
473 lines
15 KiB

// Firefox Scholar Ingester
// Utilities based on code taken from Piggy Bank 2.1.1 (BSD-licensed)
// This code is licensed according to the GPL
Scholar.Ingester = new function() {}
// Scholar.Ingester.Model
// Scholar.Ingester.Model, an object representing an RDF data model with
// methods to add to that model. In Piggy Bank, this was implemented in Java,
// but seeing as we don't really want an enormous web server running with FS,
// but we don't actually need that, so it's much simpler.
// The Java version of this class can be viewed at
// http://simile.mit.edu/repository/piggy-bank/trunk/src/java/edu/mit/simile/piggyBank/WorkingModel.java
Scholar.Ingester.Model = function() {
this.data = new Object();
// Piggy Bank provides a fourth argument, one that determines if the third
// argument is a literal or an RDF URI. Since our ontologies are
// sufficiently restricted, we have no chance of confusing a literal and an
// RDF URI and thus this is unnecessary.
Scholar.Ingester.Model.prototype.addStatement = function(uri, rdfUri, literal) {
if(!this.data[uri]) this.data[uri] = new Object();
this.data[uri][rdfUri] = literal;
Scholar.debug(rdfUri+" for "+uri+" is "+literal);
// Additional functions added for compatibility purposes only
// No idea if any scraper actually uses these, but just in case, they're
// implemented so as not to throw an exception
Scholar.Ingester.Model.prototype.addTag = function() {}
Scholar.Ingester.Model.prototype.getRepository = function() {}
Scholar.Ingester.Model.prototype.detachRepository = function() {}
// Scholar.Ingester.Utilities
// Scholar.Ingester.Utilities class, a set of methods to assist in data
// extraction. Most code here was stolen directly from the Piggy Bank project.
Scholar.Ingester.Utilities = function() {}
// Adapter for Piggy Bank function to print debug messages; log level is
// fixed at 4 (could change this)
Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.prototype.debugPrint = function(msg) {
Scholar.debug(msg, 4);
// Appears to trim a string, chopping of newlines/spacing
Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.prototype.trimString = function(s) {
var i = 0;
var spaceChars = " \n\r\t" + String.fromCharCode(160) /*   */;
while (i < s.length) {
var c = s.charAt(i);
if (spaceChars.indexOf(c) < 0) {
s = s.substring(i);
i = s.length;
while (i > 0) {
var c = s.charAt(i - 1);
if (spaceChars.indexOf(c) < 0) {
return s.substring(0, i);
// Takes an XPath query and returns the results
Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.prototype.gatherElementsOnXPath = function(doc, parentNode, xpath, nsResolver) {
var elmts = [];
var iterator = doc.evaluate(xpath, parentNode, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE,null);
var elmt = iterator.iterateNext();
var i = 0;
while (elmt) {
elmts[i++] = elmt;
elmt = iterator.iterateNext();
return elmts;
// Loads a single document for a scraper, running succeeded() on success or
// failed() on failure
Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.prototype.loadDocument = function(url, browser, succeeded, failed) {
this.processDocuments(browser, null, [ url ], succeeded, function() {}, failed);
// Downloads and processes documents with processor()
// browser - a browser object
// firstDoc - the first document to process with the processor (if null,
// first document is processed without processor)
// urls - an array of URLs to load
// processor - a function to execute to process each document
// done - a function to execute when all document processing is complete
// exception - a function to execute if an exception occurs (exceptions are
// also logged in the Firefox Scholar log)
Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.prototype.processDocuments = function(browser, firstDoc, urls, processor, done, exception) {
try {
if (urls.length == 0) {
if (firstDoc) {
processor(firstDoc, done);
} else {
var urlIndex = -1;
var doLoad = function() {
if (urlIndex < urls.length) {
try {
var url = urls[urlIndex];
var b = Scholar.Ingester.progressDialog.document.getElementById("hidden-browser");
} catch (e) {
Scholar.debug("Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.processDocuments doLoad: " + e, 2);
} else {
window.setTimeout(done, 10);
var onLoad = function() {
try {
var b = Scholar.Ingester.progressDialog.document.getElementById("hidden-browser").selectedBrowser;
processor(b.contentDocument, doLoad);
} catch (e) {
Scholar.debug("Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.processDocuments onLoad: " + e, 2);
var init = function() {
var listener;
listener.onStateChange = function(webProgress, request, stateFlags, status) {
if ((stateFlags & Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP) > 0 &&
request.name == urls[urlIndex]) {
try {
Scholar.Ingester.progressDialog.setTimeout(onLoad, 10);
} catch (e) {
Scholar.debug("Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.processDocuments onLocationChange: " + e, 2);
var tb = Scholar.Ingester.progressDialog.document.getElementById("hidden-browser");
tb.addProgressListener(listener, Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATUS);
if (firstDoc) {
processor(firstDoc, doLoad);
} else {
w.addEventListener("load", init, false);
} catch (e) {
PB_Debug.print("processDocuments: " + e);
// Appears to look for links in a document containing a certain substring
Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.prototype.collectURLsWithSubstring = function(doc, substring) {
var urls = [];
var addedURLs = [];
var aElements = doc.evaluate("//a", doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE,null);
var aElement = aElements.iterateNext();
while (aElement) {
var href = aElement.href;
if (href.indexOf(substring) >= 0 && !(addedURLs[href])) {
addedURLs[href] = true;
aElement = aElements.iterateNext();
return urls;
// For now, we're going to skip the getLLsFromAddresses function (which gets
// latitude and longitude pairs from a series of addresses, but requires the
// big mess of Java code that is the Piggy Bank server) and the geoHelper
// tools (which rely on getLLsFromAddresses) since these are probably not
// essential components for Scholar and would take a great deal of effort to
// implement. We can, however, always implement them later.
// It looks like these are simple front-ends for XMLHttpRequest. They're a
// component of the Piggy Bank API, so they're implemented here.
Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.HTTPUtilities = function() {}
Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.HTTPUtilities.prototype.doGet = function(url, onStatus, onDone) {
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.open('GET', url, true);
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.HTTPUtilities.stateChange(xmlhttp, onStatus, onDone);
Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.HTTPUtilities.prototype.doPost = function(url, body, onStatus, onDone) {
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.open('POST', url, true);
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.HTTPUtilities.stateChange(xmlhttp, onStatus, onDone);
Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.HTTPUtilities.prototype.doOptions = function(url, body, onStatus, onDone) {
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.open('OPTIONS', url, true);
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.HTTPUtilities.stateChange(xmlhttp, onStatus, onDone);
// Possible point of failure; for some reason, this used to be a separate
// class, so make sure it works
Scholar.Ingester.Utilities.HTTPUtilities.prototype.stateChange = function(xmlhttp, onStatus, onDone) {
switch (xmlhttp.readyState) {
// Request not yet made
case 1:
// Contact established with server but nothing downloaded yet
case 2:
try {
// Check for HTTP status 200
if (xmlhttp.status != 200) {
if (onStatus) {
} catch (e) {
Scholar.debug(e, 2);
// Called multiple while downloading in progress
case 3:
// Download complete
case 4:
try {
if (onDone) {
onDone(xmlhttp.responseText, xmlhttp);
} catch (e) {
Scholar.debug(e, 2);
// Scholar.Ingester.Document
/* Public properties:
* browser - browser window object of document
* model - data model for semantic scrapers
* scraper - best scraper to use to scrape page
* Private properties:
* _sandbox - sandbox for code execution
* _progressDialog - dialog showing scrape progress
// Public Scholar.Ingester.Document methods
* Constructor for Document object
Scholar.Ingester.Document = function(browserWindow){
this.browser = browserWindow;
this.scraper = null
this.model = new Scholar.Ingester.Model();
* Retrieves the best scraper to scrape a given page
Scholar.Ingester.Document.prototype.retrieveScraper = function() {
Scholar.debug("Retrieving scrapers for "+this.browser.contentDocument.location.href);
var sql = 'SELECT * FROM scrapers ORDER BY scraperDetectCode IS NULL DESC';
var scrapers = Scholar.DB.query(sql);
for(var i=0; i<scrapers.length; i++) {
var currentScraper = scrapers[i];
if(this.canScrape(currentScraper)) {
this.scraper = currentScraper;
Scholar.debug("Found scraper "+this.scraper.label);
return true;
return false;
* Check to see if _scraper_ can scrape this document
Scholar.Ingester.Document.prototype.canScrape = function(currentScraper) {
var canScrape = false;
// Test with regular expression
// If this is slow, we could preload all scrapers and compile regular
// expressions, so each check will be faster
if(currentScraper.urlPattern) {
var regularExpression = new RegExp(currentScraper.urlPattern, "i");
if(regularExpression.test(this.browser.contentDocument.location.href)) {
canScrape = true;
// Test with JavaScript if available and didn't have a regular expression or
// passed regular expression test
if((!currentScraper.urlPattern || canScrape)
&& currentScraper.scraperDetectCode) {
var scraperSandbox = this.sandbox;
try {
canScrape = this.evalInSandbox("(function(){\n" +
currentScraper.scraperDetectCode +
"\n})()", scraperSandbox);
} catch(e) {
throw e+' in scraper '+currentScraper.label;
return canScrape;
* Populate model with semantic data regarding this page using _scraper_
Scholar.Ingester.Document.prototype.scrapePage = function() {
Scholar.debug("Scraping "+this.browser.contentDocument.location.href);
var scraperSandbox = this.sandbox;
this._progressDialog = openDialog("chrome://scholar/content/ingester/scrape-progress.xul",
"_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", null, null, null);
Components.utils.evalInSandbox(this.scraper.scraperJavaScript, scraperSandbox);
// If synchronous, call _scrapePageComplete();
if(!scraperSandbox._waitForCompletion) {
// Private Scholar.Ingester.Document methods
* Piggy Bank/FS offers four objects to JavaScript scrapers
* browser - the object representing the open browser window containing the
* document to be processes
* doc - the DOM (basically just browser.contentDocument)
* model - the object representing the RDF model of data to be returned
* (see Scholar.Ingester.Model)
* utilities - a set of utilities for making certain tasks easier
* (see Scholar.Ingester.Utilities);
* Piggy Bank/FS also offers two functions to simplify asynchronous requests
* (these will only be available for scraping, and not for scrape detection)
* wait() - called on asynchronous requests so that Piggy Bank/FS will not
* automatically return at the end of code execution
* done() - when wait() is called, Piggy Bank/FS will wait for this
* function before returning
* Called when scraping (synchronous or asynchronous) is complete
Scholar.Ingester.Document.prototype._scrapePageComplete = function() {
Scholar.Ingester.Document.prototype._generateSandbox = function() {
this.sandbox = new Components.utils.Sandbox(this.browser.contentDocument.location.href);
this.sandbox.browser = this.browser;
this.sandbox.doc = this.sandbox.browser.contentDocument;
this.sandbox.utilities = new Scholar.Ingester.Utilities;
this.sandbox.model = this.model;
this.sandbox.XPathResult = XPathResult;
this.sandbox.wait = function(){ this._waitForCompletion = true; };
this.sandbox.done = function(){ this._scrapePageComplete(); };
* Add data ingested using RDF to database
* (Ontologies are hard-coded until we have a real way of dealing with them)
Scholar.Ingester.Document.prototype._updateDatabase = function() {
var prefixRDF = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#';
var prefixDC = 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/';
var prefixDCMI = 'http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/';
var prefixDummy = 'http://chnm.gmu.edu/firefox-scholar/';
for(var uri in this.model.data) {
var newItem = Scholar.Items.getNewItemByType(1);
newItem.setField("source", uri);
if(this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'title']) {
newItem.setField("title", this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'title']);
if(this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'publisher']) {
newItem.setField("publisher", this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'publisher']);
if(this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'year']) {
data.date = this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'year'].substring(
this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'year'].lastIndexOf(" ")+1,
this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'year'].length);
if(this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'edition']) {
newItem.setField("edition", this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'edition']);
if(this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'identifier']) {
newItem.setField("ISBN", this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'identifier'].substring(5));
if(this.model.data[uri][prefixDummy + 'pages']) {
newItem.setField("pages", this.model.data[uri][prefixDummy + 'pages']);
if(this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'creator']) {
var creator = this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'creator'];
var spaceIndex = creator.lastIndexOf(" ");
var firstName = creator.substring(spaceIndex+1, creator.length);
var lastName = creator.substring(0, spaceIndex);
newItem.setCreator(0, firstName, lastName);