503 lines
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503 lines
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Copyright © 2009 Center for History and New Media
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
This file is part of Zotero.
Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Zotero. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Zotero.LocateManager = new function() {
const LOCATE_FILE_NAME = "engines.json";
const LOCATE_DIR_NAME = "locate";
var _jsonFile;
var _locateEngines;
var _timer;
* Read locateEngines JSON file to initialize locate manager
this.init = async function() {
_jsonFile = _getLocateFile();
try {
if (await OS.File.exists(_jsonFile)) {
_locateEngines = JSON.parse(await Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(_jsonFile))
.map(engine => new LocateEngine(engine));
else {
await this.restoreDefaultEngines();
catch (e) {
* Adds a new search engine
* confirm parameter is currently ignored
this.addEngine = function(engineURL, dataType, iconURL, confirm) {
if(dataType !== Components.interfaces.nsISearchEngine.TYPE_OPENSEARCH) {
throw new Error("LocateManager supports only OpenSearch engines");
Zotero.HTTP.doGet(engineURL, function(xmlhttp) {
var engine = new LocateEngine();
engine.initWithXML(xmlhttp.responseText, iconURL);
* Gets all default search engines (not currently used)
this.getDefaultEngines = function () {
return JSON.parse(Zotero.File.getContentsFromURL(_getDefaultFile()))
.map(engine => new LocateEngine(engine));
* Returns an array of all search engines
this.getEngines = function() { return _locateEngines.slice(0); }
* Returns an array of all search engines visible that should be visible in the dropdown
this.getVisibleEngines = function () {
return _locateEngines.filter(engine => !engine.hidden);
* Returns an engine with a specific name
this.getEngineByName = function(engineName) {
engineName = engineName.toLowerCase();
for (let engine of _locateEngines) if(engine.name.toLowerCase() == engineName) return engine;
return null;
* Returns the first engine with a specific alias
this.getEngineByAlias = function(engineAlias) {
engineAlias = engineAlias.toLowerCase();
for (let engine of _locateEngines) if(engine.alias.toLowerCase() == engineAlias) return engine;
return null;
* Moves an engine in the list
this.moveEngine = function(engine, newIndex) {
_locateEngines.splice(newIndex, engine);
* Removes an engine from the list
this.removeEngine = function(engine) {
var oldIndex = _locateEngines.indexOf(engine);
if(oldIndex === -1) throw new Error("Engine is not currently listed");
_locateEngines.splice(oldIndex, 1);
* Restore default engines by copying file from extension dir
this.restoreDefaultEngines = async function () {
// get locate dir
var locateDir = _getLocateDirectory();
// remove old locate dir
await OS.File.removeDir(locateDir, { ignoreAbsent: true, ignorePermissions: true });
// create new locate dir
await OS.File.makeDir(locateDir, { unixMode: 0o755 });
// copy default file to new locate dir
await Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(
await Zotero.File.getContentsFromURLAsync(_getDefaultFile())
// reread locate engines
await this.init();
// reload icons for default locate engines
for (let engine of this.getEngines()) engine._updateIcon();
* Writes the engines to disk; called from the nsITimer spawned by _serializeLocateEngines
this.notify = async function () {
await Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(_jsonFile, JSON.stringify(_locateEngines, null, "\t"));
_timer = undefined;
* Gets the JSON file containing engine info
function _getLocateFile() {
return OS.Path.join(_getLocateDirectory(), LOCATE_FILE_NAME);
* Gets the dir containing the JSON file and engine icons
function _getLocateDirectory() {
return OS.Path.join(Zotero.DataDirectory.dir, LOCATE_DIR_NAME);
* Gets the JSON file containing the engine info for the default engines
function _getDefaultFile() {
return "resource://zotero/schema/"+LOCATE_FILE_NAME;
* Writes the engines to disk when the current block is finished executing
function _serializeLocateEngines() {
if(_timer) return;
_timer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].
_timer.initWithCallback(Zotero.LocateManager, 0, Components.interfaces.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
* Function to call to attach to watch engine properties and perform deferred serialization
function _watchLocateEngineProperties(id, oldval, newval) {
if(oldval !== newval) _serializeLocateEngines();
return newval;
* Looks up a parameter in our list
* Supported parameters include
* - all standard OpenURL parameters, identified by any OpenURL namespace
* - "version", "identifier", and "format" identified by the OpenURL ctx namespace
* - "openURL" identified by the Zotero namespace (= the whole openURL)
* - "year" identified by the Zotero namespace
* - any Zotero field identified by the Zotero namespace
function _lookupParam(item, itemOpenURL, engine, nsPrefix, param) {
if(nsPrefix) {
var ns = engine._urlNamespaces[nsPrefix];
if(!ns) return false;
} else {
if(param === "searchTerms") return [item.title];
return false;
if(OPENURL_ITEM_PREFIXES.indexOf(ns) !== -1) {
// take a normal "title," even though we don't use it, because it is valid (but not
// preferred) OpenURL
if(param === "title") {
var title = item.title;
return (title ? [encodeURIComponent(title)] : false);
if(!itemOpenURL["rft."+param]) {
return false;
return itemOpenURL["rft."+param].map(val => encodeURIComponent(val));
} else if(ns === "info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx") {
return false;
return itemOpenURL[OPENURL_CONTEXT_MAPPINGS[param]].map(val => encodeURIComponent(val));
} else if(ns === "http://www.zotero.org/namespaces/openSearch#") {
if(param === "openURL") {
var ctx = Zotero.OpenURL.createContextObject(item, "1.0");
return (ctx ? [ctx] : false);
} else if(param === "year") {
return (itemOpenURL["rft.date"] ? [itemOpenURL["rft.date"][0].substr(0, 4)] : false);
} else {
var result = item[param];
return (result ? [encodeURIComponent(result)] : false);
} else {
return false;
* Theoretically implements nsISearchSubmission
var LocateSubmission = function(uri, postData) {
this.uri = Services.io.newURI(uri, null, null);
this.postData = postData;
* @constructor
* Constructs a new LocateEngine
* @param {Object} [obj] The locate engine, in parsed form, as it was serialized to JSON
var LocateEngine = function(obj) {
this._alias = this._name = "Untitled";
this._description = null;
this._icon = null;
this._hidden = false;
this._urlTemplate = null;
this._urlParams = [];
if(obj) for(var prop in obj) this[prop] = obj[prop];
LocateEngine.prototype = {
* Initializes an engine with a string and an iconURL to use if none is defined in the file
"initWithXML":function(xmlStr, iconURL) {
// These are the official namespaces
// These were also in nsSearchService.js
var parser = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/domparser;1"]
doc = parser.parseFromString(xmlStr, "application/xml"),
docEl = doc.documentElement,
ns = docEl.namespaceURI,
xns = {"s":doc.documentElement.namespaceURI,
if(OPENSEARCH_NAMESPACES.indexOf(ns) === -1) {
throw new Error("Invalid namespace");
// get simple attributes
this.alias = Zotero.Utilities.xpathText(docEl, 's:ShortName', xns);
this.name = Zotero.Utilities.xpathText(docEl, 's:LongName', xns);
if(!this.name) this.name = this.alias;
this.description = Zotero.Utilities.xpathText(docEl, 's:Description', xns);
// get the URL template
this._urlTemplate = undefined;
var urlTags = Zotero.Utilities.xpath(docEl, 's:Url[@type="text/html"]', xns),
i = 0;
while(urlTags[i].hasAttribute("rel") && urlTags[i].getAttribute("rel") != "results") {
if(i == urlTags.length) throw new Error("No Url tag found");
// TODO: better error handling
var urlTag = urlTags[i];
this._urlTemplate = urlTag.getAttribute("template")
this._method = urlTag.getAttribute("method").toString().toUpperCase() === "POST" ? "POST" : "GET";
// get namespaces
this._urlNamespaces = {};
var node = urlTag;
while(node && node.attributes) {
for(var i=0; i<node.attributes.length; i++) {
var attr = node.attributes[i];
if(attr.namespaceURI == "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") {
this._urlNamespaces[attr.localName] = attr.nodeValue;
node = node.parentNode;
// get params
this._urlParams = [];
for(var param of Zotero.Utilities.xpath(urlTag, 's:Param', xns)) {
this._urlParams[param.getAttribute("name")] = param.getAttribute("value");
// find the icon
this._iconSourceURI = iconURL;
for(var img of Zotero.Utilities.xpath(docEl, 's:Image', xns)) {
if((!img.hasAttribute("width") && !img.hasAttribute("height"))
|| (img.getAttribute("width") == "16" && img.getAttribute("height") == "16")) {
this._iconSourceURI = img.textContent;
if(this._iconSourceURI) {
// begin fetching the icon if necesssary
// delete any old engine with the same name
var engine = Zotero.LocateManager.getEngineByName(this.name);
if(engine) Zotero.LocateManager.removeEngine(engine);
// add and serialize the new engine
"getItemSubmission":function(item, responseType) {
if(responseType && responseType !== "text/html") {
throw new Error("LocateManager supports only responseType text/html");
if (item.toJSON) {
item = item.toJSON();
var itemAsOpenURL = Zotero.OpenURL.createContextObject(item, "1.0", true);
// do substitutions
var me = this;
var abort = false;
var url = this._urlTemplate.replace(/{(?:([^}:]+):)?([^}:?]+)(\?)?}/g, function(all, nsPrefix, param, required) {
var result = _lookupParam(item, itemAsOpenURL, me, nsPrefix, param, required);
if(result) {
return result[0];
} else {
if(required) { // if no param and it wasn't optional, return
return "";
} else {
abort = true;
if(abort) return null;
// handle params
var paramsToAdd = [];
for(var param in this._urlParams) {
var m = this._urlParams[param].match(/^{(?:([^}:]+):)?([^}:?]+)(\?)?}$/);
if(!m) {
} else {
var result = _lookupParam(item, itemAsOpenURL, me, m[1], m[2]);
if(result) {
paramsToAdd = paramsToAdd.concat(
result.map(val =>
encodeURIComponent(param) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(val))
} else if(m[3]) { // if no param and it wasn't optional, return
return null;
// attach params
if(paramsToAdd.length) {
if(this._method === "POST") {
var postData = paramsToAdd.join("&");
} else {
var postData = null;
if(url.indexOf("?") === -1) {
url += "?"+paramsToAdd.join("&");
} else {
url += "&"+paramsToAdd.join("&");
return new LocateSubmission(url, postData);
"_removeIcon":function() {
if(!this.icon) return;
var uri = Services.io.newURI(this.icon, null, null);
var file = uri.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileURL).file;
if(file.exists()) file.remove(null);
_updateIcon: async function () {
const iconExtensions = {
"image/png": "png",
"image/jpeg": "jpg",
"image/gif": "gif",
"image/vnd.microsoft.icon": "ico"
if (!this._iconSourceURI.startsWith('http') && !this._iconSourceURI.startsWith('https')) {
var tmpPath = OS.Path.join(Zotero.getTempDirectory().path, Zotero.Utilities.randomString());
await Zotero.File.download(this._iconSourceURI, tmpPath);
var sample = await Zotero.File.getSample(tmpPath);
var contentType = Zotero.MIME.getMIMETypeFromData(sample);
// ensure there is an extension
var extension = iconExtensions[contentType.toLowerCase()];
if (!extension) {
throw new Error(`Invalid content type ${contentType} for icon for engine ${this.name}`);
// Find a good place to put the icon file
var sanitizedAlias = this.name.replace(/[^\w _]/g, "");
var iconFile = OS.Path.join(_getLocateDirectory(), sanitizedAlias + "." + extension);
if (await OS.File.exists(iconFile)) {
for (let i = 0; await OS.File.exists(iconFile); i++) {
iconFile = OS.Path.join(
sanitizedAlias + "_" + i + "." + extension
await OS.File.move(tmpPath, iconFile);
this.icon = OS.Path.toFileURI(iconFile);
// Queue deferred serialization whenever a property is modified
for (let prop of ["alias", "name", "description", "icon", "hidden"]) {
let propName = '_' + prop;
Object.defineProperty(LocateEngine.prototype, prop, {
get: function () {
return this[propName];
set: function (val) {
var oldVal = this[propName];
this[propName] = val;
_watchLocateEngineProperties(prop, oldVal, val);