* Fixed documentation link in ASA style (old link gave a 404) * Included a space between the colon following the issue number and the page numbers in the PLOS style, as required by the style guide * Updated documentation link in PNAS style
131 lines
4.1 KiB
131 lines
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<title>PNAS Journal (dev)</title>
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<name>Julian Onions</name>
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<category term="science"/>
<summary>The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Journal style.</summary>
<link href="http://www.pnas.org/site/misc/iforc.shtml#order" rel="documentation"/>
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<layout suffix=".">
<text variable="citation-number" suffix=". "/>
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<date-part name="year"/>
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<group prefix=" ">
<text variable="title" font-style="italic"/>
<text macro="editor"/>
<text macro="publisher"/>
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<text macro="edition"/>
<text variable="title" prefix=" " suffix="."/>
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<group delimiter=" ">
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