- Allow to format citations inside note-editor - Allow quickFormat dialog to display and pick already cited items, even if an item no longer exists - Watch and automatically update citation itemData in metadata container and re-format citations in body in opened notes - Reorganize note metadata container handling and improve resistance to accidentally breaking it in further development - Improve performance when typing in larger notes - Rewrite note saving mechanism to support automatic note changes and reduce complexity for further development - Cleanup and comment some core parts or note-editor as the preparation for further development - Prepopulate quickFormat dialog with the currently opened PDF parent #1984 (doesn't include the currently scrolled page label yet)
1579 lines
50 KiB
1579 lines
50 KiB
Copyright © 2011 Center for History and New Media
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
This file is part of Zotero.
Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Zotero. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
var Zotero_QuickFormat = new function () {
const pixelRe = /^([0-9]+)px$/
const specifiedLocatorRe = /^(?:,? *(p{1,2})(?:\. *| *)|:)([0-9\-]+) *$/;
const yearRe = /,? *([0-9]+) *(B[. ]*C[. ]*(?:E[. ]*)?|A[. ]*D[. ]*|C[. ]*E[. ]*)?$/i;
const locatorRe = /(?:,? *(p{0,2})\.?|(\:)) *([0-9\-–]+)$/i;
const creatorSplitRe = /(?:,| *(?:and|\&)) +/;
const charRe = /[\w\u007F-\uFFFF]/;
const numRe = /^[0-9\-–]+$/;
var initialized, io, qfs, qfi, qfiWindow, qfiDocument, qfe, qfb, qfbHeight, qfGuidance,
keepSorted, showEditor, referencePanel, referenceBox, referenceHeight = 0,
separatorHeight = 0, currentLocator, currentLocatorLabel, currentSearchTime, dragging,
panel, panelPrefix, panelSuffix, panelSuppressAuthor, panelLocatorLabel, panelLocator,
panelLibraryLink, panelInfo, panelRefersToBubble, panelFrameHeight = 0, accepted = false;
var locatorLocked = true;
var locatorNode = null;
var _searchPromise;
const SEARCH_TIMEOUT = 250;
* Pre-initialization, when the dialog has loaded but has not yet appeared
this.onDOMContentLoaded = function(event) {
if(event.target === document) {
initialized = true;
io = window.arguments[0].wrappedJSObject;
Zotero.debug(`Quick Format received citation:`);
if (io.disableClassicDialog) {
document.getElementById('classic-view').hidden = true;
// Only hide chrome on Windows or Mac
if(Zotero.isMac) {
document.documentElement.setAttribute("drawintitlebar", true);
} else if(Zotero.isWin) {
document.documentElement.setAttribute("hidechrome", true);
// Include a different key combo in message on Mac
if(Zotero.isMac) {
var qf = document.querySelector('.citation-dialog.guidance');
qf && qf.setAttribute('about', qf.getAttribute('about') + "Mac");
new WindowDraggingElement(document.querySelector("window.citation-dialog"), window);
qfs = document.querySelector(".citation-dialog.search");
qfi = document.querySelector(".citation-dialog.iframe");
qfb = document.querySelector(".citation-dialog.entry");
qfbHeight = qfb.scrollHeight;
referencePanel = document.querySelector(".citation-dialog.reference-panel");
referenceBox = document.querySelector(".citation-dialog.reference-list");
if (Zotero.isWin) {
referencePanel.style.marginTop = "-29px";
if (Zotero.Prefs.get('integration.keepAddCitationDialogRaised')) {
qfb.setAttribute("square", "true");
// With fx60 and drawintitlebar=true Firefox calculates the minHeight
// as titlebar+maincontent, so we have hack around that here.
else if (Zotero.isMac) {
qfb.style.marginBottom = "-28px";
keepSorted = document.getElementById("keep-sorted");
showEditor = document.getElementById("show-editor");
if(keepSorted && io.sortable) {
keepSorted.hidden = false;
if(!io.citation.properties.unsorted) {
keepSorted.setAttribute("checked", "true");
// Nodes for citation properties panel
panel = document.getElementById("citation-properties");
if (panel) {
panelPrefix = document.getElementById("prefix");
panelSuffix = document.getElementById("suffix");
panelSuppressAuthor = document.getElementById("suppress-author");
panelLocatorLabel = document.getElementById("locator-label");
panelLocator = document.getElementById("locator");
panelInfo = document.getElementById("citation-properties-info");
panelLibraryLink = document.getElementById("citation-properties-library-link");
// add labels to popup
var locators = Zotero.Cite.labels;
var menu = document.getElementById("locator-label");
var labelList = document.getElementById("locator-label-popup");
for(var locator of locators) {
var locatorLabel = Zotero.getString('citation.locator.'+locator.replace(/\s/g,''));
// add to list of labels
var child = document.createElement("menuitem");
child.setAttribute("value", locator);
child.setAttribute("label", locatorLabel);
menu.selectedIndex = 0;
// Don't need to set noautohide dynamically on these platforms, so do it now
if(Zotero.isMac || Zotero.isWin) {
referencePanel.setAttribute("noautohide", true);
} else if (event.target === qfi.contentDocument) {
qfiWindow = qfi.contentWindow;
qfiDocument = qfi.contentDocument;
qfb.addEventListener("click", _onQuickSearchClick, false);
qfb.addEventListener("keypress", _onQuickSearchKeyPress, false);
qfe = qfiDocument.querySelector(".citation-dialog.editor");
qfe.addEventListener("drop", _onBubbleDrop, false);
qfe.addEventListener("paste", _onPaste, false);
if (Zotero_QuickFormat.citingNotes) {
* Initialize add citation dialog
this.onLoad = async function (event) {
try {
if (event.target !== document) return;
// make sure we are visible
let resizePromise = (async function () {
await Zotero.Promise.delay();
window.resizeTo(window.outerWidth, qfb.clientHeight);
var screenX = window.screenX;
var screenY = window.screenY;
var xRange = [window.screen.availLeft, window.screen.width - window.outerWidth];
var yRange = [window.screen.availTop, window.screen.height - window.outerHeight];
if (screenX < xRange[0] || screenX > xRange[1] || screenY < yRange[0] || screenY > yRange[1]) {
var targetX = Math.max(Math.min(screenX, xRange[1]), xRange[0]);
var targetY = Math.max(Math.min(screenY, yRange[1]), yRange[0]);
Zotero.debug(`Moving window to ${targetX}, ${targetY}`);
window.moveTo(targetX, targetY);
qfGuidance = document.querySelector('.citation-dialog.guidance');
qfGuidance && qfGuidance.show();
// load citation data
if (io.citation.citationItems.length) {
// hack to get spacing right
var evt = qfiDocument.createEvent("KeyboardEvent");
evt.initKeyEvent("keypress", true, true, qfiWindow,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, " ".charCodeAt(0));
await resizePromise;
var node = qfe.firstChild;
node.nodeValue = "";
catch (e) {
function _refocusQfe() {
* Gets the content of the text node that the cursor is currently within
function _getCurrentEditorTextNode() {
var selection = qfiWindow.getSelection();
if (!selection) return false;
var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
var node = range.startContainer;
if(node !== range.endContainer) return false;
if(node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) return node;
// Range could be referenced to the body element
if(node === qfe) {
var offset = range.startOffset;
if(offset !== range.endOffset) return false;
node = qfe.childNodes[Math.min(qfe.childNodes.length-1, offset)];
if(node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) return node;
return false;
* Gets text within the currently selected node
* @param {Boolean} [clear] If true, also remove these nodes
function _getEditorContent(clear) {
var node = _getCurrentEditorTextNode();
return node ? node.wholeText : false;
* Updates currentLocator based on a string
* @param {String} str String to search for locator
* @return {String} str without locator
function _updateLocator(str) {
m = locatorRe.exec(str);
if(m && (m[1] || m[2] || m[3].length !== 4) && m.index > 0) {
currentLocator = m[3];
str = str.substr(0, m.index)+str.substring(m.index+m[0].length);
return str;
* Does the dirty work of figuring out what the user meant to type
var _quickFormat = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* () {
var str = _getEditorContent();
if (str && str.match(/\s$/)) {
locatorLocked = true;
var haveConditions = false;
const etAl = " et al.";
var m,
year = false,
isBC = false,
dateID = false;
currentLocator = false;
currentLocatorLabel = false;
// check for adding a number onto a previous page number
if(!locatorLocked && numRe.test(str)) {
// add to previous cite
var node = _getCurrentEditorTextNode();
let citationItem = JSON.parse(locatorNode && locatorNode.dataset.citationItem || "null");
if (citationItem) {
if (!("locator" in citationItem)) {
citationItem.locator = "";
citationItem.locator += str;
locatorNode.dataset.citationItem = JSON.stringify(citationItem);
locatorNode.textContent = _buildBubbleString(citationItem);
node.nodeValue = "";
if(str && str.length > 1) {
// check for specified locator
m = specifiedLocatorRe.exec(str);
if(m) {
if(m.index === 0) {
// add to previous cite
var node = _getCurrentEditorTextNode();
var prevNode = locatorLocked ? node.previousSibling : locatorNode;
let citationItem = JSON.parse(prevNode && prevNode.dataset.citationItem || "null");
if (citationItem) {
citationItem.locator = m[2];
prevNode.dataset.citationItem = JSON.stringify(citationItem);
prevNode.textContent = _buildBubbleString(citationItem);
node.nodeValue = "";
locatorLocked = false;
locatorNode = prevNode;
// TODO support types other than page
currentLocator = m[2];
str = str.substring(0, m.index);
str = _updateLocator(str);
// check for year and pages
m = yearRe.exec(str);
if(m) {
year = parseInt(m[1]);
isBC = m[2] && m[2][0] === "B";
str = str.substr(0, m.index)+str.substring(m.index+m[0].length);
if(year) str += " "+year;
var s = new Zotero.Search();
str = str.replace(/ (?:&|and) /g, " ", "g");
str = str.replace(/^,/, '');
if(charRe.test(str)) {
Zotero.debug("QuickFormat: QuickSearch: "+str);
// Exclude feeds
.forEach(feed => s.addCondition("libraryID", "isNot", feed.libraryID));
if (Zotero_QuickFormat.citingNotes) {
s.addCondition("quicksearch-titleCreatorYearNote", "contains", str);
else {
s.addCondition("quicksearch-titleCreatorYear", "contains", str);
s.addCondition("itemType", "isNot", "attachment");
if (io.filterLibraryIDs) {
io.filterLibraryIDs.forEach(id => s.addCondition("libraryID", "is", id));
haveConditions = true;
if (!haveConditions && Zotero_QuickFormat.citingNotes) {
s = new Zotero.Search();
str = "";
s.addCondition("quicksearch-titleCreatorYearNote", "contains", str);
haveConditions = true;
if (haveConditions) {
var searchResultIDs = (haveConditions ? (yield s.search()) : []);
// Show items list without cited items to start
yield _updateItemList({ searchString: str, searchResultIDs });
// Check to see which search results match items already in the document
var citedItems, completed = !!Zotero_QuickFormat.citingNotes, isAsync = false;
// Save current search time so that when we get items, we know whether it's too late to
// process them or not
var lastSearchTime = currentSearchTime = Date.now();
// This may or may not be synchronous
if (!Zotero_QuickFormat.citingNotes) {
io.getItems().then(function(citedItems) {
// Don't do anything if panel is already closed
if(isAsync &&
((referencePanel.state !== "open" && referencePanel.state !== "showing")
|| lastSearchTime !== currentSearchTime)) return;
completed = true;
if(str.toLowerCase() === Zotero.getString("integration.ibid").toLowerCase()) {
// If "ibid" is entered, show all cited items
citedItemsMatchingSearch = citedItems;
} else {
Zotero.debug("Searching cited items");
// Search against items. We do this here because it's possible that some of these
// items are only in the doc, and not in the DB.
var splits = Zotero.Fulltext.semanticSplitter(str),
citedItemsMatchingSearch = [];
for(var i=0, iCount=citedItems.length; i<iCount; i++) {
// Generate a string to search for each item
let item = citedItems[i];
let itemStr = item.getCreators()
.map(creator => creator.firstName + " " + creator.lastName)
.concat([item.getField("title"), item.getField("date", true, true).substr(0, 4)])
.join(" ");
// See if words match
for(var j=0, jCount=splits.length; j<jCount; j++) {
var split = splits[j];
if(itemStr.toLowerCase().indexOf(split) === -1) break;
// If matched, add to citedItemsMatchingSearch
if(j === jCount) citedItemsMatchingSearch.push(item);
Zotero.debug("Searched cited items");
searchString: str,
preserveSelection: isAsync
if(!completed) {
// We are going to have to wait until items have been retrieved from the document.
Zotero.debug("Getting cited items asynchronously");
isAsync = true;
} else {
Zotero.debug("Got cited items synchronously");
} else {
// No search conditions, so just clear the box
_updateItemList({ citedItems: [] });
* Updates the item list
var _updateItemList = async function (options = {}) {
options = Object.assign({
citedItems: false,
citedItemsMatchingSearch: false,
searchString: "",
searchResultIDs: [],
preserveSelection: false
}, options);
let { citedItems, citedItemsMatchingSearch, searchString,
searchResultIDs, preserveSelection } = options
var selectedIndex = 1, previousItemID;
if (Zotero_QuickFormat.citingNotes) citedItems = [];
// Do this so we can preserve the selected item after cited items have been loaded
if(preserveSelection && referenceBox.selectedIndex !== -1 && referenceBox.selectedIndex !== 2) {
previousItemID = parseInt(referenceBox.selectedItem.getAttribute("zotero-item"), 10);
while(referenceBox.hasChildNodes()) referenceBox.removeChild(referenceBox.firstChild);
var nCitedItemsFromLibrary = {};
if(!citedItems) {
// We don't know whether or not we have cited items, because we are waiting for document
// data
selectedIndex = 2;
} else if(citedItems.length) {
// We have cited items
for(var i=0, n=citedItems.length; i<n; i++) {
var citedItem = citedItems[i];
// Tabulate number of items in document for each library
if(!citedItem.cslItemID) {
var libraryID = citedItem.libraryID;
if(libraryID in nCitedItemsFromLibrary) {
} else {
nCitedItemsFromLibrary[libraryID] = 1;
if(citedItemsMatchingSearch && citedItemsMatchingSearch.length) {
for(var i=0; i<Math.min(citedItemsMatchingSearch.length, 50); i++) {
var citedItem = citedItemsMatchingSearch[i];
// Also take into account items cited in this citation. This means that the sorting isn't
// exactly by # of items cited from each library, but maybe it's better this way.
for(var citationItem of io.citation.citationItems) {
var citedItem = io.customGetItem && io.customGetItem(citationItem) || Zotero.Cite.getItem(citationItem.id);
if(!citedItem.cslItemID) {
var libraryID = citedItem.libraryID;
if(libraryID in nCitedItemsFromLibrary) {
} else {
nCitedItemsFromLibrary[libraryID] = 1;
if(searchResultIDs.length && (!citedItemsMatchingSearch || citedItemsMatchingSearch.length < 50)) {
// Search results might be in an unloaded library, so get items asynchronously and load
// necessary data
var items = await Zotero.Items.getAsync(searchResultIDs);
await Zotero.Items.loadDataTypes(items);
searchString = searchString.toLowerCase();
var collation = Zotero.getLocaleCollation();
function _itemSort(a, b) {
var firstCreatorA = a.firstCreator, firstCreatorB = b.firstCreator;
// Favor left-bound name matches (e.g., "Baum" < "Appelbaum"),
// using last name of first author
if (firstCreatorA && firstCreatorB) {
let caStartsWith = firstCreatorA.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchString) == 0;
let cbStartsWith = firstCreatorB.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchString) == 0;
if (caStartsWith && !cbStartsWith) {
return -1;
else if (!caStartsWith && cbStartsWith) {
return 1;
var libA = a.libraryID, libB = b.libraryID;
if(libA !== libB) {
// Sort by number of cites for library
if(nCitedItemsFromLibrary[libA] && !nCitedItemsFromLibrary[libB]) {
return -1;
if(!nCitedItemsFromLibrary[libA] && nCitedItemsFromLibrary[libB]) {
return 1;
if(nCitedItemsFromLibrary[libA] !== nCitedItemsFromLibrary[libB]) {
return nCitedItemsFromLibrary[libB] - nCitedItemsFromLibrary[libA];
// Sort by ID even if number of cites is equal
return libA - libB;
// Sort by last name of first author
if (firstCreatorA !== "" && firstCreatorB === "") {
return -1;
} else if (firstCreatorA === "" && firstCreatorB !== "") {
return 1
} else if (firstCreatorA) {
return collation.compareString(1, firstCreatorA, firstCreatorB);
// Sort by date
var yearA = a.getField("date", true, true).substr(0, 4),
yearB = b.getField("date", true, true).substr(0, 4);
return yearA - yearB;
function _noteSort(a, b) {
return collation.compareString(
1, b.getField('dateModified'), a.getField('dateModified')
items.sort(Zotero_QuickFormat.citingNotes ? _noteSort : _itemSort);
var previousLibrary = -1;
for(var i=0, n=Math.min(items.length, citedItemsMatchingSearch ? 50-citedItemsMatchingSearch.length : 50); i<n; i++) {
var item = items[i], libraryID = item.libraryID;
if(previousLibrary != libraryID) {
var libraryName = libraryID ? Zotero.Libraries.getName(libraryID)
: Zotero.getString('pane.collections.library');
previousLibrary = libraryID;
if(preserveSelection && (item.cslItemID ? item.cslItemID : item.id) === previousItemID) {
selectedIndex = referenceBox.childNodes.length-1;
if((citedItemsMatchingSearch && citedItemsMatchingSearch.length) || searchResultIDs.length) {
referenceBox.selectedIndex = selectedIndex;
* Builds a string describing an item. We avoid CSL here for speed.
function _buildItemDescription(item, infoHbox) {
var nodes = [];
var str = "";
if (item.isNote()) {
var date = Zotero.Date.sqlToDate(item.dateModified, true);
date = Zotero.Date.toFriendlyDate(date);
str += date;
var text = item.note;
text = Zotero.Utilities.unescapeHTML(text);
text = text.trim();
text = text.slice(0, 500);
var parts = text.split('\n').map(x => x.trim()).filter(x => x.length);
if (parts[1]) str += " " + parts[1];
else {
var author, authorDate = "";
if(item.firstCreator) author = authorDate = item.firstCreator;
var date = item.getField("date", true, true);
if(date && (date = date.substr(0, 4)) !== "0000") {
authorDate += " (" + parseInt(date) + ")";
authorDate = authorDate.trim();
if(authorDate) nodes.push(authorDate);
var publicationTitle = item.getField("publicationTitle", false, true);
if(publicationTitle) {
var label = document.createElement("label");
label.setAttribute("value", publicationTitle);
label.setAttribute("crop", "end");
label.style.fontStyle = "italic";
var volumeIssue = item.getField("volume");
var issue = item.getField("issue");
if(issue) volumeIssue += "("+issue+")";
if(volumeIssue) nodes.push(volumeIssue);
var publisherPlace = [], field;
if((field = item.getField("publisher"))) publisherPlace.push(field);
if((field = item.getField("place"))) publisherPlace.push(field);
if(publisherPlace.length) nodes.push(publisherPlace.join(": "));
var pages = item.getField("pages");
if(pages) nodes.push(pages);
if(!nodes.length) {
var url = item.getField("url");
if(url) nodes.push(url);
// compile everything together
for(var i=0, n=nodes.length; i<n; i++) {
var node = nodes[i];
if(i != 0) str += ", ";
if(typeof node === "object") {
var label = document.createElement("label");
label.setAttribute("value", str);
label.setAttribute("crop", "end");
str = "";
} else {
str += node;
if(nodes.length && (!str.length || str[str.length-1] !== ".")) str += ".";
var label = document.createElement("label");
label.setAttribute("value", str);
label.setAttribute("crop", "end");
label.setAttribute("flex", "1");
* Creates an item to be added to the item list
function _buildListItem(item) {
var titleNode = document.createElement("label");
titleNode.setAttribute("class", "citation-dialog title");
titleNode.setAttribute("flex", "1");
titleNode.setAttribute("crop", "end");
titleNode.setAttribute("value", item.getDisplayTitle());
var infoNode = document.createElement("hbox");
infoNode.setAttribute("class", "citation-dialog info");
_buildItemDescription(item, infoNode);
// add to rich list item
var rll = document.createElement("richlistitem");
rll.setAttribute("orient", "vertical");
rll.setAttribute("class", "citation-dialog item");
rll.setAttribute("zotero-item", item.cslItemID ? item.cslItemID : item.id);
rll.addEventListener("click", Zotero_QuickFormat._bubbleizeSelected, false);
return rll;
* Creates a list separator to be added to the item list
function _buildListSeparator(labelText, loading) {
var titleNode = document.createElement("label");
titleNode.setAttribute("class", "citation-dialog separator-title");
titleNode.setAttribute("flex", "1");
titleNode.setAttribute("crop", "end");
titleNode.setAttribute("value", labelText);
// add to rich list item
var rll = document.createElement("richlistitem");
rll.setAttribute("orient", "vertical");
rll.setAttribute("disabled", true);
rll.setAttribute("class", loading ? "citation-dialog loading" : "citation-dialog separator");
rll.addEventListener("mousedown", _ignoreClick, true);
rll.addEventListener("click", _ignoreClick, true);
return rll;
* Builds the string to go inside a bubble
function _buildBubbleString(citationItem) {
var item = io.customGetItem && io.customGetItem(citationItem) || Zotero.Cite.getItem(citationItem.id);
// create text for bubble
// Creator
var title, delimiter;
var str = item.getField("firstCreator");
// Title, if no creator (getDisplayTitle in order to get case, e-mail, statute which don't have a title field)
title = item.getDisplayTitle();
if (item.isNote()) {
title = title.substr(0, 24) + '…';
if (!str) {
str = Zotero.getString("punctuation.openingQMark") + title + Zotero.getString("punctuation.closingQMark");
// Date
var date = item.getField("date", true, true);
if(date && (date = date.substr(0, 4)) !== "0000") {
str += ", " + parseInt(date);
// Locator
if(citationItem.locator) {
if(citationItem.label) {
// TODO localize and use short forms
var label = citationItem.label;
} else if(/[\-–,]/.test(citationItem.locator)) {
var label = "pp.";
} else {
var label = "p."
str += ", "+label+" "+citationItem.locator;
// Prefix
if(citationItem.prefix && Zotero.CiteProc.CSL.ENDSWITH_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP) {
str = citationItem.prefix
+(Zotero.CiteProc.CSL.ENDSWITH_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP.test(citationItem.prefix) ? " " : "")
// Suffix
if(citationItem.suffix && Zotero.CiteProc.CSL.STARTSWITH_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP) {
str += (Zotero.CiteProc.CSL.STARTSWITH_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP.test(citationItem.suffix) ? " " : "")
return str;
* Insert a bubble into the DOM at a specified position
function _insertBubble(citationItem, nextNode) {
var str = _buildBubbleString(citationItem);
// It's entirely unintuitive why, but after trying a bunch of things, it looks like using
// a XUL label for these things works best. A regular span causes issues with moving the
// cursor.
var bubble = qfiDocument.createElement("span");
bubble.setAttribute("class", "citation-dialog bubble");
bubble.setAttribute("draggable", "true");
bubble.textContent = str;
bubble.addEventListener("click", _onBubbleClick, false);
bubble.addEventListener("dragstart", _onBubbleDrag, false);
bubble.dataset.citationItem = JSON.stringify(citationItem);
if(nextNode && nextNode instanceof Range) {
} else {
qfe.insertBefore(bubble, (nextNode ? nextNode : null));
// make sure that there are no rogue <br>s
var elements = qfe.getElementsByTagName("br");
while(elements.length) {
return bubble;
* Clear list of bubbles
function _clearEntryList() {
while(referenceBox.hasChildNodes()) referenceBox.removeChild(referenceBox.firstChild);
* Converts the selected item to a bubble
this._bubbleizeSelected = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* () {
if(!referenceBox.hasChildNodes() || !referenceBox.selectedItem) return false;
var citationItem = {"id":referenceBox.selectedItem.getAttribute("zotero-item")};
if (typeof citationItem.id === "string" && citationItem.id.indexOf("/") !== -1) {
var item = Zotero.Cite.getItem(citationItem.id);
citationItem.uris = item.cslURIs;
citationItem.itemData = item.cslItemData;
else if (Zotero.Retractions.isRetracted({ id: parseInt(citationItem.id) })) {
citationItem.id = parseInt(citationItem.id);
if (Zotero.Retractions.shouldShowCitationWarning(citationItem)) {
referencePanel.hidden = true;
var ps = Services.prompt;
var buttonFlags = ps.BUTTON_POS_0 * ps.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING
var checkbox = { value: false };
var result = ps.confirmEx(null,
Zotero.getString('retraction.citeWarning.text1') + '\n\n'
+ Zotero.getString('retraction.citeWarning.text2'),
Zotero.getString('retraction.citationWarning.dontWarn'), checkbox);
referencePanel.hidden = false;
if (result > 0) {
if (result == 2) {
return false;
if (checkbox.value) {
citationItem.ignoreRetraction = true;
if(currentLocator) {
citationItem["locator"] = currentLocator;
if(currentLocatorLabel) {
citationItem["label"] = currentLocatorLabel;
locatorLocked = "locator" in citationItem;
// get next node and clear this one
var node = _getCurrentEditorTextNode();
node.nodeValue = "";
// We are setting a locator node here, but below 2 calls reset
// the bubble list for sorting, so we do some additional
// handling to maintain the correct locator node in
// _showCitation()
var bubble = locatorNode = _insertBubble(citationItem, node);
yield _previewAndSort();
return true;
* Ignores clicks (for use on separators in the rich list box)
function _ignoreClick(e) {
* Resizes window to fit content
function _resize() {
var childNodes = referenceBox.childNodes, numReferences = 0, numSeparators = 0,
firstReference, firstSeparator, height;
for(var i=0, n=childNodes.length; i<n && numReferences < SHOWN_REFERENCES; i++) {
if(childNodes[i].className === "citation-dialog item") {
if(!firstReference) {
firstReference = childNodes[i];
if(referenceBox.selectedIndex === -1) referenceBox.selectedIndex = i;
} else if(childNodes[i].className === "citation-dialog separator") {
if(!firstSeparator) firstSeparator = childNodes[i];
if(qfe.scrollHeight > 30) {
qfe.setAttribute("multiline", true);
qfs.setAttribute("multiline", true);
qfs.style.height = ((Zotero.isMac ? 6 : 4)+qfe.scrollHeight)+"px";
// the above line causes drawing artifacts to appear due to a bug with drawintitle property
// in fx60. this fixes the artifacting
if (Zotero.isMac && Zotero.platformMajorVersion >= 60) {
document.children[0].setAttribute('drawintitlebar', 'false');
document.children[0].setAttribute('drawintitlebar', 'true');
} else {
delete qfs.style.height;
if (Zotero.isMac && Zotero.platformMajorVersion >= 60) {
document.children[0].setAttribute('drawintitlebar', 'false');
document.children[0].setAttribute('drawintitlebar', 'true');
var panelShowing = referencePanel.state === "open" || referencePanel.state === "showing";
if(numReferences || numSeparators) {
if(((!referenceHeight && firstReference) || (!separatorHeight && firstSeparator)
|| !panelFrameHeight) && !panelShowing) {
panelShowing = true;
if(!referenceHeight && firstReference) {
referenceHeight = firstReference.scrollHeight + 1;
if(!separatorHeight && firstSeparator) {
separatorHeight = firstSeparator.scrollHeight + 1;
if(!panelFrameHeight) {
panelFrameHeight = referencePanel.boxObject.height - referencePanel.clientHeight;
var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(referenceBox, null);
for(var attr of ["border-top-width", "border-bottom-width"]) {
var val = computedStyle.getPropertyValue(attr);
if(val) {
var m = pixelRe.exec(val);
if(m) panelFrameHeight += parseInt(m[1], 10);
if(!panelShowing) _openReferencePanel();
} else if(panelShowing) {
referencePanel.sizeTo(window.outerWidth-30, 0);
* Opens the reference panel and potentially refocuses the main text box
function _openReferencePanel() {
var panelShowing = referencePanel.state === "open" || referencePanel.state === "showing";
if (!panelShowing && !Zotero.isMac && !Zotero.isWin) {
// noautohide and noautofocus are incompatible on Linux
// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=545265
referencePanel.setAttribute("noautohide", "false");
// reinstate noautohide after the window is shown
referencePanel.addEventListener("popupshowing", function() {
referencePanel.removeEventListener("popupshowing", arguments.callee, false);
referencePanel.setAttribute("noautohide", "true");
}, false);
referencePanel.openPopup(document.documentElement, "after_start", 15,
qfb.clientHeight-window.clientHeight, false, false, null);
* Clears all citations
function _clearCitation() {
var citations = qfe.getElementsByClassName("citation-dialog bubble");
while(citations.length) {
* Shows citations in the citation object
function _showCitation(insertBefore) {
&& keepSorted && keepSorted.hasAttribute("checked")
&& io.citation.sortedItems
&& io.citation.sortedItems.length) {
for(var i=0, n=io.citation.sortedItems.length; i<n; i++) {
const bubble = _insertBubble(io.citation.sortedItems[i][1], insertBefore);
if (locatorNode && bubble.textContent == locatorNode.textContent) {
locatorNode = bubble;
} else {
for(var i=0, n=io.citation.citationItems.length; i<n; i++) {
const bubble = _insertBubble(io.citation.citationItems[i], insertBefore);
if (locatorNode && bubble.textContent == locatorNode.textContent) {
locatorNode = bubble;
* Populates the citation object
function _updateCitationObject() {
var nodes = qfe.childNodes;
io.citation.citationItems = [];
for (let node of nodes) {
if (node.dataset && node.dataset.citationItem) {
if(io.sortable) {
if(keepSorted && keepSorted.hasAttribute("checked")) {
delete io.citation.properties.unsorted;
} else {
io.citation.properties.unsorted = true;
* Move cursor to end of the textbox
function _moveCursorToEnd() {
var nodeRange = qfiDocument.createRange();
var selection = qfiWindow.getSelection();
* Generates the preview and sorts citations
var _previewAndSort = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* () {
var shouldKeepSorted = keepSorted && keepSorted.hasAttribute("checked"),
editorShowing = showEditor && showEditor.hasAttribute("checked");
if(!shouldKeepSorted && !editorShowing) return;
yield io.sort();
if(shouldKeepSorted) {
// means we need to resort citations
// select past last citation
var lastBubble = qfe.getElementsByClassName("citation-dialog bubble");
lastBubble = lastBubble[lastBubble.length-1];
* Shows the citation properties panel for a given bubble
function _showCitationProperties(target) {
panelRefersToBubble = target;
let citationItem = JSON.parse(target.dataset.citationItem);
panelPrefix.value = citationItem["prefix"] ? citationItem["prefix"] : "";
panelSuffix.value = citationItem["suffix"] ? citationItem["suffix"] : "";
if(citationItem["label"]) {
var option = panelLocatorLabel.getElementsByAttribute("value", citationItem["label"]);
if(option.length) {
panelLocatorLabel.selectedItem = option[0];
} else {
panelLocatorLabel.selectedIndex = 0;
} else {
panelLocatorLabel.selectedIndex = 0;
panelLocator.value = citationItem["locator"] ? citationItem["locator"] : "";
panelSuppressAuthor.checked = !!citationItem["suppress-author"];
var item = io.customGetItem && io.customGetItem(citationItem) || Zotero.Cite.getItem(citationItem.id);
document.getElementById("citation-properties-title").textContent = item.getDisplayTitle();
while(panelInfo.hasChildNodes()) panelInfo.removeChild(panelInfo.firstChild);
_buildItemDescription(item, panelInfo);
panelLibraryLink.hidden = !item.id;
if(item.id) {
var libraryName = item.libraryID ? Zotero.Libraries.getName(item.libraryID)
: Zotero.getString('pane.collections.library');
panelLibraryLink.label = Zotero.getString("integration.openInLibrary", libraryName);
target.setAttribute("selected", "true");
panel.openPopup(target, "after_start",
target.clientWidth/2, 0, false, false, null);
* Called when progress changes
function _onProgress(percent) {
var meter = document.querySelector(".citation-dialog .progress-meter");
if(percent === null) {
meter.mode = "undetermined";
} else {
meter.mode = "determined";
meter.value = Math.round(percent);
* Accepts current selection and adds citation
this._accept = function() {
if(accepted) return;
accepted = true;
try {
document.querySelector(".citation-dialog.deck").selectedIndex = 1;
} catch(e) {
* Handles windows closed with the close box
this.onUnload = function() {
if(accepted) return;
accepted = true;
io.citation.citationItems = [];
* Handle escape for entire window
this.onKeyPress = function (event) {
var keyCode = event.keyCode;
if (keyCode === event.DOM_VK_ESCAPE && !accepted) {
accepted = true;
io.citation.citationItems = [];
* Get bubbles within the current selection
function _getSelectedBubble(right) {
var selection = qfiWindow.getSelection(),
range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
// Check whether the bubble is selected
// Not sure whether this ever happens anymore
var container = range.startContainer;
if (container !== qfe) {
if (container.dataset && container.dataset.citationItem) {
return container;
} else if (container.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && container.wholeText == "") {
if (container.parentNode === qfe) {
var node = container;
while (node = container.previousSibling) {
if (node.dataset.citationItem) {
return node;
} else if (container.parentNode.dataset && container.parentNode.dataset.citationItem) {
return container.parentNode;
return null;
// Check whether there is a bubble anywhere to the left of this one
var offset = range.startOffset,
childNodes = qfe.childNodes,
node = childNodes[offset-(right ? 0 : 1)];
if (node && node.dataset.citationItem) return node;
return null;
* Reset timer that controls when search takes place. We use this to avoid searching after each
* keypress, since searches can be slow.
function _resetSearchTimer() {
// Show spinner
var spinner = document.querySelector('.citation-dialog.spinner');
spinner.style.visibility = '';
// Cancel current search if active
if (_searchPromise && _searchPromise.isPending()) {
// Start new search
_searchPromise = Zotero.Promise.delay(SEARCH_TIMEOUT)
.then(() => _quickFormat())
.then(() => {
_searchPromise = null;
spinner.style.visibility = 'hidden';
async function _onQuickSearchClick(event) {
if (qfGuidance) qfGuidance.hide();
let bubble = _getSelectedBubble(false);
if (bubble) {
var nodeRange = qfiDocument.createRange();
var selection = qfiWindow.getSelection();
* Handle return or escape
var _onQuickSearchKeyPress = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (event) {
// Prevent hang if another key is pressed after Enter
// https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/59157/
if (accepted) {
if(qfGuidance) qfGuidance.hide();
var keyCode = event.keyCode;
if (keyCode === event.DOM_VK_RETURN) {
if(!(yield Zotero_QuickFormat._bubbleizeSelected()) && !_getEditorContent()) {
} else if (keyCode === event.DOM_VK_ESCAPE) {
// Handled in the event handler up, but we have to cancel it here
// so that we do not issue another _quickFormat call
} else if(keyCode === event.DOM_VK_TAB || event.charCode === 59 /* ; */) {
} else if(keyCode === event.DOM_VK_BACK_SPACE || keyCode === event.DOM_VK_DELETE) {
var bubble = _getSelectedBubble(keyCode === event.DOM_VK_DELETE);
if(bubble) {
} else if(keyCode === event.DOM_VK_LEFT || keyCode === event.DOM_VK_RIGHT) {
locatorLocked = true;
var right = keyCode === event.DOM_VK_RIGHT,
bubble = _getSelectedBubble(right);
if(bubble) {
var nodeRange = qfiDocument.createRange();
var selection = qfiWindow.getSelection();
} else if (["Home", "End"].includes(event.key)) {
locatorLocked = true;
setTimeout(() => {
right = event.key == "End";
bubble = _getSelectedBubble(right);
if (bubble) {
var nodeRange = qfiDocument.createRange();
var selection = qfiWindow.getSelection();
} else if(keyCode === event.DOM_VK_UP && referencePanel.state === "open") {
locatorLocked = true;
var selectedItem = referenceBox.selectedItem;
var previousSibling;
// Seek the closet previous sibling that is not disabled
while((previousSibling = selectedItem.previousSibling) && previousSibling.hasAttribute("disabled")) {
selectedItem = previousSibling;
// If found, change to that
if(previousSibling) {
referenceBox.selectedItem = previousSibling;
// If there are separators before this item, ensure that they are visible
var visibleItem = previousSibling;
while(visibleItem.previousSibling && visibleItem.previousSibling.hasAttribute("disabled")) {
visibleItem = visibleItem.previousSibling;
} else if(keyCode === event.DOM_VK_DOWN) {
locatorLocked = true;
if((Zotero.isMac ? event.metaKey : event.ctrlKey)) {
// If meta key is held down, show the citation properties panel
var bubble = _getSelectedBubble();
if(bubble) _showCitationProperties(bubble);
} else if (referencePanel.state === "open") {
var selectedItem = referenceBox.selectedItem;
var nextSibling;
// Seek the closet next sibling that is not disabled
while((nextSibling = selectedItem.nextSibling) && nextSibling.hasAttribute("disabled")) {
selectedItem = nextSibling;
// If found, change to that
referenceBox.selectedItem = nextSibling;
} else {
* Adds a dummy element to make dragging work
function _onBubbleDrag(event) {
dragging = event.currentTarget;
event.dataTransfer.setData("text/plain", '<span id="zotero-drag"/>');
* Get index of bubble in citations
function _getBubbleIndex(bubble) {
var nodes = qfe.childNodes, index = 0;
for (let node of nodes) {
if (node.dataset && node.dataset.citationItem) {
if (node == bubble) return index;
return -1;
* Replaces the dummy element with a node to make dropping work
var _onBubbleDrop = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (event) {
// Find old position in list
var oldPosition = _getBubbleIndex(dragging);
// Move bubble
var range = document.createRange();
var bubble = _insertBubble(JSON.parse(dragging.dataset.citationItem), range);
// If moved out of order, turn off "Keep Sources Sorted"
if(io.sortable && keepSorted && keepSorted.hasAttribute("checked") && oldPosition !== -1 &&
oldPosition != _getBubbleIndex(bubble)) {
yield _previewAndSort();
* Handle a click on a bubble
function _onBubbleClick(event) {
* Called when the user attempts to paste
function _onPaste(event) {
var str = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getClipboard("text/unicode");
if(str) {
var selection = qfiWindow.getSelection();
var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
range.insertNode(document.createTextNode(str.replace(/[\r\n]/g, " ").trim()));
* Handle changes to citation properties
this.onCitationPropertiesChanged = function(event) {
let citationItem = JSON.parse(panelRefersToBubble.dataset.citationItem || "{}");
if(panelPrefix.value) {
citationItem["prefix"] = panelPrefix.value;
} else {
delete citationItem["prefix"];
if(panelSuffix.value) {
citationItem["suffix"] = panelSuffix.value;
} else {
delete citationItem["suffix"];
if(panelLocatorLabel.selectedIndex !== 0) {
citationItem["label"] = panelLocatorLabel.selectedItem.value;
} else {
delete citationItem["label"];
if(panelLocator.value) {
citationItem["locator"] = panelLocator.value;
} else {
delete citationItem["locator"];
if(panelSuppressAuthor.checked) {
citationItem["suppress-author"] = true;
} else {
delete citationItem["suppress-author"];
locatorLocked = "locator" in citationItem;
locatorNode = panelRefersToBubble;
panelRefersToBubble.dataset.citationItem = JSON.stringify(citationItem);
panelRefersToBubble.textContent = _buildBubbleString(citationItem);
* Handle closing citation properties panel
this.onCitationPropertiesClosed = function(event) {
* Makes "Enter" work in the panel
this.onPanelKeyPress = function(event) {
var keyCode = event.keyCode;
if (keyCode === event.DOM_VK_RETURN) {
* Handle checking/unchecking "Keep Citations Sorted"
this.onKeepSortedCommand = function(event) {
* Open classic Add Citation window
this.onClassicViewCommand = function(event) {
var newWindow = window.newWindow = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"]
.openWindow(null, 'chrome://zotero/content/integration/addCitationDialog.xul',
'', 'chrome,centerscreen,resizable', io);
newWindow.addEventListener("focus", function() {
newWindow.removeEventListener("focus", arguments.callee, true);
}, true);
accepted = true;
* Show an item in the library it came from
this.showInLibrary = async function (itemID) {
let citationItem = JSON.parse(panelRefersToBubble.dataset.citationItem || "{}");
var id = itemID || citationItem.id;
var pane = Zotero.getActiveZoteroPane();
// Open main window if it's not open (Mac)
if (!pane) {
let win = Zotero.openMainWindow();
await new Zotero.Promise((resolve) => {
let onOpen = function () {
win.removeEventListener('load', onOpen);
win.addEventListener('load', onOpen);
pane = win.ZoteroPane;
// Pull window to foreground
* Resizes windows
* @constructor
var Resizer = function(panel, targetWidth, targetHeight, pixelsPerStep, stepsPerSecond) {
this.panel = panel;
this.curWidth = panel.clientWidth;
this.curHeight = panel.clientHeight;
this.difX = (targetWidth ? targetWidth - this.curWidth : 0);
this.difY = (targetHeight ? targetHeight - this.curHeight : 0);
this.step = 0;
this.steps = Math.ceil(Math.max(Math.abs(this.difX), Math.abs(this.difY))/pixelsPerStep);
this.timeout = (1000/stepsPerSecond);
var me = this;
this._animateCallback = function() { me.animate() };
* Performs a step of the animation
Resizer.prototype.animate = function() {
if(this.stopped) return;
if(this.step !== this.steps) {
window.setTimeout(this._animateCallback, this.timeout);
* Halts resizing
Resizer.prototype.stop = function() {
this.stopped = true;
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", Zotero_QuickFormat.onDOMContentLoaded, false);
window.addEventListener("load", Zotero_QuickFormat.onLoad, false);