
2385 lines
62 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

Copyright (c) 2006 Center for History and New Media
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
GUID: 'zotero@chnm.gmu.edu',
DB_REBUILD: false, // erase DB and recreate from schema
REPOSITORY_URL: 'http://www.zotero.org/repo',
FIRST_RUN_URL: 'http://www.zotero.org/support/quick_start_guide',
SYNC_URL: 'https://sync.zotero.org/'
* Core functions
var Zotero = new function(){
// Privileged (public) methods
this.init = init;
this.stateCheck = stateCheck;
this.getProfileDirectory = getProfileDirectory;
this.getInstallDirectory = getInstallDirectory;
this.getZoteroDirectory = getZoteroDirectory;
this.getStorageDirectory = getStorageDirectory;
this.getZoteroDatabase = getZoteroDatabase;
this.chooseZoteroDirectory = chooseZoteroDirectory;
this.debug = debug;
this.log = log;
this.getErrors = getErrors;
this.getSystemInfo = getSystemInfo;
this.varDump = varDump;
this.safeDebug = safeDebug;
this.getString = getString;
this.localeJoin = localeJoin;
this.getLocaleCollation = getLocaleCollation;
this.setFontSize = setFontSize;
this.flattenArguments = flattenArguments;
this.getAncestorByTagName = getAncestorByTagName;
this.join = join;
this.inArray = inArray;
this.arraySearch = arraySearch;
this.arrayToHash = arrayToHash;
this.hasValues = hasValues;
this.randomString = randomString;
this.moveToUnique = moveToUnique;
this.reloadDataObjects = reloadDataObjects;
// Public properties
this.initialized = false;
this.skipLoading = false;
this.__defineGetter__("startupError", function() { return _startupError; });
this.__defineGetter__("startupErrorHandler", function() { return _startupErrorHandler; });
this.dir; // locale direction: 'ltr' or 'rtl'
this.initialURL; // used by Schema to show the changelog on upgrades
var _startupError;
var _startupErrorHandler;
var _zoteroDirectory = false;
var _debugLogging;
var _debugLevel;
var _debugTime;
var _debugLastTime;
var _localizedStringBundle;
* Initialize the extension
function init(){
if (this.initialized || this.skipLoading) {
return false;
var start = (new Date()).getTime()
// Register shutdown handler to call Zotero.shutdown()
var observerService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]
observe: Zotero.shutdown
}, "quit-application", false);
// Load in the preferences branch for the extension
_debugLogging = Zotero.Prefs.get('debug.log');
_debugLevel = Zotero.Prefs.get('debug.level');
_debugTime = Zotero.Prefs.get('debug.time');
// Load in the extension version from the extension manager
var nsIUpdateItem = Components.interfaces.nsIUpdateItem;
var gExtensionManager =
= gExtensionManager.getItemForID(ZOTERO_CONFIG['GUID']).version;
var appInfo =
this.isFx2 = appInfo.platformVersion.indexOf('1.8') === 0; // TODO: remove
this.isFx3 = appInfo.platformVersion.indexOf('1.9') === 0;
this.isFx30 = appInfo.platformVersion == '1.9'
|| appInfo.platformVersion.indexOf('1.9.0') === 0;
this.isFx35 = appInfo.platformVersion.indexOf('1.9.1') === 0;
this.isFx31 = this.isFx35;
// OS platform
var win = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/appShellService;1"]
this.platform = win.navigator.platform;
this.isMac = (this.platform.substr(0, 3) == "Mac");
this.isWin = (this.platform.substr(0, 3) == "Win");
this.isLinux = (this.platform.substr(0, 5) == "Linux");
// Locale
var ph = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=http"].
if (ph.language.length == 2) {
this.locale = ph.language + '-' + ph.language.toUpperCase();
else {
this.locale = ph.language;
// Load in the localization stringbundle for use by getString(name)
var src = 'chrome://zotero/locale/zotero.properties';
var localeService = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/intl/nslocaleservice;1'].
var appLocale = localeService.getApplicationLocale();
var stringBundleService =
_localizedStringBundle = stringBundleService.createBundle(src, appLocale);
// Set the locale direction to Zotero.dir
// DEBUG: is there a better way to get the entity from JS?
var xmlhttp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"]
xmlhttp.open('GET', 'chrome://global/locale/global.dtd', false);
var matches = xmlhttp.responseText.match(/(ltr|rtl)/);
if (matches && matches[0] == 'rtl') {
this.dir = 'rtl';
else {
this.dir = 'ltr';
try {
var dataDir = this.getZoteroDirectory();
catch (e) {
// Zotero dir not found
if (e.name == 'NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND') {
_startupError = Zotero.getString('dataDir.notFound');
_startupErrorHandler = function() {
var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
var win = wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser');
var ps = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].
var buttonFlags = (ps.BUTTON_POS_0) * (ps.BUTTON_TITLE_OK)
var index = ps.confirmEx(win,
_startupError + '\n\n' +
Zotero.getString('dataDir.previousDir') + ' '
+ Zotero.Prefs.get('lastDataDir'),
buttonFlags, null,
null, {});
// Revert to profile directory
if (index == 1) {
Zotero.chooseZoteroDirectory(false, true);
// Locate data directory
else if (index == 2) {
// DEBUG: handle more startup errors
else {
throw (e);
// Check for DB restore
var restoreFile = dataDir.clone();
if (restoreFile.exists()) {
try {
// TODO: better error handling
// TODO: prompt for location
// TODO: Back up database
var dbfile = Zotero.getZoteroDatabase();
// Recreate database with no quick start guide
Zotero.Schema.skipDefaultData = true;
this.restoreFromServer = true;
catch (e) {
// Restore from backup?
try {
catch (e) {
this.skipLoading = true;
Zotero.DB.skipBackup = true;
// Add notifier queue callbacks to the DB layer
Zotero.DB.addCallback('begin', Zotero.Notifier.begin);
Zotero.DB.addCallback('commit', Zotero.Notifier.commit);
Zotero.DB.addCallback('rollback', Zotero.Notifier.reset);
// Trigger updating of schema and scrapers
if (Zotero.Schema.userDataUpgradeRequired()) {
var upgraded = Zotero.Schema.showUpgradeWizard();
if (!upgraded) {
this.skipLoading = true;
Zotero.DB.skipBackup = true;
return false;
// If no userdata upgrade, still might need to process system/scrapers
else {
try {
catch (e) {
if (typeof e == 'string' && e.match('newer than SQL file')) {
_startupError = e;
else {
_startupError = "Database upgrade error";
return false;
// Initialize integration web server
// Initialize data web server
// Initialize keyboard shortcuts
this.initialized = true;
Zotero.debug("Initialized in "+((new Date()).getTime() - start)+" ms");
return true;
* Check if a DB transaction is open and, if so, disable Zotero
function stateCheck() {
if (Zotero.DB.transactionInProgress()) {
this.initialized = false;
this.skipLoading = true;
return false;
return true;
this.shutdown = function (subject, topic, data) {
Zotero.debug("Shutting down Zotero");
return true;
function getProfileDirectory(){
return Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"]
.get("ProfD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
function getInstallDirectory() {
var em = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1"].
var installDir = em.getInstallLocation(id).getItemLocation(id);
return installDir;
function getZoteroDirectory(){
if (_zoteroDirectory != false) {
// Return a clone of the file pointer so that callers can modify it
return _zoteroDirectory.clone();
if (Zotero.Prefs.get('useDataDir')) {
var file = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].
try {
file.persistentDescriptor = Zotero.Prefs.get('dataDir');
catch (e) {
Zotero.debug("Persistent descriptor in extensions.zotero.dataDir did not resolve", 1);
e = { name: "NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND" };
throw (e);
if (!file.exists()) {
var e = { name: "NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND" };
throw (e);
else {
var file = Zotero.getProfileDirectory();
Zotero.debug("Using data directory " + file.path);
_zoteroDirectory = file;
return file.clone();
function getStorageDirectory(){
var file = Zotero.getZoteroDirectory();
return file;
function getZoteroDatabase(name, ext){
name = name ? name + '.sqlite' : 'zotero.sqlite';
ext = ext ? '.' + ext : '';
var file = Zotero.getZoteroDirectory();
file.append(name + ext);
return file;
* @return {nsIFile}
this.getTempDirectory = function () {
var tmp = this.getZoteroDirectory();
return tmp;
this.removeTempDirectory = function () {
var tmp = this.getZoteroDirectory();
if (tmp.exists()) {
try {
catch (e) {}
this.getStylesDirectory = function () {
var dir = this.getZoteroDirectory();
return dir;
this.getTranslatorsDirectory = function () {
var dir = this.getZoteroDirectory();
return dir;
function chooseZoteroDirectory(forceRestartNow, useProfileDir) {
var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
var win = wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser');
var ps = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]
if (useProfileDir) {
Zotero.Prefs.set('useDataDir', false);
else {
var nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
while (true) {
var fp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"]
fp.init(win, Zotero.getString('dataDir.selectDir'), nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder);
if (fp.show() == nsIFilePicker.returnOK) {
var file = fp.file;
if (file.directoryEntries.hasMoreElements()) {
var dbfile = file.clone();
// Warn if non-empty and no zotero.sqlite
if (!dbfile.exists()) {
var buttonFlags = ps.STD_YES_NO_BUTTONS;
var index = ps.confirmEx(win,
buttonFlags, null, null, null, null, {});
// Not OK -- return to file picker
if (index == 1) {
// Set new data directory
Zotero.Prefs.set('dataDir', file.persistentDescriptor);
Zotero.Prefs.set('lastDataDir', file.path);
Zotero.Prefs.set('useDataDir', true);
else {
return false;
var buttonFlags = (ps.BUTTON_POS_0) * (ps.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING);
if (!forceRestartNow) {
buttonFlags += (ps.BUTTON_POS_1) * (ps.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING);
var index = ps.confirmEx(win,
forceRestartNow ? null : Zotero.getString('general.restartLater'),
null, null, {});
if (index == 0) {
var appStartup = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/toolkit/app-startup;1"]
return useProfileDir ? true : file;
* Debug logging function
* Uses prefs e.z.debug.log and e.z.debug.level (restart required)
* Defaults to log level 3 if level not provided
function debug(message, level) {
if (!_debugLogging){
return false;
if (typeof message!='string'){
message = Zotero.varDump(message);
if (!level){
level = 3;
// If level above debug.level value, don't display
if (level > _debugLevel){
return false;
var deltaStr = '';
if (_debugTime) {
var delta = 0;
var d = new Date();
if (_debugLastTime) {
delta = d - _debugLastTime;
_debugLastTime = d;
while (("" + delta).length < 7) {
delta = '0' + delta;
deltaStr = '(+' + delta + ')';
dump('zotero(' + level + ')' + deltaStr + ': ' + message + "\n\n");
return true;
* Log a message to the Mozilla JS error console
* |type| is a string with one of the flag types in nsIScriptError:
* 'error', 'warning', 'exception', 'strict'
function log(message, type, sourceName, sourceLine, lineNumber, columnNumber) {
var consoleService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"]
var scriptError = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/scripterror;1"]
if (!type) {
type = 'warning';
var flags = scriptError[type + 'Flag'];
sourceName ? sourceName : null,
sourceLine != undefined ? sourceLine : null,
lineNumber != undefined ? lineNumber : null,
columnNumber != undefined ? columnNumber : null,
'XUL javascript' // DEBUG: this doesn't seem to work
function getErrors(asStrings) {
var errors = [];
var cs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"].
var messages = {};
cs.getMessageArray(messages, {})
var skip = ['CSS Parser', 'content javascript'];
for each(var msg in messages.value) {
try {
if (skip.indexOf(msg.category) != -1 || msg.flags & msg.warningFlag) {
catch (e) { }
var blacklist = [
"No chrome package registered for chrome://communicator",
'[JavaScript Error: "Components is not defined" {file: "chrome://nightly/content/talkback/talkback.js',
'[JavaScript Error: "document.getElementById("sanitizeItem")',
'No chrome package registered for chrome://piggy-bank',
'[JavaScript Error: "[Exception... "\'Component is not available\' when calling method: [nsIHandlerService::getTypeFromExtension',
'[JavaScript Error: "this._uiElement is null',
'Error: a._updateVisibleText is not a function',
'[JavaScript Error: "Warning: unrecognized command line flag ',
'[JavaScript Error: "Warning: unrecognized command line flag -foreground',
'function skype_',
'[JavaScript Error: "uncaught exception: Permission denied to call method Location.toString"]'
for (var i=0; i<blacklist.length; i++) {
if (msg.message.indexOf(blacklist[i]) != -1) {
//Zotero.debug("Skipping blacklisted error: " + msg.message);
continue msgblock;
// Remove password in malformed XML messages
if (msg.category == 'malformed-xml') {
try {
// msg.message is read-only, so store separately
var altMessage = msg.message.replace(/(file: "https?:\/\/[^:]+:)([^@]+)(@[^"]+")/, "$1********$3");
catch (e) {}
if (asStrings) {
errors.push(altMessage ? altMessage : msg.message)
else {
return errors;
function getSystemInfo() {
var appInfo = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"].
var info = {
version: Zotero.version,
platform: Zotero.platform,
locale: Zotero.locale,
appName: appInfo.name,
appVersion: appInfo.version,
extensions: this.getInstalledExtensions().join(', ')
var str = '';
for (var key in info) {
str += key + ' => ' + info[key] + ', ';
str = str.substr(0, str.length - 2);
return str;
* @return {String[]} Array of extension names and versions
this.getInstalledExtensions = function () {
var em = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1"].
var installed = em.getItemList(
Components.interfaces.nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_ANY, {}
var addons = [];
for each(var addon in installed) {
switch (addon.id) {
case "zotero@chnm.gmu.edu":
case "{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}": // Default theme
addons.push(addon.name + " (" + addon.version
+ (addon.type != 2 ? ", " + addon.type : "") + ")");
return addons;
* PHP var_dump equivalent for JS
* Adapted from http://binnyva.blogspot.com/2005/10/dump-function-javascript-equivalent-of.html
function varDump(arr,level) {
var dumped_text = "";
if (!level){
level = 0;
// The padding given at the beginning of the line.
var level_padding = "";
for (var j=0;j<level+1;j++){
level_padding += " ";
if (typeof(arr) == 'object') { // Array/Hashes/Objects
for (var item in arr) {
var value = arr[item];
if (typeof(value) == 'object') { // If it is an array,
dumped_text += level_padding + "'" + item + "' ...\n";
dumped_text += arguments.callee(value,level+1);
else {
if (typeof value == 'function'){
dumped_text += level_padding + "'" + item + "' => function(...){...} \n";
else if (typeof value == 'number') {
dumped_text += level_padding + "'" + item + "' => " + value + "\n";
else {
dumped_text += level_padding + "'" + item + "' => \"" + value + "\"\n";
else { // Stings/Chars/Numbers etc.
dumped_text = "===>"+arr+"<===("+typeof(arr)+")";
return dumped_text;
function safeDebug(obj){
for (var i in obj){
try {
Zotero.debug(i + ': ' + obj[i]);
catch (e){
try {
Zotero.debug(i + ': ERROR');
catch (e){}
function getString(name, params){
try {
if (params != undefined){
if (typeof params != 'object'){
params = [params];
var l10n = _localizedStringBundle.formatStringFromName(name, params, params.length);
else {
var l10n = _localizedStringBundle.GetStringFromName(name);
catch (e){
throw ('Localized string not available for ' + name);
return l10n;
* Join the elements of an array into a string using the appropriate
* locale direction
* |separator| defaults to a space (not a comma like Array.join()) if
* not specified
* TODO: Substitute localized characters (e.g. Arabic comma and semicolon)
function localeJoin(arr, separator) {
if (typeof separator == 'undefined') {
separator = ' ';
if (this.dir == 'rtl') {
return arr.join(separator);
function getLocaleCollation() {
var localeService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/nslocaleservice;1"]
var collationFactory = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/collation-factory;1"]
return collationFactory.CreateCollation(localeService.getApplicationLocale());
* Sets font size based on prefs -- intended for use on root element
* (zotero-pane, note window, etc.)
function setFontSize(rootElement) {
var size = Zotero.Prefs.get('fontSize');
rootElement.style.fontSize = size + 'em';
if (size <= 1) {
size = 'small';
else if (size <= 1.25) {
size = 'medium';
else {
size = 'large';
// Custom attribute -- allows for additional customizations in zotero.css
rootElement.setAttribute('zoteroFontSize', size);
* Flattens mixed arrays/values in a passed _arguments_ object and returns
* an array of values -- allows for functions to accept both arrays of
* values and/or an arbitrary number of individual values
function flattenArguments(args){
// Put passed scalar values into an array
if (typeof args!='object' || args===null){
args = [args];
var returns = new Array();
for (var i=0; i<args.length; i++){
if (typeof args[i]=='object'){
if(args[i]) {
for (var j=0; j<args[i].length; j++){
else {
return returns;
function getAncestorByTagName(elem, tagName){
while (elem.parentNode){
elem = elem.parentNode;
if (elem.localName == tagName) {
return elem;
return false;
* A version of join() that operates externally for use on objects other
* than arrays (e.g. _arguments_)
* Note that this is safer than extending Object()
function join(obj, delim){
var a = [];
for (var i=0, len=obj.length; i<len; i++){
return a.join(delim);
* PHP's in_array() for JS -- returns true if a value is contained in
* an array, false otherwise
function inArray(needle, haystack){
for (var i in haystack){
if (haystack[i]==needle){
return true;
return false;
* PHP's array_search() for JS -- searches an array for a value and
* returns the key if found, false otherwise
function arraySearch(needle, haystack){
for (var i in haystack){
if (haystack[i]==needle){
return i;
return false;
function arrayToHash(array){
var hash = {};
for each(var val in array){
hash[val] = true;
return hash;
* Returns true if an object (or associative array) has at least one value
function hasValues(obj) {
for (var i in obj) {
return true;
return false;
* Generate a random string of length 'len' (defaults to 8)
function randomString(len, chars) {
if (!chars) {
chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
if (!len) {
len = 8;
var randomstring = '';
for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {
var rnum = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
randomstring += chars.substring(rnum,rnum+1);
return randomstring;
function moveToUnique(file, newFile){
newFile.createUnique(Components.interfaces.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0644);
var newName = newFile.leafName;
// Move file to unique name
file.moveTo(newFile.parent, newName);
return file;
* Clear entries that no longer exist from various tables
this.purgeDataObjects = function (skipStoragePurge) {
if (!skipStoragePurge && Zotero.Sync.Storage.active && Zotero.Utilities.prototype.probability(10)) {
function reloadDataObjects() {
Zotero.Prefs = new function(){
// Privileged methods
this.init = init;
this.get = get;
this.set = set;
this.register = register;
this.unregister = unregister;
this.observe = observe;
// Public properties
function init(){
var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
this.prefBranch = prefs.getBranch("extensions.zotero.");
// Register observer to handle pref changes
* Retrieve a preference
function get(pref, global){
try {
if (global) {
var service = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
else {
var service = this.prefBranch;
switch (this.prefBranch.getPrefType(pref)){
case this.prefBranch.PREF_BOOL:
return this.prefBranch.getBoolPref(pref);
case this.prefBranch.PREF_STRING:
return this.prefBranch.getCharPref(pref);
case this.prefBranch.PREF_INT:
return this.prefBranch.getIntPref(pref);
catch (e){
throw ("Invalid preference '" + pref + "'");
* Set a preference
function set(pref, value){
try {
switch (this.prefBranch.getPrefType(pref)){
case this.prefBranch.PREF_BOOL:
return this.prefBranch.setBoolPref(pref, value);
case this.prefBranch.PREF_STRING:
return this.prefBranch.setCharPref(pref, value);
case this.prefBranch.PREF_INT:
return this.prefBranch.setIntPref(pref, value);
catch (e){
throw ("Invalid preference '" + pref + "'");
// Methods to register a preferences observer
function register(){
this.prefBranch.addObserver("", this, false);
function unregister(){
if (!this.prefBranch){
this.prefBranch.removeObserver("", this);
function observe(subject, topic, data){
// subject is the nsIPrefBranch we're observing (after appropriate QI)
// data is the name of the pref that's been changed (relative to subject)
switch (data){
case "automaticScraperUpdates":
if (this.get('automaticScraperUpdates')){
else {
case "zoteroDotOrgVersionHeader":
if (this.get("zoteroDotOrgVersionHeader")) {
else {
case "sync.autoSync":
if (this.get("sync.autoSync")) {
else {
* Handles keyboard shortcut initialization from preferences, optionally
* overriding existing global shortcuts
* Actions are configured in ZoteroPane.handleKeyPress()
Zotero.Keys = new function() {
this.init = init;
this.windowInit = windowInit;
this.getCommand = getCommand;
var _keys = {};
* Called by Zotero.init()
function init() {
var actions = Zotero.Prefs.prefBranch.getChildList('keys', {}, {});
// Get the key=>command mappings from the prefs
for each(var action in actions) {
var action = action.substr(5); // strips 'keys.'
if (action == 'overrideGlobal') {
_keys[Zotero.Prefs.get('keys.' + action)] = action;
* Called by ZoteroPane.onLoad()
function windowInit(document) {
var useShift = Zotero.isMac;
// Zotero pane shortcut
var zKey = Zotero.Prefs.get('keys.openZotero');
var keyElem = document.getElementById('key_openZotero');
// Only override the default with the pref if the <key> hasn't been manually changed
// and the pref has been
if (keyElem.getAttribute('key') == 'Z' && keyElem.getAttribute('modifiers') == 'accel alt'
&& (zKey != 'Z' || useShift)) {
keyElem.setAttribute('key', zKey);
if (useShift) {
keyElem.setAttribute('modifiers', 'accel shift');
if (Zotero.Prefs.get('keys.overrideGlobal')) {
var keys = document.getElementsByTagName('key');
for each(var key in keys) {
try {
var id = key.getAttribute('id');
// A couple keys are always invalid
catch (e) {
if (id == 'key_openZotero') {
var mods = key.getAttribute('modifiers').split(/[\,\s]/);
var second = useShift ? 'shift' : 'alt';
// Key doesn't match a Zotero shortcut
if (mods.length != 2 || !((mods[0] == 'accel' && mods[1] == second) ||
(mods[0] == second && mods[1] == 'accel'))) {
if (_keys[key.getAttribute('key')] || key.getAttribute('key') == zKey) {
// Don't override Redo on Fx3 Mac, since Redo and Zotero can coexist
if (zKey == 'Z' && key.getAttribute('key') == 'Z'
&& id == 'key_redo' && Zotero.isFx3 && Zotero.isMac) {
Zotero.debug('Removing key ' + id + ' with accesskey ' + key.getAttribute('key'));
function getCommand(key) {
return _keys[key] ? _keys[key] : false;
* Add X-Zotero-Version header to HTTP requests to zotero.org
* @namespace
Zotero.VersionHeader = {
init: function () {
if (Zotero.Prefs.get("zoteroDotOrgVersionHeader")) {
// Called from this.init() and Zotero.Prefs.observe()
register: function () {
var observerService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]
observerService.addObserver(this, "http-on-modify-request", false);
observe: function (subject, topic, data) {
try {
var channel = subject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIHttpChannel);
if (channel.URI.host.match(/zotero\.org$/)) {
channel.setRequestHeader("X-Zotero-Version", Zotero.version, false);
catch (e) {
unregister: function () {
var observerService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]
observerService.removeObserver(this, "http-on-modify-request");
* Class for creating hash arrays that behave a bit more sanely
* Hashes can be created in the constructor by alternating key and val:
* var hasharray = new Zotero.Hash('foo','foovalue','bar','barvalue');
* Or using hasharray.set(key, val)
* _val_ defaults to true if not provided
* If using foreach-style looping, be sure to use _for (i in arr.items)_
* rather than just _for (i in arr)_, or else you'll end up with the
* methods and members instead of the hash items
* Most importantly, hasharray.length will work as expected, even with
* non-numeric keys
* Adapated from http://www.mojavelinux.com/articles/javascript_hashes.html
* (c) Mojavelinux, Inc.
* License: Creative Commons
Zotero.Hash = function(){
this.length = 0;
this.items = {};
// Public methods defined on prototype below
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 2) {
if (typeof(arguments[i + 1]) != 'undefined') {
this.items[arguments[i]] = arguments[i + 1];
Zotero.Hash.prototype.get = function(in_key){
return this.items[in_key] ? this.items[in_key] : false;
Zotero.Hash.prototype.set = function(in_key, in_value){
// Default to a boolean hash if value not provided
if (typeof(in_value) == 'undefined'){
in_value = true;
if (typeof(this.items[in_key]) == 'undefined') {
this.items[in_key] = in_value;
return in_value;
Zotero.Hash.prototype.remove = function(in_key){
var tmp_value;
if (typeof(this.items[in_key]) != 'undefined') {
var tmp_value = this.items[in_key];
delete this.items[in_key];
return tmp_value;
Zotero.Hash.prototype.has = function(in_key){
return typeof(this.items[in_key]) != 'undefined';
* Singleton for common text formatting routines
Zotero.Text = new function() {
this.titleCase = titleCase;
var skipWords = ["but", "or", "yet", "so", "for", "and", "nor", "a", "an",
"the", "at", "by", "from", "in", "into", "of", "on", "to", "with", "up",
"down", "as"];
// this may only match a single character
var delimiterRegexp = /([ \/\-–—])/;
function titleCase(string) {
if (!string) {
return "";
// split words
var words = string.split(delimiterRegexp);
var isUpperCase = string.toUpperCase() == string;
var newString = "";
var delimiterOffset = words[0].length;
var lastWordIndex = words.length-1;
var previousWordIndex = -1;
for(var i=0; i<=lastWordIndex; i++) {
// only do manipulation if not a delimiter character
if(words[i].length != 0 && (words[i].length != 1 || !delimiterRegexp.test(words[i]))) {
var upperCaseVariant = words[i].toUpperCase();
var lowerCaseVariant = words[i].toLowerCase();
// only use if word does not already possess some capitalization
if(isUpperCase || words[i] == lowerCaseVariant) {
// a skip word
skipWords.indexOf(lowerCaseVariant.replace(/[^a-zA-Z]+/, "")) != -1
// not first or last word
&& i != 0 && i != lastWordIndex
// does not follow a colon
&& (previousWordIndex == -1 || words[previousWordIndex][words[previousWordIndex].length-1] != ":")
) {
words[i] = lowerCaseVariant;
} else {
// this is not a skip word or comes after a colon;
// we must capitalize
words[i] = upperCaseVariant[0] + lowerCaseVariant.substr(1);
previousWordIndex = i;
newString += words[i];
return newString;
Zotero.Date = new function(){
this.sqlToDate = sqlToDate;
this.dateToSQL = dateToSQL;
this.strToDate = strToDate;
this.formatDate = formatDate;
this.strToISO = strToISO;
this.strToMultipart = strToMultipart;
this.isMultipart = isMultipart;
this.multipartToSQL = multipartToSQL;
this.multipartToStr = multipartToStr;
this.isSQLDate = isSQLDate;
this.isSQLDateTime = isSQLDateTime;
this.sqlHasYear = sqlHasYear;
this.sqlHasMonth = sqlHasMonth;
this.sqlHasDay = sqlHasDay;
this.getUnixTimestamp = getUnixTimestamp;
this.toUnixTimestamp = toUnixTimestamp;
this.getFileDateString = getFileDateString;
this.getFileTimeString = getFileTimeString;
this.getLocaleDateOrder = getLocaleDateOrder;
var _localeDateOrder = null;
* Convert an SQL date in the form '2006-06-13 11:03:05' into a JS Date object
* Can also accept just the date part (e.g. '2006-06-13')
function sqlToDate(sqldate, isUTC){
try {
var datetime = sqldate.split(' ');
var dateparts = datetime[0].split('-');
if (datetime[1]){
var timeparts = datetime[1].split(':');
else {
timeparts = [false, false, false];
// Invalid date part
if (dateparts.length==1){
return false;
if (isUTC){
return new Date(Date.UTC(dateparts[0], dateparts[1]-1, dateparts[2],
timeparts[0], timeparts[1], timeparts[2]));
return new Date(dateparts[0], dateparts[1]-1, dateparts[2],
timeparts[0], timeparts[1], timeparts[2]);
catch (e){
Zotero.debug(sqldate + ' is not a valid SQL date', 2)
return false;
* Convert a JS Date object to an SQL date in the form '2006-06-13 11:03:05'
* If _toUTC_ is true, creates a UTC date
function dateToSQL(date, toUTC)
try {
if (toUTC){
var year = date.getUTCFullYear();
var month = date.getUTCMonth();
var day = date.getUTCDate();
var hours = date.getUTCHours();
var minutes = date.getUTCMinutes();
var seconds = date.getUTCSeconds();
else {
return date.toLocaleFormat('%Y-%m-%d %T');
var utils = new Zotero.Utilities();
year = utils.lpad(year, '0', 4);
month = utils.lpad(month + 1, '0', 2);
day = utils.lpad(day, '0', 2);
hours = utils.lpad(hours, '0', 2);
minutes = utils.lpad(minutes, '0', 2);
seconds = utils.lpad(seconds, '0', 2);
return year + '-' + month + '-' + day + ' '
+ hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds;
catch (e){
Zotero.debug(date + ' is not a valid JS date', 2);
return '';
* Convert a JS Date object to an ISO 8601 UTC date/time
* @param {Date} date JS Date object
* @return {String} ISO 8601 UTC date/time
* e.g. 2008-08-15T20:00:00Z
this.dateToISO = function (date) {
var year = date.getUTCFullYear();
var month = date.getUTCMonth();
var day = date.getUTCDate();
var hours = date.getUTCHours();
var minutes = date.getUTCMinutes();
var seconds = date.getUTCSeconds();
var utils = new Zotero.Utilities();
year = utils.lpad(year, '0', 4);
month = utils.lpad(month + 1, '0', 2);
day = utils.lpad(day, '0', 2);
hours = utils.lpad(hours, '0', 2);
minutes = utils.lpad(minutes, '0', 2);
seconds = utils.lpad(seconds, '0', 2);
return year + '-' + month + '-' + day + 'T'
+ hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds + 'Z';
* Convert an ISO 8601formatted UTC date/time to a JS Date
* Adapted from http://delete.me.uk/2005/03/iso8601.html (AFL-licensed)
* @param {String} isoDate ISO 8601 date
* @return {Date} JS Date
this.isoToDate = function (isoDate) {
var re8601 = /([0-9]{4})(-([0-9]{2})(-([0-9]{2})(T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2})(\.([0-9]+))?)?(Z|(([-+])([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})))?)?)?)?/;
var d = isoDate.match(re8601);
var offset = 0;
var date = new Date(d[1], 0, 1);
if (d[3]) { date.setMonth(d[3] - 1); }
if (d[5]) { date.setDate(d[5]); }
if (d[7]) { date.setHours(d[7]); }
if (d[8]) { date.setMinutes(d[8]); }
if (d[10]) { date.setSeconds(d[10]); }
if (d[12]) { date.setMilliseconds(Number("0." + d[12]) * 1000); }
if (d[14]) {
offset = (Number(d[16]) * 60) + Number(d[17]);
offset *= ((d[15] == '-') ? 1 : -1);
offset -= date.getTimezoneOffset();
var time = (Number(date) + (offset * 60 * 1000));
return new Date(time);
* converts a string to an object containing:
* day: integer form of the day
* month: integer form of the month (indexed from 0, not 1)
* year: 4 digit year (or, year + BC/AD/etc.)
* part: anything that does not fall under any of the above categories
* (e.g., "Summer," etc.)
* Note: the returned object is *not* a JS Date object
var _slashRe = /^(.*?)\b([0-9]{1,4})(?:([\-\/\.\u5e74])([0-9]{1,2}))?(?:([\-\/\.\u6708])([0-9]{1,4}))?\b(.*?)$/
var _yearRe = /^(.*?)\b((?:circa |around |about |c\.? ?)?[0-9]{1,4}(?: ?B\.? ?C\.?(?: ?E\.?)?| ?C\.? ?E\.?| ?A\.? ?D\.?)|[0-9]{3,4})\b(.*?)$/i;
var _monthRe = null;
var _dayRe = null;
function strToDate(string) {
var date = new Object();
// skip empty things
if(!string) {
return date;
string = string.toString().replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "").replace(/\s+/, " ");
// first, directly inspect the string
var m = _slashRe.exec(string);
if(m &&
(!m[5] || m[3] == m[5] || (m[3] == "\u5e74" && m[5] == "\u6708")) && // require sane separators
((m[2] && m[4] && m[6]) || (!m[1] && !m[7]))) { // require that either all parts are found,
// or else this is the entire date field
// figure out date based on parts
if(m[2].length == 3 || m[2].length == 4 || m[3] == "\u5e74") {
// ISO 8601 style date (big endian)
date.year = m[2];
date.month = m[4];
date.day = m[6];
} else {
// local style date (middle or little endian)
date.year = m[6];
var country = Zotero.locale.substr(3);
if(country == "US" || // The United States
country == "FM" || // The Federated States of Micronesia
country == "PW" || // Palau
country == "PH") { // The Philippines
date.month = m[2];
date.day = m[4];
} else {
date.month = m[4];
date.day = m[2];
if(date.year) date.year = parseInt(date.year, 10);
if(date.day) date.day = parseInt(date.day, 10);
if(date.month) {
date.month = parseInt(date.month, 10);
if(date.month > 12) {
// swap day and month
var tmp = date.day;
date.day = date.month
date.month = tmp;
if((!date.month || date.month <= 12) && (!date.day || date.day <= 31)) {
if(date.year && date.year < 100) { // for two digit years, determine proper
// four digit year
var today = new Date();
var year = today.getFullYear();
var twoDigitYear = year % 100;
var century = year - twoDigitYear;
if(date.year <= twoDigitYear) {
// assume this date is from our century
date.year = century + date.year;
} else {
// assume this date is from the previous century
date.year = century - 100 + date.year;
if(date.month) date.month--; // subtract one for JS style
Zotero.debug("DATE: retrieved with algorithms: "+date.toSource());
date.part = m[1]+m[7];
} else {
// give up; we failed the sanity check
Zotero.debug("DATE: algorithms failed sanity check");
date = {"part":string};
} else {
Zotero.debug("DATE: could not apply algorithms");
date.part = string;
// couldn't find something with the algorithms; use regexp
if(!date.year) {
var m = _yearRe.exec(date.part);
if(m) {
date.year = m[2];
date.part = m[1]+m[3];
Zotero.debug("DATE: got year ("+date.year+", "+date.part+")");
if(!date.month) {
// compile month regular expression
var months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul',
'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];
// If using a non-English bibliography locale, try those too
if (Zotero.CSL.Global.locale != 'en-US') {
months = months.concat(Zotero.CSL.Global.getMonthStrings("short"));
if(!_monthRe) {
_monthRe = new RegExp("^(.*)\\b("+months.join("|")+")[^ ]*(?: (.*)$|$)", "i");
var m = _monthRe.exec(date.part);
if(m) {
// Modulo 12 in case we have multiple languages
date.month = months.indexOf(m[2][0].toUpperCase()+m[2].substr(1).toLowerCase()) % 12;
date.part = m[1]+m[3];
Zotero.debug("DATE: got month ("+date.month+", "+date.part+")");
// DAY
if(!date.day) {
// compile day regular expression
if(!_dayRe) {
var daySuffixes = Zotero.getString("date.daySuffixes").replace(/, ?/g, "|");
_dayRe = new RegExp("\\b([0-9]{1,2})(?:"+daySuffixes+")?\\b(.*)", "i");
var m = _dayRe.exec(date.part);
if(m) {
var day = parseInt(m[1], 10);
// Sanity check
if (day <= 31) {
date.day = day;
if(m.index > 0) {
date.part = date.part.substr(0, m.index);
if(m[2]) {
date.part += " "+m[2];;
} else {
date.part = m[2];
Zotero.debug("DATE: got day ("+date.day+", "+date.part+")");
// clean up date part
if(date.part) {
date.part = date.part.replace(/^[^A-Za-z0-9]+/, "").replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]+$/, "");
if(!date.part.length) {
date.part = undefined;
return date;
* does pretty formatting of a date object returned by strToDate()
* @param {Object} date A date object, as returned from strToDate()
* @param {Boolean} shortFormat Whether to return a short (12/1/95) date
* @return A formatted date string
* @type String
function formatDate(date, shortFormat) {
if(shortFormat) {
var localeDateOrder = getLocaleDateOrder();
var string = localeDateOrder[0]+"/"+localeDateOrder[1]+"/"+localeDateOrder[2];
return string.replace("y", (date.year !== undefined ? date.year : "00"))
.replace("m", (date.month !== undefined ? 1+date.month : "0"))
.replace("d", (date.day !== undefined ? date.day : "0"));
} else {
var string = "";
if(date.part) {
string += date.part+" ";
var months = Zotero.CSL.Global.getMonthStrings("long");
if(date.month != undefined && months[date.month]) {
// get short month strings from CSL interpreter
string += months[date.month];
if(date.day) {
string += " "+date.day+", ";
} else {
string += " ";
if(date.year) {
string += date.year;
return string;
function strToISO(str) {
var date = Zotero.Date.strToDate(str);
if(date.year) {
var dateString = Zotero.Utilities.prototype.lpad(date.year, "0", 4);
if(date.month) {
dateString += "-"+Zotero.Utilities.prototype.lpad(date.month+1, "0", 2);
if(date.day) {
dateString += "-"+Zotero.Utilities.prototype.lpad(date.day, "0", 2);
return dateString;
return false;
function strToMultipart(str){
if (!str){
return '';
var utils = new Zotero.Utilities();
var parts = strToDate(str);
parts.month = typeof parts.month != "undefined" ? parts.month + 1 : '';
var multi = (parts.year ? utils.lpad(parts.year, '0', 4) : '0000') + '-'
+ utils.lpad(parts.month, '0', 2) + '-'
+ (parts.day ? utils.lpad(parts.day, '0', 2) : '00')
+ ' '
+ str;
return multi;
// Regexes for multipart and SQL dates
// Allow zeroes in multipart dates
// TODO: Allow negative multipart in DB and here with \-?
var _multipartRE = /^[0-9]{4}\-(0[0-9]|10|11|12)\-(0[0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30|31) /;
var _sqldateRE = /^\-?[0-9]{4}\-(0[1-9]|10|11|12)\-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30|31)$/;
var _sqldatetimeRE = /^\-?[0-9]{4}\-(0[1-9]|10|11|12)\-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30|31) ([0-1][0-9]|[2][0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])$/;
* Tests if a string is a multipart date string
* e.g. '2006-11-03 November 3rd, 2006'
function isMultipart(str){
return _multipartRE.test(str);
* Returns the SQL part of a multipart date string
* (e.g. '2006-11-03 November 3rd, 2006' returns '2006-11-03')
function multipartToSQL(multi){
if (!multi){
return '';
if (!isMultipart(multi)){
return '0000-00-00';
return multi.substr(0, 10);
* Returns the user part of a multipart date string
* (e.g. '2006-11-03 November 3rd, 2006' returns 'November 3rd, 2006')
function multipartToStr(multi){
if (!multi){
return '';
if (!isMultipart(multi)){
return multi;
return multi.substr(11);
function isSQLDate(str){
return _sqldateRE.test(str);
function isSQLDateTime(str){
return _sqldatetimeRE.test(str);
function sqlHasYear(sqldate){
return isSQLDate(sqldate) && sqldate.substr(0,4)!='0000';
function sqlHasMonth(sqldate){
return isSQLDate(sqldate) && sqldate.substr(5,2)!='00';
function sqlHasDay(sqldate){
return isSQLDate(sqldate) && sqldate.substr(8,2)!='00';
function getUnixTimestamp() {
return Math.round(Date.now() / 1000);
function toUnixTimestamp(date) {
if (date === null || typeof date != 'object' ||
date.constructor.name != 'Date') {
throw ('Not a valid date in Zotero.Date.toUnixTimestamp()');
return Math.round(date.getTime() / 1000);
* Convert a JS Date to a relative date (e.g., "5 minutes ago")
* Adapted from http://snipplr.com/view/10290/javascript-parse-relative-date/
* @param {Date} date
* @return {String}
this.toRelativeDate = function (date) {
// TODO: localize
var str;
var now = new Date();
var timeSince = now.getTime() - date;
var inSeconds = timeSince / 1000;
var inMinutes = timeSince / 1000 / 60;
var inHours = timeSince / 1000 / 60 / 60;
var inDays = timeSince / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;
var inYears = timeSince / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365;
// in seconds
if (Math.round(inSeconds) == 1) {
str = "1 second ago";
else if (inMinutes < 1.01) {
str = Math.round(inSeconds) + " seconds ago";
// in minutes
else if (Math.round(inMinutes) == 1) {
str = "1 minute ago";
else if (inHours < 1.01) {
str = Math.round(inMinutes) + " minutes ago";
// in hours
else if (Math.round(inHours) == 1) {
str = "1 hour ago";
else if (inDays < 1.01) {
str = Math.round(inHours) + " hours ago";
// in days
else if (Math.round(inDays) == 1) {
str = "1 day ago";
else if (inYears < 1.01) {
str = Math.round(inDays) + " days ago";
// in years
else if (Math.round(inYears) == 1) {
str = "1 year ago";
else {
str = Math.round(inYears) + " years ago";
return str;
function getFileDateString(file){
var date = new Date();
return date.toLocaleDateString();
function getFileTimeString(file){
var date = new Date();
return date.toLocaleTimeString();
* Figure out the date order from the output of toLocaleDateString()
* Returns a string with y, m, and d (e.g. 'ymd', 'mdy')
function getLocaleDateOrder(){
if (_localeDateOrder) {
return _localeDateOrder;
var date = new Date("October 5, 2006");
var parts = date.toLocaleDateString().match(/([0-9]+)[^0-9]+([0-9]+)[^0-9]+([0-9]+)/);
// The above only works on OS X and Linux,
// where toLocaleDateString() produces "10/05/2006"
if (!parts) {
var country = Zotero.locale.substr(3);
switch (country) {
// I don't know where this country list came from, but these
// are little-endian in Zotero.strToDate()
case 'US': // The United States
case 'FM': // The Federated States of Micronesia
case 'PW': // Palau
case 'PH': // The Philippines
return 'mdy';
return 'dmy';
switch (parseInt(parts[1])){
case 2006:
var order = 'y';
case 10:
var order = 'm';
case 5:
var order = 'd';
switch (parseInt(parts[2])){
case 2006:
order += 'y';
case 10:
order += 'm';
case 5:
order += 'd';
switch (parseInt(parts[3])){
case 2006:
order += 'y';
case 10:
order += 'm';
case 5:
order += 'd';
_localeDateOrder = order;
return order;
Zotero.DragDrop = {
currentDataTransfer: null,
getDragData: function (element, firstOnly) {
var dragData = {
dataType: '',
data: []
// Use nsDragAndDrop.js interface for Firefox 2 and Firefox 3.0
var oldMethod = Zotero.isFx2 || Zotero.isFx30;
if (oldMethod) {
try {
var dataSet = nsTransferable.get(
catch (e) {
// A work around a limitation in nsDragAndDrop.js -- the mDragSession
// is not set until the drag moves over another control.
// (This will only happen if the first drag is from the item list.)
nsDragAndDrop.mDragSession = nsDragAndDrop.mDragService.getCurrentSession();
return false;
var firstData = dataSet.first.first;
dragData.dataType = firstData.flavour.contentType;
var dataList = dataSet.dataList;
var len = firstOnly ? 1 : dataList.length;
//Zotero.debug("Drag data type is " + dragData.dataType);
switch (dragData.dataType) {
case 'zotero/collection':
case 'zotero/item':
var ids = firstData.data.split(','); // ids of rows we are dragging in
dragData.data = ids;
case 'text/x-moz-url':
var urls = [];
for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {
var url = dataList[i].first.data.split("\n")[0];
dragData.data = urls;
case 'application/x-moz-file':
var files = [];
for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {
var file = dataList[i].first.data;
// Don't allow folder drag
if (file.isDirectory()) {
dragData.data = files;
// Firefox 3.1 and higher
else {
var dt = this.currentDataTransfer;
if (!dt) {
Zotero.debug("Drag data not available");
return false;
var len = firstOnly ? 1 : dt.mozItemCount;
if (dt.types.contains('zotero/collection')) {
dragData.dataType = 'zotero/collection';
var ids = dt.getData('zotero/collection').split(",");
dragData.data = ids;
else if (dt.types.contains('zotero/item')) {
dragData.dataType = 'zotero/item';
var ids = dt.getData('zotero/item').split(",");
dragData.data = ids;
else if (dt.types.contains('application/x-moz-file')) {
dragData.dataType = 'application/x-moz-file';
var files = [];
for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {
var file = dt.mozGetDataAt("application/x-moz-file", i);
// Don't allow folder drag
if (file.isDirectory()) {
dragData.data = files;
else if (dt.types.contains('text/x-moz-url')) {
dragData.dataType = 'text/x-moz-url';
var urls = [];
for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {
var url = dt.getData("application/x-moz-url", i).split("\n")[0];
dragData.data = urls;
return dragData;
* Functions for creating and destroying hidden browser objects
Zotero.Browser = new function() {
this.createHiddenBrowser = createHiddenBrowser;
this.deleteHiddenBrowser = deleteHiddenBrowser;
function createHiddenBrowser(win) {
if (!win) {
var win = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
// Create a hidden browser
var hiddenBrowser = win.document.createElement("browser");
hiddenBrowser.setAttribute('type', 'content');
hiddenBrowser.setAttribute('disablehistory', 'true');
// Disable some features
hiddenBrowser.docShell.allowImages = false;
hiddenBrowser.docShell.allowJavascript = false;
hiddenBrowser.docShell.allowMetaRedirects = false;
hiddenBrowser.docShell.allowPlugins = false;
Zotero.debug("created hidden browser ("
+ win.document.getElementsByTagName('browser').length + ")");
return hiddenBrowser;
function deleteHiddenBrowser(myBrowser) {
myBrowser = null;
Zotero.debug("deleted hidden browser");
* Functions for disabling and enabling the unresponsive script indicator
Zotero.UnresponsiveScriptIndicator = new function() {
this.disable = disable;
this.enable = enable;
// stores the state of the unresponsive script preference prior to disabling
var _unresponsiveScriptPreference, _isDisabled;
* disables the "unresponsive script" warning; necessary for import and
* export, which can take quite a while to execute
function disable() {
// don't do anything if already disabled
if (_isDisabled) {
return false;
var prefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].
_unresponsiveScriptPreference = prefService.getIntPref("dom.max_chrome_script_run_time");
prefService.setIntPref("dom.max_chrome_script_run_time", 0);
_isDisabled = true;
return true;
* restores the "unresponsive script" warning
function enable() {
var prefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].
prefService.setIntPref("dom.max_chrome_script_run_time", _unresponsiveScriptPreference);
_isDisabled = false;
* Implements nsIWebProgressListener
Zotero.WebProgressFinishListener = function(onFinish) {
this.onStateChange = function(wp, req, stateFlags, status) {
//Zotero.debug('onStageChange: ' + stateFlags);
if ((stateFlags & Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP)
&& (stateFlags & Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_NETWORK)) {
this.onProgressChange = function(wp, req, curSelfProgress, maxSelfProgress, curTotalProgress, maxTotalProgress) {
//Zotero.debug('Current: ' + curTotalProgress);
//Zotero.debug('Max: ' + maxTotalProgress);
this.onLocationChange = function(wp, req, location) {}
this.onSecurityChange = function(wp, req, stateFlags, status) {}
this.onStatusChange = function(wp, req, status, msg) {}
* Saves or loads JSON objects. Based on public domain code from
* http://www.json.org/json.js
Zotero.JSON = new function() {
this.serialize = serialize;
this.unserialize = unserialize;
// m is a table of character substitutions.
var m = {
'\b': '\\b',
'\t': '\\t',
'\n': '\\n',
'\f': '\\f',
'\r': '\\r',
'"' : '\\"',
'\\': '\\\\'
// Format integers to have at least two digits.
function f(n) {
return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
function replaceFunction(a) {
var c = m[a];
if (c) {
return c;
c = a.charCodeAt();
return '\\u00' +
Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) +
(c % 16).toString(16);
function serialize(arg) {
if(arg === null) {
return "null";
} else if(arg instanceof Array) {
var a = [], // The array holding the partial texts.
i, // Loop counter.
l = arg.length,
v; // The value to be stringified.
// For each value in arg array...
for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
var out = serialize(arg[i]);
if(out !== undefined) {
// Join all of the member texts together and wrap them in brackets.
return '[' + a.join(',') + ']';
} else if(typeof(arg) == "boolean") {
return String(arg);
} else if(arg instanceof Date) {
// Eventually, this method will be based on the date.toISOString method.
return '"' + arg.getUTCFullYear() + '-' +
f(arg.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' +
f(arg.getUTCDate()) + 'T' +
f(arg.getUTCHours()) + ':' +
f(arg.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' +
f(arg.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z"';
} else if(typeof(arg) == "number") {
// JSON numbers must be finite. Encode non-finite numbers as null.
return isFinite(arg) ? String(arg) : 'null';
} else if(typeof(arg) == "string") {
if (/["\\\x00-\x1f]/.test(arg)) {
return '"' + arg.replace(/[\x00-\x1f\\"]/g, replaceFunction) + '"';
return '"' + arg + '"';
} else if(arg instanceof Object) {
var a = [], // The array holding the partial texts.
k, // The current key.
v; // The current value.
// Iterate through all of the keys in the object, ignoring the proto chain
// and keys that are not strings.
for (k in arg) {
if (typeof k === 'string' &&
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.apply(arg, [k])) {
var out = serialize(arg[k]);
if(out !== undefined) {
a.push(serialize(k) + ':' + out);
// Join all of the member texts together and wrap them in braces.
return '{' + a.join(',') + '}';
return undefined;
function unserialize(arg) {
var j;
// Parsing happens in three stages. In the first stage, we run the text against
// a regular expression which looks for non-JSON characters. We are especially
// concerned with '()' and 'new' because they can cause invocation, and '='
// because it can cause mutation. But just to be safe, we will reject all
// unexpected characters.
// We split the first stage into 3 regexp operations in order to work around
// crippling deficiencies in Safari's regexp engine. First we replace all
// backslash pairs with '@' (a non-JSON character). Second we delete all of
// the string literals. Third, we look to see if only JSON characters
// remain. If so, then the text is safe for eval.
if (/^[,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]*$/.test(arg.
replace(/\\./g, '@').
replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"/g, ''))) {
// In the second stage we use the eval function to compile the text into a
// JavaScript structure. The '{' operator is subject to a syntactic ambiguity
// in JavaScript: it can begin a block or an object literal. We wrap the text
// in parens to eliminate the ambiguity.
j = eval('(' + arg + ')');
// In the optional third stage, we recursively walk the new structure, passing
// each name/value pair to a filter function for possible transformation.
return j;
// If the text is not JSON parseable, then a SyntaxError is thrown.
throw new SyntaxError('parseJSON');