When opening the advanced search window, the current library is selected, and a different library can be selected to change the search scope. If a library is read-only, the saved search button is disabled. For saved searches, the appropriate library is selected and the drop-down is disabled. Also: - Close the advanced search window after a search is saved - The default name for saved searches ("Untitled 2", etc.) was based on collections rather than searches - Once an initial search has been performed, the drop-downs and checkboxes now update the results - More consistent spacing in advanced search window - (dev) Zotero.DB.getNextName() now takes a libraryID as its first parameter instead of always using My Library; the old parameters are deprecated but still work
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<!ENTITY zotero.search.name "Name:">
<!ENTITY zotero.search.searchInLibrary "Search in library:">
<!ENTITY zotero.search.joinMode.prefix "Match">
<!ENTITY zotero.search.joinMode.any "any">
<!ENTITY zotero.search.joinMode.all "all">
<!ENTITY zotero.search.joinMode.suffix "of the following:">
<!ENTITY zotero.search.recursive.label "Search subcollections">
<!ENTITY zotero.search.noChildren "Show only top-level items">
<!ENTITY zotero.search.includeParentsAndChildren "Include parent and child items of matching items">
<!ENTITY zotero.search.textModes.phrase "Phrase">
<!ENTITY zotero.search.textModes.phraseBinary "Phrase (incl. binary files)">
<!ENTITY zotero.search.textModes.regexp "Regexp">
<!ENTITY zotero.search.textModes.regexpCS "Regexp (case-sensitive)">
<!ENTITY zotero.search.date.units.days "days">
<!ENTITY zotero.search.date.units.months "months">
<!ENTITY zotero.search.date.units.years "years">
<!ENTITY zotero.search.search "Search">
<!ENTITY zotero.search.clear "Clear">
<!ENTITY zotero.search.saveSearch "Save Search">