Differentiates between single and double fields for the search, but there's a problem in the current implementation in that only one field is editable at once, so displaying two-field names in a drop-down is a little problematic. While I could display the full names, comma-delimited, and get the discrete parts (which is what Scholar.Utilities.AutoComplete.getResultComment(), included in this commit, is for--the creatorID for the row would be hidden in the autocomplete drop-down comment field), it's a bit unclear what should happen when a user selects a comma-separated name from the drop-down of one of the fields. One option would be to have a row for the last name (in case that's all they want to complete) and other rows for "last, first" matches, and selecting one of the two-part names would replace whatever's in the opposite name field with the appropriate text (and save it to the DB, I'm afraid, unless I change how the creator fields work), keeping the focus in the current textbox for easy tabbing. Not great, but it might work. Other ideas?
619 lines
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619 lines
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// Scholar for Firefox Utilities
// Scholar.Utilities
Scholar.Utilities = function () {}
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.debug = function(msg) {
Scholar.debug(msg, 4);
* See Scholar.Date
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.formatDate = function(date) {
return Scholar.Date.formatDate(date);
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.strToDate = function(date) {
return Scholar.Date.strToDate(date);
* Cleans extraneous punctuation off an author name
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.cleanAuthor = function(author, type, useComma) {
if(typeof(author) != "string") {
throw "cleanAuthor: author must be a string";
author = author.replace(/^[\s\.\,\/\[\]\:]+/, '');
author = author.replace(/[\s\,\/\[\]\:\.]+$/, '');
author = author.replace(/ +/, ' ');
if(useComma) {
// Add period for initials
if(author.substr(author.length-2, 1) == " " || author.substr(author.length-2, 1) == ".") {
author += ".";
var splitNames = author.split(/, ?/);
if(splitNames.length > 1) {
var lastName = splitNames[0];
var firstName = splitNames[1];
} else {
var lastName = author;
} else {
var spaceIndex = author.lastIndexOf(" ");
var lastName = author.substring(spaceIndex+1);
var firstName = author.substring(0, spaceIndex);
// TODO: take type into account
return {firstName:firstName, lastName:lastName, creatorType:type};
* Cleans whitespace off a string and replaces multiple spaces with one
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.cleanString = function(s) {
if(typeof(s) != "string") {
throw "cleanString: argument must be a string";
s = s.replace(/[\xA0\r\n\s]+/g, " ");
s = s.replace(/^\s+/, "");
return s.replace(/\s+$/, "");
* Cleans any non-word non-parenthesis characters off the ends of a string
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.superCleanString = function(x) {
if(typeof(x) != "string") {
throw "superCleanString: argument must be a string";
var x = x.replace(/^[^\w(]+/, "");
return x.replace(/[^\w)]+$/, "");
* Eliminates HTML tags, replacing <br>s with /ns
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.cleanTags = function(x) {
if(typeof(x) != "string") {
throw "cleanTags: argument must be a string";
x = x.replace(/<br[^>]*>/gi, "\n");
return x.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "");
* Test if a string is an integer
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.isInt = function(x) {
if(parseInt(x) == x) {
return true;
return false;
* Get current scholar version
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.getVersion = function() {
return Scholar.version;
* Get a page range, given a user-entered set of pages
Scholar.Utilities.prototype._pageRangeRegexp = /^\s*([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)\s*$/;
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.getPageRange = function(pages) {
var pageNumbers;
var m = this._pageRangeRegexp.exec(pages);
if(m) {
// A page range
pageNumbers = [m[1], m[2]];
} else {
// Assume start and end are the same
pageNumbers = [pages, pages];
return pageNumbers;
* provide inArray function
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.inArray = Scholar.inArray;
* pads a number or other string with a given string on the left
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.lpad = function(string, pad, length) {
while(string.length < length) {
string = pad + string;
return string;
* returns true if an item type exists, false if it does not
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.itemTypeExists = function(type) {
if(Scholar.ItemTypes.getID(type)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Cleans a title, capitalizing the proper words and replacing " :" with ":"
Scholar.Utilities.capitalizeSkipWords = ["but", "or", "yet", "so", "for", "and",
"nor", "a", "an", "the", "at", "by", "from", "in", "into", "of", "on", "to",
"with", "up", "down"];
Scholar.Utilities.prototype.capitalizeTitle = function(title) {
title = this.cleanString(title);
title = title.replace(/ : /g, ": ");
var words = title.split(" ");
// always capitalize first
words[0] = words[0][0].toUpperCase() + words[0].substr(1);
if(words.length > 1) {
var lastWordIndex = words.length-1;
// always capitalize last
words[lastWordIndex] = words[lastWordIndex][0].toUpperCase() + words[lastWordIndex].substr(1);
if(words.length > 2) {
for(var i=1; i<lastWordIndex; i++) {
// if not a skip word
if(Scholar.Utilities.capitalizeSkipWords.indexOf(words[i].toLowerCase()) == -1 ||
(words[i-1].length && words[i-1][words[i-1].length-1] == ":")) {
words[i] = words[i][0].toUpperCase() + words[i].substr(1);
} else {
words[i] = words[i].toLowerCase();
return words.join(" ");
// Scholar.Utilities.Ingester
// Scholar.Utilities.Ingester extends Scholar.Utilities, offering additional
// classes relating to data extraction specifically from HTML documents.
Scholar.Utilities.Ingester = function(translate, proxiedURL) {
this.translate = translate;
Scholar.Utilities.Ingester.prototype = new Scholar.Utilities();
// Takes an XPath query and returns the results
Scholar.Utilities.Ingester.prototype.gatherElementsOnXPath = function(doc, parentNode, xpath, nsResolver) {
var elmts = [];
var iterator = doc.evaluate(xpath, parentNode, nsResolver, Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.ANY_TYPE,null);
var elmt = iterator.iterateNext();
var i = 0;
while (elmt) {
elmts[i++] = elmt;
elmt = iterator.iterateNext();
return elmts;
* Gets a given node as a string containing all child nodes
Scholar.Utilities.Ingester.prototype.getNodeString = function(doc, contextNode, xpath, nsResolver) {
var elmts = this.gatherElementsOnXPath(doc, contextNode, xpath, nsResolver);
var returnVar = "";
for(var i=0; i<elmts.length; i++) {
returnVar += elmts[i].nodeValue;
return returnVar;
* Grabs items based on URLs
Scholar.Utilities.Ingester.prototype.getItemArray = function(doc, inHere, urlRe, rejectRe) {
var availableItems = new Object(); // Technically, associative arrays are objects
// Require link to match this
if(urlRe) {
if(urlRe.exec) {
var urlRegexp = urlRe;
} else {
var urlRegexp = new RegExp();
urlRegexp.compile(urlRe, "i");
// Do not allow text to match this
if(rejectRe) {
if(rejectRe.exec) {
var rejectRegexp = rejectRe;
} else {
var rejectRegexp = new RegExp();
rejectRegexp.compile(rejectRe, "i");
if(!inHere.length) {
inHere = new Array(inHere);
for(var j=0; j<inHere.length; j++) {
var links = inHere[j].getElementsByTagName("a");
for(var i=0; i<links.length; i++) {
if(!urlRe || urlRegexp.test(links[i].href)) {
var text = links[i].textContent;
if(text) {
text = this.cleanString(text);
if(!rejectRe || !rejectRegexp.test(text)) {
if(availableItems[links[i].href]) {
if(text != availableItems[links[i].href]) {
availableItems[links[i].href] += " "+text;
} else {
availableItems[links[i].href] = text;
return availableItems;
Scholar.Utilities.Ingester.prototype.lookupContextObject = function(co, done, error) {
return Scholar.OpenURL.lookupContextObject(co, done, error);
Scholar.Utilities.Ingester.prototype.parseContextObject = function(co, item) {
return Scholar.OpenURL.parseContextObject(co, item);
// Ingester adapters for Scholar.Utilities.HTTP to handle proxies
Scholar.Utilities.Ingester.prototype.loadDocument = function(url, succeeded, failed) {
this.processDocuments([ url ], succeeded, null, failed);
Scholar.Utilities.Ingester._protocolRe = new RegExp();
Scholar.Utilities.Ingester._protocolRe.compile("^(?:(?:http|https|ftp):|[^:]*/)", "i");
Scholar.Utilities.Ingester.prototype.processDocuments = function(urls, processor, done, exception) {
if(this.translate.locationIsProxied) {
for(var i in urls) {
if(this.translate.locationIsProxied) {
urls[i] = Scholar.Ingester.ProxyMonitor.properToProxy(urls[i]);
// check for a protocol colon
if(!Scholar.Utilities.Ingester._protocolRe.test(urls[i])) {
throw("invalid URL in processDocuments");
// unless the translator has proposed some way to handle an error, handle it
// by throwing a "scraping error" message
if(!exception) {
var translate = this.translate;
exception = function(e) {
translate._translationComplete(false, e);
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.processDocuments(null, urls, processor, done, exception);
Scholar.Utilities.Ingester.HTTP = function(translate) {
this.translate = translate;
Scholar.Utilities.Ingester.HTTP.prototype.doGet = function(url, onDone) {
if(this.translate.locationIsProxied) {
url = Scholar.Ingester.ProxyMonitor.properToProxy(url);
if(!Scholar.Utilities.Ingester._protocolRe.test(url)) {
throw("invalid URL in processDocuments");
var translate = this.translate;
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doGet(url, function(xmlhttp) {
try {
onDone(xmlhttp.responseText, xmlhttp);
} catch(e) {
translate._translationComplete(false, e);
Scholar.Utilities.Ingester.HTTP.prototype.doPost = function(url, body, onDone) {
if(this.translate.locationIsProxied) {
url = Scholar.Ingester.ProxyMonitor.properToProxy(url);
if(!Scholar.Utilities.Ingester._protocolRe.test(url)) {
throw("invalid URL in processDocuments");
var translate = this.translate;
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doPost(url, body, function(xmlhttp) {
try {
onDone(xmlhttp.responseText, xmlhttp);
} catch(e) {
translate._translationComplete(false, e);
// These are front ends for XMLHttpRequest. XMLHttpRequest can't actually be
// accessed outside the sandbox, and even if it could, it wouldn't let scripts
// access across domains, so everything's replicated here.
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP = new function() {
this.doGet = doGet;
this.doPost = doPost;
this.doHead = doHead;
this.doOptions = doOptions;
this.browserIsOffline = browserIsOffline;
* Send an HTTP GET request via XMLHTTPRequest
* Returns false if browser is offline
* doGet can be called as:
* Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doGet(url, onDone)
function doGet(url, onDone, onError) {
Scholar.debug("HTTP GET "+url);
if (this.browserIsOffline()){
return false;
var xmlhttp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"]
var test = xmlhttp.open('GET', url, true);
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function(){
_stateChange(xmlhttp, onDone);
return true;
* Send an HTTP POST request via XMLHTTPRequest
* Returns false if browser is offline
* doPost can be called as:
* Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doPost(url, body, onDone)
function doPost(url, body, onDone) {
Scholar.debug("HTTP POST "+body+" to "+url);
if (this.browserIsOffline()){
return false;
var xmlhttp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"]
xmlhttp.open('POST', url, true);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function(){
_stateChange(xmlhttp, onDone);
return true;
function doHead(url, onDone) {
Scholar.debug("HTTP HEAD "+url);
if (this.browserIsOffline()){
return false;
var xmlhttp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"]
var test = xmlhttp.open('HEAD', url, true);
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function(){
_stateChange(xmlhttp, onDone);
return true;
* Send an HTTP OPTIONS request via XMLHTTPRequest
* doOptions can be called as:
* Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.doOptions(url, body, onDone)
* The status handler, which doesn't really serve a very noticeable purpose
* in our code, is required for compatiblity with the Piggy Bank project
function doOptions(url, body, onDone) {
Scholar.debug("HTTP OPTIONS "+url);
if (this.browserIsOffline()){
return false;
var xmlhttp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"]
xmlhttp.open('OPTIONS', url, true);
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function(){
_stateChange(xmlhttp, onDone);
return true;
function browserIsOffline() {
return Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
function _stateChange(xmlhttp, onDone){
switch (xmlhttp.readyState){
// Request not yet made
case 1:
// Called multiple while downloading in progress
case 3:
// Download complete
case 4:
// Downloads and processes documents with processor()
// firstDoc - the first document to process with the processor (if null,
// first document is processed without processor)
// urls - an array of URLs to load
// processor - a function to execute to process each document
// done - a function to execute when all document processing is complete
// exception - a function to execute if an exception occurs (exceptions are
// also logged in the Scholar for Firefox log)
// saveBrowser - whether to save the hidden browser object; usually, you don't
// want to do this, because it makes it easier to leak memory
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.processDocuments = function(firstDoc, urls, processor, done, exception, saveBrowser) {
var hiddenBrowser = Scholar.Browser.createHiddenBrowser();
hiddenBrowser.docShell.allowImages = false;
var prevUrl, url;
if (urls.length == 0) {
if(firstDoc) {
processor(firstDoc, done);
} else {
var urlIndex = -1;
var removeListeners = function() {
hiddenBrowser.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true);
if(!saveBrowser) {
var doLoad = function() {
if (urlIndex < urls.length) {
url = urls[urlIndex];
try {
Scholar.debug("loading "+url);
} catch (e) {
if(exception) {
} else {
} else {
if(done) {
var onLoad = function() {
Scholar.debug(hiddenBrowser.contentDocument.location.href+" has been loaded");
if(hiddenBrowser.contentDocument.location.href != prevUrl) { // Just in case it fires too many times
prevUrl = hiddenBrowser.contentDocument.location.href;
try {
} catch (e) {
if(exception) {
} else {
var init = function() {
hiddenBrowser.addEventListener("load", onLoad, true);
if (firstDoc) {
processor(firstDoc, doLoad);
} else {
* This would probably be better as a separate XPCOM service
Scholar.Utilities.AutoComplete = new function(){
this.getResultComment = getResultComment;
function getResultComment(textbox){
var controller = textbox.controller;
for (var i=0; i<controller.matchCount; i++)
if (controller.getValueAt(i) == textbox.value)
return controller.getCommentAt(i);
return false;
} |