ülemkirje valitud kirjest
pane.items.menu.createParent.multiple=Luua ülemkirjed valitud kirjetest
pane.items.menu.renameAttachments=Nimetada fail ülemkirje metadata alusel ümber
pane.items.menu.renameAttachments.multiple=Nimetada failid ülemkirjete metadata alusel ümber
pane.items.showItemInLibrary=Show Item in Library
pane.items.letter.oneParticipant=Kiri %S-le
pane.items.letter.twoParticipants=Kiri %S ja %S-le
pane.items.letter.threeParticipants=Kiri %S, %S ja %S-le
pane.items.letter.manyParticipants=Kiri %S et al.
pane.items.interview.oneParticipant=Intervjueerija %S
pane.items.interview.twoParticipants=Intervjueerijad %S ja %S
pane.items.interview.threeParticipants=Intervjueerija %S, %S ja %S
pane.items.interview.manyParticipants=Intervjueerijad %S et al.
pane.item.selected.zero=Kirjeid ei ole valitud
pane.item.selected.multiple=%S kirjet valitud
pane.item.unselected.zero=Selles vaates pole kirjeid
pane.item.unselected.singular=%S kirje selles vaates
pane.item.unselected.plural=%S kirjet selles vaates
pane.item.duplicates.selectToMerge=Liidetavate kirjete valimine
pane.item.duplicates.mergeItems=%S kirje liitmine
pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Kirjete liitmiseks, on nõutav kataloogi muutmisõigus
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Liita on võimalik vaid peakirjeid.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Liidetud kirjed peavad olema sama tüüpi.
pane.item.markAsRead=Mark As Read
pane.item.markAsUnread=Mark As Unread
pane.item.addTo=Add to “%S”
pane.item.showInMyPublications=Show in My Publications
pane.item.hideFromMyPublications=Hide from My Publications
pane.item.changeType.title=Kirje tüübi muutmine
pane.item.changeType.text=Soovite kindlasti selle kirje tüüpi muutma?\n\nJärgnevad väljad kustutatakse:
pane.item.switchFieldMode.two=Eraldi väljad
pane.item.creator.moveUp=Liigutada üles
pane.item.creator.moveDown=Liigutada alla
pane.item.notes.untitled=Nimeta märkus
pane.item.notes.delete.confirm=Soovite kindlasti seda märkust kustutada?
pane.item.notes.count.zero=%S märkust:
pane.item.notes.count.singular=%S märkus:
pane.item.notes.count.plural=%S märkust:
pane.item.notes.editingInWindow=Editing in separate window
pane.item.attachments.rename.title=Uus pealkiri:
pane.item.attachments.rename.renameAssociatedFile=Seostatud faili ümbernimetamine
pane.item.attachments.rename.error=Faili ümbernimetamisel tekkis viga.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.title=Faili ei leitud
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text1=The attached file could not be found.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to or from %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.notOnServer=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.delete.confirm=Soovite kindlasti seda manust kustutada?
pane.item.attachments.count.zero=%S manust:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S manus:
pane.item.attachments.count.plural=%S manust:
pane.item.attachments.select=Faili valimine
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.title=PDF Tools ei ole paigaldatud
pane.item.attachments.PDF.installTools.text=Selle funktsiooni kasutamiseks on kõigepealt tarvis paigaldada PDF Tools Zotero seadetes.
pane.item.attachments.filename=Faili nimi
pane.item.noteEditor.clickHere=vajutage siia
pane.item.tags.count.zero=%S lipikut:
pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S lipik:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S lipikut:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=Kasutaja poolt lisatud lipik
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Automaatselt lisatud lipik
pane.item.tags.removeAll=Remove all tags from this item?
pane.item.related.count.zero=%S seotut:
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S seotud:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S seotut:
noteEditor.editNote=Märkuse toimetamine
itemTypes.bookSection=Osa raamatust
itemTypes.magazineArticle=Ajakirjaartikkel (mitteakad.)
itemTypes.forumPost=Foorumi postitus
itemTypes.dictionaryEntry=Kirje sõnaraamatus
itemFields.dateAdded=Lisamise aeg
itemFields.archiveLocation=Asukoht arhiivis
itemFields.journalAbbreviation=Ajakirja lüh.
itemFields.seriesTitle=Seeria pealkiri
itemFields.seriesText=Seeria tekst
itemFields.seriesNumber=Seeria number
itemFields.legislativeBody=Seadusandlik keha
itemFields.numberOfVolumes=# köidet
itemFields.assignee=Ülesande täitja
itemFields.patentNumber=Patendi number
itemFields.priorityNumbers=Prioriteedi numbrid
itemFields.issueDate=Väljalaske aeg
itemFields.legalStatus=Õiguslik seis
itemFields.artworkSize=Kunstiteose suurus
itemFields.websiteType=Veebilehe tüüp
itemFields.meetingName=Kohtumise nimi
itemFields.postType=Postituse tüüp
itemFields.audioFileType=Faili tüüp
itemFields.conferenceName=Konverentsi nimi
itemFields.encyclopediaTitle=Entsüklopeedia pealkiri
itemFields.dictionaryTitle=Sõnaraamatu pealkiri
itemFields.websiteTitle=Veebilehekülje pealkiri
itemFields.codeVolume=Koodeksi köide
itemFields.codePages=Koodeksi leheküljed
itemFields.dateDecided=Otsustamise aeg
itemFields.reporterVolume=Raporteerija köide(?)
itemFields.firstPage=Esimene lehekülg
itemFields.documentNumber=Dokumendi number
itemFields.dateEnacted=Jõustumise kuupäev
itemFields.publicLawNumber=Avaliku seaduse number(?)
itemFields.applicationNumber=Taotluse number
itemFields.forumTitle=Foorumi/Listi pealkir
itemFields.episodeNumber=Episoodi number
itemFields.blogTitle=Blogi nimi
itemFields.caseName=Kaasuse nimi
itemFields.nameOfAct=Akti nimi
itemFields.proceedingsTitle=Toimetise pealkiri
itemFields.shortTitle=Lühendatud pealkiri
itemFields.docketNumber=Päevakorra number
itemFields.numPages=# lk
itemFields.programTitle=Programmi nimi
creatorTypes.seriesEditor=Seeria toimetaja
creatorTypes.scriptwriter=Käsikirja autor
creatorTypes.wordsBy=Sõnade autor
creatorTypes.reviewedAuthor=Arvustatud autor
creatorTypes.bookAuthor=Raamatu autor
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=Valitud teemasse ei ole võimalik muutuseid salvestada.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=Valitud teemasse ei ole võimalik kirjeid lisada.
save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
ingester.scraping=Kirje salvestamine...
ingester.scrapingTo=Salvestamine asukohta
ingester.scrapeComplete=Kirje salvestatud
ingester.scrapeError=Kirje salvestamine ei õnnestunud
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription=Selle kirje salvestamisel tekkis viga. Lisainformatsiooniks vaadake %S.
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription.linkText=Tõlkijate probleemide lahendamine
ingester.scrapeErrorDescription.previousError=Salvestamine nurjus Zotero eelneva vea tõttu.
ingester.importFile.title=Faili importimine
ingester.importFile.text=Soovite importida faili "%S"?\n\nKirjed lisatakse uude teemasse.
ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Uude teemakataloogi importimine
ingester.lookup.performing=Teostan otsimist...
ingester.lookup.error=Selle kirje otsimisel tekkis viga.
findPDF.searchingForAvailablePDFs=Searching for available PDFs…
findPDF.checkingItems=Checking %1$S item;Checking %1$S items
findPDF.pdfsAdded=%1$S PDF added;%1$S PDFs added
findPDF.openAccessPDF=Open-Access PDF
findPDF.pdfWithMethod=PDF (%S)
findPDF.noPDFsFound=No PDFs found
findPDF.noPDFFound=No PDF found
attachment.fullText=Full Text
attachment.acceptedVersion=Accepted Version
attachment.submittedVersion=Submitted Version
db.dbCorrupted=Zotero andmebaas '%S' näib olevat kahjustatud.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Palun taaskäivitada Firefox, et üritada automaatset andmebaasi taastamist viimasest varundusest.
db.dbCorruptedNoBackup=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted, and no automatic backup is available.\n\nA new database has been created. The damaged file was saved to your Zotero data directory.
db.dbRestored=The Zotero database '%1$S' appears to have become corrupted.\n\nYour data was restored from the last automatic backup made on %2$S at %3$S. The damaged file was saved to your Zotero data directory.
db.dbRestoreFailed=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted, and an attempt to restore from the last automatic backup failed.\n\nA new database has been created. The damaged file was saved to your Zotero data directory.
db.integrityCheck.passed=Andmebaas paistab korras olevat.
db.integrityCheck.failed=Andmebaasis esinevad vead!
db.integrityCheck.dbRepairTool=Nende vigade parandamiseks võite katsetada http://zotero.org/utils/dbfix asuvat tööriista.
db.integrityCheck.repairAttempt=Zotero võib üritada neid vigu parandada.
db.integrityCheck.appRestartNeeded=%S nõuab alglaadimist.
db.integrityCheck.fixAndRestart=Parandada vead ja alglaadida %S
db.integrityCheck.errorsFixed=Zotero andmebaasi vead on edukalt parandatud.
db.integrityCheck.errorsNotFixed=Zotero'l ei õnnestunud vigu parandada.
db.integrityCheck.reportInForums=Sellest veast võite Zotero foorimites teada anda.
zotero.preferences.chooseApplication=Choose Application
zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Avada PDF'id ja teised failid kasutades võimaluse korral %S
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.zero=%S lahendajat leitud
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=%S lahendaja leitud
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S lahendajat leitud
zotero.preferences.locale.automaticWithLocale=Automatic (%S)
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Kustutada manused Zotero Serverist?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=Kui plaanite kasutada WebDAV teenust manuste sünkroniseerimiseks ja eelevalt sünkroniseerisite faile Zotero serveriga, siis võite need failid Zotero serverist kustutada. Selliselt hoiate kokku ruumi gruppide manuste tarvis.\n\nFaile saab kustutada oma kasutaja seadetest Zotero.org keskkonnas.
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purge Files Now
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Do Not Purge
zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync.loadingLibraries=Loading libraries…
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Replace Local Data
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Firefox must be restarted to complete the restore process.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=%1$S will replace data in “%2$S” on %3$S with data from this computer.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.button=Replace Data in Online Library
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=On the next sync, %1$S will check all attachment files in “%2$S” against the storage service. Any remote attachment files that are missing locally will be downloaded, and local attachment files missing remotely will be uploaded.\n\nThis option is not necessary during normal usage.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory.cleared=The file sync history for “%S” has been cleared.
zotero.preferences.search.rebuildIndex=Indeksi taasloomine
zotero.preferences.search.rebuildWarning=Soovite kogu indeksi taasluua? See võib võtta aega.\n\nEt indekseerida vaid kirjed, mis on indekseerimata, kasutage %S.
zotero.preferences.search.clearIndex=Indeksi tühjendamine
zotero.preferences.search.clearWarning=Pärast indeksi tühjendamist ei ole manused enam otsitavad.\n\nVeebilehekülgedest tehtud manused ei ole ilma vastavat lehekülge külastamata indekseeritavad. Et jätta need indekseerituks, valige %S.
zotero.preferences.search.clearNonLinkedURLs=Tühjendada kõik välja arvatud veebilehekülgedest tehtud manused
zotero.preferences.search.indexUnindexed=Indekseerimata kirjete indekseerimne
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationStyles=Citation Styles
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.instructions=Quick Copy allows you to quickly export items in a given format. You can copy selected items to the clipboard by pressing %S or drag items directly into a text box in another program.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationInstructions=For citation styles, you can copy citations or footnotes by pressing %S or holding down Shift before dragging items.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installationSuccess=Installation was successful.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installationError=Installation could not be completed because an error occurred. Please ensure that %1$S is closed, and then restart %2$S.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installed=The %S add-in is currently installed.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.notInstalled=The %S add-in is not currently installed.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.install=Install %S Add-in
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.reinstall=Reinstall %S Add-in
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installing=Installing %S…
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.incompatibleVersions1=%1$S %2$S is incompatible with versions of %3$S before %4$S. Please remove %3$S, or download the latest version from %5$S.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.incompatibleVersions2=%1$S %2$S requires %3$S %4$S or later to run. Please download the latest version of %3$S from %5$S.
zotero.preferences.styles.addStyle=Stiili lisamine
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslatorsAndStyles=Alglaadida tõlkijad ja stiilid
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslatorsAndStyles.changesLost=Kõik uued või muudetud tõlkijad või stiilid lähevad kaotsi.
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators=Tõlkijad alglaadida
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Kõik uued või muudetud tõlkijad lähevad kaotsi.
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Stiilid alglaadida
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Kõik uued või muudetud stiilid lähevad kaotsi.
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.title=Migrate Data Directory
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.directoryExists1=A directory already exists at %S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.directoryExists2=Please move or rename it and try again.
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.directoryWillBeMoved=Your %1$S data directory will be moved to %2$S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.appMustBeRestarted=%S must be restarted to complete the migration.
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.manualMigration=You can also quit %1$S and move your existing data directory to %2$S manually, which may be faster for larger data directories. %3$S will automatically detect the new location.
zotero.debugOutputLogging=Debug Output Logging
zotero.debugOutputLogging.linesLogged=%1$S line logged;%1$S lines logged
zotero.debugOutputLogging.dialog.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.debugOutputLogging.dialog.sent=Debug output has been sent to %S.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.debugOutputLogging.dialog.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
zotero.debugOutputLogging.enabledAfterRestart=Debug output logging will be enabled after %S restarts.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Järgnevad failid olid juba kataloogis ning neid ei kopeeritud:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=Järgnevad faile ei leitud ning neid ei saanud kopeerida:
fileInterface.importComplete=Import Complete
fileInterface.itemsWereImported=%1$S item was imported;%1$S items were imported
fileInterface.itemsExported=Kirjete eksportimine...
fileInterface.chooseAppDatabaseToImport=Choose the %S database to import
fileInterface.exportedItems=Eksporditud kirjed
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=The selected file is not in a supported format.
fileInterface.appDatabase=%S Database
fileInterface.appImportCollection=%S Import
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=View Supported Formats…
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Nimetu biblograafia
fileInterface.importError=Valitud faili importimisel tekkis viga. Veenduge, et tegemist on õige failiga ning proovige uuesti.
fileInterface.importClipboardNoDataError=Importimiseks sobilikke andmeid lõikepuhvrist ei leitud.
fileInterface.noReferencesError=Kirjed, mida te olete valinud, ei sisalda viiteid. Palun valiga üks või rohkem viiteid ja proovige uuesti.
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=Bibliograafia loomisel tekkis viga. Palun proovige uuesti.
fileInterface.exportError=Valitud faili eksportimisel tekkis viga.
fileInterface.importOPML=Import Feeds from OPML
fileInterface.OPMLFeedFilter=OPML Feed List
quickCopy.copyAs=Copy as %S
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Title, Creator, Year
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=All Fields & Tags
advancedSearchMode=Ekspertotsing — vajutage otsimiseks vajutage sisesta (Enter).
searchInProgress=Toimub otsimine — palun oodake.
searchOperator.isNot=ei ole
searchOperator.doesNotContain=ei sisalda
searchOperator.isLessThan=on väiksem kui
searchOperator.isGreaterThan=on suurem kui
searchOperator.isBefore=on enne
searchOperator.isAfter=on pärast
searchOperator.isInTheLast=on viimases
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searchConditions.audioRecordingFormat=Audio salvestusformaat
searchConditions.interviewMedium=Intervjuu kandja
searchConditions.manuscriptType=Käsikirja tüüp
searchConditions.presentationType=Esitluse tüüp
searchConditions.mapType=kaardi tüüp
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searchConditions.dateModified=Muutmise kuupäev
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exportOptions.exportFileData=Failide eksport
exportOptions.useJournalAbbreviation=Kasutada ajakirja lühendit
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date.daySuffixes=st, nd, rd, th
citation.multipleSources=Mitmed allikad...
citation.singleSource=Üks allikas...
citation.showEditor=Toimetaja näidata...
citation.hideEditor=Toimetaja peita...
citation.locator.subverbo=Sub verbo
report.title.default=Zotero raport
annotations.confirmClose.title=Kas soovite seda annotatsiooni kindlasti sulgeda?
annotations.confirmClose.body=Kogu tekst läheb kaotsi.
annotations.close.tooltip=Annotatsiooni kustutamine
annotations.move.tooltip=Annotatsiooni liigutamine
annotations.collapse.tooltip=Annotatsiooni peitmine
annotations.expand.tooltip=Annotatsiooni näitamine
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Momentülesvõtte annotatsiooni saab korraga näidata vaid ühes brauseri aknas. See momentülesvõte avatakse ilma annotatsioonideta.
integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
integration.referenceMarks.caption=ReferenceMarks cannot be shared with Word.
integration.referenceMarks.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .odt.
integration.regenerate.title=Soovite taasluua tsiteeringut?
integration.regenerate.body=Muudatused, mis on tehtud tsitaadiredaktoris, hävivad.
integration.regenerate.saveBehavior=Alati jälgida seda valikut.
integration.revertAll.title=Soovite tõepoolest kõik muutused bibliograafias lähtestada?
integration.revertAll.body=Kõik kirjed, mida on tekstis tsiteeritud, ilmuvad bibliograafias nende muutmata kujul ja kõik käsitsi lisatud viited eemaldatakse bibliograafiast.
integration.revertAll.button=Kõik lähtestada
integration.revert.title=Olete kindel, et soovete seda muutust tagasi võtta?
integration.revert.body=Kui jätkate, siis bibliograafia kirjete tekst, mis vastab valitud kirje(te)le, asendatakse stiili poolt määratud muutmata tekstiga.
integration.revert.button=Tagasi võtta
integration.removeBibEntry.title=Valitud viiteid on teie dokumendis tsiteeritud.
integration.removeBibEntry.body=Olete kindel, et soovite neid bibliograafiast välja jätta?
integration.cited.loading=Tsiteeritud kirjete laadimine...
integration.emptyCitationWarning.title=Tühi viide.
integration.emptyCitationWarning.body=Viide, mille valisite, oleks praeguse viitestiili järgi tühi. Olete kindel, et soovite seda lisada?
integration.openInLibrary=Open in %S
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=See versioon Zotero tesktiredaktori pluginist ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) ei ühildu Zotero Firefoxi lisaga (%1$S). Palun neid uuendada.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S nõuab %2$S %3$S või hilisemat. Palun laadige %2$S alla zotero.org lehelt.
integration.error.title=Zotero ühildumise viga
integration.error.notInstalled=Firefox ei suutnud leida komponenti, mis suhtleks teie tekstiredaktoriga. Palun kindlustage, et oleks olemas õige Firefoxi lisa ja proovige uuesti.
integration.error.generic=Dokumendi uuendamisel tekkis Zotero viga.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Enne seda toimingut peate lisama viite.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Enne seda toimingut peate lisama bibliograafia.
integration.error.cannotInsertHere=Zotero väljasid ei saa siia lisada.
integration.error.notInCitation=Selleks, et viidet toimetada, peab kursor peab olema Zotero poolt lisatud viites.
integration.error.noBibliography=Praegune viite stiil ei defineeri bibliograafiat. Kui soovite lisada bibliograafiat, siis valige teine stiil.
integration.error.deletePipe=Kanalit, millega Zotero suhtleb tekstiredaktoriga, ei õnnestunud kätte saada. Kas soovite, et Zotero üritaks seda viga parandada (nõuab autoriseerimist)?
integration.error.invalidStyle=Valitud stiil ei vasta standardile. Kui lõite selle stiili ise, palun kontrollige, et see ühildub standardiga (vt http://zotero.org/support/dev/citation_styles). Teiseks võimaluseks on valida mõni teine stiil.
integration.error.fieldTypeMismatch=Zotero cannot update this document because it was created by a different word processing application with an incompatible field encoding. In order to make a document compatible with both Word and LibreOffice, open the document in the word processor with which it was originally created and switch the field type to Bookmarks in the Zotero Document Preferences.
integration.error.styleMissing=The citation style used in this document is missing. Would you like to install it from %S?
integration.error.styleNotFound=The citation style %S could not be found.
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing.title=Missing Permission
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing=Zotero does not have permission to control Word. To grant this permission:\n\n1) Open System Preferences\n2) Click on “Security & Privacy”\n3) Select the “Privacy” tab\n4) Find and select “Automation” on the left\n5) Check the checkbox for “Microsoft Word” under “Zotero”\n6) Restart Word
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing.pre2016=If “Microsoft Word” does not appear under “Automation”, make sure you are running Word 2011 version 14.7.7 or later.
integration.replace=Asendada see Zotero väli?
integration.missingItem.single=See kirje ei ole enam Zotero andmebaasis. Kas soovite valida mõne teise kirje?
integration.missingItem.multiple=Kirje %1$S ei ole enam Zotero andmebaasis. Kas soovite valida mõne teise kirje?
integration.missingItem.description=Vajutades "Ei" kustutate väljakoodid viidetele, mis sisaldavad seda kirjet. Tsiteeringu tekst säilib, aga bibliograafiast kirje kustutatakse.
integration.removeCodesWarning=Väljakoodide eemaldamine ei luba Zoterol enam uuendada selles dokumendis viiteid ja bibliograafiaid. Olete selles toimingus kindel?
integration.upgradeWarning=Your document must be permanently upgraded in order to work with %S %S or later. It is recommended that you make a backup before proceeding. Are you sure you want to continue?
integration.error.newerDocumentVersion=Dokument on loodud uuema versiooniga Zoterost (%1$S) kui installeeritud versioon (%2$S). Palun uuendada Zotero viimasele versioonile.
integration.corruptField=Zotero väljakood, mis vastab sellele kirjele, on vigane. Kas soovite kirje uuesti valida.
integration.corruptField.description=Vajutades "Ei" kustutate väljakoodid viidetele, mis sisaldavad seda kirjet. Tsiteeringu tekst säilib, aga kirje bibliograafiast kirje võib kustuda.
integration.corruptBibliography=Zotero väljakood, mis vastab sellele bibliograafiale, on vigane. Kas soovite bibliograafia taasluua?
integration.corruptBibliography.description=Kõik kirjed tekstis ilmuvad uude bibliograafiasse, kuid muudatused, mida tegite "Toimeta bibliograafiat" all, lähevad kaotsi.
integration.citationChanged=Viidet on muudetud pärast seda kui Zotero on selle loonud. Kas soovite muutusi säilitada ja tõkestada edasised uuendused sellele viitele?
integration.citationChanged.description=Kui jah, siis edaspidi Zotero ei uuenda seda viidet ka juhul, kui lisate viiteid, vahetate stiile või muudate seda kirjet Zotero baasis. Kui valite "Ei", siis Zotero kustutab praegused muudatused.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Viidet on muudetud pärast seda kui Zotero on selle loonud. Redigeerimine kustutab teie muudatused. Kas soovite jätkata?
integration.citationChanged.original=Original: %S
integration.citationChanged.modified=Modified: %S
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.toolbar=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero toolbar when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.tab=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero tab when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.toolbar=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero toolbar.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.tab=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero tab.
styles.install.title=Install Style
styles.install.unexpectedError=An unexpected error occurred while installing "%1$S"
styles.installStyle=Paigaldada stiil "%1$S" asukohast %2$S?
styles.updateStyle=uuendada olemasolevat stiili "%1$S" stiiliks "%2$S" asukohast %3$S?
styles.installed=Stiili "%S" paigaldamine õnnestus.
styles.installError=%S näib olevat vigane.
styles.validationWarning="%S" is not a valid CSL 1.0.1 style file, and may not work properly with Zotero.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S viitab vigasele või puuduvale CSL failile %2$S.
styles.deleteStyle=Olete kindel, et soovite stiili "%1$S" kustutada?
styles.deleteStyles=Olete kindel, et soovite neid stiile kustutada?
styles.abbreviations.title=Load Abbreviations
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.syncWith=Sync with %S
sync.cancel=Lõpeta sync
sync.openSyncPreferences=Sync eelistused
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Algseadista Grupp ja Sync
sync.resetGroupFilesAndSync=Reset Group Files and Sync
sync.skipGroup=Skip Group
sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Eemalda Grupid ja Sync
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Kasutajanimi ei ole määratud
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=You must enter your zotero.org username and password in the Zotero preferences to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=Salasõna ei ole määratud
sync.error.invalidLogin=Vigane kasutajanimi või salasõna
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your zotero.org login information correctly in the Zotero sync preferences.
sync.error.enterPassword=Palun sisestada salasõna.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero cannot access your login information, possibly due to a corrupted %S logins database.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert8.db, key3.db, and logins.json from your %2$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Andmeid juba sünkroonitakse.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Oodake kuni eelmine sünkroonimine lõpetab või tehke Firefoxile alglaadimine.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=You no longer have write access to the group %1$S, and changes youve made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on %2$S, and local changes to items and files will be lost.
sync.error.groupFileWriteAccessLost=You no longer have file editing access for the group %1$S, and files youve changed locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, all group files will be reset to their state on %2$S.
sync.error.groupCopyChangedItems=If you would like a chance to copy your changes elsewhere or to request write access from a group administrator, you can skip syncing of the group now.
sync.error.groupCopyChangedFiles=If you would like a chance to copy modified files elsewhere or to request file editing access from a group administrator, you can skip syncing of the group now.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Automaatne sünkroonimine põhjustas konflikti, mis nõuab teie sekkumist.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Sünkroonimiseks vajutage sünkroonimise ikooni.
sync.error.invalidClock=The system clock is set to an invalid time. You will need to correct this to sync with the Zotero server.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=SSL connection error
sync.error.checkConnection=Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Empty response from server.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=The filename '%S' contains invalid characters.\n\nRename the file and try again. If you rename the file via the OS, you will need to relink it in Zotero.
sync.error.apiKeyInvalid=%S could not authenticate your account. Please re-enter your account details.
sync.error.collectionTooLong=The collection name “%S” is too long to sync. Shorten the name and sync again.
sync.error.fieldTooLong=The %1$S value “%2$S” in one of your items is too long to sync. Shorten the field and sync again.
sync.error.creatorTooLong=The creator name “%S” in one of your items is too long to sync. Shorten the field and sync again.
sync.error.noteEmbeddedImage=Notes with embedded images cannot currently be synced. Syncing of embedded images may be supported in a future version.
sync.error.noteTooLong=The note “%S” is too long to sync. Shorten the note and sync again.
sync.error.reportSiteIssuesToForums=If you receive this message repeatedly for items saved from a particular site, you can report this issue in the %S Forums.
account.unlinkWarning=Unlinking your account will prevent %S from syncing your data.
account.unlinkWarning.removeData=Remove my %S data from this computer
account.unlinkWarning.button=Unlink Account
account.warning.emptyLibrary=You are about to sync the %1$S account to an empty %2$S database. This could happen if you removed your previous database or if the location of your %2$S data directory changed.
account.warning.existingDataElsewhere=If your %S data exists elsewhere on this computer, you should move it to the current data directory or change the data directory location to point to your existing data.
account.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This %1$S database was last synced with a different account (%2$S) from the current one (%3$S). If you continue, data associated with the %2$S account will be removed from this computer.
account.confirmDelete=Remove existing data
account.confirmDelete.button=Switch Accounts
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=The remote versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=The remote version has been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=The local versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.localVersionKept=The local version has been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionsKept=The most recent versions have been kept.
sync.conflict.recentVersionKept=The most recent version, '%S', has been kept.
sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=View the %S Error Console for the full list of such changes.
sync.conflict.localVersion=Local version: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Remote version: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero items have been added to and/or removed from the same collection on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=Zotero items in the collection '%S' have been added and/or removed on multiple computers since the last sync. The following items have been added to the collection:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=It has been added to the following remote items:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=It has been added to the following local items:
sync.conflict.localItem=Local Item
sync.conflict.remoteItem=Remote Item
sync.conflict.mergedItem=Merged Item
sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote File
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.status.notYetSynced=Sünkroonimist ei ole toimunud
sync.status.lastSync=Viimane sünkroonimine:
sync.status.waiting=Waiting for other operations to finish
sync.status.preparing=Preparing sync
sync.status.loggingIn=Sünkroonimisserverisse sisselogimine
sync.status.gettingUpdatedData=Andmete uuendamine serverist
sync.status.processingUpdatedData=Uuendatud andmete töötlemine
sync.status.uploadingData=Andmete laadimine serverisse
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Suhtlus serveriga
sync.status.syncingFiles=Andmete sünkroonimine
sync.status.syncingFilesInLibrary=Syncing files in %S
sync.status.syncingFilesInLibraryWithRemaining=Syncing files in %1$S (%2$S remaining);Syncing files in %1$S (%2$S remaining)
sync.status.syncingFullText=Syncing full-text content
sync.storage.mbRemaining=%SMB remaining
sync.storage.kbRemaining=jäänud on %SKB
sync.storage.filesRemaining=%1$S/%2$S faili
sync.storage.localFile=Kohalik fail
sync.storage.remoteFile=Serveris asuv fail
sync.storage.savedFile=Salvestatud fail
sync.storage.serverConfigurationVerified=Serveri seadistamine kinnitatud
sync.storage.fileSyncSetUp=Failide sünkroonimise seadistamine edukas
sync.storage.openAccountSettings=Avada konto seaded
sync.storage.error.default=A file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, restart %S and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
sync.storage.error.defaultRestart=A file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums.
sync.storage.error.serverCouldNotBeReached=Server %S ei ole kättesaadav
sync.storage.error.permissionDeniedAtAddress=Sellel aadressil ei ole teil õigust luua Zotero kataloogi:
sync.storage.error.checkFileSyncSettings=Palun kontrollida sünkroonimise seaded või võtke ühendust serveri administraatoriga.
sync.storage.error.verificationFailed=%S konnitamine ebaõnnestus. Kontrollige sünkroonimise seaded Zotero seadete alt.
sync.storage.error.fileNotCreated=Faili "%S" ei ole võimalik Zotero hoidlas luua.
sync.storage.error.encryptedFilenames=Error creating file '%S'.\n\nSee http://www.zotero.org/support/kb/encrypted_filenames for more information.
sync.storage.error.fileEditingAccessLost=Teil ei ole enam ligipääsu Zotero grupp "%S"-le ning lisatud või muudetud faile ei ole võimaik serverisse sünkroniseerida.
sync.storage.error.copyChangedItems=Kui soovite salvestada tehtud muudatused kuhugi mujale, katkestage sünkroonimine.
sync.storage.error.fileUploadFailed=Faili üleslaadimine ebaõnnestus.
sync.storage.error.directoryNotFound=Kataloogi ei leitud
sync.storage.error.doesNotExist=%S ei leidu.
sync.storage.error.createNow=Kas soovite seda luua?
sync.storage.error.webdav.default=A WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.storage.error.webdav.defaultRestart=A WebDAV file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and try syncing again.\n\nIf you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
sync.storage.error.webdav.enterURL=Please enter a WebDAV URL.
sync.storage.error.webdav.invalidURL=%S ei ole korrektne WebDAV URL.
sync.storage.error.webdav.invalidLogin=WebDAV server ei tunnista sisestatud kasutajanime ja salasõna.
sync.storage.error.webdav.permissionDenied=Teil puudub WebDAV serveris ligipääs %S-le.
sync.storage.error.webdav.insufficientSpace=Faili üleslaadimine ebaõnnestus, sest WebDAV serveris ei ole piisavalt ruumi.
sync.storage.error.webdav.sslCertificateError=%S ühendumisel tekkis SSL sertifikaadi viga.
sync.storage.error.webdav.sslConnectionError=%S ühendumisel tekkis SSL ühenduse viga.
sync.storage.error.webdav.loadURLForMoreInfo=Edasiseks infoks laadige WebDAV URL brauseris.
sync.storage.error.webdav.seeCertOverrideDocumentation=Lisainfoks vaadake sertifikaadi tühistamise dokumentatsiooni.
sync.storage.error.webdav.loadURL=WebDAV URL laadimine
sync.storage.error.webdav.fileMissingAfterUpload=A potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.\n\nAn uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.\n\nIf Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums.
sync.storage.error.webdav.nonexistentFileNotMissing=Your WebDAV server is claiming that a nonexistent file exists. Contact your WebDAV server administrator for assistance.
sync.storage.error.webdav.serverConfig.title=WebDAV Server Configuration Error
sync.storage.error.webdav.serverConfig=Your WebDAV server returned an internal error.
sync.storage.error.webdav.requestError=Your WebDAV server returned an HTTP %1$S error for a %2$S request.
sync.storage.error.webdav.checkSettingsOrContactAdmin=If you receive this message repeatedly, check your WebDAV server settings or contact your WebDAV server administrator.
sync.storage.error.webdav.url=URL: %S
sync.storage.error.zfs.restart=A file sync error occurred. Please restart %S and/or your computer and try syncing again.\n\nIf the error persists, there may be a problem with either your computer or your network: security software, proxy server, VPN, etc. Try disabling any security/firewall software you're using or, if this is a laptop, try from a different network.
sync.storage.error.zfs.tooManyQueuedUploads=You have too many queued uploads. Please try again in %S minutes.
sync.storage.error.zfs.personalQuotaReached1=Zotero serveris teile eraldatud laoruum on täis saanud. Mõningaid faile ei laaditud üles, ülejäänud zotero andmeid aga sünkroonitakse endiselt.
sync.storage.error.zfs.personalQuotaReached2=Suurema laoruumi saamiseks vaadake enda zotero.org kontot.
sync.storage.error.zfs.groupQuotaReached1=Grupp '%S' on ära kasutanud serveris eraldatud laoruumi. Mõningaid faile ei laaditud üles, ülejäänud zotero andmeid aga sünkroonitakse endiselt.
sync.storage.error.zfs.groupQuotaReached2=Grupi omanik saab laoruumi suurendada.
sync.storage.error.zfs.fileWouldExceedQuota=The file '%S' would exceed your Zotero File Storage quota
sync.longTagFixer.saveTag=Salvestada lipik
sync.longTagFixer.saveTags=Salvestada lipikud
sync.longTagFixer.deleteTag=Kustutada lipik
proxies.error=Info autentimise viga
proxies.error.scheme.noHTTP=Proksid peavad algama "http://" või "https://"
proxies.error.host.invalid=Vajalik on selle proksi poolt teenidatava lehekülje kogu hostname (nt jstor.org).
proxies.error.scheme.noHost=Multi-site proksi skeem peab sisaldama host variable (%h).
proxies.error.scheme.noPath=Kehtiv proksi skeem peab sisaldama kas "path variable" (%p) või kataloogi ja failinime variaableid (%d and %f).
proxies.error.host.proxyExists=Hosti jaoks on juba proksi defineeritud %1$S.
proxies.error.scheme.invalid=Sisestatud proksi skeem ei ole kehtiv; see rakenduks kõigile hostidele.
proxies.notification.recognized.label=Zotero tuvastas, et külastate seda lehekülge proksi kaudu. Kas soovite, et edaspidi toimuksid kõik päringud %1$S läbi %2$S?
proxies.notification.associated.label=Zotero seostas selle lehekülje automaatselt eelevalt määratud proksiga. Edaspidised päringud %1$S suunatakse %2$S kaudu.
proxies.notification.redirected.label=Zotero suunas teie päringu %1$S automaatselt %2$S proksi kaudu.
proxies.notification.settings.button=Proksi seaded...
proxies.recognized.message=Selle poksi lisamine lubab Zoterol neilt lehekülgedelt salvestada kirjeid ja suunab edaspidi kõik päringud %1$S läbi %2$S.
proxies.recognized.add=Proksi lisamine
recognizePDF.title=PDF Metadata Retrieval
recognizePDF.noOCR=PDF ei sisalda OCR-tuvastatud teksti
recognizePDF.couldNotRead=PDFist ei õnnetstu teksti lugeda
recognizePDF.noMatches=Sobivaid vasteid ei leitud.
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=Faili ei leitud.
recognizePDF.error=An unexpected error occurred
recognizePDF.recognizing.label=Retrieving Metadata…
recognizePDF.complete.label=Metaandmete kogumine lõppenud.
recognizePDF.reportMetadata=Report Incorrect Metadata
recognizePDF.pdfName.label=PDF Name
recognizePDF.itemName.label=Item Name
rtfScan.openTitle=Faili valimine (RTF skänn)
rtfScan.scanning.label=RTF dokumendi skänn...
rtfScan.saving.label=RTF dokumendi formateerimine...
rtfScan.rtf=Rich Text Format (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Valige asukoht, kuhu formateeritud fail salvestada
extractedAnnotations=Extracted Annotations
file.accessError.theFileCannotBeCreated=The file '%S' cannot be created.
file.accessError.theFileCannotBeUpdated=The file '%S' cannot be updated.
file.accessError.theFileCannotBeDeleted=The file '%S' cannot be deleted.
file.accessError.aFileCannotBeCreated=A file cannot be created.
file.accessError.aFileCannotBeUpdated=A file cannot be updated.
file.accessError.aFileCannotBeDeleted=A file cannot be deleted.
file.accessError.message.windows=Check that the file is not currently in use, that its permissions allow write access, and that it has a valid filename.
file.accessError.message.other=Check that the file is not currently in use and that its permissions allow write access.
file.accessError.restart=Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help.
file.accessError.showParentDir=Show Parent Directory
file.error.cannotAddShortcut=Shortcut files cannot be added directly. Please select the original file.
lookup.failure.title=Otsing luhtus
lookup.failure.description=Zotero ei leidnud määratud identifikaatorit. Palun kontrollige identifikaatorit ja proovige uuesti.
lookup.failureToID.description=Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again.
locate.online.label=Online vaade
locate.online.tooltip=Selle kirje vaatamine võrgus
locate.pdf.label=PDFi vaatamine
locate.pdf.tooltip=PDFi avamine valitud vaatajaga
locate.snapshot.label=Momentülesvõtte vaatamine
locate.snapshot.tooltip=View snapshot for this item
locate.file.label=Faili vaatamine
locate.file.tooltip=Faili avamine valitud vaatajaga
locate.externalViewer.label=Välise vaatajaga avamine
locate.externalViewer.tooltip=Faili avamine teise programmiga
locate.internalViewer.label=Sisemise vaatajaga avamine
locate.internalViewer.tooltip=Faili avamine selle programmiga
locate.showFile.label=Faili näitamine
locate.showFile.tooltip=Kausta avamine, milles see fail asub
locate.libraryLookup.label=Raamatukogu otsing
locate.libraryLookup.tooltip=OpenURL lahendaja kasutamine kirje otsinguks
locate.manageLocateEngines=Manage Lookup Engines...
standalone.corruptInstallation=Your Zotero installation appears to be corrupted due to a failed auto-update. While Zotero may continue to function, to avoid potential bugs, please download the latest version of Zotero from https://www.zotero.org/download as soon as possible.
standalone.addonInstallationFailed.title=Lisa paigaldamine nurjus
standalone.addonInstallationFailed.body=The add-on "%S" could not be installed. It may be incompatible with this version of Zotero.
standalone.rootWarning=You appear to be running Zotero as root. This is insecure and may prevent Zotero from functioning when launched from your user account.\n\nIf you wish to install an automatic update, modify the Zotero program directory to be writable by your user account.
standalone.updateMessage=A recommended update is available, but you do not have permission to install it. To update automatically, modify the Zotero program directory to be writeable by your user account.
connector.name=%S Connector
connector.error.title=Zotero ühendaja viga
firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero võimaldab määrata ka toimetajaid ja tõlkijaid. Autori saab muuta toimetajaks või tõlkijaks sellest menüüst.
firstRunGuidance.quickFormat=Viite otsimiseks kirjutage pealkiri või autor.\n\nKui olete valiku teinud, siis leheküljenumbrite, prefiksite või sufiksite lisamiseks klikkige viite kastikesele või vajutage Ctrl-↓. Leheküljenumbri võite sisestada ka kohe kastikese sisse.\n\nSamas võite viiteid toimetada ka tekstiredaktoris.
firstRunGuidance.quickFormatMac=Viite otsimiseks kirjutage pealkiri või autor.\n\nKui olete valiku teinud, siis leheküljenumbrite, prefiksite või sufiksite lisamiseks klikkige viite kastikesele või vajutage Cmd-↓. Leheküljenumbri võite sisestada ka kohe kastikese sisse.\n\nSamas võite viiteid toimetada ka tekstiredaktoris.
firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.new=Click the Z button to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut.
firstRunGuidance.toolbarButton.upgrade=The Zotero icon can now be found in the Firefox toolbar. Click the icon to open Zotero, or use the %S keyboard shortcut.
firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zotero library. On some pages, Zotero will be able to save full details, including author and date.
styles.editor.save=Save Citation Style
styles.editor.warning.noItems=No items selected in Zotero.
styles.editor.warning.parseError=Error parsing style:
styles.editor.warning.renderError=Error generating citations and bibliography:
styles.editor.output.individualCitations=Individual Citations
styles.editor.output.singleCitation=Single Citation (with position "first")
styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Refresh" button to see how these items are rendered by the installed CSL citation styles.
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. Youll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=<b>Only add work you yourself have created</b>, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship.files=I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
publications.sharing.keepRightsField=Keep the existing Rights field
publications.sharing.keepRightsFieldWhereAvailable=Keep the existing Rights field where available
publications.cc.moreInfo.text=Be sure you have read the Creative Commons %S before placing your work under a CC license. Note that the license you apply cannot be revoked, even if you later choose different terms or cease publishing the work.
publications.cc.moreInfo.linkText=Considerations for licensors
publications.cc0.moreInfo.text=Be sure you have read the Creative Commons %S before applying CC0 to your work. Please note that dedicating your work to the public domain is irreversible, even if you later choose different terms or cease publishing the work.
publications.cc0.moreInfo.linkText=CC0 FAQ
publications.error.linkedFilesCannotBeAdded=Linked files cannot be added to My Publications
publications.buttons.next=Next: %S
publications.buttons.choose-license=Choose a License
publications.buttons.addToMyPublications=Add to My Publications
licenses.cc-by=Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
licenses.cc-by-nd=Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
licenses.cc-by-sa=Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
licenses.cc-by-nc=Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
licenses.cc-by-nc-nd=Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
licenses.cc-by-nc-sa=Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License