- Multiple item detection code is now a part of the scraperJavaScript, rather than the scrapeDetectCode, and code to choose which items to add is part of Scholar.Ingester.Utilities, accessible from inside scrapers. The alternative approach would result in one request (or, in the case of JSTOR, three requests) per new item, while in some cases (e.g. Voyager) only one request is necessary to get all of the items.
15 lines
569 B
Executable file
15 lines
569 B
Executable file
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<overlay id="scholar-ingester-overlay" xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul">
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<script src="browser.js"/>
<script type="application/x-javascript">
<hbox id="urlbar-icons">
<image src="chrome://scholar/skin/treeitem-book.png" id="scholar-status-image" onclick="Scholar_Ingester_Interface.scrapeThisPage()" position="1" hidden="true"/>