2024-03-30 00:58:54 -04:00

1440 lines
38 KiB

Copyright © 2009 Center for History and New Media
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
This file is part of Zotero.
Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Zotero. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"use strict";
// Exclusive locking mode (default) prevents access to Zotero database while Zotero is open
// and speeds up DB access (http://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_locking_mode).
// Normal mode is more convenient for development, but risks database corruption, particularly if
// the same database is accessed simultaneously by multiple Zotero instances.
const DB_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE = true;
Zotero.DBConnection = function(dbNameOrPath) {
if (!dbNameOrPath) {
throw ('DB name not provided in Zotero.DBConnection()');
"database disk image is malformed",
Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.jsm", this);
this.closed = false;
this.skipBackup = false;
// JS Date
this.__defineGetter__('transactionDate', function () {
if (this._transactionDate) {
this._lastTransactionDate = this._transactionDate;
return this._transactionDate;
throw new Error("Transaction not in progress");
// Use second granularity rather than millisecond
// for comparison purposes
var d = new Date(Math.floor(new Date / 1000) * 1000);
this._lastTransactionDate = d;
return d;
this.__defineGetter__('transactionDateTime', function () {
var d = this.transactionDate;
return Zotero.Date.dateToSQL(d, true);
// Unix timestamp
this.__defineGetter__('transactionTimestamp', function () {
var d = this.transactionDate;
return Zotero.Date.toUnixTimestamp(d);
// Absolute path to DB
if (dbNameOrPath.startsWith('/') || (Zotero.isWin && dbNameOrPath.includes('\\'))) {
this._dbName = PathUtils.filename(dbNameOrPath).replace(/\.sqlite$/, '');
this._dbPath = dbNameOrPath;
this._externalDB = true;
// DB name in data directory
else {
this._dbName = dbNameOrPath;
this._dbPath = Zotero.DataDirectory.getDatabase(dbNameOrPath);
this._externalDB = false;
this._shutdown = false;
this._connection = null;
this._transactionID = null;
this._transactionDate = null;
this._lastTransactionDate = null;
this._transactionRollback = false;
this._transactionNestingLevel = 0;
this._callbacks = {
begin: [],
commit: [],
rollback: [],
current: {
commit: [],
rollback: []
this._dbIsCorrupt = null
this._transactionPromise = null;
if (dbNameOrPath == 'zotero') {
this.IncompatibleVersionException = function (msg, dbClientVersion) {
this.message = msg;
this.dbClientVersion = dbClientVersion;
this.IncompatibleVersionException.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
// Public methods
Zotero.defineProperty(Zotero.DBConnection.prototype, 'path', {
get: function () {
return this._dbPath;
* Test a read-only connection to the database, throwing any errors that occur
* @return void
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.test = function () {
return this._getConnectionAsync().then(() => {});
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.parseQueryAndParams = function (sql, params) {
// If single scalar value, wrap in an array
if (!Array.isArray(params)) {
if (typeof params == 'string' || typeof params == 'number' || typeof params == 'object'
|| params === null) {
params = [params];
else {
params = [];
// Otherwise, since we might make changes, only work on a copy of the array
else {
params = params.concat();
// Find placeholders
if (params.length) {
let matches = sql.match(/\?\d*/g);
if (!matches) {
throw new Error("Parameters provided for query without placeholders "
+ "[QUERY: " + sql + "]");
else {
// Count numbered parameters (?1) properly
let num = 0;
let numbered = {};
for (let i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
let match = matches[i];
if (match == '?') {
else {
numbered[match] = true;
num += Object.keys(numbered).length;
if (params.length != num) {
throw new Error("Incorrect number of parameters provided for query "
+ "(" + params.length + ", expecting " + num + ") "
+ "[QUERY: " + sql + "]");
// First, determine the type of query using first word
let queryMethod = sql.match(/^[^\s\(]*/)[0].toLowerCase();
// Reset lastIndex, since regexp isn't recompiled dynamically
let placeholderRE = /\s*[=,(]\s*\?/g;
for (var i=0; i<params.length; i++) {
// Find index of this parameter, skipping previous ones
matches = placeholderRE.exec(sql);
if (typeof params[i] == 'boolean') {
throw new Error("Invalid boolean parameter " + i + " '" + params[i] + "' "
+ "[QUERY: " + sql + "]");
else if (params[i] === undefined) {
throw new Error('Parameter ' + i + ' is undefined [QUERY: ' + sql + ']');
if (params[i] !== null) {
// Force parameter type if specified
// Int
if (typeof params[i]['int'] != 'undefined') {
params[i] = parseInt(params[i]['int']);
if (isNaN(params[i])) {
throw new Error("Invalid bound parameter " + i + " integer value '" + params[i] + "' "
+ "[QUERY: " + sql + "]")
// String
else if (typeof params[i]['string'] != 'undefined') {
params[i] = params[i]['string'] + "";
// Replace NULL bound parameters with hard-coded NULLs
if (!matches) {
throw new Error("Null parameter provided for a query without placeholders "
+ "-- use false or undefined [QUERY: " + sql + "]");
if (matches[0].trim().indexOf('=') == -1) {
if (queryMethod == 'select') {
throw new Error("NULL cannot be used for parenthesized placeholders "
+ "in SELECT queries [QUERY: " + sql + "]");
var repl = matches[0].replace('?', 'NULL');
else if (queryMethod == 'select') {
var repl = ' IS NULL';
else {
var repl = '=NULL';
var subpos = matches.index;
var sublen = matches[0].length;
sql = sql.substring(0, subpos) + repl + sql.substr(subpos + sublen);
//Zotero.debug("Hard-coding null bound parameter " + i);
params.splice(i, 1);
if (!params.length) {
params = [];
else if (/\?/g.test(sql)) {
throw new Error("Parameters not provided for query containing placeholders "
+ "[QUERY: " + sql + "]");
return [sql, params];
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.addCallback = function (type, cb) {
switch (type) {
case 'begin':
case 'commit':
case 'rollback':
throw ("Invalid callback type '" + type + "' in DB.addCallback()");
var id = this._callbacks[type].length;
this._callbacks[type][id] = cb;
return id;
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.addCurrentCallback = function (type, cb) {
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.removeCallback = function (type, id) {
switch (type) {
case 'begin':
case 'commit':
case 'rollback':
throw ("Invalid callback type '" + type + "' in DB.removeCallback()");
delete this._callbacks[type][id];
* Used on shutdown to rollback all open transactions
* TODO: update or remove
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.rollbackAllTransactions = function () {
if (this.transactionInProgress()) {
var level = this._transactionNestingLevel;
this._transactionNestingLevel = 0;
try {
catch (e) {}
return level ? level : true;
return false;
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.getColumns = function (table) {
return this.queryAsync("PRAGMA table_info(" + table + ")")
.then(function (rows) {
return rows.map(row => row.name);
.catch(function (e) {
this._debug(e, 1);
return false;
* Find the next lowest numeric suffix for a value in table column
* For example, if "Untitled" and "Untitled 2" and "Untitled 4",
* returns "Untitled 3"
* If _name_ alone is available, returns that
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.getNextName = async function (libraryID, table, field, name) {
Zotero.debug("WARNING: Zotero.DB.getNextName() is deprecated -- "
+ "use Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getNextName() instead", 2);
if (typeof name == 'undefined') {
[libraryID, table, field, name] = [null, libraryID, table, field];
var sql = "SELECT SUBSTR(" + field + ", " + (name.length + 1) + ") FROM " + table
+ " WHERE libraryID=? AND " + field + " LIKE ? ORDER BY " + field;
var params = [libraryID, name + "%"];
var suffixes = await this.columnQueryAsync(sql, params);
suffixes.filter(x => x.match(/^( [0-9]+)?$/));
// If none found or first one has a suffix, use default name
if (!suffixes.length || suffixes[0]) {
return name;
suffixes.sort(function (a, b) {
return parseInt(a) - parseInt(b);
var i = 1;
while (suffixes[i] === "") {
var num = 2;
while (suffixes[i] == num) {
while (suffixes[i+1] && suffixes[i] == suffixes[i+1]) {
return name + ' ' + num;
// Async methods
// Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(async function (conn) {
// var created = await Zotero.DB.queryAsync("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmpFoo (foo TEXT, bar INT)");
// // created == true
// var result = await Zotero.DB.queryAsync("INSERT INTO tmpFoo VALUES ('a', ?)", 1);
// // result == 1
// await Zotero.DB.queryAsync("INSERT INTO tmpFoo VALUES ('b', 2)");
// await Zotero.DB.queryAsync("INSERT INTO tmpFoo VALUES ('c', 3)");
// await Zotero.DB.queryAsync("INSERT INTO tmpFoo VALUES ('d', 4)");
// var value = await Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync("SELECT foo FROM tmpFoo WHERE bar=?", 2);
// // value == "b"
// var vals = await Zotero.DB.columnQueryAsync("SELECT foo FROM tmpFoo");
// // '0' => "a"
// // '1' => "b"
// // '2' => "c"
// // '3' => "d"
// let rows = await Zotero.DB.queryAsync("SELECT * FROM tmpFoo");
// for (let i=0; i<rows.length; i++) {
// let row = rows[i];
// // row.foo == 'a', row.bar == 1
// // row.foo == 'b', row.bar == 2
// // row.foo == 'c', row.bar == 3
// // row.foo == 'd', row.bar == 4
// }
// });
* @param {Function} func - Async function containing `await Zotero.DB.queryAsync()` and similar
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Boolean} [options.disableForeignKeys] - Disable foreign key constraints before
* transaction and re-enable after. (`PRAGMA foreign_keys=0|1` is a no-op during a transaction.)
* @return {Promise} - Promise for result of generator function
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.executeTransaction = async function (func, options) {
options = options || {};
var resolve;
// Set temporary options for this transaction that will be reset at the end
var origOptions = {};
if (options) {
for (let option in options) {
origOptions[option] = this[option];
this[option] = options[option];
var startedTransaction = false;
var id = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
try {
while (this._transactionID) {
await this.waitForTransaction(id).timeout(options.waitTimeout || 30000);
startedTransaction = true;
this._transactionID = id;
Zotero.debug(`Beginning DB transaction ${id}`, 4);
this._transactionPromise = new Zotero.Promise(function () {
resolve = arguments[0];
// Set a timestamp for this transaction
this._transactionDate = new Date(Math.floor(new Date / 1000) * 1000);
// Run begin callbacks
for (var i=0; i<this._callbacks.begin.length; i++) {
if (this._callbacks.begin[i]) {
if (options.disableForeignKeys) {
await this.queryAsync("PRAGMA foreign_keys = 0");
var conn = this._getConnection(options) || (await this._getConnectionAsync(options));
if (func.constructor.name == 'GeneratorFunction') {
throw new Error("Zotero.DB.executeTransaction() no longer takes a generator function "
+ "-- pass an async function instead");
var result = await conn.executeTransaction(func);
Zotero.debug(`Committed DB transaction ${id}`, 4);
// Clear transaction time
if (this._transactionDate) {
this._transactionDate = null;
if (options.vacuumOnCommit) {
Zotero.debug('Vacuuming database');
await this.queryAsync('VACUUM');
Zotero.debug('Done vacuuming');
this._transactionID = null;
// Function to run once transaction has been committed but before any
// permanent callbacks
if (options.onCommit) {
this._callbacks.current.rollback = [];
// Run temporary commit callbacks
var f;
while (f = this._callbacks.current.commit.shift()) {
await Zotero.Promise.resolve(f(id));
// Run commit callbacks
for (var i=0; i<this._callbacks.commit.length; i++) {
if (this._callbacks.commit[i]) {
await this._callbacks.commit[i](id);
return result;
catch (e) {
if (e.name == "TimeoutError") {
Zotero.debug(`Timed out waiting for transaction ${id}`, 1);
else {
Zotero.debug(`Rolled back DB transaction ${id}`, 1);
Zotero.debug(e.message, 1);
if (startedTransaction) {
this._transactionID = null;
// Function to run once transaction has been committed but before any
// permanent callbacks
if (options.onRollback) {
// Run temporary commit callbacks
var f;
while (f = this._callbacks.current.rollback.shift()) {
await Zotero.Promise.resolve(f(id));
// Run rollback callbacks
for (var i=0; i<this._callbacks.rollback.length; i++) {
if (this._callbacks.rollback[i]) {
await Zotero.Promise.resolve(this._callbacks.rollback[i](id));
throw e;
finally {
if (options.disableForeignKeys) {
await this.queryAsync("PRAGMA foreign_keys = 1");
// Reset options back to their previous values
if (options) {
for (let option in options) {
this[option] = origOptions[option];
// Process all resolvers
if (resolve) {
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.inTransaction = function () {
return !!this._transactionID;
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.waitForTransaction = function (id) {
if (!this._transactionID) {
return Zotero.Promise.resolve();
if (Zotero.Debug.enabled) {
Zotero.debug(`Waiting for DB transaction ${this._transactionID} to finish`
+ (id ? ` to start ${id}` : ""), 4);
Zotero.debug(Zotero.Debug.filterStack((new Error).stack), 5);
return this._transactionPromise;
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.requireTransaction = function () {
if (!this._transactionID) {
throw new Error("Not in transaction");
* @param {String} sql SQL statement to run
* @param {Array|String|Integer} [params] SQL parameters to bind
* @return {Promise|Array} A promise for an array of rows. The individual
* rows are Proxy objects that return values from the
* underlying mozIStorageRows based on column names.
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.queryAsync = async function (sql, params, options) {
try {
let onRow = null;
let conn = this._getConnection(options) || (await this._getConnectionAsync(options));
if (!options || !options.noParseParams) {
[sql, params] = this.parseQueryAndParams(sql, params);
if (Zotero.Debug.enabled) {
this.logQuery(sql, params, options);
var failed = false;
if (options && options.onRow) {
// Errors in onRow don't stop the query unless the 'cancel' function is called
onRow = function (row, cancel) {
try {
options.onRow(row, cancel);
catch (e) {
failed = e;
let rows;
if (options && options.noCache) {
rows = await conn.execute(sql, params, onRow);
else {
rows = await conn.executeCached(sql, params, onRow);
if (failed) {
throw failed;
// Parse out the SQL command being used
let op = sql.match(/^[^a-z]*[^ ]+/i);
if (op) {
op = op.toString().toLowerCase();
// If SELECT statement, return result
if (op == 'select' || op == 'pragma') {
if (onRow) {
// Fake an associative array with a proxy
let handler = {
get: function(target, name) {
// Ignore promise check
if (name == 'then') {
return undefined;
try {
return target.getResultByName(name);
catch (e) {
Zotero.debug(e, 1);
var msg = "DB column '" + name + "' not found";
Zotero.debug(msg, 1);
throw new Error(msg);
has: function(target, name) {
try {
return !!target.getResultByName(name);
} catch (e) {
return false;
for (let i=0, len=rows.length; i<len; i++) {
rows[i] = new Proxy(rows[i], handler);
return rows;
else {
// lastInsertRowID is unreliable for async queries, so we don't bother
// returning it for INSERT and REPLACE queries
catch (e) {
await this._checkException(e);
if (e.errors && e.errors[0]) {
var eStr = e + "";
eStr = eStr.indexOf("Error: ") == 0 ? eStr.substr(7): e;
throw new Error(eStr + ' [QUERY: ' + sql + '] '
+ (params
? '[PARAMS: '
+ (Array.isArray(params)
? params.map(x => JSON.stringify(x)).join(', ')
: JSON.stringify(params)
) + '] '
: '')
+ '[ERROR: ' + e.errors[0].message + ']');
else {
throw e;
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.queryTx = function (sql, params, options) {
return this.executeTransaction(async function () {
options = options || {};
delete options.tx;
return this.queryAsync(sql, params, options);
* @param {String} sql SQL statement to run
* @param {Array|String|Integer} [params] SQL parameters to bind
* @return {Promise<Array|Boolean>} A promise for either the value or FALSE if no result
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.valueQueryAsync = async function (sql, params, options = {}) {
try {
let conn = this._getConnection(options) || (await this._getConnectionAsync(options));
[sql, params] = this.parseQueryAndParams(sql, params);
if (Zotero.Debug.enabled) {
this.logQuery(sql, params, options);
let rows;
if (options && options.noCache) {
rows = await conn.execute(sql, params);
else {
rows = await conn.executeCached(sql, params);
return rows.length ? rows[0].getResultByIndex(0) : false;
catch (e) {
if (e.errors && e.errors[0]) {
var eStr = e + "";
eStr = eStr.indexOf("Error: ") == 0 ? eStr.substr(7): e;
throw new Error(eStr + ' [QUERY: ' + sql + '] '
+ (params ? '[PARAMS: ' + params.join(', ') + '] ' : '')
+ '[ERROR: ' + e.errors[0].message + ']');
else {
throw e;
* @param {String} sql SQL statement to run
* @param {Array|String|Integer} [params] SQL parameters to bind
* @return {Promise<Object>} A promise for a proxied storage row
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.rowQueryAsync = async function (sql, params) {
var rows = await this.queryAsync(sql, params);
return rows.length ? rows[0] : false;
* @param {String} sql SQL statement to run
* @param {Array|String|Integer} [params] SQL parameters to bind
* @return {Promise<Array>} A promise for an array of values in the column
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.columnQueryAsync = async function (sql, params, options = {}) {
try {
let conn = this._getConnection(options) || (await this._getConnectionAsync(options));
[sql, params] = this.parseQueryAndParams(sql, params);
if (Zotero.Debug.enabled) {
this.logQuery(sql, params, options);
let rows;
if (options && options.noCache) {
rows = await conn.execute(sql, params);
else {
rows = await conn.executeCached(sql, params);
var column = [];
for (let i=0, len=rows.length; i<len; i++) {
return column;
catch (e) {
if (e.errors && e.errors[0]) {
var eStr = e + "";
eStr = eStr.indexOf("Error: ") == 0 ? eStr.substr(7): e;
throw new Error(eStr + ' [QUERY: ' + sql + '] '
+ (params ? '[PARAMS: ' + params.join(', ') + '] ' : '')
+ '[ERROR: ' + e.errors[0].message + ']');
else {
throw e;
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.logQuery = function (sql, params = [], options) {
if (options && options.debug === false) return;
var msg = sql;
if (params.length && (!options || options.debugParams !== false)) {
msg += " [";
for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
let param = params[i];
let paramType = typeof param;
if (paramType == 'string') {
msg += "'" + param + "', ";
else {
msg += param + ", ";
msg = msg.substr(0, msg.length - 2) + "]";
Zotero.debug(msg, 4);
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.tableExists = async function (table, db) {
await this._getConnectionAsync();
var prefix = db ? db + '.' : '';
var sql = `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ${prefix}sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND tbl_name=?`;
var count = await this.valueQueryAsync(sql, [table]);
return !!count;
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.columnExists = async function (table, column) {
await this._getConnectionAsync();
var sql = `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pragma_table_info(?) WHERE name=?`;
var count = await this.valueQueryAsync(sql, [table, column]);
return !!count;
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.indexExists = async function (index, db) {
await this._getConnectionAsync();
var prefix = db ? db + '.' : '';
var sql = `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ${prefix}sqlite_master WHERE type='index' AND name=?`;
return !!await this.valueQueryAsync(sql, [index]);
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.parseSQLFile = function (sql) {
var nonCommentRE = /^[^-]/;
var trailingCommentRE = /^(.*?)(?:--.+)?$/;
sql = sql.trim()
// Ugly hack to parse triggers with embedded semicolons
.replace(/;---/g, "TEMPSEMI")
.filter(x => nonCommentRE.test(x))
.map(x => x.match(trailingCommentRE)[1])
if (sql.substr(-1) == ";") {
sql = sql.substr(0, sql.length - 1);
var statements = sql.split(";")
.map(x => x.replace(/TEMPSEMI/g, ";"));
return statements;
* Parse SQL string and execute transaction with all statements
* @return {Promise}
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.executeSQLFile = async function (sql) {
var statements = this.parseSQLFile(sql);
var statement;
while (statement = statements.shift()) {
await this.queryAsync(statement, false, { noCache: true });
* Implements nsIObserver
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.observe = function(subject, topic, data) {
switch (topic) {
case 'idle':
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.numCachedStatements = function () {
return this._connection._connectionData._cachedStatements.size;
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.getCachedStatements = function () {
return [...this._connection._connectionData._cachedStatements].map(x => x[0]);
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.vacuum = function () {
return this.executeTransaction(async function () {}, { vacuumOnCommit: true });
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.info = async function () {
var info = {};
var pragmas = ['auto_vacuum', 'cache_size', 'main.locking_mode', 'page_size'];
for (let p of pragmas) {
info[p] = await Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync(`PRAGMA ${p}`);
return info;
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.quickCheck = async function () {
var ok = await this.valueQueryAsync("PRAGMA quick_check(1)");
return ok == 'ok';
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.integrityCheck = async function () {
var ok = await this.valueQueryAsync("PRAGMA integrity_check(1)");
return ok == 'ok';
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.isCorruptionError = function (e) {
return this.DB_CORRUPTION_STRINGS.some(x => e.message.includes(x));
* Close the database
* @param {Boolean} [permanent] If true, throw an error instead of
* allowing code to re-open the database again
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.closeDatabase = async function (permanent) {
if (this._connection) {
// TODO: Replace with automatic detection of likely improperly cached statements
// (multiple similar statements, "tmp_", embedded ids)
if (Zotero.isSourceBuild) {
try {
Zotero.debug("Cached DB statements: " + this.numCachedStatements());
catch (e) {
Zotero.logError(e, 1);
Zotero.debug("Closing database");
this.closed = true;
await this._connection.close();
this._connection = undefined;
this._connection = permanent ? false : null;
Zotero.debug("Database closed");
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.backupDatabase = async function (suffix, force) {
if (this.skipBackup || this._externalDB || Zotero.skipLoading) {
this._debug("Skipping backup of database '" + this._dbName + "'", 1);
return false;
var storageService = Services.storage;
if (!suffix) {
var numBackups = Zotero.Prefs.get("backup.numBackups");
if (numBackups < 1) {
return false;
if (numBackups > 24) {
numBackups = 24;
if (Zotero.locked && !force) {
this._debug("Zotero is locked -- skipping backup of DB '" + this._dbName + "'", 2);
return false;
if (this._backupPromise && this._backupPromise.isPending()) {
this._debug("Database " + this._dbName + " is already being backed up -- skipping", 2);
return false;
// Start a promise that will be resolved when the backup is finished
var resolveBackupPromise;
if (this.inTransaction()) {
await this.waitForTransaction();
this._backupPromise = new Zotero.Promise(function () {
resolveBackupPromise = arguments[0];
try {
let corruptMarker = Zotero.File.pathToFile(this._dbPath + '.is.corrupt');
if (this._dbIsCorrupt || corruptMarker.exists()) {
this._debug("Database '" + this._dbName + "' is marked as corrupt -- skipping backup", 1);
return false;
let file = this._dbPath;
// For standard backup, make sure last backup is old enough to replace
if (!suffix && !force) {
let backupFile = this._dbPath + '.bak';
if (await OS.File.exists(backupFile)) {
let currentDBTime = (await OS.File.stat(file)).lastModificationDate;
let lastBackupTime = (await OS.File.stat(backupFile)).lastModificationDate;
if (currentDBTime == lastBackupTime) {
Zotero.debug("Database '" + this._dbName + "' hasn't changed -- skipping backup");
var now = new Date();
var intervalMinutes = Zotero.Prefs.get('backup.interval');
var interval = intervalMinutes * 60 * 1000;
if ((now - lastBackupTime) < interval) {
Zotero.debug("Last backup of database '" + this._dbName
+ "' was less than " + intervalMinutes + " minutes ago -- skipping backup");
this._debug("Backing up database '" + this._dbName + "'");
// Copy via a temporary file so we don't run into disk space issues
// after deleting the old backup file
var tmpFile = this._dbPath + '.tmp';
if (await OS.File.exists(tmpFile)) {
try {
await OS.File.remove(tmpFile);
catch (e) {
if (e.name == 'NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED') {
alert("Cannot delete " + PathUtils.filename(tmpFile));
throw (e);
// Turn off DB locking before backup and reenable after, since otherwise
// the lock is lost
try {
await this.queryAsync("PRAGMA main.locking_mode=NORMAL", false, { inBackup: true });
catch (e) {
return false;
finally {
await this.queryAsync("PRAGMA main.locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE", false, { inBackup: true });
// Open the backup to check for corruption
try {
var connection = storageService.openDatabase(Zotero.File.pathToFile(tmpFile));
catch (e) {
this._debug("Database file '" + PathUtils.filename(tmpFile) + "' can't be opened -- skipping backup");
if (await OS.File.exists(tmpFile)) {
await OS.File.remove(tmpFile);
return false;
finally {
if (connection) {
let deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
complete: function () {
await deferred.promise;
// Special backup
if (!suffix && numBackups > 1) {
// Remove oldest backup file
let targetFile = this._dbPath + '.' + (numBackups - 1) + '.bak';
if (await OS.File.exists(targetFile)) {
await OS.File.remove(targetFile);
// Shift old versions up
for (var i=(numBackups - 1); i>=1; i--) {
var targetNum = i;
var sourceNum = targetNum - 1;
let targetFile = this._dbPath + '.' + targetNum + '.bak';
let sourceFile = this._dbPath + '.' + (sourceNum ? sourceNum + '.bak' : 'bak')
if (!(await OS.File.exists(sourceFile))) {
Zotero.debug("Moving " + PathUtils.filename(sourceFile)
+ " to " + PathUtils.filename(targetFile));
await OS.File.move(sourceFile, targetFile);
let backupFile = this._dbPath + '.' + (suffix ? suffix + '.' : '') + 'bak';
// Remove old backup file
if (await OS.File.exists(backupFile)) {
await OS.File.move(tmpFile, backupFile);
Zotero.debug("Backed up to " + PathUtils.filename(backupFile));
return true;
finally {
* Escape '_', '%', and '\' in an SQL LIKE expression so that it can be used with ESCAPE '\' to
* prevent the wildcards from having special meaning
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype.escapeSQLExpression = function (expr) {
return expr.replace(/([_%\\])/g, '\\$1');
// Private methods
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype._getConnection = function (options) {
if (this._backupPromise && this._backupPromise.isPending() && (!options || !options.inBackup)) {
return false;
if (this._connection === false) {
throw new Error("Database permanently closed; not re-opening");
return this._connection || false;
* Retrieve a link to the data store asynchronously
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype._getConnectionAsync = async function (options) {
// If a backup is in progress, wait until it's done
if (this._backupPromise && this._backupPromise.isPending() && (!options || !options.inBackup)) {
Zotero.debug("Waiting for database backup to complete", 2);
await this._backupPromise;
if (this._connection) {
return this._connection;
else if (this._connection === false) {
throw new Error("Database permanently closed; not re-opening");
this._debug("Asynchronously opening database '" + this._dbName + "'");
// Get the storage service
var store = Services.storage;
var file = this._dbPath;
var corruptMarker = this._dbPath + '.is.corrupt';
try {
if (await OS.File.exists(corruptMarker)) {
throw new Error(this.DB_CORRUPTION_STRINGS[0]);
this._connection = await Zotero.Promise.resolve(this.Sqlite.openConnection({
path: file
catch (e) {
// Don't deal with corrupted external dbs
if (this._externalDB) {
throw e;
if (this.DB_CORRUPTION_STRINGS.some(x => e.message.includes(x))) {
await this._handleCorruptionMarker();
else {
// Some other error that we don't yet know how to deal with
throw e;
if (!this._externalDB) {
await this.queryAsync("PRAGMA main.locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE");
else {
await this.queryAsync("PRAGMA main.locking_mode=NORMAL");
// Set page cache size to 8MB
let pageSize = await this.valueQueryAsync("PRAGMA page_size");
let cacheSize = 8192000 / pageSize;
await this.queryAsync("PRAGMA cache_size=" + cacheSize);
// Enable foreign key checks
await this.queryAsync("PRAGMA foreign_keys=true");
// Register idle observer for DB backup
Zotero.Schema.schemaUpdatePromise.then(() => {
Zotero.debug("Initializing DB backup idle observer");
var idleService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/useridleservice;1"]
idleService.addIdleObserver(this, 300);
return this._connection;
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype._checkException = async function (e) {
if (this._externalDB || !this.isCorruptionError(e)) {
return true;
const supportURL = 'https://zotero.org/support/kb/corrupted_database';
var filename = PathUtils.filename(this._dbPath);
// Skip backups
this._dbIsCorrupt = true;
var backupDate = null;
var backupTime = null;
try {
let info = await OS.File.stat(this._dbPath + '.bak');
backupDate = info.lastModificationDate.toLocaleDateString();
backupTime = info.lastModificationDate.toLocaleTimeString();
Zotero.debug(`Found ${this._dbPath} with date of ${backupDate}`);
catch (e) {}
var ps = Services.prompt;
var buttonFlags = ps.BUTTON_POS_0 * ps.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING
var index = ps.confirmEx(null,
Zotero.getString('db.dbCorrupted', [Zotero.appName, filename]) + '\n\n'
+ Zotero.getString('db.dbCorrupted.cloudStorage', Zotero.appName) + '\n\n'
+ (backupDate
? Zotero.getString(
[Zotero.appName, backupDate, backupTime]
) + '\n\n'
+ Zotero.getString('db.dbCorrupted.viewMoreInformation', supportURL)
: Zotero.getString('db.dbCorrupted.repairOrRestore', Zotero.appName)),
backupDate ? Zotero.getString('db.dbCorrupted.automaticBackup') : Zotero.getString('general.moreInformation'),
null, {});
if (index == 0) {
// Write corrupt marker to data directory
let file = Zotero.File.pathToFile(this._dbPath + '.is.corrupt');
Zotero.File.putContents(file, '');
Zotero.skipLoading = true;
else if (index == 1) {
else {
Zotero.skipLoading = true;
return false;
* @return {Boolean} - True if recovered, false if not
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype._handleCorruptionMarker = async function () {
var file = this._dbPath;
var fileName = PathUtils.filename(file);
var backupFile = this._dbPath + '.bak';
var corruptMarker = this._dbPath + '.is.corrupt';
this._debug(`Database file '${fileName}' corrupted`, 1);
// No backup file! Eek!
if (!await OS.File.exists(backupFile)) {
this._debug("No backup file for DB '" + this._dbName + "' exists", 1);
let damagedFile;
// If database file exists, move it to .damaged
if (await OS.File.exists(file)) {
this._debug('Saving damaged DB file with .damaged extension', 1);
damagedFile = this._dbPath + '.damaged';
damagedFile = await Zotero.File.moveToUnique(file, damagedFile);
// If it doesn't exist, assume we already showed a warning and moved it
else {
this._debug(`Database file '${fileName}' doesn't exist!`);
// Create new main database
this._connection = await Zotero.Promise.resolve(this.Sqlite.openConnection({
path: file
if (await OS.File.exists(corruptMarker)) {
await OS.File.remove(corruptMarker);
if (damagedFile) {
Zotero.getString('startupError', Zotero.appName),
[Zotero.appName, fileName, PathUtils.filename(damagedFile)]
// Save damaged file
this._debug('Saving damaged DB file with .damaged extension', 1);
var damagedFile = this._dbPath + '.damaged';
damagedFile = await Zotero.File.moveToUnique(file, damagedFile);
// Test the backup file
try {
Zotero.debug("Asynchronously opening DB connection");
this._connection = await Zotero.Promise.resolve(this.Sqlite.openConnection({
path: backupFile
await this.closeDatabase();
// Can't open backup either
catch (e) {
// Create new main database
this._connection = await Zotero.Promise.resolve(this.Sqlite.openConnection({
path: file
[Zotero.appName, fileName, PathUtils.filename(damagedFile)]
if (await OS.File.exists(corruptMarker)) {
await OS.File.remove(corruptMarker);
this._connection = undefined;
// Copy backup file to main DB file
this._debug("Restoring database '" + this._dbName + "' from backup file", 1);
try {
await OS.File.copy(backupFile, file);
catch (e) {
// TODO: deal with low disk space
throw e;
// Open restored database
this._connection = await Zotero.Promise.resolve(this.Sqlite.openConnection({
path: file
this._debug('Database restored', 1);
let backupDate = '';
let backupTime = '';
try {
let info = await OS.File.stat(backupFile);
backupDate = info.lastModificationDate.toLocaleDateString();
backupTime = info.lastModificationDate.toLocaleTimeString();
catch (e) {
[Zotero.appName, fileName, backupDate, backupTime, PathUtils.filename(damagedFile)]
) + '\n\n'
+ Zotero.getString('db.dbRestored.cloudStorage')
if (await OS.File.exists(corruptMarker)) {
await OS.File.remove(corruptMarker);
Zotero.DBConnection.prototype._debug = function (str, level) {
var prefix = this._dbName == 'zotero' ? '' : '[' + this._dbName + '] ';
Zotero.debug(prefix + str, level);