3179 lines
102 KiB
3179 lines
102 KiB
"use strict";
Copyright © 2009 Center for History and New Media
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
This file is part of Zotero.
Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Zotero. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
const DATA_VERSION = 3;
// Specifies that citations should only be updated if changed
// Specifies that citations should only be updated if formattedText has changed from what is encoded
// in the field code
// Specifies that citations should be reset regardless of whether formattedText has changed
// this is used only for update checking
const INTEGRATION_PLUGINS = ["zoteroMacWordIntegration@zotero.org",
"zoteroOpenOfficeIntegration@zotero.org", "zoteroWinWordIntegration@zotero.org"];
Zotero.Integration = new function() {
const INTEGRATION_MIN_VERSIONS = ["3.1.7.SOURCE", "3.5b2.SOURCE", "3.1.3.SOURCE"];
var _tmpFile = null;
var _osascriptFile;
// these need to be global because of GC
var _updateTimer;
// For Carbon and X11
var _carbon, ProcessSerialNumber, SetFrontProcessWithOptions;
var _x11, _x11Display, _x11RootWindow, XClientMessageEvent, XFetchName, XFree, XQueryTree,
XOpenDisplay, XCloseDisplay, XFlush, XDefaultRootWindow, XInternAtom, XSendEvent,
XMapRaised, XGetWindowProperty, X11Atom, X11Bool, X11Display, X11Window, X11Status;
this.currentWindow = false;
this.sessions = {};
* Initializes the pipe used for integration on non-Windows platforms.
this.init = function() {
// We only use an integration pipe on OS X.
// On Linux, we use the alternative communication method in the OOo plug-in
// On Windows, we use a command line handler for integration. See
// components/zotero-integration-service.js for this implementation.
if(!Zotero.isMac) return;
// Determine where to put the pipe
// on OS X, first try /Users/Shared for those who can't put pipes in their home
// directories
var pipe = null;
var sharedDir = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].
if(sharedDir.exists() && sharedDir.isDirectory()) {
var logname = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/process/environment;1"].
var sharedPipe = sharedDir.clone();
if(sharedPipe.exists()) {
if(this.deletePipe(sharedPipe) && sharedDir.isWritable()) {
pipe = sharedPipe;
} else if(sharedDir.isWritable()) {
pipe = sharedPipe;
if(!pipe) {
// on other platforms, or as a fallback, use home directory
pipe = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"].
get("Home", Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
// destroy old pipe, if one exists
if(!this.deletePipe(pipe)) return;
// try to initialize pipe
try {
} catch(e) {
* Begin listening for integration commands on the given pipe
* @param {String} pipe The path to the pipe
this.initPipe = function(pipe) {
Zotero.IPC.Pipe.initPipeListener(pipe, function(string) {
if(string != "") {
// exec command if possible
var parts = string.match(/^([^ \n]*) ([^ \n]*)(?: ([^\n]*))?\n?$/);
if(parts) {
var agent = parts[1].toString();
var cmd = parts[2].toString();
var document = parts[3] ? parts[3].toString() : null;
Zotero.Integration.execCommand(agent, cmd, document);
} else {
Components.utils.reportError("Zotero: Invalid integration input received: "+string);
* Deletes a defunct pipe on OS X
this.deletePipe = function(pipe) {
try {
if(pipe.exists()) {
Zotero.IPC.safePipeWrite(pipe, "Zotero shutdown\n");
return true;
} catch (e) {
// if pipe can't be deleted, log an error
Zotero.debug("Error removing old integration pipe "+pipe.path, 1);
"Zotero word processor integration initialization failed. "
+ "See http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/12054/#Item_10 "
+ "for instructions on correcting this problem."
// can attempt to delete on OS X
try {
var promptService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]
var deletePipe = promptService.confirm(null, Zotero.getString("integration.error.title"), Zotero.getString("integration.error.deletePipe"));
if(!deletePipe) return false;
let escapedFifoFile = pipe.path.replace("'", "'\\''");
_executeAppleScript("do shell script \"rmdir '"+escapedFifoFile+"'; rm -f '"+escapedFifoFile+"'\" with administrator privileges", true);
if(pipe.exists()) return false;
} catch(e) {
return false;
* Checks to see that plugin versions are up to date.
* @return {Promise} Promise that is resolved with true if versions are up to date
* or with false if they are not.
var _checkPluginVersions = new function () {
var integrationVersionsOK;
return function _checkPluginVersions() {
if(integrationVersionsOK) {
if(integrationVersionsOK === true) {
return Zotero.Promise.resolve(integrationVersionsOK);
} else {
return Zotero.Promise.reject(integrationVersionsOK);
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(INTEGRATION_PLUGINS, function(addons) {
for(var i in addons) {
var addon = addons[i];
if(!addon || addon.userDisabled) continue;
if(Services.vc.compare(INTEGRATION_MIN_VERSIONS[i], addon.version) > 0) {
deferred.reject(integrationVersionsOK = new Zotero.Exception.Alert(
[Zotero.version, addon.name, INTEGRATION_MIN_VERSIONS[i]],
deferred.resolve(integrationVersionsOK = true);
return deferred.promise;
* Executes an integration command, first checking to make sure that versions are compatible
this.execCommand = new function() {
var inProgress;
return function execCommand(agent, command, docId) {
var document;
if(inProgress) {
if(Zotero.Integration.currentWindow && !Zotero.Integration.currentWindow.closed) {
Zotero.debug("Integration: Request already in progress; not executing "+agent+" "+command);
inProgress = true;
// Check integration component versions
_checkPluginVersions().then(function() {
// Try to load the appropriate Zotero component; otherwise display an error
try {
var componentClass = "@zotero.org/Zotero/integration/application?agent="+agent+";1";
Zotero.debug("Integration: Instantiating "+componentClass+" for command "+command+(docId ? " with doc "+docId : ""));
var application = Components.classes[componentClass]
} catch(e) {
throw new Zotero.Exception.Alert("integration.error.notInstalled",
[], "integration.error.title");
// Try to execute the command; otherwise display an error in alert service or word processor
// (depending on what is possible)
document = (application.getDocument && docId ? application.getDocument(docId) : application.getActiveDocument());
return Zotero.Promise.resolve((new Zotero.Integration.Document(application, document))[command]());
}).catch(function(e) {
if(!(e instanceof Zotero.Exception.UserCancelled)) {
try {
var displayError = null;
if(e instanceof Zotero.Exception.Alert) {
displayError = e.message;
} else {
if(e.toString().indexOf("ExceptionAlreadyDisplayed") === -1) {
displayError = Zotero.getString("integration.error.generic")+"\n\n"+(e.message || e.toString());
if(e.stack) {
if(displayError) {
var showErrorInFirefox = !document;
if(document) {
try {
} catch(e) {
showErrorInFirefox = true;
if(showErrorInFirefox) {
.alert(null, Zotero.getString("integration.error.title"), displayError);
} finally {
.finally(function() {
if(document) {
try {
// Call complete function if one exists
if(document.wrappedJSObject && document.wrappedJSObject.complete) {
} catch(e) {
if(Zotero.Integration.currentWindow && !Zotero.Integration.currentWindow.closed) {
var oldWindow = Zotero.Integration.currentWindow;
Zotero.Promise.delay(100).then(function() {
inProgress = Zotero.Integration.currentWindow = false;
* Activates Firefox
this.activate = function(win) {
if(Zotero.isMac) {
const BUNDLE_IDS = {
if(win) {
if(!_carbon) {
_carbon = ctypes.open("/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Carbon");
* struct ProcessSerialNumber {
* unsigned long highLongOfPSN;
* unsigned long lowLongOfPSN;
* };
ProcessSerialNumber = new ctypes.StructType("ProcessSerialNumber",
[{"highLongOfPSN":ctypes.uint32_t}, {"lowLongOfPSN":ctypes.uint32_t}]);
* OSStatus SetFrontProcessWithOptions (
* const ProcessSerialNumber *inProcess,
* OptionBits inOptions
* );
SetFrontProcessWithOptions = _carbon.declare("SetFrontProcessWithOptions",
ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.int32_t, ProcessSerialNumber.ptr,
var psn = new ProcessSerialNumber();
psn.highLongOfPSN = 0;
psn.lowLongOfPSN = 2 // kCurrentProcess
win.addEventListener("load", function() {
var res = SetFrontProcessWithOptions(
1 // kSetFrontProcessFrontWindowOnly = (1 << 0)
}, false);
} else {
_executeAppleScript('tell application id "'+BUNDLE_IDS[Zotero.appName]+'" to activate');
} else if(!Zotero.isWin && win) {
if(_x11 === false) return;
if(!_x11) {
try {
_x11 = ctypes.open("libX11.so.6");
} catch(e) {
try {
var libName = ctypes.libraryName("X11");
} catch(e) {
_x11 = false;
Zotero.debug("Integration: Could not get libX11 name; not activating");
try {
_x11 = ctypes.open(libName);
} catch(e) {
_x11 = false;
Zotero.debug("Integration: Could not open "+libName+"; not activating");
X11Atom = ctypes.unsigned_long;
X11Bool = ctypes.int;
X11Display = new ctypes.StructType("Display");
X11Window = ctypes.unsigned_long;
X11Status = ctypes.int;
* typedef struct {
* int type;
* unsigned long serial; / * # of last request processed by server * /
* Bool send_event; / * true if this came from a SendEvent request * /
* Display *display; / * Display the event was read from * /
* Window window;
* Atom message_type;
* int format;
* union {
* char b[20];
* short s[10];
* long l[5];
* } data;
* } XClientMessageEvent;
XClientMessageEvent = new ctypes.StructType("XClientMessageEvent",
* Status XFetchName(
* Display* display,
* Window w,
* char** window_name_return
* );
XFetchName = _x11.declare("XFetchName", ctypes.default_abi, X11Status,
X11Display.ptr, X11Window, ctypes.char.ptr.ptr);
* Status XQueryTree(
* Display* display,
* Window w,
* Window* root_return,
* Window* parent_return,
* Window** children_return,
* unsigned int* nchildren_return
* );
XQueryTree = _x11.declare("XQueryTree", ctypes.default_abi, X11Status,
X11Display.ptr, X11Window, X11Window.ptr, X11Window.ptr, X11Window.ptr.ptr,
* int XFree(
* void* data
* );
XFree = _x11.declare("XFree", ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.int, ctypes.voidptr_t);
* Display *XOpenDisplay(
* _Xconst char* display_name
* );
XOpenDisplay = _x11.declare("XOpenDisplay", ctypes.default_abi, X11Display.ptr,
* int XCloseDisplay(
* Display* display
* );
XCloseDisplay = _x11.declare("XCloseDisplay", ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.int,
* int XFlush(
* Display* display
* );
XFlush = _x11.declare("XFlush", ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.int, X11Display.ptr);
* Window XDefaultRootWindow(
* Display* display
* );
XDefaultRootWindow = _x11.declare("XDefaultRootWindow", ctypes.default_abi,
X11Window, X11Display.ptr);
* Atom XInternAtom(
* Display* display,
* _Xconst char* atom_name,
* Bool only_if_exists
* );
XInternAtom = _x11.declare("XInternAtom", ctypes.default_abi, X11Atom,
X11Display.ptr, ctypes.char.ptr, X11Bool);
* Status XSendEvent(
* Display* display,
* Window w,
* Bool propagate,
* long event_mask,
* XEvent* event_send
* );
XSendEvent = _x11.declare("XSendEvent", ctypes.default_abi, X11Status,
X11Display.ptr, X11Window, X11Bool, ctypes.long, XClientMessageEvent.ptr);
* int XMapRaised(
* Display* display,
* Window w
* );
XMapRaised = _x11.declare("XMapRaised", ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.int,
X11Display.ptr, X11Window);
* extern int XGetWindowProperty(
* Display* display,
* Window w,
* Atom property,
* long long_offset,
* long long_length,
* Bool delete,
* Atom req_type,
* Atom* actual_type_return,
* int* actual_format_return,
* unsigned long* nitems_return,
* unsigned long* bytes_after_return,
* unsigned char** prop_return
* );
XGetWindowProperty = _x11.declare("XGetWindowProperty", ctypes.default_abi,
ctypes.int, X11Display.ptr, X11Window, X11Atom, ctypes.long, ctypes.long,
X11Bool, X11Atom, X11Atom.ptr, ctypes.int.ptr, ctypes.unsigned_long.ptr,
ctypes.unsigned_long.ptr, ctypes.char.ptr.ptr);
_x11Display = XOpenDisplay(null);
if(!_x11Display) {
Zotero.debug("Integration: Could not open display; not activating");
_x11 = false;
Zotero.addShutdownListener(function() {
_x11RootWindow = XDefaultRootWindow(_x11Display);
if(!_x11RootWindow) {
Zotero.debug("Integration: Could not get root window; not activating");
_x11 = false;
win.addEventListener("load", function() {
var intervalID;
intervalID = win.setInterval(function() {
_X11BringToForeground(win, intervalID);
}, 50);
}, false);
* Get a property from an X11 window
function _X11GetProperty(win, propertyName, propertyType) {
var returnType = new X11Atom(),
returnFormat = new ctypes.int(),
nItemsReturned = new ctypes.unsigned_long(),
nBytesAfterReturn = new ctypes.unsigned_long(),
data = new ctypes.char.ptr();
if(!XGetWindowProperty(_x11Display, win, XInternAtom(_x11Display, propertyName, 0), 0, 1024,
0, propertyType, returnType.address(), returnFormat.address(),
nItemsReturned.address(), nBytesAfterReturn.address(), data.address())) {
var nElements = ctypes.cast(nItemsReturned, ctypes.unsigned_int).value;
if(nElements) return [data, nElements];
return null;
* Bring a window to the foreground by interfacing directly with X11
function _X11BringToForeground(win, intervalID) {
var windowTitle = win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
var x11Window = _X11FindWindow(_x11RootWindow, windowTitle);
if(!x11Window) return;
var event = new XClientMessageEvent();
event.type = 33; /* ClientMessage*/
event.serial = 0;
event.send_event = 1;
event.message_type = XInternAtom(_x11Display, "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW", 0);
event.display = _x11Display;
event.window = x11Window;
event.format = 32;
event.l0 = 2;
var mask = 1<<20 /* SubstructureRedirectMask */ | 1<<19 /* SubstructureNotifyMask */;
if(XSendEvent(_x11Display, _x11RootWindow, 0, mask, event.address())) {
XMapRaised(_x11Display, x11Window);
Zotero.debug("Integration: Activated successfully");
} else {
Zotero.debug("Integration: An error occurred activating the window");
* Find an X11 window given a name
function _X11FindWindow(w, searchName) {
var res = _X11GetProperty(w, "_NET_CLIENT_LIST", 33 /** XA_WINDOW **/)
|| _X11GetProperty(w, "_WIN_CLIENT_LIST", 6 /** XA_CARDINAL **/);
if(!res) return false;
var nClients = res[1],
clientList = ctypes.cast(res[0], X11Window.array(nClients).ptr).contents,
foundName = new ctypes.char.ptr();
for(var i=0; i<nClients; i++) {
if(XFetchName(_x11Display, clientList.addressOfElement(i).contents,
foundName.address())) {
var foundNameString = undefined;
try {
foundNameString = foundName.readString();
} catch(e) {}
if(foundNameString === searchName) return clientList.addressOfElement(i).contents;
return foundWindow;
* Runs an AppleScript on OS X
* @param script {String}
* @param block {Boolean} Whether the script should block until the process is finished.
function _executeAppleScript(script, block) {
if(_osascriptFile === undefined) {
_osascriptFile = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].
if(!_osascriptFile.exists()) _osascriptFile = false;
if(_osascriptFile) {
var proc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/process/util;1"].
try {
proc.run(!!block, ['-e', script], 2);
} catch(e) {}
* Displays a dialog in a modal-like fashion without hanging the thread
* @param {String} url The chrome:// URI of the window
* @param {String} [options] Options to pass to the window
* @param {String} [io] Data to pass to the window
* @return {Promise} Promise resolved when the window is closed
this.displayDialog = function displayDialog(doc, url, options, io) {
var allOptions = 'chrome,centerscreen';
// without this, Firefox gets raised with our windows under Compiz
if(Zotero.isLinux) allOptions += ',dialog=no';
if(options) allOptions += ','+options;
var window = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"]
.openWindow(null, url, '', allOptions, (io ? io : null));
Zotero.Integration.currentWindow = window;
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
var listener = function() {
if(window.location.toString() === "about:blank") return;
if(window.newWindow) {
window = window.newWindow;
Zotero.Integration.currentWindow = window;
window.addEventListener("unload", listener, false);
Zotero.Integration.currentWindow = false;
window.addEventListener("unload", listener, false);
return deferred.promise;
* Default callback for field-related errors. All functions that do not define their
* own handlers for field-related errors should use this one.
this.onFieldError = function onFieldError(err) {
if(err.attemptToResolve) {
return err.attemptToResolve();
throw err;
* An exception thrown when a document contains an item that no longer exists in the current document.
* @param reselectKeys {Array} Keys representing the missing item
* @param reselectKeyType {Integer} The type of the keys (see RESELECT_KEY_* constants)
* @param citationIndex {Integer} The index of the missing item within the citation cluster
* @param citationLength {Integer} The number of items cited in this citation cluster
Zotero.Integration.MissingItemException = function(reselectKeys, reselectKeyType, citationIndex, citationLength) {
this.reselectKeys = reselectKeys;
this.reselectKeyType = reselectKeyType;
this.citationIndex = citationIndex;
this.citationLength = citationLength;
Zotero.Integration.MissingItemException.prototype = {
"message":"An item in this document is missing from your Zotero library.",
"toString":function() { return this.message },
"setContext":function(fieldGetter, fieldIndex) {
this.fieldGetter = fieldGetter;
this.fieldIndex = fieldIndex;
"attemptToResolve":function() {
if(!this.fieldGetter) {
throw new Error("Could not resolve "+this.name+": setContext not called");
// Ask user what to do with this item
if(this.citationLength == 1) {
var msg = Zotero.getString("integration.missingItem.single");
} else {
var msg = Zotero.getString("integration.missingItem.multiple", (this.citationIndex+1).toString());
msg += '\n\n'+Zotero.getString('integration.missingItem.description');
var result = this.fieldGetter._doc.displayAlert(msg, 1, 3);
if(result == 0) { // Cancel
return Zotero.Promise.reject(new Zotero.Exception.UserCancelled("document update"));
} else if(result == 1) { // No
for each(var reselectKey in this.reselectKeys) {
this.fieldGetter._removeCodeKeys[reselectKey] = true;
this.fieldGetter._removeCodeFields[this.fieldIndex] = true;
return this.fieldGetter._processFields(this.fieldIndex+1);
} else { // Yes
// Display reselect item dialog
var fieldGetter = this.fieldGetter,
fieldIndex = this.fieldIndex,
oldCurrentWindow = Zotero.Integration.currentWindow;
return fieldGetter._session.reselectItem(fieldGetter._doc, this)
.then(function() {
// Now try again
Zotero.Integration.currentWindow = oldCurrentWindow;
Zotero.Integration.CorruptFieldException = function(code, cause) {
this.code = code;
this.cause = cause;
Zotero.Integration.CorruptFieldException.prototype = {
"message":"A field code in this document is corrupted.",
"toString":function() { return this.cause.toString()+"\n\n"+this.code.toSource(); },
"setContext":function(fieldGetter, fieldIndex, field) {
this.fieldGetter = fieldGetter;
this.fieldIndex = fieldIndex;
* Tries to resolve the CorruptFieldException
* @return {Promise} A promise that is either resolved with true or rejected with
* Zotero.Exception.UserCancelled
"attemptToResolve":function() {
if(!this.fieldGetter) {
throw new Error("Could not resolve "+this.name+": setContext not called");
var msg = Zotero.getString("integration.corruptField")+'\n\n'+
field = this.fieldGetter._fields[this.fieldIndex];
var result = this.fieldGetter._doc.displayAlert(msg,
if(result == 0) {
return Zotero.Promise.reject(new Zotero.Exception.UserCancelled("document update"));
} else if(result == 1) { // No
this.fieldGetter._removeCodeFields[this.fieldIndex] = true;
return this.fieldGetter._processFields(this.fieldIndex+1);
} else {
// Display reselect edit citation dialog
var fieldGetter = this.fieldGetter,
oldWindow = Zotero.Integration.currentWindow,
oldProgressCallback = this.progressCallback;
return fieldGetter.addEditCitation(field).then(function() {
if(Zotero.Integration.currentWindow && !Zotero.Integration.currentWindow.closed) {
Zotero.Integration.currentWindow = oldWindow;
fieldGetter.progressCallback = oldProgressCallback;
return fieldGetter.updateSession();
* An exception to encapsulate the case where bibliography data is invalid.
* @class
Zotero.Integration.CorruptBibliographyException = function(code, cause) {
this.code = code;
this.cause = cause;
Zotero.Integration.CorruptBibliographyException.prototype = {
"message":"A bibliography in this document is corrupted.",
"toString":function() { return this.cause.toString()+"\n\n"+this.code },
"setContext":function(fieldGetter) {
this.fieldGetter = fieldGetter;
* Tries to resolve the CorruptBibliographyException
* @return {Promise} A promise that is either resolved with true or rejected with
* Zotero.Exception.UserCancelled
"attemptToResolve":function() {
Zotero.debug("Attempting to resolve")
if(!this.fieldGetter) {
throw new Error("Could not resolve "+this.name+": setContext not called");
var msg = Zotero.getString("integration.corruptBibliography")+'\n\n'+
var result = this.fieldGetter._doc.displayAlert(msg,
if(result == 0) {
return Zotero.Promise.reject(new Zotero.Exception.UserCancelled("clearing corrupted bibliography"));
} else {
this.fieldGetter._bibliographyData = "";
this.fieldGetter._session.bibliographyHasChanged = true;
this.fieldGetter._session.bibliographyDataHasChanged = true;
return Zotero.Promise.resolve(true);
// Placeholder for an empty bibliography
const BIBLIOGRAPHY_PLACEHOLDER = "{Bibliography}";
* All methods for interacting with a document
* @constructor
Zotero.Integration.Document = function(app, doc) {
this._app = app;
this._doc = doc;
* Creates a new session
* @param data {Zotero.Integration.DocumentData} Document data for new session
* @return {Zotero.Integration.Session}
Zotero.Integration.Document.prototype._createNewSession = function _createNewSession(data) {
data.sessionID = Zotero.randomString();
var session = Zotero.Integration.sessions[data.sessionID] = new Zotero.Integration.Session(this._doc);
return session;
* Gets preferences for a document
* @param require {Boolean} Whether an error should be thrown if no preferences or fields
* exist (otherwise, the set doc prefs dialog is shown)
* @param dontRunSetDocPrefs {Boolean} Whether to show the Set Document Preferences
* window if no preferences exist
* @return {Promise} Promise resolved with true if a session was found or false if
* dontRunSetDocPrefs is true and no session was found, or rejected with
* Zotero.Exception.UserCancelled if the document preferences window was cancelled.
Zotero.Integration.Document.prototype._getSession = function _getSession(require, dontRunSetDocPrefs) {
var dataString = this._doc.getDocumentData(),
me = this;
if(dataString) {
try {
data = new Zotero.Integration.DocumentData(dataString);
} catch(e) {};
if(!data) {
var haveFields = false;
data = new Zotero.Integration.DocumentData();
if(require) {
// check to see if fields already exist
for each(var fieldType in [this._app.primaryFieldType, this._app.secondaryFieldType]) {
var fields = this._doc.getFields(this._app.primaryFieldType);
if(fields.hasMoreElements()) {
data.prefs.fieldType = this._app.primaryFieldType;
haveFields = true;
// if no fields, throw an error
if(!haveFields) {
return Zotero.Promise.reject(new Zotero.Exception.Alert(
[], "integration.error.title"));
} else {
Zotero.debug("Integration: No document preferences found, but found "+data.prefs.fieldType+" fields");
// Set doc prefs if no data string yet
this._session = this._createNewSession(data);
if(dontRunSetDocPrefs) return Zotero.Promise.resolve(false);
return this._session.setDocPrefs(this._doc, this._app.primaryFieldType,
this._app.secondaryFieldType).then(function(status) {
// save doc prefs in doc
if(haveFields) {
me._session.reload = true;
return me._session;
} else {
if(data.dataVersion < DATA_VERSION) {
if(data.dataVersion == 1
&& data.prefs.fieldType == "Field"
&& this._app.primaryFieldType == "ReferenceMark") {
// Converted OOo docs use ReferenceMarks, not fields
data.prefs.fieldType = "ReferenceMark";
var warning = this._doc.displayAlert(Zotero.getString("integration.upgradeWarning"),
if(!warning) {
return Zotero.Promise.reject(new Zotero.Exception.UserCancelled("document upgrade"));
} else if(data.dataVersion > DATA_VERSION) {
return Zotero.Promise.reject(new Zotero.Exception.Alert("integration.error.newerDocumentVersion",
[data.zoteroVersion, Zotero.version], "integration.error.title"));
if(data.prefs.fieldType !== this._app.primaryFieldType
&& data.prefs.fieldType !== this._app.secondaryFieldType) {
return Zotero.Promise.reject(new Zotero.Exception.Alert("integration.error.fieldTypeMismatch",
[], "integration.error.title"));
if(Zotero.Integration.sessions[data.sessionID]) {
this._session = Zotero.Integration.sessions[data.sessionID];
} else {
this._session = this._createNewSession(data);
try {
} catch(e) {
// make sure style is defined
if(e instanceof Zotero.Exception.Alert && e.name === "integration.error.invalidStyle") {
return this._session.setDocPrefs(this._doc, this._app.primaryFieldType,
this._app.secondaryFieldType).then(function(status) {
me._session.reload = true;
return me._session;
} else {
return Zotero.Promise.reject(e);
this._session.reload = true;
return Zotero.Promise.resolve(this._session);
* Adds a citation to the current document.
* @return {Promise}
Zotero.Integration.Document.prototype.addCitation = function() {
var me = this;
return this._getSession(false, false).then(function() {
return (new Zotero.Integration.Fields(me._session, me._doc)).addEditCitation(null);
* Edits the citation at the cursor position.
* @return {Promise}
Zotero.Integration.Document.prototype.editCitation = function() {
var me = this;
return this._getSession(true, false).then(function() {
var field = me._doc.cursorInField(me._session.data.prefs['fieldType']);
if(!field) {
throw new Zotero.Exception.Alert("integration.error.notInCitation", [],
return (new Zotero.Integration.Fields(me._session, me._doc)).addEditCitation(field);
* Edits the citation at the cursor position if one exists, or else adds a new one.
* @return {Promise}
Zotero.Integration.Document.prototype.addEditCitation = function() {
var me = this;
return this._getSession(false, false).then(function() {
var field = me._doc.cursorInField(me._session.data.prefs['fieldType']);
return (new Zotero.Integration.Fields(me._session, me._doc)).addEditCitation(field);
* Adds a bibliography to the current document.
* @return {Promise}
Zotero.Integration.Document.prototype.addBibliography = function() {
var me = this;
return this._getSession(true, false).then(function() {
// Make sure we can have a bibliography
if(!me._session.data.style.hasBibliography) {
throw new Zotero.Exception.Alert("integration.error.noBibliography", [],
var fieldGetter = new Zotero.Integration.Fields(me._session, me._doc, Zotero.Integration.onFieldError);
return fieldGetter.addField().then(function(field) {
return fieldGetter.updateSession().then(function() {
return fieldGetter.updateDocument(FORCE_CITATIONS_FALSE, true, false);
* Edits bibliography metadata.
* @return {Promise}
Zotero.Integration.Document.prototype.editBibliography = function() {
// Make sure we have a bibliography
var me = this, fieldGetter;
return this._getSession(true, false).then(function() {
fieldGetter = new Zotero.Integration.Fields(me._session, me._doc, Zotero.Integration.onFieldError);
return fieldGetter.get();
}).then(function(fields) {
var haveBibliography = false;
for(var i=fields.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
var code = fields[i].getCode();
var [type, content] = fieldGetter.getCodeTypeAndContent(code);
haveBibliography = true;
if(!haveBibliography) {
throw new Zotero.Exception.Alert("integration.error.mustInsertBibliography",
[], "integration.error.title");
return fieldGetter.updateSession();
}).then(function() {
return me._session.editBibliography(me._doc);
}).then(function() {
return fieldGetter.updateDocument(FORCE_CITATIONS_FALSE, true, false);
* Updates the citation data for all citations and bibliography entries.
* @return {Promise}
Zotero.Integration.Document.prototype.refresh = function() {
var me = this;
return this._getSession(true, false).then(function() {
// Send request, forcing update of citations and bibliography
var fieldGetter = new Zotero.Integration.Fields(me._session, me._doc, Zotero.Integration.onFieldError);
return fieldGetter.updateSession().then(function() {
return fieldGetter.updateDocument(FORCE_CITATIONS_REGENERATE, true, false);
* Deletes field codes.
* @return {Promise}
Zotero.Integration.Document.prototype.removeCodes = function() {
var me = this;
return this._getSession(true, false).then(function() {
var fieldGetter = new Zotero.Integration.Fields(me._session, me._doc);
return fieldGetter.get()
}).then(function(fields) {
var result = me._doc.displayAlert(Zotero.getString("integration.removeCodesWarning"),
if(result) {
for(var i=fields.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
* Displays a dialog to set document preferences (style, footnotes/endnotes, etc.)
* @return {Promise}
Zotero.Integration.Document.prototype.setDocPrefs = function() {
var me = this,
return this._getSession(false, true).then(function(haveSession) {
fieldGetter = new Zotero.Integration.Fields(me._session, me._doc, Zotero.Integration.onFieldError);
var setDocPrefs = me._session.setDocPrefs.bind(me._session, me._doc,
me._app.primaryFieldType, me._app.secondaryFieldType);
if(!haveSession) {
// This is a brand new document; don't try to get fields
return setDocPrefs();
} else if(me._session.reload) {
// Always reload before setDocPrefs so we can permit/deny unchecking storeReferences as
// appropriate
return fieldGetter.updateSession().then(setDocPrefs);
} else {
// Can get fields while dialog is open
return Zotero.Promise.all([
]).spread(function (fields, setDocPrefs) {
// Only return value from setDocPrefs
return setDocPrefs;
}).then(function(aOldData) { // After setDocPrefs call
oldData = aOldData;
// Write document data to document
// If oldData is null, then there was no document data, so we don't need to update
// fields
if(!oldData) return false;
return fieldGetter.get();
}).then(function(fields) {
if(!fields || !fields.length) return;
// If there are fields, we will have to convert some things; get a list of what
// we need to deal with
var convertBibliographies = oldData === true
|| oldData.prefs.fieldType != me._session.data.prefs.fieldType;
var convertItems = convertBibliographies
|| oldData.prefs.noteType != me._session.data.prefs.noteType;
var fieldsToConvert = new Array();
var fieldNoteTypes = new Array();
for(var i=0, n=fields.length; i<n; i++) {
var field = fields[i],
fieldCode = field.getCode(),
[type, content] = fieldGetter.getCodeTypeAndContent(fieldCode);
if(convertItems && type === INTEGRATION_TYPE_ITEM) {
var citation = me._session.unserializeCitation(fieldCode);
if(!citation.properties.dontUpdate) {
} else if(convertBibliographies
if(fieldsToConvert.length) {
// Pass to conversion function
me._doc.convert(new Zotero.Integration.Document.JSEnumerator(fieldsToConvert),
me._session.data.prefs.fieldType, fieldNoteTypes,
// Refresh contents
fieldGetter = new Zotero.Integration.Fields(me._session, me._doc, Zotero.Integration.onFieldError);
fieldGetter.ignoreEmptyBibliography = false;
return fieldGetter.updateSession().then(fieldGetter.updateDocument.bind(
fieldGetter, FORCE_CITATIONS_RESET_TEXT, true, true));
* An exceedingly simple nsISimpleEnumerator implementation
Zotero.Integration.Document.JSEnumerator = function(objArray) {
this.objArray = objArray;
Zotero.Integration.Document.JSEnumerator.prototype.hasMoreElements = function() {
return this.objArray.length;
Zotero.Integration.Document.JSEnumerator.prototype.getNext = function() {
return this.objArray.shift();
* Methods for retrieving fields from a document
* @constructor
Zotero.Integration.Fields = function(session, doc, fieldErrorHandler) {
this.ignoreEmptyBibliography = true;
// Callback called while retrieving fields with the percentage complete.
this.progressCallback = null;
// Promise injected into the middle of the promise chain while retrieving fields, to check for
// recoverable errors. If the fieldErrorHandler is fulfilled, then the rest of the promise
// chain continues. If the fieldErrorHandler is rejected, then the promise chain is rejected.
this.fieldErrorHandler = fieldErrorHandler;
this._session = session;
this._doc = doc;
this._deferreds = null;
this._removeCodeKeys = {};
this._removeCodeFields = {};
this._bibliographyFields = [];
this._bibliographyData = "";
* Checks that it is appropriate to add fields to the current document at the current
* positon, then adds one.
Zotero.Integration.Fields.prototype.addField = function(note) {
// Get citation types if necessary
if(!this._doc.canInsertField(this._session.data.prefs['fieldType'])) {
return Zotero.Promise.reject(new Zotero.Exception.Alert("integration.error.cannotInsertHere",
[], "integration.error.title"));
var field = this._doc.cursorInField(this._session.data.prefs['fieldType']);
if(field) {
Components.interfaces.zoteroIntegrationDocument.DIALOG_BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL)) {
return Zotero.Promise.reject(new Zotero.Exception.UserCancelled("inserting citation"));
if(!field) {
var field = this._doc.insertField(this._session.data.prefs['fieldType'],
(note ? this._session.data.prefs["noteType"] : 0));
return Zotero.Promise.resolve(field);
* Gets the type and content of a field object
Zotero.Integration.Fields.prototype.getCodeTypeAndContent = function(rawCode) {
for each(var code in ["ITEM", "CITATION"]) {
if(rawCode.substr(0, code.length) === code) {
return [INTEGRATION_TYPE_ITEM, rawCode.substr(code.length+1)];
if(rawCode.substr(0, 4) === "BIBL") {
return [INTEGRATION_TYPE_BIBLIOGRAPHY, rawCode.substr(5)];
if(rawCode.substr(0, 4) === "TEMP") {
return [INTEGRATION_TYPE_TEMP, rawCode.substr(5)];
return [null, rawCode];
* Gets all fields for a document
* @return {Promise} Promise resolved with field list.
Zotero.Integration.Fields.prototype.get = function get() {
// If we already have fields, just return them
if(this._fields) {
return Zotero.Promise.resolve(this._fields);
// Create a new promise and add it to promise list
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
// If already getting fields, just return the promise
if(this._deferreds) {
return deferred.promise;
} else {
this._deferreds = [deferred];
// Otherwise, start getting fields
var getFieldsTime = (new Date()).getTime(),
me = this;
{"observe":function(subject, topic, data) {
if(topic === "fields-available") {
if(me.progressCallback) {
try {
} catch(e) {
try {
// Add fields to fields array
var fieldsEnumerator = subject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISimpleEnumerator);
var fields = me._fields = [];
while(fieldsEnumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
if(Zotero.Debug.enabled) {
var endTime = (new Date()).getTime();
Zotero.debug("Integration: Retrieved "+fields.length+" fields in "+
(endTime-getFieldsTime)/1000+"; "+
1000/((endTime-getFieldsTime)/fields.length)+" fields/second");
} catch(e) {
// Reject promises
for(var i=0, n=me._deferreds.length; i<n; i++) {
me._deferreds = [];
// Resolve promises
for(var i=0, n=me._deferreds.length; i<n; i++) {
me._deferreds = [];
} else if(topic === "fields-progress") {
if(me.progressCallback) {
try {
me.progressCallback((data ? parseInt(data, 10)*(3/4) : null));
} catch(e) {
} else if(topic === "fields-error") {
for(var i=0, n=me._deferreds.length; i<n; i++) {
me._deferreds = [];
}, QueryInterface:XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Components.interfaces.nsIObserver, Components.interfaces.nsISupports])});
return deferred.promise;
* Updates Zotero.Integration.Session attached to Zotero.Integration.Fields in line with document
Zotero.Integration.Fields.prototype.updateSession = function() {
var me = this, collectFieldsTime;
return this.get().then(function() {
me._removeCodeKeys = {};
me._removeCodeFields = {};
me._bibliographyFields = [];
me._bibliographyData = "";
collectFieldsTime = (new Date()).getTime();
return me._processFields();
}).then(function() {
var endTime = (new Date()).getTime();
if(Zotero.Debug.enabled) {
Zotero.debug("Integration: Updated session data for "+me._fields.length+" fields in "+
(endTime-collectFieldsTime)/1000+"; "+
1000/((endTime-collectFieldsTime)/me._fields.length)+" fields/second");
// Load uncited items from bibliography
if(me._bibliographyData && !me._session.bibliographyData) {
try {
} catch(e) {
var exception = new Zotero.Integration.CorruptBibliographyException(me, e);
throw exception;
// if we are reloading this session, assume no item IDs to be updated except for
// edited items
if(me._session.reload) {
//this._session.restoreProcessorState(); TODO doesn't appear to be working properly
return Zotero.promiseGenerator(me._session._updateCitations())
.then(function() {
me._session.updateIndices = {};
me._session.updateItemIDs = {};
me._session.citationText = {};
me._session.bibliographyHasChanged = false;
delete me._session.reload;
} else {
* Keep processing fields until all have been processed
Zotero.Integration.Fields.prototype._processFields = function(i) {
if(!i) i = 0;
for(var n = this._fields.length; i<n; i++) {
var field = this._fields[i];
try {
var fieldCode = field.getCode();
} catch(e) {
var corruptFieldException = new Zotero.Integration.CorruptFieldException(
"Field code not retrievable", e);
corruptFieldException.setContext(this, i);
throw corruptFieldException;
var [type, content] = this.getCodeTypeAndContent(fieldCode);
var noteIndex = field.getNoteIndex();
try {
this._session.addCitation(i, noteIndex, content);
} catch(e) {
var removeCode = false;
if(e instanceof Zotero.Integration.CorruptFieldException) {
e.setContext(this, i)
} else if(e instanceof Zotero.Integration.MissingItemException) {
// Check if we've already decided to remove this field code
for each(var reselectKey in e.reselectKeys) {
if(this._removeCodeKeys[reselectKey]) {
this._removeCodeFields[i] = true;
removeCode = true;
if(!removeCode) e.setContext(this, i);
if(!removeCode) {
if(this.fieldErrorHandler) return this.fieldErrorHandler(e);
throw e;
if(this.ignoreEmptyBibliography && field.getText().trim() === "") {
this._removeCodeFields[i] = true;
} else {
if(!this._session.bibliographyData && !this._bibliographyData) {
this._bibliographyData = content;
* Updates bibliographies and fields within a document
* @param {Boolean} forceCitations Whether to regenerate all citations
* @param {Boolean} forceBibliography Whether to regenerate all bibliography entries
* @param {Boolean} [ignoreCitationChanges] Whether to ignore changes to citations that have been
* modified since they were created, instead of showing a warning
* @return {Promise} A promise resolved when the document is updated
Zotero.Integration.Fields.prototype.updateDocument = function(forceCitations, forceBibliography,
ignoreCitationChanges) {
// Update citations
var me = this;
return Zotero.promiseGenerator(this._session._updateCitations()).then(function() {
return Zotero.promiseGenerator(me._updateDocument(forceCitations, forceBibliography,
* Helper function to update bibliographys and fields within a document
* @param {Boolean} forceCitations Whether to regenerate all citations
* @param {Boolean} forceBibliography Whether to regenerate all bibliography entries
* @param {Boolean} [ignoreCitationChanges] Whether to ignore changes to citations that have been
* modified since they were created, instead of showing a warning
Zotero.Integration.Fields.prototype._updateDocument = function(forceCitations, forceBibliography,
ignoreCitationChanges) {
if(this.progressCallback) {
var nFieldUpdates = Object.keys(this._session.updateIndices).length;
if(this._session.bibliographyHasChanged || forceBibliography) {
nFieldUpdates += this._bibliographyFields.length*5;
var nUpdated=0;
for(var i in this._session.updateIndices) {
if(this.progressCallback && nUpdated % 10 == 0) {
try {
} catch(e) {
yield undefined;
var citation = this._session.citationsByIndex[i];
var field = this._fields[i];
// If there is no citation, we're deleting it, or we shouldn't update it, ignore
// it
if(!citation || citation.properties.delete) continue;
var isRich = false;
if(!citation.properties.dontUpdate) {
var formattedCitation = citation.properties.custom
? citation.properties.custom : this._session.citationText[i];
if(formattedCitation.indexOf("\\") !== -1) {
// need to set text as RTF
formattedCitation = "{\\rtf "+formattedCitation+"}"
isRich = true;
if(forceCitations === FORCE_CITATIONS_RESET_TEXT
|| citation.properties.formattedCitation !== formattedCitation) {
// Check if citation has been manually modified
if(!ignoreCitationChanges && citation.properties.plainCitation) {
var plainCitation = field.getText();
if(plainCitation !== citation.properties.plainCitation) {
// Citation manually modified; ask user if they want to save changes
Zotero.debug("[_updateDocument] Attempting to update manually modified citation.\n"
+ "Original: " + citation.properties.plainCitation + "\n"
+ "Current: " + plainCitation
var result = this._doc.displayAlert(
if(result) {
citation.properties.dontUpdate = true;
if(!citation.properties.dontUpdate) {
field.setText(formattedCitation, isRich);
citation.properties.formattedCitation = formattedCitation;
citation.properties.plainCitation = field.getText();
var fieldCode = this._session.getCitationField(citation);
if(fieldCode != citation.properties.field) {
(this._session.data.prefs.storeReferences ? "ITEM CSL_CITATION" : "ITEM")
+" "+fieldCode);
if(this._session.data.prefs.fieldType === "ReferenceMark" && isRich
&& !citation.properties.dontUpdate) {
// For ReferenceMarks with formatting, we need to set the text again, because
// setting the field code removes formatting from the mark. I don't like this.
field.setText(formattedCitation, isRich);
// update bibliographies
if(this._bibliographyFields.length // if bibliography exists
&& (this._session.bibliographyHasChanged // and bibliography changed
|| forceBibliography)) { // or if we should generate regardless of
// changes
var bibliographyFields = this._bibliographyFields;
if(forceBibliography || this._session.bibliographyDataHasChanged) {
var bibliographyData = this._session.getBibliographyData();
for each(var field in bibliographyFields) {
field.setCode("BIBL "+bibliographyData
+(this._session.data.prefs.storeReferences ? " CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY" : ""));
// get bibliography and format as RTF
var bib = this._session.getBibliography();
var bibliographyText = "";
if(bib) {
bibliographyText = bib[0].bibstart+bib[1].join("\\\r\n")+"\\\r\n"+bib[0].bibend;
// if bibliography style not set, set it
if(!this._session.data.style.bibliographyStyleHasBeenSet) {
var bibStyle = Zotero.Cite.getBibliographyFormatParameters(bib);
// set bibliography style
this._doc.setBibliographyStyle(bibStyle.firstLineIndent, bibStyle.indent,
bibStyle.lineSpacing, bibStyle.entrySpacing, bibStyle.tabStops, bibStyle.tabStops.length);
// set bibliographyStyleHasBeenSet parameter to prevent further changes
this._session.data.style.bibliographyStyleHasBeenSet = true;
// set bibliography text
for each(var field in bibliographyFields) {
if(this.progressCallback) {
try {
} catch(e) {
yield undefined;
if(bibliographyText) {
field.setText(bibliographyText, true);
} else {
field.setText("{Bibliography}", false);
nUpdated += 5;
// Do these operations in reverse in case plug-ins care about order
for(var i=this._session.citationsByIndex.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
if(this._session.citationsByIndex[i] &&
this._session.citationsByIndex[i].properties.delete) {
var removeCodeFields = Object.keys(this._removeCodeFields).sort();
for(var i=(removeCodeFields.length-1); i>=0; i--) {
* Brings up the addCitationDialog, prepopulated if a citation is provided
Zotero.Integration.Fields.prototype.addEditCitation = function(field) {
var newField, citation, fieldIndex, session = this._session;
// if there's already a citation, make sure we have item IDs in addition to keys
if(field) {
try {
var code = field.getCode();
} catch(e) {}
if(code) {
var [type, content] = this.getCodeTypeAndContent(code);
throw new Zotero.Exception.Alert("integration.error.notInCitation");
try {
citation = session.unserializeCitation(content);
} catch(e) {}
if(citation) {
try {
} catch(e) {
if(e instanceof Zotero.Integration.MissingItemException) {
citation.citationItems = [];
} else {
throw e;
|| (citation.properties.plainCitation
&& field.getText() !== citation.properties.plainCitation)) {
Zotero.debug("[addEditCitation] Attempting to update manually modified citation.\n"
+ "citation.properties.dontUpdate: " + citation.properties.dontUpdate + "\n"
+ "Original: " + citation.properties.plainCitation + "\n"
+ "Current: " + field.getText()
Components.interfaces.zoteroIntegrationDocument.DIALOG_BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL)) {
throw new Zotero.Exception.UserCancelled("editing citation");
// make sure it's going to get updated
delete citation.properties["formattedCitation"];
delete citation.properties["plainCitation"];
delete citation.properties["dontUpdate"];
} else {
newField = true;
field = this.addField(true);
var me = this;
return Zotero.Promise.resolve(field).then(function(field) {
if(!citation) {
citation = {"citationItems":[], "properties":{}};
var io = new Zotero.Integration.CitationEditInterface(citation, field, me, session);
if(Zotero.Prefs.get("integration.useClassicAddCitationDialog")) {
'chrome://zotero/content/integration/addCitationDialog.xul', 'alwaysRaised,resizable',
} else {
var mode = (!Zotero.isMac && Zotero.Prefs.get('integration.keepAddCitationDialogRaised')
? 'popup' : 'alwaysRaised')+',resizable=false';
'chrome://zotero/content/integration/quickFormat.xul', mode, io);
if(newField) {
return io.promise.catch(function(e) {
// Try to delete new field on failure
try {
} catch(e) {}
throw e;
} else {
return io.promise;
* Citation editing functions and propertiesaccessible to quickFormat.js and addCitationDialog.js
Zotero.Integration.CitationEditInterface = function(citation, field, fieldGetter, session) {
this.citation = citation;
this._field = field;
this._fieldGetter = fieldGetter;
this._session = session;
this._sessionUpdateResolveErrors = false;
this._sessionUpdateDeferreds = [];
// Needed to make this work across boundaries
this.wrappedJSObject = this;
// Determine whether citation is sortable in current style
this.sortable = session.style.opt.sort_citations;
// Citeproc-js style object for use of third-party extension
this.style = session.style;
// Start getting citation data
this._acceptDeferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
this._fieldIndexPromise = fieldGetter.get().then(function(fields) {
for(var i=0, n=fields.length; i<n; i++) {
if(fields[i].equals(field)) {
return i;
var me = this;
this.promise = this._fieldIndexPromise.then(function(fieldIndex) {
me._fieldIndex = fieldIndex;
return me._acceptDeferred.promise;
}).then(function(progressCallback) {
if(!me.citation.citationItems.length) {
throw new Zotero.Exception.UserCancelled("inserting citation");
me._fieldGetter.progressCallback = progressCallback;
return me._updateSession(true);
}).then(function() {
// Add new citation
me._session.addCitation(me._fieldIndex, me._field.getNoteIndex(), me.citation);
me._session.updateIndices[me._fieldIndex] = true;
// Check if bibliography changed
if(!me._session.bibliographyHasChanged) {
var citationItems = me.citation.citationItems;
for(var i=0, n=citationItems.length; i<n; i++) {
if(me._session.citationsByItemID[citationItems[i].itemID] &&
me._session.citationsByItemID[citationItems[i].itemID].length == 1) {
me._session.bibliographyHasChanged = true;
// Update document
return me._fieldGetter.updateDocument(FORCE_CITATIONS_FALSE, false, false);
Zotero.Integration.CitationEditInterface.prototype = {
* Run a function when the session information has been updated
* @param {Boolean} [resolveErrors] Whether to attempt to resolve errors that occur
* while session information is being updated, e.g. by showing a dialog to the
* user.
* @return {Promise} A promise resolved when session information has been updated
"_updateSession":function _updateSession(resolveErrors) {
var me = this;
if(this._sessionUpdatePromise && this._sessionUpdatePromise.isFulfilled()) {
// Session has already been updated. If we were deferring resolving an error,
// and we are supposed to resolve it now, then do that
if(this._sessionUpdateError) {
if(resolveErrors && this._sessionUpdateError.attemptToResolve) {
return this._sessionUpdateError.attemptToResolve().then(function() {
delete me._sessionUpdateError;
} else {
return Zotero.Promise.reject(this._sessionUpdateError);
} else {
return Zotero.Promise.resolve(true);
} else {
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
this._sessionUpdateResolveErrors = this._sessionUpdateResolveErrors || resolveErrors;
if(!this._sessionUpdatePromise) {
// Add deferred to queue
var me = this;
this._fieldGetter.fieldErrorHandler = function(err) {
// If an error occurred, either try to resolve it or reject it
// depending on whether anyone has called _updateSession with
// resolveErrors set to true. This is necessary to prevent field code
// errors from appearing while the user interacts with the QuickFormat
// dialog, since some people find this very confusing.
if(me._sessionUpdateResolveErrors && err.attemptToResolve) {
return err.attemptToResolve();
} else {
throw err;
this._sessionUpdatePromise = this._fieldGetter.updateSession().then(function() {
// If no errors occurred, or errors were resolved, resolve promises
for(var i=0; i<me._sessionUpdateDeferreds.length; i++) {
}, function(err) {
// Error propagates if attemptToResolve failed or wasn't called to
// begin with
me._sessionUpdateError = err;
for(var i=0; i<me._sessionUpdateDeferreds.length; i++) {
return deferred.promise;
* Execute a callback with a preview of the given citation
* @return {Promise} A promise resolved with the previewed citation string
"preview":function preview() {
var me = this;
return this._updateSession().then(function() {
me.citation.properties.zoteroIndex = me._fieldIndex;
me.citation.properties.noteIndex = me._field.getNoteIndex();
return me._session.previewCitation(me.citation);
* Sort the citation
"sort":function() {
// Unlike above, we can do the previewing here without waiting for all the fields
// to load, since they won't change the sorting (I don't think)
* Accept changes to the citation
* @param {Function} [progressCallback] A callback to be run when progress has changed.
* Receives a number from 0 to 100 indicating current status.
"accept":function(progressCallback) {
if(!this._acceptDeferred.promise.isFulfilled()) {
* Get a list of items used in the current document
* @return {Promise} A promise resolved by the items
"getItems":function() {
|| Zotero.Utilities.isEmpty(this._session.citationsByItemID)) {
// Either we already have field data for this run or we have no item data at all.
// Update session before continuing.
var me = this;
return this._updateSession().then(function() {
return me._getItems();
}, function() {
return [];
} else {
// We have item data left over from a previous run with this document, so we don't need
// to wait.
return Zotero.Promise.resolve(this._getItems());
* Helper function for getItems. Does the same thing, but this can assume that the session data
* has already been updated if it should be.
"_getItems":function() {
var citationsByItemID = this._session.citationsByItemID;
var ids = Object.keys(citationsByItemID).filter(itemID => {
return citationsByItemID[itemID]
&& citationsByItemID[itemID].length
// Exclude the present item
&& (citationsByItemID[itemID].length > 1
|| citationsByItemID[itemID][0].properties.zoteroIndex !== this._fieldIndex);
// Sort all previously cited items at top, and all items cited later at bottom
var fieldIndex = this._fieldIndex;
ids.sort(function(a, b) {
var indexA = citationsByItemID[a][0].properties.zoteroIndex,
indexB = citationsByItemID[b][0].properties.zoteroIndex;
if(indexA >= fieldIndex){
if(indexB < fieldIndex) return 1;
return indexA - indexB;
if(indexB > fieldIndex) return -1;
return indexB - indexA;
return Zotero.Cite.getItem(ids);
* Keeps track of all session-specific variables
Zotero.Integration.Session = function(doc) {
// holds items not in document that should be in bibliography
this.uncitedItems = {};
this.omittedItems = {};
this.embeddedItems = {};
this.embeddedZoteroItems = {};
this.embeddedZoteroItemsByURI = {};
this.customBibliographyText = {};
this.reselectedItems = {};
* Resets per-request variables in the CitationSet
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype.resetRequest = function(doc) {
this.uriMap = new Zotero.Integration.URIMap(this);
this.regenerateAll = false;
this.bibliographyHasChanged = false;
this.bibliographyDataHasChanged = false;
this.updateItemIDs = {};
this.updateIndices = {};
this.newIndices = {};
this.oldCitationIDs = this.citeprocCitationIDs;
this.citationsByItemID = {};
this.citationsByIndex = [];
this.documentCitationIDs = {};
this.citeprocCitationIDs = {};
this.citationText = {};
this.doc = doc;
* Changes the Session style and data
* @param data {Zotero.Integration.DocumentData}
* @param resetStyle {Boolean} Whether to force the style to be reset
* regardless of whether it has changed. This is desirable if the
* automaticJournalAbbreviations or locale has changed.
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype.setData = function(data, resetStyle) {
var oldStyle = (this.data && this.data.style ? this.data.style : false);
this.data = data;
if(data.style.styleID && (!oldStyle || oldStyle.styleID != data.style.styleID || resetStyle)) {
this.styleID = data.style.styleID;
try {
var getStyle = Zotero.Styles.get(data.style.styleID);
data.style.hasBibliography = getStyle.hasBibliography;
this.style = getStyle.getCiteProc(data.style.locale, data.prefs.automaticJournalAbbreviations);
this.styleClass = getStyle.class;
this.dateModified = new Object();
} catch(e) {
data.style.styleID = undefined;
throw new Zotero.Exception.Alert("integration.error.invalidStyle");
return true;
} else if(oldStyle) {
data.style = oldStyle;
return false;
* Displays a dialog to set document preferences
* @return {Promise} A promise resolved with old document data, if there was any or null,
* if there wasn't, or rejected with Zotero.Exception.UserCancelled if the dialog was
* cancelled.
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype.setDocPrefs = function(doc, primaryFieldType, secondaryFieldType) {
var io = new function() {
this.wrappedJSObject = this;
if(this.data) {
io.style = this.data.style.styleID;
io.locale = this.data.style.locale;
io.useEndnotes = this.data.prefs.noteType == 0 ? 0 : this.data.prefs.noteType-1;
io.fieldType = this.data.prefs.fieldType;
io.primaryFieldType = primaryFieldType;
io.secondaryFieldType = secondaryFieldType;
io.storeReferences = this.data.prefs.storeReferences;
io.automaticJournalAbbreviations = this.data.prefs.automaticJournalAbbreviations;
io.requireStoreReferences = !Zotero.Utilities.isEmpty(this.embeddedItems);
var me = this;
return Zotero.Integration.displayDialog(doc,
'chrome://zotero/content/integration/integrationDocPrefs.xul', '', io)
.then(function() {
if(!io.style) {
throw new Zotero.Exception.UserCancelled("document preferences window");
// set data
var oldData = me.data;
var data = new Zotero.Integration.DocumentData();
data.sessionID = oldData.sessionID;
data.style.styleID = io.style;
data.style.locale = io.locale;
data.prefs.fieldType = io.fieldType;
data.prefs.storeReferences = io.storeReferences;
data.prefs.automaticJournalAbbreviations = io.automaticJournalAbbreviations;
var forceStyleReset = oldData
&& (
oldData.prefs.automaticJournalAbbreviations != data.prefs.automaticJournalAbbreviations
|| oldData.style.locale != io.locale
me.setData(data, forceStyleReset);
// need to do this after setting the data so that we know if it's a note style
me.data.prefs.noteType = me.style && me.styleClass == "note" ? io.useEndnotes+1 : 0;
if(!oldData || oldData.style.styleID != data.style.styleID
|| oldData.prefs.noteType != data.prefs.noteType
|| oldData.prefs.fieldType != data.prefs.fieldType
|| oldData.prefs.automaticJournalAbbreviations != data.prefs.automaticJournalAbbreviations) {
// This will cause us to regenerate all citations
me.oldCitationIDs = {};
return oldData || null;
* Reselects an item to replace a deleted item
* @param exception {Zotero.Integration.MissingItemException}
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype.reselectItem = function(doc, exception) {
var io = new function() { this.wrappedJSObject = this; },
me = this;
io.addBorder = Zotero.isWin;
io.singleSelection = true;
return Zotero.Integration.displayDialog(doc, 'chrome://zotero/content/selectItemsDialog.xul',
'resizable', io).then(function() {
if(io.dataOut && io.dataOut.length) {
var itemID = io.dataOut[0];
// add reselected item IDs to hash, so they can be used
for each(var reselectKey in exception.reselectKeys) {
me.reselectedItems[reselectKey] = itemID;
// add old URIs to map, so that they will be included
if(exception.reselectKeyType == RESELECT_KEY_URI) {
me.uriMap.add(itemID, exception.reselectKeys.concat(me.uriMap.getURIsForItemID(itemID)));
// flag for update
me.updateItemIDs[itemID] = true;
* Generates a field from a citation object
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype.getCitationField = function(citation) {
const saveProperties = ["custom", "unsorted", "formattedCitation", "plainCitation", "dontUpdate"];
const saveCitationItemKeys = ["locator", "label", "suppress-author", "author-only", "prefix",
var addSchema = false;
var type;
var field = [];
var properties = JSON.stringify(citation.properties, saveProperties);
if(properties != "{}") {
var m = citation.citationItems.length;
var citationItems = new Array(m);
for(var j=0; j<m; j++) {
var citationItem = citation.citationItems[j],
serializeCitationItem = {},
key, value;
// add URI and itemData
var slashIndex;
if(typeof citationItem.id === "string" && (slashIndex = citationItem.id.indexOf("/")) !== -1) {
// this is an embedded item
serializeCitationItem.id = citationItem.itemData.id;
serializeCitationItem.uris = citationItem.uris;
// XXX For compatibility with older versions of Zotero; to be removed at a later date
serializeCitationItem.uri = serializeCitationItem.uris;
// always store itemData, since we have no way to get it back otherwise
serializeCitationItem.itemData = citationItem.itemData;
addSchema = true;
} else {
serializeCitationItem.id = citationItem.id;
serializeCitationItem.uris = this.uriMap.getURIsForItemID(citationItem.id);
// XXX For compatibility with older versions of Zotero; to be removed at a later date
serializeCitationItem.uri = serializeCitationItem.uris;
// add itemData only if requested
if(this.data.prefs.storeReferences) {
serializeCitationItem.itemData = this.style.sys.retrieveItem(citationItem.id);
addSchema = true;
// copy saveCitationItemKeys
for(var i=0, n=saveCitationItemKeys.length; i<n; i++) {
if((value = citationItem[(key = saveCitationItemKeys[i])])) {
serializeCitationItem[key] = value;
citationItems[j] = JSON.stringify(serializeCitationItem);
if(addSchema) {
return "{"+field.join(",")+"}";
* Adds a citation based on a serialized Word field
Zotero.Integration._oldCitationLocatorMap = {
* Adds a citation to the arrays representing the document
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype.addCitation = function(index, noteIndex, arg) {
var index = parseInt(index, 10);
if(typeof(arg) == "string") { // text field
if(arg == "!" || arg == "X") return;
var citation = this.unserializeCitation(arg, index);
} else { // a citation already
var citation = arg;
// get items
this.lookupItems(citation, index);
citation.properties.added = true;
citation.properties.zoteroIndex = index;
citation.properties.noteIndex = noteIndex;
this.citationsByIndex[index] = citation;
// add to citationsByItemID and citationsByIndex
for(var i=0; i<citation.citationItems.length; i++) {
var citationItem = citation.citationItems[i];
if(!this.citationsByItemID[citationItem.id]) {
this.citationsByItemID[citationItem.id] = [citation];
this.bibliographyHasChanged = true;
} else {
var byItemID = this.citationsByItemID[citationItem.id];
if(byItemID[byItemID.length-1].properties.zoteroIndex < index) {
// if index is greater than the last index, add to end
} else {
// otherwise, splice in at appropriate location
for(var j=0; byItemID[j].properties.zoteroIndex < index && j<byItemID.length-1; j++) {}
byItemID.splice(j++, 0, citation);
// We need a new ID if there's another citation with the same citation ID in this document
var needNewID = !citation.citationID || this.documentCitationIDs[citation.citationID];
if(needNewID || !this.oldCitationIDs[citation.citationID]) {
if(needNewID) {
Zotero.debug("Integration: "+citation.citationID+" ("+index+") needs new citationID");
citation.citationID = Zotero.randomString();
this.newIndices[index] = true;
this.updateIndices[index] = true;
Zotero.debug("Integration: Adding citationID "+citation.citationID);
this.documentCitationIDs[citation.citationID] = citation.citationID;
* Looks up item IDs to correspond with keys or generates embedded items for given citation object.
* Throws a MissingItemException if item was not found.
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype.lookupItems = function(citation, index) {
for(var i=0, n=citation.citationItems.length; i<n; i++) {
var citationItem = citation.citationItems[i];
// get Zotero item
var zoteroItem = false,
if(citationItem.uris) {
[zoteroItem, needUpdate] = this.uriMap.getZoteroItemForURIs(citationItem.uris);
if(needUpdate && index) this.updateIndices[index] = true;
// Unfortunately, people do weird things with their documents. One weird thing people
// apparently like to do (http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/22262/) is to copy and
// paste citations from other documents created with earlier versions of Zotero into
// their documents and then not refresh the document. Usually, this isn't a problem. If
// document is edited by the same user, it will work without incident. If the first
// citation of a given item doesn't contain itemData, the user will get a
// MissingItemException. However, it may also happen that the first citation contains
// itemData, but later citations don't, because the user inserted the item properly and
// then copied and pasted the same citation from another document. We check for that
// possibility here.
if(zoteroItem.cslItemData && !citationItem.itemData) {
citationItem.itemData = zoteroItem.cslItemData;
this.updateIndices[index] = true;
} else {
if(citationItem.key) {
// DEBUG: why no library id?
zoteroItem = Zotero.Items.getByLibraryAndKey(0, citationItem.key);
} else if(citationItem.itemID) {
zoteroItem = Zotero.Items.get(citationItem.itemID);
} else if(citationItem.id) {
zoteroItem = Zotero.Items.get(citationItem.id);
if(zoteroItem && index) this.updateIndices[index] = true;
// if no item, check if it was already reselected and otherwise handle as a missing item
if(!zoteroItem) {
if(citationItem.uris) {
var reselectKeys = citationItem.uris;
var reselectKeyType = RESELECT_KEY_URI;
} else if(citationItem.key) {
var reselectKeys = [citationItem.key];
var reselectKeyType = RESELECT_KEY_ITEM_KEY;
} else if(citationItem.id) {
var reselectKeys = [citationItem.id];
var reselectKeyType = RESELECT_KEY_ITEM_ID;
} else {
var reselectKeys = [citationItem.itemID];
var reselectKeyType = RESELECT_KEY_ITEM_ID;
// look to see if item has already been reselected
for each(var reselectKey in reselectKeys) {
if(this.reselectedItems[reselectKey]) {
zoteroItem = Zotero.Items.get(this.reselectedItems[reselectKey]);
citationItem.id = zoteroItem.id;
if(index) this.updateIndices[index] = true;
if(!zoteroItem) {
if(citationItem.itemData) {
// add new embedded item
var itemData = Zotero.Utilities.deepCopy(citationItem.itemData);
// assign a random string as an item ID
var anonymousID = Zotero.randomString();
var globalID = itemData.id = citationItem.id = this.data.sessionID+"/"+anonymousID;
this.embeddedItems[anonymousID] = itemData;
// assign a Zotero item
var surrogateItem = this.embeddedZoteroItems[anonymousID] = new Zotero.Item();
Zotero.Utilities.itemFromCSLJSON(surrogateItem, itemData);
surrogateItem.cslItemID = globalID;
surrogateItem.cslURIs = citationItem.uris;
surrogateItem.cslItemData = itemData;
for(var j=0, m=citationItem.uris.length; j<m; j++) {
this.embeddedZoteroItemsByURI[citationItem.uris[j]] = surrogateItem;
} else {
// if not already reselected, throw a MissingItemException
throw(new Zotero.Integration.MissingItemException(
reselectKeys, reselectKeyType, i, citation.citationItems.length));
if(zoteroItem) {
citationItem.id = zoteroItem.cslItemID ? zoteroItem.cslItemID : zoteroItem.id;
* Unserializes a JSON citation into a citation object (sans items)
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype.unserializeCitation = function(arg, index) {
var firstBracket = arg.indexOf("{");
if(firstBracket !== -1) { // JSON field
arg = arg.substr(firstBracket);
// fix for corrupted fields
var lastBracket = arg.lastIndexOf("}");
if(lastBracket+1 != arg.length) {
if(index) this.updateIndices[index] = true;
arg = arg.substr(0, lastBracket+1);
// get JSON
try {
var citation = JSON.parse(arg);
} catch(e) {
// fix for corrupted fields (corrupted by Word, somehow)
try {
var citation = JSON.parse(arg.substr(0, arg.length-1));
} catch(e) {
// another fix for corrupted fields (corrupted by 2.1b1)
try {
var citation = JSON.parse(arg.replace(/{{((?:\s*,?"unsorted":(?:true|false)|\s*,?"custom":"(?:(?:\\")?[^"]*\s*)*")*)}}/, "{$1}"));
} catch(e) {
throw new Zotero.Integration.CorruptFieldException(arg, e);
// fix for uppercase citation codes
if(citation.CITATIONITEMS) {
if(index) this.updateIndices[index] = true;
citation.citationItems = [];
for (var i=0; i<citation.CITATIONITEMS.length; i++) {
for (var j in citation.CITATIONITEMS[i]) {
switch (j) {
case 'ITEMID':
var field = 'itemID';
// 'position', 'custom'
var field = j.toLowerCase();
if (!citation.citationItems[i]) {
citation.citationItems[i] = {};
citation.citationItems[i][field] = citation.CITATIONITEMS[i][j];
if(!citation.properties) citation.properties = {};
for each(var citationItem in citation.citationItems) {
// for upgrade from Zotero 2.0 or earlier
if(citationItem.locatorType) {
citationItem.label = citationItem.locatorType;
delete citationItem.locatorType;
} else if(citationItem.suppressAuthor) {
citationItem["suppress-author"] = citationItem["suppressAuthor"];
delete citationItem.suppressAuthor;
// fix for improper upgrade from Zotero 2.1 in <2.1.5
if(parseInt(citationItem.label) == citationItem.label) {
const locatorTypeTerms = ["page", "book", "chapter", "column", "figure", "folio",
"issue", "line", "note", "opus", "paragraph", "part", "section", "sub verbo",
"volume", "verse"];
citationItem.label = locatorTypeTerms[parseInt(citationItem.label)];
// for update from Zotero 2.1 or earlier
if(citationItem.uri) {
citationItem.uris = citationItem.uri;
delete citationItem.uri;
// for upgrade from Zotero 2.0 or earlier
if(citation.sort) {
citation.properties.unsorted = !citation.sort;
delete citation.sort;
if(citation.custom) {
citation.properties.custom = citation.custom;
delete citation.custom;
if(!citation.citationID) citation.citationID = Zotero.randomString();
citation.properties.field = arg;
} else { // ye olde style field
var underscoreIndex = arg.indexOf("_");
var itemIDs = arg.substr(0, underscoreIndex).split("|");
var lastIndex = arg.lastIndexOf("_");
if(lastIndex != underscoreIndex+1) {
var locatorString = arg.substr(underscoreIndex+1, lastIndex-underscoreIndex-1);
var locators = locatorString.split("|");
var citationItems = new Array();
for(var i=0; i<itemIDs.length; i++) {
var citationItem = {id:itemIDs[i]};
if(locators) {
citationItem.locator = locators[i].substr(1);
citationItem.label = Zotero.Integration._oldCitationLocatorMap[locators[i][0]];
var citation = {"citationItems":citationItems, properties:{}};
if(index) this.updateIndices[index] = true;
return citation;
* Gets integration bibliography
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype.getBibliography = function() {
if(Zotero.Utilities.isEmpty(this.citationsByItemID)) return false;
// generate bibliography
var bib = this.style.makeBibliography();
if(bib) {
// omit items
Zotero.Cite.removeFromBibliography(bib, this.omittedItems);
// replace items with their custom counterpars
for(var i in bib[0].entry_ids) {
if(this.customBibliographyText[bib[0].entry_ids[i]]) {
bib[1][i] = this.customBibliographyText[bib[0].entry_ids[i]];
return bib;
* Calls CSL.Engine.updateUncitedItems() to reconcile list of uncited items
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype.updateUncitedItems = function() {
// There appears to be a bug somewhere here.
if(Zotero.Debug.enabled) Zotero.debug("Integration: style.updateUncitedItems("+this.uncitedItems.toSource()+")");
this.style.updateUncitedItems(Object.keys(this.uncitedItems).map(i => parseInt(i)));
* Refreshes updateIndices variable to include fields for modified items
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype.updateUpdateIndices = function(regenerateAll) {
if(regenerateAll || this.regenerateAll) {
// update all indices
for(var i in this.citationsByIndex) {
this.newIndices[i] = true;
this.updateIndices[i] = true;
} else {
// update only item IDs
for(var i in this.updateItemIDs) {
if(this.citationsByItemID[i] && this.citationsByItemID[i].length) {
for(var j=0; j<this.citationsByItemID[i].length; j++) {
this.updateIndices[this.citationsByItemID[i][j].properties.zoteroIndex] = true;
* Returns citations before and after a given index
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype._getPrePost = function(index) {
var citationIndices = [];
var citationsPre = [];
for(var i=0; i<index; i++) {
if(this.citationsByIndex[i] && !this.newIndices[i] && !this.citationsByIndex[i].properties.delete) {
citationsPre.push([this.citationsByIndex[i].citationID, this.citationsByIndex[i].properties.noteIndex]);
var citationsPost = [];
for(var i=index+1; i<this.citationsByIndex.length; i++) {
if(this.citationsByIndex[i] && !this.newIndices[i] && !this.citationsByIndex[i].properties.delete) {
citationsPost.push([this.citationsByIndex[i].citationID, this.citationsByIndex[i].properties.noteIndex]);
return [citationsPre, citationsPost, citationIndices];
* Returns a formatted citation
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype.formatCitation = function(index, citation) {
if(!this.citationText[index]) {
var citationsPre, citationsPost, citationIndices;
[citationsPre, citationsPost, citationIndices] = this._getPrePost(index);
if(Zotero.Debug.enabled) {
Zotero.debug("Integration: style.processCitationCluster("+citation.toSource()+", "+citationsPre.toSource()+", "+citationsPost.toSource());
var newCitations = this.style.processCitationCluster(citation, citationsPre, citationsPost);
for each(var newCitation in newCitations[1]) {
this.citationText[citationIndices[newCitation[0]]] = newCitation[1];
this.updateIndices[citationIndices[newCitation[0]]] = true;
return newCitations.bibchange;
* Updates the list of citations to be serialized to the document
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype._updateCitations = function() {
/*var allUpdatesForced = false;
var forcedUpdates = {};
if(force) {
allUpdatesForced = true;
// make sure at least one citation gets updated
updateLoop: for each(var indexList in [this.newIndices, this.updateIndices]) {
for(var i in indexList) {
if(!this.citationsByIndex[i].properties.delete) {
allUpdatesForced = false;
break updateLoop;
if(allUpdatesForced) {
for(i in this.citationsByIndex) {
if(this.citationsByIndex[i] && !this.citationsByIndex[i].properties.delete) {
forcedUpdates[i] = true;
if(Zotero.Debug.enabled) {
Zotero.debug("Integration: Indices of new citations");
Zotero.debug("Integration: Indices of updated citations");
for each(var indexList in [this.newIndices, this.updateIndices]) {
for(var index in indexList) {
index = parseInt(index);
var citation = this.citationsByIndex[index];
if(!citation || citation.properties.delete) continue;
if(this.formatCitation(index, citation)) {
this.bibliographyHasChanged = true;
this.citeprocCitationIDs[citation.citationID] = true;
delete this.newIndices[index];
yield undefined;
/*if(allUpdatesForced) {
this.newIndices = {};
this.updateIndices = {};
* Restores processor state from document, without requesting citation updates
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype.restoreProcessorState = function() {
var citations = [];
for(var i in this.citationsByIndex) {
if(this.citationsByIndex[i] && !this.newIndices[i] && !this.citationsByIndex[i].properties.delete) {
* Loads document data from a JSON object
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype.loadBibliographyData = function(json) {
var openBraceIndex = json.indexOf("{");
if(openBraceIndex == -1) return;
try {
var documentData = JSON.parse(json.substring(openBraceIndex, json.lastIndexOf("}")+1));
} catch(e) {
try {
var documentData = JSON.parse(json.substr(0, json.length-1));
} catch(e) {
throw new Zotero.Integration.CorruptFieldException(json);
var needUpdate;
// set uncited
if(documentData.uncited) {
if(documentData.uncited[0]) {
// new style array of arrays with URIs
let zoteroItem, needUpdate;
for each(var uris in documentData.uncited) {
[zoteroItem, needUpdate] = this.uriMap.getZoteroItemForURIs(uris);
var id = zoteroItem.cslItemID ? zoteroItem.cslItemID : zoteroItem.id;
if(zoteroItem && !this.citationsByItemID[id]) {
this.uncitedItems[id] = true;
} else {
needUpdate = true;
this.bibliographyDataHasChanged |= needUpdate;
} else {
for(var itemID in documentData.uncited) {
// if not yet in item set, add to item set
// DEBUG: why no libraryID?
var zoteroItem = Zotero.Items.getByLibraryAndKey(0, itemID);
if(!zoteroItem) zoteroItem = Zotero.Items.get(itemID);
if(zoteroItem) this.uncitedItems[zoteroItem.id] = true;
this.bibliographyDataHasChanged = true;
// set custom bibliography entries
if(documentData.custom) {
if(documentData.custom[0]) {
// new style array of arrays with URIs
var zoteroItem, needUpdate;
for each(var custom in documentData.custom) {
[zoteroItem, needUpdate] = this.uriMap.getZoteroItemForURIs(custom[0]);
if(!zoteroItem) continue;
if(needUpdate) this.bibliographyDataHasChanged = true;
var id = zoteroItem.cslItemID ? zoteroItem.cslItemID : zoteroItem.id;
if(this.citationsByItemID[id] || this.uncitedItems[id]) {
this.customBibliographyText[id] = custom[1];
} else {
// old style hash
for(var itemID in documentData.custom) {
// DEBUG: why no libraryID?
var zoteroItem = Zotero.Items.getByLibraryAndKey(0, itemID);
if(!zoteroItem) zoteroItem = Zotero.Items.get(itemID);
if(!zoteroItem) continue;
if(this.citationsByItemID[zoteroItem.id] || this.uncitedItems[zoteroItem.id]) {
this.customBibliographyText[zoteroItem.id] = documentData.custom[itemID];
this.bibliographyDataHasChanged = true;
// set entries to be omitted from bibliography
if(documentData.omitted) {
let zoteroItem, needUpdate;
for each(var uris in documentData.omitted) {
[zoteroItem, update] = this.uriMap.getZoteroItemForURIs(uris);
var id = zoteroItem.cslItemID ? zoteroItem.cslItemID : zoteroItem.id;
if(zoteroItem && this.citationsByItemID[id]) {
this.omittedItems[id] = true;
} else {
needUpdate = true;
this.bibliographyDataHasChanged |= needUpdate;
this.bibliographyData = json;
* Saves document data from a JSON object
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype.getBibliographyData = function() {
var bibliographyData = {};
// add uncited if there is anything
for(var item in this.uncitedItems) {
if(item) {
if(!bibliographyData.uncited) bibliographyData.uncited = [];
for(var item in this.omittedItems) {
if(item) {
if(!bibliographyData.omitted) bibliographyData.omitted = [];
// look for custom bibliography entries
bibliographyData.custom = Object.keys(this.customBibliographyText)
.map(id => [this.uriMap.getURIsForItemID(id), this.customBibliographyText[id]]);
if(bibliographyData.uncited || bibliographyData.custom) {
return JSON.stringify(bibliographyData);
} else {
return ""; // nothing
* Returns a preview, given a citation object (whose citationItems lack item
* and position)
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype.previewCitation = function(citation) {
var citationsPre, citationsPost, citationIndices;
[citationsPre, citationsPost, citationIndices] = this._getPrePost(citation.properties.zoteroIndex);
try {
return this.style.previewCitationCluster(citation, citationsPre, citationsPost, "rtf");
} catch(e) {
throw e;
* Edits integration bibliography
Zotero.Integration.Session.prototype.editBibliography = function(doc) {
var bibliographyEditor = new Zotero.Integration.Session.BibliographyEditInterface(this);
var io = new function() { this.wrappedJSObject = bibliographyEditor; }
this.bibliographyDataHasChanged = this.bibliographyHasChanged = true;
return Zotero.Integration.displayDialog(doc,
'chrome://zotero/content/integration/editBibliographyDialog.xul', 'resizable', io);
* @class Interface for bibliography editor to alter document bibliography
* @constructor
* Creates a new bibliography editor interface
* @param session {Zotero.Integration.Session}
Zotero.Integration.Session.BibliographyEditInterface = function(session) {
this.session = session;
this._changed = {
for(var list in this._changed) {
for(var key in this.session[list]) {
this._changed[list][key] = this.session[list][key];
* Updates stored bibliography
Zotero.Integration.Session.BibliographyEditInterface.prototype._update = function() {
this.bibliography = this.session.style.makeBibliography();
Zotero.Cite.removeFromBibliography(this.bibliography, this.session.omittedItems);
for(var i in this.bibliography[0].entry_ids) {
if(this.bibliography[0].entry_ids[i].length != 1) continue;
var itemID = this.bibliography[0].entry_ids[i][0];
if(this.session.customBibliographyText[itemID]) {
this.bibliography[1][i] = this.session.customBibliographyText[itemID];
* Reverts the text of an individual bibliography entry
Zotero.Integration.Session.BibliographyEditInterface.prototype.revert = function(itemID) {
delete this.session.customBibliographyText[itemID];
* Reverts bibliography to condition in which no edits have been made
Zotero.Integration.Session.BibliographyEditInterface.prototype.revertAll = function() {
for(var list in this._changed) {
this.session[list] = {};
* Reverts bibliography to condition before BibliographyEditInterface was opened
* Does not run _update automatically, since this will usually only happen with a cancel request
Zotero.Integration.Session.BibliographyEditInterface.prototype.cancel = function() {
for(var list in this._changed) {
this.session[list] = this._changed[list];
* Checks whether a given reference is cited within the main document text
Zotero.Integration.Session.BibliographyEditInterface.prototype.isCited = function(item) {
if(this.session.citationsByItemID[item]) return true;
* Checks whether an item ID is cited in the bibliography being edited
Zotero.Integration.Session.BibliographyEditInterface.prototype.isEdited = function(itemID) {
if(this.session.customBibliographyText[itemID]) return true;
return false;
* Checks whether any citations in the bibliography have been edited
Zotero.Integration.Session.BibliographyEditInterface.prototype.isAnyEdited = function() {
for(var list in this._changed) {
for(var a in this.session[list]) {
return true;
return false;
* Adds an item to the bibliography
Zotero.Integration.Session.BibliographyEditInterface.prototype.add = function(itemID) {
if(this.session.omittedItems[itemID]) {
delete this.session.omittedItems[itemID];
} else {
this.session.uncitedItems[itemID] = true;
* Removes an item from the bibliography being edited
Zotero.Integration.Session.BibliographyEditInterface.prototype.remove = function(itemID) {
if(this.session.uncitedItems[itemID]) {
delete this.session.uncitedItems[itemID];
} else {
this.session.omittedItems[itemID] = true;
* Sets custom bibliography text for a given item
Zotero.Integration.Session.BibliographyEditInterface.prototype.setCustomText = function(itemID, text) {
this.session.customBibliographyText[itemID] = text;
* A class for parsing and passing around document-specific data
Zotero.Integration.DocumentData = function(string) {
this.style = {};
this.prefs = {};
this.sessionID = null;
if(string) {
* Serializes document-specific data as XML
Zotero.Integration.DocumentData.prototype.serializeXML = function() {
var prefs = "";
for(var pref in this.prefs) {
prefs += '<pref name="'+Zotero.Utilities.htmlSpecialChars(pref)+'" '+
return '<data data-version="'+Zotero.Utilities.htmlSpecialChars(DATA_VERSION)+'" '+
'<session id="'+Zotero.Utilities.htmlSpecialChars(this.sessionID)+'"/>'+
'<style id="'+Zotero.Utilities.htmlSpecialChars(this.style.styleID)+'" '+
(this.style.locale ? 'locale="' + Zotero.Utilities.htmlSpecialChars(this.style.locale) + '" ': '') +
'hasBibliography="'+(this.style.hasBibliography ? "1" : "0")+'" '+
'bibliographyStyleHasBeenSet="'+(this.style.bibliographyStyleHasBeenSet ? "1" : "0")+'"/>'+
(prefs ? '<prefs>'+prefs+'</prefs>' : '<prefs/>')+'</data>';
* Unserializes document-specific XML
Zotero.Integration.DocumentData.prototype.unserializeXML = function(xmlData) {
var parser = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/domparser;1"]
doc = parser.parseFromString(xmlData, "application/xml");
this.sessionID = Zotero.Utilities.xpathText(doc, '/data/session[1]/@id');
this.style = {"styleID":Zotero.Utilities.xpathText(doc, '/data/style[1]/@id'),
"locale":Zotero.Utilities.xpathText(doc, '/data/style[1]/@locale'),
"hasBibliography":(Zotero.Utilities.xpathText(doc, '/data/style[1]/@hasBibliography') == 1),
"bibliographyStyleHasBeenSet":(Zotero.Utilities.xpathText(doc, '/data/style[1]/@bibliographyStyleHasBeenSet') == 1)};
this.prefs = {};
for each(var pref in Zotero.Utilities.xpath(doc, '/data/prefs[1]/pref')) {
var name = pref.getAttribute("name");
var value = pref.getAttribute("value");
if(value === "true") {
value = true;
} else if(value === "false") {
value = false;
this.prefs[name] = value;
if(this.prefs["storeReferences"] === undefined) this.prefs["storeReferences"] = false;
if(this.prefs["automaticJournalAbbreviations"] === undefined) this.prefs["automaticJournalAbbreviations"] = false;
this.zoteroVersion = doc.documentElement.getAttribute("zotero-version");
if(!this.zoteroVersion) this.zoteroVersion = "2.0";
this.dataVersion = doc.documentElement.getAttribute("data-version");
if(!this.dataVersion) this.dataVersion = 2;
* Unserializes document-specific data, either as XML or as the string form used previously
Zotero.Integration.DocumentData.prototype.unserialize = function(input) {
if(input[0] == "<") {
} else {
const splitRe = /(^|[^:]):(?!:)/;
var splitOutput = input.split(splitRe);
var prefParameters = [];
for(var i=0; i<splitOutput.length; i+=2) {
prefParameters.push((splitOutput[i]+(splitOutput[i+1] ? splitOutput[i+1] : "")).replace("::", ":", "g"));
this.sessionID = prefParameters[0];
this.style = {"styleID":prefParameters[1],
"hasBibliography":(prefParameters[3] == "1" || prefParameters[3] == "True"),
this.prefs = {"fieldType":((prefParameters[5] == "1" || prefParameters[5] == "True") ? "Bookmark" : "Field"),
if(prefParameters[2] == "note") {
if(prefParameters[4] == "1" || prefParameters[4] == "True") {
this.prefs.noteType = Components.interfaces.zoteroIntegrationDocument.NOTE_ENDNOTE;
} else {
this.prefs.noteType = Components.interfaces.zoteroIntegrationDocument.NOTE_FOOTNOTE;
} else {
this.prefs.noteType = 0;
this.zoteroVersion = "2.0b6 or earlier";
this.dataVersion = 1;
* Handles mapping of item IDs to URIs
Zotero.Integration.URIMap = function(session) {
this.itemIDURIs = {};
this.session = session;
* Adds a given mapping to the URI map
Zotero.Integration.URIMap.prototype.add = function(id, uris) {
this.itemIDURIs[id] = uris;
* Gets URIs for a given item ID, and adds to map
Zotero.Integration.URIMap.prototype.getURIsForItemID = function(id) {
if(typeof id === "string" && id.indexOf("/") !== -1) {
return Zotero.Cite.getItem(id).cslURIs;
if(!this.itemIDURIs[id]) {
this.itemIDURIs[id] = [Zotero.URI.getItemURI(Zotero.Items.get(id))];
return this.itemIDURIs[id];
* Gets Zotero item for a given set of URIs
Zotero.Integration.URIMap.prototype.getZoteroItemForURIs = function(uris) {
var zoteroItem = false;
var needUpdate = false;
var embeddedItem = false;;
for(var i=0, n=uris.length; i<n; i++) {
var uri = uris[i];
// First try embedded URI
if(this.session.embeddedZoteroItemsByURI[uri]) {
embeddedItem = this.session.embeddedZoteroItemsByURI[uri];
// Next try getting URI directly
try {
zoteroItem = Zotero.URI.getURIItem(uri);
if(zoteroItem) {
// Ignore items in the trash
if(zoteroItem.deleted) {
zoteroItem = false;
} else {
} catch(e) {}
// Try merged item mapping
var replacer = Zotero.Relations.getByPredicateAndObject(
'item', Zotero.Relations.replacedItemPredicate, uri
if (replacer.length && !replacer[0].deleted) {
zoteroItem = replacer;
if(zoteroItem) break;
if(zoteroItem) {
// make sure URI is up to date (in case user just began synching)
var newURI = Zotero.URI.getItemURI(zoteroItem);
if(newURI != uris[i]) {
uris[i] = newURI;
needUpdate = true;
// cache uris
this.itemIDURIs[zoteroItem.id] = uris;
} else if(embeddedItem) {
return [embeddedItem, false];
return [zoteroItem, needUpdate];