closes #100, migrate ingester to Scholar.Translate closes #88, migrate scrapers away from RDF closes #9, pull out LC subject heading tags references #87, add fromArray() and toArray() methods to item objects API changes: all translation (import/export/web) now goes through Scholar.Translate all Scholar-specific functions in scrapers start with "Scholar." rather than the jumbled up piggy bank un-namespaced confusion scrapers now longer specify items through RDF (the beginning of an item.fromArray()-like function exists in Scholar.Translate.prototype._itemDone()) scrapers can be any combination of import, export, and web (type is the sum of 1/2/4 respectively) scrapers now contain functions (doImport, doExport, doWeb) rather than loose code scrapers can call functions in other scrapers or just call the function to translate itself export accesses items item-by-item, rather than accepting a huge array of items MARC functions are now in the MARC import translator, and accessed by the web translators new features: import now works rudimentary RDF (unqualified dublin core only), RIS, and MARC import translators are implemented (although they are a little picky with respect to file extensions at the moment) items appear as they are scraped MARC import translator pulls out tags, although this seems to slow things down no icon appears next to a the URL when Scholar hasn't detected metadata, since this seemed somewhat confusing apologizes for the size of this diff. i figured if i was going to re-write the API, i might as well do it all at once and get everything working right.
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// Scholar for Firefox Ingester
// Utilities based on code taken from Piggy Bank 2.1.1 (BSD-licensed)
// This code is licensed according to the GPL
Scholar.Ingester = new Object();
Scholar.Ingester.createHiddenBrowser = function(myWindow) {
// Create a hidden browser
var newHiddenBrowser = myWindow.document.createElement("browser");
var windows = myWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("window");
Scholar.debug("created hidden browser");
return newHiddenBrowser;
Scholar.Ingester.deleteHiddenBrowser = function(myBrowser) {
// Delete a hidden browser
delete myBrowser;
Scholar.debug("deleted hidden browser");
// Scholar.Ingester.ProxyMonitor
// A singleton for recognizing EZProxies and converting URLs such that databases
// will work from outside them. Unfortunately, this only works with the ($495)
// EZProxy software. If there are open source alternatives, we should support
// them too.
* Precompile proxy regexps
Scholar.Ingester.ProxyMonitor = new function() {
var _ezProxyRe = new RegExp();
_ezProxyRe.compile("\\?(?:.+&)?(url|qurl)=([^&]+)", "i");
/*var _hostRe = new RegExp();
var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
var on = false;
var _mapFromProxy = null;
var _mapToProxy = null;
this.init = init;
this.proxyToProper = proxyToProper;
this.properToProxy = properToProxy;
this.observe = observe;
function init() {
if(!on) {
var observerService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]
observerService.addObserver(this, "http-on-examine-response", false);
on = true;
function observe(channel) {
try {
if(channel.getResponseHeader("Server") == "EZproxy") {
// We're connected to an EZproxy
if(channel.responseStatus != "302") {
// We should be able to scrape the URL out of this
var m = _ezProxyRe.exec(channel.URI.spec);
if(!m) {
// Found URL
var variable = m[1];
var properURL = m[2];
if(variable.toLowerCase() == "qurl") {
properURL = unescape(properURL);
var properURI = _parseURL(properURL);
if(!properURI) {
// Get the new URL
var newURL = channel.getResponseHeader("Location");
if(!newURL) {
var newURI = _parseURL(newURL);
if(!newURI) {
if(channel.URI.host == newURI.host && channel.URI.port != newURI.port) {
// Different ports but the same server means EZproxy active
Scholar.debug("EZProxy: host "+newURI.hostPort+" is really "+properURI.hostPort);
// Initialize variables here so people who never use EZProxies
// don't get the (very very minor) speed hit
if(!_mapFromProxy) {
_mapFromProxy = new Object();
_mapToProxy = new Object();
_mapFromProxy[newURI.hostPort] = properURI.hostPort;
_mapToProxy[properURI.hostPort] = newURI.hostPort;
} catch(e) {}
* Returns a page's proper url, adjusting for proxying
function proxyToProper(url) {
if(_mapFromProxy) {
// EZProxy detection is active
var uri = _parseURL(url);
if(uri && _mapFromProxy[uri.hostPort]) {
url = url.replace(uri.hostPort, _mapFromProxy[uri.hostPort]);
Scholar.debug("EZProxy: proper url is "+url);
return url;
* Returns a page's proxied url from the proper url
function properToProxy(url) {
if(_mapToProxy) {
// EZProxy detection is active
var uri = _parseURL(url);
if(uri && _mapToProxy[uri.hostPort]) {
// Actually need to map
url = url.replace(uri.hostPort, _mapToProxy[uri.hostPort]);
Scholar.debug("EZProxy: proxied url is "+url);
return url;
* Parses a url into components (hostPort, port, host, and spec)
function _parseURL(url) {
// create an nsIURI (not sure if this is faster than the regular
// expression, but it's at least more kosher)
var uri = ioService.newURI(url, null, null);
return uri;
} |