742 lines
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742 lines
27 KiB
"use strict";
describe("Zotero.Utilities.Internal", function () {
var ZUI;
before(function () {
ZUI = Zotero.Utilities.Internal;
describe("#md5()", function () {
it("should generate hex string given file path", function* () {
var file = OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'test.png');
describe("#md5Async()", function () {
it("should generate hex string given file path", function* () {
var file = OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'test.png');
yield assert.eventually.equal(
it("should generate hex string given file path for file bigger than chunk size", function* () {
var tmpDir = Zotero.getTempDirectory().path;
var file = OS.Path.join(tmpDir, 'md5Async');
let encoder = new TextEncoder();
let arr = encoder.encode("".padStart(100000, "a"));
yield OS.File.writeAtomic(file, arr);
yield assert.eventually.equal(
yield OS.File.remove(file);
it("should return false for a nonexistent file", async function () {
var tmpDir = Zotero.getTempDirectory().path;
var file = OS.Path.join(tmpDir, 'nonexistent-asawefaweoihafa');
await assert.eventually.isFalse(ZUI.md5Async(file));
it("should return hash for an empty file", async function () {
const emptyHash = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e';
var tmpDir = Zotero.getTempDirectory().path;
var file = OS.Path.join(tmpDir, 'empty-file');
await IOUtils.write(file, new Uint8Array());
await assert.eventually.equal(ZUI.md5Async(file), emptyHash);
await IOUtils.remove(file);
describe("#gzip()/gunzip()", function () {
it("should compress and decompress a Unicode text string", function* () {
var text = "Voilà! \u1F429";
var compstr = yield Zotero.Utilities.Internal.gzip(text);
assert.isAbove(compstr.length, 0);
assert.notEqual(compstr.length, text.length);
var str = yield Zotero.Utilities.Internal.gunzip(compstr);
assert.equal(str, text);
describe("#decodeUTF8()", function () {
it("should properly decode binary string", async function () {
let text = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array([226, 130, 172]));
let utf8 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.decodeUTF8(text);
assert.equal(utf8, "€");
describe("#isOnlyEmoji()", function () {
it("should return true for emoji", function () {
it("should return true for emoji with text representation that use Variation Selector-16", function () {
it("should return true for emoji made up of multiple characters with ZWJ", function () {
it("should return false for integer", function () {
describe("#delayGenerator", function () {
var spy;
before(function () {
spy = sinon.spy(Zotero.Promise, "delay");
afterEach(function () {
after(function () {
it("should delay for given amounts of time without limit", function* () {
var intervals = [1, 2];
var gen = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.delayGenerator(intervals);
// When intervals are exhausted, keep using last interval
var testIntervals = intervals.slice();
testIntervals.push(intervals[intervals.length - 1]);
for (let i of testIntervals) {
let val = yield gen.next().value;
it("should return false when maxTime is reached", function* () {
var intervals = [5, 10];
var gen = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.delayGenerator(intervals, 30);
// When intervals are exhausted, keep using last interval
var testIntervals = intervals.slice();
testIntervals.push(intervals[intervals.length - 1]);
for (let i of testIntervals) {
let val = yield gen.next().value;
// Another interval would put us over maxTime, so return false immediately
let val = yield gen.next().value;
describe("#extractExtraFields()", function () {
it("should ignore 'Type: note', 'Type: attachment', and 'Type: annotation'", function () {
for (let type of ['note', 'attachment', 'annotation']) {
let str = `Type: ${type}`;
let { itemType, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.isNull(itemType, type);
assert.equal(extra, `Type: ${type}`, type);
it("should ignore numeric values for Type", function () {
for (let type of ['3']) {
let str = `Type: ${type}`;
let { itemType, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.isNull(itemType, type);
assert.equal(extra, `Type: ${type}`, type);
it("should use the first mapped Zotero type for a CSL type", function () {
var str = 'type: personal_communication';
var { itemType, fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.equal(itemType, 'letter');
it("should extract a field", function () {
var val = '10.1234/abcdef';
var str = `DOI: ${val}`;
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.equal(fields.size, 1);
assert.equal(fields.get('DOI'), val);
assert.strictEqual(extra, '');
it("should extract a field for a given item", function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'journalArticle' });
var val = '10.1234/abcdef';
var str = `DOI: ${val}`;
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str, item);
assert.equal(fields.size, 1);
assert.equal(fields.get('DOI'), val);
assert.strictEqual(extra, '');
it("should extract a CSL field", function () {
var val = '10.1234/abcdef';
var str = `container-title: ${val}`;
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.equal(fields.size, Zotero.Schema.CSL_TEXT_MAPPINGS['container-title'].length);
assert.equal(fields.get('publicationTitle'), val);
assert.strictEqual(extra, '');
it("should extract a CSL field for a given item type", function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'journalArticle' });
var val = '10.1234/abcdef';
var str = `container-title: ${val}`;
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str, item);
assert.equal(fields.size, 1);
assert.equal(fields.get('publicationTitle'), val);
assert.strictEqual(extra, '');
it("should extract a field with different case", function () {
var val = '10.1234/abcdef';
var str = `doi: ${val}`;
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.equal(fields.size, 1);
assert.equal(fields.get('DOI'), val);
assert.strictEqual(extra, '');
it("should extract a field with other fields, text, and whitespace", function () {
var date = '2020-04-01';
var doi = '10.1234/abcdef';
var str = `Line 1\nDate: ${date}\nFoo: Bar\nDOI: ${doi}\n\nLine 2`;
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.equal(fields.size, 2);
assert.equal(fields.get('date'), date);
assert.equal(fields.get('DOI'), doi);
assert.equal(extra, 'Line 1\nFoo: Bar\n\nLine 2');
it("should extract the first instance of a field", function () {
var date1 = '2020-04-01';
var date2 = '2020-04-02';
var str = `Date: ${date1}\nDate: ${date2}`;
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.equal(fields.size, 1);
assert.equal(fields.get('date'), date1);
assert.equal(extra, "Date: " + date2);
it("shouldn't extract a field from a line that begins with a whitespace", function () {
var str = '\n number-of-pages: 11';
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.equal(fields.size, 0);
it("shouldn't extract a field that already exists on the item", function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'book' });
item.setField('numPages', 10);
var str = 'number-of-pages: 11';
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str, item);
assert.equal(fields.size, 0);
it("should extract an author and add it to existing creators", function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'book' });
item.setCreator(0, { creatorType: 'author', name: 'Foo' });
var str = 'author: Bar';
var { fields, creators, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str, item);
assert.equal(fields.size, 0);
assert.lengthOf(creators, 1);
assert.equal(creators[0].creatorType, 'author');
assert.equal(creators[0].name, 'Bar');
it("should extract a CSL date field", function () {
var str = 'issued: 2000';
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.equal(fields.size, 1);
assert.equal(fields.get('date'), 2000);
assert.strictEqual(extra, '');
it("should extract a CSL name", function () {
var str = 'container-author: Last || First';
var { creators, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.lengthOf(creators, 1);
assert.propertyVal(creators[0], 'creatorType', 'bookAuthor');
assert.propertyVal(creators[0], 'firstName', 'First');
assert.propertyVal(creators[0], 'lastName', 'Last');
assert.strictEqual(extra, '');
it("should extract a CSL name that's valid for a given item type", function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'bookSection' });
var str = 'container-author: Last || First';
var { creators, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str, item);
assert.lengthOf(creators, 1);
assert.propertyVal(creators[0], 'creatorType', 'bookAuthor');
assert.propertyVal(creators[0], 'firstName', 'First');
assert.propertyVal(creators[0], 'lastName', 'Last');
assert.strictEqual(extra, '');
it("shouldn't extract a CSL name that's not valid for a given item type", function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'journalArticle' });
var str = 'container-author: Last || First';
var { creators, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str, item);
assert.lengthOf(creators, 0);
assert.strictEqual(extra, str);
it("should extract the citeproc-js cheater syntax", function () {
var issued = '{:number-of-pages:11}\n{:issued:2014}';
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(issued);
assert.equal(fields.size, 2);
assert.equal(fields.get('numPages'), 11);
assert.equal(fields.get('date'), 2014);
assert.strictEqual(extra, '');
it("should ignore empty creator in citeproc-js cheater syntax", function () {
var str = '{:author: }\n';
var { fields, extra } = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(str);
assert.equal(fields.size, 0);
assert.strictEqual(extra, str);
describe("#combineExtraFields", function () {
var originalDate = "1887";
var publicationPlace = "New York";
var doi = '10.1234/123456789';
var fieldMap = new Map();
fieldMap.set('originalDate', originalDate);
fieldMap.set('publicationPlace', publicationPlace);
fieldMap.set('DOI', doi);
var fieldStr = `DOI: ${doi}\nOriginal Date: ${originalDate}\nPublication Place: ${publicationPlace}`;
it("should create 'field: value' pairs from field map", function () {
var extra = "";
var newExtra = ZUI.combineExtraFields(extra, fieldMap);
assert.equal(newExtra, fieldStr);
it("should add fields above existing Extra content", function () {
var extra = "This is a note.";
var newExtra = ZUI.combineExtraFields(extra, fieldMap);
assert.equal(newExtra, fieldStr + '\n' + extra);
it("should replace existing fields", function () {
var extra = "This is a note.\nOriginal Date: 1886\nFoo: Bar";
var newExtra = ZUI.combineExtraFields(extra, fieldMap);
fieldStr.split(/\n/).filter(x => !x.startsWith('Original Date')).join("\n")
+ "\nThis is a note.\nOriginal Date: 1887\nFoo: Bar"
describe("#extractIdentifiers()", function () {
it("should extract ISBN-10", async function () {
var id = "0838985890";
var identifiers = ZUI.extractIdentifiers(id);
assert.lengthOf(identifiers, 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[0]), 1);
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[0], "ISBN", id);
it("should extract ISBN-13", async function () {
var identifiers = ZUI.extractIdentifiers("978-0838985892");
assert.lengthOf(identifiers, 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[0]), 1);
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[0], "ISBN", "9780838985892");
it("should extract multiple ISBN-13s", async function () {
var identifiers = ZUI.extractIdentifiers("978-0838985892 9781479347711 ");
assert.lengthOf(identifiers, 2);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[0]), 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[1]), 1);
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[0], "ISBN", "9780838985892");
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[1], "ISBN", "9781479347711");
it("should extract DOI", async function () {
var id = "10.4103/0976-500X.85940";
var identifiers = ZUI.extractIdentifiers(id);
assert.lengthOf(identifiers, 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[0]), 1);
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[0], "DOI", id);
it("should extract PMID", async function () {
var identifiers = ZUI.extractIdentifiers("1 PMID:24297125,222 3-4 1234567890, 123456789");
assert.lengthOf(identifiers, 4);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[0]), 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[1]), 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[2]), 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[3]), 1);
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[0], "PMID", "1");
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[1], "PMID", "24297125");
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[2], "PMID", "222");
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[3], "PMID", "123456789");
it("should extract multiple old and new style arXivs", async function () {
var identifiers = ZUI.extractIdentifiers("0706.0044 arXiv:0706.00441v1,12345678,hep-ex/9809001v1, math.GT/0309135.");
assert.lengthOf(identifiers, 4);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[0]), 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[1]), 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[2]), 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[3]), 1);
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[0], "arXiv", "0706.0044");
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[1], "arXiv", "0706.00441");
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[2], "arXiv", "hep-ex/9809001");
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[3], "arXiv", "math.GT/0309135");
it("should extract ADS bibcodes", async function () {
var identifiers = ZUI.extractIdentifiers("9 2021wfc..rept....8D, 2022MSSP..16208010Y.");
assert.lengthOf(identifiers, 2);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[0]), 1);
assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(identifiers[1]), 1);
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[0], "adsBibcode", "2021wfc..rept....8D");
assert.propertyVal(identifiers[1], "adsBibcode", "2022MSSP..16208010Y");
describe("#resolveLocale()", function () {
var availableLocales;
before(function () {
availableLocales = Services.locale.availableLocales;
function resolve(locale) {
return Zotero.Utilities.Internal.resolveLocale(locale, availableLocales);
it("should return en-US for en-US", function () {
assert.equal(resolve('en-US'), 'en-US');
it("should return en-US for en", function () {
assert.equal(resolve('en'), 'en-US');
it("should return fr-FR for fr-FR", function () {
assert.equal(resolve('fr-FR'), 'fr-FR');
it("should return fr-FR for fr", function () {
assert.equal(resolve('fr'), 'fr-FR');
it("should return ar for ar", function () {
assert.equal(resolve('ar'), 'ar');
it("should return pt-PT for pt", function () {
assert.equal(resolve('pt'), 'pt-PT');
it("should return zh-CN for zh-CN", function () {
assert.equal(resolve('zh-CN'), 'zh-CN');
it("should return zh-TW for zh-TW", function () {
assert.equal(resolve('zh-TW'), 'zh-TW');
it("should return zh-CN for zh", function () {
assert.equal(resolve('zh'), 'zh-CN');
describe("#camelToTitleCase()", function () {
it("should convert 'fooBar' to 'Foo Bar'", function () {
assert.equal(Zotero.Utilities.Internal.camelToTitleCase('fooBar'), 'Foo Bar');
it("should keep all-caps strings intact", function () {
assert.equal(Zotero.Utilities.Internal.camelToTitleCase('DOI'), 'DOI');
it("should convert 'fooBAR' to 'Foo BAR'", function () {
assert.equal(Zotero.Utilities.Internal.camelToTitleCase('fooBAR'), 'Foo BAR');
describe("#getNextName()", function () {
it("should get the next available numbered name", function () {
var existing = ['Name', 'Name 1', 'Name 3'];
assert.equal(Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getNextName('Name', existing), 'Name 2');
it("should return 'Name 1' if no numbered names", function () {
var existing = ['Name'];
assert.equal(Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getNextName('Name', existing), 'Name 1');
it("should return 'Name' if only numbered names", function () {
var existing = ['Name 1', 'Name 3'];
assert.equal(Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getNextName('Name', existing), 'Name');
it("should trim given name if trim=true", function () {
var existing = ['Name', 'Name 1', 'Name 2', 'Name 3'];
assert.equal(Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getNextName('Name 2', existing, true), 'Name 4');
describe("#parseURL()", function () {
var f;
before(() => {
f = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.parseURL;
describe("#fileName", function () {
it("should contain filename", function () {
assert.propertyVal(f('http://example.com/abc/def.html?foo=bar'), 'fileName', 'def.html');
it("should be empty if no filename", function () {
assert.propertyVal(f('http://example.com/abc/'), 'fileName', '');
describe("#fileExtension", function () {
it("should contain extension", function () {
assert.propertyVal(f('http://example.com/abc/def.html?foo=bar'), 'fileExtension', 'html');
it("should be empty if no extension", function () {
assert.propertyVal(f('http://example.com/abc/def'), 'fileExtension', '');
it("should be empty if no filename", function () {
assert.propertyVal(f('http://example.com/abc/'), 'fileExtension', '');
describe("#fileBaseName", function () {
it("should contain base name", function () {
assert.propertyVal(f('http://example.com/abc/def.html?foo=bar'), 'fileBaseName', 'def');
it("should equal filename if no extension", function () {
assert.propertyVal(f('http://example.com/abc/def'), 'fileBaseName', 'def');
it("should be empty if no filename", function () {
assert.propertyVal(f('http://example.com/abc/'), 'fileBaseName', '');
describe("#generateHTMLFromTemplate()", function () {
it("should support variables with attributes", function () {
var vars = {
v1: '1',
v2: pars => `${pars.a1 ?? ''}${pars.a2 ?? ''}${pars.a3 ?? ''}`,
v3: () => '',
v5: () => 'something',
ar1: [],
ar2: [1, 2]
var template = `{{ v1}}{{v2 a1= "1" a2 =' 2' a3 = "3 "}}{{v3}}{{v4}}{{if ar1}}ar1{{endif}}{{if ar2}}{{ar2}}{{endif}}{{if v5}}yes{{endif}}{{if v3}}no1{{endif}}{{if v2}}{{v2}}{{endif}}`;
var html = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template, vars);
assert.equal(html, '11 23 1,2yes');
it("should support empty string as attribute value and correctly render returned false-ish values", function () {
const vars = {
length: ({ string }) => string.length.toString(),
const template = `"" has a length of {{ length string="" }} and "hello" has a length of {{ length string="hello" }}`;
const out = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template, vars);
assert.equal(out, '"" has a length of 0 and "hello" has a length of 5');
it("should support functions in comparison statements", function () {
const vars = {
sum: ({ a, b }) => (parseInt(a) + parseInt(b)).toString(),
fooBar: ({ isFoo }) => (isFoo === 'true' ? 'foo' : 'bar'),
false: 'false',
twoWords: 'two words',
onlyOne: 'actually == 1'
const template = `{{if {{ sum a="1" b="2" }} == "3"}}1 + 2 = {{sum a="1" b="2"}}{{else}}no speak math{{endif}}`;
const out = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template, vars);
assert.equal(out, '1 + 2 = 3');
const template2 = '{{if false != "false"}}no{{elseif false == "false"}}yes{{else}}no{{endif}}';
const out2 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template2, vars);
assert.equal(out2, 'yes');
const template3 = '{{ if twoWords == "two words" }}yes{{else}}no{{endif}}';
const out3 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template3, vars);
assert.equal(out3, 'yes');
const template4 = '{{ if onlyOne == \'actually == 1\' }}yes{{else}}no{{endif}}';
const out4 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template4, vars);
assert.equal(out4, 'yes');
const template5 = '{{ if "3" == {{ sum a="1" b="2" }} }}yes{{else}}no{{endif}}';
const out5 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template5, vars);
assert.equal(out5, 'yes');
const template6 = '{{ if {{ sum a="1" b="2" }} }}yes{{else}}no{{endif}}';
const out6 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template6, vars);
assert.equal(out6, 'yes');
const template7 = '{{ if {{ twoWords }} }}yes{{else}}no{{endif}}';
const out7 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template7, vars);
assert.equal(out7, 'yes');
const template8 = '{{ if twoWords }}yes{{else}}no{{endif}}';
const out8 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template8, vars);
assert.equal(out8, 'yes');
const template9 = '{{ if missing }}no{{else}}yes{{endif}}';
const out9 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template9, vars);
assert.equal(out9, 'yes');
const template10 = '{{ if {{ missing foo="bar" }} }}no{{else}}yes{{endif}}';
const out10 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template10, vars);
assert.equal(out10, 'yes');
const template11 = '{{ if {{ missing foo="bar" }} == "" }}yes{{else}}no{{endif}}';
const out11 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template11, vars);
assert.equal(out11, 'yes');
const template12 = '{{ if fooBar == "bar" }}yes{{else}}no{{endif}}';
const out12 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template12, vars);
assert.equal(out12, 'yes');
const template13 = '{{ if {{ fooBar }} == "bar" }}yes{{else}}no{{endif}}';
const out13 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template13, vars);
assert.equal(out13, 'yes');
const template14 = `{{if {{ sum a="1" b="2" }}=="3"}}1 + 2 = {{sum a="1" b="2"}}{{else}}no{{endif}}`;
const out14 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template14, vars);
assert.equal(out14, '1 + 2 = 3');
const template15 = `{{if "two words"==twoWords}}yes{{else}}no{{endif}}`;
const out15 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template15, vars);
assert.equal(out15, 'yes');
it("should accept hyphen-case variables and attributes", function () {
const vars = {
fooBar: ({ isFoo }) => (isFoo === 'true' ? 'foo' : 'bar'),
const template = '{{ foo-bar is-foo="true" }}{{ if {{ foo-bar is-foo="false" }} == "bar" }}{{ foo-bar is-foo="false" }}{{ endif }}';
const out = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template, vars);
assert.equal(out, 'foobar');
it("should work with a condition in the middle", function () {
const vars = {
v1: '1',
const template = 'test {{ if v1 == "1" }}yes{{ else }}no{{ endif }} foobar';
const out = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template, vars);
assert.equal(out, 'test yes foobar');
it("missing identifiers are evaluted as empty string", function () {
const vars = {
foo: 'foo',
const template = '{{bar}}{{ if foo == "" }}no{{elseif foo}}{{foo}}{{else}}no{{endif}}';
const out = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template, vars);
assert.equal(out, 'foo');
const template2 = 'test: {{ if bar == "" }}yes{{else}}no{{endif}}';
const out2 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template2, vars);
assert.equal(out2, 'test: yes');
it("should preserve whitespace outside of brackets", function () {
const template = ' starts }} with {{ whitespace {"test"} == \'foobar\' ';
const out = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template, {});
assert.equal(out, template);
const vars = {
space: ' ',
spaceFn: () => ' ',
const whitespace = ' {{if spaceFn}}{{else}} {{endif}}{{space}} {{space-fn}}';
const out2 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(whitespace, vars);
assert.equal(out2, ' ');
it("should accept array values in logic statements", function () {
let someTags = ['foo', 'bar'];
const vars = {
tags: ({ join }) => (join ? someTags.join(join) : someTags),
const template = '{{ if tags }}#{{ tags join=" #" }}{{else}}no tags{{endif}}';
const out = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template, vars);
assert.equal(out, '#foo #bar');
someTags = [];
const out2 = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template, vars);
assert.equal(out2, 'no tags');
it("should throw if function returns anything else than a string (or an array which is always joined into string)", function () {
const vars = {
number: () => 1,
logic: () => true,
array: () => [],
fn: () => 1,
assert.throws(() => Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate('{{ number }}', vars), /Identifier "number" does not evaluate to a string/);
assert.throws(() => Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate('{{ logic }}', vars), /Identifier "logic" does not evaluate to a string/);
assert.throws(() => Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate('{{ if fn }}no{{endif}}', vars), /Identifier "fn" does not evaluate to a string/);
assert.throws(() => Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate('{{ if {{ fn foo="bar" }} }}no{{endif}}', vars), /Identifier "fn" does not evaluate to a string/);
it("should support nested 'if' statements", function () {
var vars = {
v1: '1',
v2: 'H',
var template = `{{if v1 == '1'}}yes1{{if x}}no{{elseif v2 == "h" }}yes2{{endif}}{{elseif v2 == "2"}}no{{else}}no{{endif}} {{if v2 == "1"}}not{{elseif x}}not{{else}}yes3{{ endif}}`;
var html = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.generateHTMLFromTemplate(template, vars);
assert.equal(html, 'yes1yes2 yes3');