2021-12-07 16:12:14 +02:00

3070 lines
88 KiB

Copyright © 2009 Center for History and New Media
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
This file is part of Zotero.
Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Zotero. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Zotero.Attachments = new function(){
// Keep in sync with Zotero.Schema.integrityCheck() and this.linkModeToName()
this.BASE_PATH_PLACEHOLDER = 'attachments:';
var _findPDFQueue = [];
var _findPDFQueuePromise = null;
var self = this;
* @param {Object} options
* @param {nsIFile|String} [options.file] - File to add
* @param {Integer} [options.libraryID]
* @param {Integer[]|String[]} [options.parentItemID] - Parent item to add item to
* @param {String} [options.title]
* @param {Integer[]} [options.collections] - Collection keys or ids to add new item to
* @param {String} [options.fileBaseName]
* @param {String} [options.contentType]
* @param {String} [options.charset]
* @param {Object} [options.saveOptions] - Options to pass to Zotero.Item::save()
* @return {Promise<Zotero.Item>}
this.importFromFile = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (options) {
Zotero.debug('Importing attachment from file');
var libraryID = options.libraryID;
var file = Zotero.File.pathToFile(options.file);
var path = file.path;
var leafName = file.leafName;
var parentItemID = options.parentItemID;
var title = options.title;
var collections = options.collections;
var fileBaseName = options.fileBaseName;
var contentType = options.contentType;
var charset = options.charset;
var saveOptions = options.saveOptions;
if (fileBaseName) {
let ext = Zotero.File.getExtension(path);
var newName = fileBaseName + (ext != '' ? '.' + ext : '');
else {
var newName = Zotero.File.getValidFileName(OS.Path.basename(leafName));
if (leafName.endsWith(".lnk")) {
throw new Error("Cannot add Windows shortcut");
if (parentItemID && collections) {
throw new Error("parentItemID and collections cannot both be provided");
var attachmentItem, itemID, newFile, contentType, destDir;
try {
yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () {
// Create a new attachment
attachmentItem = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
if (parentItemID) {
let {libraryID: parentLibraryID, key: parentKey} =
attachmentItem.libraryID = parentLibraryID;
else if (libraryID) {
attachmentItem.libraryID = libraryID;
attachmentItem.setField('title', title != undefined ? title : newName);
attachmentItem.parentID = parentItemID;
attachmentItem.attachmentLinkMode = this.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_FILE;
if (collections) {
yield attachmentItem.save(saveOptions);
// Create directory for attachment files within storage directory
destDir = yield this.createDirectoryForItem(attachmentItem);
// Point to copied file
newFile = OS.Path.join(destDir, newName);
// Copy or move file to unique filename, which automatically shortens long filenames
if (options.moveFile) {
const newFilePath = yield Zotero.File.moveToUnique(file.path, newFile);
newFile = Zotero.File.pathToFile(newFilePath);
else {
newFile = Zotero.File.copyToUnique(file, newFile);
yield Zotero.File.setNormalFilePermissions(newFile.path);
if (!contentType) {
contentType = yield Zotero.MIME.getMIMETypeFromFile(newFile);
attachmentItem.attachmentContentType = contentType;
if (charset) {
attachmentItem.attachmentCharset = charset;
attachmentItem.attachmentPath = newFile.path;
yield attachmentItem.save(saveOptions);
try {
yield _postProcessFile(attachmentItem, newFile, contentType);
catch (e) {
catch (e) {
Zotero.logError("Failed importing file " + file.path);
// Clean up
try {
if (destDir && (yield OS.File.exists(destDir))) {
yield OS.File.removeDir(destDir);
catch (e) {
throw e;
return attachmentItem;
* @param {nsIFile|String} options.file - File to add
* @param {Integer[]|String[]} [options.parentItemID] - Parent item to add item to
* @param {String} [options.title]
* @param {Integer[]} [options.collections] - Collection keys or ids to add new item to
* @param {String} [options.contentType] - Content type
* @param {String} [options.charset] - Character set
* @param {Object} [options.saveOptions] - Options to pass to Zotero.Item::save()
* @return {Promise<Zotero.Item>}
this.linkFromFile = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (options) {
Zotero.debug('Linking attachment from file');
var file = Zotero.File.pathToFile(options.file);
var parentItemID = options.parentItemID;
var title = options.title;
var collections = options.collections;
var contentType = options.contentType || (yield Zotero.MIME.getMIMETypeFromFile(file));
var charset = options.charset;
var saveOptions = options.saveOptions;
if (parentItemID && collections) {
throw new Error("parentItemID and collections cannot both be provided");
var item = yield _addToDB({
title: title != undefined ? title : file.leafName,
try {
yield _postProcessFile(item, file, contentType);
catch (e) {
return item;
* @param {String} options.path - Relative path to file
* @param {String} options.title
* @param {String} options.contentType
* @param {Integer[]|String[]} [options.parentItemID] - Parent item to add item to
* @param {Integer[]} [options.collections] - Collection keys or ids to add new item to
* @param {Object} [options.saveOptions] - Options to pass to Zotero.Item::save()
* @return {Promise<Zotero.Item>}
this.linkFromFileWithRelativePath = async function (options) {
Zotero.debug('Linking attachment from file in base directory');
var path = options.path;
var title = options.title;
var contentType = options.contentType;
var parentItemID = options.parentItemID;
var collections = options.collections;
var saveOptions = options.saveOptions;
if (!path) {
throw new Error("'path' not provided");
if (path.startsWith('/') || path.match(/^[A-Z]:\\/)) {
throw new Error("'path' must be a relative path");
if (!title) {
throw new Error("'title' not provided");
if (!contentType) {
throw new Error("'contentType' not provided");
if (parentItemID && collections) {
throw new Error("parentItemID and collections cannot both be provided");
path = Zotero.Attachments.BASE_PATH_PLACEHOLDER + path;
var item = await _addToDB({
file: path,
// If the file is found (which requires a base directory being set and the file existing),
// index it
var file = this.resolveRelativePath(path);
if (file && await OS.File.exists(file)) {
try {
await _postProcessFile(item, file, contentType);
catch (e) {
return item;
* @param {Object} options - 'file', 'url', 'title', 'contentType', 'charset', 'parentItemID', 'singleFile'
* @param {Object} [options.saveOptions] - Options to pass to Zotero.Item::save()
* @return {Promise<Zotero.Item>}
this.importSnapshotFromFile = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (options) {
Zotero.debug('Importing snapshot from file');
var file = Zotero.File.pathToFile(options.file);
// TODO: Fix main filename when copying directory, though in that case it's probably
// from our own export and already clean
var fileName = options.singleFile
? Zotero.File.getValidFileName(file.leafName)
: file.leafName;
var url = options.url;
var title = options.title;
var contentType = options.contentType;
var charset = options.charset;
var parentItemID = options.parentItemID;
var saveOptions = options.saveOptions;
if (!parentItemID) {
throw new Error("parentItemID not provided");
var attachmentItem, itemID, destDir, newPath;
try {
yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () {
// Create a new attachment
attachmentItem = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
let {libraryID, key: parentKey} = Zotero.Items.getLibraryAndKeyFromID(parentItemID);
attachmentItem.libraryID = libraryID;
attachmentItem.setField('title', title);
attachmentItem.setField('url', url);
attachmentItem.parentID = parentItemID;
attachmentItem.attachmentLinkMode = this.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_URL;
attachmentItem.attachmentContentType = contentType;
attachmentItem.attachmentCharset = charset;
attachmentItem.attachmentPath = 'storage:' + fileName;
// DEBUG: this should probably insert access date too so as to
// create a proper item, but at the moment this is only called by
// translate.js, which sets the metadata fields itself
itemID = yield attachmentItem.save(saveOptions);
var storageDir = Zotero.getStorageDirectory();
destDir = this.getStorageDirectory(attachmentItem);
yield OS.File.removeDir(destDir.path);
newPath = OS.Path.join(destDir.path, fileName);
// Copy single file to new directory
if (options.singleFile) {
yield this.createDirectoryForItem(attachmentItem);
if (options.moveFile) {
yield OS.File.move(file.path, newPath);
else {
yield OS.File.copy(file.path, newPath);
// Copy entire parent directory (for HTML snapshots)
else {
file.parent.copyTo(storageDir, destDir.leafName);
try {
yield _postProcessFile(
catch (e) {
catch (e) {
// Clean up
try {
if (destDir && destDir.exists()) {
catch (e) {
Zotero.logError(e, 1);
throw e;
return attachmentItem;
* Saves an image for a parent note or image annotation
* Emerging formats like WebP and AVIF are supported here,
* but should be filtered on the calling logic for now
* @param {Object} params
* @param {Blob} params.blob - Image to save
* @param {Integer} params.parentItemID - Note or annotation item to add item to
* @param {Object} [params.saveOptions] - Options to pass to Zotero.Item::save()
* @return {Promise<Zotero.Item>}
this.importEmbeddedImage = async function ({ blob, parentItemID, saveOptions }) {
Zotero.debug('Importing embedded image');
if (!parentItemID) {
throw new Error("parentItemID must be provided");
var contentType = blob.type;
var fileExt;
switch (contentType) {
case 'image/apng':
fileExt = 'apng';
case 'image/avif': // Supported from FF 86
fileExt = 'avif';
case 'image/gif':
fileExt = 'gif';
case 'image/jpeg':
fileExt = 'jpg';
case 'image/png':
fileExt = 'png';
case 'image/svg+xml':
fileExt = 'svg';
case 'image/webp': // Supported from FF 65
fileExt = 'webp';
case 'image/bmp':
fileExt = 'bmp';
throw new Error(`Unsupported embedded image content type '${contentType}'`);
var filename = 'image.' + fileExt;
var attachmentItem;
var destDir;
try {
await Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(async function () {
// Create a new attachment
attachmentItem = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
let { libraryID: parentLibraryID } = Zotero.Items.getLibraryAndKeyFromID(parentItemID);
attachmentItem.libraryID = parentLibraryID;
attachmentItem.parentID = parentItemID;
attachmentItem.attachmentLinkMode = this.LINK_MODE_EMBEDDED_IMAGE;
attachmentItem.attachmentPath = 'storage:' + filename;
attachmentItem.attachmentContentType = contentType;
await attachmentItem.save(saveOptions);
// Write blob to file in attachment directory
destDir = await this.createDirectoryForItem(attachmentItem);
let file = OS.Path.join(destDir, filename);
await Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(file, blob);
await Zotero.File.setNormalFilePermissions(file);
catch (e) {
Zotero.logError("Failed importing image:\n\n" + e);
// Clean up
try {
if (destDir) {
await OS.File.removeDir(destDir, { ignoreAbsent: true });
catch (e) {
throw e;
return attachmentItem;
* Copy an image from one note to another
* @param {Object} params
* @param {Zotero.Item} params.attachment - Image attachment to copy
* @param {Zotero.Item} params.note - Note item to add attachment to
* @param {Object} [params.saveOptions] - Options to pass to Zotero.Item::save()
* @return {Promise<Zotero.Item>}
this.copyEmbeddedImage = async function ({ attachment, note, saveOptions }) {
if (!attachment.isEmbeddedImageAttachment()) {
throw new Error("'attachment' must be an embedded image");
if (!await attachment.fileExists()) {
throw new Error("Image attachment file doesn't exist");
var newAttachment = attachment.clone(note.libraryID);
// Attachment path isn't copied over by clone() if libraryID is different
newAttachment.attachmentPath = attachment.attachmentPath;
newAttachment.parentID = note.id;
await newAttachment.save(saveOptions);
let dir = Zotero.Attachments.getStorageDirectory(attachment);
let newDir = await Zotero.Attachments.createDirectoryForItem(newAttachment);
await Zotero.File.copyDirectory(dir, newDir);
return newAttachment;
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Integer} options.libraryID
* @param {String} options.url
* @param {Integer} [options.parentItemID]
* @param {Integer[]} [options.collections]
* @param {String} [options.title]
* @param {String} [options.fileBaseName]
* @param {Boolean} [options.renameIfAllowedType=false]
* @param {String} [options.contentType]
* @param {String} [options.referrer]
* @param {CookieSandbox} [options.cookieSandbox]
* @param {Object} [options.saveOptions] - Options to pass to Zotero.Item::save()
* @return {Promise<Zotero.Item>} - A promise for the created attachment item
this.importFromURL = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (options) {
var libraryID = options.libraryID;
var url = options.url;
var parentItemID = options.parentItemID;
var collections = options.collections;
var title = options.title;
var fileBaseName = options.fileBaseName;
var renameIfAllowedType = options.renameIfAllowedType;
var contentType = options.contentType;
var referrer = options.referrer;
var cookieSandbox = options.cookieSandbox;
var saveOptions = options.saveOptions;
Zotero.debug('Importing attachment from URL ' + url);
if (parentItemID && collections) {
throw new Error("parentItemID and collections cannot both be provided");
// Throw error on invalid URLs
// TODO: allow other schemes
var urlRe = /^https?:\/\/[^\s]*$/;
var matches = urlRe.exec(url);
if (!matches) {
throw new Error("Invalid URL '" + url + "'");
// Save using a hidden browser
var nativeHandlerImport = function () {
return new Zotero.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var browser = Zotero.HTTP.loadDocuments(
Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* () {
try {
let attachmentItem = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromDocument({
document: browser.contentDocument,
catch (e) {
finally {
(e) => {
// Save using remote web browser persist
var externalHandlerImport = async function (contentType) {
// Rename attachment
if (renameIfAllowedType && !fileBaseName && this.getRenamedFileTypes().includes(contentType)) {
let parentItem = Zotero.Items.get(parentItemID);
fileBaseName = this.getFileBaseNameFromItem(parentItem);
if (fileBaseName) {
let ext = this._getExtensionFromURL(url, contentType);
var filename = fileBaseName + (ext != '' ? '.' + ext : '');
else {
var filename = this._getFileNameFromURL(url, contentType);
// Create a temporary directory to save to within the storage directory.
// We don't use the normal temp directory because people might have 'storage'
// symlinked to another volume, which would make the save slower.
var tmpDir = (await this.createTemporaryStorageDirectory()).path;
var tmpFile = OS.Path.join(tmpDir, filename);
var attachmentItem;
try {
await this.downloadFile(
isPDF: contentType == 'application/pdf'
attachmentItem = await this.createURLAttachmentFromTemporaryStorageDirectory({
directory: tmpDir,
catch (e) {
try {
if (tmpDir) {
await OS.File.removeDir(tmpDir, { ignoreAbsent: true });
catch (e) {
Zotero.debug(e, 1);
throw e;
return attachmentItem;
var process = function (contentType, hasNativeHandler) {
// If we can load this natively, use a hidden browser
// (so we can get the charset and title and index the document)
if (hasNativeHandler) {
return nativeHandlerImport();
// Otherwise use a remote web page persist
return externalHandlerImport(contentType);
if (contentType) {
return process(contentType, Zotero.MIME.hasNativeHandler(contentType));
var args = yield Zotero.MIME.getMIMETypeFromURL(url, cookieSandbox);
return process(...args);
* Create an imported-URL attachment using a file downloaded to a temporary directory
* in 'storage', moving the directory into place
* We download files to temporary 'storage' directories rather than the normal temporary
* directory because people might have their storage directory on another device, which
* would make the move a copy.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} options.directory
* @param {Number} options.libraryID
* @param {String} options.filename
* @param {String} options.url
* @param {Number} [options.parentItemID]
* @param {String} [options.title]
* @param {String} options.contentType
* @param {String[]} [options.collections]
* @param {Object} [options.saveOptions] - Options to pass to Zotero.Item::save()
* @return {Zotero.Item}
this.createURLAttachmentFromTemporaryStorageDirectory = async function (options) {
if (!options.directory) throw new Error("'directory' not provided");
if (!options.libraryID) throw new Error("'libraryID' not provided");
if (!options.filename) throw new Error("'filename' not provided");
if (!options.url) throw new Error("'directory' not provided");
if (!options.contentType) throw new Error("'contentType' not provided");
var notifierQueue = (options.saveOptions && options.saveOptions.notifierQueue)
|| new Zotero.Notifier.Queue;
var attachmentItem = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
try {
// Create DB item
if (options.libraryID) {
attachmentItem.libraryID = options.libraryID;
else if (options.parentItemID) {
let {libraryID: parentLibraryID, key: parentKey} =
attachmentItem.libraryID = parentLibraryID;
attachmentItem.setField('title', options.title != undefined ? options.title : options.filename);
attachmentItem.setField('url', options.url);
attachmentItem.setField('accessDate', "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP");
attachmentItem.parentID = options.parentItemID;
attachmentItem.attachmentLinkMode = Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_URL;
attachmentItem.attachmentContentType = options.contentType;
if (options.collections) {
attachmentItem.attachmentPath = 'storage:' + options.filename;
await attachmentItem.saveTx(
{ notifierQueue },
options.saveOptions || {}
// Move file to final location
let destDir = this.getStorageDirectory(attachmentItem).path;
try {
await OS.File.move(options.directory, destDir);
catch (e) {
await attachmentItem.eraseTx({ notifierQueue });
throw e;
finally {
await Zotero.Notifier.commit(notifierQueue);
return attachmentItem;
* Create a link attachment from a URL
* @param {Object} options - 'url', 'parentItemID', 'contentType', 'title', 'collections'
* @param {Object} [options.saveOptions] - Options to pass to Zotero.Item::save()
* @return {Promise<Zotero.Item>} - A promise for the created attachment item
this.linkFromURL = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (options) {
Zotero.debug('Linking attachment from URL');
var url = options.url;
var parentItemID = options.parentItemID;
var contentType = options.contentType;
var title = options.title;
var collections = options.collections;
var saveOptions = options.saveOptions;
var schemeRE = /^([a-z][a-z0-9+.-]+):/;
var matches = url.match(schemeRE);
if (!matches) {
throw new Error(`Invalid URL '${url}'`);
var scheme = matches[1];
if (['javascript', 'data', 'chrome', 'resource', 'mailto'].includes(scheme)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid scheme '${scheme}'`);
// If no title provided, figure it out from the URL
// Web addresses with paths will be whittled to the last element
// excluding references and queries. All others are the full string
if (!title) {
var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
var titleURL = ioService.newURI(url, null, null);
if (titleURL.scheme == 'http' || titleURL.scheme == 'https') {
titleURL = titleURL.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIURL);
if (titleURL.path == '/') {
title = titleURL.host;
else if (titleURL.fileName) {
title = titleURL.fileName;
else {
var dir = titleURL.directory.split('/');
title = dir[dir.length - 2];
if (!title) {
title = url;
// Override MIME type to application/pdf if extension is .pdf --
// workaround for sites that respond to the HEAD request with an
// invalid MIME type (https://www.zotero.org/trac/ticket/460)
var ext = this._getExtensionFromURL(url);
if (ext == 'pdf') {
contentType = 'application/pdf';
return _addToDB({
linkMode: this.LINK_MODE_LINKED_URL,
* TODO: what if called on file:// document?
* @param {Object} options - 'document', 'parentItemID', 'collections'
* @param {Object} [options.saveOptions] - Options to pass to Zotero.Item::save()
* @return {Promise<Zotero.Item>}
this.linkFromDocument = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (options) {
Zotero.debug('Linking attachment from document');
var document = options.document;
var parentItemID = options.parentItemID;
var collections = options.collections;
var saveOptions = options.saveOptions;
if (parentItemID && collections) {
throw new Error("parentItemID and collections cannot both be provided");
var url = document.location.href;
var title = document.title; // TODO: don't use Mozilla-generated title for images, etc.
var contentType = document.contentType;
var item = yield _addToDB({
linkMode: this.LINK_MODE_LINKED_URL,
charset: document.characterSet,
if (Zotero.Fulltext.isCachedMIMEType(contentType)) {
// No file, so no point running the PDF indexer
else if (Zotero.MIME.isTextType(document.contentType)) {
yield Zotero.Fulltext.indexDocument(document, item.id);
return item;
* Save a snapshot from a Document
* @param {Object} options - 'libraryID', 'document', 'parentItemID', 'forceTitle', 'collections'
* @param {Object} [options.saveOptions] - Options to pass to Zotero.Item::save()
* @return {Promise<Zotero.Item>} - A promise for the created attachment item
this.importFromDocument = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (options) {
Zotero.debug('Importing attachment from document');
var libraryID = options.libraryID;
var document = options.document;
var parentItemID = options.parentItemID;
var title = options.title;
var collections = options.collections;
var saveOptions = options.saveOptions;
if (parentItemID && collections) {
throw new Error("parentItemID and parentCollectionIDs cannot both be provided");
var url = document.location.href;
title = title ? title : document.title;
var contentType = document.contentType;
if (Zotero.Attachments.isPDFJS(document)) {
contentType = "application/pdf";
var tmpDir = (yield this.createTemporaryStorageDirectory()).path;
try {
var fileName = Zotero.File.truncateFileName(this._getFileNameFromURL(url, contentType), 100);
var tmpFile = OS.Path.join(tmpDir, fileName);
// If we're using the title from the document, make some adjustments
if (!options.title) {
// Remove e.g. " - Scaled (-17%)" from end of images saved from links,
// though I'm not sure why it's getting added to begin with
if (contentType.indexOf('image/') === 0) {
title = title.replace(/(.+ \([^,]+, [0-9]+x[0-9]+[^\)]+\)) - .+/, "$1" );
// If not native type, strip mime type data in parens
else if (!Zotero.MIME.hasNativeHandler(contentType, this._getExtensionFromURL(url))) {
title = title.replace(/(.+) \([a-z]+\/[^\)]+\)/, "$1" );
if ((contentType === 'text/html' || contentType === 'application/xhtml+xml')
// Documents from XHR don't work here
&& Zotero.Translate.DOMWrapper.unwrap(document) instanceof Ci.nsIDOMDocument) {
if (document.defaultView.window) {
// If we have a full hidden browser, use SingleFile
Zotero.debug('Getting snapshot with snapshotDocument()');
let snapshotContent = yield Zotero.Utilities.Internal.snapshotDocument(document);
// Write main HTML file to disk
yield Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(tmpFile, snapshotContent);
else {
// Fallback to nsIWebBrowserPersist
Zotero.debug('Saving document with saveDocument()');
yield Zotero.Utilities.Internal.saveDocument(document, tmpFile);
else {
Zotero.debug("Saving file with saveURI()");
const nsIWBP = Components.interfaces.nsIWebBrowserPersist;
var wbp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedding/browser/nsWebBrowserPersist;1"]
var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
var nsIURL = ioService.newURI(url, null, null);
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
wbp.progressListener = new Zotero.WebProgressFinishListener(function () {
Zotero.Utilities.Internal.saveURI(wbp, nsIURL, tmpFile);
yield deferred.promise;
var attachmentItem;
var destDir;
yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () {
// Create a new attachment
attachmentItem = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
if (libraryID) {
attachmentItem.libraryID = libraryID;
else if (parentItemID) {
let {libraryID: parentLibraryID, key: parentKey} =
attachmentItem.libraryID = parentLibraryID;
attachmentItem.setField('title', title);
attachmentItem.setField('url', url);
attachmentItem.setField('accessDate', "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP");
attachmentItem.parentID = parentItemID;
attachmentItem.attachmentLinkMode = Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_URL;
attachmentItem.attachmentCharset = 'utf-8'; // WPD will output UTF-8
attachmentItem.attachmentContentType = contentType;
if (collections && collections.length) {
attachmentItem.attachmentPath = 'storage:' + fileName;
var itemID = yield attachmentItem.save(saveOptions);
destDir = this.getStorageDirectory(attachmentItem).path;
yield OS.File.move(tmpDir, destDir);
catch (e) {
Zotero.debug(e, 1);
// Clean up
try {
if (tmpDir) {
yield OS.File.removeDir(tmpDir, { ignoreAbsent: true });
if (destDir) {
yield OS.File.removeDir(destDir, { ignoreAbsent: true });
catch (e) {
Zotero.debug(e, 1);
throw e;
return attachmentItem;
* Save a snapshot from HTML page content given by SingleFile
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} options.url
* @param {Object} options.snapshotContent - HTML content from SingleFile
* @param {Integer} [options.parentItemID]
* @param {Integer[]} [options.collections]
* @param {String} [options.title]
* @param {Object} [options.saveOptions] - Options to pass to Zotero.Item::save()
* @return {Promise<Zotero.Item>} - A promise for the created attachment item
this.importFromSnapshotContent = async (options) => {
Zotero.debug("Importing attachment item from Snapshot Content");
let url = options.url;
let snapshotContent = options.snapshotContent;
let parentItemID = options.parentItemID;
let collections = options.collections;
let title = options.title;
let saveOptions = options.saveOptions;
let contentType = "text/html";
if (parentItemID && collections) {
throw new Error("parentItemID and parentCollectionIDs cannot both be provided");
// If no title was provided, pull it from the document
if (!title) {
let parser = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/domparser;1"]
parser.init(null, Services.io.newURI(url));
let doc = parser.parseFromString(snapshotContent, 'text/html');
title = doc.title;
let tmpDirectory = (await this.createTemporaryStorageDirectory()).path;
let destDirectory;
let attachmentItem;
try {
let fileName = Zotero.File.truncateFileName(this._getFileNameFromURL(url, contentType), 100);
let tmpFile = OS.Path.join(tmpDirectory, fileName);
await Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(tmpFile, snapshotContent);
// If we're using the title from the document, make some adjustments
// Remove e.g. " - Scaled (-17%)" from end of images saved from links,
// though I'm not sure why it's getting added to begin with
if (contentType.indexOf('image/') === 0) {
title = title.replace(/(.+ \([^,]+, [0-9]+x[0-9]+[^\)]+\)) - .+/, "$1" );
// If not native type, strip mime type data in parens
else if (!Zotero.MIME.hasNativeHandler(contentType, this._getExtensionFromURL(url))) {
title = title.replace(/(.+) \([a-z]+\/[^\)]+\)/, "$1" );
attachmentItem = await _addToDB({
file: 'storage:' + fileName,
linkMode: Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_URL,
charset: 'utf-8',
destDirectory = this.getStorageDirectory(attachmentItem).path;
await OS.File.move(tmpDirectory, destDirectory);
catch (e) {
Zotero.debug(e, 1);
// Clean up
try {
if (tmpDirectory) {
await OS.File.removeDir(tmpDirectory, { ignoreAbsent: true });
if (destDirectory) {
await OS.File.removeDir(destDirectory, { ignoreAbsent: true });
catch (e) {
Zotero.debug(e, 1);
throw e;
return attachmentItem;
* @param {String} url
* @param {String} path
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Object} [options.cookieSandbox]
* @param {String} [options.referrer]
* @param {Boolean} [options.isPDF] - Delete file if not PDF
this.downloadFile = async function (url, path, options = {}) {
Zotero.debug(`Downloading file from ${url}`);
let enforcingPDF = false;
try {
await new Zotero.Promise(function (resolve) {
var wbp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedding/browser/nsWebBrowserPersist;1"]
if (options.cookieSandbox) {
wbp.progressListener = new Zotero.WebProgressFinishListener(() => resolve());
var headers = {};
if (options.referrer) {
headers.Referer = options.referrer;
Zotero.Utilities.Internal.saveURI(wbp, url, path, headers);
if (options.isPDF) {
enforcingPDF = true;
await _enforcePDF(path);
catch (e) {
try {
await OS.File.remove(path, { ignoreAbsent: true });
catch (e) {
// Custom handling for PDFs that are bot-guarded
// via a JS-redirect
if (enforcingPDF && e instanceof this.InvalidPDFException) {
const downloadViaBrowserList = [
const unproxiedUrls = Object.keys(Zotero.Proxies.getPotentialProxies(url));
for (let unproxiedUrl of unproxiedUrls) {
if (downloadViaBrowserList.some(checkUrl => unproxiedUrl.includes(checkUrl))) {
return this.downloadPDFViaBrowser(url, path, options);
throw e;
* @param {String} url
* @param {String} path
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Object} [options.cookieSandbox]
this.downloadPDFViaBrowser = async function (url, path, options = {}) {
Zotero.debug(`downloadPDFViaBrowser: Downloading file via browser from ${url}`);
const onLoadTimeout = 1e3;
// Technically this is not a download, but the full operation timeout
const downloadTimeout = 60e3;
let channelBrowser, hiddenBrowser;
let hiddenBrowserPDFFoundDeferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
var pdfMIMETypeHandler = async (blob, name, _, channel) => {
Zotero.debug(`downloadPDFViaBrowser: Sniffing a PDF loaded at ${name}`);
let isOurPDF = false;
// try the browser
try {
channelBrowser = channel.notificationCallbacks.getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation)
catch (e) {}
if (channelBrowser) {
isOurPDF = hiddenBrowser === channelBrowser;
else {
// try the document for the load group
try {
channelBrowser = channel.loadGroup.notificationCallbacks.getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation)
catch(e) {}
if (channelBrowser) {
isOurPDF = hiddenBrowser === channelBrowser;
if (isOurPDF) {
Zotero.debug(`downloadPDFViaBrowser: Found our PDF at ${name}`);
await Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(path, blob);
return true;
else {
Zotero.debug(`downloadPDFViaBrowser: Not our PDF at ${name}`);
return false;
try {
Zotero.MIMETypeHandler.addHandler("application/pdf", pdfMIMETypeHandler, true);
let noop = () => 0;
hiddenBrowser = Zotero.HTTP.loadDocuments([url], noop, noop, noop, true, options.cookieSandbox);
let onLoadTimeoutDeferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
hiddenBrowser.addEventListener("load", async function onLoad() {
Zotero.debug(`downloadPDFViaBrowser: Page with potential JS redirect loaded, giving it ${onLoadTimeout}ms to process`);
hiddenBrowser.addEventListener("unload", () => {
Zotero.debug(`downloadPDFViaBrowser: A JS redirect occurred, short timeout cancelled`);
hiddenBrowser.removeEventListener('load', onLoad);
await Zotero.Promise.delay(onLoadTimeout);
onLoadTimeoutDeferred.reject(`Loading PDF via browser timed out on the JS challenge page after ${onLoadTimeout}ms`);
}, true);
await Zotero.Promise.race([
Zotero.Promise.delay(downloadTimeout).then(() => {
if (!hiddenBrowserPDFFoundDeferred.promise.isResolved()) {
throw new Error(`Loading PDF via browser timed out after ${downloadTimeout}ms`);
catch (e) {
try {
await OS.File.remove(path, { ignoreAbsent: true });
catch (e) {
Zotero.logError(e, 1);
throw e;
finally {
Zotero.MIMETypeHandler.removeHandler('application/pdf', pdfMIMETypeHandler);
if (hiddenBrowser) {
* Make sure a file is a PDF
async function _enforcePDF(path) {
var sample = await Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(path, null, 1000);
if (Zotero.MIME.sniffForMIMEType(sample) != 'application/pdf') {
Zotero.debug("Downloaded PDF was not a PDF", 2);
if (Zotero.Debug.enabled) {
await Zotero.File.getContentsAsync(path),
throw new Zotero.Attachments.InvalidPDFException();
this.InvalidPDFException = function() {
this.message = "Downloaded PDF was not a PDF";
this.stack = new Error().stack;
this.InvalidPDFException.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
this.canFindPDFForItem = function (item) {
return item.isRegularItem()
&& (!!item.getField('DOI') || !!item.getField('url') || !!item.getExtraField('DOI'))
&& item.numPDFAttachments() == 0;
* Look for an available PDF for an item and add it as an attachment
* @param {Zotero.Item} item
* @param {String[]} [methods=['doi', 'url', 'oa', 'custom']]
* @param {Boolean} [automatic=false] - Only include custom resolvers with `automatic: true`
* @return {Object[]} - An array of urlResolvers (see downloadFirstAvailableFile())
this.getPDFResolvers = function (item, methods, automatic) {
if (!methods) {
methods = ['doi', 'url', 'oa', 'custom'];
var useDOI = methods.includes('doi');
var useURL = methods.includes('url');
var useOA = methods.includes('oa');
var useCustom = methods.includes('custom');
var resolvers = [];
var doi = item.getField('DOI') || item.getExtraField('DOI');
doi = Zotero.Utilities.cleanDOI(doi);
if (useDOI && doi) {
doi = Zotero.Utilities.cleanDOI(doi);
if (doi) {
pageURL: 'https://doi.org/' + doi,
accessMethod: 'doi'
if (useURL) {
let url = item.getField('url');
if (url) {
url = Zotero.Utilities.cleanURL(url);
if (url) {
pageURL: url,
accessMethod: 'url'
if (useOA && doi) {
resolvers.push(async function () {
let urls = await Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getOpenAccessPDFURLs(doi);
return urls.map((o) => {
return {
url: o.url,
pageURL: o.pageURL,
articleVersion: o.version,
accessMethod: 'oa'
if (useCustom && doi) {
let customResolvers;
try {
customResolvers = Zotero.Prefs.get('findPDFs.resolvers');
if (customResolvers) {
customResolvers = JSON.parse(customResolvers);
catch (e) {
Zotero.debug("Error parsing custom PDF resolvers", 2);
Zotero.debug(e, 2);
if (customResolvers) {
// Handle single object instead of array
if (!Array.isArray(customResolvers) && customResolvers.method) {
customResolvers = [customResolvers];
if (Array.isArray(customResolvers)) {
// Only include resolvers that have opted into automatic processing
if (automatic) {
customResolvers = customResolvers.filter(r => r.automatic);
for (let resolver of customResolvers) {
try {
let {
} = resolver;
if (!name) {
throw new Error("'name' not provided");
if (!['GET', 'POST'].includes(method.toUpperCase())) {
throw new Error("'method' must be 'GET' or 'POST'");
if (!url) {
throw new Error("'url' not provided");
if (!url.includes('{doi}')) {
throw new Error("'url' must include '{doi}'");
if (!['html', 'json'].includes(mode.toLowerCase())) {
throw new Error("'mode' must be 'html' or 'json'");
if (!selector) {
throw new Error("'selector' not provided");
url = url.replace(/\{doi}/, doi);
resolvers.push(async function () {
Zotero.debug(`Looking for PDFs for ${doi} via ${name}`);
var req = await Zotero.HTTP.request(
responseType: mode == 'json' ? 'json' : 'document',
timeout: 5000
if (mode == 'html') {
let doc = req.response;
let elem = index
? doc.querySelectorAll(selector).item(index)
: doc.querySelector(selector);
if (!elem) return [];
let val = attribute
? elem.getAttribute(attribute)
: elem.textContent;
if (!val) return [];
return [{
accessMethod: name,
url: val,
referrer: url,
else if (mode == 'json') {
let jspath = require('resource://zotero/jspath.js');
let json = req.response;
let results = jspath.apply(selector, json);
// If mappings for 'url' and 'pageURL' are supplied,
// extract properties from each object in the array
if (mappings) {
let mappedResults = [];
for (let result of results) {
if (typeof result != 'object') continue;
let mappedResult = {};
for (let field in mappings) {
if (!['url', 'pageURL'].includes(field)) continue;
if (result[mappings[field]]) {
mappedResult[field] = result[mappings[field]];
results = mappedResults;
// Otherwise just treat each array entry as the URL
else {
results = results
.filter(url => typeof url == 'string')
.map(url => ({ url }));
return results.map((o) => {
return Object.assign(
accessMethod: name,
referrer: url
catch (e) {
Zotero.debug("Error parsing PDF resolver", 2);
Zotero.debug(e, 2);
Zotero.debug(resolver, 2);
return resolvers;
* Look for available PDFs for items and add as attachments
* @param {Zotero.Item[]} items
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {String[]} [options.methods] - See getPDFResolvers()
* @param {Number} [options.sameDomainRequestDelay=1000] - Minimum number of milliseconds
* between requests to the same domain (used in tests)
* @return {Promise}
this.addAvailablePDFs = async function (items, options = {}) {
const SAME_DOMAIN_REQUEST_DELAY = options.sameDomainRequestDelay || 1000;
var domains = new Map();
function getDomainInfo(domain) {
var domainInfo = domains.get(domain);
if (!domainInfo) {
domainInfo = {
nextRequestTime: 0,
consecutiveFailures: 0
domains.set(domain, domainInfo);
return domainInfo;
var progressQueue = Zotero.ProgressQueues.get('findPDF');
if (!progressQueue) {
progressQueue = Zotero.ProgressQueues.create({
id: 'findPDF',
title: 'pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF.multiple',
columns: [
var queue = _findPDFQueue;
for (let item of items) {
// Skip items that aren't eligible. This is sort of weird, because it means some
// selected items just don't appear in the list, but there are several different reasons
// why items might not be eligible (non-regular items, no URL or DOI, already has a PDF)
// and listing each one seems a little unnecessary.
if (!this.canFindPDFForItem(item)) {
let entry = {
urlResolvers: this.getPDFResolvers(item, options.methods),
domain: null,
continuation: null,
processing: false,
result: null
let pos = queue.findIndex(x => x.item == item);
if (pos != -1) {
let current = queue[pos];
// Skip items that are already processing or that returned a result
if (current.processing || current.result) {
// Replace current queue entry
queue[pos] = entry;
else {
// Add new items to queue
// If no eligible items, just show a popup saying no PDFs were found
if (!queue.length) {
let icon = 'chrome://zotero/skin/treeitem-attachment-pdf.png';
let progressWin = new Zotero.ProgressWindow();
let title = Zotero.getString('pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF.multiple');
let itemProgress = new progressWin.ItemProgress(
var dialog = progressQueue.getDialog();
// If queue was already in progress, just wait for it to finish
if (_findPDFQueuePromise) {
return _findPDFQueuePromise;
var queueResolve;
_findPDFQueuePromise = new Zotero.Promise((resolve) => {
queueResolve = resolve;
// Only one listener can be added, so we just add each time
progressQueue.addListener('cancel', () => {
queue = [];
// Process items in the queue
var i = 0;
await new Zotero.Promise((resolve) => {
var processNextItem = function () {
var current = queue[i++];
// We reached the end of the queue
if (!current) {
// If all entries are resolved, we're done
if (queue.every(x => x.result instanceof Zotero.Item || x.result === false)) {
// Otherwise, wait until the next time a pending request is ready to process
// and restart. If no pending requests, they're all in progress.
let nextStart = queue
.map(x => x.result === null && getDomainInfo(x.domain).nextRequestTime)
.filter(x => x)
.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => {
return currentValue < accumulator ? currentValue : accumulator;
i = 0;
setTimeout(processNextItem, Math.max(0, nextStart - Date.now()));
// If item was already processed, skip
if (current.result !== null) {
// If processing for a domain was paused and not enough time has passed, skip ahead
if (current.domain && getDomainInfo(current.domain).nextRequestTime > Date.now()) {
// Resume paused item
if (current.continuation) {
// Currently filtered out above
/*if (!this.canFindPDFForItem(current.item)) {
current.result = false;
current.processing = true;
// Process item
onBeforeRequest: async function (url, noDelay) {
var domain = urlToDomain(url);
// Don't delay between subsequent requests to the DOI resolver or
// to localhost in tests
if (['doi.org', 'localhost'].includes(domain)) {
var domainInfo = getDomainInfo(domain);
// If too many requests have failed, stop trying
if (domainInfo.consecutiveFailures > MAX_CONSECUTIVE_DOMAIN_FAILURES) {
throw new Error(`Too many failed requests for ${urlToDomain(url)}`);
// If enough time hasn't passed since the last attempt for this domain,
// skip for now and process more items
let nextRequestTime = domainInfo.nextRequestTime;
if (!noDelay && nextRequestTime > Date.now()) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Zotero.debug(`Delaying request to ${domain} for ${nextRequestTime - Date.now()} ms`);
current.domain = domain;
current.continuation = () => {
if (domainInfo.consecutiveFailures < MAX_CONSECUTIVE_DOMAIN_FAILURES) {
else {
reject(new Error(`Too many failed requests for ${urlToDomain(url)}`));
domainInfo.nextRequestTime = Date.now() + SAME_DOMAIN_REQUEST_DELAY;
// Reset consecutive failures on successful request
onAfterRequest: function (url) {
var domain = urlToDomain(url);
// Ignore localhost in tests
if (domain == 'localhost') {
var domainInfo = getDomainInfo(domain);
domainInfo.consecutiveFailures = 0;
// Return true to retry request or false to skip
onRequestError: function (e) {
const maxDelay = 3600;
if (e instanceof Zotero.HTTP.UnexpectedStatusException) {
let domain = urlToDomain(e.url);
let domainInfo = getDomainInfo(domain);
let status = e.status;
// Retry-After
if (status == 429 || status == 503) {
let retryAfter = e.xmlhttp.getResponseHeader('Retry-After');
if (retryAfter) {
Zotero.debug("Got Retry-After: " + retryAfter);
if (parseInt(retryAfter) == retryAfter) {
if (retryAfter > maxDelay) {
Zotero.debug("Retry-After is too long -- skipping request");
return false;
domainInfo.nextRequestTime = Date.now() + retryAfter * 1000;
return true;
else if (Zotero.Date.isHTTPDate(retryAfter)) {
let d = new Date(val);
if (d > Date.now() + maxDelay * 1000) {
Zotero.debug("Retry-After is too long -- skipping request");
return false;
domainInfo.nextRequestTime = d.getTime();
return true;
Zotero.debug("Invalid Retry-After value -- skipping request");
return false;
// If not specified, wait 10 seconds before next request to domain
if (e.status == 429 || e.is5xx()) {
domainInfo.nextRequestTime = Date.now() + 10000;
return true;
return false;
.then((attachment) => {
current.result = attachment;
? Zotero.ProgressQueue.ROW_SUCCEEDED
: Zotero.ProgressQueue.ROW_FAILED,
? attachment.getField('title')
: Zotero.getString('findPDF.noPDFFound')
.catch((e) => {
current.result = false;
// finally() isn't implemented until Firefox 58, but then() is the same here
//.finally(() => {
.then(function () {
current.processing = false;
var numPDFs = queue.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => {
return accumulator + (currentValue.result ? 1 : 0);
}, 0);
? Zotero.getString('findPDF.pdfsAdded', numPDFs, numPDFs)
: Zotero.getString('findPDF.noPDFsFound')
_findPDFQueue = [];
_findPDFQueuePromise = null;
function urlToDomain(url) {
return Services.io.newURI(url, null, null).host;
* Look for an available PDF for an item and add it as an attachment
* @param {Zotero.Item} item
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {String[]} [options.methods] - See getPDFResolvers()
* @return {Zotero.Item|false} - New Zotero.Item, or false if unsuccessful
this.addAvailablePDF = async function (item, options = {}) {
Zotero.debug("Looking for available PDFs");
return this.addPDFFromURLs(item, this.getPDFResolvers(item, options.methods));
* Try to add a PDF to an item from a set of URL resolvers
* @param {Zotero.Item} item
* @param {(String|Object|Function)[]} urlResolvers - See downloadFirstAvailableFile()
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Function} [options.onAccessMethodStart] - Function to run when a new access method
* is started, taking the access method name as an argument
* @return {Zotero.Item|false} - New Zotero.Item, or false if unsuccessful
this.addPDFFromURLs = async function (item, urlResolvers, options = {}) {
var fileBaseName = this.getFileBaseNameFromItem(item);
var tmpDir;
var tmpFile;
var attachmentItem = false;
try {
tmpDir = (await this.createTemporaryStorageDirectory()).path;
tmpFile = OS.Path.join(tmpDir, fileBaseName + '.pdf');
let { url, props } = await this.downloadFirstAvailableFile(
isPDF: true,
onAccessMethodStart: options.onAccessMethodStart,
onBeforeRequest: options.onBeforeRequest,
onRequestError: options.onRequestError
if (url) {
attachmentItem = await this.createURLAttachmentFromTemporaryStorageDirectory({
directory: tmpDir,
libraryID: item.libraryID,
filename: OS.Path.basename(tmpFile),
title: _getPDFTitleFromVersion(props.articleVersion),
contentType: 'application/pdf',
parentItemID: item.id
else {
await OS.File.removeDir(tmpDir);
catch (e) {
if (tmpDir) {
await OS.File.removeDir(tmpDir, { ignoreAbsent: true });
throw e;
return attachmentItem;
function _getPDFTitleFromVersion(version) {
var str;
switch (version) {
case 'acceptedVersion':
case 'accepted':
str = 'acceptedVersion';
case 'submittedVersion':
case 'submitted':
str = 'submittedVersion';
// 'publishedVersion' or unspecified
str = 'fullText';
return Zotero.getString('attachment.' + str);
* Try to download a file from a set of URL resolvers, keeping the first one that succeeds
* URLs are only tried once.
* @param {(String|Object|Function)[]} urlResolvers - An array of URLs, objects, or functions
* that return arrays of objects. Objects should contain 'url' and/or 'pageURL' (the latter
* being a webpage that might contain a translatable PDF link), 'accessMethod' (which will
* be displayed in the save popup), and an optional 'articleVersion' ('submittedVersion',
* 'acceptedVersion', or 'publishedVersion'). Functions that return promises are waited for,
* and functions aren't called unless a file hasn't yet been found from an earlier entry.
* @param {String} path - Path to save file to
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Function} [options.onBeforeRequest] - Async function that runs before a request
* @param {Function} [options.onAfterRequest] - Function that runs after a request
* @param {Function} [options.onRequestError] - Function that runs when a request fails.
* Return true to retry request and false to skip.
* @return {Object|false} - Object with successful 'url' and 'props' from the associated urlResolver,
* or false if no file could be downloaded
this.downloadFirstAvailableFile = async function (urlResolvers, path, options) {
const maxURLs = 6;
const schemeRE = /^(http:)?\/\//;
// Operate on copy, since we might change things
urlResolvers = [...urlResolvers];
// Don't try the same normalized URL more than once
var triedURLs = new Set();
function normalizeURL(url) {
return url.replace(/\?.*/, '');
function isTriedURL(url) {
return triedURLs.has(normalizeURL(url));
function addTriedURL(url) {
// Check a URL against options.onBeforeRequest(), which can delay or cancel the request
async function beforeRequest(url, noDelay) {
if (options.onBeforeRequest) {
await options.onBeforeRequest(url, noDelay);
function afterRequest(url) {
if (options.onAfterRequest) {
function handleRequestError(e) {
if (options.onRequestError) {
return options.onRequestError(e);
for (let i = 0; i < urlResolvers.length; i++) {
let urlResolver = urlResolvers[i];
// If resolver is a function, run it and then replace it in the resolvers list with
// the results
if (typeof urlResolver == 'function') {
try {
urlResolver = await urlResolver();
catch (e) {
urlResolver = [];
// Don't allow more than 6 URLs from a given resolver
// Among other things, this ignores Unpaywall rows that have a huge number of
// URLs by mistake (as of August 2018).
if (urlResolver.length > maxURLs) {
Zotero.debug(`Keeping ${maxURLs} URLs`);
urlResolver = urlResolver.slice(0, maxURLs);
// Splice any URLs from resolver into the array
urlResolvers.splice(i, 1, ...urlResolver);
// Accept URL strings in addition to objects
if (typeof urlResolver == 'string') {
urlResolver = { url: urlResolver };
let url = urlResolver.url;
let pageURL = urlResolver.pageURL;
let fromPage = false;
// Force URLs to HTTPS. If a request fails because of that, too bad.
if (!Zotero.test) {
if (url) url = url.replace(schemeRE, 'https://');
if (pageURL) pageURL = pageURL.replace(schemeRE, 'https://');
// Ignore URLs we've already tried
if (url && isTriedURL(url)) {
Zotero.debug(`PDF at ${url} was already tried -- skipping`);
url = null;
if (pageURL && isTriedURL(pageURL)) {
Zotero.debug(`Page at ${pageURL} was already tried -- skipping`);
pageURL = null;
if (!url && !pageURL) {
if (urlResolver.referrer) {
options.referrer = urlResolver.referrer;
if (options.onAccessMethodStart) {
delete options.onAccessMethod;
// Try URL first if available
if (url) {
// Backoff loop
let tries = 3;
while (tries-- >= 0) {
try {
await beforeRequest(url);
await this.downloadFile(url, path, options);
return { url, props: urlResolver };
catch (e) {
Zotero.debug(`Error downloading ${url}: ${e}\n\n${e.stack}`);
if (handleRequestError(e)) {
// If URL wasn't available or failed, try to get a URL from a page
if (pageURL) {
url = null;
let responseURL;
try {
Zotero.debug(`Looking for PDF on ${pageURL}`);
let redirects = 0;
let nextURL = pageURL;
let req;
let blob;
let doc;
let contentType;
let skip = false;
let domains = new Set();
while (true) {
let domain = urlToDomain(nextURL);
let noDelay = domains.has(domain);
// Backoff loop
let tries = 3;
while (tries-- >= 0) {
try {
await beforeRequest(nextURL, noDelay);
req = await Zotero.HTTP.request(
responseType: 'blob',
followRedirects: false
catch (e) {
if (handleRequestError(e)) {
// Even if this was initially a same-domain redirect, we should
// now obey delays, since we just set one
noDelay = false;
throw e;
if ([301, 302, 303, 307].includes(req.status)) {
let location = req.getResponseHeader('Location');
if (!location) {
throw new Error("Location header not provided");
nextURL = Services.io.newURI(nextURL, null, null).resolve(location);
if (isTriedURL(nextURL)) {
Zotero.debug("Redirect URL has already been tried -- skipping");
skip = true;
blob = req.response;
responseURL = req.responseURL;
if (pageURL != responseURL) {
Zotero.debug("Redirected to " + responseURL);
contentType = req.getResponseHeader('Content-Type');
if (contentType.startsWith('text/html')) {
doc = await Zotero.Utilities.Internal.blobToHTMLDocument(blob, responseURL);
// Check for a meta redirect on HTML pages
let refreshURL = Zotero.HTTP.getHTMLMetaRefreshURL(doc, responseURL);
if (refreshURL) {
if (isTriedURL(refreshURL)) {
Zotero.debug("Meta refresh URL has already been tried -- skipping");
skip = true;
doc = null;
nextURL = refreshURL;
// Don't try this page URL again
// We only do this for URLs that don't redirect, since some sites seem to
// use redirects plus cookies for IP-based authentication [1]. The downside
// is that we might follow the same set of redirects more than once, but we
// won't process the final page multiple times, and if a publisher URL does
// redirect that's hopefully a decent indication that a PDF will be found
// the first time around.
// [1] https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/81182
if (skip) {
// If DOI resolves directly to a PDF, save it to disk
if (contentType.startsWith('application/pdf')) {
Zotero.debug("URL resolves directly to PDF");
await Zotero.File.putContentsAsync(path, blob);
await _enforcePDF(path);
return { url: responseURL, props: urlResolver };
// Otherwise translate the Document we parsed above
else if (doc) {
url = await Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getPDFFromDocument(doc);
catch (e) {
Zotero.debug(`Error getting PDF from ${pageURL}: ${e}\n\n${e.stack}`);
if (!url) {
Zotero.debug(`No PDF found on ${responseURL}`);
if (isTriedURL(url)) {
Zotero.debug(`PDF at ${url} was already tried -- skipping`);
// Don't try this PDF URL again
// Use the page we loaded as the referrer
let downloadOptions = Object.assign({}, options, { referrer: responseURL });
// Backoff loop
let tries = 3;
while (tries-- >= 0) {
try {
await beforeRequest(url);
await this.downloadFile(url, path, downloadOptions);
return { url, props: urlResolver };
catch (e) {
Zotero.debug(`Error downloading ${url}: ${e}\n\n${e.stack}`);
if (handleRequestError(e)) {
return false;
* @deprecated Use Zotero.Utilities.cleanURL instead
this.cleanAttachmentURI = function (uri, tryHttp) {
Zotero.debug("Zotero.Attachments.cleanAttachmentURI() is deprecated -- use Zotero.Utilities.cleanURL");
return Zotero.Utilities.cleanURL(uri, tryHttp);
* Returns a formatted string to use as the basename of an attachment
* based on the metadata of the specified item and a format string
* (Optional) |formatString| specifies the format string -- otherwise
* the 'attachmentRenameFormatString' pref is used
* Valid substitution markers:
* %c -- firstCreator
* %y -- year (extracted from Date field)
* %t -- title
* Fields can be truncated to a certain length by appending an integer
* within curly brackets -- e.g. %t{50} truncates the title to 50 characters
* @param {Zotero.Item} item
* @param {String} formatString
this.getFileBaseNameFromItem = function (item, formatString) {
if (!(item instanceof Zotero.Item)) {
throw new Error("'item' must be a Zotero.Item");
if (!formatString) {
formatString = Zotero.Prefs.get('attachmentRenameFormatString');
// Replaces the substitution marker with the field value,
// truncating based on the {[0-9]+} modifier if applicable
function rpl(field, str) {
if (!str) {
str = formatString;
switch (field) {
case 'creator':
field = 'firstCreator';
var rpl = '%c';
case 'year':
var rpl = '%y';
case 'title':
var rpl = '%t';
var value;
switch (field) {
case 'title':
value = item.getField('title', false, true);
case 'year':
value = item.getField('date', true, true);
if (value) {
value = Zotero.Date.multipartToSQL(value).substr(0, 4);
if (value == '0000') {
value = '';
value = '' + item.getField(field, false, true);
var re = new RegExp("\{?([^%\{\}]*)" + rpl + "(\{[0-9]+\})?" + "([^%\{\}]*)\}?");
// If no value for this field, strip entire conditional block
// (within curly braces)
if (!value) {
if (str.match(re)) {
return str.replace(re, '')
var f = function(match, p1, p2, p3) {
var maxChars = p2 ? p2.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, '') : false;
return p1 + (maxChars ? value.substr(0, maxChars) : value) + p3;
return str.replace(re, f);
formatString = rpl('creator');
formatString = rpl('year');
formatString = rpl('title');
formatString = Zotero.Utilities.cleanTags(formatString);
formatString = Zotero.File.getValidFileName(formatString);
return formatString;
this.shouldAutoRenameFile = function (isLink) {
if (!Zotero.Prefs.get('autoRenameFiles')) {
return false;
if (isLink) {
return Zotero.Prefs.get('autoRenameFiles.linked');
return true;
this.getRenamedFileTypes = function () {
try {
var types = Zotero.Prefs.get('autoRenameFiles.fileTypes');
return types ? types.split(',') : [];
catch (e) {
return [];
this.getRenamedFileBaseNameIfAllowedType = async function (parentItem, file) {
var types = this.getRenamedFileTypes();
var contentType = file.endsWith('.pdf')
// Don't bother reading file if there's a .pdf extension
? 'application/pdf'
: await Zotero.MIME.getMIMETypeFromFile(file);
if (!types.includes(contentType)) {
return false;
return this.getFileBaseNameFromItem(parentItem);
* Create directory for attachment files within storage directory
* If a directory exists, delete and recreate
* @param {Number} itemID - Item id
* @return {Promise<String>} - Path of new directory
this.createDirectoryForItem = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (item) {
if (!(item instanceof Zotero.Item)) {
throw new Error("'item' must be a Zotero.Item");
var dir = this.getStorageDirectory(item).path;
// Testing for directories in OS.File, used by removeDir(), is broken on Travis, so use nsIFile
if (Zotero.automatedTest) {
let nsIFile = Zotero.File.pathToFile(dir);
if (nsIFile.exists()) {
else {
yield OS.File.removeDir(dir, { ignoreAbsent: true });
yield Zotero.File.createDirectoryIfMissingAsync(dir);
return dir;
this.getStorageDirectory = function (item) {
if (!(item instanceof Zotero.Item)) {
throw new Error("'item' must be a Zotero.Item");
if (!item.key) {
throw new Error("Item key must be set");
return this.getStorageDirectoryByLibraryAndKey(item.libraryID, item.key);
this.getStorageDirectoryByID = function (itemID) {
if (!itemID) {
throw new Error("itemID not provided");
var {libraryID, key} = Zotero.Items.getLibraryAndKeyFromID(itemID);
if (!key) {
throw new Error("Item " + itemID + " not found");
var dir = Zotero.getStorageDirectory();
return dir;
this.getStorageDirectoryByLibraryAndKey = function (libraryID, key) {
if (typeof key != 'string' || !key.match(/^[A-Z0-9]{8}$/)) {
Zotero.debug(key, 1);
throw new Error('key must be an 8-character string');
var dir = Zotero.getStorageDirectory();
return dir;
this.createTemporaryStorageDirectory = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* () {
var tmpDir = Zotero.getStorageDirectory();
tmpDir.append("tmp-" + Zotero.Utilities.randomString(6));
yield OS.File.makeDir(tmpDir.path, {
unixMode: 0o755
return tmpDir;
* If path is within the attachment base directory, return a relative
* path prefixed by BASE_PATH_PLACEHOLDER. Otherwise, return unchanged.
this.getBaseDirectoryRelativePath = function (path) {
if (!path || path.startsWith(this.BASE_PATH_PLACEHOLDER)) {
return path;
var basePath = Zotero.Prefs.get('baseAttachmentPath');
if (!basePath) {
return path;
if (Zotero.File.directoryContains(basePath, path)) {
// Since stored paths can be synced to other platforms, use forward slashes for consistency.
// resolveRelativePath() will convert to the appropriate platform-specific slash on use.
basePath = OS.Path.normalize(basePath).replace(/\\/g, "/");
path = OS.Path.normalize(path).replace(/\\/g, "/");
// Normalize D:\ vs. D:\foo
if (!basePath.endsWith('/')) {
basePath += '/';
path = this.BASE_PATH_PLACEHOLDER + path.substr(basePath.length)
return path;
* Get an absolute path from this base-dir relative path, if we can
* @param {String} path - Absolute path or relative path prefixed by BASE_PATH_PLACEHOLDER
* @return {String|false} - Absolute path, or FALSE if no path
this.resolveRelativePath = function (path) {
if (!path.startsWith(Zotero.Attachments.BASE_PATH_PLACEHOLDER)) {
return false;
var basePath = Zotero.Prefs.get('baseAttachmentPath');
if (!basePath) {
Zotero.debug("No base attachment path set -- can't resolve '" + path + "'", 2);
return false;
return this.fixPathSlashes(OS.Path.join(
this.fixPathSlashes = function (path) {
return path.replace(Zotero.isWin ? /\//g : /\\/g, Zotero.isWin ? "\\" : "/");
this.hasMultipleFiles = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (item) {
if (!item.isAttachment()) {
throw new Error("Item is not an attachment");
var linkMode = item.attachmentLinkMode;
switch (linkMode) {
case Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_URL:
case Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_FILE:
case Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_EMBEDDED_IMAGE:
return false;
throw new Error("Invalid attachment link mode");
if (item.attachmentContentType != 'text/html') {
return false;
var path = yield item.getFilePathAsync();
if (!path) {
throw new Error("File not found");
var numFiles = 0;
var parent = OS.Path.dirname(path);
var iterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(parent);
try {
yield iterator.forEach((entry) => {
if (entry.name.startsWith('.')) {
if (numFiles > 1) {
finally {
return numFiles > 1;
* Returns the number of files in the attachment directory
* Only counts if MIME type is text/html
* @param {Zotero.Item} item Attachment item
this.getNumFiles = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (item) {
if (!item.isAttachment()) {
throw new Error("Item is not an attachment");
var linkMode = item.attachmentLinkMode;
switch (linkMode) {
case Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_URL:
case Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_FILE:
throw new Error("Invalid attachment link mode");
if (item.attachmentContentType != 'text/html') {
return 1;
var path = yield item.getFilePathAsync();
if (!path) {
throw new Error("File not found");
var numFiles = 0;
var parent = OS.Path.dirname(path);
var iterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(parent);
try {
yield iterator.forEach(function (entry) {
if (entry.name.startsWith('.')) {
finally {
return numFiles;
* @param {Zotero.Item} item
* @param {Boolean} [skipHidden=true] - Don't count hidden files
* @return {Promise<Integer>} - Promise for the total file size in bytes
this.getTotalFileSize = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (item, skipHidden = true) {
if (!item.isAttachment()) {
throw new Error("Item is not an attachment");
var linkMode = item.attachmentLinkMode;
switch (linkMode) {
case Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_URL:
case Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_FILE:
case Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_LINKED_FILE:
throw new Error("Invalid attachment link mode");
var path = yield item.getFilePathAsync();
if (!path) {
throw new Error("File not found");
if (linkMode == Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_LINKED_FILE) {
return (yield OS.File.stat(path)).size;
var size = 0;
var parent = OS.Path.dirname(path);
let iterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(parent);
try {
yield iterator.forEach(function (entry) {
if (skipHidden && entry.name.startsWith('.')) {
return OS.File.stat(entry.path)
function (info) {
size += info.size;
function (e) {
// Can happen if there's a symlink to a missing file
if (e instanceof OS.File.Error && e.becauseNoSuchFile) {
else {
throw e;
finally {
return size;
* Move attachment item, including file, to another library
this.moveAttachmentToLibrary = async function (attachment, libraryID, parentItemID) {
if (attachment.libraryID == libraryID) {
throw new Error("Attachment is already in library " + libraryID);
var newAttachment = attachment.clone(libraryID);
if (attachment.isStoredFileAttachment()) {
// Attachment path isn't copied over by clone() if libraryID is different
newAttachment.attachmentPath = attachment.attachmentPath;
if (parentItemID) {
newAttachment.parentID = parentItemID;
await newAttachment.save();
// Move files over if they exist
var oldDir;
var newDir;
if (newAttachment.isStoredFileAttachment()) {
oldDir = this.getStorageDirectory(attachment).path;
if (await OS.File.exists(oldDir)) {
newDir = this.getStorageDirectory(newAttachment).path;
// Target directory shouldn't exist, but remove it if it does
// Testing for directories in OS.File, used by removeDir(), is broken on Travis,
// so use nsIFile
if (Zotero.automatedTest) {
let nsIFile = Zotero.File.pathToFile(newDir);
if (nsIFile.exists()) {
else {
await OS.File.removeDir(newDir, { ignoreAbsent: true });
await OS.File.move(oldDir, newDir);
try {
await attachment.erase();
catch (e) {
// Move files back if old item can't be deleted
if (newAttachment.isStoredFileAttachment()) {
try {
await OS.File.move(newDir, oldDir);
catch (e) {
throw e;
return newAttachment.id;
* Copy attachment item, including file, to another library
this.copyAttachmentToLibrary = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (attachment, libraryID, parentItemID) {
if (attachment.libraryID == libraryID) {
throw new Error("Attachment is already in library " + libraryID);
var newAttachment = attachment.clone(libraryID);
if (attachment.isStoredFileAttachment()) {
// Attachment path isn't copied over by clone() if libraryID is different
newAttachment.attachmentPath = attachment.attachmentPath;
if (parentItemID) {
newAttachment.parentID = parentItemID;
yield newAttachment.save();
// Copy over files if they exist
if (newAttachment.isStoredFileAttachment() && (yield attachment.fileExists())) {
let dir = Zotero.Attachments.getStorageDirectory(attachment);
let newDir = yield Zotero.Attachments.createDirectoryForItem(newAttachment);
yield Zotero.File.copyDirectory(dir, newDir);
yield newAttachment.addLinkedItem(attachment);
return newAttachment.id;
this.convertLinkedFileToStoredFile = async function (item, options = {}) {
if (!item.isLinkedFileAttachment()) {
throw new Error("Not a linked-file attachment");
var file = await item.getFilePathAsync();
if (!file) {
Zotero.debug("Linked file not found at " + file);
return false;
var json = item.toJSON();
json.linkMode = 'imported_file';
delete json.path;
json.filename = OS.Path.basename(file);
var newItem = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
newItem.libraryID = item.libraryID;
await newItem.saveTx();
// Move child annotations and embedded-image attachments
await Zotero.Items.moveChildItems(item, newItem);
// Copy relations pointing to the old item
await Zotero.Relations.copyObjectSubjectRelations(item, newItem);
var newFile;
try {
// Transfer file
let destDir = await this.createDirectoryForItem(newItem);
newFile = OS.Path.join(destDir, json.filename);
if (options.move) {
newFile = await Zotero.File.moveToUnique(file, newFile);
// Copy file to unique filename, which automatically shortens long filenames
else {
newFile = Zotero.File.copyToUnique(file, newFile);
// TEMP: copyToUnique returns an nsIFile
newFile = newFile.path;
await Zotero.File.setNormalFilePermissions(newFile);
let mtime = (await OS.File.stat(file)).lastModificationDate;
await OS.File.setDates(newFile, null, mtime);
catch (e) {
// Delete new file
if (newFile) {
try {
await Zotero.File.removeIfExists(newFile);
catch (e) {
// Delete new item
try {
await newItem.eraseTx();
catch (e) {
return false;
try {
await Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(async function () {
await Zotero.Fulltext.transferItemIndex(item, newItem);
catch (e) {
if (newFile && json.filename != OS.Path.basename(newFile)) {
Zotero.debug("Filename was changed");
newItem.attachmentFilename = OS.Path.basename(newFile);
await newItem.saveTx();
await item.eraseTx();
return newItem;
this._getFileNameFromURL = function(url, contentType) {
url = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.parseURL(url);
var fileBaseName = url.fileBaseName;
var fileExt = Zotero.MIME.getPrimaryExtension(contentType, url.fileExtension);
if (!fileBaseName) {
let matches = url.pathname.match(/\/([^\/]+)\/$/);
// If no filename, use the last part of the path if there is one
if (matches) {
fileBaseName = matches[1];
// Or just use the host
else {
fileBaseName = url.hostname;
// Test unencoding fileBaseName
try {
catch (e) {
if (e.name == 'URIError') {
// If we got a 'malformed URI sequence' while decoding,
// use MD5 of fileBaseName
fileBaseName = Zotero.Utilities.Internal.md5(fileBaseName, false);
else {
throw e;
var fileName = fileBaseName + (fileExt ? '.' + fileExt : '');
// Pass unencoded name to getValidFileName() so that percent-encoded
// characters aren't stripped to just numbers
return Zotero.File.getValidFileName(decodeURIComponent(fileName));
this._getExtensionFromURL = function(url, contentType) {
var nsIURL = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/standard-url;1"]
nsIURL.spec = url;
return Zotero.MIME.getPrimaryExtension(contentType, nsIURL.fileExtension);
* Create a new item of type 'attachment' and add to the itemAttachments table
* @param {Object} options
* @param {nsIFile|String} [file]
* @param {String} [url]
* @param {String} title
* @param {Number} linkMode
* @param {String} contentType
* @param {String} [charset]
* @param {Number} [parentItemID]
* @param {String[]|Number[]} [collections]
* @param {Object} [saveOptions]
* @return {Promise<Zotero.Item>} - A promise for the new attachment
function _addToDB(options) {
var file = options.file;
var url = options.url;
var title = options.title;
var linkMode = options.linkMode;
var contentType = options.contentType;
var charset = options.charset;
var parentItemID = options.parentItemID;
var collections = options.collections;
var saveOptions = options.saveOptions;
return Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () {
var attachmentItem = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
if (parentItemID) {
let {libraryID: parentLibraryID, key: parentKey} =
if (parentLibraryID != Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID
&& linkMode == Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_LINKED_FILE) {
throw new Error("Cannot save linked file in non-local library");
attachmentItem.libraryID = parentLibraryID;
attachmentItem.setField('title', title);
if (linkMode == self.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_URL || linkMode == self.LINK_MODE_LINKED_URL) {
attachmentItem.setField('url', url);
attachmentItem.setField('accessDate', "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP");
attachmentItem.parentID = parentItemID;
attachmentItem.attachmentLinkMode = linkMode;
attachmentItem.attachmentContentType = contentType;
attachmentItem.attachmentCharset = charset;
if (file) {
attachmentItem.attachmentPath = typeof file == 'string' ? file : file.path;
if (collections) {
yield attachmentItem.save(saveOptions);
return attachmentItem;
* If necessary/possible, detect the file charset and index the file
* Since we have to load the content into the browser to get the
* character set (at least until we figure out a better way to get
* at the native detectors), we create the item above and update
* asynchronously after the fact
* @return {Promise}
var _postProcessFile = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (item, file, contentType) {
// Don't try to process if MIME type is unknown
if (!contentType) {
// Items with content types that get cached by the fulltext indexer can just be indexed,
// since a charset isn't necessary
if (Zotero.Fulltext.isCachedMIMEType(contentType)) {
return Zotero.Fulltext.indexItems([item.id]);
// Ignore non-text types
var ext = Zotero.File.getExtension(file);
if (!Zotero.MIME.hasInternalHandler(contentType, ext) || !Zotero.MIME.isTextType(contentType)) {
// If the charset is already set, index item directly
if (item.attachmentCharset) {
return Zotero.Fulltext.indexItems([item.id]);
// Otherwise, load in a hidden browser to get the charset, and then index the document
return new Zotero.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var browser = Zotero.Browser.createHiddenBrowser(
// Disable JavaScript, since it can cause imports that include HTML files to hang
// (from network requests that fail?)
{ allowJavaScript: false }
var pageshown = false;
if (item.attachmentCharset) {
var onpageshow = async function () {
// ignore spurious about:blank loads
if(browser.contentDocument.location.href == "about:blank") return;
pageshown = true;
browser.removeEventListener("pageshow", onpageshow, false);
try {
await Zotero.Fulltext.indexDocument(browser.contentDocument, itemID);
catch (e) {
finally {
browser.addEventListener("pageshow", onpageshow, false);
else {
let callback = async function (charset, args) {
// ignore spurious about:blank loads
if(browser.contentDocument.location.href == "about:blank") return;
pageshown = true;
try {
if (charset) {
charset = Zotero.CharacterSets.toCanonical(charset);
if (charset) {
item.attachmentCharset = charset;
await item.saveTx({
skipNotifier: true
await Zotero.Fulltext.indexDocument(browser.contentDocument, item.id);
catch (e) {
finally {
Zotero.File.addCharsetListener(browser, callback, item.id);
var url = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=file"]
// Avoid a hang if a pageshow is never called on the hidden browser (which can happen
// if a .pdf file is really HTML, which can also result in the file being launched,
// which we should try to fix)
setTimeout(function () {
if (!pageshown) {
reject(new Error("pageshow not called in hidden browser"));
}, 5000);
* Determines if a given document is an instance of PDFJS
* @return {Boolean}
this.isPDFJS = function(doc) {
// pdf.js HACK
// This may no longer be necessary (as of Fx 23)
if(doc.contentType === "text/html") {
var win = doc.defaultView;
if(win) {
win = win.wrappedJSObject;
if(win && "PDFJS" in win) {
return true;
return false;
this.linkModeToName = function (linkMode) {
switch (linkMode) {
return 'imported_file';
return 'imported_url';
return 'linked_file';
return 'linked_url';
return 'embedded_image';
throw new Error(`Invalid link mode ${linkMode}`);
this.linkModeFromName = function (linkModeName) {
var prop = "LINK_MODE_" + linkModeName.toUpperCase();
if (this[prop] !== undefined) {
return this[prop];
throw new Error(`Invalid link mode name '${linkModeName}'`);