![Bogdan Abaev](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
When a collection or a saved search is deleted, it appears in trash among other trashed items. From there, it can be restored or permanently deleted. Items of trashed collections are not affected my the trashing/permanent deletion of a collection and need to be deleted separately like before. Subcollections of a trashed collection do not appear in the trash and are restored or permanently deleted with the top-most trashed parent.
1675 lines
63 KiB
1675 lines
63 KiB
"use strict";
describe("Zotero.CollectionTree", function() {
var win, zp, cv, userLibraryID;
before(function* () {
win = yield loadZoteroPane();
zp = win.ZoteroPane;
cv = zp.collectionsView;
userLibraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID;
beforeEach(function () {
// TODO: Add a selectCollection() function and select a collection instead?
return selectLibrary(win);
after(function () {
describe("#refresh()", function () {
it("should show Duplicate Items and Unfiled Items by default and shouldn't show Retracted Items", function* () {
yield cv.refresh();
assert.ok(cv.getRowIndexByID("D" + userLibraryID));
assert.ok(cv.getRowIndexByID("U" + userLibraryID));
assert.isFalse(cv.getRowIndexByID("R" + userLibraryID));
it("shouldn't show virtual collections if hidden", function* () {
Zotero.Prefs.set('duplicateLibraries', `{"${userLibraryID}": false}`);
Zotero.Prefs.set('unfiledLibraries', `{"${userLibraryID}": false}`);
Zotero.Prefs.set('retractedLibraries', `{"${userLibraryID}": false}`);
yield cv.refresh();
assert.isFalse(cv.getRowIndexByID("D" + userLibraryID));
assert.isFalse(cv.getRowIndexByID("U" + userLibraryID));
assert.isFalse(cv.getRowIndexByID("R" + userLibraryID));
it("should maintain open state of group", function* () {
var group1 = yield createGroup();
var group2 = yield createGroup();
var group1Row = cv.getRowIndexByID(group1.treeViewID);
var group2Row = cv.getRowIndexByID(group2.treeViewID);
// Open group 1 and close group 2
if (!cv.isContainerOpen(group1Row)) {
yield cv.toggleOpenState(group1Row);
if (cv.isContainerOpen(group2Row)) {
yield cv.toggleOpenState(group2Row);
// #_saveOpenStates is debounced
yield Zotero.Promise.delay(500);
group1Row = cv.getRowIndexByID(group1.treeViewID);
group2Row = cv.getRowIndexByID(group2.treeViewID);
yield cv.refresh();
// Group rows shouldn't have changed
assert.equal(cv.getRowIndexByID(group1.treeViewID), group1Row);
assert.equal(cv.getRowIndexByID(group2.treeViewID), group2Row);
// Group open states shouldn't have changed
it("should update associated item tree view", function* () {
var collection = yield createDataObject('collection');
var item = yield createDataObject('item', { collections: [collection.id] });
yield cv.reload();
yield cv.selectCollection(collection.id);
yield cv.selectItem(item.id);
describe("collapse/expand", function () {
it("should close and open My Library repeatedly", function* () {
yield cv.selectLibrary(userLibraryID);
var row = cv.selection.focused;
assert.equal(cv.selection.focused, row);
yield cv.expandLibrary(userLibraryID);
assert.equal(cv.selection.focused, row);
assert.equal(cv.selection.focused, row);
yield cv.expandLibrary(userLibraryID);
assert.equal(cv.selection.focused, row);
describe("#expandLibrary()", function () {
var libraryRow, col1, col2, col3;
before(function* () {
yield cv.selectLibrary(userLibraryID);
libraryRow = cv.selection.focused;
beforeEach(function* () {
// My Library
// - A
// - B
// - C
col1 = yield createDataObject('collection');
col2 = yield createDataObject('collection', { parentID: col1.id });
col3 = yield createDataObject('collection', { parentID: col2.id });
it("should open a library and respect stored container state", function* () {
// Collapse B
yield cv.toggleOpenState(cv.getRowIndexByID(col2.treeViewID));
// #_saveOpenStates is debounced
yield Zotero.Promise.delay(500);
// Close and reopen library
yield cv.toggleOpenState(libraryRow);
yield cv.expandLibrary(userLibraryID);
it("should open a library and all subcollections in recursive mode", function* () {
yield cv.toggleOpenState(cv.getRowIndexByID(col2.treeViewID));
// #_saveOpenStates is debounced
yield Zotero.Promise.delay(500);
// Close and reopen library
yield cv.toggleOpenState(libraryRow);
yield cv.expandLibrary(userLibraryID, true);
it("should open a group and show top-level collections", function* () {
var group = yield createGroup();
var libraryID = group.libraryID;
var col1 = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID });
var col2 = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID });
var col3 = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID });
var col4 = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID, parentID: col1.id });
var col5 = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID, parentID: col4.id });
// Close everything
yield Zotero.Promise.all([col4, col1, group]
.map(o => cv.toggleOpenState(cv.getRowIndexByID(o.treeViewID), false)));
yield cv.expandLibrary(libraryID);
describe("#expandToCollection()", function () {
it("should expand a collection to a subcollection", function* () {
var collection1 = yield createDataObject('collection');
var collection2 = createUnsavedDataObject('collection');
collection2.parentID = collection1.id;
yield collection2.saveTx({
skipSelect: true
var row = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collection1.id);
yield cv.expandToCollection(collection2.id);
// Make sure parent row position hasn't changed
assert.equal(cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collection1.id), row);
// Parent should have been opened
describe("#selectByID()", function () {
it("should select the trash", function* () {
yield cv.selectByID("T1");
var row = cv.selection.focused;
var treeRow = cv.getRow(row);
assert.equal(treeRow.ref.libraryID, userLibraryID);
describe("#selectWait()", function () {
it("shouldn't hang if row is already selected", function* () {
var row = cv.getRowIndexByID("T" + userLibraryID);
yield cv.selectWait(row);
yield Zotero.Promise.delay(50);
yield cv.selectWait(row);
describe("Trash for collections/searches", function () {
var one, two, three;
for (let objectType of ['collection', 'search']) {
it(`should remove deleted ${objectType} from collectionTree`, async function () {
var ran = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
one = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "_DELETE_ONE" });
two = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "_DELETE_TWO" });
three = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "_DELETE_THREE" });
// Move them to trash
one.deleted = true;
two.deleted = true;
three.deleted = true;
await one.saveTx();
await two.saveTx();
await three.saveTx();
// Make sure they're gone from collectionTree
it(`should put restored ${objectType} back into collectionTree`, async function () {
await cv.selectByID("T" + userLibraryID);
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
// Restore
await Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(async function () {
one.deleted = false;
two.deleted = false;
three.deleted = false;
await one.save({ skipSelect: true });
await two.save({ skipSelect: true });
await three.save({ skipSelect: true });
// Check if trash is still selected
let trashRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("T" + userLibraryID);
assert.equal(cv.selection.focused, trashRow);
// Check if restored entries are back in collectionTree
// Make sure it's all gone from trash
it(`should delete subcollections when parent is deleted`, async function () {
var ran = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
one = await createDataObject('collection', { name: ran + "_DELETE_ONE" });
two = await createDataObject('collection', { name: ran + "_DELETE_TWO", parentID: one.id });
three = await createDataObject('collection', { name: ran + "_DELETE_THREE", parentID: two.id });
// Select top parent
// Move parent to trash
await cv.deleteSelection();
// Make sure they're gone from collectionTree
it(`should restore deleted subcollections with parent`, async function () {
await cv.selectByID("T" + userLibraryID);
// Restore items
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
await zp.restoreSelectedItems();
// Check if trash is still selected
let trashRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("T" + userLibraryID);
assert.equal(cv.selection.focused, trashRow);
// Check if restored collections are back in collectionTree
let parentRowIndex = cv.getRowIndexByID(one.treeViewID);
await cv.toggleOpenState(parentRowIndex);
assert.equal(cv.getRow(parentRowIndex).level, 1);
await Zotero.Promise.delay(5000);
let middleRowIndex = cv.getRowIndexByID(two.treeViewID);
assert.equal(cv.getRow(middleRowIndex).level, 2);
let bottomRowindex = cv.getRowIndexByID(three.treeViewID);
assert.equal(cv.getRow(bottomRowindex).level, 3);
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
//Make sure they're gone from trash
describe("#notify()", function () {
it("should select a new collection", function* () {
// Create collection
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "Select new collection";
var id = yield collection.saveTx();
// New collection should be selected
var selected = cv.getSelectedCollection(true);
assert.equal(selected, id);
it("shouldn't select a new collection if skipNotifier is passed", function* () {
// Create collection with skipNotifier flag
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "No select on skipNotifier";
var id = yield collection.saveTx({
skipNotifier: true
// Library should still be selected
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedLibraryID(), userLibraryID);
it("shouldn't select a new collection if skipSelect is passed", function* () {
// Create collection with skipSelect flag
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "No select on skipSelect";
var id = yield collection.saveTx({
skipSelect: true
// Library should still be selected
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedLibraryID(), userLibraryID);
it("shouldn't select a modified collection", function* () {
// Create collection
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "No select on modify";
var id = yield collection.saveTx();
yield selectLibrary(win);
collection.name = "No select on modify 2";
yield collection.saveTx();
// Modified collection should not be selected
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedLibraryID(), userLibraryID);
it("should maintain selection on a selected modified collection", function* () {
// Create collection
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "Reselect on modify";
var id = yield collection.saveTx();
var selected = cv.getSelectedCollection(true);
assert.equal(selected, id);
collection.name = "Reselect on modify 2";
yield collection.saveTx();
// Modified collection should still be selected
selected = cv.getSelectedCollection(true);
assert.equal(selected, id);
describe(".deleted selection", function () {
for (let objectType of ['collection', 'search']) {
it(`should select next row when ${objectType} is moved to trash`, async function () {
var ran = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
var o1 = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "AAA" });
var o2 = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "BBB" });
var o3 = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "CCC" });
await cv.selectByID(o2.treeViewID);
o2.deleted = true;
await o2.saveTx();
assert.equal(zp.getCollectionTreeRow().ref.id, o3.id);
it(`should maintain selection on ${objectType} when row above is moved to trash`, async function () {
var ran = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
var o1 = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "AAA" });
var o2 = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "BBB" });
var o3 = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "CCC" });
assert.equal(zp.getCollectionTreeRow().ref.id, o3.id);
o1.deleted = true;
await o1.saveTx();
assert.equal(zp.getCollectionTreeRow().ref.id, o3.id);
it(`should maintain selection on trash when ${objectType} is restored`, async function () {
var o = await createDataObject(objectType, { deleted: true });
await cv.selectByID("T1");
o.deleted = false;
await o.saveTx();
// Row should have been added back
assert.isAbove(cv.getRowIndexByID(o.treeViewID), 0);
for (let objectType of ['collection', 'search']) {
it(`should select next row when ${objectType} is erased`, async function () {
var ran = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
var o1 = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "AAA" });
var o2 = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "BBB" });
var o3 = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "CCC" });
await cv.selectByID(o2.treeViewID);
await o2.eraseTx();
assert.equal(zp.getCollectionTreeRow().ref.id, o3.id);
it("should update the editability of the current view", function* () {
var group = yield createGroup({
editable: false,
filesEditable: false
yield cv.selectLibrary(group.libraryID);
yield waitForItemsLoad(win);
var cmd = win.document.getElementById('cmd_zotero_newStandaloneNote');
assert.isTrue(cmd.getAttribute('disabled') == 'true');
group.editable = true;
yield group.saveTx();
assert.isFalse(cmd.getAttribute('disabled') == 'true');
it("should re-sort a modified collection", function* () {
var prefix = Zotero.Utilities.randomString() + " ";
var collectionA = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: prefix + "A" });
var collectionB = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: prefix + "B" });
var aRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collectionA.id);
var aRowOriginal = aRow;
var bRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collectionB.id);
assert.equal(bRow, aRow + 1);
collectionA.name = prefix + "C";
yield collectionA.saveTx();
var aRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collectionA.id);
var bRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collectionB.id);
assert.equal(bRow, aRowOriginal);
assert.equal(aRow, bRow + 1);
it("should re-sort a modified search", function* () {
var prefix = Zotero.Utilities.randomString() + " ";
var searchA = yield createDataObject('search', { name: prefix + "A" });
var searchB = yield createDataObject('search', { name: prefix + "B" });
var aRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("S" + searchA.id);
var aRowOriginal = aRow;
var bRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("S" + searchB.id);
assert.equal(bRow, aRow + 1);
searchA.name = prefix + "C";
yield searchA.saveTx();
var aRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("S" + searchA.id);
var bRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("S" + searchB.id);
assert.equal(bRow, aRowOriginal);
assert.equal(aRow, bRow + 1);
it("should add collection after parent's subcollection and before non-sibling", function* () {
var c0 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "Test" });
var rootRow = cv.getRowIndexByID(c0.treeViewID);
var c1 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "1", parentID: c0.id });
var c2 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "2", parentID: c0.id });
var c3 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "3", parentID: c1.id });
var c4 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "4", parentID: c3.id });
var c5 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "5", parentID: c1.id });
assert.equal(cv.getRowIndexByID(c1.treeViewID), rootRow + 1);
assert.isAbove(cv.getRowIndexByID(c1.treeViewID), cv.getRowIndexByID(c0.treeViewID));
assert.isAbove(cv.getRowIndexByID(c2.treeViewID), cv.getRowIndexByID(c0.treeViewID));
assert.isAbove(cv.getRowIndexByID(c3.treeViewID), cv.getRowIndexByID(c1.treeViewID));
assert.isAbove(cv.getRowIndexByID(c5.treeViewID), cv.getRowIndexByID(c1.treeViewID));
assert.isBelow(cv.getRowIndexByID(c5.treeViewID), cv.getRowIndexByID(c2.treeViewID));
assert.equal(cv.getRowIndexByID(c4.treeViewID), cv.getRowIndexByID(c3.treeViewID) + 1);
it("should add multiple collections", function* () {
var col1, col2;
yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(async function () {
col1 = createUnsavedDataObject('collection');
col2 = createUnsavedDataObject('collection');
await col1.save();
await col2.save();
var aRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + col1.id);
var bRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + col2.id);
assert.isAbove(aRow, 0);
assert.isAbove(bRow, 0);
// skipSelect is implied for multiple collections, so library should still be selected
assert.equal(cv.selection.focused, 0);
it("shouldn't refresh the items list when a collection is modified", function* () {
var collection = yield createDataObject('collection');
yield waitForItemsLoad(win);
var itemsView = zp.itemsView;
collection.name = "New Name";
yield collection.saveTx();
yield waitForItemsLoad(win);
assert.equal(zp.itemsView, itemsView);
it("should add a saved search after collections", function* () {
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "Test";
var collectionID = yield collection.saveTx();
var search = new Zotero.Search;
search.name = "A Test Search";
search.addCondition('title', 'contains', 'test');
var searchID = yield search.saveTx();
var collectionRow = cv._rowMap["C" + collectionID];
var searchRow = cv._rowMap["S" + searchID];
var duplicatesRow = cv._rowMap["D" + userLibraryID];
var unfiledRow = cv._rowMap["U" + userLibraryID];
assert.isAbove(searchRow, collectionRow);
// If there's a duplicates row or an unfiled row, add before those.
// Otherwise, add before the trash
if (duplicatesRow !== undefined) {
assert.isBelow(searchRow, duplicatesRow);
else if (unfiledRow !== undefined) {
assert.isBelow(searchRow, unfiledRow);
else {
var trashRow = cv._rowMap["T" + userLibraryID];
assert.isBelow(searchRow, trashRow);
it("shouldn't select a new group", function* () {
var group = yield createGroup();
// Library should still be selected
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedLibraryID(), userLibraryID);
it("should remove a group and all children", function* () {
// Make sure Group Libraries separator and header exist already,
// since otherwise they'll interfere with the count
yield getGroup();
var originalRowCount = cv._rows.length;
var group = yield createGroup();
yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group.libraryID });
var c = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group.libraryID });
yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group.libraryID, parentID: c.id });
yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group.libraryID });
yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group.libraryID });
// Group, collections, Duplicates, Unfiled, and trash
assert.equal(cv._rows.length, originalRowCount + 9);
// Select group
yield cv.selectLibrary(group.libraryID);
yield waitForItemsLoad(win);
var spy = sinon.spy(cv, "refresh");
try {
yield group.eraseTx();
assert.equal(cv._rows.length, originalRowCount);
// Make sure the tree wasn't refreshed
finally {
it("should select a new feed", function* () {
var feed = yield createFeed();
// Feed should be selected
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedLibraryID(), feed.id);
it("shouldn't select a new feed with skipSelect: true", function* () {
var feed = yield createFeed({
saveOptions: {
skipSelect: true
// Library should still be selected
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedLibraryID(), userLibraryID);
it("should remove deleted feed", function* () {
var feed = yield createFeed();
yield cv.selectLibrary(feed.libraryID);
var id = feed.treeViewID;
let promise = waitForCollectionTree(win);
yield win.ZoteroPane.deleteSelectedCollection();
yield promise;
it("should not reload tree upon feed update", async function () {
var feed = await createFeed();
await cv.selectLibrary(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID);
try {
var reloadSpy = sinon.spy(cv, 'reload');
// A set of notifier calls when a feed update is running
Zotero.debug(feed.id, 2);
await Zotero.Notifier.trigger('statusChanged', 'feed', feed.id);
await Zotero.Notifier.trigger('modify', 'feed', feed.id);
await Zotero.Notifier.trigger('unreadCountUpdated', 'feed', feed.id);
await Zotero.Notifier.trigger('statusChanged', 'feed', feed.id);
} finally {
describe("#selectItem()", function () {
it("should switch to library root if item isn't in collection", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item');
var collection = await createDataObject('collection');
await cv.selectItem(item.id);
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
assert.equal(cv.selection.focused, 0);
assert.sameMembers(zp.itemsView.getSelectedItems(), [item]);
describe("#selectItems()", function () {
it("should switch to library root if at least one item isn't in the current collection", async function () {
var collection = await createDataObject('collection');
var item1 = await createDataObject('item', { collections: [collection.id] });
var item2 = await createDataObject('item');
await cv.selectItems([item1.id, item2.id]);
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
assert.equal(cv.selection.focused, 0);
assert.sameMembers(zp.itemsView.getSelectedItems(true), [item1.id, item2.id]);
describe("#onDrop()", function () {
* Simulate a drag and drop
* @param {String} type - 'item' or 'collection'
* @param {String|Object} targetRow - Tree row id (e.g., "L123"), or { row, orient }
* @param {Integer[]} collectionIDs
* @param {Promise} [promise] - If a promise is provided, it will be waited for and its
* value returned after the drag. Otherwise, an 'add' event will be waited for, and
* an object with 'ids' and 'extraData' will be returned.
var onDrop = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (objectType, targetRow, ids, promise, action = 'copy') {
if (typeof targetRow == 'string') {
var row = cv.getRowIndexByID(targetRow);
var orient = 0;
else {
var { row, orient } = targetRow;
Zotero.DragDrop.currentDragSource = objectType == "item" && zp.itemsView.collectionTreeRow;
if (!promise) {
promise = waitForNotifierEvent("add", objectType);
yield cv.onDrop({
persist: () => 0,
target: {ownerDocument: {defaultView: win}},
dataTransfer: {
dropEffect: action,
effectAllowed: action,
types: {
contains: function (type) {
return type == `zotero/${objectType}`;
getData: function (type) {
if (type == `zotero/${objectType}`) {
return ids.join(",");
}, row);
// Add observer to wait for add
var result = yield promise;
Zotero.DragDrop.currentDragSource = null;
return result;
var canDrop = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (type, targetRowID, ids) {
var row = cv.getRowIndexByID(targetRowID);
var dt = {
dropEffect: 'copy',
effectAllowed: 'copy',
types: {
contains: function (type) {
return type == `zotero/${type}`;
getData: function (type) {
if (type == `zotero/${type}`) {
return ids.join(",");
var canDrop = cv.canDropCheck(row, 0, dt);
if (canDrop) {
canDrop = yield cv.canDropCheckAsync(row, 0, dt);
return canDrop;
describe("with items", function () {
it("should add an item to a collection", function* () {
var collection = yield createDataObject('collection', false, { skipSelect: true });
var item = yield createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true });
// Add observer to wait for collection add
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
var observerID = Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver({
notify: function (event, type, ids, extraData) {
if (type == 'collection-item' && event == 'add'
&& ids[0] == collection.id + "-" + item.id) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 'collection-item', 'test');
yield onDrop('item', 'C' + collection.id, [item.id], deferred.promise);
yield cv.selectCollection(collection.id);
yield waitForItemsLoad(win);
var itemsView = win.ZoteroPane.itemsView;
assert.equal(itemsView.rowCount, 1);
var treeRow = itemsView.getRow(0);
assert.equal(treeRow.ref.id, item.id);
it("should move an item from one collection to another", function* () {
var collection1 = yield createDataObject('collection');
yield waitForItemsLoad(win);
var collection2 = yield createDataObject('collection', false, { skipSelect: true });
var item = yield createDataObject('item', { collections: [collection1.id] });
// Add observer to wait for collection add
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
var observerID = Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver({
notify: function (event, type, ids, extraData) {
if (type == 'collection-item' && event == 'add'
&& ids[0] == collection2.id + "-" + item.id) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 'collection-item', 'test');
let promise = zp.itemsView.waitForSelect();
yield onDrop('item', 'C' + collection2.id, [item.id], deferred.promise, 'move');
yield promise;
// Source collection should be empty
assert.equal(zp.itemsView.rowCount, 0);
yield cv.selectCollection(collection2.id);
yield waitForItemsLoad(win);
// Target collection should have item
assert.equal(zp.itemsView.rowCount, 1);
var treeRow = zp.itemsView.getRow(0);
assert.equal(treeRow.ref.id, item.id);
describe("My Publications", function () {
function getItemModifyPromise(item) {
// Add observer to wait for item modification
return new Zotero.Promise((resolve) => {
var observerID = Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver({
notify: function (event, type, ids, extraData) {
if (type == 'item' && event == 'modify' && ids[0] == item.id) {
}, 'item', 'test');
function acceptItemsWithoutFiles(win) {
var doc = win.document;
doc.getElementById('confirm-authorship-checkbox').checked = true;
var wizard = doc.getElementById('publications-dialog-wizard');
if (!doc.getElementById('include-files').disabled) {
throw new Error("Include Files checkbox isn't disabled");
function acceptItemsWithFiles(win) {
var doc = win.document;
doc.getElementById('include-files').checked = true;
doc.getElementById('confirm-authorship-checkbox').checked = true;
var wizard = doc.getElementById('publications-dialog-wizard');
if (doc.getElementById('include-files').disabled) {
throw new Error("Include Files checkbox shouldn't be disabled");
it("should add an item to My Publications", async function () {
// Remove other items in My Publications
var s = new Zotero.Search();
s.addCondition('libraryID', 'is', Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID);
s.addCondition('publications', 'true');
var ids = await s.search();
await Zotero.Items.erase(ids);
var item = await createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true });
var libraryID = item.libraryID;
var itemModifyPromise = getItemModifyPromise(item);
var winPromise = waitForWindow('chrome://zotero/content/publicationsDialog.xhtml')
var dropPromise = onDrop('item', 'P' + libraryID, [item.id], itemModifyPromise);
acceptItemsWithoutFiles(await winPromise);
await dropPromise;
// Select publications and check for item
await cv.selectByID("P" + libraryID);
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
var itemsView = win.ZoteroPane.itemsView
assert.equal(itemsView.rowCount, 1);
var treeRow = itemsView.getRow(0);
assert.equal(treeRow.ref.id, item.id);
it("should add an item with a file attachment to My Publications", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true });
var attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentItemID: item.id });
var libraryID = item.libraryID;
var itemModifyPromise = getItemModifyPromise(item);
var winPromise = waitForWindow('chrome://zotero/content/publicationsDialog.xhtml')
var dropPromise = onDrop('item', 'P' + libraryID, [item.id], itemModifyPromise);
acceptItemsWithFiles(await winPromise);
await dropPromise;
// File attachment should be in My Publications
it("should add an item with a linked URL attachment to My Publications", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true });
var attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.linkFromURL({
parentItemID: item.id,
title: 'Test',
url: '',
contentType: 'text/html'
var libraryID = item.libraryID;
var itemModifyPromise = getItemModifyPromise(item);
var winPromise = waitForWindow('chrome://zotero/content/publicationsDialog.xhtml')
var dropPromise = onDrop('item', 'P' + libraryID, [item.id], itemModifyPromise);
acceptItemsWithoutFiles(await winPromise);
await dropPromise;
// Link attachment should be in My Publications
it("shouldn't add linked file attachment to My Publications", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true });
var attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.linkFromFile({
parentItemID: item.id,
title: 'Test',
file: OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'test.png'),
contentType: 'image/png'
var libraryID = item.libraryID;
var itemModifyPromise = getItemModifyPromise(item);
var winPromise = waitForWindow('chrome://zotero/content/publicationsDialog.xhtml')
var dropPromise = onDrop('item', 'P' + libraryID, [item.id], itemModifyPromise);
acceptItemsWithoutFiles(await winPromise);
await dropPromise;
// Linked URL attachment shouldn't be in My Publications
it("should copy an item with a PDF attachment containing annotations to a group", async function () {
await Zotero.Users.setCurrentUserID(1);
await Zotero.Users.setName(1, 'Name');
var group = await createGroup();
var item = await createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true });
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: item.id
var annotation = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment);
var ids = (await onDrop('item', 'L' + group.libraryID, [item.id])).ids;
await cv.selectLibrary(group.libraryID);
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
// Check parent
var itemsView = win.ZoteroPane.itemsView;
assert.equal(itemsView.rowCount, 1);
var treeRow = itemsView.getRow(0);
assert.equal(treeRow.ref.libraryID, group.libraryID);
assert.equal(treeRow.ref.id, ids[0]);
// New item should link back to original
var linked = await item.getLinkedItem(group.libraryID);
assert.equal(linked.id, treeRow.ref.id);
// Check attachment
assert.equal(itemsView.rowCount, 2);
treeRow = itemsView.getRow(1);
assert.equal(treeRow.ref.id, ids[1]);
// New attachment should link back to original
linked = await attachment.getLinkedItem(group.libraryID);
assert.equal(linked.id, treeRow.ref.id);
// Check annotation
var groupAttachment = Zotero.Items.get(treeRow.ref.id);
var annotations = groupAttachment.getAnnotations();
assert.lengthOf(annotations, 1);
return group.eraseTx();
it("should copy a group item with a PDF attachment containing annotations to the personal library", async function () {
await Zotero.Users.setCurrentUserID(1);
await Zotero.Users.setName(1, 'Name 1');
await Zotero.Users.setName(12345, 'Name 2');
var group = await createGroup();
await cv.selectLibrary(group.libraryID);
var groupItem = await createDataObject('item', { libraryID: group.libraryID });
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: groupItem.id
var annotation = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment);
await annotation.saveTx();
var ids = (await onDrop('item', 'L1', [groupItem.id])).ids;
var newItem = Zotero.Items.get(ids[0]);
// Check annotation
var newAttachment = Zotero.Items.get(newItem.getAttachments())[0];
var annotations = newAttachment.getAnnotations();
assert.lengthOf(annotations, 1);
return group.eraseTx();
it("should copy a standalone attachment to a group", async function () {
await Zotero.Users.setCurrentUserID(1);
await Zotero.Users.setName(1, 'Name 1');
await Zotero.Users.setName(12345, 'Name 2');
var group = await createGroup();
var item = await importPDFAttachment();
var ids = (await onDrop('item', 'L' + group.libraryID, [item.id])).ids;
var newItem = Zotero.Items.get(ids[0]);
assert.equal(newItem.libraryID, group.libraryID);
return group.eraseTx();
it("should not copy an item or its attachment to a group twice", function* () {
var group = yield getGroup();
var itemTitle = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
var item = yield createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true });
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var attachment = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
file: file,
parentItemID: item.id
var attachmentTitle = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
attachment.setField('title', attachmentTitle);
yield attachment.saveTx();
yield onDrop('item', 'L' + group.libraryID, [item.id]);
assert.isFalse(yield canDrop('item', 'L' + group.libraryID, [item.id]));
it("should copy an item from a read-only group to an editable group", async function () {
var group1 = await createGroup();
var item = await createDataObject('item', { libraryID: group1.libraryID });
group1.editable = false;
await group1.saveTx();
var group2 = await createGroup();
await cv.selectLibrary(group1.libraryID);
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
await onDrop('item', 'L' + group2.libraryID, [item.id]);
assert.isFalse(await item.getLinkedItem(group2.libraryID));
// New collection should link back to original
assert.ok(await item.getLinkedItem(group2.libraryID, true));
await group1.eraseTx();
await group2.eraseTx();
it("should ignore a linked, trashed item when re-dragging an item to a group", async function () {
var group = await getGroup();
var collection = await createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group.libraryID });
var item = await createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true });
await onDrop('item', 'L' + group.libraryID, [item.id]);
var droppedItem = await item.getLinkedItem(group.libraryID);
droppedItem.deleted = true;
await droppedItem.saveTx();
await onDrop('item', 'L' + group.libraryID, [item.id]);
var linkedItem = await item.getLinkedItem(group.libraryID);
assert.notEqual(linkedItem, droppedItem);
describe("with collections", function () {
it("should make a subcollection top-level", function* () {
var collection1 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "A" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collection2 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "C" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collection3 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "D" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collection4 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "B", parentKey: collection2.key });
var colIndex1 = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collection1.id);
var colIndex2 = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collection2.id);
var colIndex3 = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collection3.id);
var colIndex4 = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collection4.id);
// Add observer to wait for collection add
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
var observerID = Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver({
notify: function (event, type, ids, extraData) {
if (type == 'collection' && event == 'modify' && ids[0] == collection4.id) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
}, 'collection', 'test');
yield onDrop(
row: 0,
orient: 1
var newColIndex1 = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collection1.id);
var newColIndex2 = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collection2.id);
var newColIndex3 = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collection3.id);
var newColIndex4 = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collection4.id);
assert.equal(newColIndex1, colIndex1);
assert.isBelow(newColIndex4, newColIndex2);
assert.isBelow(newColIndex2, newColIndex3);
assert.equal(cv.getRow(newColIndex4).level, cv.getRow(newColIndex1).level);
it("should move a subcollection and its subcollection down under another collection", function* () {
var collectionA = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "A" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collectionB = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "B", parentKey: collectionA.key });
var collectionC = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "C", parentKey: collectionB.key });
var collectionD = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "D" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collectionE = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "E" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collectionF = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "F" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collectionG = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "G", parentKey: collectionD.key });
var collectionH = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "H", parentKey: collectionG.key });
var colIndexA = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionA.id);
var colIndexB = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionB.id);
var colIndexC = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionC.id);
var colIndexD = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionD.id);
var colIndexE = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionE.id);
var colIndexF = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionF.id);
var colIndexG = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionG.id);
var colIndexH = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionH.id);
yield cv.selectCollection(collectionG.id);
// Add observer to wait for collection add
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
var observerID = Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver({
notify: function (event, type, ids, extraData) {
if (type == 'collection' && event == 'modify' && ids[0] == collectionG.id) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
}, 'collection', 'test');
yield onDrop(
row: colIndexE,
orient: 0
var newColIndexA = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionA.id);
var newColIndexB = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionB.id);
var newColIndexC = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionC.id);
var newColIndexD = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionD.id);
var newColIndexE = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionE.id);
var newColIndexF = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionF.id);
var newColIndexG = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionG.id);
var newColIndexH = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionH.id);
assert.equal(newColIndexE, newColIndexG - 1);
assert.equal(newColIndexG, newColIndexH - 1);
// TODO: Check deeper subcollection open states
it("should move a subcollection and its subcollection up under another collection", function* () {
var collectionA = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "A" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collectionB = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "B", parentKey: collectionA.key });
var collectionC = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "C", parentKey: collectionB.key });
var collectionD = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "D" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collectionE = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "E" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collectionF = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "F" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collectionG = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "G", parentKey: collectionE.key });
var collectionH = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "H", parentKey: collectionG.key });
var colIndexA = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionA.id);
var colIndexB = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionB.id);
var colIndexC = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionC.id);
var colIndexD = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionD.id);
var colIndexE = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionE.id);
var colIndexF = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionF.id);
var colIndexG = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionG.id);
var colIndexH = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionH.id);
yield cv.selectCollection(collectionG.id);
// Add observer to wait for collection add
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
var observerID = Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver({
notify: function (event, type, ids, extraData) {
if (type == 'collection' && event == 'modify' && ids[0] == collectionG.id) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
}, 'collection', 'test');
yield onDrop(
row: colIndexD,
orient: 0
var newColIndexA = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionA.id);
var newColIndexB = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionB.id);
var newColIndexC = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionC.id);
var newColIndexD = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionD.id);
var newColIndexE = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionE.id);
var newColIndexF = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionF.id);
var newColIndexG = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionG.id);
var newColIndexH = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionH.id);
assert.equal(newColIndexD, newColIndexG - 1);
assert.equal(newColIndexG, newColIndexH - 1);
// TODO: Check deeper subcollection open states
it("should copy a collection and its subcollection to another library", async function () {
var group = await createGroup();
var collectionA = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "A" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collectionB = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "B", parentKey: collectionA.key });
var itemA = await createDataObject('item', { collections: [collectionA.key] }, { skipSelect: true });
var itemB = await createDataObject('item', { collections: [collectionB.key] }, { skipSelect: true });
await cv.selectCollection(collectionA.id);
// Add observer to wait for collection add
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
var observerID = Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver({
notify: function (event, type, ids, extraData) {
if (type == 'collection' && event == 'modify' && ids.includes(collectionB.id)) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
}, 'collection', 'test');
await onDrop(
'L' + group.libraryID,
var pred = Zotero.Relations.linkedObjectPredicate;
var newCollectionA = await Zotero.URI.getURICollection(collectionA.getRelations()[pred][0]);
var newCollectionB = await Zotero.URI.getURICollection(collectionB.getRelations()[pred][0]);
var newItemA = await Zotero.URI.getURIItem(itemA.getRelations()[pred][0]);
var newItemB = await Zotero.URI.getURIItem(itemB.getRelations()[pred][0]);
assert.equal(newCollectionA.libraryID, group.libraryID);
assert.equal(newCollectionB.libraryID, group.libraryID);
assert.equal(newCollectionB.parentID, newCollectionA.id);
assert.equal(newItemA.libraryID, group.libraryID);
assert.equal(newItemB.libraryID, group.libraryID);
it("should copy a collection from a read-only group to another group", async function () {
var group1 = await createGroup();
var collection = await createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group1.libraryID });
var item = await createDataObject('item', { libraryID: group1.libraryID, collections: [collection.id] });
group1.editable = false;
await group1.saveTx();
var group2 = await createGroup();
await cv.selectCollection(collection.id);
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
await onDrop('collection', 'L' + group2.libraryID, [collection.id]);
assert.isFalse(await collection.getLinkedCollection(group2.libraryID));
// New collection should link back to original
assert.ok(await collection.getLinkedCollection(group2.libraryID, true));
assert.isFalse(await item.getLinkedItem(group2.libraryID));
// New item should link back to original
assert.ok(await item.getLinkedItem(group2.libraryID, true));
await group1.eraseTx();
await group2.eraseTx();
describe("with feed items", function () {
const httpdPort = 16214;
var httpd;
before(async function () {
httpd = new HttpServer();
after(async function () {
await new Promise(resolve => httpd.stop(resolve));
it("should add a translated feed item retrieved from a URL", function* () {
// Serve the feed entry webpage via localhost
const urlPath = "/journalArticle-single.html";
const url = `http://localhost:${httpdPort}` + urlPath;
getTestDataDirectory().path, 'metadata', 'journalArticle-single.html'
var feed = yield createFeed();
var collection = yield createDataObject('collection', false, { skipSelect: true });
var feedItem = yield createDataObject('feedItem', {libraryID: feed.libraryID}, { skipSelect: true });
feedItem.setField('url', url);
yield feedItem.saveTx();
var translateFn = sinon.spy(feedItem, 'translate');
// Add observer to wait for collection add
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
var itemIds;
var ids = (yield onDrop('item', 'C' + collection.id, [feedItem.id])).ids;
// Check that the translated item was the one that was created after drag
var item;
yield translateFn.returnValues[0].then(function(i) {
item = i;
assert.equal(item.id, ids[0]);
yield cv.selectCollection(collection.id);
yield waitForItemsLoad(win);
var itemsView = win.ZoteroPane.itemsView;
assert.equal(itemsView.rowCount, 1);
var treeRow = itemsView.getRow(0);
assert.equal(treeRow.ref.id, item.id);
describe("Feeds pseudo-library", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
for (let feed of Zotero.Feeds.getAll()) {
await feed.eraseTx();
it("should contain feed items from all feeds", async function () {
let feed1 = await createFeed();
let feed2 = await createFeed();
let feedItem1 = await createDataObject('feedItem', { libraryID: feed1.libraryID }, { skipSelect: true });
let feedItem2 = await createDataObject('feedItem', { libraryID: feed2.libraryID }, { skipSelect: true });
await cv.selectFeeds();
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
let itemsView = zp.itemsView;
assert.equal(itemsView.rowCount, 2);
assert.equal(itemsView.getRow(0).ref.id, feedItem2.id);
assert.equal(itemsView.getRow(1).ref.id, feedItem1.id);
it("should be filterable", async function () {
let feed1 = await createFeed();
let feed2 = await createFeed();
let feedItem1 = await createDataObject('feedItem', { libraryID: feed1.libraryID, setTitle: true }, { skipSelect: true });
let feedItem2 = await createDataObject('feedItem', { libraryID: feed2.libraryID, setTitle: true }, { skipSelect: true });
await cv.selectFeeds();
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
var quickSearch = win.document.getElementById('zotero-tb-search-textbox');
quickSearch.value = feedItem1.getField('title');
let itemsView = zp.itemsView;
await itemsView._refreshPromise;
assert.equal(itemsView.rowCount, 1);
assert.equal(itemsView.getRow(0).ref.id, feedItem1.id);
it("should be bold if any feed items are unread", async function () {
let feed1 = await createFeed();
let feed2 = await createFeed();
let feedItem1 = await createDataObject('feedItem', { libraryID: feed1.libraryID, setTitle: true }, { skipSelect: true });
let feedItem2 = await createDataObject('feedItem', { libraryID: feed2.libraryID, setTitle: true }, { skipSelect: true });
await feedItem1.toggleRead(true);
// Unread count is automatically updated on feed refresh, but we need to do it manually here
await feed1.updateUnreadCount();
await feed2.updateUnreadCount();
assert.equal(cv.getRow(cv.getRowIndexByID('F1')).ref.unreadCount, 1);
assert.lengthOf(win.document.querySelectorAll('#zotero-collections-tree .row.unread'), 2);
describe("#setFilter()", function () {
var collection1, collection2, collection3, collection4, collection5, collection6, collection7, collection8;
var search1, search2, feed1, feed2;
var allRows = [];
let keyboardClick = (key) => {
return new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
key: key,
code: key,
bubbles: true,
before(async function () {
// Delete all previously added collections, feeds, searches
for (let col of Zotero.Collections.getByLibrary(userLibraryID)) {
await col.eraseTx();
await clearFeeds();
for (let s of Zotero.Searches.getByLibrary(userLibraryID)) {
await s.eraseTx();
// Display the collection search bar
// Do not hide the search panel on blur
win.document.getElementById("zotero-collections-search").removeEventListener('blur', zp.hideCollectionSearch);
feed1 = await createFeed({ name: "feed_1 " });
feed2 = await createFeed({ name: "feed_2" });
collection1 = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "collection_level_one", libraryID: userLibraryID });
collection2 = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "collection_level_two_1", parentID: collection1.id, libraryID: userLibraryID });
collection3 = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "collection_level_two_2", parentID: collection1.id, libraryID: userLibraryID });
collection4 = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "collection_level_three_1", parentID: collection2.id, libraryID: userLibraryID });
collection5 = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "collection_level_three_11", parentID: collection2.id, libraryID: userLibraryID });
collection6 = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "collection_level_one_1", libraryID: userLibraryID });
collection7 = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "collection_level_two_21", parentID: collection6.id, libraryID: userLibraryID });
collection8 = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "collection_level_two_22", parentID: collection6.id, libraryID: userLibraryID });
search1 = await createDataObject('search', { name: "search_1", libraryID: userLibraryID });
search2 = await createDataObject('search', { name: "search_2", libraryID: userLibraryID });
allRows = [feed1, feed2, collection1, collection2, collection3, collection4, collection5, collection6, collection7, collection8, search1, search2];
beforeEach(async function () {
// Empty filter and let it settle
await cv.setFilter("");
after(async function () {
await cv.setFilter("");
for (let type of ['collection', 'search', 'feed']) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func
it(`should show only ${type} matching the filter`, async function () {
await cv.setFilter(type);
let displayedRowNames = cv._rows.filter(row => row.type == type).map(row => row.getName());
let expectedRowNames = allRows.filter(row => row.name.includes(type)).map(row => row.name);
assert.sameMembers(displayedRowNames, expectedRowNames);
it('should show non-passing entries whose children pass the filter', async function () {
await cv.setFilter("three");
let displayedRowNames = cv._rows.filter(row => row.type == "collection").map(row => row.ref.name);
let expectedNames = [
assert.sameMembers(displayedRowNames, expectedNames);
it('should not move focus from selected collection during filtering', async function () {
await cv.selectByID("C" + collection5.id);
await cv.setFilter("three");
let focusedRow = cv.getRow(cv.selection.focused);
assert.equal(focusedRow.id, "C" + collection5.id);
await cv.setFilter("two");
focusedRow = cv.getRow(cv.selection.focused);
assert.equal(focusedRow.id, "C" + collection5.id);
it('should collapse collections collapsed before filtering', async function () {
// Collapse top level collections 1 and 6
for (let c of [collection1, collection6]) {
let index = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + c.id);
let row = cv.getRow(index);
if (row.isOpen) {
await cv.toggleOpenState(index);
await cv.setFilter(collection5.name);
// Collection 1 and 2 have a matching child, so they are opened
let colOneRow = cv.getRow(cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collection1.id));
let colTwoRow = cv.getRow(cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collection2.id));
// Collection 6 has no matches, it is filtered out
let colSixRowIndex = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collection6.id);
// Empty the filter
await cv.setFilter("");
// Collection 1 and 6 should remain collapsed as before filtering
colOneRow = cv.getRow(cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collection1.id));
let colSixRow = cv.getRow(cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collection6.id));
for (let type of ['collection', 'search']) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func
it(`should only hide ${type} if it's renamed to not match the filter`, async function () {
await cv.setFilter(type);
let objectToSelect = type == 'collection' ? collection5 : search2;
objectToSelect.name += "_updated";
await objectToSelect.saveTx();
let displayedRowNames = cv._rows.map(row => row.getName());
assert.include(displayedRowNames, objectToSelect.name);
objectToSelect.name = "not_matching_filter";
await objectToSelect.saveTx();
displayedRowNames = cv._rows.map(row => row.getName());
assert.notInclude(displayedRowNames, objectToSelect.name);
for (let type of ['collection', 'search']) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func
it(`should only add ${type} if its name matches the filter`, async function () {
await cv.setFilter(type);
let newCollection = await createDataObject(type, { name: `new_${type}`, libraryID: userLibraryID });
let displayedRowNames = cv._rows.map(row => row.ref.name);
assert.include(displayedRowNames, newCollection.name);
newCollection = await createDataObject(type, { name: `not_passing_${type.substring(1)}`, libraryID: userLibraryID });
displayedRowNames = cv._rows.map(row => row.ref.name);
assert.notInclude(displayedRowNames, newCollection.name);
it(`should focus selected collection on Enter if it matches filter`, async function () {
await cv.selectByID(`C${collection3.id}`);
win.document.getElementById("zotero-collections-search").value = "_2";
await cv.setFilter("_2");
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedCollection(true), collection3.id);
assert.equal(win.document.activeElement.id, 'collection-tree');
it(`should focus first matching collection on Enter if selected collection does not match filter`, async function () {
await cv.selectByID(`C${collection2.id}`);
win.document.getElementById("zotero-collections-search").value = "_2";
await cv.setFilter("_2");
// Wait for the selection to go through
await Zotero.Promise.delay(100);
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedCollection(true), collection3.id);
assert.equal(win.document.activeElement.id, 'collection-tree');
it(`should not move focus from collection filter on Enter if no rows pass the filter`, async function () {
await cv.selectByID(`C${collection3.id}`);
win.document.getElementById("zotero-collections-search").value = "Not matching anything";
await cv.setFilter("Not matching anything");
assert.equal(win.document.activeElement.id, 'zotero-collections-search');
it(`should skip context rows on arrow up/down`, async function () {
await cv.selectByID(`C${collection2.id}`);
await cv.setFilter("_2");
await cv.focusFirstMatchingRow();
// Skip collection6 that does not match on the way up and down
for (let col of [collection3, collection7, collection8]) {
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedCollection(true), col.id);
await cv.focusNextMatchingRow(cv.selection.focused);
await cv.selectByID(`C${collection8.id}`);
for (let col of [collection8, collection7, collection3]) {
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedCollection(true), col.id);
await cv.focusNextMatchingRow(cv.selection.focused, true);
it(`should clear filter on Escape from collectionTree`, async function () {
await cv.selectByID(`C${collection2.id}`);
let colTree = win.document.getElementById('collection-tree');
await cv.setFilter("_2");
assert.equal(cv._filter, "");
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedCollection(true), collection2.id);