- Inspired by Dan Chudnov's Python/MODS-based Zeroconf demo at THATcamp - Enabled by extensions.zotero.zeroconf.enabled (off by default) - Currently supports only OS X (tested on Leopard, not sure about earlier versions) - Uses Apple's dns-sd and mDNS command-client clients, but should be able to be extended to other clients, though a native library would be far superior - Discovery is on-demand for now via Actions menu ("Search for Shared Libraries") - Includes rudimentary web server (code copied from integration.js) that serves items as sync XML -- no authentication yet! - Only supports top-level items - Remote libraries show up in left pane (under remote computer name, for now) - Items can be dragged into collections (but not the library yet, for some reason) - On first run, might cause a long pause and the "This file was downloaded from the Internet" message on Leopard -- can't manage to get around the quarantine for the script file that we need to access stdout from Firefox - Needs a lot of work, and without a real JS (or otherwise Mozilla-native) Zeroconf library we can't do proper discovery without intermittent polling - But it works, at least for me Also includes some data/sync-layer changes that I needed along the way (and that we'll need for shared collections of any type)
42 lines
1,022 B
Executable file
42 lines
1,022 B
Executable file
if [ ! "$1" ]; then
echo "Action not specified"
exit 1
if [ $1 = "find_instances" ]; then
dns-sd -B _zotero._tcp local. > /tmp/zoteroconf_instances &
elif [ $1 = "kill_find_instances" ]; then
PIDs=`ps x | grep "dns-sd -B" | grep _zotero._tcp | sed -E 's/ *([0-9]+).*/\1/' | xargs`
if [ "$PIDs" ]; then
kill $PIDs
elif [ $1 = "get_info" ]; then
if [ ! "$2" ]; then
echo "Service name not specified"
exit 1
if [ ! "$3" ]; then
echo "Temp file path not specified"
exit 1
#dns-sd -L "$2" _zotero._tcp local. > $3 &
mDNS -L "$2" _zotero._tcp local. > $3 &
elif [ $1 = "kill_get_info" ]; then
#PIDs=`ps x | grep "dns-sd -L" | grep _zotero._tcp | sed -E 's/ *([0-9]+).*/\1/' | xargs`
PIDs=`ps x | grep "mDNS -L" | grep _zotero._tcp | sed -E 's/ *([0-9]+).*/\1/' | xargs`
if [ "$PIDs" ]; then
kill $PIDs
elif [ $1 = "kill_service" ]; then
PIDs=`ps x | grep dns-sd | grep '_zotero._tcp' | sed -E 's/ *([0-9]+).*/\1/' | xargs`
if [ "$PIDs" ]; then
kill $PIDs