closes #100, migrate ingester to Scholar.Translate closes #88, migrate scrapers away from RDF closes #9, pull out LC subject heading tags references #87, add fromArray() and toArray() methods to item objects API changes: all translation (import/export/web) now goes through Scholar.Translate all Scholar-specific functions in scrapers start with "Scholar." rather than the jumbled up piggy bank un-namespaced confusion scrapers now longer specify items through RDF (the beginning of an item.fromArray()-like function exists in Scholar.Translate.prototype._itemDone()) scrapers can be any combination of import, export, and web (type is the sum of 1/2/4 respectively) scrapers now contain functions (doImport, doExport, doWeb) rather than loose code scrapers can call functions in other scrapers or just call the function to translate itself export accesses items item-by-item, rather than accepting a huge array of items MARC functions are now in the MARC import translator, and accessed by the web translators new features: import now works rudimentary RDF (unqualified dublin core only), RIS, and MARC import translators are implemented (although they are a little picky with respect to file extensions at the moment) items appear as they are scraped MARC import translator pulls out tags, although this seems to slow things down no icon appears next to a the URL when Scholar hasn't detected metadata, since this seemed somewhat confusing apologizes for the size of this diff. i figured if i was going to re-write the API, i might as well do it all at once and get everything working right.
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1061 lines
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// Scholar for Firefox Translate
// Utilities based on code taken from Piggy Bank 2.1.1 (BSD-licensed)
// This code is licensed according to the GPL
* Scholar.Translate: a class for translation of Scholar metadata from and to
* other formats
* eventually, Scholar.Ingester may be rolled in here (i.e., after we get rid
* of RDF)
* type can be:
* export
* import
* web
* a typical export process:
* var translatorObj = new Scholar.Translate();
* var possibleTranslators = translatorObj.getTranslators();
* // do something involving nsIFilePicker; remember, each possibleTranslator
* // object has properties translatorID, label, and targetID
* translatorObj.setLocation(myNsILocalFile);
* translatorObj.setTranslator(possibleTranslators[x]); // also accepts only an ID
* translatorObj.setHandler("done", _translationDone);
* translatorObj.translate();
* type - the text type of translator (set by constructor, should be read only)
* browser - the browser object to be used for web scraping (read-only; set
* with setBrowser)
* translator - the translator currently in use (read-only; set with
* setTranslator)
* location - the location of the target (read-only; set with setLocation)
* for import/export - this is an instance of nsILocalFile
* for web - this is a URL
* path - the path to the target; for web, this is the same as location
* _numericTypes - possible numeric types as a comma-delimited string
* _handlers - handlers for various events (see setHandler)
* _configOptions - options set by translator modifying behavior of
* Scholar.Translate
* _displayOptions - options available to user for this specific translator
* _waitForCompletion - whether to wait for asynchronous completion, or return
* immediately when script has finished executing
* _sandbox - sandbox in which translators will be executed
* _streams - streams that need to be closed when execution is complete
* _locationIsProxied - whether the URL being scraped is going through
* an EZProxy
Scholar.Translate = function(type) {
this.type = type;
// import = 001 = 1
// export = 010 = 2
// web = 100 = 4
// combination types determined by addition or bitwise AND
// i.e., import+export = 1+2 = 3
if(type == "import") {
this._numericTypes = "1,3,5,7";
} else if(type == "export") {
this._numericTypes = "2,3,6,7";
} else if(type == "web") {
this._numericTypes = "4,5,6,7";
} else {
throw("invalid import type");
this._handlers = new Array();
this._streams = new Array();
* sets the browser to be used for web translation; also sets the location
Scholar.Translate.prototype.setBrowser = function(browser) {
this.browser = browser;
* sets the location to operate upon (file should be an nsILocalFile object or
* web address)
Scholar.Translate.prototype.setLocation = function(location) {
if(this.type == "web") {
// account for proxies
this.location = Scholar.Ingester.ProxyMonitor.proxyToProper(location);
if(this.location != location) {
// figure out if this URL is being proxies
this.locationIsProxied = true;
this.path = this.location;
} else {
this.location = location;
this.path = location.path;
* sets the translator to be used for import/export
* accepts either the object from getTranslators() or an ID
Scholar.Translate.prototype.setTranslator = function(translator) {
if(typeof(translator) == "object") { // passed an object and not an ID
translator = translator.translatorID;
var sql = "SELECT * FROM translators WHERE translatorID = ? AND type IN ("+this._numericTypes+")";
this.translator = Scholar.DB.rowQuery(sql, [translator]);
if(!this.translator) {
return false;
return true;
* registers a handler function to be called when translation is complete
* as the first argument, all handlers will be passed the current function. the
* second argument is dependent on the handler.
* select
* valid: web
* called: when the user needs to select from a list of available items
* passed: an associative array in the form id => text
* returns: a numerically indexed array of ids, as extracted from the passed
* string
* itemDone
* valid: web
* called: when an item has been processed; may be called asynchronously
* passed: an item object (see Scholar.Item)
* returns: N/A
* done
* valid: all
* called: when all processing is finished
* passed: returns true if successful, false if an error occurred
* returns: N/A
Scholar.Translate.prototype.setHandler = function(type, handler) {
if(!this._handlers[type]) {
this._handlers[type] = new Array();
* gets all applicable translators
* for import, you should call this after setFile; otherwise, you'll just get
* a list of all import filters, not filters equipped to handle a specific file
* this returns a list of translator objects, of which the following fields
* are useful:
* translatorID - the GUID of the translator
* label - the name of the translator
* itemType - the type of item this scraper says it will scrape
Scholar.Translate.prototype.getTranslators = function() {
var sql = "SELECT translatorID, label, target, detectCode FROM translators WHERE type IN ("+this._numericTypes+") ORDER BY target IS NULL";
var translators = Scholar.DB.query(sql);
if(!this.location) {
return translators; // no need to see which can translate, because
// we don't have a location yet (for export or
// import dialog)
} else {
// create a new sandbox
var possibleTranslators = new Array();
Scholar.debug("searching for translators for "+this.path);
// see which translators can translate
for(var i in translators) {
if(this._canTranslate(translators[i])) {
Scholar.debug("found translator "+translators[i].label);
// for some reason, and i'm not quite sure what this reason is,
// we HAVE to do this to get things to work right; we can't
// just push a normal translator object from an SQL statement
var translator = {translatorID:translators[i].translatorID,
return possibleTranslators;
* gets translator options to be displayed in a dialog
Scholar.Translate.prototype.displayOptions = function() {
Scholar.Translate.prototype._loadTranslator = function() {
if(!this._sandbox) {
// create a new sandbox if none exists
// parse detect code for the translator
Scholar.debug("parsing code for "+this.translator.label);
try {
Components.utils.evalInSandbox(this.translator.code, this._sandbox);
} catch(e) {
Scholar.debug(e+' in parsing code for '+this.translator.label);
return false;
return true;
* does the actual translation
Scholar.Translate.prototype.translate = function() {
if(!this.location) {
throw("cannot translate: no location specified");
this._complete = false;
if(!this._loadTranslator()) {
var returnValue;
if(this.type == "web") {
returnValue = this._web();
} else if(this.type == "import") {
returnValue = this._import();
} else if(this.type == "export") {
returnValue = this._export();
if(!returnValue) {
// failure
} else if(!this._waitForCompletion) {
// if synchronous, call _translationComplete();
* generates a sandbox for scraping/scraper detection
Scholar.Translate.prototype._generateSandbox = function() {
var me = this;
if(this.type == "web") {
// use real URL, not proxied version, to create sandbox
this._sandbox = new Components.utils.Sandbox(this.browser.contentDocument.location.href);
this._sandbox.Scholar = new Object();
// add ingester utilities
this._sandbox.Scholar.Utilities = new Scholar.Utilities.Ingester(this.locationIsProxied);
this._sandbox.Scholar.Utilities.HTTPUtilities = new Scholar.Utilities.Ingester.HTTPUtilities(this.locationIsProxied);
// set up selectItems handler
this._sandbox.Scholar.selectItems = function(options) { return me._selectItems(options) };
} else {
// use null URL to create sanbox
this._sandbox = new Components.utils.Sandbox("");
this._sandbox.Scholar = new Object();
this._sandbox.Scholar.Utilities = new Scholar.Utilities();
if(this.type == "web" || this.type == "import") {
// add routines to add new items
this._sandbox.Scholar.Item = Scholar.Translate.ScholarItem;
// attach the function to be run when an item is
this._sandbox.Scholar.Item.prototype.complete = function() {me._itemDone(this)};
} else if(this.type == "export") {
// add routines to retrieve items and collections
this._sandbox.Scholar.nextItem = function() { return me._exportGetItem() };
this._sandbox.Scholar.nextCollection = function() { return me._exportGetCollection() };
this._sandbox.XPathResult = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult;
// for asynchronous operation, use wait()
// done() is implemented after wait() is called
this._sandbox.Scholar.wait = function() { me._enableAsynchronous() };
// for adding configuration options
this._sandbox.Scholar.configure = function(option, value) {me._configure(option, value) };
// for adding displayed options
this._sandbox.Scholar.addOption = function(option, value) {me._addOption(option, value) };
// for loading other translators and accessing their methods
var me = this;
this._sandbox.Scholar.loadTranslator = function(type, translatorID) {
var translation = new Scholar.Translate(type);
// assign same handlers as for parent, because the done handler won't
// get called anyway, and the itemDone/selectItems handlers should be
// the same
translation._handlers = me._handlers;
// set the translator
// load the translator into our sandbox
// use internal io
return translation._sandbox;
* Check to see if _scraper_ can scrape this document
Scholar.Translate.prototype._canTranslate = function(translator) {
var canTranslate = false;
// Test location with regular expression
// If this is slow, we could preload all scrapers and compile regular
// expressions, so each check will be faster
if(translator.target) {
if(this.type == "web") {
var regularExpression = new RegExp(translator.target, "i");
} else {
var regularExpression = new RegExp("\."+translator.target+"$", "i");
if(regularExpression.test(this.path)) {
canTranslate = true;
// Test with JavaScript if available and didn't have a regular expression or
// passed regular expression test
if((!translator.target || canTranslate)
&& translator.detectCode) {
// parse the detect code and execute
if(this.type == "import") {
try {
this._importConfigureIO(); // so it can read
} catch(e) {
Scholar.debug(e+' in opening IO for '+translator.label);
return false;
if(this._sandbox.detect) {
var returnValue;
try {
if(this.type == "web") {
returnValue = this._sandbox.detect(this.browser.contentDocument, this.location);
} else if(this.type == "import") {
returnValue = this._sandbox.detect();
} catch(e) {
Scholar.debug(e+' in executing detectCode for '+translator.label);
return false;
Scholar.debug("executed detectCode for "+translator.label);
// detectCode returns text type
if(returnValue) {
canTranslate = true;
if(typeof(returnValue) == "string") {
translator.itemType = returnValue;
} else {
canTranslate = false;
return canTranslate;
Scholar.Translate.prototype._parseDetectCode = function(translator) {
this._configOptions = new Array();
this._displayOptions = new Array();
if(translator.detectCode) {
try {
Components.utils.evalInSandbox(translator.detectCode, this._sandbox);
} catch(e) {
Scholar.debug(e+' in parsing detectCode for '+translator.label);
* sets an option that modifies the way the translator is executed
* called as configure() in translator detectCode
* current options:
* dataMode
* valid: import, export
* options: rdf, text
* purpose: selects whether write/read behave as standard text functions or
* using Mozilla's built-in support for RDF data sources
* getCollections
* valid: export
* options: true, false
* purpose: selects whether export translator will receive an array of
* collections and children in addition to the array of items and
* children
Scholar.Translate.prototype._configure = function(option, value) {
this._configOptions[option] = value;
Scholar.debug("setting configure option "+option+" to "+value);
* adds translator options to be displayed in a dialog
* called as addOption() in detect code
Scholar.Translate.prototype._addOption = function(option, value) {
this._displayOptions[option] = value;
Scholar.debug("setting display option "+option+" to "+value);
* makes translation API wait until done() has been called from the translator
* before executing _translationComplete
* called as wait() in translator code
Scholar.Translate.prototype._enableAsynchronous = function() {
me = this;
this._waitForCompletion = true;
this._sandbox.Scholar.done = function() { me._translationComplete(true) };
* lets user pick which items s/he wants to put in his/her library
* called as selectItems() in translator code
Scholar.Translate.prototype._selectItems = function(options) {
if(this._handlers.select) {
return this._runHandler("select", options);
} else { // no handler defined; assume they want all of them
return options;
* executed on translator completion, either automatically from a synchronous
* scraper or as done() from an asynchronous scraper
* finishes things up and calls callback function(s)
Scholar.Translate.prototype._translationComplete = function(returnValue) {
// to make sure this isn't called twice
if(!this._complete) {
this._complete = true;
Scholar.debug("translation complete");
// call handler
this._runHandler("done", returnValue);
// close open streams
* closes open file streams, if any exist
Scholar.Translate.prototype._closeStreams = function() {
if(this._streams.length) {
for(var i in this._streams) {
var stream = this._streams[i];
// stream could be either an input stream or an output stream
try {
} catch(e) {
// encase close in try block, because it's possible it's already
// closed
try {
} catch(e) {
delete this._streams;
this._streams = new Array();
* executed when an item is done and ready to be loaded into the database
Scholar.Translate.prototype._itemDone = function(item) {
// Get typeID, defaulting to "website"
var type = (item.itemType ? item.itemType : "website");
// makes looping through easier
delete item.itemType, item.complete;
item.itemType = item.complete = undefined;
var typeID = Scholar.ItemTypes.getID(type);
var newItem = Scholar.Items.getNewItemByType(typeID);
if(item.date && !item.year) {
// date can serve as a year
var dateID = Scholar.ItemFields.getID("date");
var yearID = Scholar.ItemFields.getID("year");
if(!Scholar.ItemFields.isValidForType(dateID, typeID) && Scholar.ItemFields.isValidForType(yearID, typeID)) {
// year is valid but date is not
var yearRe = /[0-9]{4}/;
var m = yearRe.exec(item.date);
if(m) {
item.year = m[0]
item.date = undefined;
} else if(!item.date && item.year) {
// the converse is also true
var dateID = Scholar.ItemFields.getID("date");
var yearID = Scholar.ItemFields.getID("year");
if(Scholar.ItemFields.isValidForType(dateID, typeID) && !Scholar.ItemFields.isValidForType(yearID, typeID)) {
// date is valid but year is not
item.date = item.year;
item.year = undefined;
var fieldID, field;
for(var i in item) {
// loop through item fields
data = item[i];
if(data) { // if field has content
if(i == "creators") { // creators are a special case
for(j in data) {
newItem.setCreator(j, data[j].firstName, data[j].lastName, 1);
} else if(i == "title") { // skip checks for title
newItem.setField(i, data);
} else if(i == "tags") { // add tags
for(j in data) {
} else if(fieldID = Scholar.ItemFields.getID(i)) {
// if field is in db
if(Scholar.ItemFields.isValidForType(fieldID, typeID)) {
// if field is valid for this type
// add field
newItem.setField(i, data);
} else {
Scholar.debug("discarded field "+i+" for item: field not valid for type "+type);
} else {
Scholar.debug("discarded field "+i+" for item: field does not exist");
delete item;
this._runHandler("itemDone", newItem);
* calls a handler (see setHandler above)
Scholar.Translate.prototype._runHandler = function(type, argument) {
var returnValue;
if(this._handlers[type]) {
for(var i in this._handlers[type]) {
Scholar.debug("running handler "+i+" for "+type);
try {
returnValue = this._handlers[type][i](this, argument);
} catch(e) {
Scholar.debug(e+' in handler '+i+' for '+type);
return returnValue;
* does the actual web translation
Scholar.Translate.prototype._web = function() {
try {
this._sandbox.doWeb(this.browser.contentDocument, this.location);
} catch(e) {
Scholar.debug(e+' in executing code for '+this.translator.label);
return false;
return true;
* does the actual import translation
Scholar.Translate.prototype._import = function() {
try {
} catch(e) {
Scholar.debug(e+' in executing code for '+this.translator.label);
return false;
return true;
* sets up import for IO
Scholar.Translate.prototype._importConfigureIO = function() {
if(this._configOptions.dataMode == "rdf") {
var IOService = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1']
var fileHandler = IOService.getProtocolHandler("file")
var URL = fileHandler.getURLSpecFromFile(this.location);
delete fileHandler, IOService;
var RDFService = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1']
var dataSource = RDFService.GetDataSourceBlocking(URL);
// make an instance of the RDF handler
this._sandbox.Scholar.RDF = new Scholar.Translate.RDF(dataSource);
} else {
// open file
var fStream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"]
fStream.init(this.location, 0x01, 0664, 0);
if(this._configOptions.dataMode == "line") { // line by line reading
var notEof = true;
var lineData = new Object();
this._sandbox.Scholar.read = function() {
if(notEof) {
notEof = fStream.readLine(lineData);
return lineData.value;
} else {
return false;
} else { // block reading
var sStream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"]
this._sandbox.Scholar.read = function(amount) {
return sStream.read(amount);
// attach sStream to stack of streams to close
* does the actual export, after code has been loaded and parsed
Scholar.Translate.prototype._export = function() {
// get items
this._itemsLeft = Scholar.getItems();
// get collections, if requested
if(this._configOptions.getCollections) {
this._collectionsLeft = Scholar.getCollections();
try {
} catch(e) {
Scholar.debug(e+' in executing code for '+this.translator.label);
return false;
return true;
* configures IO for export
Scholar.Translate.prototype._exportConfigureIO = function() {
// open file
var fStream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"]
fStream.init(this.location, 0x02 | 0x08 | 0x20, 0664, 0); // write, create, truncate
// attach to stack of streams to close at the end
if(this._configOptions.dataMode == "rdf") { // rdf io
// create data source
var dataSource = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/datasource;1?name=xml-datasource"].
// create serializer
var serializer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/xml-serializer;1"].
// make an instance of the RDF handler
this._sandbox.Scholar.RDF = new Scholar.Translate.RDF(dataSource, serializer);
this.setHandler("done", function() { serializer.Serialize(fStream) });
} else { // regular io; write just writes to file
this._sandbox.Scholar.write = function(data) { fStream.write(data, data.length) };
* gets the next item to process (called as Scholar.nextItem() from code)
Scholar.Translate.prototype._exportGetItem = function() {
if(this._itemsLeft.length != 0) {
var returnItem = this._itemsLeft.shift();
return returnItem.toArray();
return false;
* gets the next item to collection (called as Scholar.nextCollection() from code)
Scholar.Translate.prototype._exportGetCollection = function() {
if(!this._collectionsLeft) {
throw("getCollections configure option not set; cannot retrieve collection");
if(this._collectionsLeft.length != 0) {
var returnItem = this._collectionsLeft.shift();
var collection = new Object();
collection.id = returnItem.getID();
collection.name = returnItem.getName();
collection.type = "collection";
collection.children = returnItem.toArray();
return returnItem;
* sets up internal IO in such a way that both reading and writing are possible
* (for inter-scraper communications)
Scholar.Translate.prototype._initializeInternalIO = function() {
if(this.type == "import" || this.type == "export") {
if(this._configOptions.dataMode == "rdf") {
// use an in-memory data source for internal IO
var dataSource = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/datasource;1?name=in-memory-datasource"].
// make an instance of the RDF handler
this._sandbox.Scholar.RDF = new Scholar.Translate.RDF(dataSource);
} else {
// create a storage stream
var storageStream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/storagestream;1"].
storageStream.init(4096, 4294967295, null); // virtually no size limit
// set up write() method
var fStream = storageStream.getOutputStream(0);
this._sandbox.Scholar.write = function(data) { fStream.write(data, data.length) };
// set up read methods
var sStream;
var me = this;
if(this._configOptions.dataMode == "line") { // line by line reading
var lastCharacter;
this._sandbox.Scholar.read = function() {
if(!sStream) { // allocate an fStream and sStream on the fly
// otherwise with no data we get an error
sStream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"]
// attach sStream to stack of streams to close
var character = sStream.read(1);
if(!character) {
return false;
var string = "";
if(lastCharacter == "\r" && character == "\n") {
// if the last read got a cr, and this first char was
// an lf, ignore the lf
character = "";
while(character != "\n" && character != "\r" && character) {
string += character;
character = sStream.read(1);
lastCharacter = character;
return string;
} else { // block reading
this._sandbox.Scholar.read = function(amount) {
if(!sStream) { // allocate an fStream and sStream on the fly
// otherwise with no data we get an error
sStream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"]
// attach sStream to stack of streams to close
return sStream.read(amount);
// set Scholar.eof() to close the storage stream
this._sandbox.Scholar.eof = function() {
/* Scholar.Translate.ScholarItem: a class for generating new item from
* inside scraper code
* (this must be part of the prototype because it must be able to access
* methods relating to a specific instance of Scholar.Translate yet be called
* as a class)
Scholar.Translate.ScholarItem = function(itemType) {
// assign item type
this.itemType = itemType;
// generate creators array
this.creators = new Array();
// generate notes array
this.notes = new Array();
// generate tags array
this.tags = new Array();
/* Scholar.Translate.RDF: a class for handling RDF IO
* If an import/export translator specifies dataMode RDF, this is the interface,
* accessible from model.x
* In order to simplify things, all classes take in their resource/container
* as either the Mozilla native type or a string, but all
* return resource/containers as Mozilla native types (use model.toString to
* convert)
Scholar.Translate.RDF = function(dataSource, serializer) {
this._RDFService = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1']
this._AtomService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/atom-service;1"]
this._RDFContainerUtils = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container-utils;1"]
this._dataSource = dataSource;
this._serializer = serializer;
// turn an nsISimpleEnumerator into an array
Scholar.Translate.RDF.prototype._deEnumerate = function(enumerator) {
if(!(enumerator instanceof Components.interfaces.nsISimpleEnumerator)) {
return false;
var resources = new Array();
while(enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
var resource = enumerator.getNext();
try {
} catch(e) {
if(resources.length) {
return resources;
} else {
return false;
// get a resource as an nsIRDFResource, instead of a string
Scholar.Translate.RDF.prototype._getResource = function(about) {
if(!(about instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource)) {
about = this._RDFService.GetResource(about);
return about;
// writes an RDF triple
Scholar.Translate.RDF.prototype.addStatement = function(about, relation, value, literal) {
about = this._getResource(about);
if(!(value instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource)) {
if(literal) {
value = this._RDFService.GetLiteral(value);
} else {
value = this._RDFService.GetResource(value);
this._dataSource.Assert(about, this._RDFService.GetResource(relation), value, true);
// creates an anonymous resource
Scholar.Translate.RDF.prototype.newResource = function() {
return this._RDFService.GetAnonymousResource()
// creates a new container
Scholar.Translate.RDF.prototype.newContainer = function(type, about) {
about = this._getResource(about);
type = type.toLowerCase();
if(type == "bag") {
return this._RDFContainerUtils.MakeBag(this._dataSource, about);
} else if(type == "seq") {
return this._RDFContainerUtils.MakeSeq(this._dataSource, about);
} else if(type == "alt") {
return this._RDFContainerUtils.MakeAlt(this._dataSource, about);
} else {
throw "Invalid container type in model.newContainer";
// adds a new container element (index optional)
Scholar.Translate.RDF.prototype.addContainerElement = function(about, element, index) {
if(!(about instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer)) {
about = this._getResource(about);
var container = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1"].
container.Init(this._dataSource, about);
if(!(element instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource)) {
element = this._RDFService.GetResource(element);
if(index) {
about.InsertElementAt(element, index, true);
} else {
// sets a namespace
Scholar.Translate.RDF.prototype.addNamespace = function(prefix, uri) {
if(this._serializer) { // silently fail, in case the reason the scraper
// is failing is that we're using internal IO
this._serializer.addNameSpace(this._AtomService.getAtom(prefix), uri);
// gets a resource's URI
Scholar.Translate.RDF.prototype.getResourceURI = function(resource) {
return resource.ValueUTF8;
// gets all RDF resources
Scholar.Translate.RDF.prototype.getAllResources = function() {
var resourceEnumerator = this._dataSource.GetAllResources();
return this._deEnumerate(resourceEnumerator);
// gets arcs going in
Scholar.Translate.RDF.prototype.getArcsIn = function(resource) {
resource = this._getResource(resource);
var arcEnumerator = this._dataSource.ArcLabelsIn(resource);
return this._deEnumerate(arcEnumerator);
// gets arcs going out
Scholar.Translate.RDF.prototype.getArcsOut = function(resource) {
resource = this._getResource(resource);
var arcEnumerator = this._dataSource.ArcLabelsOut(resource);
return this._deEnumerate(arcEnumerator);
// gets source resources
Scholar.Translate.RDF.prototype.getSources = function(resource, property) {
property = this._getResource(property);
resource = this._getResource(resource);
var enumerator = this._dataSource.GetSources(resource, property, true);
return this._deEnumerate(enumerator);
// gets target resources
Scholar.Translate.RDF.prototype.getTargets = function(resource, property) {
property = this._getResource(property);
resource = this._getResource(resource);
var enumerator = this._dataSource.GetTargets(resource, property, true);
return this._deEnumerate(enumerator);
} |