Instead of attempting to extract `PageRange` value we now let pdf worker always determine page label. Also improved citavi tests and fixtures.
288 lines
10 KiB
288 lines
10 KiB
describe("Zotero_File_Interface", function() {
let win;
before(function* () {
win = yield loadZoteroPane();
yield OS.File.copy(OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, "Test Import Translator.js"),
OS.Path.join(Zotero.getTranslatorsDirectory().path, "Test Import Translator.js"));
yield Zotero.Translators.reinit();
after(function () {
it('should import all types and fields into a new collection', async function () {
let testFile = getTestDataDirectory();
await win.Zotero_File_Interface.importFile({
file: testFile
let importedCollection = Zotero.Collections.getByLibrary(
).filter(x => x.name == 'allTypesAndFields');
assert.equal(importedCollection.length, 1);
let childItems = importedCollection[0].getChildItems();
let savedItems = {};
for (let i=0; i<childItems.length; i++) {
let savedItem = childItems[i].toJSON();
delete savedItem.dateAdded;
delete savedItem.dateModified;
delete savedItem.key;
delete savedItem.collections;
savedItems[Zotero.ItemTypes.getName(childItems[i].itemTypeID)] = savedItem;
let trueItems = loadSampleData('itemJSON');
for (let itemType in trueItems) {
let trueItem = trueItems[itemType];
delete trueItem.dateAdded;
delete trueItem.dateModified;
delete trueItem.key;
delete trueItem.collections;
assert.deepEqual(savedItems, trueItems, "saved items match inputs");
it("should import RIS into selected collection", async function () {
var collection = await createDataObject('collection');
var testFile = OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'book_and_child_note.ris');
await win.Zotero_File_Interface.importFile({
file: testFile,
createNewCollection: false
var items = collection.getChildItems();
assert.lengthOf(items, 1);
var childNotes = items[0].getNotes();
assert.lengthOf(childNotes, 1);
assert.equal(Zotero.Items.get(childNotes[0]).getNote(), '<p>Child</p>');
it('should import an item and snapshot from Zotero RDF', function* () {
var tmpDir = yield getTempDirectory();
var rdfFile = OS.Path.join(tmpDir, 'test.rdf');
yield OS.File.copy(OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'book_and_snapshot.rdf'), rdfFile);
yield OS.File.makeDir(OS.Path.join(tmpDir, 'files'));
yield OS.File.makeDir(OS.Path.join(tmpDir, 'files', 2));
yield OS.File.copy(
OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'test.html'),
OS.Path.join(tmpDir, 'files', 2, 'test.html')
var promise = waitForItemEvent('add');
yield win.Zotero_File_Interface.importFile({
file: rdfFile
var ids = yield promise;
// Notifications are batched
assert.lengthOf(ids, 2);
// Check book
var item = Zotero.Items.get(ids[0]);
assert.equal(item.itemTypeID, Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('book'));
// Check attachment
var ids = item.getAttachments();
assert.lengthOf(ids, 1);
var attachment = Zotero.Items.get(ids[0]);
assert.equal(attachment.attachmentCharset, 'utf-8');
// Check indexing
var matches = yield Zotero.Fulltext.findTextInItems([attachment.id], 'test');
assert.lengthOf(matches, 1);
assert.propertyVal(matches[0], 'id', attachment.id);
it('should import a MODS file', function* () {
var modsFile = OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, "mods.xml");
var promise = waitForItemEvent('add');
yield win.Zotero_File_Interface.importFile({
file: modsFile
var ids = yield promise;
assert.lengthOf(ids, 1);
var item = Zotero.Items.get(ids[0]);
assert.equal(item.itemTypeID, Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('journalArticle'));
assert.equal(item.getField('title'), "Test");
describe("#copyItemsToClipboard()", function () {
var clipboardService, item1, item2;
before(function* () {
yield Zotero.Styles.init();
clipboardService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboard;1"]
item1 = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { title: "A" });
item1.setField('date', '2016');
yield item1.saveTx();
item2 = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { title: "B" });
item2.setField('date', '2016');
yield item2.saveTx();
function getDataForFlavor(flavor) {
var transferable = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"]
clipboardService.getData(transferable, Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard.kGlobalClipboard);
var str = {};
transferable.getTransferData(flavor, str, {})
return str.value.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString).data;
// Non-"Copy as HTML" mode
it("should copy HTML and text citations to the clipboard", function* () {
[item1, item2],
var str = getDataForFlavor('text/html');
assert.equal(str, '(<i>A</i>, 2016; <i>B</i>, 2016)');
// Plain text
str = getDataForFlavor('text/unicode');
assert.equal(str, '(A, 2016; B, 2016)');
it("should copy HTML and text bibliography to the clipboard", function* () {
[item1, item2],
var str = getDataForFlavor('text/html');
assert.include(str, 'line-height');
assert.include(str, '<i>A</i>');
assert.include(str, '<i>B</i>');
// Plain text
str = getDataForFlavor('text/unicode');
assert.equal(str, 'A. (2016).\nB. (2016).\n');
// "Copy as HTML" mode
it("should copy HTML and HTML source citations to the clipboard", function* () {
[item1, item2],
var str = getDataForFlavor('text/html');
assert.equal(str, '(<i>A</i>, 2016; <i>B</i>, 2016)');
// Plain text
str = getDataForFlavor('text/unicode');
assert.equal(str, '(<i>A</i>, 2016; <i>B</i>, 2016)');
it("should copy HTML and HTML source bibliography to the clipboard", function* () {
[item1, item2],
var str = getDataForFlavor('text/html');
assert.include(str, 'line-height');
assert.include(str, '<i>A</i>');
assert.include(str, '<i>B</i>');
// Plain text
str = getDataForFlavor('text/unicode');
assert.include(str, 'line-height');
assert.include(str, '<i>A</i>');
assert.include(str, '<i>B</i>');
describe('Citavi annotations', () => {
it('should import Citavi', async () => {
var testFile = OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'citavi-test-project.ctv6');
const promise = waitForItemEvent('add');
await win.Zotero_File_Interface.importFile({
file: testFile,
createNewCollection: false
const itemIDs = await promise;
const importedItem = await Zotero.Items.getAsync(itemIDs[0]);
assert.equal(importedItem.getField('title'), 'Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System');
const importedPDF = await Zotero.Items.getAsync(importedItem.getAttachments()[0]);
const annotations = importedPDF.getAnnotations();
assert.lengthOf(annotations, 5);
const annotation1 = annotations.find(a => a.annotationText === 'peer-to-peer');
const annotation2 = annotations.find(a => a.annotationText === 'CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they\'ll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers.');
const annotation3 = annotations.find(a => a.annotationText === 'double-spending');
const annotation4 = annotations.find(a => a.annotationText === 'This is a comment');
const annotation5 = annotations.find(a => a.annotationText === 'This is a green highlight on page 3');
{ pageIndex: 0, rects: [[230.202, 578.879, 275.478, 585.817], [230.202, 578.879, 275.478, 585.817]] }
{ pageIndex: 0, rects: [[228.335, 475.341, 461.756, 482.179], [146.3, 463.841, 437.511, 470.679], [146.3, 463.841, 461.756, 482.179]] },
{ pageIndex: 0, rects: [[254.515, 532.841, 316.462, 539.679], [254.515, 532.841, 316.462, 539.679]] },
{ pageIndex: 0, rects: [[146.3, 429.341, 199.495, 436.179], [146.3, 429.341, 199.495, 436.179]] }
{ pageIndex: 2, rects: [[133.3, 330.924, 185.269, 340.294], [133.3, 330.924, 185.269, 340.294]] }
assert.equal(annotation1.annotationSortIndex, '00000|000103|00206');
assert.equal(annotation2.annotationSortIndex, '00000|000723|00309');
assert.equal(annotation3.annotationSortIndex, '00000|000390|00252');
assert.equal(annotation4.annotationSortIndex, '00000|000981|00355');
assert.equal(annotation5.annotationSortIndex, '00002|001638|00451');
assert.deepEqual(annotation1.getTags(), [{ tag: 'red' }]);
assert.deepEqual(annotation2.getTags(), [{ tag: 'blue' }]);
assert.deepEqual(annotation3.getTags(), []);
assert.deepEqual(annotation4.getTags(), [{ tag: 'comment' }]);
assert.deepEqual(annotation5.getTags(), []);
assert.equal(annotation1.annotationPageLabel, '1');
assert.equal(annotation2.annotationPageLabel, '1');
assert.equal(annotation3.annotationPageLabel, '1');
assert.equal(annotation4.annotationPageLabel, '1');
assert.equal(annotation5.annotationPageLabel, '3');