Dan Stillman d21fc40115 Update Mozilla strings for fx115
(Or technically 125, but I don't think any strings we need were

This fixes the Edit and Window menu (except for some macOS Window
strings that seem to come from the system) in non-English locales.
2024-04-10 07:33:40 -04:00

218 lines
4.3 KiB

# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
window-minimize-command =
.label = Pienennä ikkuna
window-zoom-command =
.label = Suurenna ikkunaa
window-new-shortcut =
.key = N
window-minimize-shortcut =
.key = m
close-shortcut =
.key = W
tab-new-shortcut =
.key = t
location-open-shortcut =
.key = l
location-open-shortcut-alt =
.key = d
search-focus-shortcut =
.key = k
# This shortcut is used in two contexts:
# - web search
# - find in page
find-shortcut =
.key = f
search-find-again-shortcut =
.key = g
search-find-again-shortcut-alt =
.keycode = VK_F3
search-find-selection-shortcut =
.key = e
# Verify what shortcut for that operation
# are recommended by the Human Interface Guidelines
# of each platform for your locale.
search-focus-shortcut-alt =
.key =
[linux] j
*[other] e
# Verify what shortcut for that operation
# are recommended by the Human Interface Guidelines
# of each platform for your locale.
downloads-shortcut =
.key =
[linux] y
*[other] j
addons-shortcut =
.key = A
file-open-shortcut =
.key = o
save-page-shortcut =
.key = s
page-source-shortcut =
.key = u
# This should match the Option+Command keyboard shortcut letter that Safari
# and Chrome use for "View Source" on macOS. `page-source-shortcut` above
# is Firefox's official keyboard shortcut shown in the GUI.
# Safari variant is an alias provided for the convenience of Safari and Chrome
# users on macOS. See bug 1398988.
page-source-shortcut-safari =
.key = u
page-info-shortcut =
.key = i
print-shortcut =
.key = p
mute-toggle-shortcut =
.key = M
nav-back-shortcut-alt =
.key = Ö
nav-fwd-shortcut-alt =
.key = Ä
nav-reload-shortcut =
.key = r
# Shortcut available only on macOS.
nav-stop-shortcut =
.key = .
history-show-all-shortcut =
.key = H
history-show-all-shortcut-mac =
.key = Y
history-sidebar-shortcut =
.key = h
full-screen-shortcut =
.key = f
reader-mode-toggle-shortcut-windows =
.keycode = VK_F9
reader-mode-toggle-shortcut-other =
.key = R
picture-in-picture-toggle-shortcut-mac =
.key = ]
# Pick the key that is commonly present
# in your locale keyboards above the
# `picture-in-picture-toggle-shortcut-mac` key.
picture-in-picture-toggle-shortcut-mac-alt =
.key = { "}" }
picture-in-picture-toggle-shortcut =
.key = ]
# Pick the key that is commonly present
# in your locale keyboards above the
# `picture-in-picture-toggle-shortcut` key.
picture-in-picture-toggle-shortcut-alt =
.key = { "}" }
bookmark-this-page-shortcut =
.key = d
# Verify what shortcut for that operation
# are recommended by the Human Interface Guidelines
# of each platform for your locale.
bookmark-show-library-shortcut =
.key = O
# Verify what shortcut for that operation
# are recommended by the Human Interface Guidelines
# of each platform for your locale.
bookmark-show-sidebar-shortcut =
.key = b
# Verify what shortcut for that operation
# are recommended by the Human Interface Guidelines
# of each platform for your locale.
bookmark-show-toolbar-shortcut =
.key = B
## All `-alt*` messages are alternative acceleration keys for zoom.
## If shift key is needed with your locale popular keyboard for them,
## you can use these alternative items. Otherwise, their values should be empty.
full-zoom-reduce-shortcut =
.key = -
full-zoom-reduce-shortcut-alt-a =
.key = _
full-zoom-reduce-shortcut-alt-b =
.key = { "" }
full-zoom-enlarge-shortcut =
.key = +
full-zoom-enlarge-shortcut-alt =
.key = =
full-zoom-enlarge-shortcut-alt2 =
.key = { "" }
full-zoom-reset-shortcut =
.key = 0
full-zoom-reset-shortcut-alt =
.key = { "" }
bidi-switch-direction-shortcut =
.key = X
private-browsing-shortcut =
.key = P
## The shortcuts below are for Mac specific
## global menu.
quit-app-shortcut =
.key = Q
help-shortcut =
.key = ?
preferences-shortcut =
.key = ,
hide-app-shortcut =
.key = H
hide-other-apps-shortcut =
.key = H