Implemented advanced/saved search architecture -- to use, you create a new search with var search = new Scholar.Search(), add conditions to it with addCondition(condition, operator, value), and run it with search(). The standard conditions with their respective operators can be retrieved with Scholar.SearchConditions.getStandardConditions(). Others are for special search flags and can be specified as follows (condition, operator, value): 'context', null, collectionIDToSearchWithin 'recursive', 'true'|'false' (as strings!--defaults to false if not specified, though, so should probably just be removed if not wanted), null 'joinMode', 'any'|'all', null For standard conditions, currently only 'title' and the itemData fields are supported -- more coming soon. Localized strings created for the standard search operators API: search.setName(name) -- must be called before save() on new searches search.load(savedSearchID) search.save() -- saves search to DB and returns a savedSearchID search.addCondition(condition, operator, value) search.updateCondition(searchConditionID, condition, operator, value) search.removeCondition(searchConditionID) search.getSearchCondition(searchConditionID) -- returns a specific search condition used in the search search.getSearchConditions() -- returns search conditions used in the search search.search() -- runs search and returns an array of item ids for results search.getSQL() -- will be used by Dan for search-within-search Scholar.Searches.getAll() -- returns an array of saved searches with 'id' and 'name', in alphabetical order Scholar.Searches.erase(savedSearchID) -- deletes a given saved search from the DB Scholar.SearchConditions.get(condition) -- get condition data (operators, etc.) Scholar.SearchConditions.getStandardConditions() -- retrieve conditions for use in drop-down menu (as opposed to special search flags) Scholar.SearchConditions.hasOperator() -- used by Dan for error-checking
557 lines
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Scholar.Search = function(){
this._sql = null;
this._sqlParams = null;
this._maxSearchConditionID = 0;
this._conditions = [];
this._savedSearchID = null;
this._savedSearchName = null;
* Set the name for the saved search
* Must be called before save() for new searches
Scholar.Search.prototype.setName = function(name){
if (!name){
throw("Invalid saved search name '" + name + '"');
this._savedSearchName = name;
* Load a saved search from the DB
Scholar.Search.prototype.load = function(savedSearchID){
var sql = "SELECT savedSearchName, MAX(searchConditionID) AS maxID "
+ "FROM savedSearches NATURAL JOIN savedSearchConditions "
+ "WHERE savedSearchID=" + savedSearchID + " GROUP BY savedSearchID";
var row = Scholar.DB.rowQuery(sql);
if (!row){
throw('Saved search ' + savedSearchID + ' does not exist');
this._sql = null;
this._sqlParams = null;
this._maxSearchConditionID = row['maxID'];
this._conditions = [];
this._savedSearchID = savedSearchID;
this._savedSearchName = row['savedSearchName'];
var conditions = Scholar.DB.query("SELECT * FROM savedSearchConditions "
+ "WHERE savedSearchID=" + savedSearchID + " ORDER BY searchConditionID");
for (var i in conditions){
this._conditions[conditions[i]['searchConditionID']] = {
condition: conditions[i]['condition'],
operator: conditions[i]['operator'],
value: conditions[i]['value']
* Save the search to the DB and return a savedSearchID
* For new searches, setName() must be called before saving
Scholar.Search.prototype.save = function(){
if (!this._savedSearchName){
throw('Name not provided for saved search');
if (this._savedSearchID){
var sql = "UPDATE savedSearches SET savedSearchName=? WHERE savedSearchID=?";
Scholar.DB.query(sql, [this._savedSearchName, this._savedSearchID]);
Scholar.DB.query("DELETE FROM savedSearchConditions "
+ "WHERE savedSearchID=" + this._savedSearchID);
else {
= Scholar.getRandomID('savedSearches', 'savedSearchID');
var sql = "INSERT INTO savedSearches (savedSearchID, savedSearchName) "
+ "VALUES (?,?)";
[this._savedSearchID, {string: this._savedSearchName}]);
// TODO: use proper bound parameters once DB class is updated
for (var i in this._conditions){
var sql = "INSERT INTO savedSearchConditions (savedSearchID, "
+ "searchConditionID, condition, operator, value) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)";
var sqlParams = [this._savedSearchID, i, this._conditions[i]['condition'],
? this._conditions[i]['operator'] : null,
? this._conditions[i]['value'] : null];
Scholar.DB.query(sql, sqlParams);
return this._savedSearchID;
Scholar.Search.prototype.addCondition = function(condition, operator, value){
if (!Scholar.SearchConditions.hasOperator(condition, operator)){
throw ("Invalid operator '" + operator + "' for condition " + condition);
var searchConditionID = this._maxSearchConditionID++;
this._conditions[searchConditionID] = {
condition: condition,
operator: operator,
value: value
this._sql = null;
this._sqlParams = null;
return searchConditionID;
Scholar.Search.prototype.updateCondition = function(searchConditionID, condition, operator, value){
if (typeof this._conditions[searchConditionID] == 'undefined'){
throw ('Invalid searchConditionID ' + searchConditionID + ' in updateCondition()');
if (!Scholar.SearchConditions.hasOperator(condition, operator)){
throw ("Invalid operator '" + operator + "' for condition " + condition);
this._conditions[searchConditionID] = {
condition: condition,
operator: operator,
value: value
this._sql = null;
this._sqlParams = null;
Scholar.Search.prototype.removeCondition = function(searchConditionID){
if (typeof this._conditions[searchConditionID] == 'undefined'){
throw ('Invalid searchConditionID ' + searchConditionID + ' in removeCondition()');
delete this._conditions[searchConditionID];
var i = searchConditionID + 1;
while (typeof this._conditions[i] != 'undefined'){
this._conditions[i-1] = this._conditions[i];
delete this._conditions[i];
* Returns an array with 'condition', 'operator', and 'value'
* for the given searchConditionID
Scholar.Search.prototype.getSearchCondition = function(searchConditionID){
return this._conditions[searchConditionID];
* Returns a multidimensional array of conditions/operator/value sets
* used in the search, indexed by searchConditionID
Scholar.Search.prototype.getSearchConditions = function(){
// TODO: make copy
return this._conditions;
* Run the search and return an array of item ids for results
Scholar.Search.prototype.search = function(){
if (!this._sql){
return Scholar.DB.columnQuery(this._sql, this._sqlParams);
* Get the SQL string for the search
Scholar.Search.prototype.getSQL = function(){
if (!this._sql){
return this._sql;
* Build the SQL query for the search
Scholar.Search.prototype._buildQuery = function(){
var sql = 'SELECT itemID FROM items';
var sqlParams = [];
var tables = [];
for (var i in this._conditions){
var data = Scholar.SearchConditions.get(this._conditions[i]['condition']);
// Group standard conditions by table
if (data['table']){
if (!tables[data['table']]){
tables[data['table']] = [];
name: data['name'],
alias: data['name']!=this._conditions[i]['condition']
? this._conditions[i]['condition'] : false,
field: data['field'],
operator: this._conditions[i]['operator'],
value: this._conditions[i]['value']
var hasConditions = true;
// Handle special conditions
else {
switch (data['name']){
// Collection to search in
case 'context':
var parentCollectionID = this._conditions[i]['value'];
// Search subfolders
case 'recursive':
var recursive = this._conditions[i]['operator']=='true';
// Join mode ('any' or 'all')
case 'joinMode':
var joinMode = this._conditions[i]['operator'].toUpperCase();
throw ('Unhandled special condition ' + this._conditions[i]['condition']);
if (hasConditions){
sql += " WHERE ";
// Join conditions using appropriate operator
if (joinMode=='ALL'){
var binOp = ' AND ';
else {
var binOp = ' OR ';
for (i in tables){
for (var j in tables[i]){
// Special table handling
switch (i){
case 'items':
sql += 'itemID IN (SELECT itemID FROM ' + i + ' WHERE (';
var openParens = 2;
// For itemData fields, include fieldID
if (tables[i][j]['name']=='field'){
sql += 'fieldID=? AND ';
sql += tables[i][j]['field'];
switch (tables[i][j]['operator']){
case 'contains':
sql += ' LIKE ?';
sqlParams.push('%' + tables[i][j]['value'] + '%');
case 'doesNotContain':
sql += ' NOT LIKE ?';
sqlParams.push('%' + tables[i][j]['value'] + '%');
case 'is':
sql += '=?';
case 'isNot':
sql += '!=?';
case 'greaterThan':
sql += '>?';
case 'lessThan':
sql += '<?';
case 'isBefore':
case 'isAfter':
// Close open parentheses
for (k=openParens; k>0; k--){
sql += ')';
sql += binOp;
sql = sql.substring(0, sql.length-binOp.length);
if (parentCollectionID){
sql = "SELECT itemID FROM (" + sql + ") WHERE itemID IN "
+ "(SELECT itemID FROM collectionItems WHERE collectionID IN ("
sql += "?,";
if (recursive){
var col = Scholar.Collections.get(parentCollectionID);
var descendents = col.getDescendents(false, 'collection');
if (descendents){
for (var i in descendents){
sql += '?,';
// Strip final comma
sql = sql.substring(0, sql.length-1) + "))";
this._sql = sql;
this._sqlParams = sqlParams.length ? sqlParams : null;
Scholar.Searches = new function(){
this.getAll = getAll;
this.erase = erase;
* Returns an array of saved searches with 'id' and 'name', ordered by name
function getAll(){
var sql = "SELECT savedSearchID AS id, savedSearchName AS name "
+ "FROM savedSearches ORDER BY name";
return Scholar.DB.query(sql);
* Delete a given saved search from the DB
function erase(savedSearchID){
var sql = "DELETE FROM savedSearchConditions WHERE savedSearchID="
+ savedSearchID;
var sql = "DELETE FROM savedSearches WHERE savedSearchID="
+ savedSearchID;
Scholar.SearchConditions = new function(){
this.get = get;
this.getStandardConditions = getStandardConditions;
this.hasOperator = hasOperator;
* Define the advanced search operators
var _operators = {
// Standard
is: true,
isNot: true,
contains: true,
doesNotContain: true,
lessThan: true,
greaterThan: true,
isBefore: true,
isAfter: true,
// Special
any: true,
all: true,
true: true,
false: true
* Define the advanced search conditions
var _conditions = [
// Special conditions
// Context (i.e. collection id to search within)
name: 'context'
// Search recursively
name: 'recursive',
operators: {
true: true,
false: true
// Join mode
name: 'joinMode',
operators: {
any: true,
all: true
// Standard conditions
name: 'title',
operators: {
contains: true,
doesNotContain: true
table: 'items',
field: 'title'
name: 'itemType',
operators: {
is: true,
isNot: true
table: 'items',
field: 'itemTypeID'
name: 'field',
operators: {
is: true,
isNot: true,
contains: true,
doesNotContain: true
table: 'itemData',
field: 'value',
aliases: Scholar.DB.columnQuery("SELECT fieldName FROM fields"),
template: true // mark for special handling
// Index conditions by name and aliases
for (var i in _conditions){
_conditions[_conditions[i]['name']] = _conditions[i];
if (_conditions[i]['aliases']){
for (var j in _conditions[i]['aliases']){
_conditions[_conditions[i]['aliases'][j]] = _conditions[i];
_conditions[_conditions[i]['name']] = _conditions[i];
delete _conditions[i];
var _standardConditions = [];
// Separate standard conditions for menu display
for (var i in _conditions){
// Standard conditions a have associated tables
if (_conditions[i]['table'] &&
// If a template condition, not the original (e.g. 'field')
(!_conditions[i]['template'] || i!=_conditions[i]['name'])){
name: i,
operators: _conditions[i]['operators']
* Get condition data
function get(condition){
return _conditions[condition];
* Returns array of possible conditions
* Does not include special conditions, only ones that would show in a drop-down list
function getStandardConditions(){
// TODO: return copy instead
return _standardConditions;
* Check if an operator is valid for a given condition
function hasOperator(condition, operator){
if (!_conditions[condition]){
throw ("Invalid condition '" + condition + "' in hasOperator()");
if (!operator && typeof _conditions[condition]['operators'] == 'undefined'){
return true;
return !!_conditions[condition]['operators'][operator];