.. |
A Contra Corriente.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
ABC-CLIO Serials Web.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
(finally) Adding Nathan's ACLweb translator, changed detectWeb to look for bib links and only works in multiple
2009-12-31 20:54:22 +00:00 |
Trans: Nearly brand-new ACM translator submitted by John McCaffery
2010-11-16 19:17:59 +00:00 |
ACS Publications.js
Pushed ACS Pubs
2009-07-21 19:20:21 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
African Journals Online.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Agencia del ISBN.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
AGU Journals.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Alexander Street Press.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Pushed allAfrica.com, Neural Information Processing Systems, Primo, JSTOR, Wiley InterScience, MODS, Euclid, University of Chicago, ACM, Journal of Machine Learning Research, IEEE Xplore
2009-05-05 07:18:53 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Pushed Amazon and Google Scholar (thanks to ajlyon for fixes)
2010-11-18 06:12:54 +00:00 |
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
AMS Journals.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
AMS MathSciNet.js
Regex fix for AMS MathSciNet, per http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/7895
2010-06-07 02:03:50 +00:00 |
Ancestry.com US Federal Census.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
APA PsycNET.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
place creator and label on separate lines
2010-10-15 22:58:34 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Archive Ouverte en Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication (AOSIC).js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Archives Canada-France.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Archives Canada.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Archives Network of Alberta.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Artefacts Canada.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
ARTFL Encyclopedie.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Copy in json.org unserialize() so JSON.parse() works in Fx3
2009-11-13 07:06:14 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
AustLII and NZLII.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Australian Dictionary of Biography.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
BC Archival Information Network.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Berkeley Electronic Press.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Berkeley Library Catalog.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Bibliontology RDF.js
update lastUpdated on modified translators so that they won't be overwritten by repo
2010-11-07 03:16:09 +00:00 |
Bibliotheque et Archives Nationale du Quebec (Pistard).js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Bibliotheque UQAM.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec.js
Re-push Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec to fix character encoding problem
2008-12-12 12:32:10 +00:00 |
Bibliothèque nationale de France.js
Trans: Typo fix to BnF, per Ziche; new version of CNKI by Ace Strong
2010-10-07 20:36:57 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
update lastUpdated on modified translators so that they won't be overwritten by repo
2010-11-07 03:16:09 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
BioMed Central and More.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Blackwell Compass.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Blackwell Synergy.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Trans: Added explication of BOCC, just to be safe.
2010-09-28 05:42:25 +00:00 |
Bracero History Archive.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Bryn Mawr Classical Review.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Remove bc dependency in translators.zip build script
2008-09-15 06:25:44 +00:00 |
Business Standard.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
CABI - CAB Abstracts.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Cambridge Journals Online.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Canadian Letters and Images.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
CARLABRC OAI Harvester.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Cell Press.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Champlain Society - Collection.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Christian Science Monitor.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Fixes #1431, CiNii translator; see also http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/6549/
2010-06-14 18:32:47 +00:00 |
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Translator update for CNKI, new translators for Douban Books and Wanfang Data; thanks to Ace Strong for submissions.
2010-10-12 19:15:19 +00:00 |
Code4Lib Journal.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Fixed COinS translator
2010-09-25 15:53:52 +00:00 |
Columbia University Press.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Cornell LII.js
Pushed Cornell LII
2009-03-19 17:36:40 +00:00 |
Cornell University Press.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
- Adding Sopheak's TVNZ translator.
2010-08-09 00:08:23 +00:00 |
CSIRO Publishing.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
update lastUpdated on modified translators so that they won't be overwritten by repo
2010-11-07 03:16:09 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Davidson College Library.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
DBLP Computer Science Bibliography.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Digital Humanities Quarterly.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Digital Medievalist.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Trans: New dLibra translator by Pawel.
2010-11-06 21:36:16 +00:00 |
Allow slash in second part of DOI, which is apparently valid (http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/10473/)
2010-01-05 09:07:50 +00:00 |
Translator update for CNKI, new translators for Douban Books and Wanfang Data; thanks to Ace Strong for submissions.
2010-10-12 19:15:19 +00:00 |
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Early English Books Online.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Pushed EBSCO
2010-11-10 10:09:06 +00:00 |
Education Week.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Eighteenth Century Collections Online.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity.js
Adding Jonas's 03mar10 new translators.
2010-03-29 15:01:31 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Embedded RDF.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
adding willsmith's 09dec09 eMedicine translator, generated a new uuid and changed item type to journalArticle
2009-12-31 20:54:28 +00:00 |
Emerald Publishing.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Engineering Village.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
ePrint IACR.js
Adding Jonas's 03mar10 new translators.
2010-03-29 15:01:31 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
ESA Journals.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Push WilsonWeb, PubMed, Euclid, Project MUSE (and fix whitespace of JSON block, which Scaffold 2.0 saves as spaces instead of tabs)
2010-11-10 10:15:33 +00:00 |
European Educational Research Journal.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Adding NZZ.ch, Newsnetz, and FAZ.net translators, by Ibex
2010-09-14 17:57:58 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Florida University Libraries (Endeca 1).js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Gale - Cengage Learning.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Gale Literature Resource Center.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Trans: - New BnF translator by Florian Ziche
2010-10-03 18:54:39 +00:00 |
Getty Research Library Catalog.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Glenbow Library.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Google Books.js
Pushed Google Books
2010-05-27 17:29:19 +00:00 |
Google Patents.js
remove unnecessary code
2010-07-09 07:48:13 +00:00 |
Google Scholar.js
Pushed Amazon and Google Scholar (thanks to ajlyon for fixes)
2010-11-18 06:12:54 +00:00 |
GPO Access e-CFR.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
GSA Journals Online.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Gulag Many Days, Many Lives.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Hanrei Watch.js
Pushed PubMed, Aleph, and Hanrei Watch (and fixed regex JSON escaping on PubMed)
2009-10-22 19:02:49 +00:00 |
Helsinki University of Technology.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Highwire 2.0.js
Trans: Fix for ToC parsing in Highwire 2.0, reported http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/15140
2010-11-15 21:39:20 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Hindawi Publishing Corporation.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
History Cooperative.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Hurricane Digital Memory Bank.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
IEEE Computer Society.js
Adding to repo, not ready for push...having issues accessing DOM from processDocuments
2009-03-15 00:17:05 +00:00 |
IEEE Xplore.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Pushed Informaworld
2010-09-28 06:44:29 +00:00 |
informIT database.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
InfoTrac OneFile.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Innovate Online.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Institute of Physics.js
Adding himura's patches
2009-12-31 20:54:45 +00:00 |
Institute of Pure and Applied Physics.js
Adding himura's patches
2009-12-31 20:54:52 +00:00 |
Inter-Research Science Center.js
Adding dmkaplan2000's 22Dec09 changes
2009-12-31 20:53:54 +00:00 |
International Herald Tribune.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Internet Archive Wayback Machine.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Internet Archive.js
Update Internet Archive translator to work with new bucket scheme
2010-04-29 21:54:01 +00:00 |
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
ISI Web of Knowledge.js
Adjust minVersion on ISI WoK
2010-04-01 22:54:20 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Japan Times Online.js
Pushed Japan Times Online
2010-09-28 06:59:58 +00:00 |
Pushed allAfrica.com, Neural Information Processing Systems, Primo, JSTOR, Wiley InterScience, MODS, Euclid, University of Chicago, ACM, Journal of Machine Learning Research, IEEE Xplore
2009-05-05 07:18:53 +00:00 |
Journal of Electronic Publishing.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Journal of Vision.js
Addresses 1412, yet again. Full text pages don't have citation link, load abstract from processDocuments...there seems to be a bug with the dialog box when processDocuments has only one item
2009-03-19 18:15:57 +00:00 |
Fixes multiple import from static pages (e.g. journal issues)
2010-10-07 08:19:23 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
LA Times.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Le Devoir.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Pushed Frank's LexisNexis fix
2010-04-19 05:38:40 +00:00 |
Library Catalog (Aleph).js
Pushed PubMed, Aleph, and Hanrei Watch (and fixed regex JSON escaping on PubMed)
2009-10-22 19:02:49 +00:00 |
Library Catalog (DRA).js
Fixed (what appeared to be) two obvious typos in the DRA translator -- still doesn't work for search results on http://umanitoba.ca, at least, but now works for single pages
2009-01-12 18:25:36 +00:00 |
Library Catalog (Dynix).js
Adding Sylvain's 17Dec09 changes, tweaked to handle single search results
2009-12-31 20:54:11 +00:00 |
Library Catalog (GEAC).js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Library Catalog (InnoPAC).js
Pushed InnoPAC
2010-09-28 06:55:29 +00:00 |
Library Catalog (SIRSI).js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Library Catalog (TLCYouSeeMore).js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Library Catalog (Voyager 7).js
Pushed Voyager 7
2009-08-11 01:45:07 +00:00 |
Library Catalog (Voyager).js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Library Catalog (VTLS).js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Library Catalog (X-OPAC).js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Mainichi Daily News.js
Pushed The Times UK, Mainichi Daily News, Open WorldCat
2010-06-05 20:32:21 +00:00 |
- Moved PROLA to APS with Paul Dlug's changes
2010-02-04 02:12:41 +00:00 |
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science Virtual Laboratory Library.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
MIT Press Journals.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
update lastUpdated on modified translators so that they won't be overwritten by repo
2010-11-07 03:16:09 +00:00 |
Musee du Louvre.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Nagoya University OPAC.js
Adding Frank's 23jan10 changes
2010-01-23 19:59:20 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
National Archives of Australia.js
Pushed update National Archives of Australia with fixed JSON block
2010-09-03 06:08:53 +00:00 |
National Archives of South Africa.js
Pushed ScienceDirect, Amazon.com, National Archives of South Africa
2009-07-17 05:32:47 +00:00 |
National Bureau of Economic Research.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
National Gallery of Art - U.S.A..js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
National Library of Australia (new catalog).js
Copy in json.org unserialize() so JSON.parse() works in Fx3
2009-11-13 07:06:14 +00:00 |
National Library of Australia.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
National Library of New Zealand.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
National Post.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
NCBI PubMed.js
Trans: Add support for name suffixes to PubMed translator. Requires Zotero 2.1 for best usage,
2010-11-16 21:13:36 +00:00 |
New Zealand Herald.js
- Adding Sopheak's TVNZ translator.
2010-08-09 00:08:23 +00:00 |
Adding NZZ.ch, Newsnetz, and FAZ.net translators, by Ibex
2010-09-14 17:57:58 +00:00 |
Pushed NIPS, PROLA, BibTeX (over the past few days)
2009-12-29 10:18:42 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Adding NZZ.ch, Newsnetz, and FAZ.net translators, by Ibex
2010-09-14 17:57:58 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
OCLC WorldCat FirstSearch.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Old Bailey Online.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Open WorldCat.js
Pushed The Times UK, Mainichi Daily News, Open WorldCat
2010-06-05 20:32:21 +00:00 |
OpenJudis - Indian Supreme Court cases.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Optical Society of America.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Optics Express.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Osterreichischer Bibliothekenverbund.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
OSTI Energy Citations.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Oxford Music and Art Online.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Papers Past.js
New translator for NZ's Papers Past, by staplegun
2010-09-14 15:06:21 +00:00 |
Paris Review.js
Trans: New translator for Paris Review
2010-10-31 18:53:05 +00:00 |
Patents - USPTO.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
PEI Archival Information Network.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
PEP Web.js
Pushed PubMed Central and PEP Web
2009-10-02 04:46:40 +00:00 |
Philosopher's Imprint.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Pion Journals.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
PLoS Biology and Medicine.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
PLoS Journals.js
Trans: Fix for PLoS breakage when URL has GET variables (http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/10515)
2010-11-11 17:59:36 +00:00 |
Adding Gracile's 11feb10 changes.
2010-03-29 15:01:57 +00:00 |
Probing the Past.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Progress of Theoretical Physics.js
Adding himura's patches and fixed author handling code.
2009-12-31 20:54:41 +00:00 |
Project Gutenberg.js
Pushed Ovid and Scitation and fixed metadata entry in Project Gutenberg translator that was breaking first run of new installs
2009-07-07 00:14:51 +00:00 |
Project MUSE.js
Push WilsonWeb, PubMed, Euclid, Project MUSE (and fix whitespace of JSON block, which Scaffold 2.0 saves as spaces instead of tabs)
2010-11-10 10:15:33 +00:00 |
Pushed Journal of Vision, Royal Historical Society, SIRSI, ProMED, Primo, JSTOR
2009-03-19 17:18:02 +00:00 |
Fix and push ProQuest
2009-07-24 07:56:58 +00:00 |
Protein Data Bank.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Created Pubget translator.
2010-03-05 16:02:09 +00:00 |
PubMed Central.js
Pushed HighWire 2.0, PubMed Central, IEEE Xplore
2010-06-14 11:55:48 +00:00 |
Radio Liberty.js
Adding GPL declaration for translators I personally wrote in their entirety.
2010-08-22 22:47:05 +00:00 |
update lastUpdated on modified translators so that they won't be overwritten by repo
2010-11-07 03:16:09 +00:00 |
update lastUpdated on modified translators so that they won't be overwritten by repo
2010-11-07 03:16:09 +00:00 |
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Adding 09mar10 update.
2010-03-29 15:01:20 +00:00 |
update lastUpdated on modified translators so that they won't be overwritten by repo
2010-11-07 03:16:09 +00:00 |
Royal Historical Society.js
Pushed Journal of Vision, Royal Historical Society, SIRSI, ProMED, Primo, JSTOR
2009-03-19 17:18:02 +00:00 |
RSC Publishing.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
SAE International.js
Pushed SAE International
2009-12-31 00:18:36 +00:00 |
Sage Journals Online.js
Pushed Flickr, ACM, ACS Pubs, JSTOR, Sage Journals, arXiv.org, SSRN
2009-01-28 18:11:33 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Science Links Japan.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Pushed ScienceDirect (and disabled icon for search results mode, which is still broken)
2010-09-28 16:42:03 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Pushed ScienceDirect, EBSCO, Google Books, Scopus, PLoS Journals, National Library of Australia (new catalog)
2009-06-04 01:14:54 +00:00 |
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
SPIE Digital Library.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Pushed Flickr, ACM, ACS Pubs, JSTOR, Sage Journals, arXiv.org, SSRN
2009-01-28 18:11:33 +00:00 |
Existing translatorIDs should not be changed
2010-08-24 18:40:01 +00:00 |
Updated Sudoc translator by Sylvain.
2010-09-08 09:41:18 +00:00 |
Sydney Morning Herald.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Adding Avram's Tatknigafun translator
2009-12-31 20:54:18 +00:00 |
The Age.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
The Australian.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
The Boston Globe.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
The Chronicle of Higher Education.js
Trans: Fix for the new blog URLs layout of CHE
2010-11-22 19:24:48 +00:00 |
The Economist.js
Trans: - New BnF translator by Florian Ziche
2010-10-03 18:54:39 +00:00 |
The Free Dictionary.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
The Globe and Mail.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
The Hamilton Spectator.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
The Hindu.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
The Microfinance Gateway.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
The Nation.js
Adding The Nation translator by odie5533
2010-08-12 15:16:05 +00:00 |
The New York Review of Books.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
The Open Library.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
The Telegraph.js
Pushed The Telegraph and Wiley InterScience
2009-01-09 21:11:47 +00:00 |
The Times UK.js
New version of The Times translator by Andrew Brown.
2010-08-15 10:51:07 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Toronto Star.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
TV by the Numbers.js
Adding TV by the Numbers translator by odie5533
2010-08-12 15:30:48 +00:00 |
Fix for newspaper article saving in TVNZ translator, thanks to Sopheak.
2010-09-20 13:37:35 +00:00 |
UBC Library Catalog.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
commit Zotero Connector-compatible COinS, unAPI, and Embedded RDF
2010-09-23 04:20:06 +00:00 |
Unidade de Biologia da Conservaçao.js
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Universiteit van Amsterdam.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
University of Chicago.js
Pushed allAfrica.com, Neural Information Processing Systems, Primo, JSTOR, Wiley InterScience, MODS, Euclid, University of Chicago, ACM, Journal of Machine Learning Research, IEEE Xplore
2009-05-05 07:18:53 +00:00 |
University of Michigan.js
Updated UMich translator URL (a while ago)
2009-11-25 02:25:01 +00:00 |
Unqualified Dublin Core RDF.js
update lastUpdated on modified translators so that they won't be overwritten by repo
2010-11-07 03:16:09 +00:00 |
US National Archives Research Catalog.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Vanderbilt eJournals.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Verniana-Jules Verne Studies.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
Wanfang Data.js
Translator update for CNKI, new translators for Douban Books and Wanfang Data; thanks to Ace Strong for submissions.
2010-10-12 19:15:19 +00:00 |
eliminate deprecated cleanString calls, and fix a namespace bug in eRDF
2010-10-24 23:05:28 +00:00 |
Wikipedia Citation Templates.js
update lastUpdated on modified translators so that they won't be overwritten by repo
2010-11-07 03:16:09 +00:00 |
Wildlife Biology in Practice.js
Fix translators with incorrect Zotero.done() calls, in preparation for change that will require it
2009-01-08 08:28:59 +00:00 |
Wiley InterScience.js
Use proper charset on Wiley
2009-08-03 01:25:37 +00:00 |
Push WilsonWeb, PubMed, Euclid, Project MUSE (and fix whitespace of JSON block, which Scaffold 2.0 saves as spaces instead of tabs)
2010-11-10 10:15:33 +00:00 |
Winnipeg Free Press.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
World History Connected.js
commit translators as separate files, combine CiteBase translators, and modify SPIE translator
2008-09-11 04:40:07 +00:00 |
added willsmith's 09dec09 changes and hardcoded publicationTitle.
2009-12-31 20:54:34 +00:00 |
Remove link attachment from YouTube translator
2009-08-08 09:38:48 +00:00 |
Zhurnalnyi zal.js
Adding GPL declaration for translators I personally wrote in their entirety.
2010-08-22 22:47:05 +00:00 |
Zotero RDF.js
update lastUpdated on modified translators so that they won't be overwritten by repo
2010-11-07 03:16:09 +00:00 |
Fix zotero.org translator saving on individual item pages
2009-09-29 23:11:17 +00:00 |