Simon Kornblith 52a544850a Rename Zotero.ID.getKey() to Zotero.Utilites.generateObjectKey()
(To make it accessible to the connector)
2013-08-15 14:32:15 -04:00

409 lines
9.1 KiB

Copyright © 2009 Center for History and New Media
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
This file is part of Zotero.
Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Zotero. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Zotero.ID_Tracker = function () {
this.get = get;
this.getBigInt = getBigInt;
this.skip = skip;
this.getTableName = getTableName;
// Number of ids to compare against at a time
this.__defineGetter__('numIDs', function () 10000);
// Number of times to try increasing the maxID if first range fails
this.__defineGetter__('maxTries', function () 3);
// Total number of ids to find
this.__defineGetter__('maxToFind', function () 1000);
var _available = {};
var _min = {};
var _skip = {};
* Gets an unused primary key id for a DB table
function get(table, notNull) {
table = this.getTableName(table);
switch (table) {
// Autoincrement tables
// Callers need to handle a potential NULL for these unless they
// pass |notNull|
case 'items':
case 'creators':
case 'creatorData':
case 'collections':
case 'savedSearches':
case 'tags':
case 'customItemTypes':
case 'customFields':
var id = _getNextAvailable(table);
if (!id && notNull) {
return _getNext(table);
return id;
// Non-autoincrement tables
// TODO: use autoincrement instead where available in 1.5
case 'itemDataValues':
var id = _getNextAvailable(table);
if (!id) {
// If we can't find an empty id quickly, just use MAX() + 1
return _getNext(table);
return id;
throw ("Unsupported table '" + table + "' in Zotero.ID.get()");
this.isValidKey = function (value) {
var re = /^[23456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ]{8}$/
return re.test(value);
function getBigInt(max) {
if (!max) {
max = 9007199254740991;
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max)) + 1;
* Mark ids as used
* @param string table
* @param int|array ids Item ids to skip
function skip(table, ids) {
table = this.getTableName(table);
switch (ids.constructor.name) {
case 'Array':
case 'Number':
ids = [ids];
throw ("ids must be an int or array of ints in Zotero.ID.skip()");
if (!ids.length) {
if (!_skip[table]) {
_skip[table] = {};
for (var i=0, len=ids.length; i<len; i++) {
_skip[table][ids[i]] = true;
function getTableName(table) {
// Used in sync.js
if (table == 'searches') {
table = 'savedSearches';
switch (table) {
case 'collections':
case 'creators':
case 'creatorData':
case 'itemDataValues':
case 'items':
case 'savedSearches':
case 'tags':
case 'customItemTypes':
case 'customFields':
return table;
throw ("Invalid table '" + table + "' in Zotero.ID");
* Returns the lowest available unused primary key id for table,
* or NULL if none could be loaded in _loadAvailable()
function _getNextAvailable(table) {
if (!_available[table]) {
var arr = _available[table];
while (arr[0]) {
var id = arr[0][0];
// End of range -- remove range
if (id == arr[0][1]) {
// Prepare table for refresh if all rows used
if (arr.length == 0) {
delete _available[table];
// Within range -- increment
else {
if (_skip[table] && _skip[table][id]) {
Zotero.debug("Skipping " + table + " id " + id);
if (!_available[table]) {
_min[table] = id;
return id;
return null;
* Get MAX(id) + 1 from table
function _getNext(table) {
var column = _getTableColumn(table);
var sql = 'SELECT MAX(';
if (_skip[table]) {
var max = 0;
for (var id in _skip[table]) {
if (parseInt(id) > max) {
max = parseInt(id);
if (!max) {
throw ("_skip['" + table + "'] must contain positive values in Zotero.ID._getNext()");
sql += 'MAX(' + column + ', ' + max + ')';
else {
sql += column;
sql += ')+1 FROM ' + table;
return Zotero.DB.valueQuery(sql);
* Loads available ids for table into memory
function _loadAvailable(table) {
Zotero.debug("Loading available ids for table '" + table + "'");
var minID = _min[table] ? _min[table] + 1 : 1;
var numIDs = Zotero.ID.numIDs;
var maxTries = Zotero.ID.maxTries;
var maxToFind = Zotero.ID.maxToFind;
var column = _getTableColumn(table);
switch (table) {
case 'creators':
case 'creatorData':
case 'items':
case 'itemDataValues':
case 'tags':
case 'collections':
case 'savedSearches':
case 'customItemTypes':
case 'customFields':
var maxToFind = 100;
throw ("Unsupported table '" + table + "' in Zotero.ID._loadAvailable()");
var maxID = minID + numIDs - 1;
var sql = "SELECT " + column + " FROM " + table
+ " WHERE " + column + " BETWEEN ? AND ? ORDER BY " + column;
var ids = Zotero.DB.columnQuery(sql, [minID, maxID]);
// If no ids found, we have numIDs unused ids
if (!ids) {
maxID = Math.min(maxID, minID + (maxToFind - 1));
Zotero.debug("Found " + (maxID - minID + 1) + " available ids in table '" + table + "'");
_available[table] = [[minID, maxID]];
// If we didn't find any unused ids, try increasing maxID a few times
while (ids.length == numIDs && maxTries>0) {
Zotero.debug('No available ids found between ' + minID + ' and ' + maxID + '; trying next ' + numIDs);
minID = maxID + 1;
maxID = minID + numIDs - 1;
ids = Zotero.DB.columnQuery(sql, [minID, maxID]);
// Didn't find any unused ids -- _getNextAvailable() will return NULL for
// this table for rest of session
if (ids.length == numIDs) {
Zotero.debug("Found no available ids in table '" + table + "'");
_available[table] = [];
var available = [], found = 0, j = 0, availableStart = null;
for (var i=minID; i<=maxID && found<maxToFind; i++) {
// We've gone past the found ids, so all remaining ids up to maxID
// are available
if (!ids[j]) {
available.push([i, maxID]);
found += (maxID - i) + 1;
// Skip ahead while ids are occupied
if (ids[j] == i) {
// Advance counter while it's below the next used id
while (ids[j] > i && i<=maxID) {
if (!availableStart) {
availableStart = i;
if ((found + (i - availableStart) + 1) > maxToFind) {
if (availableStart) {
available.push([availableStart, i-1]);
// Keep track of how many empties we've found
found += ((i-1) - availableStart) + 1;
availableStart = null;
Zotero.debug("Found " + found + " available ids in table '" + table + "'");
_available[table] = available;
* Find a unique random id for use in a DB table
* (No longer used)
function _getRandomID(table, max){
var column = _getTableColumn(table);
var sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' + table + ' WHERE ' + column + '= ?';
if (!max){
max = 16383;
max--; // since we use ceil(), decrement max by 1
var tries = 3; // # of tries to find a unique id
for (var i=0; i<tries; i++) {
var rnd = Math.ceil(Math.random() * max);
var exists = Zotero.DB.valueQuery(sql, { int: rnd });
if (!exists) {
return rnd;
// If no luck after number of tries, try a larger range
var sql = 'SELECT MAX(' + column + ') + 1 FROM ' + table;
return Zotero.valueQuery(sql);
function _getTableColumn(table) {
switch (table) {
case 'itemDataValues':
return 'valueID';
case 'savedSearches':
return 'savedSearchID';
case 'creatorData':
return 'creatorDataID';
return table.substr(0, table.length - 1) + 'ID';
Zotero.ID = new Zotero.ID_Tracker;
* Notifier observer to mark saved object ids as used
Zotero.ID.EventListener = new function () {
this.init = init;
this.notify = notify;
function init() {
function notify(event, type, ids) {
if (event == 'add') {
try {
var table = Zotero.ID.getTableName(type);
// Skip if not a table we handle
catch (e) {
Zotero.ID.skip(table, ids);