Abe Jellinek 52e8fa8995 Prune Monaco distribution, fix JS acting like TS in Scaffold
We don't need most of the bundled languages or localizations, so they were just
taking up disk space pointlessly.
2022-09-12 14:06:17 -07:00

2220 lines
62 KiB

Copyright © 2011 Center for History and New Media
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
This file is part of Zotero.
Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Zotero. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
var { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
var { E10SUtils } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/E10SUtils.jsm");
var { Subprocess } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Subprocess.jsm");
import FilePicker from 'zotero/modules/filePicker';
var Zotero = Components.classes["@zotero.org/Zotero;1"]
// Currently uses only nsISupports
// Fix JSON stringify 2028/2029 "bug"
// Borrowed from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16686687/json-stringify-and-u2028-u2029-check
if (JSON.stringify(["\u2028\u2029"]) !== '["\\u2028\\u2029"]') {
JSON.stringify = function (stringify) {
return function () {
var str = stringify.apply(this, arguments);
if (str && str.indexOf('\u2028') != -1) str = str.replace(/\u2028/g, '\\u2028');
if (str && str.indexOf('\u2029') != -1) str = str.replace(/\u2029/g, '\\u2029');
return str;
// To be used elsewhere (e.g. varDump)
function fix2028(str) {
if (str.indexOf('\u2028') != -1) str = str.replace(/\u2028/g, '\\u2028');
if (str.indexOf('\u2029') != -1) str = str.replace(/\u2029/g, '\\u2029');
return str;
var Scaffold = new function () {
var _browser, _frames = [], _document;
var _translatorsLoadedPromise;
var _translatorProvider = null;
var _lastModifiedTime = 0;
this.browser = () => _browser;
var _editors = {};
var _propertyMap = {
'textbox-translatorID': 'translatorID',
'textbox-label': 'label',
'textbox-creator': 'creator',
'textbox-target': 'target',
'textbox-minVersion': 'minVersion',
'textbox-priority': 'priority',
'textbox-target-all': 'targetAll',
'textbox-hidden-prefs': 'hiddenPrefs'
var _linesOfMetadata = 15;
this.onLoad = async function (e) {
if (e.target !== document) return;
_document = document;
if (!Zotero.isMac) {
// Hack to fix Windows/Linux toolbar
let toolbar = document.getElementById('zotero-toolbar');
toolbar.className = 'toolbar-scaffold-small';
_browser = document.getElementById('browser');
window.messageManager.addMessageListener('Scaffold:Load', ({ data }) => {
document.getElementById("browser-url").value = data.url;
window.messageManager.loadFrameScript('chrome://scaffold/content/content.js', true);
let browserUrl = document.getElementById("browser-url");
browserUrl.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
if (e.key == 'Enter') {
Zotero.debug('Scaffold: Loading URL in browser: ' + browserUrl.value);
_browser.loadURI(browserUrl.value, {
triggeringPrincipal: Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal()
document.getElementById('tabpanels').addEventListener('select', event => Scaffold.handleTabSelect(event));
// Add List fields help menu entries for all other item types
var types = Zotero.ItemTypes.getAll().map(t => t.name).sort();
var morePopup = document.getElementById('mb-help-fields-more-popup');
var primaryTypes = ['book', 'bookSection', 'conferencePaper', 'journalArticle', 'magazineArticle', 'newspaperArticle'];
for (let type of types) {
if (primaryTypes.includes(type)) continue;
var menuitem = document.createXULElement('menuitem');
menuitem.setAttribute('label', type);
menuitem.addEventListener('command', () => {
Scaffold.addTemplate('templateNewItem', type);
if (!Scaffold_Translators.getDirectory()) {
if (!await this.promptForTranslatorsDirectory()) {
var importWin = document.getElementById("editor-import").contentWindow;
var codeWin = document.getElementById("editor-code").contentWindow;
var testsWin = document.getElementById("editor-tests").contentWindow;
await Promise.all([
importWin.loadMonaco({ language: 'plaintext' }).then(({ monaco, editor }) => {
_editors.importGlobal = monaco;
_editors.import = editor;
codeWin.loadMonaco({ language: 'javascript' }).then(({ monaco, editor }) => {
_editors.codeGlobal = monaco;
_editors.code = editor;
testsWin.loadMonaco({ language: 'json' }).then(({ monaco, editor }) => {
_editors.testsGlobal = monaco;
_editors.tests = editor;
// Set font size from general pref
// Set font size of code editor
var size = Zotero.Prefs.get("scaffold.fontSize");
if (size) {
// Listen for Scaffold coming to the foreground and reload translators
window.addEventListener('activate', () => this.reloadTranslators());
onLoadBegin: () => {
document.getElementById('cmd_load').setAttribute('disabled', true);
onLoadComplete: () => {
_translatorsLoadedPromise = Scaffold_Translators.load();
_translatorProvider = Scaffold_Translators.getProvider();
this.promptForTranslatorsDirectory = async function () {
var ps = Services.prompt;
var buttonFlags = ps.BUTTON_POS_0 * ps.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING
var index = ps.confirmEx(null,
"To set up Scaffold, select your development directory for Zotero translators.\n\n"
+ "In most cases, this should be a git clone of the zotero/translators GitHub repository.",
"Choose Directory…",
"Open GitHub Repo", null, {}
// Revert to home directory
if (index == 0) {
let dir = await this.setTranslatorsDirectory();
if (dir) {
return true;
else if (index == 2) {
return false;
this.setTranslatorsDirectory = async function () {
var fp = new FilePicker();
var oldPath = Zotero.Prefs.get('scaffold.translatorsDir');
if (oldPath) {
fp.displayDirectory = oldPath;
"Select Translators Directory",
if (await fp.show() != fp.returnOK) {
return false;
var path = OS.Path.normalize(fp.file);
if (oldPath == path) {
return false;
Zotero.Prefs.set('scaffold.translatorsDir', path);
Scaffold_Translators.load(true); // async
return path;
this.reloadTranslators = async function () {
Zotero.debug('Reloading translators quietly');
let { numLoaded, numDeleted } = await Scaffold_Translators.load(true);
if (numLoaded) {
_logOutput(`${numLoaded} ${Zotero.Utilities.pluralize(numLoaded, 'translator')} updated.`);
if (numDeleted) {
_logOutput(`${numDeleted} ${Zotero.Utilities.pluralize(numDeleted, 'translator')} deleted.`);
let translatorID = document.getElementById('textbox-translatorID').value;
let modifiedTime = Scaffold_Translators.getModifiedTime(translatorID);
if (modifiedTime && modifiedTime > _lastModifiedTime) {
let ps = Services.prompt;
let buttonFlags = ps.BUTTON_POS_0 * ps.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING
var index = ps.confirmEx(null,
"Translator code changed externally. Discard unsaved changes and reload?",
null, null, {}
if (index == 1) {
else {
_lastModifiedTime = modifiedTime;
this.initImportEditor = function () {
let monaco = _editors.importGlobal, editor = _editors.import;
// Nothing to do here
this.initCodeEditor = async function () {
let monaco = _editors.codeGlobal, editor = _editors.code;
// For some reason, even if we explicitly re-set the default model's language to JavaScript,
// Monaco still treats it as TypeScript. Recreating the model manually fixes the issue.
editor.setModel(monaco.editor.createModel('', 'javascript', monaco.Uri.parse('inmemory:///translator.js')));
lineNumbers: num => num + _linesOfMetadata - 1,
monaco.languages.registerCodeLensProvider('javascript', this.createRunCodeLensProvider(monaco, editor));
monaco.languages.registerHoverProvider('javascript', this.createHoverProvider(monaco, editor));
let tsLib = await Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(
OS.Path.join(Scaffold_Translators.getDirectory(), 'index.d.ts'));
let tsLibPath = 'ts:filename/index.d.ts';
monaco.languages.typescript.javascriptDefaults.addExtraLib(tsLib, tsLibPath);
// this would allow peeking:
// monaco.editor.createModel(tsLib, 'typescript', monaco.Uri.parse(tsLibPath));
// but it doesn't currently seem to work
this.initTestsEditor = function () {
let monaco = _editors.testsGlobal, editor = _editors.tests;
validate: true,
allowComments: false,
trailingCommas: false,
schemaValidation: 'error'
insertSpaces: false
editor.getModel().onDidChangeContent((_) => {
links: false
monaco.languages.registerCodeLensProvider('json', this.createTestCodeLensProvider(monaco, editor));
this.createRunCodeLensProvider = function (monaco, editor) {
let runMethod = editor.addCommand(0, (_ctx, method) => this.run(method), '');
return {
provideCodeLenses: (model, _token) => {
let methodRe = '(async\\s+)?\\bfunction\\s+(detect|do)(Web|Import|Export|Search)\\s*\\(';
let lenses = [];
let matches = model.findMatches(
/* searchOnlyEditableRange: */ false,
/* isRegex: */ true,
/* matchCase: */ true,
/* wordSeparators: */ null,
/* captureMatches: */ true
for (let match of matches) {
let line = match.matches[0];
let methodName = line.match(/function\s+(\w*)/)[1];
range: match.range,
command: {
id: runMethod,
title: `Run ${methodName}`,
arguments: [methodName]
return { lenses, dispose() {} };
resolveCodeLens: (_model, codeLens, _token) => codeLens
this.createHoverProvider = function (monaco, _editor) {
let uuidRe = `(["'])([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12})\\1`;
let types = Zotero.ItemTypes.getTypes().map(t => t.name);
let itemTypeRe = `(["'])(${types.join('|')})\\1`;
return {
provideHover: (model, position) => {
let lineRange = new monaco.Range(
let matches = model.findMatches(
/* searchScope: */ lineRange,
/* isRegex: */ true,
/* matchCase: */ true,
/* wordSeparators: */ null,
/* captureMatches: */ true
for (let uuidMatch of matches) {
if (!uuidMatch.range.containsPosition(position)) continue;
let translator = _translatorProvider.get(uuidMatch.matches[2]);
if (translator) {
let metadataJSON = JSON.stringify(translator.metadata, null, '\t');
return {
range: uuidMatch.range,
contents: [
{ value: `**${translator.label}**` },
{ value: '```json\n' + metadataJSON + '\n```' }
matches = model.findMatches(
/* searchScope: */ lineRange,
/* isRegex: */ true,
/* matchCase: */ true,
/* wordSeparators: */ null,
/* captureMatches: */ true
for (let itemTypeMatch of matches) {
if (!itemTypeMatch.range.containsPosition(position)) continue;
let fieldsJSON = this.listFieldsForItemType(itemTypeMatch.matches[2]);
return {
range: itemTypeMatch.range,
contents: [
{ value: '```json\n' + fieldsJSON + '\n```' }
return null;
this.createTestCodeLensProvider = function (monaco, editor) {
let runTestsCommand = editor.addCommand(
(_ctx, testIndices) => {
let tests;
try {
tests = JSON.parse(editor.getValue());
catch (e) {
_logOutput('Error parsing tests:\n' + e);
if (testIndices) {
tests = testIndices.map(index => tests[index]);
let updateTestsCommand = editor.addCommand(
async (_ctx, testIndices) => {
testIndices = testIndices || Object.keys(allTests);
try {
var allTests = JSON.parse(editor.getValue());
catch (e) {
_logOutput('Error parsing tests:\n' + e);
let tests = testIndices.map(index => allTests[index]);
await this.updateTests(tests,
(newTest) => {
allTests[testIndices.shift()] = newTest;
return {
provideCodeLenses: (model, _token) => {
let lenses = [];
let firstChar = {
startLineNumber: 1,
startColumn: 1,
endLineNumber: 1,
endColumn: 1
range: firstChar,
command: {
id: runTestsCommand,
title: 'Run All'
range: firstChar,
command: {
id: updateTestsCommand,
title: 'Run and Update All'
for (let [testIndex, range] of _findTestObjectTops(monaco, model).entries()) {
range: range,
command: {
id: runTestsCommand,
title: 'Run',
arguments: [[testIndex]]
range: range,
command: {
id: updateTestsCommand,
title: 'Run and Update',
arguments: [[testIndex]]
return { lenses, dispose() {} };
resolveCodeLens: (_model, codeLens, _token) => codeLens
this.updateModelMarkers = function (translatorPath) {
.then(markers => _editors.codeGlobal.editor.setModelMarkers(_editors.code.getModel(), 'eslint', markers));
this.setFontSize = function (size) {
var sizeWithPX = size + 'px';
_editors.import.updateOptions({ fontSize: size + 1 }); // editor font needs to be a little bigger
_editors.code.updateOptions({ fontSize: size + 1 });
_editors.tests.updateOptions({ fontSize: size + 1 });
document.getElementById("scaffold-pane").style.fontSize = sizeWithPX;
if (size == 11) {
// for the default value 11, clear the prefs
else {
Zotero.Prefs.set("scaffold.fontSize", size);
this.increaseFontSize = function () {
var currentSize = Zotero.Prefs.get("scaffold.fontSize") || 11;
this.setFontSize(currentSize + 2);
this.decreaseFontSize = function () {
var currentSize = Zotero.Prefs.get("scaffold.fontSize") || 11;
this.setFontSize(currentSize - 2);
this.newTranslator = async function () {
_logOutput('Saving translator and resetting...');
await this.save();
document.getElementById('textbox-label').value = 'Untitled';
= document.getElementById('textbox-target').value
= document.getElementById('textbox-target-all').value
= document.getElementById('textbox-configOptions').value
= document.getElementById('textbox-displayOptions').value
= document.getElementById('textbox-hidden-prefs').value
= '';
document.getElementById('textbox-minVersion').value = '5.0';
document.getElementById('textbox-priority').value = '100';
document.getElementById('checkbox-import').checked = false;
document.getElementById('checkbox-export').checked = false;
document.getElementById('checkbox-web').checked = true;
document.getElementById('checkbox-search').checked = false;
* load translator
this.load = async function (translatorID) {
await _translatorsLoadedPromise;
var translator = false;
if (translatorID === undefined) {
var io = {};
io.translatorProvider = _translatorProvider;
io.url = io.rootUrl = _browser.currentURI.spec;
"_blank", "chrome,modal", io);
translator = io.dataOut;
else {
translator = _translatorProvider.get(translatorID);
// No translator was selected in the dialog.
if (!translator) return;
for (var id in _propertyMap) {
document.getElementById(id).value = translator[_propertyMap[id]] || "";
//Strip JSON metadata
var code = await _translatorProvider.getCodeForTranslator(translator);
var lastUpdatedIndex = code.indexOf('"lastUpdated"');
var header = code.substr(0, lastUpdatedIndex + 50);
var m = /^\s*{[\S\s]*?}\s*?[\r\n]+/.exec(header);
var fixedCode = code.substr(m[0].length);
// adjust the first line number when there are an unusual number of metadata lines
_linesOfMetadata = m[0].split('\n').length;
// load tests into test editing pane
// clear selection
startLineNumber: 1,
endLineNumber: 1,
startColumn: 1,
endColumn: 1
// Set up the test running pane
// remove tests from the translator code before loading into the code editor
var testStart = fixedCode.indexOf("/** BEGIN TEST CASES **/");
var testEnd = fixedCode.indexOf("/** END TEST CASES **/");
if (testStart !== -1 && testEnd !== -1) fixedCode = fixedCode.substr(0, testStart) + fixedCode.substr(testEnd + 23);
// Convert whitespace to tabs
// Then go to line 1
_editors.code.setPosition({ lineNumber: 1, column: 1 });
// Reset configOptions and displayOptions before loading
document.getElementById('textbox-configOptions').value = '';
document.getElementById('textbox-displayOptions').value = '';
if (translator.configOptions) {
let configOptions = JSON.stringify(translator.configOptions);
if (configOptions != '{}') {
document.getElementById('textbox-configOptions').value = configOptions;
if (translator.displayOptions) {
let displayOptions = JSON.stringify(translator.displayOptions);
if (displayOptions != '{}') {
document.getElementById('textbox-displayOptions').value = displayOptions;
// get translator type; might as well have some fun here
var type = translator.translatorType;
var types = ["import", "export", "web", "search"];
for (var i = 2; i <= 16; i *= 2) {
var mod = type % i;
document.getElementById('checkbox-' + types.shift()).checked = !!mod;
if (mod) type -= mod;
_lastModifiedTime = new Date().getTime();
function _getMetadataObject() {
var metadata = {
translatorID: document.getElementById('textbox-translatorID').value,
label: document.getElementById('textbox-label').value,
creator: document.getElementById('textbox-creator').value,
target: document.getElementById('textbox-target').value,
minVersion: document.getElementById('textbox-minVersion').value,
maxVersion: '',
priority: parseInt(document.getElementById('textbox-priority').value)
// optional (hidden) metadata
if (document.getElementById('textbox-target-all').value) {
metadata.targetAll = document.getElementById('textbox-target-all').value;
if (document.getElementById('textbox-hidden-prefs').value) {
metadata.hiddenPrefs = document.getElementById('textbox-hidden-prefs').value;
if (document.getElementById('textbox-configOptions').value) {
metadata.configOptions = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('textbox-configOptions').value);
if (document.getElementById('textbox-displayOptions').value) {
metadata.displayOptions = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('textbox-displayOptions').value);
// no option for this
metadata.inRepository = true;
metadata.translatorType = 0;
if (document.getElementById('checkbox-import').checked) {
metadata.translatorType += 1;
if (document.getElementById('checkbox-export').checked) {
metadata.translatorType += 2;
if (document.getElementById('checkbox-web').checked) {
metadata.translatorType += 4;
if (document.getElementById('checkbox-search').checked) {
metadata.translatorType += 8;
if (document.getElementById('checkbox-web').checked) {
// save browserSupport only for web tranlsators
metadata.browserSupport = "gcsibv";
var date = new Date();
metadata.lastUpdated = date.getUTCFullYear()
+ "-" + Zotero.Utilities.lpad(date.getUTCMonth() + 1, '0', 2)
+ "-" + Zotero.Utilities.lpad(date.getUTCDate(), '0', 2)
+ " " + Zotero.Utilities.lpad(date.getUTCHours(), '0', 2)
+ ":" + Zotero.Utilities.lpad(date.getUTCMinutes(), '0', 2)
+ ":" + Zotero.Utilities.lpad(date.getUTCSeconds(), '0', 2);
return metadata;
* save translator to database
this.save = async function (updateZotero) {
var code = _editors.code.getValue();
var tests = _editors.tests.getValue().trim();
if (!tests || tests == '[]') tests = '[\n]'; // eslint wants a line break between the brackets
code += '/** BEGIN TEST CASES **/\nvar testCases = ' + tests + '\n/** END TEST CASES **/';
var metadata = _getMetadataObject();
if (metadata.label === "Untitled") {
_logOutput("Can't save an untitled translator.");
var path = await _translatorProvider.save(metadata, code);
if (updateZotero) {
await Zotero.Translators.save(metadata, code);
await Zotero.Translators.reinit();
_lastModifiedTime = new Date().getTime();
* If an editor is focused, trigger `editorTrigger` in it.
* Otherwise, run `fallbackCommand`.
this.trigger = function (editorTrigger, fallbackCommand) {
let activeEditor = _editors[_getActiveEditorName()];
if (activeEditor) {
activeEditor.trigger('Scaffold.trigger', editorTrigger);
else {
// editMenuOverlay.js
this.handleTabSelect = function (event) {
if (event.target.tagName != 'tabpanels') {
// Focus editor when switching to tab
var tab = document.getElementById('tabs').selectedItem.id.match(/^tab-(.+)$/)[1];
switch (tab) {
case 'import':
case 'code':
case 'tests':
// the select event's default behavior is to focus the selected tab.
// we don't want to prevent *all* of the event's default behavior,
// but we do want to focus the editor instead of the tab.
// so this stupid hack waits 10 ms for event processing to finish
// before focusing the editor.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10);
let codeTabBroadcaster = document.getElementById('code-tab-only');
if (tab == 'code') {
else {
codeTabBroadcaster.setAttribute('disabled', true);
this.handleTestSelect = function (event) {
let selected = event.target.selectedItems[0];
if (!selected) return;
let editImport = document.getElementById('testing_editImport');
let openURL = document.getElementById('testing_openURL');
if (selected.dataset.testType == 'web') {
editImport.setAttribute('disabled', true);
else {
openURL.setAttribute('disabled', true);
this.listFieldsForItemType = function (itemType) {
var outputObject = {};
outputObject.itemType = Zotero.ItemTypes.getName(itemType);
var typeID = Zotero.ItemTypes.getID(itemType);
var fieldList = Zotero.ItemFields.getItemTypeFields(typeID);
for (let field of fieldList) {
var key = Zotero.ItemFields.getName(field);
outputObject[key] = "";
var creatorList = Zotero.CreatorTypes.getTypesForItemType(typeID);
var creators = [];
for (let creatorType of creatorList) {
creators.push({ firstName: "", lastName: "", creatorType: creatorType.name, fieldMode: true });
outputObject.creators = creators;
outputObject.attachments = [{ url: "", document: "", title: "", mimeType: "" }];
outputObject.tags = [{ tag: "" }];
outputObject.notes = [{ note: "" }];
outputObject.seeAlso = [];
return JSON.stringify(outputObject, null, '\t');
* add template code
this.addTemplate = async function (template, second) {
switch (template) {
case "templateNewItem":
document.getElementById('output').value = this.listFieldsForItemType(second);
case "templateAllTypes":
var typeNames = Zotero.ItemTypes.getTypes().map(t => t.name);
document.getElementById('output').value = JSON.stringify(typeNames, null, '\t');
default: {
//newWeb, scrapeEM, scrapeRIS, scrapeBibTeX, scrapeMARC
//These names in the XUL file have to match the file names in template folder.
let value = Zotero.File.getContentsFromURL(`chrome://scaffold/content/templates/${template}.js`);
let cursorOffset = value.indexOf('$$CURSOR$$');
value = value.replace('$$CURSOR$$', '');
var selection = _editors.code.getSelection();
var id = { major: 1, minor: 1 };
var op = { identifier: id, range: selection, text: value, forceMoveMarkers: true };
_editors.code.executeEdits("addTemplate", [op]);
if (cursorOffset != -1) {
* run translator
this.run = async function (functionToRun) {
if (document.getElementById('textbox-label').value == 'Untitled') {
_logOutput("Translator title not set");
// Handle generic call run('detect'), run('do')
if (functionToRun == "detect" || functionToRun == "do") {
if (document.getElementById('checkbox-web').checked
&& _browser.currentURI.spec != 'about:blank') {
functionToRun += 'Web';
else if (document.getElementById('checkbox-import').checked
&& _editors.import.getValue().trim()) {
functionToRun += 'Import';
else if (document.getElementById('checkbox-export').checked
&& functionToRun == 'do') {
functionToRun += 'Export';
else if (document.getElementById('checkbox-search').checked
&& _editors.import.getValue().trim()) {
functionToRun += 'Search';
else {
_logOutput('No appropriate detect/do function to run');
_logOutput(`Running ${functionToRun}`);
let input = await _getInput(functionToRun);
Zotero.debug('got input')
if (functionToRun.endsWith('Export')) {
let numItems = Zotero.getActiveZoteroPane().getSelectedItems().length;
_logOutput(`Exporting ${numItems} item${numItems == 1 ? '' : 's'} selected in library`);
_run(functionToRun, input, _selectItems, () => {}, _getTranslatorsHandler(functionToRun), _myExportDone);
else {
_run(functionToRun, input, _selectItems, _myItemDone, _getTranslatorsHandler(functionToRun));
* run translator in given mode with given input
function _run(functionToRun, input, selectItems, itemDone, detectHandler, done) {
if (functionToRun == "detectWeb" || functionToRun == "doWeb") {
var translate = new Zotero.Translate.Web();
if (!_testTargetRegex(input)) {
_logOutput("Target did not match " + _getDocumentURL(input));
if (done) {
// Use cookies from browser pane
translate.setCookieSandbox(new Zotero.CookieSandbox(
else if (functionToRun == "detectImport" || functionToRun == "doImport") {
translate = new Zotero.Translate.Import();
else if (functionToRun == "doExport") {
translate = new Zotero.Translate.Export();
else if (functionToRun == "detectSearch" || functionToRun == "doSearch") {
translate = new Zotero.Translate.Search();
translate.setHandler("error", _error);
translate.setHandler("debug", _debug);
if (done) {
translate.setHandler("done", done);
// get translator
var translator = _getTranslatorFromPane();
if (functionToRun.startsWith('detect')) {
// don't let target prevent translator from operating
translator.target = null;
// generate sandbox
translate.setHandler("translators", detectHandler);
// internal hack to call detect on this translator
translate._potentialTranslators = [translator];
translate._foundTranslators = [];
translate._currentState = "detect";
else {
// don't let the detectCode prevent the translator from operating
translator.detectCode = null;
translate.setHandler("select", selectItems);
translate.setHandler("itemDone", itemDone);
translate.setHandler("collectionDone", function (obj, collection) {
_logOutput("Collection: " + collection.name + ", " + collection.children.length + " items");
// disable saving to database
libraryID: false
this.runTranslatorOrTests = async function () {
if (document.getElementById('tabs').selectedItem.id == 'tab-tests'
&& document.activeElement.id == 'testing-listbox') {
else {
* generate translator GUID
this.generateTranslatorID = function () {
document.getElementById("textbox-translatorID").value = _generateGUID();
* Test target regular expression against document URL and log the result
this.logTargetRegex = async function () {
_logOutput(_testTargetRegex(await _getDocument()));
* Test target regular expression against document URL and return the result
function _testTargetRegex(doc) {
var url = _getDocumentURL(doc);
try {
var targetRe = new RegExp(document.getElementById('textbox-target').value, "i");
catch (e) {
_logOutput("Regex parse error:\n" + JSON.stringify(e, null, "\t"));
return targetRe.test(url);
* called to select items
function _selectItems(obj, itemList) {
var io = { dataIn: itemList, dataOut: null };
"_blank", "chrome,modal,centerscreen,resizable=yes", io);
return io.dataOut;
* called if an error occurs
function _error(_obj, _error) {
// stub: this handler doesn't actually seem to get called by the current
// translation architecture when a translator throws
* logs translator output (instead of logging in the console)
function _debug(obj, string) {
* logs item output
function _myItemDone(obj, item) {
if (Array.isArray(item.attachments)) {
for (let attachment of item.attachments) {
if (attachment.document) {
attachment.document = '[object Document]';
attachment.mimeType = 'text/html';
delete attachment.url;
delete attachment.complete;
_logOutput("Returned item:\n" + Zotero_TranslatorTester._generateDiff(item, _sanitizeItemForDisplay(item)));
* logs string output
function _myExportDone({ string }, worked) {
if (worked) {
Zotero.debug("Export successful");
_logOutput("Returned string:\n" + string);
else {
Zotero.debug("Export failed");
* returns a 'translators' handler that prints information from detectCode to window
function _getTranslatorsHandler(fnName) {
return (obj, translators) => {
if (translators && translators.length != 0) {
if (translators[0].itemType === true) {
_logOutput(`${fnName} matched`);
else {
_logOutput(`${fnName} returned type "${translators[0].itemType}"`);
else {
_logOutput(`${fnName} did not match`);
* logs debug info (instead of console)
function _logOutput(string) {
var date = new Date();
var output = document.getElementById('output');
if (typeof string != "string") {
string = fix2028(Zotero.Utilities.varDump(string));
if (output.value) output.value += "\n";
output.value += Zotero.Utilities.lpad(date.getHours(), '0', 2)
+ ":" + Zotero.Utilities.lpad(date.getMinutes(), '0', 2)
+ ":" + Zotero.Utilities.lpad(date.getSeconds(), '0', 2)
+ " " + string.replace(/\n/g, "\n ");
// move to end
output.scrollTop = output.scrollHeight;
* gets import text for import translator
function _getImport() {
var text = _editors.import.getValue();
return text;
* gets items to export for export translator
function _getExport() {
return Zotero.getActiveZoteroPane().getSelectedItems();
* gets search JSON object for search translator
function _getSearch() {
return JSON.parse(_getImport());
* gets appropriate input for the given type/method
async function _getInput(typeOrMethod) {
typeOrMethod = typeOrMethod.toLowerCase();
if (typeOrMethod.endsWith('web')) {
return _getDocument();
else if (typeOrMethod.endsWith('import')) {
return _getImport();
else if (typeOrMethod.endsWith('export')) {
return _getExport();
else if (typeOrMethod.endsWith('search')) {
return _getSearch();
return null;
* transfers metadata to the translator object
* Replicated from translator.js
function _metaToTranslator(translator, metadata) {
var props = ["translatorID",
for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
translator[props[i]] = metadata[props[i]];
if (!translator.configOptions) translator.configOptions = {};
if (!translator.displayOptions) translator.displayOptions = {};
if (!translator.browserSupport) translator.browserSupport = "g";
* gets translator data from the metadata pane
function _getTranslatorFromPane() {
//create a barebones translator
var translator = {};
var metadata = _getMetadataObject(true);
//copy metadata into the translator object
_metaToTranslator(translator, metadata);
metadata = JSON.stringify(metadata, null, "\t") + ";\n";
translator.code = metadata + "\n" + _editors.code.getValue();
// make sure translator gets run in browser in Zotero >2.1
if (Zotero.Translator.RUN_MODE_IN_BROWSER) {
translator.runMode = Zotero.Translator.RUN_MODE_IN_BROWSER;
return translator;
* loads the translator's tests from the translator code
function _loadTestsFromTranslator(code) {
var testStart = code.indexOf("/** BEGIN TEST CASES **/");
var testEnd = code.indexOf("/** END TEST CASES **/");
if (testStart !== -1 && testEnd !== -1) {
code = code.substring(testStart + 24, testEnd);
code = code.replace(/var testCases = /, '').trim();
// The JSON parser doesn't like final semicolons
if (code.lastIndexOf(';') == code.length - 1) {
code = code.slice(0, -1);
try {
var testObject = JSON.parse(code);
catch (e) {
testObject = [];
// We don't use _writeTestsToPane here because we want to avoid _stringifyTests,
// which assumes valid test data and will choke on/incorrectly "fix"
// weird inputs that the user might want to fix manually.
_writeToEditor(_editors.tests, JSON.stringify(testObject, null, "\t"));
* loads the translator's tests from the pane
function _loadTestsFromPane() {
try {
return JSON.parse(_editors.tests.getValue().trim() || '[]');
catch (e) {
return null;
* Write text to an editor, overwriting its current value.
* This operation can be undone.
function _writeToEditor(editor, text) {
editor.executeEdits('_writeToEditor', [{
range: editor.getModel().getFullModelRange(),
* writes tests back into the translator
function _writeTestsToPane(tests) {
_writeToEditor(_editors.tests, _stringifyTests(tests));
* Mimics most of the behavior of Zotero.Item#fromJSON. Most importantly,
* extracts valid fields from item.extra and inserts invalid fields into
* item.extra.
* For example,
* { itemType: 'journalArticle', extra: 'DOI: foo' }
* becomes
* { itemType: 'journalArticle', DOI: 'foo' }
* and
* { itemType: 'book', DOI: 'foo' }
* becomes
* { itemType: 'book', extra: 'DOI: foo' }
* @param {any} item
* @return {any}
function _sanitizeItemForDisplay(item) {
// try to convert to JSON and back to get rid of undesirable undeletable elements; this may fail
try {
item = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item));
catch (e) {}
let itemTypeID = Zotero.ItemTypes.getID(item.itemType);
var setFields = new Set();
var { itemType, fields: extraFields, /* creators: extraCreators, */ extra }
= Zotero.Utilities.Internal.extractExtraFields(
item.extra || '',
// TEMP until we move creator lines to real creators
// If a different item type was parsed out of Extra, use that instead
if (itemType && item.itemType != itemType) {
item.itemType = itemType;
itemTypeID = Zotero.ItemTypes.getID(itemType);
for (let [field, value] of extraFields) {
item[field] = value;
for (let [field, val] of Object.entries(item)) {
switch (field) {
case 'itemType':
case 'accessDate':
case 'creators':
case 'attachments':
case 'notes':
case 'seeAlso':
case 'extra':
// We set this later
delete item[field];
case 'tags':
item[field] = Zotero.Translate.Base.prototype._cleanTags(val);
// Item fields
default: {
let fieldID = Zotero.ItemFields.getID(field);
if (!fieldID) {
if (typeof val == 'string') {
extraFields.set(field, val);
delete item[field];
// Convert to base-mapped field if necessary, so that setFields has the base-mapped field
// when it's checked for values from getUsedFields() below
let origFieldID = fieldID;
let origField = field;
fieldID = Zotero.ItemFields.getFieldIDFromTypeAndBase(itemTypeID, fieldID) || fieldID;
if (origFieldID != fieldID) {
field = Zotero.ItemFields.getName(fieldID);
if (!Zotero.ItemFields.isValidForType(fieldID, itemTypeID)) {
extraFields.set(field, val);
delete item[field];
if (origFieldID != fieldID) {
item[field] = item[origField];
delete item[origField];
if (extraFields.size) {
for (let field of setFields.keys()) {
let baseField;
if (Zotero.ItemFields.isBaseField(field)) {
baseField = field;
else if (Zotero.ItemFields.isValidForType(Zotero.ItemFields.getID(field), itemTypeID)) {
let baseFieldID = Zotero.ItemFields.getBaseIDFromTypeAndField(itemTypeID, field);
if (baseFieldID) {
baseField = baseFieldID;
if (baseField) {
let mappedFieldNames = Zotero.ItemFields.getTypeFieldsFromBase(baseField, true);
for (let mappedField of mappedFieldNames) {
if (extraFields.has(mappedField)) {
// Deduplicate remaining Extra fields
// For each invalid-for-type base field, remove any mapped fields with the same value
let baseFields = [];
for (let field of extraFields.keys()) {
if (Zotero.ItemFields.getID(field) && Zotero.ItemFields.isBaseField(field)) {
for (let baseField of baseFields) {
let value = extraFields.get(baseField);
let mappedFieldNames = Zotero.ItemFields.getTypeFieldsFromBase(baseField, true);
for (let mappedField of mappedFieldNames) {
if (extraFields.has(mappedField) && extraFields.get(mappedField) === value) {
// Remove Type-mapped fields from Extra, since 'Type' is mapped to Item Type by citeproc-js
// and Type values mostly aren't going to be useful for item types without a Type-mapped field.
let typeFieldNames = Zotero.ItemFields.getTypeFieldsFromBase('type', true)
for (let typeFieldName of typeFieldNames) {
if (extraFields.has(typeFieldName)) {
if (extra || extraFields.size) {
item.extra = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.combineExtraFields(extra, extraFields);
return item;
/* sanitizes all items in a test
function _sanitizeItemsInTest(test) {
if (test.items && typeof test.items != 'string' && test.items.length) {
for (var i = 0, n = test.items.length; i < n; i++) {
test.items[i] = Zotero_TranslatorTester._sanitizeItem(test.items[i]);
return test;
/* stringifies an array of tests
* Output is the same as JSON.stringify (with pretty print), except that
* Zotero.Item objects are stringified in a deterministic manner (mostly):
* * Certain important fields are placed at the top of the object
* * Certain less-frequently used fields are placed at the bottom
* * Remaining fields are sorted alphabetically
* * tags are always sorted alphabetically
* * Some fields, like those inside creator objects, notes, etc. are not sorted
function _stringifyTests(value, level) {
function processRow(key, value) {
let val = _stringifyTests(value, level + 1);
if (val === undefined) return undefined;
val = val.replace(/\n/g, "\n\t");
return JSON.stringify('' + key) + ': ' + val;
if (!level) level = 0;
if (typeof (value) == 'function' || typeof (value) == 'undefined' || value === null) {
return level ? undefined : '';
if (typeof (value) !== 'object') return JSON.stringify(value, null, "\t");
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
let str = '[';
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
let val = _stringifyTests(value[i], level + 1);
if (val === undefined) val = 'undefined';
else val = val.replace(/\n/g, "\n\t"); // Indent
str += (i ? ',' : '') + "\n\t" + val;
return str + (str.length > 1 ? "\n]" : ']');
if (!value.itemType) {
// Not a Zotero.Item object
let str = '{';
if (level < 2 && value.items) {
// Test object. Arrange properties in set order
let order = ['type', 'url', 'input', 'defer', 'items'];
for (let i = 0; i < order.length; i++) {
let val = processRow(order[i], value[order[i]]);
if (val === undefined) continue;
str += (str.length > 1 ? ',' : '') + '\n\t' + val;
else {
for (let i in value) {
let val = processRow(i, value[i]);
if (val === undefined) continue;
str += (str.length > 1 ? ',' : '') + '\n\t' + val;
return str + (str.length > 1 ? "\n}" : '}');
// Zotero.Item object
const topFields = ['itemType',
const bottomFields = ['attachments', 'tags', 'notes', 'seeAlso'];
let otherFields = Object.keys(value);
let presetFields = topFields.concat(bottomFields);
for (let i = 0; i < presetFields.length; i++) {
let j = otherFields.indexOf(presetFields[i]);
if (j == -1) continue;
otherFields.splice(j, 1);
let fields = topFields.concat(otherFields.sort()).concat(bottomFields);
let str = '{';
for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
let rawVal = value[fields[i]];
if (!rawVal) continue;
let val;
if (fields[i] == 'tags') {
val = _stringifyTests(rawVal.sort(), level + 1);
else {
val = _stringifyTests(rawVal, level + 1);
if (val === undefined) continue;
val = val.replace(/\n/g, "\n\t");
str += (str.length > 1 ? ',' : '') + "\n\t" + JSON.stringify(fields[i]) + ': ' + val;
return str + "\n}";
* adds a new test from the current input/translator
* web or import only for now
this.saveTestFromCurrent = async function (type) {
_logOutput(`Creating ${type} test...`);
try {
let test = await this.constructTestFromCurrent(type);
_writeTestsToPane([..._loadTestsFromPane(), test]);
catch (e) {
_logOutput('Creation failed');
let listBox = document.getElementById('testing-listbox');
listBox.selectedIndex = listBox.getRowCount() - 1;
this.constructTestFromCurrent = async function (type) {
if ((type === "web" && !document.getElementById('checkbox-web').checked)
|| (type === "import" && !document.getElementById('checkbox-import').checked)
|| (type === "search" && !document.getElementById('checkbox-search').checked)) {
_logOutput(`Translator does not support ${type} tests`);
return Promise.reject(new Error());
if (type == 'export') {
return Promise.reject(new Error(`Test of type export cannot be created`));
let input = await _getInput(type);
if (type == "web") {
let tester = new Zotero_TranslatorTester(
return new Promise(
(resolve, reject) => tester.newTest(input, function (obj, newTest) { // "done" handler for do
if (newTest) {
else {
reject(new Error('Creation failed'));
else if (type == "import" || type == "search") {
let test = { type, input: input, items: [] };
// TranslatorTester doesn't handle these correctly, so we do it manually
return new Promise(
resolve => _run(`do${type == 'import' ? 'Import' : 'Search'}`, input, null, function (obj, item) {
if (item) {
}, null, function () {
return Promise.reject(new Error('Invalid type: ' + type));
* populate tests pane and url options in browser pane
this.populateTests = function () {
function wrapWithHBox(elem, { flex = undefined, width = undefined } = {}) {
let hbox = document.createXULElement('hbox');
if (flex !== undefined) hbox.setAttribute('flex', flex);
if (width !== undefined) hbox.setAttribute('width', width);
return hbox;
let tests = _loadTestsFromPane();
let validateTestsBroadcaster = document.getElementById('validate-tests');
if (tests === null) {
validateTestsBroadcaster.setAttribute('disabled', true);
else {
let browserURL = document.getElementById("browser-url");
let currentURL = browserURL.value;
// browserURL.removeAllItems();
browserURL.value = currentURL;
let listBox = document.getElementById("testing-listbox");
let count = listBox.getRowCount();
let oldStatuses = {};
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
let item = listBox.getItemAtIndex(i);
let [, statusCell] = item.firstElementChild.children;
oldStatuses[item.dataset.testString] = statusCell.getAttribute('value');
let testIndex = 0;
for (let test of tests) {
let testString = _stringifyTests(test, 1);
// try to reuse old rows
let item = testIndex < count
? listBox.getItemAtIndex(testIndex)
: document.createXULElement('richlistitem');
item.innerHTML = ''; // clear children/content if reusing
let hbox = document.createXULElement('hbox');
hbox.setAttribute('flex', 1);
hbox.setAttribute('align', 'center');
let input = document.createXULElement('label');
input.value = getTestLabel(test);
hbox.appendChild(wrapWithHBox(input, { flex: 1 }));
let status = document.createXULElement('label');
status.value = oldStatuses[testString] || 'Not run';
hbox.appendChild(wrapWithHBox(status, { width: 150 }));
let defer = document.createXULElement('checkbox');
defer.checked = test.defer;
defer.disabled = true;
hbox.appendChild(wrapWithHBox(defer, { width: 30 }));
item.dataset.testString = testString;
item.dataset.testType = test.type;
if (testIndex >= count) {
// if (test.type == 'web') {
// browserURL.appendItem(test.url);
// }
// remove old rows that we didn't reuse
while (listBox.getItemAtIndex(testIndex)) {
* Delete selected test(s)
this.deleteSelectedTests = function () {
var listbox = document.getElementById("testing-listbox");
var indicesToRemove = [...listbox.selectedItems].map(item => listbox.getIndexOfItem(item));
let tests = _loadTestsFromPane();
indicesToRemove.forEach(i => tests.splice(i, 1));
* Load the import input for the first selected test in the import pane,
* from the UI.
this.editImportFromTest = function () {
var listbox = document.getElementById("testing-listbox");
var item = listbox.selectedItems[0];
var test = JSON.parse(item.dataset.testString);
if (test.input === undefined) {
_logOutput("Can't edit input of a non-import/search test.");
test.type == 'import'
? test.input
: JSON.stringify(test.input, null, '\t'));
startLineNumber: 1,
endLineNumber: 1,
startColumn: 1,
endColumn: 1
* Copy the url or data of the first selected test to the clipboard.
this.copyToClipboard = function () {
var listbox = document.getElementById("testing-listbox");
var item = listbox.selectedItems[0];
var url = item.getElementsByTagName("label")[0].getAttribute("value");
var test = JSON.parse(item.dataset.testString);
var urlOrData = (test.input !== undefined) ? test.input : url;
* Open the url of the first selected test in the browser (Browser tab or
* the system's default browser).
* @param {boolean} openExternally whether to open in the default browser
this.openURL = function (openExternally) {
var listbox = document.getElementById("testing-listbox");
var item = listbox.selectedItems[0];
var url = item.getElementsByTagName("label")[0].getAttribute("value");
if (openExternally) {
else {
_browser.loadURI(url, {
triggeringPrincipal: Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal()
this.runTests = function (tests, callback) {
callback = callback || (() => {});
let testsByType = {
import: [],
export: [],
web: [],
search: []
for (let test of tests) {
for (let [type, testsOfType] of Object.entries(testsByType)) {
if (testsOfType.length) {
let tester = new Zotero_TranslatorTester(
* Run selected test(s)
this.runSelectedTests = function () {
var listbox = document.getElementById("testing-listbox");
var items = listbox.selectedItems;
if (!items || items.length == 0) return; // No action if nothing selected
var tests = [];
for (let item of items) {
item.getElementsByTagName("label")[1].setAttribute("value", "Running");
var test = JSON.parse(item.dataset.testString);
test["ui-item"] = item;
this.runTests(tests, (obj, test, status, message) => {
test["ui-item"].getElementsByTagName("label")[1].setAttribute("value", message);
this.updateTests = function (tests, testUpdatedCallback) {
var updater = new TestUpdater(tests);
return new Promise(resolve => updater.updateTests(
* Update selected test(s)
this.updateSelectedTests = async function () {
var listbox = document.getElementById("testing-listbox");
var items = [...listbox.selectedItems];
if (!items || items.length == 0) return; // No action if nothing selected
var itemIndices = items.map(item => listbox.getIndexOfItem(item));
var tests = [];
for (let item of items) {
item.getElementsByTagName("label")[1].setAttribute("value", "Updating");
var test = JSON.parse(item.dataset.testString);
var testsDone = 0;
await this.updateTests(tests,
(newTest) => {
let message;
// Assume sequential. TODO: handle this properly via test ID of some sort
if (newTest) {
message = "Test updated";
items[testsDone].dataset.testString = _stringifyTests(newTest, 1);
tests[testsDone] = newTest;
else {
message = "Update failed";
items[testsDone].getElementsByTagName("label")[1].setAttribute("value", message);
let allTests = _loadTestsFromPane();
for (let [i, test] of Object.entries(tests)) {
allTests[itemIndices[i]] = test;
_logOutput("Tests updated.");
this.populateLinterMenu = function () {
let status = 'Path: ' + getDefaultESLintPath();
let toggle = Zotero.Prefs.get('scaffold.eslint.enabled') ? 'Disable' : 'Enable';
document.getElementById('menu_eslintStatus').label = status;
document.getElementById('menu_toggleESLint').label = toggle;
this.toggleESLint = async function () {
Zotero.Prefs.set('scaffold.eslint.enabled', !Zotero.Prefs.get('scaffold.eslint.enabled'));
await getESLintPath();
this.showTabNumbered = function (tabNumber) {
let tabBox = document.getElementById('left-tabbox');
let numTabs = tabBox.querySelectorAll('tabs > tab').length;
if (tabNumber > numTabs) {
tabNumber = numTabs;
tabBox.selectedIndex = tabNumber - 1;
var TestUpdater = function (tests) {
this.testsToUpdate = tests.slice();
this.numTestsTotal = this.testsToUpdate.length;
this.newTests = [];
this.tester = new Zotero_TranslatorTester(
TestUpdater.prototype.updateTests = function (testDoneCallback, doneCallback) {
this.testDoneCallback = testDoneCallback || function () { /* no-op */ };
this.doneCallback = doneCallback || function () { /* no-op */ };
TestUpdater.prototype._updateTests = function () {
if (!this.testsToUpdate.length) {
var test = this.testsToUpdate.shift();
_logOutput("Updating test " + (this.numTestsTotal - this.testsToUpdate.length));
var me = this;
if (test.type == 'web') {
_logOutput("Loading web page from " + test.url);
var hiddenBrowser = Zotero.HTTP.loadDocuments(
function (doc) {
_logOutput("Page loaded");
if (test.defer) {
_logOutput("Waiting " + (Zotero_TranslatorTester.DEFER_DELAY / 1000)
+ " second(s) for page content to settle"
function () {
doc = hiddenBrowser.contentDocument;
if (doc.location.href != test.url) {
_logOutput("Page URL differs from test. Will be updated. " + doc.location.href);
me.tester.newTest(doc, function (obj, newTest) {
if (test.defer) {
newTest.defer = true;
newTest = _sanitizeItemsInTest(newTest);
test.defer ? Zotero_TranslatorTester.DEFER_DELAY : 0,
function (e) {
hiddenBrowser.docShell.allowMetaRedirects = true;
else {
test.items = [];
const methods = {
import: 'doImport',
export: 'doExport', // not supported, will error
search: 'doSearch'
// Re-runs the test.
// TranslatorTester doesn't handle these correctly, so we do it manually
_run(methods[test.type], test.input, null, function (obj, item) {
if (item) {
}, null, function () {
if (!test.items.length) test = false;
* Normalize whitespace to the Zotero norm of tabs
function normalizeWhitespace(text) {
return text.replace(/^[ \t]+/gm, function (str) {
return str.replace(/ {4}/g, "\t");
* Clear output pane
function _clearOutput() {
document.getElementById('output').value = '';
* generates an RFC 4122 compliant random GUID
function _generateGUID() {
var guid = "";
for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
var bite = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
if (i == 4 || i == 6 || i == 8 || i == 10) {
guid += "-";
// version
if (i == 6) bite = bite & 0x0f | 0x40;
// variant
if (i == 8) bite = bite & 0x3f | 0x80;
var str = bite.toString(16);
guid += str.length == 1 ? '0' + str : str;
return guid;
* gets selected frame/document
function _getDocument() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
window.messageManager.addMessageListener('Scaffold:Document', function onDocument({ data }) {
window.messageManager.removeMessageListener('Scaffold:Document', onDocument);
let doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(data.html, 'text/html');
doc = Zotero.HTTP.wrapDocument(doc, data.url);
function _getDocumentURL(doc) {
return Zotero.Proxies.proxyToProper(doc.location.href);
function _findTestObjectTops(monaco, model) {
let tokenization = monaco.editor.tokenize(model.getValue(), 'json');
let arrayLevel = 0;
let objectLevel = 0;
let ranges = [];
for (let line in tokenization) {
line = +line; // string keys
for (let token of tokenization[line]) {
if (token.type == 'delimiter.array.json' || token.type == 'delimiter.bracket.json') {
let range = {
startLineNumber: line + 1,
startColumn: token.offset + 1,
endLineNumber: line + 1,
endColumn: token.offset + 2
let bracket = model.getValueInRange(range);
if (bracket == '[') {
else if (bracket == ']') {
continue; // we only want to record opening brackets
else if (bracket == '{') {
else if (bracket == '}') {
if (arrayLevel == 1 && objectLevel == 1) {
return ranges;
function getDefaultESLintPath() {
return OS.Path.join(Scaffold_Translators.getDirectory(), 'node_modules', '.bin', 'teslint');
async function getESLintPath() {
if (!Zotero.Prefs.get('scaffold.eslint.enabled')) {
return null;
let eslintPath = getDefaultESLintPath();
while (!await OS.File.exists(eslintPath)) {
let ps = Services.prompt;
let buttonFlags = ps.BUTTON_POS_0 * ps.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING
let index = ps.confirmEx(null,
"Zotero uses ESLint to enable code suggestions and error checking, "
+ "but it wasn't found in the selected translators directory.\n\n"
+ "You can install it from the command line:\n\n"
+ ` cd ${Scaffold_Translators.getDirectory()}\n`
+ " npm install\n\n",
"Try Again",
"Disable Error Checking",
null, null, {}
if (index == 1) {
Zotero.Prefs.set('scaffold.eslint.enabled', false);
return null;
else if (index == 2) {
return null;
return eslintPath;
async function runESLint(translatorPath) {
if (!translatorPath) return [];
let eslintPath = await getESLintPath();
if (!eslintPath) return [];
Zotero.debug('Running ESLint');
try {
let proc = await Subprocess.call({
command: eslintPath,
arguments: ['-o', '-', '--', translatorPath],
let lintOutput = '';
let chunk;
while ((chunk = await proc.stdout.readString())) {
lintOutput += chunk;
return JSON.parse(lintOutput);
catch (e) {
return [];
function eslintOutputToModelMarkers(output) {
let result = output[0];
if (!result) return [];
return result.messages.map(message => ({
startLineNumber: message.line - _linesOfMetadata + 1,
startColumn: message.column,
endLineNumber: message.endLine - _linesOfMetadata + 1,
endColumn: message.endColumn,
message: message.message,
severity: message.severity * 4,
source: 'ESLint',
tags: [
message.ruleId || '-'
function getTestLabel(test) {
switch (test.type) {
case 'import':
return test.input.substr(0, 80);
case 'web':
return test.url;
case 'search':
return JSON.stringify(test.input).substr(0, 80);
return `Unknown type: ${test.type}`;
function _showTab(tab) {
document.getElementById('tabs').selectedItem = document.getElementById(`tab-${tab}`);
function _getActiveEditorName() {
let activeElement = document.activeElement;
if (activeElement && activeElement.id && activeElement.id.startsWith('editor-')) {
return activeElement.id.substring(7);
return null;
window.addEventListener("load", function (e) {
}, false);