- Just a single huge commit. This has been developed over too long a
time, required many tiny changes across too many files and has seen too
many iterations to be separated into separate commits.
The original branch with all the messy commits will be kept around for
- Replaces XUL <tree> element across the whole zotero client codebase
with a custom supermegafast virtualized-table inspired by
react-virtualized yet mimicking old XUL treeview API. The
virtualized-table sits on top on a raw-to-the-metal,
interpreted-at-runtime JS based windowing solution inspired by
react-window. React-based solutions could not be used because they were
slow and Zotero UI needs to be responsive and be able to
display thousands of rows in a treeview without any slowdowns.
- Attempts were made at making this screen-reader friendly, but yet to
be tested with something like JAWS
- RTL-friendly
- Styling and behaviour across all platforms was copied as closely as
possible to the original XUL tree
- Instead of row-based scroll snapping this has smooth-scrolling. If
you're using arrow keys to browse through the tree then it effectively
snap-scrolls. Current CSS snap scroll attributes do not seem to work in
the way we would require even on up-to-date browsers, yet alone the ESR
version of FX that Zotero is on. JS solutions are either terrible for
performance or produce inexcusable jitter.
- When dragging-and-dropping items the initial drag freezes the UI for
a fairly jarring amount of time. Does not seem to be fixable due to
the synchronous code that needs to be run in the dragstart handler.
Used to be possible to run that code async with the XUL tree.
- Item tree column picker no longer has a dedicated button. Just
right-click the columns. The column preferences (width, order, etc) are
no longer handled by XUL, which required a custom serialization and
storage solution that throws warnings in the developer console due to
the amount of data being stored. Might cause temporary freezing on HDDs
upon column resize/reorder/visibility toggling.
- Context menu handling code basically unchanged, but any UI changes
that plugins may have wanted to do (including adding new columns) will
have to be redone by them. No serious thought has gone into how plugin
developers would achieve that yet.
- Opens up the possibility for awesome alternative ways to render the
tree items, including things like multiple-row view for the item tree,
which has been requested for a long while especially by users switching
from other referencing software
384 lines
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384 lines
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describe("Zotero.Library", function() {
describe("#constructor()", function() {
it("should allow no arguments", function() {
assert.doesNotThrow(() => new Zotero.Library());
describe("#libraryID", function() {
it("should not allow setting a library ID", function() {
let library = new Zotero.Library();
assert.throws(() => library.libraryID = 1);
it("should return a library ID for a saved library", function() {
let library = Zotero.Libraries.get(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID);
assert.isAbove(library.libraryID, 0);
describe("#libraryType", function() {
it("should not allow creating a non-basic library", function() {
let library = new Zotero.Library();
assert.throws(() => library.libraryType = 'group', /^Invalid library type /);
it("should not allow setting a library type for a saved library", function* () {
let library = yield createGroup();
assert.throws(() => library.libraryType = 'feed');
it("should not allow creating new unique libraries", function* () {
for (let i=0; i<Zotero.Library.prototype.fixedLibraries.length; i++) {
let libraryType = Zotero.Library.prototype.fixedLibraries[i];
assert.throws(function() {new Zotero.Library({ libraryType })}, /^Cannot create library of type /, 'cannot create a new ' + libraryType + ' library');
describe("#libraryTypeID", function () {
it("should return a group id for a group", function* () {
let library = yield createGroup();
assert.typeOf(library.libraryTypeID, 'number');
assert.equal(library.libraryTypeID, library.groupID);
describe("#libraryVersion", function() {
it("should be settable to increasing values", function() {
let library = new Zotero.Library();
assert.throws(() => library.libraryVersion = -2);
assert.throws(() => library.libraryVersion = "a");
assert.throws(() => library.libraryVersion = 1.1);
assert.doesNotThrow(() => library.libraryVersion = 0);
assert.doesNotThrow(() => library.libraryVersion = 5);
it("should not be possible to decrement", function() {
let library = new Zotero.Library();
library.libraryVersion = 5;
assert.throws(() => library.libraryVersion = 0);
it("should be possible to set to -1", function() {
let library = new Zotero.Library();
library.libraryVersion = 5;
assert.doesNotThrow(() => library.libraryVersion = -1);
describe("#editable", function() {
it("should return editable status", function() {
let library = Zotero.Libraries.get(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID);
assert.isTrue(library.editable, 'user library is editable');
it("should allow setting editable status", function* () {
let library = yield createGroup({ editable: true });
assert.isTrue(Zotero.Libraries.isEditable(library.libraryID), "sets editable in cache to true");
assert.equal((yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync("SELECT editable FROM libraries WHERE libraryID=?", library.libraryID)), 1)
library.editable = false;
yield library.saveTx();
assert.isFalse(Zotero.Libraries.isEditable(library.libraryID), "sets editable in cache to false");
assert.equal((yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync("SELECT editable FROM libraries WHERE libraryID=?", library.libraryID)), 0)
it("should also set filesEditable to false", function* () {
let library = yield createGroup({ editable: true, filesEditable: true });
library.editable = false;
yield library.saveTx();
assert.equal((yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync("SELECT filesEditable FROM libraries WHERE libraryID=?", library.libraryID)), 0)
it("should not be settable for user libraries", function* () {
let library = Zotero.Libraries.get(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID);
assert.throws(function() {library.editable = false}, /^Cannot change _libraryEditable for user library$/, "does not allow setting user library as not editable");
describe("#filesEditable", function() {
it("should always return true for user library", function() {
it("should return files editable status", function() {
let library = Zotero.Libraries.get(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID);
assert.isTrue(library.filesEditable, 'user library is files editable');
it("should allow setting files editable status", function* () {
let library = yield createGroup({ filesEditable: true });
assert.isTrue(Zotero.Libraries.isFilesEditable(library.libraryID), "sets files editable in cache to true");
library.filesEditable = false;
yield library.saveTx();
assert.isFalse(Zotero.Libraries.isFilesEditable(library.libraryID), "sets files editable in cache to false");
it("should not be settable for user libraries", function* () {
let library = Zotero.Libraries.get(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID);
assert.throws(function() {library.filesEditable = false}, /^Cannot change _libraryFilesEditable for user library$/, "does not allow setting user library as not files editable");
describe("#allowsLinkedFiles", function () {
it("should return true for personal library", function () {
it("should return false for group libraries", async function () {
var group = await getGroup();
describe("#archived", function() {
it("should return archived status", function() {
let library = Zotero.Libraries.get(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID);
assert.isFalse(library.archived, 'user library is not archived');
it("should allow setting archived status", function* () {
let library = yield createGroup({ editable: false, archived: true });
assert.equal((yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync("SELECT archived FROM libraries WHERE libraryID=?", library.libraryID)), 1)
library.archived = false;
yield library.saveTx();
assert.equal((yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync("SELECT archived FROM libraries WHERE libraryID=?", library.libraryID)), 0)
it("should not be settable for user libraries", function* () {
let library = Zotero.Libraries.get(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID);
assert.throws(() => library.archived = true, /^Cannot change _libraryArchived for user library$/, "does not allow setting user library as archived");
it("should only be settable on read-only library", function* () {
let library = yield createGroup();
assert.throws(() => library.archived = true, /^Cannot set editable library as archived$/);
describe("#save()", function() {
it("should require mandatory parameters to be set", function* () {
let library = new Zotero.Library({ editable: true, filesEditable: true });
yield assert.isRejected(library.saveTx(), /^libraryType must be set before saving/, 'libraryType is mandatory');
// Required group params
let groupID = Zotero.Utilities.rand(1000, 10000);
let name = 'foo';
let description = '';
let version = Zotero.Utilities.rand(1000, 10000);
library = new Zotero.Group({ filesEditable: true, groupID, name , description, version });
yield assert.isRejected(library.saveTx(), /^editable must be set before saving/, 'editable is mandatory');
library = new Zotero.Group({ editable: true, groupID, name , description, version });
yield assert.isRejected(library.saveTx(), /^filesEditable must be set before saving/, 'filesEditable is mandatory');
library = new Zotero.Group({ editable: true, filesEditable: true, groupID, name , description, version });
yield assert.isFulfilled(library.saveTx());
it("should save new library to DB", function* () {
let library = yield createGroup({});
assert.isAbove(library.libraryID, 0, "sets a libraryID");
assert.equal(library.libraryType, 'group');
let inDB = yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM libraries WHERE libraryID=?', library.libraryID);
assert.ok(inDB, 'added to DB');
it("should save library changes to DB", function* () {
let library = yield createGroup({ editable: true });
library.editable = false;
yield library.saveTx();
it("should initialize library after creation", function* () {
let library = yield createGroup({});
Zotero.SyncedSettings.get(library.libraryID, "tagColors");
describe("#erase()", function() {
it("should erase a group library", function* () {
let library = yield createGroup();
let libraryID = library.libraryID;
yield library.eraseTx();
assert.isFalse(Zotero.Libraries.exists(libraryID), "library no longer exists in cache");assert.isFalse(Zotero.Libraries.exists(libraryID));
let inDB = yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM libraries WHERE libraryID=?', libraryID);
assert.notOk(inDB, 'removed from DB');
it("should erase a read-only library", function* () {
let library = yield createGroup({ editable:false, filesEditable:false });
yield assert.isFulfilled(library.eraseTx());
it("should not allow erasing permanent libraries", function* () {
let library = Zotero.Libraries.get(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID);
yield assert.isRejected(library.eraseTx(), /^Cannot erase library of type 'user'$/, "does not allow erasing user library");
it("should not allow erasing unsaved libraries", function* () {
let library = new Zotero.Library();
yield assert.isRejected(library.eraseTx());
it("should throw when accessing erased library methods, except for #libraryID and #name", function* () {
let library = yield createGroup();
yield library.eraseTx();
assert.doesNotThrow(() => library.libraryID);
assert.throws(() => library.editable = false, /^Group \(\d+\) has been disabled$/);
it("should clear child items from caches and DB", function* () {
let group = yield createGroup();
let libraryID = group.libraryID;
let collection = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID });
assert.ok(yield Zotero.Collections.getAsync(collection.id));
let item = yield createDataObject('item', { libraryID });
assert.ok(yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(item.id));
let search = yield createDataObject('search', { libraryID });
assert.ok(yield Zotero.Searches.getAsync(search.id));
yield group.eraseTx();
assert.notOk((yield Zotero.Searches.getAsync(search.id)), 'search was unloaded');
assert.notOk((yield Zotero.Collections.getAsync(collection.id)), 'collection was unloaded');
assert.notOk((yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(item.id)), 'item was unloaded');
it("should delete attachment files", async function () {
// My Library
var item1 = await createDataObject('item');
var attachment1 = await importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentID: item1.id });
var path1 = attachment1.getFilePath();
// Group
var group = await createGroup();
var libraryID = group.libraryID;
var item2 = await createDataObject('item', { libraryID });
var attachment2 = await importFileAttachment('test.png', { libraryID, parentID: item2.id });
var path2 = attachment2.getFilePath();
assert.isTrue(await OS.File.exists(path1));
assert.isTrue(await OS.File.exists(path2));
await group.eraseTx();
// My Library file should still exist, but group file should be deleted
assert.isTrue(await OS.File.exists(path1));
assert.isFalse(await OS.File.exists(path2));
describe("#hasCollections()", function() {
it("should throw if called before saving a library", function() {
let library = new Zotero.Library();
assert.throws(() => library.hasCollections());
it("should stay up to date as collections are added and removed", function* () {
let library = yield createGroup({ editable: true });
let libraryID = library.libraryID;
let c1 = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID });
let c2 = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID });
yield c1.eraseTx();
yield c2.eraseTx();
describe("#hasSearches()", function() {
it("should throw if called before saving a library", function() {
let library = new Zotero.Library();
assert.throws(() => library.hasSearches());
it("should stay up to date as searches are added and removed", function* () {
let library = yield createGroup({ editable: true });
let libraryID = library.libraryID;
let s1 = yield createDataObject('search', { libraryID });
let s2 = yield createDataObject('search', { libraryID });
yield s1.eraseTx();
yield s2.eraseTx();
describe("#hasItems()", function() {
it("should throw if called before saving a library", function* () {
let library = new Zotero.Library();
try {
yield library.hasItems();
assert.isFalse(true, "Library#hasItems did not throw an error");
} catch (e) {
it("should stay up to date as items are added and removed", function* () {
let library = yield createGroup({ editable: true });
let libraryID = library.libraryID;
var hasItems = yield library.hasItems();
let i1 = yield createDataObject('item', { libraryID });
hasItems = yield library.hasItems();
let i2 = yield createDataObject('item', { libraryID });
hasItems = yield library.hasItems();
yield i1.eraseTx();
hasItems = yield library.hasItems();
yield i2.eraseTx();
hasItems = yield library.hasItems();
describe("#updateLastSyncTime()", function() {
it("should set sync time to current time", function* () {
let group = yield createGroup();
assert.closeTo(Date.now(), group.lastSync.getTime(), 1000);
yield group.saveTx();
let dbTime = yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync('SELECT lastSync FROM libraries WHERE libraryID=?', group.libraryID);
assert.equal(dbTime*1000, group.lastSync.getTime());