Backports the following Mozilla fixes: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1858409 (AutoFill/Services menus; fixes #3927) https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1884631 (sheets → dialogs; fixes #3936) https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=148624 (ghost tooltips, because why not)
1508 lines
58 KiB
1508 lines
58 KiB
diff --git a/browser/app/nsBrowserApp.cpp b/browser/app/nsBrowserApp.cpp
--- a/browser/app/nsBrowserApp.cpp
+++ b/browser/app/nsBrowserApp.cpp
@@ -154,19 +154,31 @@ static bool IsArg(const char* arg, const
return false;
Bootstrap::UniquePtr gBootstrap;
static int do_main(int argc, char* argv[], char* envp[]) {
+ // Allow profile downgrade for Zotero
+ setenv("MOZ_ALLOW_DOWNGRADE", "1", 1);
+ // Don't create dedicated profile (default-esr)
+ setenv("MOZ_LEGACY_PROFILES", "1", 1);
// Allow firefox.exe to launch XULRunner apps via -app <application.ini>
// Note that -app must be the *first* argument.
- const char* appDataFile = getenv("XUL_APP_FILE");
+ UniqueFreePtr<char> iniPath = BinaryPath::GetApplicationIni();
+ if (!iniPath) {
+ Output("Couldn't find application.ini.\n");
+ return 255;
+ }
+ char *appDataFile = iniPath.get();
if ((!appDataFile || !*appDataFile) && (argc > 1 && IsArg(argv[1], "app"))) {
if (argc == 2) {
Output("Incorrect number of arguments passed to -app");
return 255;
appDataFile = argv[2];
char appEnv[MAXPATHLEN];
diff --git a/layout/base/PresShell.cpp b/layout/base/PresShell.cpp
--- a/layout/base/PresShell.cpp
+++ b/layout/base/PresShell.cpp
@@ -11529,18 +11529,17 @@ static nsIWidget* GetPresContextContaine
return mainWidget;
static bool IsTopLevelWidget(nsIWidget* aWidget) {
using WindowType = mozilla::widget::WindowType;
auto windowType = aWidget->GetWindowType();
return windowType == WindowType::TopLevel ||
- windowType == WindowType::Dialog || windowType == WindowType::Popup ||
- windowType == WindowType::Sheet;
+ windowType == WindowType::Dialog || windowType == WindowType::Popup;
PresShell::WindowSizeConstraints PresShell::GetWindowSizeConstraints() {
nsSize minSize(0, 0);
nsIFrame* rootFrame = FrameConstructor()->GetRootElementStyleFrame();
if (!rootFrame || !mPresContext) {
return {minSize, maxSize};
diff --git a/layout/xul/nsXULTooltipListener.cpp b/layout/xul/nsXULTooltipListener.cpp
--- a/layout/xul/nsXULTooltipListener.cpp
+++ b/layout/xul/nsXULTooltipListener.cpp
@@ -365,53 +365,56 @@ nsresult nsXULTooltipListener::ShowToolt
// get the tooltip content designated for the target node
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> tooltipNode;
GetTooltipFor(sourceNode, getter_AddRefs(tooltipNode));
if (!tooltipNode || sourceNode == tooltipNode)
return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // the target node doesn't need a tooltip
// set the node in the document that triggered the tooltip and show it
- if (tooltipNode->GetComposedDoc() &&
- nsContentUtils::IsChromeDoc(tooltipNode->GetComposedDoc())) {
- // Make sure the target node is still attached to some document.
- // It might have been deleted.
- if (sourceNode->IsInComposedDoc()) {
- if (!mIsSourceTree) {
- mLastTreeRow = -1;
- mLastTreeCol = nullptr;
- }
+ // Make sure the document still has focus.
+ auto* doc = tooltipNode->GetComposedDoc();
+ if (!doc || !nsContentUtils::IsChromeDoc(doc) ||
+ !doc->HasFocus(IgnoreErrors())) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // Make sure the target node is still attached to some document.
+ // It might have been deleted.
+ if (sourceNode->IsInComposedDoc()) {
+ if (!mIsSourceTree) {
+ mLastTreeRow = -1;
+ mLastTreeCol = nullptr;
+ }
- mCurrentTooltip = do_GetWeakReference(tooltipNode);
- LaunchTooltip();
- mTargetNode = nullptr;
- nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> currentTooltip = do_QueryReferent(mCurrentTooltip);
- if (!currentTooltip) return NS_OK;
+ mCurrentTooltip = do_GetWeakReference(tooltipNode);
+ LaunchTooltip();
+ mTargetNode = nullptr;
- // listen for popuphidden on the tooltip node, so that we can
- // be sure DestroyPopup is called even if someone else closes the tooltip
- currentTooltip->AddSystemEventListener(u"popuphiding"_ns, this, false,
- false);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> currentTooltip = do_QueryReferent(mCurrentTooltip);
+ if (!currentTooltip) return NS_OK;
+ // listen for popuphidden on the tooltip node, so that we can
+ // be sure DestroyPopup is called even if someone else closes the tooltip
+ currentTooltip->AddSystemEventListener(u"popuphiding"_ns, this, false,
+ false);
- // listen for mousedown, mouseup, keydown, and mouse events at
- // document level
- if (Document* doc = sourceNode->GetComposedDoc()) {
- // Probably, we should listen to untrusted events for hiding tooltips
- // on content since tooltips might disturb something of web
- // applications. If we don't specify the aWantsUntrusted of
- // AddSystemEventListener(), the event target sets it to TRUE if the
- // target is in content.
- doc->AddSystemEventListener(u"wheel"_ns, this, true);
- doc->AddSystemEventListener(u"mousedown"_ns, this, true);
- doc->AddSystemEventListener(u"mouseup"_ns, this, true);
- doc->AddSystemEventListener(u"keydown"_ns, this, true);
- }
- mSourceNode = nullptr;
+ // listen for mousedown, mouseup, keydown, and mouse events at
+ // document level
+ if (Document* doc = sourceNode->GetComposedDoc()) {
+ // Probably, we should listen to untrusted events for hiding tooltips
+ // on content since tooltips might disturb something of web
+ // applications. If we don't specify the aWantsUntrusted of
+ // AddSystemEventListener(), the event target sets it to TRUE if the
+ // target is in content.
+ doc->AddSystemEventListener(u"wheel"_ns, this, true);
+ doc->AddSystemEventListener(u"mousedown"_ns, this, true);
+ doc->AddSystemEventListener(u"mouseup"_ns, this, true);
+ doc->AddSystemEventListener(u"keydown"_ns, this, true);
+ mSourceNode = nullptr;
return NS_OK;
static void SetTitletipLabel(XULTreeElement* aTree, Element* aTooltip,
int32_t aRow, nsTreeColumn* aCol) {
nsCOMPtr<nsITreeView> view = aTree->GetView();
diff --git a/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/action/unpack_dmg.py b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/action/unpack_dmg.py
--- a/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/action/unpack_dmg.py
+++ b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/action/unpack_dmg.py
@@ -34,18 +34,18 @@ def main(args):
options = parser.parse_args(args)
dmg_tool = bootstrap_toolchain("dmg/dmg")
hfs_tool = bootstrap_toolchain("dmg/hfsplus")
- dmg_tool=Path(dmg_tool),
- hfs_tool=Path(hfs_tool),
+ dmg_tool=_path_or_none(dmg_tool),
+ hfs_tool=_path_or_none(hfs_tool),
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/widget/InitData.h b/widget/InitData.h
--- a/widget/InitData.h
+++ b/widget/InitData.h
@@ -12,17 +12,16 @@
namespace mozilla::widget {
// Window types
enum class WindowType : uint8_t {
TopLevel, // default top level window
Dialog, // top level window but usually handled differently
// by the OS
- Sheet, // MacOSX sheet (special dialog class)
Popup, // used for combo boxes, etc
Child, // child windows (contained inside a window on the
// desktop (has no border))
Invisible, // windows that are invisible or offscreen
// Popup types for WindowType::Popup
enum class PopupType : uint8_t {
diff --git a/widget/cocoa/moz.build b/widget/cocoa/moz.build
--- a/widget/cocoa/moz.build
+++ b/widget/cocoa/moz.build
@@ -6,22 +6,16 @@
with Files("**"):
BUG_COMPONENT = ("Core", "Widget: Cocoa")
SCHEDULES.exclusive = ["macosx"]
with Files("*TextInput*"):
BUG_COMPONENT = ("Core", "DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling")
- "nsPIWidgetCocoa.idl",
-XPIDL_MODULE = "widget_cocoa"
diff --git a/widget/cocoa/nsChildView.mm b/widget/cocoa/nsChildView.mm
--- a/widget/cocoa/nsChildView.mm
+++ b/widget/cocoa/nsChildView.mm
@@ -1678,29 +1678,23 @@ void nsChildView::UpdateThemeGeometries(
if (![[mView window] isKindOfClass:[ToolbarWindow class]]) return;
// Update unified toolbar height and sheet attachment position.
int32_t windowWidth = mBounds.width;
int32_t titlebarBottom = FindTitlebarBottom(aThemeGeometries, windowWidth);
int32_t unifiedToolbarBottom =
FindUnifiedToolbarBottom(aThemeGeometries, windowWidth, titlebarBottom);
- int32_t toolboxBottom = FindFirstRectOfType(aThemeGeometries, eThemeGeometryTypeToolbox).YMost();
ToolbarWindow* win = (ToolbarWindow*)[mView window];
int32_t titlebarHeight =
[win drawsContentsIntoWindowFrame] ? 0 : CocoaPointsToDevPixels([win titlebarHeight]);
int32_t devUnifiedHeight = titlebarHeight + unifiedToolbarBottom;
[win setUnifiedToolbarHeight:DevPixelsToCocoaPoints(devUnifiedHeight)];
- int32_t sheetPositionDevPx = std::max(toolboxBottom, unifiedToolbarBottom);
- NSPoint sheetPositionView = {0, DevPixelsToCocoaPoints(sheetPositionDevPx)};
- NSPoint sheetPositionWindow = [mView convertPoint:sheetPositionView toView:nil];
- [win setSheetAttachmentPosition:sheetPositionWindow.y];
// Update titlebar control offsets.
LayoutDeviceIntRect windowButtonRect =
FindFirstRectOfType(aThemeGeometries, eThemeGeometryTypeWindowButtons);
[win placeWindowButtons:[mView convertRect:DevPixelsToCocoaPoints(windowButtonRect) toView:nil]];
static Maybe<VibrancyType> ThemeGeometryTypeToVibrancyType(
nsITheme::ThemeGeometryType aThemeGeometryType) {
@@ -4899,24 +4893,16 @@ BOOL ChildViewMouseTracker::WindowAccept
return WindowAcceptsEvent([aWindow parentWindow], aEvent, aView, aIsClickThrough);
case WindowType::TopLevel:
case WindowType::Dialog:
if ([aWindow attachedSheet]) return NO;
topLevelWindow = aWindow;
- case WindowType::Sheet: {
- nsIWidget* parentWidget = windowWidget->GetSheetWindowParent();
- if (!parentWidget) return YES;
- topLevelWindow = (NSWindow*)parentWidget->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WINDOW);
- break;
- }
return YES;
if (!topLevelWindow || ([topLevelWindow isMainWindow] && !aIsClickThrough) ||
[aEvent type] == NSEventTypeOtherMouseDown ||
(([aEvent modifierFlags] & NSEventModifierFlagCommand) != 0 &&
[aEvent type] != NSEventTypeMouseMoved))
diff --git a/widget/cocoa/nsCocoaWindow.h b/widget/cocoa/nsCocoaWindow.h
--- a/widget/cocoa/nsCocoaWindow.h
+++ b/widget/cocoa/nsCocoaWindow.h
@@ -7,17 +7,16 @@
#define nsCocoaWindow_h_
#undef DARWIN
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "nsBaseWidget.h"
-#include "nsPIWidgetCocoa.h"
#include "nsCocoaUtils.h"
#include "nsTouchBar.h"
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <queue>
class nsCocoaWindow;
class nsChildView;
class nsMenuBarX;
@@ -191,60 +190,53 @@ typedef struct _nsCocoaWindowList {
// destroyed by updateTitlebarView.
MOZTitlebarView* mTitlebarView; // [STRONG]
// mFullscreenTitlebarTracker attaches an invisible rectangle to the system
// title bar. This allows us to detect when the title bar is showing in
// fullscreen.
FullscreenTitlebarTracker* mFullscreenTitlebarTracker;
CGFloat mUnifiedToolbarHeight;
- CGFloat mSheetAttachmentPosition;
CGFloat mMenuBarHeight;
/* Store the height of the titlebar when this window is initialized. The
titlebarHeight getter returns 0 when in fullscreen, which is not useful in
some cases. */
CGFloat mInitialTitlebarHeight;
NSRect mWindowButtonsRect;
- (void)setUnifiedToolbarHeight:(CGFloat)aHeight;
- (CGFloat)unifiedToolbarHeight;
- (CGFloat)titlebarHeight;
- (NSRect)titlebarRect;
- (void)setTitlebarNeedsDisplay;
- (void)setDrawsContentsIntoWindowFrame:(BOOL)aState;
-- (void)setSheetAttachmentPosition:(CGFloat)aY;
-- (CGFloat)sheetAttachmentPosition;
- (void)placeWindowButtons:(NSRect)aRect;
- (NSRect)windowButtonsRect;
- (void)windowMainStateChanged;
-class nsCocoaWindow final : public nsBaseWidget, public nsPIWidgetCocoa {
+class nsCocoaWindow final : public nsBaseWidget {
typedef nsBaseWidget Inherited;
- NS_DECL_NSPIWIDGETCOCOA; // semicolon for clang-format bug 1629756
[[nodiscard]] virtual nsresult Create(nsIWidget* aParent, nsNativeWidget aNativeParent,
const DesktopIntRect& aRect, InitData* = nullptr) override;
[[nodiscard]] virtual nsresult Create(nsIWidget* aParent, nsNativeWidget aNativeParent,
const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRect,
InitData* = nullptr) override;
virtual void Destroy() override;
virtual void Show(bool aState) override;
virtual bool NeedsRecreateToReshow() override;
- virtual nsIWidget* GetSheetWindowParent(void) override;
virtual void Enable(bool aState) override;
virtual bool IsEnabled() const override;
virtual void SetModal(bool aState) override;
virtual void SetFakeModal(bool aState) override;
virtual bool IsRunningAppModal() override;
virtual bool IsVisible() const override;
virtual void SetFocus(Raise, mozilla::dom::CallerType aCallerType) override;
virtual LayoutDeviceIntPoint WidgetToScreenOffset() override;
@@ -393,47 +385,45 @@ class nsCocoaWindow final : public nsBas
virtual ~nsCocoaWindow();
nsresult CreateNativeWindow(const NSRect& aRect, BorderStyle aBorderStyle, bool aRectIsFrameRect,
bool aIsPrivateBrowsing);
nsresult CreatePopupContentView(const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRect, InitData*);
void DestroyNativeWindow();
void UpdateBounds();
int32_t GetWorkspaceID();
+ void SendSetZLevelEvent();
void DoResize(double aX, double aY, double aWidth, double aHeight, bool aRepaint,
bool aConstrainToCurrentScreen);
void UpdateFullscreenState(bool aFullScreen, bool aNativeMode);
nsresult DoMakeFullScreen(bool aFullScreen, bool aUseSystemTransition);
virtual already_AddRefed<nsIWidget> AllocateChildPopupWidget() override {
return nsIWidget::CreateTopLevelWindow();
nsIWidget* mParent; // if we're a popup, this is our parent [WEAK]
nsIWidget* mAncestorLink; // link to traverse ancestors [WEAK]
BaseWindow* mWindow; // our cocoa window [STRONG]
WindowDelegate* mDelegate; // our delegate for processing window msgs [STRONG]
RefPtr<nsMenuBarX> mMenuBar;
- NSWindow* mSheetWindowParent; // if this is a sheet, this is the NSWindow it's attached to
nsChildView* mPopupContentView; // if this is a popup, this is its content widget
// if this is a toplevel window, and there is any ongoing fullscreen
// transition, it is the animation object.
NSAnimation* mFullscreenTransitionAnimation;
mozilla::StyleWindowShadow mShadowStyle;
CGFloat mBackingScaleFactor;
CGFloat mAspectRatio;
WindowAnimationType mAnimationType;
bool mWindowMadeHere; // true if we created the window, false for embedding
- bool mSheetNeedsShow; // if this is a sheet, are we waiting to be shown?
- // this is used for sibling sheet contention only
nsSizeMode mSizeMode;
bool mInFullScreenMode;
// Whether we are currently using native fullscreen. It could be false because
// we are in the emulated fullscreen where we do not use the native fullscreen.
bool mInNativeFullScreenMode;
mozilla::Maybe<TransitionType> mTransitionCurrent;
std::queue<TransitionType> mTransitionsPending;
diff --git a/widget/cocoa/nsCocoaWindow.mm b/widget/cocoa/nsCocoaWindow.mm
--- a/widget/cocoa/nsCocoaWindow.mm
+++ b/widget/cocoa/nsCocoaWindow.mm
@@ -30,16 +30,17 @@
#include "nsMenuUtilsX.h"
#include "nsStyleConsts.h"
#include "nsNativeThemeColors.h"
#include "nsNativeThemeCocoa.h"
#include "nsChildView.h"
#include "nsCocoaFeatures.h"
#include "nsIScreenManager.h"
#include "nsIWidgetListener.h"
+#include "nsXULPopupManager.h"
#include "SDKDeclarations.h"
#include "VibrancyManager.h"
#include "nsPresContext.h"
#include "nsDocShell.h"
#include "gfxPlatform.h"
#include "qcms.h"
@@ -99,28 +100,27 @@ typedef enum {
static NSString* const CGSSpaceIDKey = @"ManagedSpaceID";
static NSString* const CGSSpacesKey = @"Spaces";
extern CGSConnection _CGSDefaultConnection(void);
extern CGError CGSSetWindowTransform(CGSConnection cid, CGSWindow wid, CGAffineTransform transform);
#define NS_APPSHELLSERVICE_CONTRACTID "@mozilla.org/appshell/appShellService;1"
-NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS_INHERITED(nsCocoaWindow, Inherited, nsPIWidgetCocoa)
-// A note on testing to see if your object is a sheet...
-// |mWindowType == WindowType::Sheet| is true if your gecko nsIWidget is a sheet
-// widget - whether or not the sheet is showing. |[mWindow isSheet]| will return
-// true *only when the sheet is actually showing*. Choose your test wisely.
static void RollUpPopups(
nsIRollupListener::AllowAnimations aAllowAnimations = nsIRollupListener::AllowAnimations::Yes) {
+ if (RefPtr pm = nsXULPopupManager::GetInstance()) {
+ pm->RollupTooltips();
+ }
nsIRollupListener* rollupListener = nsBaseWidget::GetActiveRollupListener();
- NS_ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(rollupListener);
+ if (!rollupListener) {
+ return;
+ }
if (rollupListener->RollupNativeMenu()) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> rollupWidget = rollupListener->GetRollupWidget();
if (!rollupWidget) {
@@ -129,24 +129,22 @@ static void RollUpPopups(
: mParent(nullptr),
- mSheetWindowParent(nil),
- mSheetNeedsShow(false),
@@ -431,25 +429,16 @@ nsresult nsCocoaWindow::CreateNativeWind
features |= NSWindowStyleMaskClosable;
case WindowType::TopLevel:
case WindowType::Dialog:
features = WindowMaskForBorderStyle(aBorderStyle);
- case WindowType::Sheet:
- if (mParent->GetWindowType() != WindowType::Invisible &&
- aBorderStyle & BorderStyle::ResizeH) {
- features = NSWindowStyleMaskResizable;
- } else {
- features = NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable;
- }
- features |= NSWindowStyleMaskTitled;
- break;
NS_ERROR("Unhandled window type!");
NSRect contentRect;
if (aRectIsFrameRect) {
@@ -650,24 +639,16 @@ void nsCocoaWindow::Destroy() {
if (mInNativeFullScreenMode) {
} else if (mWindow) {
-nsIWidget* nsCocoaWindow::GetSheetWindowParent(void) {
- if (mWindowType != WindowType::Sheet) return nullptr;
- nsCocoaWindow* parent = static_cast<nsCocoaWindow*>(mParent);
- while (parent && (parent->mWindowType == WindowType::Sheet))
- parent = static_cast<nsCocoaWindow*>(parent->mParent);
- return parent;
void* nsCocoaWindow::GetNativeData(uint32_t aDataType) {
void* retVal = nullptr;
switch (aDataType) {
// to emulate how windows works, we always have to return a NSView
@@ -707,17 +688,17 @@ void* nsCocoaWindow::GetNativeData(uint3
return retVal;
bool nsCocoaWindow::IsVisible() const {
- return (mWindow && ([mWindow isVisibleOrBeingShown] || mSheetNeedsShow));
+ return mWindow && mWindow.isVisibleOrBeingShown;
void nsCocoaWindow::SetModal(bool aState) {
if (!mWindow) return;
@@ -734,64 +715,60 @@ void nsCocoaWindow::SetModal(bool aState
// When a non-sheet window gets "set modal", make the window(s) that it
// appears over behave as they should. We can't rely on native methods to
// do this, for the following reason: The OS runs modal non-sheet windows
// in an event loop (using [NSApplication runModalForWindow:] or similar
// methods) that's incompatible with the modal event loop in AppWindow::
// ShowModal() (each of these event loops is "exclusive", and can't run at
// the same time as other (similar) event loops).
- if (mWindowType != WindowType::Sheet) {
- while (ancestor) {
- if (ancestor->mNumModalDescendents++ == 0) {
- NSWindow* aWindow = ancestor->GetCocoaWindow();
- if (ancestor->mWindowType != WindowType::Invisible) {
- [[aWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowCloseButton] setEnabled:NO];
- [[aWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowMiniaturizeButton] setEnabled:NO];
- [[aWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowZoomButton] setEnabled:NO];
- }
+ while (ancestor) {
+ if (ancestor->mNumModalDescendents++ == 0) {
+ NSWindow* aWindow = ancestor->GetCocoaWindow();
+ if (ancestor->mWindowType != WindowType::Invisible) {
+ [[aWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowCloseButton] setEnabled:NO];
+ [[aWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowMiniaturizeButton] setEnabled:NO];
+ [[aWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowZoomButton] setEnabled:NO];
- ancestor = static_cast<nsCocoaWindow*>(ancestor->mParent);
- [mWindow setLevel:NSModalPanelWindowLevel];
- nsCocoaWindowList* windowList = new nsCocoaWindowList;
- if (windowList) {
- windowList->window = this; // Don't ADDREF
- windowList->prev = gGeckoAppModalWindowList;
- gGeckoAppModalWindowList = windowList;
- }
+ ancestor = static_cast<nsCocoaWindow*>(ancestor->mParent);
+ }
+ [mWindow setLevel:NSModalPanelWindowLevel];
+ nsCocoaWindowList* windowList = new nsCocoaWindowList;
+ if (windowList) {
+ windowList->window = this; // Don't ADDREF
+ windowList->prev = gGeckoAppModalWindowList;
+ gGeckoAppModalWindowList = windowList;
} else {
NS_ASSERTION(gXULModalLevel >= 0, "Mismatched call to nsCocoaWindow::SetModal(false)!");
- if (mWindowType != WindowType::Sheet) {
- while (ancestor) {
- if (--ancestor->mNumModalDescendents == 0) {
- NSWindow* aWindow = ancestor->GetCocoaWindow();
- if (ancestor->mWindowType != WindowType::Invisible) {
- [[aWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowCloseButton] setEnabled:YES];
- [[aWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowMiniaturizeButton] setEnabled:YES];
- [[aWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowZoomButton] setEnabled:YES];
- }
+ while (ancestor) {
+ if (--ancestor->mNumModalDescendents == 0) {
+ NSWindow* aWindow = ancestor->GetCocoaWindow();
+ if (ancestor->mWindowType != WindowType::Invisible) {
+ [[aWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowCloseButton] setEnabled:YES];
+ [[aWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowMiniaturizeButton] setEnabled:YES];
+ [[aWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowZoomButton] setEnabled:YES];
- NS_ASSERTION(ancestor->mNumModalDescendents >= 0, "Widget hierarchy changed while modal!");
- ancestor = static_cast<nsCocoaWindow*>(ancestor->mParent);
- if (gGeckoAppModalWindowList) {
- NS_ASSERTION(gGeckoAppModalWindowList->window == this,
- "Widget hierarchy changed while modal!");
- nsCocoaWindowList* saved = gGeckoAppModalWindowList;
- gGeckoAppModalWindowList = gGeckoAppModalWindowList->prev;
- delete saved; // "window" not ADDREFed
- }
- if (mWindowType == WindowType::Popup)
- SetPopupWindowLevel();
- else
- [mWindow setLevel:NSNormalWindowLevel];
+ NS_ASSERTION(ancestor->mNumModalDescendents >= 0, "Widget hierarchy changed while modal!");
+ ancestor = static_cast<nsCocoaWindow*>(ancestor->mParent);
+ if (gGeckoAppModalWindowList) {
+ NS_ASSERTION(gGeckoAppModalWindowList->window == this,
+ "Widget hierarchy changed while modal!");
+ nsCocoaWindowList* saved = gGeckoAppModalWindowList;
+ gGeckoAppModalWindowList = gGeckoAppModalWindowList->prev;
+ delete saved; // "window" not ADDREFed
+ }
+ if (mWindowType == WindowType::Popup)
+ SetPopupWindowLevel();
+ else
+ [mWindow setLevel:NSNormalWindowLevel];
void nsCocoaWindow::SetFakeModal(bool aState) {
mFakeModal = aState;
@@ -800,32 +777,28 @@ void nsCocoaWindow::SetFakeModal(bool aS
bool nsCocoaWindow::IsRunningAppModal() { return [NSApp _isRunningAppModal]; }
// Hide or show this window
void nsCocoaWindow::Show(bool bState) {
if (!mWindow) return;
- if (!mSheetNeedsShow) {
- // Early exit if our current visibility state is already the requested state.
- if (bState == ([mWindow isVisible] || [mWindow isBeingShown])) {
- return;
- }
+ // Early exit if our current visibility state is already the requested state.
+ if (bState == ([mWindow isVisible] || [mWindow isBeingShown])) {
+ return;
[mWindow setBeingShown:bState];
if (bState && !mWasShown) {
mWasShown = true;
- nsIWidget* parentWidget = mParent;
- nsCOMPtr<nsPIWidgetCocoa> piParentWidget(do_QueryInterface(parentWidget));
NSWindow* nativeParentWindow =
- (parentWidget) ? (NSWindow*)parentWidget->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WINDOW) : nil;
+ mParent ? (NSWindow*)mParent->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WINDOW) : nil;
if (bState && !mBounds.IsEmpty()) {
// If we had set the activationPolicy to accessory, then right now we won't
// have a dock icon. Make sure that we undo that and show a dock icon now that
// we're going to show a window.
if ([NSApp activationPolicy] != NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular) {
[NSApp setActivationPolicy:NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular];
@@ -838,87 +811,17 @@ void nsCocoaWindow::Show(bool bState) {
if (mPopupContentView) {
// Ensure our content view is visible. We never need to hide it.
- if (mWindowType == WindowType::Sheet) {
- // bail if no parent window (its basically what we do in Carbon)
- if (!nativeParentWindow || !piParentWidget) return;
- NSWindow* topNonSheetWindow = nativeParentWindow;
- // If this sheet is the child of another sheet, hide the parent so that
- // this sheet can be displayed. Leave the parent mSheetNeedsShow alone,
- // that is only used to handle sibling sheet contention. The parent will
- // return once there are no more child sheets.
- bool parentIsSheet = false;
- if (NS_SUCCEEDED(piParentWidget->GetIsSheet(&parentIsSheet)) && parentIsSheet) {
- piParentWidget->GetSheetWindowParent(&topNonSheetWindow);
- [NSApp endSheet:nativeParentWindow];
- [nativeParentWindow.sheetParent endSheet:nativeParentWindow];
- }
- nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> sheetShown;
- if (NS_SUCCEEDED(piParentWidget->GetChildSheet(true, getter_AddRefs(sheetShown))) &&
- (!sheetShown || sheetShown == this)) {
- // If this sheet is already the sheet actually being shown, don't
- // tell it to show again. Otherwise the number of calls to
- // [NSApp beginSheet...] won't match up with [NSApp endSheet...].
- // [NSWindow beginSheet...] won't match up with [NSWindow endSheet...].
- if (![mWindow isVisible]) {
- mSheetNeedsShow = false;
- mSheetWindowParent = topNonSheetWindow;
- // Only set contextInfo if our parent isn't a sheet.
- NSWindow* contextInfo = parentIsSheet ? nil : mSheetWindowParent;
- [TopLevelWindowData deactivateInWindow:mSheetWindowParent];
- [NSApp beginSheet:mWindow
- modalForWindow:mSheetWindowParent
- modalDelegate:mDelegate
- didEndSelector:@selector(didEndSheet:returnCode:contextInfo:)
- contextInfo:contextInfo];
- NSWindow* sheet = mWindow;
- NSWindow* nonSheetParent = parentIsSheet ? nil : mSheetWindowParent;
- [TopLevelWindowData deactivateInWindow:mSheetWindowParent];
- [mSheetWindowParent beginSheet:sheet
- completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse returnCode) {
- // Note: 'nonSheetParent' (if it is set) is the window that is the parent
- // of the sheet. If it's set, 'nonSheetParent' is always the top- level
- // window, not another sheet itself. But 'nonSheetParent' is nil if our
- // parent window is also a sheet -- in that case we shouldn't send the
- // top-level window any activate events (because it's our parent window
- // that needs to get these events, not the top-level window).
- [TopLevelWindowData deactivateInWindow:sheet];
- [sheet orderOut:nil];
- if (nonSheetParent) {
- [TopLevelWindowData activateInWindow:nonSheetParent];
- }
- }];
- [TopLevelWindowData activateInWindow:mWindow];
- SendSetZLevelEvent();
- }
- } else {
- // A sibling of this sheet is active, don't show this sheet yet.
- // When the active sheet hides, its brothers and sisters that have
- // mSheetNeedsShow set will have their opportunities to display.
- mSheetNeedsShow = true;
- }
- } else if (mWindowType == WindowType::Popup) {
+ if (mWindowType == WindowType::Popup) {
// For reasons that aren't yet clear, calls to [NSWindow orderFront:] or
// [NSWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:] can sometimes trigger "Error (1000)
// creating CGSWindow", which in turn triggers an internal inconsistency
// NSException. These errors shouldn't be fatal. So we need to wrap
// calls to ...orderFront: in TRY blocks. See bmo bug 470864.
[[mWindow contentView] setNeedsDisplay:YES];
[mWindow orderFront:nil];
@@ -974,120 +877,30 @@ void nsCocoaWindow::Show(bool bState) {
} else {
// roll up any popups if a top-level window is going away
if (mWindowType == WindowType::TopLevel || mWindowType == WindowType::Dialog) {
- // now get rid of the window/sheet
- if (mWindowType == WindowType::Sheet) {
- if (mSheetNeedsShow) {
- // This is an attempt to hide a sheet that never had a chance to
- // be shown. There's nothing to do other than make sure that it
- // won't show.
- mSheetNeedsShow = false;
- } else {
- // get sheet's parent *before* hiding the sheet (which breaks the linkage)
- NSWindow* sheetParent = mSheetWindowParent;
- // hide the sheet
- [NSApp endSheet:mWindow];
- [mSheetWindowParent endSheet:mWindow];
- [TopLevelWindowData deactivateInWindow:mWindow];
- nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> siblingSheetToShow;
- bool parentIsSheet = false;
- if (nativeParentWindow && piParentWidget &&
- piParentWidget->GetChildSheet(false, getter_AddRefs(siblingSheetToShow))) &&
- siblingSheetToShow) {
- // First, give sibling sheets an opportunity to show.
- siblingSheetToShow->Show(true);
- } else if (nativeParentWindow && piParentWidget &&
- NS_SUCCEEDED(piParentWidget->GetIsSheet(&parentIsSheet)) && parentIsSheet) {
- // Only set contextInfo if the parent of the parent sheet we're about
- // to restore isn't itself a sheet.
- NSWindow* contextInfo = sheetParent;
- // Only set nonSheetGrandparent if the parent of the parent sheet we're about
- // to restore isn't itself a sheet.
- NSWindow* nonSheetGrandparent = sheetParent;
- nsIWidget* grandparentWidget = nil;
- if (NS_SUCCEEDED(piParentWidget->GetRealParent(&grandparentWidget)) &&
- grandparentWidget) {
- nsCOMPtr<nsPIWidgetCocoa> piGrandparentWidget(do_QueryInterface(grandparentWidget));
- bool grandparentIsSheet = false;
- if (piGrandparentWidget &&
- NS_SUCCEEDED(piGrandparentWidget->GetIsSheet(&grandparentIsSheet)) &&
- grandparentIsSheet) {
- contextInfo = nil;
- nonSheetGrandparent = nil;
- }
- }
- // If there are no sibling sheets, but the parent is a sheet, restore
- // it. It wasn't sent any deactivate events when it was hidden, so
- // don't call through Show, just let the OS put it back up.
- [NSApp beginSheet:nativeParentWindow
- modalForWindow:sheetParent
- modalDelegate:[nativeParentWindow delegate]
- didEndSelector:@selector(didEndSheet:returnCode:contextInfo:)
- contextInfo:contextInfo];
- [nativeParentWindow beginSheet:sheetParent
- completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse returnCode) {
- // Note: 'nonSheetGrandparent' (if it is set) is the window that is the
- // parent of sheetParent. If it's set, 'nonSheetGrandparent' is always the
- // top-level window, not another sheet itself. But 'nonSheetGrandparent'
- // is nil if our parent window is also a sheet -- in that case we shouldn't
- // send the top-level window any activate events (because it's our parent
- // window that needs to get these events, not the top-level window).
- [TopLevelWindowData deactivateInWindow:sheetParent];
- [sheetParent orderOut:nil];
- if (nonSheetGrandparent) {
- [TopLevelWindowData activateInWindow:nonSheetGrandparent];
- }
- }];
- } else {
- // Sheet, that was hard. No more siblings or parents, going back
- // to a real window.
- [sheetParent makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
- }
- SendSetZLevelEvent();
- }
- } else {
- // If the window is a popup window with a parent window we need to
- // unhook it here before ordering it out. When you order out the child
- // of a window it hides the parent window.
- if (mWindowType == WindowType::Popup && nativeParentWindow)
- [nativeParentWindow removeChildWindow:mWindow];
- [mWindow orderOut:nil];
- // If our popup window is a non-native context menu, tell the OS (and
- // other programs) that a menu has closed.
- if ([mWindow isKindOfClass:[PopupWindow class]] && [(PopupWindow*)mWindow isContextMenu]) {
- [[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
- postNotificationName:@"com.apple.HIToolbox.endMenuTrackingNotification"
- object:@"org.mozilla.gecko.PopupWindow"];
- }
+ // If the window is a popup window with a parent window we need to
+ // unhook it here before ordering it out. When you order out the child
+ // of a window it hides the parent window.
+ if (mWindowType == WindowType::Popup && nativeParentWindow)
+ [nativeParentWindow removeChildWindow:mWindow];
+ [mWindow orderOut:nil];
+ // If our popup window is a non-native context menu, tell the OS (and
+ // other programs) that a menu has closed.
+ if ([mWindow isKindOfClass:[PopupWindow class]] && [(PopupWindow*)mWindow isContextMenu]) {
+ [[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
+ postNotificationName:@"com.apple.HIToolbox.endMenuTrackingNotification"
+ object:@"org.mozilla.gecko.PopupWindow"];
[mWindow setBeingShown:NO];
@@ -2136,59 +1949,22 @@ void nsCocoaWindow::Invalidate(const Lay
// a drop, to a drag enter/leave, or a drag over event. The actual event
// is passed in |aMessage| and is passed along to our event hanlder so Gecko
// knows about it.
bool nsCocoaWindow::DragEvent(unsigned int aMessage, mozilla::gfx::Point aMouseGlobal,
UInt16 aKeyModifiers) {
return false;
-NS_IMETHODIMP nsCocoaWindow::SendSetZLevelEvent() {
- nsWindowZ placement = nsWindowZTop;
- nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> actualBelow;
- if (mWidgetListener)
+void nsCocoaWindow::SendSetZLevelEvent() {
+ if (mWidgetListener) {
+ nsWindowZ placement = nsWindowZTop;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> actualBelow;
mWidgetListener->ZLevelChanged(true, &placement, nullptr, getter_AddRefs(actualBelow));
- return NS_OK;
-NS_IMETHODIMP nsCocoaWindow::GetChildSheet(bool aShown, nsIWidget** _retval) {
- nsIWidget* child = GetFirstChild();
- while (child) {
- if (child->GetWindowType() == WindowType::Sheet) {
- // if it's a sheet, it must be an nsCocoaWindow
- nsCocoaWindow* cocoaWindow = static_cast<nsCocoaWindow*>(child);
- if (cocoaWindow->mWindow && ((aShown && [cocoaWindow->mWindow isVisible]) ||
- (!aShown && cocoaWindow->mSheetNeedsShow))) {
- nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> widget = cocoaWindow;
- widget.forget(_retval);
- return NS_OK;
- }
- }
- child = child->GetNextSibling();
- *_retval = nullptr;
- return NS_OK;
-NS_IMETHODIMP nsCocoaWindow::GetRealParent(nsIWidget** parent) {
- *parent = mParent;
- return NS_OK;
-NS_IMETHODIMP nsCocoaWindow::GetIsSheet(bool* isSheet) {
- mWindowType == WindowType::Sheet ? * isSheet = true : * isSheet = false;
- return NS_OK;
-NS_IMETHODIMP nsCocoaWindow::GetSheetWindowParent(NSWindow** sheetWindowParent) {
- *sheetWindowParent = mSheetWindowParent;
- return NS_OK;
// Invokes callback and ProcessEvent methods on Event Listener object
nsresult nsCocoaWindow::DispatchEvent(WidgetGUIEvent* event, nsEventStatus& aStatus) {
aStatus = nsEventStatus_eIgnore;
nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> kungFuDeathGrip(event->mWidget);
mozilla::Unused << kungFuDeathGrip; // Not used within this function
@@ -3030,19 +2806,17 @@ void nsCocoaWindow::CocoaWindowDidResize
- (void)windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
NSWindow* window = [aNotification object];
- if ([window isSheet]) [WindowDelegate paintMenubarForWindow:window];
- nsChildView* mainChildView =
+ auto* mainChildView =
static_cast<nsChildView*>([[(BaseWindow*)window mainChildView] widget]);
if (mainChildView) {
if (mainChildView->GetInputContext().IsPasswordEditor()) {
} else {
@@ -3051,22 +2825,16 @@ void nsCocoaWindow::CocoaWindowDidResize
- (void)windowDidResignKey:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
- // If a sheet just resigned key then we should paint the menu bar
- // for whatever window is now main.
- NSWindow* window = [aNotification object];
- if ([window isSheet]) [WindowDelegate paintMenubarForWindow:[NSApp mainWindow]];
- (void)windowWillMove:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
@@ -3105,42 +2873,16 @@ void nsCocoaWindow::CocoaWindowDidResize
- (BOOL)windowShouldZoom:(NSWindow*)window toFrame:(NSRect)proposedFrame {
if (!mHasEverBeenZoomed && [window isZoomed]) return NO; // See bug 429954.
mHasEverBeenZoomed = YES;
return YES;
-- (NSRect)window:(NSWindow*)window willPositionSheet:(NSWindow*)sheet usingRect:(NSRect)rect {
- if ([window isKindOfClass:[ToolbarWindow class]]) {
- rect.origin.y = [(ToolbarWindow*)window sheetAttachmentPosition];
- }
- return rect;
-- (void)didEndSheet:(NSWindow*)sheet returnCode:(int)returnCode contextInfo:(void*)contextInfo {
- // Note: 'contextInfo' (if it is set) is the window that is the parent of
- // the sheet. The value of contextInfo is determined in
- // nsCocoaWindow::Show(). If it's set, 'contextInfo' is always the top-
- // level window, not another sheet itself. But 'contextInfo' is nil if
- // our parent window is also a sheet -- in that case we shouldn't send
- // the top-level window any activate events (because it's our parent
- // window that needs to get these events, not the top-level window).
- [TopLevelWindowData deactivateInWindow:sheet];
- [sheet orderOut:self];
- if (contextInfo) [TopLevelWindowData activateInWindow:(NSWindow*)contextInfo];
- (void)windowDidChangeBackingProperties:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
NSWindow* window = (NSWindow*)[aNotification object];
if ([window respondsToSelector:@selector(backingScaleFactor)]) {
CGFloat oldFactor =
[[[aNotification userInfo] objectForKey:@"NSBackingPropertyOldScaleFactorKey"] doubleValue];
@@ -3787,17 +3529,16 @@ static const NSString* kStateWantsTitleD
NSRect contentRect = frameRect;
if ((self = [super initWithContentRect:contentRect
defer:aFlag])) {
mTitlebarView = nil;
mUnifiedToolbarHeight = 22.0f;
- mSheetAttachmentPosition = aChildViewRect.size.height;
mWindowButtonsRect = NSZeroRect;
mInitialTitlebarHeight = [self titlebarHeight];
[self setTitlebarAppearsTransparent:YES];
if (nsCocoaFeatures::OnBigSurOrLater()) {
if (@available(macOS 11.0, *)) {
@@ -4014,24 +3755,16 @@ static bool ShouldShiftByMenubarHeightIn
[self updateTitlebarView];
- (void)setWantsTitleDrawn:(BOOL)aDrawTitle {
[super setWantsTitleDrawn:aDrawTitle];
[self setTitlebarNeedsDisplay];
-- (void)setSheetAttachmentPosition:(CGFloat)aY {
- mSheetAttachmentPosition = aY;
-- (CGFloat)sheetAttachmentPosition {
- return mSheetAttachmentPosition;
- (void)placeWindowButtons:(NSRect)aRect {
if (!NSEqualRects(mWindowButtonsRect, aRect)) {
mWindowButtonsRect = aRect;
[self reflowTitlebarElements];
- (NSRect)windowButtonsRect {
diff --git a/widget/cocoa/nsMenuX.h b/widget/cocoa/nsMenuX.h
--- a/widget/cocoa/nsMenuX.h
+++ b/widget/cocoa/nsMenuX.h
@@ -181,17 +181,18 @@ class nsMenuX final : public nsMenuParen
already_AddRefed<nsIContent> GetMenuPopupContent();
void WillInsertChild(const MenuChild& aChild);
void WillRemoveChild(const MenuChild& aChild);
void AddMenuChild(MenuChild&& aChild);
void InsertMenuChild(MenuChild&& aChild);
void RemoveMenuChild(const MenuChild& aChild);
mozilla::Maybe<MenuChild> CreateMenuChild(nsIContent* aContent);
RefPtr<nsMenuItemX> CreateMenuItem(nsIContent* aMenuItemContent);
- GeckoNSMenu* CreateMenuWithGeckoString(nsString& aMenuTitle);
+ GeckoNSMenu* CreateMenuWithGeckoString(nsString& aMenuTitle,
+ bool aShowServices);
void DidFirePopupShowing();
// Find the index at which aChild needs to be inserted into mMenuChildren such that mMenuChildren
// remains in correct content order, i.e. the order in mMenuChildren is the same as the order of
// the DOM children of our <menupopup>.
size_t FindInsertionIndex(const MenuChild& aChild);
// Calculates the index at which aChild's NSMenuItem should be inserted into our NSMenu.
diff --git a/widget/cocoa/nsMenuX.mm b/widget/cocoa/nsMenuX.mm
--- a/widget/cocoa/nsMenuX.mm
+++ b/widget/cocoa/nsMenuX.mm
@@ -89,20 +89,24 @@ nsMenuX::nsMenuX(nsMenuParentX* aParent,
mMenuDelegate = [[MenuDelegate alloc] initWithGeckoMenu:this];
mMenuDelegate.menuIsInMenubar = mMenuGroupOwner->GetMenuBar() != nullptr;
if (!nsMenuBarX::sNativeEventTarget) {
nsMenuBarX::sNativeEventTarget = [[NativeMenuItemTarget alloc] init];
+ bool shouldShowServices = false;
if (mContent->IsElement()) {
mContent->AsElement()->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::label, mLabel);
+ shouldShowServices =
+ mContent->AsElement()->HasAttr(nsGkAtoms::showservicesmenu);
- mNativeMenu = CreateMenuWithGeckoString(mLabel);
+ mNativeMenu = CreateMenuWithGeckoString(mLabel, shouldShowServices);
// register this menu to be notified when changes are made to our content object
NS_ASSERTION(mMenuGroupOwner, "No menu owner given, must have one");
mMenuGroupOwner->RegisterForContentChanges(mContent, this);
mVisible = !nsMenuUtilsX::NodeIsHiddenOrCollapsed(mContent);
NSString* newCocoaLabelString = nsMenuUtilsX::GetTruncatedCocoaLabel(mLabel);
@@ -773,28 +777,33 @@ nsresult nsMenuX::SetEnabled(bool aIsEna
nsresult nsMenuX::GetEnabled(bool* aIsEnabled) {
*aIsEnabled = mIsEnabled;
return NS_OK;
-GeckoNSMenu* nsMenuX::CreateMenuWithGeckoString(nsString& aMenuTitle) {
+GeckoNSMenu* nsMenuX::CreateMenuWithGeckoString(nsString& aMenuTitle,
+ bool aShowServices) {
NSString* title = [NSString stringWithCharacters:(UniChar*)aMenuTitle.get()
GeckoNSMenu* myMenu = [[GeckoNSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:title];
myMenu.delegate = mMenuDelegate;
// We don't want this menu to auto-enable menu items because then Cocoa
// overrides our decisions and things get incorrectly enabled/disabled.
myMenu.autoenablesItems = NO;
+ // Only show "Services", "Autofill" and similar entries provided by macOS
+ // if our caller wants them:
+ myMenu.allowsContextMenuPlugIns = aShowServices;
// we used to install Carbon event handlers here, but since NSMenu* doesn't
// create its underlying MenuRef until just before display, we delay until
// that happens. Now we install the event handlers when Cocoa notifies
// us that a menu is about to display - see the Cocoa MenuDelegate class.
return myMenu;
diff --git a/widget/cocoa/nsNativeThemeCocoa.mm b/widget/cocoa/nsNativeThemeCocoa.mm
--- a/widget/cocoa/nsNativeThemeCocoa.mm
+++ b/widget/cocoa/nsNativeThemeCocoa.mm
@@ -387,19 +387,18 @@ static BOOL FrameIsInActiveWindow(nsIFra
if ([win isSheet]) {
return [win isKeyWindow];
return [win isMainWindow] && ![win attachedSheet];
// Toolbar controls and content controls respond to different window
// activeness states.
-static BOOL IsActive(nsIFrame* aFrame, BOOL aIsToolbarControl) {
- if (aIsToolbarControl) return [NativeWindowForFrame(aFrame) isMainWindow];
- return FrameIsInActiveWindow(aFrame);
+static BOOL IsActiveToolbarControl(nsIFrame* aFrame) {
+ return NativeWindowForFrame(aFrame).isMainWindow;
static bool IsInSourceList(nsIFrame* aFrame) {
for (nsIFrame* frame = aFrame->GetParent(); frame;
frame = nsLayoutUtils::GetCrossDocParentFrameInProcess(frame)) {
if (frame->StyleDisplay()->EffectiveAppearance() == StyleAppearance::MozMacSourceList) {
return true;
@@ -2397,17 +2396,17 @@ Maybe<nsNativeThemeCocoa::WidgetInfo> ns
return Some(WidgetInfo::Toolbar(isMain));
case StyleAppearance::MozWindowTitlebar: {
return Nothing();
case StyleAppearance::Statusbar:
- return Some(WidgetInfo::StatusBar(IsActive(aFrame, YES)));
+ return Some(WidgetInfo::StatusBar(IsActiveToolbarControl(aFrame)));
case StyleAppearance::MenulistButton:
case StyleAppearance::Menulist: {
ControlParams controlParams = ComputeControlParams(aFrame, elementState);
controlParams.pressed = IsOpenButton(aFrame);
DropdownParams params;
params.controlParams = controlParams;
params.pullsDown = false;
diff --git a/widget/cocoa/nsPIWidgetCocoa.idl b/widget/cocoa/nsPIWidgetCocoa.idl
--- a/widget/cocoa/nsPIWidgetCocoa.idl
+++ b/widget/cocoa/nsPIWidgetCocoa.idl
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#include "nsISupports.idl"
-interface nsIWidget;
-[ptr] native NSWindowPtr(NSWindow);
-// nsPIWidgetCocoa
-// A private interface (unfrozen, private to the widget implementation) that
-// gives us access to some extra features on a widget/window.
-interface nsPIWidgetCocoa : nsISupports
- void SendSetZLevelEvent();
- // Find the displayed child sheet (if aShown) or a child sheet that
- // wants to be displayed (if !aShown)
- nsIWidget GetChildSheet(in boolean aShown);
- // Get the parent widget (if any) StandardCreate() was called with.
- nsIWidget GetRealParent();
- // If the object implementing this interface is a sheet, this will return the
- // native NSWindow it is attached to
- readonly attribute NSWindowPtr sheetWindowParent;
- // True if window is a sheet
- readonly attribute boolean isSheet;
-}; // nsPIWidgetCocoa
diff --git a/widget/cocoa/nsWindowMap.mm b/widget/cocoa/nsWindowMap.mm
--- a/widget/cocoa/nsWindowMap.mm
+++ b/widget/cocoa/nsWindowMap.mm
@@ -160,17 +160,17 @@
// only child widgets (nsChildView objects)). (The notification is sent
// to windowBecameKey: or windowBecameMain: below.)
// For use with clients that (like Firefox) do use top-level widgets (and
// have NSWindow delegates of class WindowDelegate).
+ (void)activateInWindow:(NSWindow*)aWindow {
- WindowDelegate* delegate = (WindowDelegate*)[aWindow delegate];
+ WindowDelegate* delegate = (WindowDelegate*)aWindow.delegate;
if (!delegate || ![delegate isKindOfClass:[WindowDelegate class]]) return;
if ([delegate toplevelActiveState]) return;
[delegate sendToplevelActivateEvents];
diff --git a/widget/headless/HeadlessWidget.cpp b/widget/headless/HeadlessWidget.cpp
--- a/widget/headless/HeadlessWidget.cpp
+++ b/widget/headless/HeadlessWidget.cpp
@@ -155,20 +155,19 @@ void HeadlessWidget::GetCompositorWidget
mozilla::widget::CompositorWidgetInitData* aInitData) {
*aInitData =
nsIWidget* HeadlessWidget::GetTopLevelWidget() { return mTopLevel; }
void HeadlessWidget::RaiseWindow() {
- MOZ_ASSERT(mWindowType == WindowType::TopLevel ||
- mWindowType == WindowType::Dialog ||
- mWindowType == WindowType::Sheet,
- "Raising a non-toplevel window.");
+ mWindowType == WindowType::TopLevel || mWindowType == WindowType::Dialog,
+ "Raising a non-toplevel window.");
// Do nothing if this is the currently active window.
RefPtr<HeadlessWidget> activeWindow = GetActiveWindow();
if (activeWindow == this) {
// Raise the window to the top of the stack.
@@ -199,17 +198,17 @@ void HeadlessWidget::Show(bool aState) {
LOG(("HeadlessWidget::Show [%p] state %d\n", (void*)this, aState));
// Top-level window and dialogs are activated/raised when shown.
// NB: alwaysontop windows are generally used for peripheral indicators,
// so we don't focus them by default.
if (aState && !mAlwaysOnTop &&
(mWindowType == WindowType::TopLevel ||
- mWindowType == WindowType::Dialog || mWindowType == WindowType::Sheet)) {
+ mWindowType == WindowType::Dialog)) {
bool HeadlessWidget::IsVisible() const { return mVisible; }
diff --git a/xpcom/build/BinaryPath.h b/xpcom/build/BinaryPath.h
--- a/xpcom/build/BinaryPath.h
+++ b/xpcom/build/BinaryPath.h
@@ -128,16 +128,56 @@ class BinaryPath {
} else {
return rv;
+ static nsresult GetApplicationIni(char aResult[MAXPATHLEN])
+ {
+ // Works even if we're not bundled.
+ CFBundleRef appBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
+ if (!appBundle) {
+ }
+ CFURLRef iniURL = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(appBundle, CFSTR("application.ini"),
+ NULL, CFSTR("app"));
+ if (!iniURL) {
+ }
+ nsresult rv;
+ if (CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(iniURL, false, (UInt8*)aResult,
+ // Sanitize path in case the app was launched from Terminal via
+ // './firefox' for example.
+ size_t readPos = 0;
+ size_t writePos = 0;
+ while (aResult[readPos] != '\0') {
+ if (aResult[readPos] == '.' && aResult[readPos + 1] == '/') {
+ readPos += 2;
+ } else {
+ aResult[writePos] = aResult[readPos];
+ readPos++;
+ writePos++;
+ }
+ }
+ aResult[writePos] = '\0';
+ rv = NS_OK;
+ } else {
+ }
+ CFRelease(iniURL);
+ return rv;
+ }
#elif defined(ANDROID)
static nsresult Get(char aResult[MAXPATHLEN]) {
// On Android, we use the MOZ_ANDROID_LIBDIR variable that is set by the
// Java bootstrap code.
const char* libDir = getenv("MOZ_ANDROID_LIBDIR");
if (!libDir) {
@@ -283,16 +323,29 @@ class BinaryPath {
if (NS_FAILED(Get(path))) {
return nullptr;
UniqueFreePtr<char> result;
return result;
+#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
+ static UniqueFreePtr<char> GetApplicationIni()
+ {
+ char path[MAXPATHLEN];
+ if (NS_FAILED(GetApplicationIni(path))) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ UniqueFreePtr<char> result;
+ result.reset(strdup(path));
+ return result;
+ }
static nsresult GetFile(nsIFile** aResult) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> lf;
# ifdef XP_WIN
wchar_t exePath[MAXPATHLEN];
nsresult rv = GetW(exePath);
# else
char exePath[MAXPATHLEN];
diff --git a/xpcom/ds/StaticAtoms.py b/xpcom/ds/StaticAtoms.py
--- a/xpcom/ds/StaticAtoms.py
+++ b/xpcom/ds/StaticAtoms.py
@@ -1141,16 +1141,17 @@ STATIC_ATOMS = [
Atom("self", "self"),
Atom("seltype", "seltype"),
Atom("setcookie", "set-cookie"),
Atom("setter", "setter"),
Atom("shadow", "shadow"),
Atom("shape", "shape"),
Atom("show", "show"),
Atom("showcaret", "showcaret"),
+ Atom("showservicesmenu", "showservicesmenu"),
Atom("sibling", "sibling"),
Atom("simple", "simple"),
Atom("simp_chinese_formal", "simp-chinese-formal"),
Atom("simp_chinese_informal", "simp-chinese-informal"),
Atom("single", "single"),
Atom("size", "size"),
Atom("sizes", "sizes"),
Atom("sizemode", "sizemode"),
diff --git a/xpfe/appshell/nsAppShellService.cpp b/xpfe/appshell/nsAppShellService.cpp
--- a/xpfe/appshell/nsAppShellService.cpp
+++ b/xpfe/appshell/nsAppShellService.cpp
@@ -590,32 +590,16 @@ nsresult nsAppShellService::JustCreateTo
nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_TITLEBAR |
if (widgetInitData.mWindowType == widget::WindowType::Dialog &&
((aChromeMask & pipMask) == pipMask) && !(aChromeMask & barMask)) {
widgetInitData.mPIPWindow = true;
-#ifdef XP_MACOSX
- // Mac OS X sheet support
- // Adding CHROME_OPENAS_CHROME to sheetMask makes modal windows opened from
- // nsGlobalWindow::ShowModalDialog() be dialogs (not sheets), while modal
- // windows opened from nsPromptService::DoDialog() still are sheets. This
- // fixes bmo bug 395465 (see nsCocoaWindow::StandardCreate() and
- // nsCocoaWindow::SetModal()).
- uint32_t sheetMask = nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_OPENAS_DIALOG |
- nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_MODAL |
- nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_OPENAS_CHROME;
- if (parent && (parent != mHiddenWindow) &&
- ((aChromeMask & sheetMask) == sheetMask)) {
- widgetInitData.mWindowType = widget::WindowType::Sheet;
- }
#if defined(XP_WIN)
if (widgetInitData.mWindowType == widget::WindowType::TopLevel ||
widgetInitData.mWindowType == widget::WindowType::Dialog)
widgetInitData.mClipChildren = true;
// note default chrome overrides other OS chrome settings, but
// not internal chrome