* Remove gulp, replace with custom scripts * Symlink entire dirs where possible (fixes #1232) * Significantly speed up subsequent builds (fixes #1238) * Watch process now observes new/removed files, not only changed * Add ignoreMask, exclude all files with names starting with a # * Better logging during builds * Update travis.yml to use new, non-gulp-based build
86 lines
2.3 KiB
86 lines
2.3 KiB
'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const globby = require('globby');
const { isWindows, formatDirsForMatcher, getSignatures, writeSignatures, cleanUp, onSuccess, onError, onProgress } = require('./utils');
const { dirs, symlinkDirs, copyDirs, symlinkFiles, ignoreMask } = require('./config');
const ROOT = path.resolve(__dirname, '..');
//@TODO: change signature to getSymlinks(source, options, signatures)
// here and elsewhere
// run symlinks twice, once for files (with nodir: true)
// once for dirs
async function getSymlinks(source, options, signatures) {
const t1 = Date.now();
const files = await globby(source, Object.assign({ cwd: ROOT }, options ));
const filesDonePreviously = [];
for (const [f, signature] of Object.entries(signatures)) {
if ('isSymlinked' in signature && signature.isSymlinked) {
try {
await fs.access(path.join('build', f), fs.constants.F_OK);
// file found in signatures and build/ dir, skip
} catch (_) {
// file not found, needs symlinking
const filesToProcess = files.filter(f => !filesDonePreviously.includes(f));
const filesProcessedCount = filesToProcess.length;
var f;
while ((f = filesToProcess.pop()) != null) {
const dest = path.join('build', f);
try {
if (isWindows) {
await fs.copy(f, dest);
} else {
await fs.ensureSymlink(f, dest);
signatures[f] = {
isSymlinked: true
onProgress(f, dest, 'ln');
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Failed on ${f}: ${err}`);
const t2 = Date.now();
return {
action: 'symlink',
count: filesProcessedCount,
totalCount: files.length,
processingTime: t2 - t1
module.exports = getSymlinks;
if (require.main === module) {
(async () => {
try {
const source = symlinkFiles
.concat(dirs.map(d => `${d}/**`))
const signatures = await getSignatures();
onSuccess(await getSymlinks(source, { nodir: true, ignore: ignoreMask }, signatures));
onSuccess(await getSymlinks(symlinkDirs, {}, signatures));
onSuccess(await cleanUp(signatures));
await writeSignatures(signatures);
} catch (err) {
process.exitCode = 1;
global.isError = true;
} |