5110 lines
161 KiB
5110 lines
161 KiB
-- 48
-- Set the following timestamp to the most recent scraper update date
REPLACE INTO "version" VALUES ('repository', STRFTIME('%s', '2006-08-11 11:18:00'));
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('96b9f483-c44d-5784-cdad-ce21b984fe01', '2006-08-11 11:18:00', 4, 'Amazon.com', 'Simon Kornblith', '^http://www\.amazon\.com/(?:gp/(?:product|search)/|exec/obidos/search-handle-url/|s/)',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
var searchRe = new RegExp(''^http://www\.amazon\.com/(gp/search/|exec/obidos/search-handle-url/|s/)'');
if(searchRe.test(doc.location.href)) {
return "multiple";
} else {
return "book";
'function scrape(doc) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var newItem = new Scholar.Item("book");
newItem.source = doc.location.href;
// Retrieve authors
try {
var xpath = ''/html/body/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/form/div[@class="buying"]/a/text()[1]'';
var elmts = doc.evaluate(xpath, doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
var elmt;
while(elmt = elmts.iterateNext()) {
newItem.creators.push(Scholar.Utilities.cleanAuthor(elmt.nodeValue, "author"));
} catch(ex) {Scholar.Utilities.debug(ex);}
// Retrieve data from "Product Details" box
var xpath = ''/html/body/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/table/tbody/tr/td[@class="bucket"]/div[@class="content"]/ul/li'';
var elmts = doc.evaluate(xpath, doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
var elmt;
while(elmt = elmts.iterateNext()) {
try {
var attribute = Scholar.Utilities.cleanString(doc.evaluate(''./B[1]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext().nodeValue);
if(doc.evaluate(''./text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext()) {
var value = Scholar.Utilities.cleanString(doc.evaluate(''./text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext().nodeValue);
if(attribute == "Publisher:") {
if(value.lastIndexOf("(") != -1) {
var date = value.substring(value.lastIndexOf("(")+1, value.length-1);
jsDate = new Date(date);
if(!isNaN(jsDate.valueOf())) {
date = Scholar.Utilities.dateToSQL(jsDate);
newItem.date = date;
value = value.substring(0, value.lastIndexOf("(")-1);
if(value.lastIndexOf(";") != -1) {
newItem.edition = value.substring(value.lastIndexOf(";")+2, value.length);
value = value.substring(0, value.lastIndexOf(";"));
newItem.publisher = value;
/*} else if(attribute == "Language:") {
.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''language'', value);*/
} else if(attribute == "ISBN:") {
newItem.ISBN = value;
/*} else if(value.substring(value.indexOf(" ")+1, value.length) == "pages") {
.addStatement(uri, prefixDummy + ''pages'', value.substring(0, value.indexOf(" ")));
.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''medium'', attribute.substring(0, attribute.indexOf(":")));*/
} catch(ex) {}
var xpath = ''/html/body/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/form/div[@class="buying"]/b[@class="sans"]/text()[1]'';
var title = doc.evaluate(xpath, doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext().nodeValue;
title = Scholar.Utilities.cleanString(title);
if(title.lastIndexOf("(") != -1 && title.lastIndexOf(")") == title.length-1) {
title = title.substring(0, title.lastIndexOf("(")-1);
newItem.title = title;
function doWeb(doc, url) {
var searchRe = new RegExp(''^http://www\.amazon\.com/(gp/search/|exec/obidos/search-handle-url/|s/)'');
var m = searchRe.exec(doc.location.href)
if(m) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
// Why can''t amazon use the same stylesheets
var xpath;
if(m == "exec/obidos/search-handle-url/") {
xpath = ''//table[@cellpadding="3"]'';
} else {
xpath = ''//table[@class="searchresults"]'';
var searchresults = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, xpath, nsResolver);
var items = Scholar.Utilities.getItemArray(doc, searchresults, ''^http://www\.amazon\.com/(gp/product/|exec/obidos/tg/detail/)'', ''^(Buy new|Hardcover|Paperback|Digital)$'');
items = Scholar.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
var uris = new Array();
for(var i in items) {
Scholar.Utilities.processDocuments(uris, function(doc) { scrape(doc) },
function() { Scholar.done(); }, function() {});
} else {
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('838d8849-4ffb-9f44-3d0d-aa8a0a079afe', '2006-06-26 16:01:00', 4, 'WorldCat', 'Simon Kornblith', '^http://(?:new)?firstsearch\.oclc\.org/WebZ/',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
if(doc.title == ''FirstSearch: WorldCat Detailed Record'') {
return "book";
} else if(doc.title == ''FirstSearch: WorldCat List of Records'') {
return "multiple";
'function doWeb(doc, url) {
var sessionRegexp = /(?:\?|\:)sessionid=([^?:]+)(?:\?|\:|$)/;
var numberRegexp = /(?:\?|\:)recno=([^?:]+)(?:\?|\:|$)/;
var resultsetRegexp = /(?:\?|\:)resultset=([^?:]+)(?:\?|\:|$)/;
var hostRegexp = new RegExp("http://([^/]+)/");
var sMatch = sessionRegexp.exec(url);
var sessionid = sMatch[1];
var hMatch = hostRegexp.exec(url);
var host = hMatch[1];
var newUri, exportselect;
if(doc.title == ''FirstSearch: WorldCat Detailed Record'') {
var publisherRegexp = /^(.*), (.*?),?$/;
var nMatch = numberRegexp.exec(url);
if(nMatch) {
var number = nMatch[1];
} else {
number = 1;
var rMatch = resultsetRegexp.exec(url);
if(rMatch) {
var resultset = rMatch[1];
} else {
// It''s in an XPCNativeWrapper, so we have to do this black magic
resultset = doc.forms.namedItem(''main'').elements.namedItem(''resultset'').value;
exportselect = ''record'';
newUri = ''http://''+host+''/WebZ/DirectExport?numrecs=10:smartpage=directexport:entityexportnumrecs=10:entityexportresultset='' + resultset + '':entityexportrecno='' + number + '':sessionid='' + sessionid + '':entitypagenum=35:0'';
var uris = new Array(newUri);
} else {
var items = Scholar.Utilities.getItemArray(doc, doc, ''/WebZ/FSFETCH\\?fetchtype=fullrecord'', ''^(See more details for locating this item|Detailed Record)$'');
items = Scholar.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
// Set BookMark cookie
for(var i in items) { // Hack to get first item
var myCookie = sessionid+":";
var rMatch = resultsetRegexp.exec(i);
var resultset = rMatch[1];
var uris = new Array();
for(var i in items) {
var nMatch = numberRegexp.exec(i);
myCookie += resultset+"_"+nMatch[1]+",";
myCookie = myCookie.substr(0, myCookie.length-1);
doc.cookie = "BookMark="+myCookie;
exportselect = ''marked'';
newUri = ''http://''+host+''/WebZ/DirectExport?numrecs=10:smartpage=directexport:entityexportnumrecs=10:entityexportresultset='' + resultset + '':entityexportrecno=1:sessionid='' + sessionid + '':entitypagenum=29:0'';
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doPost(newUri, ''exportselect=''+exportselect+''&exporttype=plaintext'', function(text) {
var lineRegexp = new RegExp();
lineRegexp.compile("^([\\w() ]+): *(.*)$");
var k = 0;
var newItem = new Scholar.Item("book");
newItem.source = uris[k];
var lines = text.split(''\n'');
for(var i=0;i<lines.length;i++) {
match = lineRegexp.exec(lines[i]);
if(lines[i] == "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") {
// new record
if(uris[k]) {
newItem = new Scholar.Item("book");
newItem.source = uris[k];
} else {
} else if(match) {
// is a useful match
if(match[1] == ''Title'') {
var title = match[2];
if(!lineRegexp.test(lines[i+1])) {
title += '' ''+lines[i];
if(title.substring(title.length-2) == " /") {
title = title.substring(0, title.length-2);
newItem.title = title;
} else if(match[1] == ''Author(s)'') {
var authors = match[2].split('';'');
if(authors) {
newItem.creators.push(Scholar.Utilities.cleanAuthor(authors[0], "author" true));
for(var j=1; j<authors.length; j+=2) {
if(authors[j-1].substring(0, 1) == ''('') {
// ignore places where there are parentheses
newItem.creators.push(Scholar.Utilities.cleanAuthor(authors[j], "author", true));
} else {
} else if(match[1] == ''Publication'') {
// Don''t even try to deal with this. The WorldCat metadata is of poor enough quality that this isn''t worth it.
match[2] = Scholar.Utilities.cleanString(match[2]);
if(match[2].substring(match[2].length-1) == '','') {
match[2] = match[2].substring(0, match[2].length-1);
newItem.publisher = match[2];
/*} else if(match[1] == ''Language'') {
.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''language'', Scholar.Utilities.cleanString(match[2]));*/
} else if(match[1] == ''Standard No'') {
var identifiers = match[2].split(/ +/);
var j=0;
while(j<(identifiers.length-1)) {
var type = identifiers[j].substring(0, identifiers[j].length-1);
var lastChar;
var value;
while(j<identifiers.length && (lastChar = identifiers[j].substring(identifiers[j].length-1)) != '':'') {
if(identifiers[j].substring(0, 1) != ''('') {
if(lastChar == '';'') {
value = identifiers[j].substring(0, identifiers[j].length-1);
} else {
value = identifiers[j];
if(type == "ISBN" || type == "ISSN") {
newItem[type] = value;
} else if(match[1] == ''Year'') {
newItem.date = match[2];
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('88915634-1af6-c134-0171-56fd198235ed', '2006-06-26 21:40:00', 4, 'LOC/Voyager WebVoyage', 'Simon Kornblith', 'Pwebrecon\.cgi',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
var export_options = doc.forms.namedItem(''frm'').elements.namedItem(''RD'').options;
for(var i in export_options) {
if(export_options[i].text == ''Latin1 MARC''
|| export_options[i].text == ''Raw MARC''
|| export_options[i].text == ''UTF-8''
|| export_options[i].text == ''MARC (Unicode/UTF-8)''
|| export_options[i].text == ''MARC (non-Unicode/MARC-8)'') {
// We have an exportable single record
if(doc.forms.namedItem(''frm'').elements.namedItem(''RC'')) {
return "multiple";
} else {
return "book";
'function doWeb(doc, url) {
var postString = '''';
var form = doc.forms.namedItem(''frm'');
var newUri = form.action;
var multiple = false;
if(doc.forms.namedItem(''frm'').elements.namedItem(''RC'')) {
multiple = true;
var availableItems = new Object(); // Technically, associative arrays are objects
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
// Require link to match this
var tagRegexp = new RegExp();
// Do not allow text to match this
var rejectRegexp = new RegExp();
rejectRegexp.compile(''\[ [0-9]+ \]'');
var checkboxes = new Array();
var urls = new Array();
var tableRows = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, ''/html/body/form/table/tbody/tr[td/input[@type="checkbox"]]'', nsResolver);
// Go through table rows
for(var i=0; i<tableRows.length; i++) {
// CHK is what we need to get it all as one file
var input = doc.evaluate(''./td/input[@name="CHK"]'', tableRows[i], nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
checkboxes[i] = input.value;
var links = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, tableRows[i], ''.//a'', nsResolver);
urls[i] = links[0].href;
// Go through links
for(var j=0; j<links.length; j++) {
if(tagRegexp.test(links[j].href)) {
var text = Scholar.Utilities.getNodeString(doc, links[j], ''.//text()'', null);
if(text) {
text = Scholar.Utilities.cleanString(text);
if(!rejectRegexp.test(text)) {
if(availableItems[i]) {
availableItems[i] += " "+text;
} else {
availableItems[i] = text;
var items = Scholar.selectItems(availableItems);
if(!items) {
return true;
// add arguments for items we need to grab
for(var i in items) {
postString += "CHK="+checkboxes[i]+"&";
var raw, unicode, latin1;
for(var i=0; i<form.elements.length; i++) {
if(form.elements[i].type && form.elements[i].type.toLowerCase() == ''hidden'') {
postString += escape(form.elements[i].name)+''=''+escape(form.elements[i].value)+''&'';
var export_options = form.elements.namedItem(''RD'').options;
for(var i=0; i<export_options.length; i++) {
if(export_options[i].text == ''Raw MARC''
|| export_options[i].text == ''MARC (non-Unicode/MARC-8)'') {
raw = i;
} if(export_options[i].text == ''Latin1 MARC'') {
latin1 = i;
} else if(export_options[i].text == ''UTF-8''
|| export_options[i].text == ''MARC (Unicode/UTF-8)'') {
unicode = i;
if(unicode) {
var rd = unicode;
} else if(latin1) {
var rd = latin1;
} else if(raw) {
var rd = raw;
} else {
return false;
postString += ''RD=''+rd+''&MAILADDY=&SAVE=Press+to+SAVE+or+PRINT'';
// No idea why this doesn''t work as post
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doGet(newUri+''?''+postString, function(text) {
// load translator for MARC
var marc = Scholar.loadTranslator("import", "a6ee60df-1ddc-4aae-bb25-45e0537be973");
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('d921155f-0186-1684-615c-ca57682ced9b', '2006-06-26 16:01:00', 4, 'JSTOR', 'Simon Kornblith', '^http://www\.jstor\.org/(?:view|browse|search/)',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
// See if this is a seach results page
if(doc.title == "JSTOR: Search Results") {
return "multiple";
// If this is a view page, find the link to the citation
var xpath = ''/html/body/div[@class="indent"]/center/font/p/a[@class="nav"]'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, xpath, nsResolver);
if(!elmts.length) {
var xpath = ''/html/body/div[@class="indent"]/center/p/font/a[@class="nav"]'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, xpath, nsResolver);
if(elmts && elmts.length) {
return "journalArticle";
'function getList(urls, each, done, error) {
var url = urls.shift();
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doGet(url, function(text) {
if(each) {
if(urls.length) {
getList(urls, each, done, error);
} else if(done) {
}, error);
function itemComplete(newItem, url) {
if(!newItem.source) {
if(newItem.ISSN) {
newItem.source = "http://www.jstor.org/browse/"+newItem.ISSN;
} else {
newItem.source = url;
function doWeb(doc, url) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var saveCitations = new Array();
if(doc.title == "JSTOR: Search Results") {
var availableItems = new Object();
// Require link to match this
var tagRegexp = new RegExp();
var tableRows = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, ''/html/body/div[@class="indent"]/table/tbody/tr[td/span[@class="printDownloadSaveLinks"]]'', nsResolver);
// Go through table rows
for(var i=0; i<tableRows.length; i++) {
var links = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, tableRows[i], ''.//a'', nsResolver);
// Go through links
for(var j=0; j<links.length; j++) {
if(tagRegexp.test(links[j].href)) {
var text = doc.evaluate(''.//strong/text()'', tableRows[i], null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if(text && text.nodeValue) {
text = Scholar.Utilities.cleanString(text.nodeValue);
if(availableItems[links[j].href]) {
availableItems[links[j].href] += " "+text;
} else {
availableItems[links[j].href] = text;
var items = Scholar.selectItems(availableItems);
if(!items) {
return true;
for(var i in items) {
saveCitations.push(i.replace(''citationAction=remove'', ''citationAction=save''));
} else {
// If this is a view page, find the link to the citation
var xpath = ''/html/body/div[@class="indent"]/center/font/p/a[@class="nav"]'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, xpath, nsResolver);
if(!elmts.length) {
var xpath = ''/html/body/div[@class="indent"]/center/p/font/a[@class="nav"]'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, xpath, nsResolver);
var saveCitation = elmts[0].href;
var viewSavedCitations = elmts[1].href;
saveCitations.push(saveCitation.replace(''citationAction=remove'', ''citationAction=save''));
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doGet(''http://www.jstor.org/browse?citationAction=removeAll&confirmRemAll=on&viewCitations=1'', function() { // clear marked
// Mark all our citations
getList(saveCitations, null, function() { // mark this
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doGet(''http://www.jstor.org/browse/citations.txt?exportAction=Save+as+Text+File&exportFormat=cm&viewCitations=1'', function(text) {
// get marked
var k = 0;
var lines = text.split("\n");
var haveStarted = false;
var newItemRe = /^<[0-9]+>/;
var newItem = new Scholar.Item("journalArticle");
for(var i in lines) {
if(lines[i].substring(0,3) == "<1>") {
haveStarted = true;
} else if(newItemRe.test(lines[i])) {
itemComplete(newItem, url);
newItem = new Scholar.Item("journalArticle");
} else if(lines[i].substring(2, 5) == " : " && haveStarted) {
var fieldCode = lines[i].substring(0, 2);
var fieldContent = Scholar.Utilities.cleanString(lines[i].substring(5))
if(fieldCode == "TI") {
newItem.title = fieldContent;
} else if(fieldCode == "AU") {
var authors = fieldContent.split(";");
for(j in authors) {
if(authors[j]) {
newItem.creators.push(Scholar.Utilities.cleanAuthor(authors[j], "author", true));
} else if(fieldCode == "SO") {
newItem.publicationTitle = fieldContent;
} else if(fieldCode == "VO") {
newItem.volume = fieldContent;
} else if(fieldCode == "NO") {
newItem.issue = fieldContent;
} else if(fieldCode == "SE") {
newItem.seriesTitle = fieldContent;
} else if(fieldCode == "DA") {
var date = new Date(fieldContent.replace(".", ""));
if(isNaN(date.valueOf())) {
newItem.date = fieldContent;
} else {
newItem.date = Scholar.Utilities.dateToSQL(date);
} else if(fieldCode == "PP") {
newItem.pages = fieldContent;
} else if(fieldCode == "EI") {
newItem.source = fieldContent;
} else if(fieldCode == "IN") {
newItem.ISSN = fieldContent;
} else if(fieldCode == "PB") {
newItem.publisher = fieldContent;
// last item is complete
if(haveStarted) {
itemComplete(newItem, url);
}, function() {});
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('e85a3134-8c1a-8644-6926-584c8565f23e', '2006-06-26 16:01:00', 4, 'History Cooperative', 'Simon Kornblith', '^http://www\.historycooperative\.org/(?:journals/.+/.+/.+\.html$|cgi-bin/search.cgi)',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
if(doc.title == "History Cooperative: Search Results") {
return "multiple";
} else {
return "journalArticle";
'function associateMeta(newItem, metaTags, field, scholarField) {
var field = metaTags.namedItem(field);
if(field) {
newItem[scholarField] = field.getAttribute("content");
function scrape(doc) {
var newItem = new Scholar.Item("journalArticle");
newItem.source = doc.location.href;
var month, year;
var metaTags = doc.getElementsByTagName("meta");
associateMeta(newItem, metaTags, "Title", "title");
associateMeta(newItem, metaTags, "Journal", "publication");
associateMeta(newItem, metaTags, "Volume", "volume");
associateMeta(newItem, metaTags, "Issue", "number");
var author = metaTags.namedItem("Author");
if(author) {
var authors = author.getAttribute("content").split(" and ");
for(j in authors) {
newItem.creators.push(Scholar.Utilities.cleanAuthor(authors[j], "author"));
// don''t actually need date info for a journal article
/*var month = metaTags.namedItem("PublicationMonth");
var year = metaTags.namedItem("PublicationYear");
if(month && year) {
odel.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + "date", month.getAttribute("content")+" "+year.getAttribute("content"), false);
function doWeb(doc, url) {
if(doc.title == "History Cooperative: Search Results") {
var items = Scholar.Utilities.getItemArray(doc, doc, ''^http://[^/]+/journals/.+/.+/.+\.html$'');
items = Scholar.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
var uris = new Array();
for(var i in items) {
Scholar.Utilities.processDocuments(uris, function(doc) { scrape(doc) },
function() { Scholar.done(); }, function() {});
} else {
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('4fd6b89b-2316-2dc4-fd87-61a97dd941e8', '2006-08-06 21:45:00', 4, 'InnoPAC', 'Simon Kornblith', '^http://[^/]+/(?:search/|record=)',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
// First, check to see if the URL alone reveals InnoPAC, since some sites don''t reveal the MARC button
var matchRegexp = new RegExp(''^(http://[^/]+/search/[^/]+/[^/]+/1\%2C[^/]+/)frameset(.+)$'');
if(matchRegexp.test(doc.location.href)) {
return "book";
// Next, look for the MARC button
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var xpath = ''//a[img[@alt="MARC Display"]]'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, xpath, nsResolver);
if(elmts.length) {
return "book";
// Also, check for links to an item display page
var tags = doc.getElementsByTagName("a");
for(var i=0; i<tags.length; i++) {
if(matchRegexp.test(tags[i].href)) {
return "multiple";
return false;
'function doWeb(doc, url) {
var uri = doc.location.href;
var newUri;
var matchRegexp = new RegExp(''^(http://[^/]+/search/[^/]+/[^/]+/1\%2C[^/]+/)frameset(.+)$'');
var m = matchRegexp.exec(uri);
if(m) {
newUri = m[1]+''marc''+m[2];
} else {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var xpath = ''//a[img[@alt="MARC Display"]]'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, xpath, nsResolver);
if(elmts.length) {
newUri = elmts[0].href;
// load translator for MARC
var marc = Scholar.loadTranslator("import", "a6ee60df-1ddc-4aae-bb25-45e0537be973");
if(newUri) { // single page
Scholar.Utilities.loadDocument(newUri, function(newDoc) {
var namespace = newDoc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var xpath = ''//pre'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(newDoc, newDoc, xpath, nsResolver);
var text = doc.evaluate(''./text()[1]'', elmts[0], nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext().nodeValue;
var newItem = new Scholar.Item();
newItem.source = uri;
var record = new marc.MARC_Record();
var linee = text.split("\n");
for (var i=0; i<linee.length; i++) {
linee[i] = linee[i].replace(/\xA0|_|\t/g,'' '');
if (linee[i] == '''') continue; // jumps empty lines
var replacer = record.subfield_delimiter+''$1'';
linee[i] = linee[i].replace(/\|(.)/g,replacer);
linee[i] = linee[i].replace(/\|/g,this.subfield_delimiter);
var tag = linee[i].substr(0,3);
var ind1 = linee[i].substr(4,1);
var ind2 = linee[i].substr(5,1);
var value = record.subfield_delimiter+''a''+linee[i].substr(7);
if(linee[i].substr(0, 6) == "LEADER") {
value = linee[i].substr(7);
record.leader.record_length = ''00000'';
record.leader.record_status = value.substr(5,1);
record.leader.type_of_record = value.substr(6,1);
record.leader.bibliographic_level = value.substr(7,1);
record.leader.type_of_control = value.substr(8,1);
record.leader.character_coding_scheme = value.substr(9,1);
record.leader.indicator_count = ''2'';
record.leader.subfield_code_length = ''2'';
record.leader.base_address_of_data = ''00000'';
record.leader.encoding_level = value.substr(17,1);
record.leader.descriptive_cataloging_form = value.substr(18,1);
record.leader.linked_record_requirement = value.substr(19,1);
record.leader.entry_map = ''4500'';
record.directory = '''';
record.directory_terminator = record.field_terminator;
record.variable_fields = new Array();
else if (tag > ''008'' && tag < ''899'') { // jumps low and high tags
if (tag != ''040'') record.add_field(tag,ind1,ind2,value);
}, function() {});
} else { // Search results page
// Require link to match this
var tagRegexp = new RegExp();
var checkboxes = new Array();
var urls = new Array();
var availableItems = new Array();
var tableRows = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, ''//table[@class="browseScreen"]//tr[td/input[@type="checkbox"]]'', nsResolver);
// Go through table rows
for(var i=0; i<tableRows.length; i++) {
// CHK is what we need to get it all as one file
var input = doc.evaluate(''./td/input[@type="checkbox"]'', tableRows[i], nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
checkboxes[i] = input.name+"="+escape(input.value);
var links = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, tableRows[i], ''.//a'', nsResolver);
urls[i] = links[0].href;
// Go through links
for(var j=0; j<links.length; j++) {
if(tagRegexp.test(links[j].href)) {
var text = Scholar.Utilities.getNodeString(doc, links[j], ''.//text()'', null);
if(text) {
text = Scholar.Utilities.cleanString(text);
if(availableItems[i]) {
availableItems[i] += " "+text;
} else {
availableItems[i] = text;
var items = Scholar.selectItems(availableItems);
if(!items) {
return true;
var urlRe = new RegExp("^(http://[^/]+(/search/[^/]+/))");
var m = urlRe.exec(urls[0]);
var clearUrl = m[0]+"?clear_saves=1";
var postUrl = m[0];
var exportUrl = m[1]+"++export/1,-1,-1,B/export";
var postString = "";
for(var i in items) {
postString += checkboxes[i]+"&";
postString += "save_func=save_marked";
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doGet(clearUrl, function() {
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doPost(postUrl, postString, function() {
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doPost(exportUrl, "ex_format=50&ex_device=45&SUBMIT=Submit", function(text) {
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('add7c71c-21f3-ee14-d188-caf9da12728b', '2006-06-26 16:01:00', 4, 'SIRSI 2003+', 'Simon Kornblith', '/uhtbin/cgisirsi',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var xpath = ''//tr[th[@class="viewmarctags"]][td[@class="viewmarctags"]]'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, xpath, nsResolver);
if(elmts.length) {
return "book";
var xpath = ''//td[@class="searchsum"]/table'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, xpath, nsResolver);
if(elmts.length) {
return "multiple";
'function scrape(doc) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var xpath = ''//tr[th[@class="viewmarctags"]][td[@class="viewmarctags"]]'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, xpath, nsResolver);
if(!elmts.length) {
return false;
var newItem = new Scholar.Item("book");
newItem.source = doc.location.href;
for (var i = 0; i < elmts.length; i++) {
var elmt = elmts[i];
try {
var node = doc.evaluate(''./TD[1]/A[1]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if(!node) {
var node = doc.evaluate(''./TD[1]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if(node) {
var field = Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(doc.evaluate(''./TH[1]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext().nodeValue);
field = field.toLowerCase();
var value = Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(node.nodeValue);
if(field == "publisher") {
newItem.publisher = value;
} else if(field == "pub date") {
var re = /[0-9]+/;
var m = re.exec(value);
newItem.date = m[0];
} else if(field == "isbn") {
var re = /^[0-9](?:[0-9X]+)/;
var m = re.exec(value);
newItem.ISBN = m[0];
} else if(field == "title") {
var titleParts = value.split(" / ");
newItem.title = titleParts[0];
} else if(field == "publication info") {
var pubParts = value.split(" : ");
newItem.place = pubParts[0];
} else if(field == "personal author") {
newItem.creators.push(Scholar.Utilities.cleanAuthor(value, "author", true));
} else if(field == "added author") {
newItem.creators.push(Scholar.Utilities.cleanAuthor(value, "contributor", true));
} else if(field == "corporate author") {
} catch (e) {}
var callNumber = doc.evaluate(''//tr/td[1][@class="holdingslist"]/text()'', doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if(callNumber && callNumber.nodeValue) {
newItem.callNumber = callNumber.nodeValue;
return true;
function doWeb(doc, url) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
if(!scrape(doc)) {
var checkboxes = new Array();
var urls = new Array();
var availableItems = new Array();
var tableRows = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, ''//td[@class="searchsum"]/table[//input[@value="Details"]]'', nsResolver);
// Go through table rows
for(var i=1; i<tableRows.length; i++) {
var input = doc.evaluate(''.//input[@value="Details"]'', tableRows[i], nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
checkboxes[i] = input.name;
var text = Scholar.Utilities.getNodeString(doc, tableRows[i], ''.//label/strong//text()'', nsResolver);
if(text) {
availableItems[i] = text;
var items = Scholar.selectItems(availableItems);
if(!items) {
return true;
var hostRe = new RegExp("^http://[^/]+");
var m = hostRe.exec(doc.location.href);
var hitlist = doc.forms.namedItem("hitlist");
var baseUrl = m[0]+hitlist.getAttribute("action")+"?first_hit="+hitlist.elements.namedItem("first_hit").value+"&last_hit="+hitlist.elements.namedItem("last_hit").value;
var uris = new Array();
for(var i in items) {
Scholar.Utilities.processDocuments(uris, function(doc) { scrape(doc) },
function() { Scholar.done() }, function() {});
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('a77690cf-c5d1-8fc4-110f-d1fc765dcf88', '2006-06-26 16:01:00', 4, 'ProQuest', 'Simon Kornblith', '^http://proquest\.umi\.com/pqdweb\?((?:.*\&)?did=.*&Fmt=[0-9]|(?:.*\&)Fmt=[0-9].*&did=|(?:.*\&)searchInterface=)',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
if(doc.title == "Results") {
return "magazineArticle";
} else {
return "book";
'function scrape(doc) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var newItem = new Scholar.Item();
newItem.source = doc.location.href;
// Title
var xpath = ''/html/body/span[@class="textMedium"]/table/tbody/tr/td[@class="headerBlack"]/strong//text()'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, xpath, nsResolver);
var title = "";
for (var i = 0; i < elmts.length; i++) {
var elmt = elmts[i];
title += elmt.nodeValue;
if(title) {
newItem.title = title;
// Authors
var xpath = ''/html/body/span[@class="textMedium"]/table/tbody/tr/td[@class="textMedium"]/a/em'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, xpath, nsResolver);
for (var i = 0; i < elmts.length; i++) {
var elmt = elmts[i];
// there are sometimes additional tags representing higlighting
var author = getNodeString(doc, links[j], ''.//text()'', null);
if(author) {
newItem.creators.push(Scholar.Utilities.cleanAuthor(author, "author", true));
// Other info
var xpath = ''/html/body/span[@class="textMedium"]/font/table/tbody/tr'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, xpath, nsResolver);
for (var i = 0; i < elmts.length; i++) {
var elmt = elmts[i];
var field = Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(doc.evaluate(''./TD[1]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext().nodeValue).toLowerCase();
if(field == "publication title") {
var publication = doc.evaluate(''./TD[2]/A[1]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if(publication.nodeValue) {
newItem.publicationTitle = Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(publication.nodeValue);
var place = doc.evaluate(''./TD[2]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if(place.nodeValue) {
newItem.place = Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(place.nodeValue);
var date = doc.evaluate(''./TD[2]/A[2]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if(date.nodeValue) {
date = date.nodeValue;
var jsDate = new Date(Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(date));
if(!isNaN(jsDate.valueOf())) {
date = Scholar.Utilities.dateToSQL(jsDate);
newItem.date = date;
var moreInfo = doc.evaluate(''./TD[2]/text()[2]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if(moreInfo.nodeValue) {
moreInfo = Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(moreInfo.nodeValue);
var parts = moreInfo.split(";\xA0");
var issueRegexp = /^(\w+)\.(?: |\xA0)?(.+)$/
var issueInfo = parts[0].split(",\xA0");
for(j in issueInfo) {
var m = issueRegexp.exec(issueInfo[j]);
if(m) {
var info = m[1].toLowerCase();
if(info == "vol") {
newItem.volume = Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(m[2]);
} else if(info == "iss" || info == "no") {
newItem.issue = Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(m[2]);
if(parts[1] && Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(parts[1]).substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "pg.") {
var re = /[0-9\-]+/;
var m = re.exec(parts[1]);
if(m) {
newItem.pages = m[0];
} else if(field == "source type") {
var value = doc.evaluate(''./TD[2]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if(value.nodeValue) {
value = Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(value.nodeValue).toLowerCase();
if(value.indexOf("periodical") >= 0) {
newItem.itemType = "magazineArticle";
} else if(value.indexOf("newspaper") >= 0) {
newItem.itemType = "newspaperArticle";
} else { // TODO: support thesis
newItem.itemType = "book";
} else if(field == "isbn" || field == "issn" || field == "issn/isbn") {
var value = doc.evaluate(''./TD[2]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if(value) {
var type;
value = Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(value.nodeValue);
if(value.length == 10 || value.length == 13) {
newItem.ISBN = value;
} else if(value.length == 8) {
newItem.ISSN = value;
function doWeb(doc, url) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
if(doc.title == "Results") {
var items = new Object();
// Require link to match this
var tagRegexp = new RegExp();
var tableRows = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, ''/html/body/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr[@class="rowUnMarked"]/td[3][@class="textMedium"]'', nsResolver);
// Go through table rows
for(var i=0; i<tableRows.length; i++) {
var links = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, tableRows[i], ''.//a'', nsResolver);
// Go through links
for(var j=0; j<links.length; j++) {
if(tagRegexp.test(links[j].href)) {
var text = doc.evaluate(''./a[@class="bold"]/text()'', tableRows[i], null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if(text && text.nodeValue) {
text = Scholar.Utilities.cleanString(text.nodeValue);
items[links[j].href] = text;
items = Scholar.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
var uris = new Array();
for(var i in items) {
Scholar.Utilities.processDocuments(uris, function(doc) { scrape(doc) },
function() { Scholar.done(); }, function() {});
} else {
var fmtCheck = /(?:\&|\?)Fmt=([0-9]+)/
var m = fmtCheck.exec(doc.location.href);
if(m && (m[1] == "1" || m[1] == "2")) {
} else if(m) {
Scholar.Utilities.loadDocument(doc.location.href.replace("Fmt="+m[1], "Fmt=1"), function(doc) { scrape(doc); Scholar.done(); }, function() {});
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('6773a9af-5375-3224-d148-d32793884dec', '2006-06-26 16:01:00', 4, 'InfoTrac', 'Simon Kornblith', '^http://infotrac-college\.thomsonlearning\.com/itw/infomark/',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
if(doc.title.substring(0, 8) == "Article ") {
return "magazineArticle";
} else doc.title.substring(0, 10) == "Citations ") {
return "multiple";
'function extractCitation(uri, elmts, title) {
var newItem = new Scholar.Item();
newItem.source = uri;
if(title) {
newItem.title = Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(title);
for (var i = 0; i < elmts.length; i++) {
var elmt = elmts[i];
var colon = elmt.nodeValue.indexOf(":");
var field = elmt.nodeValue.substring(1, colon).toLowerCase();
var value = elmt.nodeValue.substring(colon+1, elmt.nodeValue.length-1);
if(field == "title") {
newItem.title = Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(value);
} else if(field == "journal") {
newItem.publicationTitle = value;
} else if(field == "pi") {
parts = value.split(" ");
var date = "";
var field = null;
for(j in parts) {
firstChar = parts[j].substring(0, 1);
if(firstChar == "v") {
newItem.itemType = "journalArticle";
field = "volume";
} else if(firstChar == "i") {
field = "issue";
} else if(firstChar == "p") {
field = "pages";
var pagesRegexp = /p(\w+)\((\w+)\)/; // weird looking page range
var match = pagesRegexp.exec(parts[j]);
if(match) { // yup, it''s weird
var finalPage = parseInt(match[1])+parseInt(match[2])
parts[j] = "p"+match[1]+"-"+finalPage.toString();
} else if(!type) { // no, it''s normal
// check to see if it''s numeric, bc newspaper pages aren''t
var justPageNumber = parts[j].substr(1);
if(parseInt(justPageNumber).toString() != justPageNumber) {
newItem.itemType = "newspaperArticle";
} else if(!field) { // date parts at the beginning, before
// anything else
date += " "+parts[j];
if(field) {
isDate = false;
if(parts[j] != "pNA") { // make sure it''s not an invalid
// page number
// chop of letter
newItem[field] = parts[j].substring(1);
} else if(!type) { // only newspapers are missing
// page numbers on infotrac
newItem.itemType = "newspaperArticle";
// Set type
if(!newItem.itemType) {
newItem.itemType = "magazineArticle";
if(date != "") {
newItem.date = date.substring(1);
} else if(field == "author") {
newItem.creators.push(Scholar.Utilities.cleanAuthor(value, "author", true));
function doWeb(doc, url) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var uri = doc.location.href;
if(doc.title.substring(0, 8) == "Article ") { // article
var xpath = ''/html/body//comment()'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, xpath, nsResolver);
extractCitation(uri, elmts);
} else { // search results
var items = new Array();
var uris = new Array();
var tableRows = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, ''/html/body//table/tbody/tr/td[a/b]'', nsResolver);
// Go through table rows
for(var i=0; i<tableRows.length; i++) {
var link = doc.evaluate(''./a'', tableRows[i], nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
uris[i] = link.href;
var article = doc.evaluate(''./b/text()'', link, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
items[i] = article.nodeValue;
// Chop off final period
if(items[i].substr(items[i].length-1) == ".") {
items[i] = items[i].substr(0, items[i].length-1);
items = Scholar.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
for(var i in items) {
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, tableRows[i], ".//comment()", nsResolver);
extractCitation(uris[i], elmts, items[i]);
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('b047a13c-fe5c-6604-c997-bef15e502b09', '2006-06-26 16:01:00', 4, 'LexisNexis', 'Simon Kornblith', '^http://web\.lexis-nexis\.com/universe/(?:document|doclist)',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
var detailRe = new RegExp("^http://[^/]+/universe/document");
if(detailRe.test(doc.location.href)) {
return "newspaperArticle";
} else {
return "multiple";
'function scrape(doc) {
var newItem = new Scholar.Item();
newItem.source = doc.location.href;
var citationDataDiv;
var divs = doc.getElementsByTagName("div");
for(var i=0; i<divs.length; i++) {
if(divs[i].className == "bodytext") {
citationDataDiv = divs[i];
centerElements = citationDataDiv.getElementsByTagName("center");
var elementParts = centerElements[0].innerHTML.split(/<br[^>]*>/gi);
newItem.publicationTitle = elementParts[elementParts.length-1];
var dateRegexp = /<br[^>]*>(?:<b>)?([A-Z][a-z]+)(?:<\/b>)? ([0-9]+, [0-9]{4})/;
var m = dateRegexp.exec(centerElements[centerElements.length-1].innerHTML);
if(m) {
var jsDate = new Date(m[1]+" "+m[2]);
newItem.date = Scholar.Utilities.dateToSQL(jsDate);
} else {
var elementParts = centerElements[centerElements.length-1].innerHTML.split(/<br[^>]*>/gi);
newItem.date = elementParts[1];
var cutIndex = citationDataDiv.innerHTML.indexOf("<b>BODY:</b>");
if(cutIndex < 0) {
cutIndex = citationDataDiv.innerHTML.indexOf("<b>TEXT:</b>");
if(cutIndex > 0) {
citationData = citationDataDiv.innerHTML.substring(0, cutIndex);
} else {
citationData = citationDataDiv.innerHTML;
citationData = Scholar.Utilities.cleanTags(citationData);
var headlineRegexp = /\n(?:HEADLINE|TITLE|ARTICLE): ([^\n]+)\n/;
var m = headlineRegexp.exec(citationData);
if(m) {
newItem.title = Scholar.Utilities.cleanTags(m[1]);
var bylineRegexp = /\nBYLINE: *(\w[\w\- ]+)/;
var m = bylineRegexp.exec(citationData);
if(m) { // there is a byline; use it as an author
if(m[1].substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "by ") {
m[1] = m[1].substring(3);
newItem.creators.push(Scholar.Utilities.cleanAuthor(m[1], "author"));
newItem.itemType = "newspaperArticle";
} else { // no byline; must be a journal
newItem.itemType = "journalArticle";
// other ways authors could be encoded
var authorRegexp = /\n(?:AUTHOR|NAME): ([^\n]+)\n/;
var m = authorRegexp.exec(citationData);
if(m) {
var authors = m[1].split(/, (?:and )?/);
for(var i in authors) {
newItem.creators.push(Scholar.Utilities.cleanAuthor(authors[i].replace(" *", ""), "author"));
function doWeb(doc, url) {
var detailRe = new RegExp("^http://[^/]+/universe/document");
if(detailRe.test(doc.location.href)) {
} else {
var items = Scholar.Utilities.getItemArray(doc, doc, "^http://[^/]+/universe/document");
items = Scholar.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
var uris = new Array();
for(var i in items) {
Scholar.Utilities.processDocuments(uris, function(doc) { scrape(doc) },
function() { Scholar.done(); }, function() {});
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('cf87eca8-041d-b954-795a-2d86348999d5', '2006-06-26 16:01:00', 4, 'Aleph', 'Simon Kornblith', '^http://[^/]+/F(?:/[A-Z0-9\-]+(?:\?.*)?$|\?func=find)',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
var singleRe = new RegExp("^http://[^/]+/F/[A-Z0-9\-]+\?.*func=full-set-set.*\&format=[0-9]{3}");
if(singleRe.test(doc.location.href)) {
return "book";
} else {
var tags = doc.getElementsByTagName("a");
for(var i=0; i<tags.length; i++) {
if(singleRe.test(tags[i].href)) {
return "multiple";
'function doWeb(doc, url) {
var detailRe = new RegExp("^http://[^/]+/F/[A-Z0-9\-]+\?.*func=full-set-set.*\&format=[0-9]{3}");
var uri = doc.location.href;
var newUris = new Array();
if(detailRe.test(uri)) {
newUris.push(uri.replace(/\&format=[0-9]{3}/, "&format=001"))
} else {
var items = Scholar.Utilities.getItemArray(doc, doc, ''^http://[^/]+/F/[A-Z0-9\-]+\?.*func=full-set-set.*\&format=999'', ''^[0-9]+$'');
// ugly hack to see if we have any items
var haveItems = false;
for(var i in items) {
haveItems = true;
// If we don''t have any items otherwise, let us use the numbers
if(!haveItems) {
var items = Scholar.Utilities.getItemArray(doc, doc, ''^http://[^/]+/F/[A-Z0-9\-]+\?.*func=full-set-set.*\&format=999'');
items = Scholar.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
for(var i in items) {
newUris.push(i.replace("&format=999", "&format=001"));
var marc = Scholar.loadTranslator("import", "a6ee60df-1ddc-4aae-bb25-45e0537be973");
Scholar.Utilities.processDocuments(newUris, function(newDoc) {
var uri = newDoc.location.href;
var namespace = newDoc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var xpath = ''/html/body/table/tbody/tr[td[1][@id="bold"]][td[2]]'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(newDoc, newDoc, xpath, nsResolver);
var record = new marc.MARC_Record();
for(var i=0; i<elmts.length; i++) {
var elmt = elmts[i];
var field = Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(doc.evaluate(''./TD[1]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext().nodeValue);
var value = Scholar.Utilities.getNodeString(doc, elmt, ''./TD[2]//text()'', nsResolver);
var value = value.replace(/\|([a-z]) /g, record.subfield_delimiter+"$1");
if(field != "FMT" && field != "LDR") {
var ind1 = "";
var ind2 = "";
var code = field.substring(0, 3);
if(field.length > 3) {
var ind1 = field.charAt(3);
if(field.length > 4) {
var ind2 = field.charAt(4);
record.add_field(code, ind1, ind2, value);
var newItem = new Scholar.Item();
newItem.source = uri;
}, function() { Scholar.done(); }, function() {});
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('774d7dc2-3474-2684-392c-f787789ec63d', '2006-06-26 16:01:00', 4, 'Dynix', 'Simon Kornblith', 'ipac\.jsp\?.*(?:uri=full=[0-9]|menu=search)',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
var detailsRe = new RegExp(''ipac\.jsp\?.*uri=full=[0-9]'');
if(detailsRe.test(doc.location.href)) {
return "book";
} else {
return "multiple";
'function scrape(doc, url) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var uri = doc.location.href;
var detailsRe = new RegExp(''ipac\.jsp\?.*uri=full=[0-9]'');
var uris = new Array();
if(detailsRe.test(uri)) {
} else {
var items = Scholar.Utilities.getItemArray(doc, doc, "ipac\.jsp\?.*uri=full=[0-9]|^javascript:buildNewList\\(''.*uri%3Dfull%3D[0-9]");
items = Scholar.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
var buildNewList = new RegExp("^javascript:buildNewList\\(''([^'']+)");
var uris = new Array();
for(var i in items) {
var m = buildNewList.exec(i);
if(m) {
} else {
var marc = Scholar.loadTranslator("import", "a6ee60df-1ddc-4aae-bb25-45e0537be973");
Scholar.Utilities.processDocuments(uris, function(newDoc) {
var uri = newDoc.location.href;
var namespace = newDoc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var xpath = ''//form/table[@class="tableBackground"]/tbody/tr/td/table[@class="tableBackground"]/tbody/tr[td[1]/a[@class="normalBlackFont1"]]'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(newDoc, newDoc, xpath, nsResolver);
var record = new marc.MARC_Record();
for(var i=0; i<elmts.length; i++) {
var elmt = elmts[i];
var field = Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(newDoc.evaluate(''./TD[1]/A[1]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext().nodeValue);
var value = Scholar.Utilities.getNodeString(newDoc, elmt, ''./TD[2]/TABLE[1]/TBODY[1]/TR[1]/TD[1]/A[1]//text()'', nsResolver);
value = value.replace(/\$([a-z]) /g, record.subfield_delimiter+"$1");
if(field != "FMT" && field != "LDR") {
var ind1 = "";
var ind2 = "";
var valRegexp = /^([0-9])([0-9])? (.*)$/;
var m = valRegexp.exec(value);
if(m) {
ind1 = m[1];
if(ind2) {
ind2 = m[2]
value = m[3];
marc.add_field(field, ind1, ind2, value);
var newItem = new Scholar.Item();
newItem.source = uri;
}, function() { Scholar.done() }, function() {});
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('63a0a351-3131-18f4-21aa-f46b9ac51d87', '2006-06-26 16:01:00', 4, 'VTLS', 'Simon Kornblith', '/chameleon(?:\?|$)',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
var node = doc.evaluate(''//tr[@class="intrRow"]/td/table/tbody/tr[th]'', doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if(node) {
return "multiple";
var node = doc.evaluate(''//a[text()="marc"]'', doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if(node) {
return "book";
'function doWeb(doc, url) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var uri = doc.location.href;
var newUris = new Array();
var marcs = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, ''//a[text()="marc"]'', nsResolver);
if(marcs.length == 1) {
} else {
// Require link to match this
var tagRegexp = new RegExp();
var items = new Array();
var tableRows = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, ''//tr[@class="intrRow"]'', nsResolver);
// Go through table rows
for(var i=0; i<tableRows.length; i++) {
var links = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, tableRows[i], ''.//a'', nsResolver);
// Go through links
var url;
for(var j=0; j<links.length; j++) {
if(tagRegexp.test(links[j].href)) {
url = links[j].href;
if(url) {
// Collect title information
var fields = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, tableRows[i], ''./td/table/tbody/tr[th]'', nsResolver);
for(var j=0; j<fields.length; j++) {
var field = doc.evaluate(''./th/text()'', fields[j], nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if(field.nodeValue == "Title") {
var value = Scholar.Utilities.getNodeString(doc, fields[j], ''./td//text()'', nsResolver);
if(value) {
items[url] = Scholar.Utilities.cleanString(value);
items = Scholar.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
for(var i in items) {
Scholar.Utilities.debug(i.replace(/function=[A-Z]{7}/, "function=MARCSCR"));
newUris.push(i.replace(/function=[A-Z]{7}/, "function=MARCSCR"));
var marc = Scholar.loadTranslator("import", "a6ee60df-1ddc-4aae-bb25-45e0537be973");
Scholar.Utilities.processDocuments(newUris, function(newDoc) {
var uri = newDoc.location.href
var namespace = newDoc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var xpath = ''//table[@class="outertable"]/tbody/tr[td[4]]'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(newDoc, newDoc, xpath, nsResolver);
var record = new marc.MARC_Record();
for(var i=0; i<elmts.length; i++) {
var elmt = elmts[i];
var field = doc.evaluate(''./TD[1]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext().nodeValue;
var ind1 = doc.evaluate(''./TD[2]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext().nodeValue;
var ind2 = doc.evaluate(''./TD[3]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext().nodeValue;
var value = doc.evaluate(''./TD[4]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext().nodeValue;
value = value.replace(/\\([a-z]) /g, record.subfield_delimiter+"$1");
record.add_field(field, ind1, ind2, value);
var newItem = new Scholar.Item();
newItem.source = uri;
}, function(){ Scholar.done(); }, function() {});
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('fb12ae9e-f473-cab4-0546-27ab88c64101', '2006-06-26 16:01:00', 4, 'DRA', 'Simon Kornblith', '/web2/tramp2\.exe/(?:see\_record/|authority\_hits/|goto/.*\?.*screen=Record\.html)',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
if(doc.location.href.indexOf("/authority_hits") > 0) {
return "multiple";
} else {
return "book";
'function doWeb(doc, url) {
var checkItems = false;
if(doc.location.href.indexOf("/authority_hits") > 0) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
checkItems = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, "/html/body//ol/li", nsResolver);
if(checkItems && checkItems.length) {
var items = Scholar.Utilities.getItemArray(doc, checkItems, ''https?://.*/web2/tramp2\.exe/see_record'');
items = Scholar.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
var uris = new Array();
for(var i in items) {
} else {
var uris = new Array(doc.location.href);
for(var i in uris) {
var uri = uris[i];
var uriRegexp = /^(https?:\/\/.*\/web2\/tramp2\.exe\/)(?:goto|see\_record|authority\_hits)(\/.*)\?(?:screen=Record\.html\&)?(.*)$/i;
var m = uriRegexp.exec(uri);
if(uri.indexOf("/authority_hits") < 0) {
var newUri = m[1]+"download_record"+m[2]+"/RECORD.MRC?format=marc&"+m[3];
} else {
var newUri = m[1]+"download_record"+m[2]+"/RECORD.MRC?format=marc";
// Keep track of how many requests have been completed
var j = 0;
var marc = Scholar.loadTranslator("import", "a6ee60df-1ddc-4aae-bb25-45e0537be973");
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doGet(newUri, function(text) {
var record = new marc.MARC_Record();
record.load(text, "binary");
var newItem = new Scholar.Item();
newItem.source = uris[j];
record.translate(record, newItem);
if(j == uris.length) {
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('c0e6fda6-0ecd-e4f4-39ca-37a4de436e15', '2006-06-26 16:01:00', 4, 'GEAC', 'Simon Kornblith', '/(?:GeacQUERY|(?:Geac)?FETCH[\:\?].*[&:]next=html/(?:record\.html|geacnffull\.html))',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
if(doc.location.href.indexOf("/GeacQUERY") > 0) {
return "multiple";
} else {
return "book";
'function doWeb(doc, url) {
var uri = doc.location.href;
var uris = new Array();
if(uri.indexOf("/GeacQUERY") > 0) {
var items = Scholar.Utilities.getItemArray(doc, doc, "(?:Geac)?FETCH[\:\?].*[&:]next=html/(?:record\.html|geacnffull\.html)");
items = Scholar.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
var uris = new Array();
for(var i in items) {
var newUri = i.replace(/([:&])next=html\/geacnffull.html/, "$1next=html/marc.html");
newUri = newUri.replace(/([:&])next=html\/record.html/, "$1next=html/marc.html");
} else {
var newUri = uri.replace(/([:&])next=html\/geacnffull.html/, "$1next=html/marc.html");
newUri = newUri.replace(/([:&])next=html\/record.html/, "$1next=html/marc.html");
var marc = Scholar.loadTranslator("import", "a6ee60df-1ddc-4aae-bb25-45e0537be973");
Scholar.Utilities.processDocuments(uris, function(newDoc) {
var uri = newDoc.location.href;
var namespace = newDoc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var record = new marc.MARC_Record();
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(newDoc, newDoc, ''//pre/text()'', nsResolver);
var tag, ind1, ind2, content;
for(var i=0; i<elmts.length; i++) {
var line = elmts[i].nodeValue;
if(line.substring(0, 6) == " ") {
content += " "+line.substring(6);
} else {
if(tag) {
record.add_field(tag, ind1, ind2, content);
line = line.replace(/\xA0/g," "); // nbsp
line = line.replace(/_/g," ");
line = line.replace(/\t/g,"");
tag = line.substring(0, 3);
if(parseInt(tag) > 10) {
ind1 = line.substring(4, 5);
ind2 = line.substring(5, 6);
content = line.substring(7);
content = content.replace(/\$([a-z])(?: |$)/g, record.subfield_delimiter+"$1");
} else {
ind1 = "";
ind2 = "";
content = line.substring(4);
var newItem = new Scholar.Item();
newItem.source = uri;
}, function() { Scholar.done(); }, function() {});
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('5287d20c-8a13-6004-4dcb-5bb2b66a9cc9', '2006-06-26 16:01:00', 4, 'SIRSI -2003', 'Simon Kornblith', '/uhtbin/cgisirsi',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, ''/html/body/form/p/text()[1]'', nsResolver);
for(var i=0; i<elmts.length; i++) {
if(Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(elmts[i].nodeValue) == "Viewing record") {
return "book";
var xpath = ''//form[@name="hitlist"]/table/tbody/tr'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, xpath, nsResolver);
if(elmts.length) {
return "multiple";
'function doWeb(doc, url) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
// Cheap hack to convert HTML entities
function unescapeHTML(text) {
var div = doc.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = Scholar.Utilities.cleanTags(text);
var text = div.childNodes[0] ? div.childNodes[0].nodeValue : null;
delete div;
return text;
var uri = doc.location.href;
var recNumbers = new Array();
var xpath = ''//form[@name="hitlist"]/table/tbody/tr'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, xpath, nsResolver);
if(elmts.length) { // Search results page
var uriRegexp = /^http:\/\/[^\/]+/;
var m = uriRegexp.exec(uri);
var postAction = doc.forms.namedItem("hitlist").getAttribute("action");
var newUri = m[0]+postAction.substr(0, postAction.length-1)+"40"
var titleRe = /<br>\s*(.*[^\s])\s*<br>/i;
var items = new Array();
for(var i=0; i<elmts.length; i++) {
var links = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, elmts[i], ''.//a'', nsResolver);
// Collect title
var myTd = doc.evaluate("./td[2]", elmts[i], nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
var m = titleRe.exec(myTd.innerHTML);
var title = unescapeHTML(m[1]);
items[i] = title;
items = Scholar.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
for(var i in items) {
} else { // Normal page
var uriRegexp = /^(.*)(\/[0-9]+)$/;
var m = uriRegexp.exec(uri);
var newUri = m[1]+"/40"
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, ''/html/body/form/p'', nsResolver);
for(var i=0; i<elmts.length; i++) {
var elmt = elmts[i];
var initialText = doc.evaluate(''./text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if(initialText && initialText.nodeValue && Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(initialText.nodeValue) == "Viewing record") {
recNumbers.push(doc.evaluate(''./b[1]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext().nodeValue);
var marc = Scholar.loadTranslator("import", "a6ee60df-1ddc-4aae-bb25-45e0537be973");
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doGet(newUri+''?marks=''+recNumbers.join(",")+''&shadow=NO&format=FLAT+ASCII&sort=TITLE&vopt_elst=ALL&library=ALL&display_rule=ASCENDING&duedate_code=l&holdcount_code=t&DOWNLOAD_x=22&DOWNLOAD_y=12&address=&form_type='', function(text) {
var texts = text.split("<PRE>");
texts = texts[1].split("</PRE>");
text = unescapeHTML(texts[0]);
var documents = text.split("*** DOCUMENT BOUNDARY ***");
for(var j=1; j<documents.length; j++) {
var uri = newUri+"?marks="+recNumbers[j]+"&shadow=NO&format=FLAT+ASCII&sort=TITLE&vopt_elst=ALL&library=ALL&display_rule=ASCENDING&duedate_code=l&holdcount_code=t&DOWNLOAD_x=22&DOWNLOAD_y=12&address=&form_type=";
var lines = documents[j].split("\n");
var record = new marc.MARC_Record();
var tag, ind1, ind2, content;
for(var i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if(line.substr(0, 1) == "." && line.substr(4,2) == ". ") {
if(tag) {
content = content.replace(/\|([a-z])/g, record.subfield_delimiter+"$1");
record.add_field(tag, ind1, ind2, content);
} else {
content += " "+line.substring(6);
tag = line.substr(1, 3);
if(parseInt(tag) > 10) {
ind1 = line.substr(6, 1);
ind2 = line.substr(7, 1);
content = line.substr(8);
} else {
ind1 = "";
ind2 = "";
content = line.substring(6);
var newItem = new Scholar.Item();
newItem.source = uri;
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('0f9fc2fc-306e-5204-1117-25bca009dffc', '2006-06-26 16:01:00', 4, 'TLC/YouSeeMore', 'Simon Kornblith', 'TLCScripts/interpac\.dll\?(?:.*LabelDisplay.*RecordNumber=[0-9]|Search|ItemTitles)',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
var detailRe = new RegExp("TLCScripts/interpac\.dll\?.*LabelDisplay.*RecordNumber=[0-9]");
if(detailRe.test(doc.location.href)) {
return "book";
} else {
return "multiple";
'function doWeb(doc, url) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var detailRe = new RegExp("TLCScripts/interpac\.dll\?.*LabelDisplay.*RecordNumber=[0-9]");
var uri = doc.location.href;
var newUris = new Array();
if(detailRe.test(uri)) {
newUris.push(uri.replace("LabelDisplay", "MARCDisplay"));
} else {
var items = Scholar.Utilities.getItemArray(doc, doc, ''TLCScripts/interpac\.dll\?.*LabelDisplay.*RecordNumber=[0-9]'');
items = Scholar.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
for(var i in items) {
newUris.push(i.replace("LabelDisplay", "MARCDisplay"));
var marc = Scholar.loadTranslator("import", "a6ee60df-1ddc-4aae-bb25-45e0537be973");
Scholar.Utilities.processDocuments(newUris, function(newDoc) {
var uri = newDoc.location.href;
var namespace = newDoc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var record = new marc.MARC_Record();
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(newDoc, newDoc, ''/html/body/table/tbody/tr[td[4]]'', nsResolver);
var tag, ind1, ind2, content;
for(var i=0; i<elmts.length; i++) {
var elmt = elmts[i];
tag = newDoc.evaluate(''./td[2]/tt[1]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext().nodeValue;
var inds = newDoc.evaluate(''./td[3]/tt[1]/text()[1]'', elmt, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext().nodeValue;
tag = tag.replace(/[\r\n]/g, "");
if(tag.length == 1) {
tag = "00"+tag;
} else if(tag.length == 2) {
tag = "0"+tag;
inds = inds.replace(/[\r\n]/g, "");
// Get indicators, fix possible problems with s
ind1 = inds.substr(0, 1);
ind2 = inds.substr(1, 1);
if(ind1 == "\xA0") {
ind1 = "";
if(ind2 == "\xA0") {
ind2 = "";
var children = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(newDoc, elmt, ''./td[4]/tt[1]//text()'', nsResolver);
content = "";
if(children.length == 1) {
content = children[0].nodeValue;
} else {
for(var j=0; j<children.length; j+=2) {
var subfield = children[j].nodeValue.substr(1, 1);
var fieldContent = children[j+1].nodeValue;
content += record.subfield_delimiter+subfield+fieldContent;
record.add_field(tag, ind1, ind2, content);
var newItem = new Scholar.Item();
newItem.source = uri;
}, function() {Scholar.done(); }, function() {});
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('c54d1932-73ce-dfd4-a943-109380e06574', '2006-06-26 16:01:00', 4, 'Project MUSE', 'Simon Kornblith', '^http://muse\.jhu\.edu/(?:journals/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+\.html|search/pia.cgi)',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
var searchRe = new RegExp("^http://[^/]+/search/pia\.cgi");
if(searchRe.test(url)) {
return "multiple";
} else {
return "journalArticle";
'function doWeb(doc, url) {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var searchRe = new RegExp("^http://[^/]+/search/pia\.cgi");
if(searchRe.test(doc.location.href)) {
var items = new Array();
var tableRows = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, ''/html/body/table[@class="navbar"]/tbody/tr/td/form/table'', nsResolver);
// Go through table rows
for(var i=0; i<tableRows.length; i++) {
// article_id is what we need to get it all as one file
var input = doc.evaluate(''./tbody/tr/td/input[@name="article_id"]'', tableRows[i], nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
var link = doc.evaluate(''.//b/i/a/text()'', tableRows[i], nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if(input && input.value && link && link.nodeValue) {
items[input.value] = link.nodeValue;
items = Scholar.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
try {
var search_id = doc.forms.namedItem("results").elements.namedItem("search_id").value;
} catch(e) {
var search_id = "";
var articleString = "";
for(var i in items) {
articleString += "&article_id="+i;
var savePostString = "actiontype=save&search_id="+search_id+articleString;
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doGet("http://muse.jhu.edu/search/save.cgi?"+savePostString, function() {
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doGet("http://muse.jhu.edu/search/export.cgi?exporttype=endnote"+articleString, function(text) {
// load translator for RIS
var translator = Scholar.loadTranslator("import", "32d59d2d-b65a-4da4-b0a3-bdd3cfb979e7");
// feed in data
// translate
}, function() {});
}, function() {});
} else {
var newItem = new Scholar.Item("journalArticle");
newItem.source = url;
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, ''//comment()'', nsResolver);
for(var i in elmts) {
if(elmts[i].nodeValue.substr(0, 10) == "HeaderData") {
var headerRegexp = /HeaderData((?:.|\n)*)\#\#EndHeaders/i
var m = headerRegexp.exec(elmts[i].nodeValue);
var headerData = m[1];
// Use E4X rather than DOM/XPath, because the Mozilla gods have decided not to
// expose DOM/XPath to sandboxed scripts
var newDOM = new XML(headerData);
function mapRDF(text, rdfUri) {
if(text) {
model.addStatement(uri, rdfUri, text, true);
newItem.publicationTitle = newDOM.journal.text();
newItem.volume = newDOM.volume.text();
newItem.issue = newDOM.issue.text();
newItem.date = newDOM.pubdate.text().toString();
if(!newItem.date) {
newItem.date = newDOM.year.text();
newItem.title = newDOM.doctitle.text();
newItem.ISSN = newDOM.issn.text();
// Do pages
var fpage = newDOM.fpage.text();
var lpage = newDOM.lpage.text();
if(fpage != "") {
newItem.pages = fpage;
if(lpage) {
newItem.pages += "-"+lpage;
// Do authors
var elmts = newDOM.docauthor;
for(var i in elmts) {
var fname = elmts[i].fname.text();
var surname = elmts[i].surname.text();
newItem.creators.push({firstName:fname, lastName:surname, creatorType:"author"});
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('fcf41bed-0cbc-3704-85c7-8062a0068a7a', '2006-08-07 21:55:00', 12, 'PubMed', 'Simon Kornblith', '^http://www\.ncbi\.nlm\.nih\.gov/entrez/query\.fcgi\?(?:.*db=PubMed.*list_uids=[0-9]|.*list_uids=[0-9].*db=PubMed|.*db=PubMed.*CMD=search|.*CMD=search.*db=PubMed)',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
if(doc.location.href.indexOf("list_uids=") >= 0) {
return "journalArticle";
} else {
return "multiple";
function getPMID(co) {
var coParts = co.split("&");
for each(part in coParts) {
if(part.substr(0, 7) == "rft_id=") {
var value = unescape(part.substr(7));
if(value.substr(0, 10) == "info:pmid/") {
return value.substr(10);
function detectSearch(item) {
if(item.contextObject) {
if(getPMID(item.contextObject)) {
return "journalArticle";
return false;
'function lookupPMIDs(ids) {
var newUri = "http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=PubMed&retmode=xml&rettype=citation&id="+ids.join(",");
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doGet(newUri, function(text) {
// Remove xml parse instruction and doctype
text = text.replace(/<!DOCTYPE[^>]*>/, "").replace(/<\?xml[^>]*\?>/, "");
var xml = new XML(text);
for(var i=0; i<xml.PubmedArticle.length(); i++) {
var newItem = new Scholar.Item("journalArticle");
var citation = xml.PubmedArticle[i].MedlineCitation;
newItem.source = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&list_uids="+citation.PMID.text();
// TODO: store PMID directly
var article = citation.Article;
if(article.ArticleTitle.length()) {
var title = article.ArticleTitle.text().toString();
if(title.substr(-1) == ".") {
title = title.substring(0, title.length-1);
newItem.title = title;
if(article.Journal.length()) {
var issn = article.Journal.ISSN.text();
if(issn) {
newItem.ISSN = issn.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "");
if(article.Journal.Title.length()) {
newItem.publicationTitle = Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(article.Journal.Title.text().toString());
} else if(citation.MedlineJournalInfo.MedlineTA.length()) {
newItem.publicationTitle = Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(citation.MedlineJournalInfo.MedlineTA.text().toString());
if(article.Journal.JournalIssue.length()) {
newItem.volume = article.Journal.JournalIssue.Volume.text();
newItem.issue = article.Journal.JournalIssue.Issue.text();
if(article.Journal.JournalIssue.PubDate.length()) { // try to get the date
if(article.Journal.JournalIssue.PubDate.Day.text().toString() != "") {
var date = article.Journal.JournalIssue.PubDate.Month.text()+" "+article.Journal.JournalIssue.PubDate.Day.text()+", "+article.Journal.JournalIssue.PubDate.Year.text();
var jsDate = new Date(date);
if(!isNaN(jsDate.valueOf())) {
date = Scholar.Utilities.dateToSQL(jsDate);
} else if(article.Journal.JournalIssue.PubDate.Month.text().toString() != "") {
var date = article.Journal.JournalIssue.PubDate.Month.text()+" "+article.Journal.JournalIssue.PubDate.Year.text();
} else if(article.Journal.JournalIssue.PubDate.Year.text().toString() != "") {
var date = article.Journal.JournalIssue.PubDate.Year.text();
if(date) {
newItem.date = date;
if(article.AuthorList.length() && article.AuthorList.Author.length()) {
var authors = article.AuthorList.Author;
for(var j=0; j<authors.length(); j++) {
var lastName = authors[j].LastName.text().toString();
var firstName = authors[j].FirstName.text().toString();
if(firstName == "") {
var firstName = authors[j].ForeName.text().toString();
if(firstName || lastName) {
newItem.creators.push({lastName:lastName, firstName:firstName});
function doWeb(doc, url) {
var uri = doc.location.href;
var ids = new Array();
var idRegexp = /[\?\&]list_uids=([0-9\,]+)/;
var m = idRegexp.exec(uri);
if(m) {
} else {
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var items = new Array();
var tableRows = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, doc, ''//div[@class="ResultSet"]/table/tbody'', nsResolver);
// Go through table rows
for(var i=0; i<tableRows.length; i++) {
var link = doc.evaluate(''.//a'', tableRows[i], nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
var article = doc.evaluate(''./tr[2]/td[2]/text()[1]'', tableRows[i], nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
items[link.href] = article.nodeValue;
items = Scholar.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
for(var i in items) {
var m = idRegexp.exec(i);
function doSearch(item) {
// pmid was defined earlier in detectSearch
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('951c027d-74ac-47d4-a107-9c3069ab7b48', '2006-06-26 16:41:00', 4, 'Embedded RDF', 'Simon Kornblith', NULL,
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
var metaTags = doc.getElementsByTagName("meta");
for(var i=0; i<metaTags.length; i++) {
var tag = metaTags[i].getAttribute("name");
if(tag && tag.substr(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "dc.") {
return "website";
return false;
'function doWeb(doc, url) {
var dc = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/";
// load RDF translator
var translator = Scholar.loadTranslator("import", "5e3ad958-ac79-463d-812b-a86a9235c28f");
var metaTags = doc.getElementsByTagName("meta");
var foundTitle = false; // We can use the page title if necessary
for(var i=0; i<metaTags.length; i++) {
var tag = metaTags[i].getAttribute("name");
var value = metaTags[i].getAttribute("content");
if(tag && value && tag.substr(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "dc.") {
if(tag == "dc.title") {
foundTitle = true;
translator.Scholar.RDF.addStatement(url, dc + tag.substr(3), value, true);
Scholar.Utilities.debug(tag.substr(3) + " = " + value);
} else if(tag && value && (tag == "author" || tag == "author-personal")) {
translator.Scholar.RDF.addStatement(url, dc + "creator", value, true);
} else if(tag && value && tag == "author-corporate") {
translator.Scholar.RDF.addStatement(url, dc + "creator", value, true);
if(!foundTitle) {
translator.Scholar.RDF.addStatement(url, dc + "title", doc.title, true);
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('05d07af9-105a-4572-99f6-a8e231c0daef', '2006-08-07 01:09:00', 4, 'COinS', 'Simon Kornblith', NULL,
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
var spanTags = doc.getElementsByTagName("span");
var encounteredType = false;
for(var i=0; i<spanTags.length; i++) {
var spanClass = spanTags[i].getAttribute("class");
if(spanClass) {
var spanClasses = spanClass.split(" ");
if(Scholar.Utilities.inArray("Z3988", spanClasses)) {
var spanTitle = spanTags[i].getAttribute("title");
// determine if it''s a valid type
var coParts = spanTitle.split("&");
var type = null
for(var j in coParts) {
if(coParts[j].substr(0, 12) == "rft_val_fmt=") {
var format = unescape(coParts[j].substr(12));
if(format == "info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal") {
var type = "journalArticle";
} else if(format == "info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book") {
if(Scholar.Utilities.inArray("rft.genre=bookitem", coParts)) {
var type = "bookSection";
} else {
var type = "book";
if(type) {
if(encounteredType) {
return "multiple";
} else {
encounteredType = type;
return encounteredType;
'// used to retrieve next COinS object when asynchronously parsing COinS objects
// on a page
function retrieveNextCOinS(needFullItems, newItems) {
if(needFullItems.length) {
var item = needFullItems.shift();
Scholar.Utilities.debug("looking up contextObject");
var search = Scholar.loadTranslator("search");
search.setHandler("itemDone", function(obj, item) {
search.setHandler("done", function() {
retrieveNextCOinS(needFullItems, newItems);
// look for translators
var translators = search.getTranslators();
if(translators) {
} else {
retrieveNextCOinS(needFullItems, newItems);
} else {
// saves all COinS objects
function completeCOinS(newItems) {
if(newItems.length > 1) {
var selectArray = new Array();
for(var i in newItems) {
selectArray[i] = newItems[i].title;
selectArray = Scholar.selectItems(selectArray);
for(var i in selectArray) {
} else if(newItems.length) {
function doWeb(doc, url) {
var newItems = new Array();
var needFullItems = new Array();
var spanTags = doc.getElementsByTagName("span");
for(var i=0; i<spanTags.length; i++) {
var spanClass = spanTags[i].getAttribute("class");
if(spanClass) {
var spanClasses = spanClass.split(" ");
if(Scholar.Utilities.inArray("Z3988", spanClasses)) {
var spanTitle = spanTags[i].getAttribute("title");
var newItem = new Scholar.Item();
if(Scholar.Utilities.parseContextObject(spanTitle, newItem)) {
if(newItem.title && newItem.creators.length) {
// title and creators are minimum data to avoid looking up
} else {
// retrieve full item
newItem.contextObject = spanTitle;
if(needFullItems.length) {
// retrieve full items asynchronously
retrieveNextCOinS(needFullItems, newItems);
} else {
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('3e684d82-73a3-9a34-095f-19b112d88bbf', '2006-06-26 16:01:00', 4, 'Google Books', 'Simon Kornblith', '^http://books\.google\.com/books\?(.*vid=.*\&id=.*|.*q=.*)',
'function detectWeb(doc, url) {
var re = new RegExp(''^http://books\\.google\\.com/books\\?vid=([^&]+).*\\&id=([^&]+)'', ''i'');
if(re.test(doc.location.href)) {
return "book";
} else {
return "multiple";
'function doWeb(doc, url) {
var uri = doc.location.href;
var newUris = new Array();
var re = new RegExp(''^http://books\\.google\\.com/books\\?vid=([^&]+).*\\&id=([^&]+)'', ''i'');
var m = re.exec(uri);
if(m) {
} else {
var items = Scholar.Utilities.getItemArray(doc, doc, ''http://books\\.google\\.com/books\\?vid=([^&]+).*\\&id=([^&]+)'', ''^(?:All matching pages|About this Book|Table of Contents|Index)'');
// Drop " - Page" thing
for(var i in items) {
items[i] = items[i].replace(/- Page [0-9]+\s*$/, "");
items = Scholar.selectItems(items);
if(!items) {
return true;
for(var i in items) {
var m = re.exec(i);
Scholar.Utilities.processDocuments(newUris, function(newDoc) {
var newItem = new Scholar.Item("book");
newItem.source = newDoc.location.href;
var namespace = newDoc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
var xpath = ''//table[@id="bib"]/tbody/tr'';
var elmts = Scholar.Utilities.gatherElementsOnXPath(newDoc, newDoc, xpath, nsResolver);
for(var i = 0; i<elmts.length; i++) {
var field = newDoc.evaluate(''./td[1]//text()'', elmts[i], nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
var value = newDoc.evaluate(''./td[2]//text()'', elmts[i], nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
if(field && value) {
field = Scholar.Utilities.superCleanString(field.nodeValue);
value = Scholar.Utilities.cleanString(value.nodeValue);
if(field == "Title") {
newItem.title = value;
} else if(field == "Author(s)") {
var authors = value.split(", ");
for(j in authors) {
newItem.creators.push(Scholar.Utilities.cleanAuthor(authors[j], "author"));
} else if(field == "Editor(s)") {
var authors = value.split(", ");
for(j in authors) {
newItem.creators.push(Scholar.Utilities.cleanAuthor(authors[j], "editor"));
} else if(field == "Publisher") {
newItem.publisher = value;
} else if(field == "Publication Date") {
var date = value;
jsDate = new Date(value);
if(!isNaN(jsDate.valueOf())) {
date = Scholar.Utilities.dateToSQL(jsDate);
newItem.date = date;
/*} else if(field == "Format") {
.addStatement(uri, prefixDC + ''medium'', value);*/
} else if(field == "ISBN") {
newItem.ISBN = value;
}, function() { Scholar.done(); }, function() {});
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('e07e9b8c-0e98-4915-bb5a-32a08cb2f365', '2006-08-07 11:36:00', 8, 'Open WorldCat', 'Simon Kornblith', 'http://partneraccess.oclc.org/',
'function detectSearch(item) {
if(item.itemType == "book" || item.itemType == "bookSection") {
return true;
return false;
'// creates an item from an Open WorldCat document
function processOWC(doc) {
var spanTags = doc.getElementsByTagName("span");
for(var i=0; i<spanTags.length; i++) {
var spanClass = spanTags[i].getAttribute("class");
if(spanClass) {
var spanClasses = spanClass.split(" ");
if(Scholar.Utilities.inArray("Z3988", spanClasses)) {
var spanTitle = spanTags[i].getAttribute("title");
var item = new Scholar.Item();
if(Scholar.Utilities.parseContextObject(spanTitle, item)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
return false;
function doSearch(item) {
if(item.contextObject) {
var co = item.contextObject;
} else {
var co = Scholar.Utilities.createContextObject(item);
Scholar.Utilities.loadDocument("http://partneraccess.oclc.org/wcpa/servlet/OpenUrl?"+co, function(doc) {
// find new COinS in the Open WorldCat page
if(processOWC(doc)) { // we got a single item page
} else { // assume we have a search results page
var items = new Array();
var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) {
if (prefix == ''x'') return namespace; else return null;
} : null;
// first try to get only books
var elmts = doc.evaluate(''//table[@class="tableLayout"]/tbody/tr/td[@class="content"]/table[@class="tableResults"]/tbody/tr[td/img[@alt="Book"]]/td/div[@class="title"]/a'', doc, nsResolver, Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.ANY_TYPE,null);
var elmt = elmts.iterateNext();
if(!elmt) { // if that fails, look for other options
var elmts = doc.evaluate(''//table[@class="tableLayout"]/tbody/tr/td[@class="content"]/table[@class="tableResults"]/tbody/tr[td/img[@alt="Book"]]/td/div[@class="title"]/a'', doc, nsResolver, Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.ANY_TYPE,null);
elmt = elmts.iterateNext()
var urlsToProcess = new Array();
do {
} while(elmt = elmts.iterateNext());
Scholar.Utilities.processDocuments(urlsToProcess, function(doc) {
// per URL
}, function() { // done
}, function() { // error
}, function() {
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('11645bd1-0420-45c1-badb-53fb41eeb753', '2006-08-07 18:17:00', 8, 'CrossRef', 'Simon Kornblith', 'http://partneraccess.oclc.org/',
'function detectSearch(item) {
if(item.itemType == "journal") {
return true;
return false;
'function processCrossRef(xmlOutput) {
xmlOutput = xmlOutput.replace(/<\?xml[^>]*\?>/, "");
// parse XML with E4X
var qr = new Namespace("http://www.crossref.org/qrschema/2.0");
try {
var xml = new XML(xmlOutput);
} catch(e) {
return false;
// ensure status is valid
var status = xml.qr::query_result.qr::body.qr::query.@status.toString();
if(status != "resolved" && status != "multiresolved") {
return false;
var query = xml.qr::query_result.qr::body.qr::query;
var item = new Scholar.Item("journalArticle");
// try to get a DOI
item.DOI = query.qr::doi.(@type=="journal_article").text().toString();
if(!item.DOI) {
item.DOI = query.qr::doi.(@type=="book_title").text().toString();
if(!item.DOI) {
item.DOI = query.qr::doi.(@type=="book_content").text().toString();
// try to get an ISSN (no print/electronic preferences)
item.ISSN = query.qr::issn[0].text().toString();
// get title
item.title = query.qr::article_title.text().toString();
// get publicationTitle
item.publicationTitle = query.qr::journal_title.text().toString();
// get author
item.creators.push(Scholar.Utilities.cleanAuthor(query.qr::author.text().toString(), "author", true));
// get volume
item.volume = query.qr::volume.text().toString();
// get issue
item.issue = query.qr::issue.text().toString();
// get year
item.date = query.qr::year.text().toString();
// get edition
item.edition = query.qr::edition_number.text().toString();
// get first page
item.pages = query.qr::first_page.text().toString();
return true;
function doSearch(item) {
if(item.contextObject) {
var co = item.contextObject;
if(co.indexOf("url_ver=") == -1) {
co = "url_ver=Z39.88-2004"+co;
} else {
var co = Scholar.Utilities.createContextObject(item);
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doGet("http://www.crossref.org/openurl/?"+co+"&noredirect=true", function(responseText) {
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('0e2235e7-babf-413c-9acf-f27cce5f059c', '2006-07-05 23:40:00', 3, 'MODS (XML)', 'Simon Kornblith', 'xml',
'Scholar.addOption("exportNotes", true);
function detectImport() {
var read = Scholar.read(512);
var modsTagRegexp = /<mods[^>]+>/
if(modsTagRegexp.test(read)) {
return true;
'var partialItemTypes = ["bookSection", "journalArticle", "magazineArticle", "newspaperArticle"];
function doExport() {
var modsCollection = <modsCollection xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3 http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-3-2.xsd" />;
var item;
while(item = Scholar.nextItem()) {
var isPartialItem = Scholar.Utilities.inArray(item.itemType, partialItemTypes);
var mods = <mods />;
// XML tag titleInfo; object field title
if(item.title) {
mods.titleInfo.title = item.title;
// XML tag typeOfResource/genre; object field type
var modsType, marcGenre;
if(item.itemType == "book" || item.itemType == "bookSection") {
modsType = "text";
marcGenre = "book";
} else if(item.itemType == "journalArticle" || item.itemType == "magazineArticle") {
modsType = "text";
marcGenre = "periodical";
} else if(item.itemType == "newspaperArticle") {
modsType = "text";
marcGenre = "newspaper";
} else if(item.itemType == "thesis") {
modsType = "text";
marcGenre = "theses";
} else if(item.itemType == "letter") {
modsType = "text";
marcGenre = "letter";
} else if(item.itemType == "manuscript") {
modsType = "text";
modsType.@manuscript = "yes";
} else if(item.itemType == "interview") {
modsType = "text";
marcGenre = "interview";
} else if(item.itemType == "film") {
modsType = "moving image";
marcGenre = "motion picture";
} else if(item.itemType == "artwork") {
modsType = "still image";
marcGenre = "art original";
} else if(item.itemType == "website") {
modsType = "multimedia";
marcGenre = "web site";
} else if(item.itemType == "note") {
mods.typeOfResource = modsType;
mods.genre += <genre authority="local">{item.itemType}</genre>;
if(marcGenre) {
mods.genre += <genre authority="marcgt">{marcGenre}</genre>;
// XML tag genre; object field thesisType, type
if(item.thesisType) {
mods.genre += <genre>{item.thesisType}</genre>;
if(item.type) {
mods.genre += <genre>{item.type}</genre>;
// XML tag name; object field creators
for(var j in item.creators) {
var roleTerm = "";
if(item.creators[j].creatorType == "author") {
roleTerm = "aut";
} else if(item.creators[j].creatorType == "editor") {
roleTerm = "edt";
} else if(item.creators[j].creatorType == "creator") {
roleTerm = "ctb";
// FIXME - currently all names are personal
mods.name += <name type="personal">
<namePart type="family">{item.creators[j].lastName}</namePart>
<namePart type="given">{item.creators[j].firstName}</namePart>
<role><roleTerm type="code" authority="marcrelator">{roleTerm}</roleTerm></role>
// XML tag recordInfo.recordOrigin; used to store our generator note
//mods.recordInfo.recordOrigin = "Scholar for Firefox "+Scholar.Utilities.getVersion();
// XML tag recordInfo.recordContentSource; object field source
if(item.source) {
mods.recordInfo.recordContentSource = item.source;
// XML tag recordInfo.recordIdentifier; object field accessionNumber
if(item.accessionNumber) {
mods.recordInfo.recordIdentifier = item.accessionNumber;
// XML tag accessCondition; object field rights
if(item.rights) {
mods.accessCondition = item.rights;
// XML tag relatedItem.titleInfo; object field series
if(item.seriesTitle) {
var series = <relatedItem type="series">
if(item.itemType == "bookSection") {
// For a book section, series info must go inside host tag
mods.relatedItem.relatedItem = series;
} else {
mods.relatedItem += series;
// Make part its own tag so we can figure out where it goes later
var part = new XML();
// XML tag detail; object field volume
if(item.volume) {
if(Scholar.Utilities.isInt(item.volume)) {
part += <detail type="volume"><number>{item.volume}</number></detail>;
} else {
part += <detail type="volume"><text>{item.volume}</text></detail>;
// XML tag detail; object field number
if(item.issue) {
if(Scholar.Utilities.isInt(item.issue)) {
part += <detail type="issue"><number>{item.issue}</number></detail>;
} else {
part += <detail type="issue"><text>{item.issue}</text></detail>;
// XML tag detail; object field section
if(item.section) {
if(Scholar.Utilities.isInt(item.section)) {
part += <detail type="section"><number>{item.section}</number></detail>;
} else {
part += <detail type="section"><text>{item.section}</text></detail>;
// XML tag detail; object field pages
if(item.pages) {
var range = Scholar.Utilities.getPageRange(item.pages);
part += <extent unit="pages"><start>{range[0]}</start><end>{range[1]}</end></extent>;
// Assign part if something was assigned
if(part.length() != 1) {
if(isPartialItem) {
// For a journal article, bookSection, etc., the part is the host
mods.relatedItem.part += <part>{part}</part>;
} else {
mods.part += <part>{part}</part>;
// XML tag originInfo; object fields edition, place, publisher, year, date
var originInfo = new XML();
if(item.edition) {
originInfo += <edition>{item.edition}</edition>;
if(item.place) {
originInfo += <place><placeTerm type="text">{item.place}</placeTerm></place>;
if(item.publisher) {
originInfo += <publisher>{item.publisher}</publisher>;
} else if(item.distributor) {
originInfo += <publisher>{item.distributor}</publisher>;
if(item.date) {
if(Scholar.Utilities.inArray(item.itemType, ["book", "bookSection"])) {
// Assume year is copyright date
var dateType = "copyrightDate";
} else if(Scholar.Utilities.inArray(item.itemType, ["journalArticle", "magazineArticle", "newspaperArticle"])) {
// Assume date is date issued
var dateType = "dateIssued";
} else {
// Assume date is date created
var dateType = "dateCreated";
var tag = <{dateType}>{item.date}</{dateType}>;
tag.@encoding = "iso8601";
originInfo += tag;
if(item.accessDate) {
originInfo += <dateCaptured encoding="iso8601">{item.accessDate}</dateCaptured>;
if(originInfo.length() != 1) {
if(isPartialItem) {
// For a journal article, bookSection, etc., this goes under the host
mods.relatedItem.originInfo += <originInfo>{originInfo}</originInfo>;
} else {
mods.originInfo += <originInfo>{originInfo}</originInfo>;
// XML tag identifier; object fields ISBN, ISSN
if(isPartialItem) {
var identifier = mods.relatedItem;
} else {
var identifier = mods;
if(item.ISBN) {
identifier.identifier += <identifier type="isbn">{item.ISBN}</identifier>;
if(item.ISSN) {
identifier.identifier += <identifier type="issn">{item.ISSN}</identifier>;
if(item.DOI) {
identifier.identifier += <identifier type="doi">{item.DOI}</identifier>;
// XML tag relatedItem.titleInfo; object field publication
if(item.publicationTitle) {
mods.relatedItem.titleInfo += <titleInfo><title>{item.publicationTitle}</title></titleInfo>;
// XML tag classification; object field callNumber
if(item.callNumber) {
mods.classification = item.callNumber;
// XML tag location.physicalLocation; object field archiveLocation
if(item.archiveLocation) {
mods.location.physicalLocation = item.archiveLocation;
// XML tag location.url; object field archiveLocation
if(item.url) {
mods.location.url = item.url;
// XML tag title.titleInfo; object field journalAbbreviation
if(item.journalAbbreviation) {
mods.relatedItem.titleInfo += <titleInfo type="abbreviated"><title>{item.journalAbbreviation}</title></titleInfo>;
if(mods.relatedItem.length() == 1 && isPartialItem) {
mods.relatedItem.@type = "host";
/** NOTES **/
if(Scholar.getOption("exportNotes")) {
for(var j in item.notes) {
// Add note tag
var note = <note type="content">{item.notes[j].note}</note>;
mods.note += note;
/** TAGS **/
for(var j in item.tags) {
mods.subject += <subject>{item.tags[j]}</subject>;
modsCollection.mods += mods;
Scholar.write(''<?xml version="1.0"?>''+"\n");
function doImport() {
var text = "";
var read;
// read in 16384 byte increments
while(read = Scholar.read(16384)) {
text += read;
Scholar.Utilities.debug("read in");
// eliminate <?xml ?> heading so we can parse as XML
text = text.replace(/<\?xml[^?]+\?>/, "");
// parse with E4X
var m = new Namespace("http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3");
// why does this default namespace declaration not work!?
default xml namespace = m;
var xml = new XML(text);
for each(var mods in xml.m::mods) {
Scholar.Utilities.debug("item is: ");
for(var i in mods) {
Scholar.Utilities.debug(i+" = "+mods[i].toString());
var newItem = new Scholar.Item();
// title
newItem.title = mods.m::titleInfo.(m::title.@type!="abbreviated").m::title;
// try to get genre from local genre
var localGenre = mods.m::genre.(@authority=="local").text().toString();
if(localGenre && Scholar.Utilities.itemTypeExists(localGenre)) {
newItem.itemType = localGenre;
} else {
// otherwise, look at the marc genre
var marcGenre = mods.m::genre.(@authority=="marcgt").text().toString();
if(marcGenre) {
if(marcGenre == "book") {
newItem.itemType = "book";
} else if(marcGenre == "periodical") {
newItem.itemType = "magazineArticle";
} else if(marcGenre == "newspaper") {
newItem.itemType = "newspaperArticle";
} else if(marcGenre == "theses") {
newItem.itemType = "thesis";
} else if(marcGenre == "letter") {
newItem.itemType = "letter";
} else if(marcGenre == "interview") {
newItem.itemType = "interview";
} else if(marcGenre == "motion picture") {
newItem.itemType = "film";
} else if(marcGenre == "art original") {
newItem.itemType = "artwork";
} else if(marcGenre == "web site") {
newItem.itemType = "website";
if(!newItem.itemType) {
newItem.itemType = "book";
var isPartialItem = Scholar.Utilities.inArray(newItem.itemType, partialItemTypes);
// TODO: thesisType, type
for each(var name in mods.m::name) {
// TODO: institutional authors
var creator = new Array();
creator.firstName = name.m::namePart.(@type=="given").text().toString();
creator.lastName = name.m::namePart.(@type=="family").text().toString();
// look for roles
var role = name.m::role.m::roleTerm.(@type=="code").(@authority=="marcrelator").text().toString();
if(role == "edt") {
creator.creatorType = "editor";
} else if(role == "ctb") {
creator.creatorType = "contributor";
} else {
creator.creatorType = "author";
// source
newItem.source = mods.m::recordInfo.m::recordContentSource.text().toString();
// accessionNumber
newItem.accessionNumber = mods.m::recordInfo.m::recordIdentifier.text().toString();
// rights
newItem.rights = mods.m::accessCondition.text().toString();
// series
if(newItem.itemType == "bookSection") {
newItem.seriesTitle = mods.m::relatedItem.(@type=="host").m::relatedItem.(@type=="series").m::titleInfo.m::title.text().toString();
} else {
newItem.seriesTitle = mods.m::relatedItem.(@type=="series").m::titleInfo.m::title.text().toString();
// get part
if(isPartialItem) {
var part = mods.m::relatedItem.m::part;
var originInfo = mods.m::relatedItem.m::originInfo;
var identifier = mods.m::relatedItem.m::identifier;
} else {
var part = mods.m::part;
var originInfo = mods.m::originInfo;
var identifier = mods.m::identifier;
// volume
newItem.volume = part.m::detail.(@type=="volume").m::number.text().toString();
if(!newItem.volume) {
newItem.volume = part.m::detail.(@type=="volume").m::text.text().toString();
// number
newItem.issue = part.m::detail.(@type=="issue").m::number.text().toString();
if(!newItem.issue) {
newItem.issue = part.m::detail.(@type=="issue").m::text.text().toString();
// section
newItem.section = part.m::detail.(@type=="section").m::number.text().toString();
if(!newItem.section) {
newItem.section = part.m::detail.(@type=="section").m::text.text().toString();
// pages
var pagesStart = part.m::extent.(@unit=="pages").m::start.text().toString();
var pagesEnd = part.m::extent.(@unit=="pages").m::end.text().toString();
if(pagesStart || pagesEnd) {
if(pagesStart && pagesEnd && pagesStart != pagesEnd) {
newItem.pages = pagesStart+"-"+pagesEnd;
} else {
newItem.pages = pagesStart+pagesEnd;
// edition
newItem.edition = originInfo.m::edition.text().toString();
// place
newItem.place = originInfo.m::place.m::placeTerm.text().toString();
// publisher/distributor
newItem.publisher = newItem.distributor = originInfo.m::publisher.text().toString();
// date
newItem.date = originInfo.m::copyrightDate.text().toString();
if(!newItem.date) {
newItem.date = originInfo.m::dateIssued.text().toString();
if(!newItem.date) {
newItem.date = originInfo.dateCreated.text().toString();
// lastModified
newItem.lastModified = originInfo.m::dateModified.text().toString();
// accessDate
newItem.accessDate = originInfo.m::dateCaptured.text().toString();
newItem.ISBN = identifier.(@type=="isbn").text().toString()
newItem.ISSN = identifier.(@type=="issn").text().toString()
// DOI
newItem.DOI = identifier.(@type=="doi").text().toString()
// publication
newItem.publicationTitle = mods.m::relatedItem.m::publication.text().toString();
// call number
newItem.callNumber = mods.m::classification.text().toString();
// archiveLocation
newItem.archiveLocation = mods.m::location.m::physicalLocation.text().toString();
// url
newItem.url = mods.m::location.m::url.text().toString();
// journalAbbreviation
newItem.journalAbbreviation = mods.m::relatedItem.(m::titleInfo.@type=="abbreviated").m::titleInfo.m::title.text().toString();
/** NOTES **/
for each(var note in mods.m::note) {
/** TAGS **/
for each(var subject in mods.m::subject) {
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('14763d24-8ba0-45df-8f52-b8d1108e7ac9', '2006-07-07 12:44:00', 2, 'Biblio/DC/FOAF/PRISM/VCard (RDF/XML)', 'Simon Kornblith', 'rdf',
'Scholar.configure("getCollections", true);
Scholar.configure("dataMode", "rdf");
Scholar.addOption("exportNotes", true);
Scholar.addOption("exportFileData", true);',
'function generateSeeAlso(resource, seeAlso) {
for(var i in seeAlso) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, n.dc+"relation", itemResources[seeAlso[i]], false);
function generateCollection(collection) {
var collectionResource = "#collection:"+collection.id;
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(collectionResource, rdf+"type", n.bib+"Collection", false);
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(collectionResource, n.dc+"title", collection.name, true);
for each(var child in collection.children) {
// add child list items
if(child.type == "collection") {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(collectionResource, n.dcterms+"hasPart", "#collection:"+child.id, false);
// do recursive processing of collections
} else {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(collectionResource, n.dcterms+"hasPart", itemResources[child.id], false);
function doExport() {
rdf = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#";
n = {
// add namespaces
for(var i in n) {
Scholar.RDF.addNamespace(i, n[i]);
// leave as global
itemResources = new Array();
// keep track of resources already assigned (in case two book items have the
// same ISBN, or something like that)
var usedResources = new Array();
var items = new Array();
// first, map each ID to a resource
while(item = Scholar.nextItem()) {
if(item.ISBN && !usedResources["urn:isbn:"+item.ISBN]) {
itemResources[item.itemID] = "urn:isbn:"+item.ISBN;
usedResources[itemResources[item.itemID]] = true;
} else if(item.url && !usedResources[item.url]) {
itemResources[item.itemID] = item.url;
usedResources[itemResources[item.itemID]] = true;
} else {
// just specify a node ID
itemResources[item.itemID] = "#item:"+item.itemID;
for(var j in item.notes) {
itemResources[item.notes[j].itemID] = "#item:"+item.notes[j].itemID;
for each(item in items) {
// these items are global
resource = itemResources[item.itemID];
container = null;
containerElement = null;
section = null;
// title
if(item.title) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, n.dc+"title", item.title, true);
// type
var type = null;
if(item.itemType == "book") {
type = "Book";
} else if (item.itemType == "bookSection") {
type = "BookSection";
container = "Book";
} else if(item.itemType == "journalArticle") {
type = "Article";
container = "Journal";
} else if(item.itemType == "magazineArticle") {
type = "Article";
container = "Periodical";
} else if(item.itemType == "newspaperArticle") {
type = "Article";
container = "Newspaper";
} else if(item.itemType == "thesis") {
type = "Thesis";
} else if(item.itemType == "letter") {
type = "Letter";
} else if(item.itemType == "manuscript") {
type = "Manuscript";
} else if(item.itemType == "interview") {
type = "Interview";
} else if(item.itemType == "film") {
type = "MotionPicture";
} else if(item.itemType == "artwork") {
type = "Illustration";
} else if(item.itemType == "website") {
type = "Document";
} else if(item.itemType == "note") {
type = "Memo";
if(!Scholar.getOption("exportNotes")) {
if(type) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, rdf+"type", n.bib+type, false);
// authors/editors/contributors
var creatorContainers = new Object();
for(var j in item.creators) {
var creator = Scholar.RDF.newResource();
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(creator, rdf+"type", n.foaf+"Person", false);
// gee. an entire vocabulary for describing people, and these aren''t even
// standardized in it. oh well. using them anyway.
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(creator, n.foaf+"surname", item.creators[j].lastName, true);
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(creator, n.foaf+"givenname", item.creators[j].firstName, true);
// in addition, these tags are not yet in Biblio, but Bruce D''Arcus
// says they will be.
if(item.creators[j].creatorType == "author") {
var cTag = "authors";
} else if(item.creators[j].creatorType == "editor") {
var cTag = "editors";
} else {
var cTag = "contributors";
if(!creatorContainers[cTag]) {
var creatorResource = Scholar.RDF.newResource();
// create new seq for author type
creatorContainers[cTag] = Scholar.RDF.newContainer("seq", creatorResource);
// attach container to resource
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, n.bib+cTag, creatorResource, false);
Scholar.RDF.addContainerElement(creatorContainers[cTag], creator, false);
// source
if(item.source) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, n.dc+"source", item.source, true);
// accessionNumber as generic ID
if(item.accessionNumber) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, n.dc+"identifier", item.accessionNumber, true);
// rights
if(item.rights) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, n.dc+"rights", item.rights, true);
// use section to set up another container element
if(item.section) {
section = Scholar.RDF.newResource(); // leave as global
// set section type
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(section, rdf+"type", n.bib+"Part", false);
// set section title
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(section, n.dc+"title", item.section, true);
// add relationship to resource
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, n.dc+"isPartOf", section, false);
// generate container
if(container) {
if(item.ISSN && !Scholar.RDF.getArcsIn("urn:issn:"+item.ISSN)) {
// use ISSN as container URI if no other item is
containerElement = "urn:issn:"+item.ISSN
} else {
containerElement = Scholar.RDF.newResource();
// attach container to section (if exists) or resource
Scholar.RDF.addStatement((section ? section : resource), n.dcterms+"isPartOf", containerElement, false);
// add container type
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(containerElement, rdf+"type", n.bib+container, false);
if(item.ISSN) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement((containerElement ? containerElement : resource), n.dc+"identifier", "ISSN "+item.ISSN, true);
if(item.ISBN) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement((containerElement ? containerElement : resource), n.dc+"identifier", "ISBN "+item.ISBN, true);
// DOI
if(item.DOI) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement((containerElement ? containerElement : resource), n.dc+"identifier", "DOI "+item.DOI, true);
// publication gets linked to container via isPartOf
if(item.publication) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement((containerElement ? containerElement : resource), n.dc+"title", item.publicationTitle, true);
// series also linked in
if(item.seriesTitle) {
var series = Scholar.RDF.newResource();
// set series type
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(series, rdf+"type", n.bib+"Series", false);
// set series title
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(series, n.dc+"title", item.seriesTitle, true);
// add relationship to resource
Scholar.RDF.addStatement((containerElement ? containerElement : resource), n.dcterms+"isPartOf", series, false);
// volume
if(item.volume) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement((containerElement ? containerElement : resource), n.prism+"volume", item.volume, true);
// number
if(item.issue) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement((containerElement ? containerElement : resource), n.prism+"number", item.issue, true);
// edition
if(item.edition) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, n.prism+"edition", item.edition, true);
// publisher/distributor and place
if(item.publisher || item.distributor || item.place) {
var organization = Scholar.RDF.newResource();
// set organization type
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(organization, rdf+"type", n.foaf+"Organization", false);
// add relationship to resource
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, n.dc+"publisher", organization, false);
// add publisher/distributor
if(item.publisher) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(organization, n.foaf+"name", item.publisher, true);
} else if(item.distributor) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(organization, n.foaf+"name", item.distributor, true);
// add place
if(item.place) {
var address = Scholar.RDF.newResource();
// set address type
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(address, rdf+"type", n.vcard+"Address", false);
// set address locality
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(address, n.vcard+"locality", item.place, true);
// add relationship to organization
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(organization, n.vcard+"adr", address, false);
// date/year
if(item.date) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, n.dc+"date", item.date, true);
if(item.accessDate) { // use date submitted for access date?
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, n.dcterms+"dateSubmitted", item.accessDate, true);
// callNumber
if(item.callNumber) {
var term = Scholar.RDF.newResource();
// set term type
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(term, rdf+"type", n.dcterms+"LCC", false);
// set callNumber value
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(term, rdf+"value", item.callNumber, true);
// add relationship to resource
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, n.dc+"subject", term, false);
// archiveLocation
if(item.archiveLocation) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, n.dc+"coverage", item.archiveLocation, true);
// type (not itemType)
if(item.type) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, n.dc+"type", item.type, true);
} else if(item.thesisType) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, n.dc+"type", item.thesisType, true);
if(item.pages) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, n.bib+"pages", item.pages, true);
// journalAbbreviation
if(item.journalAbbreviation) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement((containerElement ? containerElement : resource), n.dcterms+"alternative", item.journalAbbreviation, true);
/** NOTES **/
if(Scholar.getOption("exportNotes")) {
for(var j in item.notes) {
var noteResource = itemResources[item.notes[j].itemID];
// add note tag
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(noteResource, rdf+"type", n.bib+"Memo", false);
// add note value
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(noteResource, rdf+"value", item.notes[j].note, true);
// add relationship between resource and note
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, n.dcterms+"isReferencedBy", noteResource, false);
// Add see also info to RDF
generateSeeAlso(resource, item.notes[j].seeAlso);
if(item.note) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, rdf+"value", item.note, true);
/** TAGS **/
for(var j in item.tags) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, n.dc+"subject", item.tags[j], true);
// Add see also info to RDF
generateSeeAlso(resource, item.seeAlso);
var collection;
while(collection = Scholar.nextCollection()) {
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('6e372642-ed9d-4934-b5d1-c11ac758ebb7', '2006-07-05 23:40:00', 2, 'Unqualified Dublin Core (RDF/XML)', 'Simon Kornblith', 'rdf',
'Scholar.configure("dataMode", "rdf");',
'function doExport() {
var dc = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/";
Scholar.RDF.addNamespace("dc", dc);
var item;
while(item = Scholar.nextItem()) {
if(item.itemType == "note") {
var resource;
if(item.ISBN) {
resource = "urn:isbn:"+item.ISBN;
} else if(item.url) {
resource = item.url;
} else {
// just specify a node ID
resource = Scholar.RDF.newResource();
// title
if(item.title) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, dc+"title", item.title, true);
// type
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, dc+"type", item.itemType, true);
// creators
for(var j in item.creators) {
// put creators in lastName, firstName format (although DC doesn''t specify)
var creator = item.creators[j].lastName;
if(item.creators[j].firstName) {
creator += ", "+item.creators[j].firstName;
if(item.creators[j].creatorType == "author") {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, dc+"creator", creator, true);
} else {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, dc+"contributor", creator, true);
// source
if(item.source) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, dc+"source", item.source, true);
// accessionNumber as generic ID
if(item.accessionNumber) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, dc+"identifier", item.accessionNumber, true);
// rights
if(item.rights) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, dc+"rights", item.rights, true);
// TODO - create text citation and OpenURL citation to handle volume, number, pages, issue, place
// publisher/distributor
if(item.publisher) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, dc+"publisher", item.publisher, true);
} else if(item.distributor) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, dc+"publisher", item.distributor, true);
// date/year
if(item.date) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, dc+"date", item.date, true);
if(item.ISBN) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, dc+"identifier", "ISBN "+item.ISBN, true);
if(item.ISSN) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, dc+"identifier", "ISSN "+item.ISSN, true);
if(item.DOI) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, dc+"identifier", "DOI "+item.DOI, true);
// callNumber
if(item.callNumber) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, dc+"identifier", item.callNumber, true);
// archiveLocation
if(item.archiveLocation) {
Scholar.RDF.addStatement(resource, dc+"coverage", item.archiveLocation, true);
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('5e3ad958-ac79-463d-812b-a86a9235c28f', '2006-07-15 17:09:00', 1, 'RDF', 'Simon Kornblith', 'rdf',
'Scholar.configure("dataMode", "rdf");
function detectImport() {
// unfortunately, Mozilla will let you create a data source from any type
// of XML, so we need to make sure there are actually nodes
var nodes = Scholar.RDF.getAllResources();
if(nodes) {
return true;
'// gets the first result set for a property that can be encoded in multiple
// ontologies
function getFirstResults(node, properties, onlyOneString) {
for(var i=0; i<properties.length; i++) {
var result = Scholar.RDF.getTargets(node, properties[i]);
if(result) {
if(onlyOneString) {
// onlyOneString means we won''t return nsIRDFResources, only
// actual literals
if(typeof(result[0]) != "object") {
return result[0];
} else {
return result;
return; // return undefined on failure
// adds creators to an item given a list of creator nodes
function handleCreators(newItem, creators, creatorType) {
if(!creators) {
if(typeof(creators[0]) != "string") { // see if creators are in a container
try {
var creators = Scholar.RDF.getContainerElements(creators[0]);
} catch(e) {}
if(typeof(creators[0]) == "string") { // support creators encoded as strings
for(var i in creators) {
if(typeof(creators[i]) != "object") {
newItem.creators.push(Scholar.Utilities.cleanAuthor(creators[i], creatorType, true));
} else { // also support foaf
for(var i in creators) {
var type = Scholar.RDF.getTargets(creators[i], rdf+"type");
if(type) {
type = Scholar.RDF.getResourceURI(type[0]);
if(type == n.foaf+"Person") { // author is FOAF type person
var creator = new Array();
creator.lastName = getFirstResults(creators[i],
[n.foaf+"surname", n.foaf+"family_name"], true);
creator.firstName = getFirstResults(creators[i],
[n.foaf+"givenname", n.foaf+"firstName"], true);
creator.creatorType = creatorType;
// processes collections recursively
function processCollection(node, collection) {
if(!collection) {
collection = new Array();
collection.type = "collection";
collection.name = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc+"title"], true);
collection.children = new Array();
// check for children
var children = getFirstResults(node, [n.dcterms+"hasPart"]);
for each(var child in children) {
var type = Scholar.RDF.getTargets(child, rdf+"type");
if(type) {
type = Scholar.RDF.getResourceURI(type[0]);
if(type == n.bib+"Collection") {
// for collections, process recursively
} else {
// all other items are added by ID
collection.children.push({id:Scholar.RDF.getResourceURI(child), type:"item"});
return collection;
// gets the node with a given type from an array
function getNodeByType(nodes, type) {
if(!nodes) {
return false;
for each(node in nodes) {
var nodeType = Scholar.RDF.getTargets(node, rdf+"type");
if(nodeType) {
nodeType = Scholar.RDF.getResourceURI(nodeType[0]);
if(nodeType == type) { // we have a node of the correct type
return node;
return false;
function doImport() {
rdf = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#";
n = {
callNumberTypes = [
n.dcterms+"LCC", n.dcterms+"DDC", n.dcterms+"UDC"
var nodes = Scholar.RDF.getAllResources();
if(!nodes) {
return false;
// keep track of collections while we''re looping through
var collections = new Array();
for each(var node in nodes) {
var newItem = new Scholar.Item();
newItem.itemID = Scholar.RDF.getResourceURI(node);
var container = undefined;
// type
var type = Scholar.RDF.getTargets(node, rdf+"type");
// also deal with type detection based on parts, so we can differentiate
// magazine and journal articles, and find container elements
var isPartOf = getFirstResults(node, [n.dcterms+"isPartOf"]);
if(type) {
type = Scholar.RDF.getResourceURI(type[0]);
if(type == n.bib+"Book") {
newItem.itemType = "book";
} else if(type == n.bib+"BookSection") {
newItem.itemType = "bookSection";
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, n.bib+"Book");
} else if(type == n.bib+"Article") { // choose between journal,
// newspaper, and magazine
// articles
if(container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, n.bib+"Journal")) {
newItem.itemType = "journalArticle";
} else if(container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, n.bib+"Periodical")) {
newItem.itemType = "magazineArticle";
} else if(container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, n.bib+"Newspaper")) {
newItem.itemType = "newspaperArticle";
} else if(type == n.bib+"Thesis") {
newItem.itemType = "thesis";
} else if(type == n.bib+"Letter") {
newItem.itemType = "letter";
} else if(type == n.bib+"Manuscript") {
newItem.itemType = "manuscript";
} else if(type == n.bib+"Interview") {
newItem.itemType = "interview";
} else if(type == n.bib+"MotionPicture") {
newItem.itemType = "film";
} else if(type == n.bib+"Illustration") {
newItem.itemType = "illustration";
} else if(type == n.bib+"Document") {
newItem.itemType = "website";
} else if(type == n.bib+"Memo") {
// check to see if this note is independent
var arcs = Scholar.RDF.getArcsIn(node);
Scholar.Utilities.debug("working on a note");
var skip = false;
for each(var arc in arcs) {
arc = Scholar.RDF.getResourceURI(arc);
if(arc != n.dc+"relation" && arc != n.dcterms+"hasPart") {
// related to another item by some arc besides see also
skip = true;
if(skip) {
newItem.itemType = "note";
} else if(type == n.bib+"Collection") {
// skip collections until all the items are done
} else { // default to book
newItem.itemType = "book";
// title
newItem.title = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc+"title"], true);
if(newItem.itemType != "note" && !newItem.title) { // require the title
// (if not a note)
// regular author-type creators
var creators = getFirstResults(node, [n.bib+"authors", n.dc+"creator"]);
handleCreators(newItem, creators, "author");
// editors
var creators = getFirstResults(node, [n.bib+"editors"]);
handleCreators(newItem, creators, "editor");
// contributors
var creators = getFirstResults(node, [n.bib+"contributors"]);
handleCreators(newItem, creators, "contributor");
// source
newItem.source = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc+"source"], true);
// rights
newItem.rights = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc+"rights"], true);
// section
var section = getNodeByType(isPartOf, n.bib+"Part");
if(section) {
newItem.section = getFirstResults(section, [n.dc+"title"], true);
// publication
if(container) {
newItem.publicationTitle = getFirstResults(container, [n.dc+"title"], true);
// series
var series = getNodeByType(isPartOf, n.bib+"Series");
if(series) {
newItem.seriesTitle = getFirstResults(container, [n.dc+"title"], true);
// volume
newItem.volume = getFirstResults((container ? container : node), [n.prism+"volume"], true);
// number
newItem.issue = getFirstResults((container ? container : node), [n.prism+"number"], true);
// edition
newItem.edition = getFirstResults(node, [n.prism+"edition"], true);
// publisher
var publisher = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc+"publisher"]);
if(publisher) {
if(typeof(publisher[0]) == "string") {
newItem.publisher = publisher[0];
} else {
var type = Scholar.RDF.getTargets(publisher[0], rdf+"type");
if(type) {
type = Scholar.RDF.getResourceURI(type[0]);
if(type == n.foaf+"Organization") { // handle foaf organizational publishers
newItem.publisher = getFirstResults(publisher[0], [n.foaf+"name"], true);
var place = getFirstResults(publisher[0], [n.vcard+"adr"]);
if(place) {
newItem.place = getFirstResults(place[0], [n.vcard+"locality"]);
// (this will get ignored except for films, where we encode distributor as publisher)
newItem.distributor = newItem.publisher;
// date
newItem.date = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc+"date"], true);
// accessDate
newItem.accessDate = getFirstResults(node, [n.dcterms+"dateSubmitted"], true);
// lastModified
newItem.lastModified = getFirstResults(node, [n.dcterms+"modified"], true);
// identifier
var identifiers = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc+"identifier"]);
if(container) {
var containerIdentifiers = getFirstResults(container, [n.dc+"identifier"]);
// concatenate sets of identifiers
if(containerIdentifiers) {
if(identifiers) {
identifiers = identifiers.concat(containerIdentifiers);
} else {
identifiers = containerIdentifiers;
if(identifiers) {
for(var i in identifiers) {
var beforeSpace = identifiers[i].substr(0, identifiers[i].indexOf(" ")).toUpperCase();
if(beforeSpace == "ISBN") {
newItem.ISBN = identifiers[i].substr(5).toUpperCase();
} else if(beforeSpace == "ISSN") {
newItem.ISSN = identifiers[i].substr(5).toUpperCase();
} else if(beforeSpace == "DOI") {
newItem.DOI = identifiers[i].substr(4);
} else if(!newItem.accessionNumber) {
newItem.accessionNumber = identifiers[i];
// archiveLocation
newItem.archiveLocation = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc+"coverage"], true);
// type
newItem.type = newItem.thesisType = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc+"type"], true);
// journalAbbreviation
newItem.journalAbbreviation = getFirstResults((container ? container : node), [n.dcterms+"alternative"], true);
// see also
var relations;
if(relations = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc+"relation"])) {
for each(var relation in relations) {
/** NOTES **/
var referencedBy = Scholar.RDF.getTargets(node, n.dcterms+"isReferencedBy");
for each(var referentNode in referencedBy) {
var type = Scholar.RDF.getTargets(referentNode, rdf+"type");
if(type && Scholar.RDF.getResourceURI(type[0]) == n.bib+"Memo") {
// if this is a memo
var note = new Array();
note.note = getFirstResults(referentNode, [rdf+"value", n.dc+"description"], true);
if(note.note != undefined) {
// handle see also
var relations;
if(relations = getFirstResults(referentNode, [n.dc+"relation"])) {
note.seeAlso = new Array();
for each(var relation in relations) {
// add note
if(newItem.itemType == "note") {
// add note for standalone
newItem.note = getFirstResults(node, [rdf+"value", n.dc+"description"], true);
/** TAGS **/
var subjects = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc+"subject"]);
for each(var subject in subjects) {
if(typeof(subject) == "string") { // a regular tag
} else { // a call number
var type = Scholar.RDF.getTargets(subject, rdf+"type");
if(type) {
type = Scholar.RDF.getResourceURI(type[0]);
if(Scholar.Utilities.inArray(type, callNumberTypes)) {
newItem.callNumber = getFirstResults(subject, [rdf+"value"], true);
for each(collection in collections) {
if(!Scholar.RDF.getArcsIn(collection)) {
var newCollection = new Scholar.Collection();
processCollection(collection, newCollection);
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('32d59d2d-b65a-4da4-b0a3-bdd3cfb979e7', '2006-08-08 17:12:00', 3, 'RIS', 'Simon Kornblith', 'ris',
'Scholar.configure("dataMode", "line");
Scholar.addOption("exportNotes", true);
function detectImport() {
var line;
while(line = Scholar.read()) {
if(line.replace(/\s/g, "") != "") {
if(line.substr(0, 6) == "TY - ") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
'var itemsWithYears = ["book", "bookSection", "thesis", "film"];
var fieldMap = {
var inputFieldMap = {
// TODO: figure out if these are the best types for letter, interview, website, manuscript
var typeMap = {
// supplements outputTypeMap for importing
var inputTypeMap = {
function processTag(item, tag, value) {
if(fieldMap[tag]) {
item[fieldMap[tag]] = value;
} else if(inputFieldMap[tag]) {
item[inputFieldMap[tag]] = value;
} else if(tag == "TY") {
// look for type
// first check typeMap
for(var i in typeMap) {
if(value == typeMap[i]) {
item.itemType = i;
// then check inputTypeMap
if(!item.itemType) {
if(inputTypeMap[value]) {
item.itemType = inputTypeMap[value];
} else {
// default to generic from inputTypeMap
item.itemType = inputTypeMap["GEN"];
} else if(tag == "BT") {
// ignore, unless this is a book or unpublished work, as per spec
if(item.itemType == "book" || item.itemType == "manuscript") {
item.title = value;
} else if(tag == "A1" || tag == "AU") {
// primary author
var names = value.split(",");
item.creators.push({lastName:names[0], firstName:names[1], creatorType:"author"});
} else if(tag == "A2" || tag == "ED") {
// contributing author
var names = value.split(",");
item.creators.push({lastName:names[0], firstName:names[1], creatorType:"contributor"});
} else if(tag == "Y1" || tag == "PY") {
// year or date
var dateParts = value.split("/");
if(dateParts.length == 1) {
// technically, if there''s only one date part, the file isn''t valid
// RIS, but EndNote accepts this, so we have to too
item.date = value+"-00-00";
} else if(dateParts[1].length == 0 && dateParts[2].length == 0 && dateParts[3] && dateParts[3].length != 0) {
// in the case that we have a year and other data, format that way
item.date = dateParts[3]+(dateParts[0] ? " "+dateParts[0] : "");
} else {
// standard YMD data
item.date = Scholar.Utilities.lpad(dateParts[0], "0", 4)+"-"+Scholar.Utilities.lpad(dateParts[1], "0", 2)+"-"+Scholar.Utilities.lpad(dateParts[2], "0", 2);
} else if(tag == "N1" || tag == "AB") {
// notes
} else if(tag == "KW") {
// keywords/tags
} else if(tag == "SP") {
// start page
if(!item.pages) {
item.pages = value;
} else if(item.pages[0] == "-") { // already have ending page
item.pages = value + item.pages;
} else { // multiple ranges? hey, it''s a possibility
item.pages += ", "+value;
} else if(tag == "EP") {
// end page
if(value) {
if(!item.pages || value != item.pages) {
if(!item.pages) {
item.pages = "";
item.pages += "-"+value;
} else if(tag == "SN") {
// ISSN/ISBN - just add both
if(!item.ISBN) {
item.ISBN = value;
if(!item.ISSN) {
item.ISSN = value;
} else if(tag == "UR") {
// URL
item.url = value;
function doImport() {
var line = true;
var tag = data = false;
do { // first valid line is type
line = Scholar.read();
} while(line !== false && line.substr(0, 6) != "TY - ");
var item = new Scholar.Item();
var tag = "TY";
var data = line.substr(6);
while((line = Scholar.read()) !== false) { // until EOF
if(line.substr(2, 4) == " - ") {
// if this line is a tag, take a look at the previous line to map
// its tag
if(tag) {
processTag(item, tag, data);
// then fetch the tag and data from this line
tag = line.substr(0,2);
data = line.substr(6);
Scholar.Utilities.debug("tag: ''"+tag+"''; data: ''"+data+"''");
if(tag == "ER") { // ER signals end of reference
// unset info
tag = data = false;
// new item
item = new Scholar.Item();
} else {
// otherwise, assume this is data from the previous line continued
if(tag) {
data += line;
if(tag) { // save any unprocessed tags
processTag(item, tag, data);
function addTag(tag, value) {
if(value) {
Scholar.write(tag+" - "+value+"\r\n");
function doExport() {
var item;
while(item = Scholar.nextItem()) {
// can''t store independent notes in RIS
if(item.itemType == "note") {
// type
addTag("TY", typeMap[item.itemType]);
// use field map
for(var j in fieldMap) {
addTag(j, item[fieldMap[j]]);
// creators
for(var j in item.creators) {
// only two types, primary and secondary
var risTag = "A1"
if(item.creators[j].creatorType != "author") {
risTag = "A2";
addTag(risTag, item.creators[j].lastName+","+item.creators[j].firstName);
// date
if(item.date) {
var isoDate = /^[0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})?$/;
if(isoDate.test(item.date)) { // can directly accept ISO format with minor mods
addTag("Y1", item.date.replace("-", "/")+"/");
} else { // otherwise, extract year and attach other data
var year = /^(.*?) *([0-9]{4})/;
var m = year.exec(item.date);
if(m) {
addTag("Y1", m[2]+"///"+m[1]);
// notes
if(Scholar.getOption("exportNotes")) {
for(var j in item.notes) {
addTag("N1", item.notes[j].note.replace(/[\r\n]/g, " "));
// tags
for(var j in item.tags) {
addTag("KY", item.tags[j]);
// pages
if(item.pages) {
var range = Scholar.Utilities.getPageRange(item.pages);
addTag("SP", range[0]);
addTag("EP", range[1]);
addTag("SN", item.ISBN);
addTag("SN", item.ISSN);
// URL
if(item.url) {
addTag("UR", item.url);
} else if(item.source && item.source.substr(0, 7) == "http://") {
addTag("UR", item.source);
Scholar.write("ER - \r\n\r\n");
REPLACE INTO "translators" VALUES ('a6ee60df-1ddc-4aae-bb25-45e0537be973', '2006-07-16 17:18:00', 1, 'MARC', 'Simon Kornblith', 'marc',
'function detectImport() {
var marcRecordRegexp = /^[0-9]{5}[a-z ]{3}$/
var read = Scholar.read(8);
if(marcRecordRegexp.test(read)) {
return true;
* Original version of MARC record library copyright (C) 2005 Stefano Bargioni,
* licensed under the LGPL
* (Available at http://www.pusc.it/bib/mel/Scholar.Ingester.MARC_Record.js)
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
var MARC_Record = function() { // new MARC record
this.leader = {
record_status:''n'', // acdnp
type_of_record:'' '',
bibliographic_level:'' '',
type_of_control:'' '',
character_coding_scheme:'' '',
encoding_level:'' '',
descriptive_cataloging_form:'' '',
linked_record_requirement:'' '',
}; // 24 chars
this.field_terminator = ''\x1E'';
this.record_terminator = ''\x1D'';
this.subfield_delimiter = ''\x1F'';
this.directory = '''';
this.directory_terminator = this.field_terminator;
this.variable_fields = new Array();
MARC_Record.prototype.load = function(s,f) { // loads record s passed in format f
if (f == ''binary'') {
this.leader.record_length = ''00000'';
this.leader.record_status = s.substr(5,1);
this.leader.type_of_record = s.substr(6,1);
this.leader.bibliographic_level = s.substr(7,1);
this.leader.type_of_control = s.substr(8,1);
this.leader.character_coding_scheme = s.substr(9,1);
this.leader.indicator_count = ''2'';
this.leader.subfield_code_length = ''2'';
this.leader.base_address_of_data = ''00000'';
this.leader.encoding_level = s.substr(17,1);
this.leader.descriptive_cataloging_form = s.substr(18,1);
this.leader.linked_record_requirement = s.substr(19,1);
this.leader.entry_map = ''4500'';
this.directory = '''';
this.directory_terminator = this.field_terminator;
this.variable_fields = new Array();
// loads fields
var campi = s.split(this.field_terminator);
var k;
for (k=1; k<-1+campi.length; k++) { // the first and the last are unuseful
// the first is the header + directory, the last is the this.record_terminator
var tag = campi[0].substr(24+(k-1)*12,3);
var ind1 = ''''; var ind2 = ''''; var value = campi[k];
if (tag.substr(0,2) != ''00'') {
ind1 = campi[k].substr(0,1);
ind2 = campi[k].substr(1,1);
value = campi[k].substr(2);
return this;
MARC_Record.prototype.update_base_address_of_data = function() { // updates the base_address
this.leader.base_address_of_data = this._zero_fill(24+this.variable_fields.length*12+1,5);
return this.leader.base_address_of_data;
MARC_Record.prototype.update_displacements = function() { // rebuilds the directory
var displ = 0;
this.directory = '''';
for (var i=0; i<this.variable_fields.length; i++) {
var len = this.variable_fields[i].value.length + 1 +
this.variable_fields[i].ind1.length +
this.directory += this.variable_fields[i].tag +
this._zero_fill(len,4) + this._zero_fill(displ,5);
displ += len;
return true;
MARC_Record.prototype.update_record_length = function() { // updates total record length
var fields_total_length = 0; var f;
for (f=0; f<this.variable_fields.length;f++) {
fields_total_length += this.variable_fields[f].ind1.length+this.variable_fields[f].ind2.length+this.variable_fields[f].value.length + 1;
var rl = 24+this.directory.length+1+fields_total_length+1;
this.leader.record_length = this._zero_fill(rl,5);
MARC_Record.prototype.sort_directory = function() { // sorts directory and array variable_fields by tag and occ
// ordinamento della directory
if (this.directory.length <= 12) { return true; } // already sorted
var directory_entries = new Array();
var i;
for (i=0; i<this.directory.length; i=i+12) {
directory_entries[directory_entries.length] = this.directory.substr(i,12);
this.directory = directory_entries.join('''');
// sorts array variable_fields
this.variable_fields.sort(function(a,b) { return a.tag - b.tag + a.occ - b.occ; });
return true;
MARC_Record.prototype.show_leader = function() {
var leader = ''''; var f;
for (f in this.leader) { leader += this.leader[f]; }
return leader;
MARC_Record.prototype.show_fields = function() {
var fields = ''''; var f;
for (f=0; f<this.variable_fields.length;f++) {
fields += this.variable_fields[f].ind1 +
this.variable_fields[f].ind2 +
this.variable_fields[f].value +
return fields;
MARC_Record.prototype.show_directory = function() {
var d = '''';
for (var i = 0; i<this.directory.length; i+=12) {
d += this.directory.substr(i,3) + '' '' +
this.directory.substr(i+3,4) + '' '' +
this.directory.substr(i+7,5) + ''\n'';
return d;
MARC_Record.prototype.add_field_005 = function() {
var now = new Date();
now = now.getFullYear() +
this._zero_fill(now.getMonth()+1,2) +
this._zero_fill(now.getDate(),2) +
this._zero_fill(now.getHours(),2) +
this._zero_fill(now.getMinutes(),2) +
this._zero_fill(now.getSeconds(),2) + ''.0'';
return now;
MARC_Record.prototype.count_occ = function(tag) { // counts occ of tag
var n = 0;
for (var i=0; i<this.variable_fields.length; i++) {
if (this.variable_fields[i].tag == tag) { n++; }
return n;
MARC_Record.prototype.exists = function(tag) { // field existence
if (this.count_occ(tag) > 0) return true;
return false;
MARC_Record.prototype.MARC_field = function(rec,tag,ind1,ind2,value) { // new MARC field
this.tag = tag;
this.occ = rec.count_occ(tag)+1; // occurrence order no.
this.ind1 = ind1; if (this.ind1 == '''') this.ind1 = '' '';
this.ind2 = ind2; if (this.ind2 == '''') this.ind2 = '' '';
if (tag.substr(0,2) == ''00'') {
this.ind1 = ''''; this.ind2 = '''';
this.value = value;
return this;
MARC_Record.prototype.display = function(type) { // displays record in format type
type = type.toLowerCase();
if (type == ''binary'') return this.show_leader() +
this.directory +
this.field_terminator +
this.show_fields() +
if (type == ''xml'') {
s = '''';
s += ''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?><collection xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim"><record>'';
s += ''<leader>''+this.show_leader()+''</leader>'';
// var i;
for (i=0; i<this.variable_fields.length; i++) {
ind1 = this.variable_fields[i].ind1; if (ind1 != '''') ind1 = '' ind1="''+ind1+''"'';
ind2 = this.variable_fields[i].ind2; if (ind2 != '''') ind2 = '' ind2="''+ind2+''"'';
if (this.variable_fields[i].tag.substr(0,2) == ''00'') s += ''<controlfield tag="''+this.variable_fields[i].tag+''">''+this.variable_fields[i].value+''</controlfield>'';
else {
var subfields = this.variable_fields[i].value.split(this.subfield_delimiter);
// alert(this.variable_fields[i].value+'' ''+subfields.length); // test
if (subfields.length == 1) subfields[1] = ''?''+this.variable_fields[i].value;
var sf = '''';
for (var j=1; j<subfields.length; j++) {
sf += ''<subfield code="''+subfields[j].substr(0,1)+''">''+subfields[j].substr(1)+''</subfield>'';
s += ''<datafield tag="'' + this.variable_fields[i].tag + ''"'' + ind1 + ind2 + ''>'' + sf + ''</datafield>'';
s += ''</record></collection>'';
return s;
return false;
MARC_Record.prototype.get_field = function(tag) { // returns an array of values, one for each occurrence
var v = new Array(); var i;
for (i=0; i<this.variable_fields.length; i++) {
if (this.variable_fields[i].tag == tag) {
v[v.length] = this.variable_fields[i].ind1 +
this.variable_fields[i].ind2 +
return v;
// This function added by Simon Kornblith
MARC_Record.prototype.get_field_subfields = function(tag) { // returns a two-dimensional array of values
var field = this.get_field(tag);
var return_me = new Array();
for(var i in field) {
return_me[i] = new Object();
var subfields = field[i].split(this.subfield_delimiter);
if (subfields.length == 1) {
return_me[i][''?''] = field[i];
} else {
for (var j=1; j<subfields.length; j++) {
return_me[i][subfields[j].substr(0,1)] = subfields[j].substr(1);
return return_me;
MARC_Record.prototype.add_field = function(tag,ind1,ind2,value) { // adds a field to the record
if (tag.length != 3) { return false; }
var F = new this.MARC_field(this,tag,ind1,ind2,value);
// adds pointer to list of fields
this.variable_fields[this.variable_fields.length] = F;
// adds the entry to the directory
this.directory += F.tag+this._zero_fill(F.ind1.length+F.ind2.length+F.value.length+1,4)+''00000'';
// sorts the directory
// updates lengths
return F;
MARC_Record.prototype.delete_field = function(tag,occurrence) {
// lookup and delete the occurrence from array variable_fields
var i;
for (i=0; i<this.variable_fields.length; i++) {
if (this.variable_fields[i].tag == tag && this.variable_fields[i].occ == occurrence) break;
if (i==this.variable_fields.length) return false; // campo non trovato
// deletes the occ. i from array variable_fields scaling next values
var j;
for (j=i+1; j<this.variable_fields.length; j++) {
this.variable_fields.length--; // deletes last element
// lookup and delete the occurrence from directory (must exist; no sort is needed)
var nocc = 0;
// var i;
for (i=0; i<this.directory.length;i=i+12) {
if (this.directory.substr(i,3) == tag) nocc++;
if (occurrence == nocc) { // occ found
if (i >= this.directory.length) alert(''Internal error!'');
this.directory = this.directory.substr(0,i) + this.directory.substr(i+12);
// updates lengths
return true;
MARC_Record.prototype._clean = function(value) {
value = value.replace(/^[\s\.\,\/\:]+/, '''');
value = value.replace(/[\s\.\,\/\:]+$/, '''');
value = value.replace(/ +/g, '' '');
var char1 = value[1];
var char2 = value[value.length-1];
if((char1 == "[" && char2 == "]") || (char1 == "(" && char2 == ")")) {
// chop of extraneous characters
return value.substr(1, value.length-2);
return value;
MARC_Record.prototype._associateDBField = function(item, fieldNo, part, fieldName, execMe, arg1, arg2) {
if(!part) {
part = ''a'';
var field = this.get_field_subfields(fieldNo);
Scholar.Utilities.debug(''Found ''+field.length+'' matches for ''+fieldNo+part);
if(field) {
for(var i in field) {
var value = false;
for(var j=0; j<part.length; j++) {
var myPart = part[j];
if(field[i][myPart]) {
if(value) {
value += " "+field[i][myPart];
} else {
value = field[i][myPart];
if(value) {
value = this._clean(value);
if(execMe) {
value = execMe(value, arg1, arg2);
if(fieldName == "creator") {
} else {
item[fieldName] = value;
MARC_Record.prototype._associateTags = function(item, fieldNo, part) {
var field = this.get_field_subfields(fieldNo);
for(var i in field) {
for(var j=0; j<part.length; j++) {
var myPart = part[j];
if(field[i][myPart]) {
// this function loads a MARC record into our database
MARC_Record.prototype.translate = function(item) {
// cleaning functions - use a closure to improve readability because they''ll
// only be called once per record anyway
function _pullNumber(text) {
var pullRe = /[0-9]+/;
var m = pullRe.exec(text);
if(m) {
return m[0];
function _corpAuthor(author) {
return {lastName:author};
// not sure why this is necessary, but without it, this code is inaccessible
// from other translators
function _author(author, type, useComma) {
return Scholar.Utilities.cleanAuthor(author, type, useComma);
// Extract ISBNs
this._associateDBField(item, ''020'', ''a'', ''ISBN'', _pullNumber);
// Extract ISSNs
this._associateDBField(item, ''022'', ''a'', ''ISSN'', _pullNumber);
// Extract creators
this._associateDBField(item, ''100'', ''a'', ''creator'', _author, ''author'', true);
this._associateDBField(item, ''110'', ''a'', ''creator'', _corpAuthor, ''author'');
this._associateDBField(item, ''111'', ''a'', ''creator'', _corpAuthor, ''author'');
this._associateDBField(item, ''700'', ''a'', ''creator'', _author, ''contributor'', true);
this._associateDBField(item, ''710'', ''a'', ''creator'', _corpAuthor, ''contributor'');
this._associateDBField(item, ''711'', ''a'', ''creator'', _corpAuthor, ''contributor'');
if(!item.creators.length) {
// some LOC entries have no listed author, but have the author in the person subject field as the first entry
var field = this.get_field_subfields(''600'');
if(field[0]) {
item.creators.push(this.cleanAuthor(field[0][''a''], true));
// Extract tags
// personal
this._associateTags(item, "600", "aqtxyz");
// corporate
this._associateTags(item, "611", "abtxyz");
// meeting
this._associateTags(item, "630", "acetxyz");
// uniform title
this._associateTags(item, "648", "atxyz");
// chronological
this._associateTags(item, "650", "axyz");
// topical
this._associateTags(item, "651", "abcxyz");
// geographic
this._associateTags(item, "653", "axyz");
// uncontrolled
this._associateTags(item, "653", "a");
// faceted topical term (whatever that means)
this._associateTags(item, "654", "abcyz");
// genre/form
this._associateTags(item, "655", "abcxyz");
// occupation
this._associateTags(item, "656", "axyz");
// function
this._associateTags(item, "657", "axyz");
// curriculum objective
this._associateTags(item, "658", "ab");
// hierarchical geographic place name
this._associateTags(item, "662", "abcdfgh");
// Extract title
this._associateDBField(item, ''245'', ''ab'', ''title'');
// Extract edition
this._associateDBField(item, ''250'', ''a'', ''edition'');
// Extract place info
this._associateDBField(item, ''260'', ''a'', ''place'');
// Extract publisher info
this._associateDBField(item, ''260'', ''b'', ''publisher'');
// Extract year
this._associateDBField(item, ''260'', ''c'', ''date'', _pullNumber);
// Extract series
this._associateDBField(item, ''440'', ''a'', ''seriesTitle'');
// Extract call number
this._associateDBField(item, ''084'', ''ab'', ''callNumber'');
this._associateDBField(item, ''082'', ''a'', ''callNumber'');
this._associateDBField(item, ''080'', ''ab'', ''callNumber'');
this._associateDBField(item, ''070'', ''ab'', ''callNumber'');
this._associateDBField(item, ''060'', ''ab'', ''callNumber'');
this._associateDBField(item, ''050'', ''ab'', ''callNumber'');
// Set type
item.itemType = "book";
MARC_Record.prototype._trim = function(s) { // eliminates blanks from both sides
s = s.replace(/\s+$/,'''');
return s.replace(/^\s+/,'''');
MARC_Record.prototype._zero_fill = function(s,l) { // left ''0'' padding of s, up to l (l<=15)
var t = ''000000000000000'';
t = t+s;
return t.substr(t.length-l,l);
function doImport(url) { // the URL is actually here for other translators
var text;
var holdOver = ""; // part of the text held over from the last loop
while(text = Scholar.read(4096)) { // read in 4096 byte increments
var records = text.split("\x1D");
if(records.length > 1) {
records[0] = holdOver + records[0];
holdOver = records.pop(); // skip last record, since it''s not done
for(var i in records) {
var newItem = new Scholar.Item();
newItem.source = url;
// create new record
var record = new MARC_Record();
record.load(records[i], "binary");
} else {
holdOver += text;
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<name>Simon Kornblith</name>
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REPLACE INTO "csl" VALUES('http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl/styles/chicago-note.csl', '2006-08-12 19:22:00', 'Chicago (Footnote)',
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<summary>The note-without-bibliography variant of the Chicago style.</summary>
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