zotero://open-pdf/library/items/AABBCCDD?annotation=[annotation-key] Fallback to a page if annotation is missing: zotero://open-pdf/library/items/AABBCCDD?page=123&annotation=[annotation-key] Fixes #2125
1534 lines
44 KiB
1534 lines
44 KiB
Copyright © 2009 Center for History and New Media
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
This file is part of Zotero.
Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Zotero. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Based on nsChromeExtensionHandler example code by Ed Anuff at
const ZOTERO_SCHEME = "zotero";
const ZOTERO_PROTOCOL_CID = Components.ID("{9BC3D762-9038-486A-9D70-C997AF848A7C}");
const ZOTERO_PROTOCOL_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=" + ZOTERO_SCHEME;
const ZOTERO_PROTOCOL_NAME = "Zotero Chrome Extension Protocol";
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cr = Components.results;
const ios = Services.io;
// Dummy chrome URL used to obtain a valid chrome channel
const DUMMY_CHROME_URL = "chrome://zotero/content/zoteroPane.xul";
var Zotero = Components.classes["@zotero.org/Zotero;1"]
function ZoteroProtocolHandler() {
this.wrappedJSObject = this;
this._principal = null;
this._extensions = {};
* zotero://attachment/library/[itemKey]
* zotero://attachment/groups/[groupID]/[itemKey]
var AttachmentExtension = {
loadAsChrome: false,
newChannel: function (uri) {
return new AsyncChannel(uri, function* () {
try {
var uriPath = uri.pathQueryRef;
if (!uriPath) {
return this._errorChannel('Invalid URL');
uriPath = uriPath.substr('//attachment/'.length);
var params = {};
var router = new Zotero.Router(params);
router.add('library/items/:itemKey', function () {
params.libraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID;
if (params.groupID) {
params.libraryID = Zotero.Groups.getLibraryIDFromGroupID(params.groupID);
if (!params.itemKey) {
return this._errorChannel("Item key not provided");
var item = yield Zotero.Items.getByLibraryAndKeyAsync(params.libraryID, params.itemKey);
if (!item) {
return this._errorChannel(`No item found for ${uriPath}`);
if (!item.isFileAttachment()) {
return this._errorChannel(`Item for ${uriPath} is not a file attachment`);
var path = yield item.getFilePathAsync();
if (!path) {
return this._errorChannel(`${path} not found`);
// Set originalURI so that it seems like we're serving from zotero:// protocol.
// This is necessary to allow url() links to work from within CSS files.
// Otherwise they try to link to files on the file:// protocol, which isn't allowed.
this.originalURI = uri;
return Zotero.File.pathToFile(path);
catch (e) {
return this._errorChannel(e.message);
_errorChannel: function (msg) {
this.status = Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
this.contentType = 'text/plain';
return msg;
* zotero://data/library/collection/ABCD1234/items?sort=itemType&direction=desc
* zotero://data/groups/12345/collection/ABCD1234/items?sort=title&direction=asc
var DataExtension = {
loadAsChrome: false,
newChannel: function (uri) {
return new AsyncChannel(uri, function* () {
this.contentType = 'text/plain';
path = uri.spec.match(/zotero:\/\/[^/]+(.*)/)[1];
try {
return Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getAsyncInputStream(
catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Zotero.Router.InvalidPathException) {
return "URL could not be parsed";
* Report generation extension for Zotero protocol
var ReportExtension = {
loadAsChrome: false,
newChannel: function (uri) {
return new AsyncChannel(uri, function* () {
var userLibraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID;
var path = uri.pathQueryRef;
if (!path) {
return 'Invalid URL';
path = path.substr('//report/'.length);
// Proxy CSS files
if (path.endsWith('.css')) {
var chromeURL = 'chrome://zotero/skin/report/' + path;
let uri = ios.newURI(chromeURL, null, null);
var chromeReg = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"]
return chromeReg.convertChromeURL(uri);
var params = {
objectType: 'item',
format: 'html',
sort: 'title'
var router = new Zotero.Router(params);
// Items within a collection or search
router.add('library/:scopeObject/:scopeObjectKey/items', function () {
params.libraryID = userLibraryID;
// All items
router.add('library/items/:objectKey', function () {
params.libraryID = userLibraryID;
// Old-style URLs
router.add('collection/:id/html/report.html', function () {
params.scopeObject = 'collections';
var lkh = Zotero.Collections.parseLibraryKeyHash(params.id);
if (lkh) {
params.libraryID = lkh.libraryID || userLibraryID;
params.scopeObjectKey = lkh.key;
else {
params.scopeObjectID = params.id;
delete params.id;
router.add('search/:id/html/report.html', function () {
params.scopeObject = 'searches';
var lkh = Zotero.Searches.parseLibraryKeyHash(this.id);
if (lkh) {
params.libraryID = lkh.libraryID || userLibraryID;
params.scopeObjectKey = lkh.key;
else {
params.scopeObjectID = this.id;
delete params.id;
router.add('items/:ids/html/report.html', function () {
var ids = this.ids.split('-');
params.libraryID = ids[0].split('_')[0] || userLibraryID;
params.itemKey = ids.map(x => x.split('_')[1]);
delete params.ids;
var parsed = router.run(path);
if (!parsed) {
return "URL could not be parsed";
// TODO: support old URLs
// collection
// search
// items
// item
if (params.sort.indexOf('/') != -1) {
let parts = params.sort.split('/');
params.sort = parts[0];
params.direction = parts[1] == 'd' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
try {
var results = yield Zotero.API.getResultsFromParams(params);
catch (e) {
Zotero.debug(e, 1);
return e.toString();
var mimeType, content = '';
var items = [];
var itemsHash = {}; // key = itemID, val = position in |items|
var searchItemIDs = new Set(); // All selected items
var searchParentIDs = new Set(); // Parents of selected child items
var searchChildIDs = new Set() // Selected chlid items
var includeAllChildItems = Zotero.Prefs.get('report.includeAllChildItems');
var combineChildItems = Zotero.Prefs.get('report.combineChildItems');
var unhandledParents = {};
for (var i=0; i<results.length; i++) {
// Don't add child items directly
// (instead mark their parents for inclusion below)
var parentItemID = results[i].parentItemID;
if (parentItemID) {
// Don't include all child items if any child
// items were selected
includeAllChildItems = false;
// If combining children or standalone note/attachment, add matching parents
else if (combineChildItems || !results[i].isRegularItem()
|| results[i].numChildren() == 0) {
itemsHash[results[i].id] = [items.length];
items.push(results[i].toJSON({ mode: 'full' }));
// Flag item as a search match
items[items.length - 1].reportSearchMatch = true;
else {
unhandledParents[i] = true;
// If including all child items, add children of all matched
// parents to the child array
if (includeAllChildItems) {
for (let id of searchItemIDs) {
if (!searchChildIDs.has(id)) {
var children = [];
var item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id);
if (!item.isRegularItem()) {
var func = function (ids) {
if (ids) {
for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++) {
// If not including all children, add matching parents,
// in case they don't have any matching children below
else {
for (var i in unhandledParents) {
itemsHash[results[i].id] = [items.length];
items.push(results[i].toJSON({ mode: 'full' }));
// Flag item as a search match
items[items.length - 1].reportSearchMatch = true;
if (combineChildItems) {
// Add parents of matches if parents aren't matches themselves
for (let id of searchParentIDs) {
if (!searchItemIDs.has(id) && !itemsHash[id]) {
var item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id);
itemsHash[id] = items.length;
items.push(item.toJSON({ mode: 'full' }));
// Add children to reportChildren property of parents
for (let id of searchChildIDs) {
let item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id);
var parentID = item.parentID;
if (!items[itemsHash[parentID]].reportChildren) {
items[itemsHash[parentID]].reportChildren = {
notes: [],
attachments: []
if (item.isNote()) {
items[itemsHash[parentID]].reportChildren.notes.push(item.toJSON({ mode: 'full' }));
if (item.isAttachment()) {
items[itemsHash[parentID]].reportChildren.attachments.push(item.toJSON({ mode: 'full' }));
// If not combining children, add a parent/child pair
// for each matching child
else {
for (let id of searchChildIDs) {
var item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id);
var parentID = item.parentID;
var parentItem = Zotero.Items.get(parentID);
if (!itemsHash[parentID]) {
// If parent is a search match and not yet added,
// add on its own
if (searchItemIDs.has(parentID)) {
itemsHash[parentID] = [items.length];
items.push(parentItem.toJSON({ mode: 'full' }));
items[items.length - 1].reportSearchMatch = true;
else {
itemsHash[parentID] = [];
// Now add parent and child
items.push(parentItem.toJSON({ mode: 'full' }));
if (item.isNote()) {
items[items.length - 1].reportChildren = {
notes: [item.toJSON({ mode: 'full' })],
attachments: []
else if (item.isAttachment()) {
items[items.length - 1].reportChildren = {
notes: [],
attachments: [item.toJSON({ mode: 'full' })]
// Sort items
// TODO: restore multiple sort fields
var sorts = [{
field: params.sort,
order: params.direction != 'desc' ? 1 : -1
var collation = Zotero.getLocaleCollation();
var compareFunction = function(a, b) {
var index = 0;
// Multidimensional sort
do {
// In combineChildItems, use note or attachment as item
if (!combineChildItems) {
if (a.reportChildren) {
if (a.reportChildren.notes.length) {
a = a.reportChildren.notes[0];
else {
a = a.reportChildren.attachments[0];
if (b.reportChildren) {
if (b.reportChildren.notes.length) {
b = b.reportChildren.notes[0];
else {
b = b.reportChildren.attachments[0];
var valA, valB;
if (sorts[index].field == 'title') {
// For notes, use content for 'title'
if (a.itemType == 'note') {
valA = a.note;
else {
valA = a.title;
if (b.itemType == 'note') {
valB = b.note;
else {
valB = b.title;
valA = Zotero.Items.getSortTitle(valA);
valB = Zotero.Items.getSortTitle(valB);
else if (sorts[index].field == 'date') {
var itemA = Zotero.Items.getByLibraryAndKey(params.libraryID, a.key);
var itemB = Zotero.Items.getByLibraryAndKey(params.libraryID, b.key);
valA = itemA.getField('date', true, true);
valB = itemB.getField('date', true, true);
// TEMP: This is an ugly hack to make creator sorting
// slightly less broken. To do this right, real creator
// sorting needs to be abstracted from itemTreeView.js.
else if (sorts[index].field == 'firstCreator') {
var itemA = Zotero.Items.getByLibraryAndKey(params.libraryID, a.key);
var itemB = Zotero.Items.getByLibraryAndKey(params.libraryID, b.key);
valA = itemA.getField('firstCreator');
valB = itemB.getField('firstCreator');
else {
valA = a[sorts[index].field];
valB = b[sorts[index].field];
// Put empty values last
if (!valA && valB) {
var cmp = 1;
else if (valA && !valB) {
var cmp = -1;
else {
var cmp = collation.compareString(0, valA, valB);
var result = 0;
if (cmp != 0) {
result = cmp * sorts[index].order;
while (result == 0 && sorts[index]);
return result;
for (var i in items) {
if (items[i].reportChildren) {
// Pass off to the appropriate handler
switch (params.format) {
case 'rtf':
this.contentType = 'text/rtf';
return '';
case 'csv':
this.contentType = 'text/plain';
return '';
this.contentType = 'text/html';
return Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getAsyncInputStream(
Zotero.Report.HTML.listGenerator(items, combineChildItems, params.libraryID),
function () {
return '<span style="color: red; font-weight: bold">Error generating report</span>';
* Generate MIT SIMILE Timeline
* Query string key abbreviations: intervals = i
* dateType = t
* timelineDate = d
* interval abbreviations: day = d | month = m | year = y | decade = e | century = c | millennium = i
* dateType abbreviations: date = d | dateAdded = da | dateModified = dm
* timelineDate format: shortMonthName.day.year (year is positive for A.D. and negative for B.C.)
* Defaults: intervals = month, year, decade
* dateType = date
* timelineDate = today's date
var TimelineExtension = {
loadAsChrome: true,
newChannel: function (uri) {
return new AsyncChannel(uri, function* () {
var userLibraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID;
var path = uri.spec.match(/zotero:\/\/[^/]+(.*)/)[1];
if (!path) {
this.contentType = 'text/html';
return 'Invalid URL';
var params = {};
var router = new Zotero.Router(params);
router.add('library/:scopeObject/:scopeObjectKey', function () {
params.libraryID = userLibraryID;
params.controller = 'html';
router.add('groups/:groupID/:scopeObject/:scopeObjectKey', function () {
params.controller = 'html';
router.add('library', function () {
params.libraryID = userLibraryID;
params.controller = 'html';
router.add('groups/:groupID', function () {
params.controller = 'html';
// Data
router.add('data/library/:scopeObject/:scopeObjectKey', function () {
params.libraryID = userLibraryID;
params.controller = 'data';
router.add('data/groups/:groupID/:scopeObject/:scopeObjectKey', function () {
params.controller = 'data';
router.add('data/library', function () {
params.libraryID = userLibraryID;
params.controller = 'data';
router.add('data/groups/:groupID', function () {
params.controller = 'data';
// Old-style HTML URLs
router.add('collection/:id', function () {
params.controller = 'html';
params.scopeObject = 'collections';
var lkh = Zotero.Collections.parseLibraryKeyHash(params.id);
if (lkh) {
params.libraryID = lkh.libraryID || userLibraryID;
params.scopeObjectKey = lkh.key;
else {
params.scopeObjectID = params.id;
delete params.id;
router.add('search/:id', function () {
params.controller = 'html';
params.scopeObject = 'searches';
var lkh = Zotero.Searches.parseLibraryKeyHash(params.id);
if (lkh) {
params.libraryID = lkh.libraryID || userLibraryID;
params.scopeObjectKey = lkh.key;
else {
params.scopeObjectID = params.id;
delete params.id;
router.add('/', function () {
params.controller = 'html';
params.libraryID = userLibraryID;
var parsed = router.run(path);
if (!parsed) {
this.contentType = 'text/html';
return "URL could not be parsed";
if (params.groupID) {
params.libraryID = Zotero.Groups.getLibraryIDFromGroupID(params.groupID);
var intervals = params.i ? params.i : '';
var timelineDate = params.d ? params.d : '';
var dateType = params.t ? params.t : '';
// Get the collection or search object
var collection, search;
switch (params.scopeObject) {
case 'collections':
if (params.scopeObjectKey) {
collection = yield Zotero.Collections.getByLibraryAndKeyAsync(
params.libraryID, params.scopeObjectKey
else {
collection = yield Zotero.Collections.getAsync(params.scopeObjectID);
if (!collection) {
this.contentType = 'text/html';
return 'Invalid collection ID or key';
case 'searches':
if (params.scopeObjectKey) {
var s = yield Zotero.Searches.getByLibraryAndKeyAsync(
params.libraryID, params.scopeObjectKey
else {
var s = yield Zotero.Searches.getAsync(params.scopeObjectID);
if (!s) {
return 'Invalid search ID or key';
// FIXME: Hack to exclude group libraries for now
var search = new Zotero.Search();
var groups = Zotero.Groups.getAll();
for (let group of groups) {
search.addCondition('libraryID', 'isNot', group.libraryID);
// Create XML file
if (params.controller == 'data') {
switch (params.scopeObject) {
case 'collections':
var results = collection.getChildItems();
case 'searches':
var ids = yield search.search();
var results = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(ids);
if (params.scopeObject) {
return "Invalid scope object '" + params.scopeObject + "'";
let s = new Zotero.Search();
s.addCondition('libraryID', 'is', params.libraryID);
s.addCondition('noChildren', 'true');
var ids = yield s.search();
var results = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(ids);
var items = [];
// Only include parent items
for (let i=0; i<results.length; i++) {
if (!results[i].parentItemID) {
var dateTypes = {
d: 'date',
da: 'dateAdded',
dm: 'dateModified'
//default dateType = date
if (!dateType || !dateTypes[dateType]) {
dateType = 'd';
this.contentType = 'application/xml';
return Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getAsyncInputStream(
Zotero.Timeline.generateXMLDetails(items, dateTypes[dateType])
// Generate main HTML page
var content = Zotero.File.getContentsFromURL('chrome://zotero/skin/timeline/timeline.html');
this.contentType = 'text/html';
var dateParts=timelineDate.toString().split(' ');
if (!intervals || intervals.length < 3) {
intervals += "mye".substr(intervals.length);
var theIntervals = {
d: 'Timeline.DateTime.DAY',
m: 'Timeline.DateTime.MONTH',
y: 'Timeline.DateTime.YEAR',
e: 'Timeline.DateTime.DECADE',
c: 'Timeline.DateTime.CENTURY',
i: 'Timeline.DateTime.MILLENNIUM'
//sets the intervals of the timeline bands
var tempStr = '<body onload="onLoad(';
var a = (theIntervals[intervals[0]]) ? theIntervals[intervals[0]] : 'Timeline.DateTime.MONTH';
var b = (theIntervals[intervals[1]]) ? theIntervals[intervals[1]] : 'Timeline.DateTime.YEAR';
var c = (theIntervals[intervals[2]]) ? theIntervals[intervals[2]] : 'Timeline.DateTime.DECADE';
content = content.replace(tempStr, tempStr + a + ',' + b + ',' + c + ',\'' + timelineDate + '\'');
tempStr = 'document.write("<title>';
if (params.scopeObject == 'collections') {
content = content.replace(tempStr, tempStr + collection.name + ' - ');
else if (params.scopeObject == 'searches') {
content = content.replace(tempStr, tempStr + search.name + ' - ');
else {
content = content.replace(tempStr, tempStr + Zotero.getString('pane.collections.library') + ' - ');
tempStr = 'Timeline.loadXML("zotero://timeline/data/';
var d = '';
if (params.groupID) {
d += 'groups/' + params.groupID + '/';
else {
d += 'library/';
if (params.scopeObject) {
d += params.scopeObject + "/" + params.scopeObjectKey;
if (dateType) {
d += '?t=' + dateType;
return content.replace(tempStr, tempStr + d);
* Select an item
* zotero://select/library/items/[itemKey]
* zotero://select/groups/[groupID]/items/[itemKey]
* Deprecated:
* zotero://select/[type]/0_ABCD1234
* zotero://select/[type]/1234 (not consistent across synced machines)
var SelectExtension = {
noContent: true,
doAction: Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (uri) {
var userLibraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID;
var path = uri.pathQueryRef;
if (!path) {
return 'Invalid URL';
path = path.substr('//select/'.length);
var mimeType, content = '';
var params = {
objectType: 'item'
var router = new Zotero.Router(params);
// Item within a collection or search
router.add('library/:scopeObject/:scopeObjectKey/items/:objectKey', function () {
params.libraryID = userLibraryID;
// All items
router.add('library/items/:objectKey', function () {
params.libraryID = userLibraryID;
// Old-style URLs
router.add('items/:id', function () {
var lkh = Zotero.Items.parseLibraryKeyHash(params.id);
if (lkh) {
params.libraryID = lkh.libraryID || userLibraryID;
params.objectKey = lkh.key;
else {
params.objectID = params.id;
delete params.id;
// Collection
router.add('library/collections/:objectKey', function () {
params.objectType = 'collection'
params.libraryID = userLibraryID;
router.add('groups/:groupID/collections/:objectKey', function () {
params.objectType = 'collection'
// Search
router.add('library/searches/:objectKey', function () {
params.objectType = 'search'
params.libraryID = userLibraryID;
router.add('groups/:groupID/searches/:objectKey', function () {
params.objectType = 'search'
if (!params.objectKey && !params.objectID && !params.itemKey) {
Zotero.debug("No objects specified");
var results = yield Zotero.API.getResultsFromParams(params);
if (!results.length) {
var msg = "Objects not found";
Zotero.debug(msg, 2);
var zp = Zotero.getActiveZoteroPane();
if (!zp) {
throw new Error("Pane not open");
if (params.objectType == 'collection') {
return zp.collectionsView.selectCollection(results[0].id);
else if (params.objectType == 'search') {
return zp.collectionsView.selectSearch(results[0].id);
else {
// Select collection first if specified
if (params.scopeObject == 'collections') {
let col;
if (params.scopeObjectKey) {
col = Zotero.Collections.getByLibraryAndKey(
params.libraryID, params.scopeObjectKey
else {
col = Zotero.Collections.get(params.scopeObjectID);
yield zp.collectionsView.selectCollection(col.id);
else if (params.scopeObject == 'searches') {
let s;
if (params.scopeObjectKey) {
s = Zotero.Searches.getByLibraryAndKey(
params.libraryID, params.scopeObjectKey
else {
s = Zotero.Searches.get(params.scopeObjectID);
yield zp.collectionsView.selectSearch(s.id);
// If collection not specified, select library root
else {
yield zp.collectionsView.selectLibrary(params.libraryID);
return zp.selectItems(results.map(x => x.id));
newChannel: function (uri) {
var DebugExtension = {
loadAsChrome: false,
newChannel: function (uri) {
return new AsyncChannel(uri, function* () {
this.contentType = "text/plain";
try {
return Zotero.Debug.get();
catch (e) {
Zotero.debug(e, 1);
throw e;
var ConnectorChannel = function(uri, data) {
var secMan = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/scriptsecuritymanager;1"]
this.name = uri;
this.URI = ios.newURI(uri, "UTF-8", null);
this.owner = (secMan.getCodebasePrincipal || secMan.getSimpleCodebasePrincipal)(this.URI);
this._isPending = true;
var converter = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"].
converter.charset = "UTF-8";
this._stream = converter.convertToInputStream(data);
this.contentLength = this._stream.available();
ConnectorChannel.prototype.contentCharset = "UTF-8";
ConnectorChannel.prototype.contentType = "text/html";
ConnectorChannel.prototype.notificationCallbacks = null;
ConnectorChannel.prototype.securityInfo = null;
ConnectorChannel.prototype.status = 0;
ConnectorChannel.prototype.loadGroup = null;
ConnectorChannel.prototype.loadFlags = 393216;
ConnectorChannel.prototype.__defineGetter__("originalURI", function() { return this.URI });
ConnectorChannel.prototype.__defineSetter__("originalURI", function() { });
ConnectorChannel.prototype.asyncOpen = function(streamListener, context) {
if(this.loadGroup) this.loadGroup.addRequest(this, null);
streamListener.onStartRequest(this, context);
streamListener.onDataAvailable(this, context, this._stream, 0, this.contentLength);
streamListener.onStopRequest(this, context, this.status);
this._isPending = false;
if(this.loadGroup) this.loadGroup.removeRequest(this, null, 0);
ConnectorChannel.prototype.isPending = function() {
return this._isPending;
ConnectorChannel.prototype.cancel = function(status) {
this.status = status;
this._isPending = false;
if(this._stream) this._stream.close();
ConnectorChannel.prototype.suspend = function() {}
ConnectorChannel.prototype.resume = function() {}
ConnectorChannel.prototype.open = function() {
return this._stream;
ConnectorChannel.prototype.QueryInterface = function(iid) {
if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIChannel) && !iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIRequest) &&
!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
* zotero://connector/
* URI spoofing for transferring page data across boundaries
var ConnectorExtension = new function() {
this.loadAsChrome = false;
this.newChannel = function(uri) {
var secMan = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/scriptsecuritymanager;1"]
var Zotero = Components.classes["@zotero.org/Zotero;1"]
try {
var originalURI = uri.pathQueryRef.substr('zotero://connector/'.length);
originalURI = decodeURIComponent(originalURI);
if(!Zotero.Server.Connector.Data[originalURI]) {
return null;
} else {
return new ConnectorChannel(originalURI, Zotero.Server.Connector.Data[originalURI]);
} catch(e) {
throw e;
var PDFJSExtension = {
loadAsChrome: true,
newChannel: function (uri) {
return new AsyncChannel(uri, function* () {
try {
uri = uri.spec;
// Proxy PDF.js files
if (uri.startsWith('zotero://pdf.js/') && !uri.startsWith('zotero://pdf.js/pdf/')) {
uri = uri.replace(/zotero:\/\/pdf.js\//, 'resource://zotero/pdf.js/');
let newURI = Services.io.newURI(uri, null, null);
return this.getURIInputStream(newURI);
// Proxy attachment PDFs
var pdfPrefix = 'zotero://pdf.js/pdf/';
if (!uri.startsWith(pdfPrefix)) {
return this._errorChannel("File not found");
var [libraryID, key] = uri.substr(pdfPrefix.length).split('/');
libraryID = parseInt(libraryID);
var item = yield Zotero.Items.getByLibraryAndKeyAsync(libraryID, key);
if (!item) {
return this._errorChannel("Item not found");
var path = yield item.getFilePathAsync();
if (!path) {
return this._errorChannel("File not found");
return this.getURIInputStream(OS.Path.toFileURI(path));
catch (e) {
Zotero.debug(e, 1);
throw e;
getURIInputStream: function (uri) {
return new Zotero.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
NetUtil.asyncFetch(uri, function (inputStream, result) {
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(result)) {
// TODO: Handle error
_errorChannel: function (msg) {
this.status = Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
this.contentType = 'text/plain';
return msg;
* Open a PDF at a given page (or try to)
* zotero://open-pdf/library/items/[itemKey]?page=[page]
* zotero://open-pdf/groups/[groupID]/items/[itemKey]?page=[page]
* Also supports ZotFile format:
* zotero://open-pdf/[libraryID]_[key]/[page]
var OpenPDFExtension = {
noContent: true,
doAction: async function (uri) {
var userLibraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID;
var uriPath = uri.pathQueryRef;
if (!uriPath) {
return 'Invalid URL';
uriPath = uriPath.substr('//open-pdf/'.length);
var mimeType, content = '';
var params = {
objectType: 'item'
var router = new Zotero.Router(params);
// All items
router.add('library/items/:objectKey', function () {
params.libraryID = userLibraryID;
// ZotFile URLs
router.add(':id/:page', function () {
var lkh = Zotero.Items.parseLibraryKeyHash(params.id);
if (!lkh) {
Zotero.warn(`Invalid URL ${url}`);
params.libraryID = lkh.libraryID || userLibraryID;
params.objectKey = lkh.key;
delete params.id;
var results = await Zotero.API.getResultsFromParams(params);
var page = params.page;
if (parseInt(page) != page) {
page = null;
var annotation = params.annotation;
if (!results.length) {
Zotero.warn(`No item found for ${uriPath}`);
var item = results[0];
if (!item.isFileAttachment()) {
Zotero.warn(`Item for ${uriPath} is not a file attachment`);
var path = await item.getFilePathAsync();
if (!path) {
Zotero.warn(`${path} not found`);
if (!path.toLowerCase().endsWith('.pdf')
&& Zotero.MIME.sniffForMIMEType(await Zotero.File.getSample(path)) != 'application/pdf') {
Zotero.warn(`${path} is not a PDF`);
var opened = false;
if (page || annotation) {
try {
opened = await Zotero.OpenPDF.openToPage(item, page, annotation);
catch (e) {
// If something went wrong, just open PDF without page
if (!opened) {
Zotero.debug("Launching PDF without page number");
let zp = Zotero.getActiveZoteroPane();
// TODO: Open pane if closed (macOS)
if (zp) {
Zotero.Notifier.trigger('open', 'file', item.id);
newChannel: function (uri) {
this._extensions[ZOTERO_SCHEME + "://attachment"] = AttachmentExtension;
this._extensions[ZOTERO_SCHEME + "://data"] = DataExtension;
this._extensions[ZOTERO_SCHEME + "://report"] = ReportExtension;
this._extensions[ZOTERO_SCHEME + "://timeline"] = TimelineExtension;
this._extensions[ZOTERO_SCHEME + "://select"] = SelectExtension;
this._extensions[ZOTERO_SCHEME + "://debug"] = DebugExtension;
this._extensions[ZOTERO_SCHEME + "://connector"] = ConnectorExtension;
this._extensions[ZOTERO_SCHEME + "://pdf.js"] = PDFJSExtension;
this._extensions[ZOTERO_SCHEME + "://open-pdf"] = OpenPDFExtension;
* Implements nsIProtocolHandler
ZoteroProtocolHandler.prototype = {
defaultPort : -1,
protocolFlags :
Components.interfaces.nsIProtocolHandler.URI_NORELATIVE |
Components.interfaces.nsIProtocolHandler.URI_NOAUTH |
// DEBUG: This should be URI_IS_LOCAL_FILE, and MUST be if any
// extensions that modify data are added
// - https://www.zotero.org/trac/ticket/1156
allowPort : function(port, scheme) {
return false;
getExtension: function (uri) {
let uriString = uri;
if (uri instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIURI) {
uriString = uri.spec;
uriString = uriString.toLowerCase();
for (let extSpec in this._extensions) {
if (uriString.startsWith(extSpec)) {
return this._extensions[extSpec];
return false;
newURI: function (spec, charset, baseURI) {
// A temporary workaround because baseURI.resolve(spec) just returns spec
if (baseURI) {
if (!spec.includes('://') && baseURI.spec.includes('/pdf.js/')) {
let parts = baseURI.spec.split('/');
spec = parts.join('/');
return Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/simple-uri-mutator;1"]
newChannel : function(uri) {
var chromeService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=chrome"]
var newChannel = null;
try {
let ext = this.getExtension(uri);
if (!ext) {
// Return cancelled channel for unknown paths
// These can be in the form zotero://example.com/... -- maybe for "//example.com" URLs?
var chromeURI = chromeService.newURI(DUMMY_CHROME_URL, null, null);
var extChannel = chromeService.newChannel(chromeURI);
var chromeRequest = extChannel.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRequest);
chromeRequest.cancel(0x804b0002); // BINDING_ABORTED
return extChannel;
if (!this._principal && ext.loadAsChrome) {
this._principal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal();
var extChannel = ext.newChannel(uri);
// Extension returned null, so cancel request
if (!extChannel) {
var chromeURI = chromeService.newURI(DUMMY_CHROME_URL, null, null);
var extChannel = chromeService.newChannel(chromeURI);
var chromeRequest = extChannel.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRequest);
chromeRequest.cancel(0x804b0002); // BINDING_ABORTED
// Apply cached principal to extension channel
if (this._principal) {
extChannel.owner = this._principal;
if(!extChannel.originalURI) extChannel.originalURI = uri;
return extChannel;
catch (e) {
Zotero.debug(e, 1);
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
return newChannel;
classDescription: ZOTERO_PROTOCOL_NAME,
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Components.interfaces.nsISupports,
* nsIChannel implementation that takes a promise-yielding generator that returns a
* string, nsIAsyncInputStream, or file
function AsyncChannel(uri, gen) {
this._generator = gen;
this._isPending = true;
// nsIRequest
this.name = uri;
this.loadFlags = 0;
this.loadGroup = null;
this.status = 0;
// nsIChannel
this.contentLength = -1;
this.contentType = "text/html";
this.contentCharset = "utf-8";
this.URI = uri;
this.originalURI = uri;
this.owner = null;
this.notificationCallbacks = null;
this.securityInfo = null;
AsyncChannel.prototype = {
asyncOpen: Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (streamListener, context) {
if (this.loadGroup) this.loadGroup.addRequest(this, null);
var channel = this;
var resolve;
var reject;
var promise = new Zotero.Promise(function () {
resolve = arguments[0];
reject = arguments[1];
var listenerWrapper = {
onStartRequest: function (request, context) {
//Zotero.debug("Starting request");
streamListener.onStartRequest(channel, context);
onDataAvailable: function (request, context, inputStream, offset, count) {
streamListener.onDataAvailable(channel, context, inputStream, offset, count);
onStopRequest: function (request, context, status) {
//Zotero.debug("Stopping request");
streamListener.onStopRequest(channel, context, status);
channel._isPending = false;
if (status == 0) {
else {
reject(new Error("AsyncChannel request failed with status " + status));
//Zotero.debug("AsyncChannel's asyncOpen called");
var t = new Date;
var data;
try {
if (!data) {
data = yield Zotero.spawn(channel._generator, channel)
if (typeof data == 'string') {
//Zotero.debug("AsyncChannel: Got string from generator");
listenerWrapper.onStartRequest(this, context);
let converter = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"]
converter.charset = "UTF-8";
let inputStream = converter.convertToInputStream(data);
listenerWrapper.onDataAvailable(this, context, inputStream, 0, inputStream.available());
listenerWrapper.onStopRequest(this, context, this.status);
// If an async input stream is given, pass the data asynchronously to the stream listener
else if (data instanceof Ci.nsIAsyncInputStream) {
//Zotero.debug("AsyncChannel: Got input stream from generator");
var pump = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/input-stream-pump;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIInputStreamPump);
try {
pump.init(data, 0, 0, true);
catch (e) {
pump.init(data, -1, -1, 0, 0, true);
pump.asyncRead(listenerWrapper, context);
else if (data instanceof Ci.nsIFile || data instanceof Ci.nsIURI) {
if (data instanceof Ci.nsIFile) {
//Zotero.debug("AsyncChannel: Got file from generator");
data = ios.newFileURI(data);
else {
//Zotero.debug("AsyncChannel: Got URI from generator");
let uri = data;
this.contentType = Zotero.MIME.getMIMETypeFromExtension(uri.fileExtension);
if (!this.contentType) {
let sample = yield Zotero.File.getSample(data);
this.contentType = Zotero.MIME.getMIMETypeFromData(sample);
NetUtil.asyncFetch({ uri: data, loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true }, function (inputStream, status) {
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(status)) {
listenerWrapper.onStartRequest(channel, context);
try {
listenerWrapper.onDataAvailable(channel, context, inputStream, 0, inputStream.available());
catch (e) {
listenerWrapper.onStopRequest(channel, context, status);
else if (data === undefined) {
this.cancel(0x804b0002); // BINDING_ABORTED
else {
throw new Error("Invalid return type (" + typeof data + ") from generator passed to AsyncChannel");
if (this._isPending) {
//Zotero.debug("AsyncChannel request succeeded in " + (new Date - t) + " ms");
channel._isPending = false;
return promise;
} catch (e) {
Zotero.debug(e, 1);
if (channel._isPending) {
streamListener.onStopRequest(channel, context, Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
channel._isPending = false;
throw e;
} finally {
if (channel.loadGroup) channel.loadGroup.removeRequest(channel, null, 0);
// nsIRequest
isPending: function () {
return this._isPending;
cancel: function (status) {
this.status = status;
this._isPending = false;
resume: function () {
suspend: function () {
// nsIWritablePropertyBag
setProperty: function (prop, val) {
this[prop] = val;
deleteProperty: function (prop) {
delete this[prop];
QueryInterface: function (iid) {
if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)
|| iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIRequest)
|| iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIChannel)
// pdf.js wants this
|| iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIWritablePropertyBag)) {
return this;
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
var NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([ZoteroProtocolHandler]);