Dan Stillman a3d7b58b83 Add zotero-standalone-build repo as app folder
Minus obsolete 4.0 files
2023-04-26 04:40:22 -04:00

186 lines
8 KiB

// We only want a single window, I think
pref("toolkit.singletonWindowType", "navigator:browser");
// For debugging purposes, show errors in console by default
pref("javascript.options.showInConsole", true);
// Don't retrieve unrequested links when performing standalone translation
pref("network.prefetch-next", false);
// Let operations run as long as necessary
pref("dom.max_chrome_script_run_time", 0);
// .dotm Word plugin VBA uses this to find the running Zotero instance
pref("ui.window_class_override", "ZoteroWindowClass");
pref("intl.locale.requested", '');
pref("intl.regional_prefs.use_os_locales", false);
// Fix error initializing login manager after this was changed in Firefox 57
// Could also disable this with MOZ_LOADER_SHARE_GLOBAL, supposedly
pref("jsloader.shareGlobal", false);
// Needed due to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1181977
pref("browser.hiddenWindowChromeURL", "chrome://zotero/content/standalone/hiddenWindow.xhtml");
// Use basicViewer for opening new DOM windows from content (for TinyMCE)
pref("browser.chromeURL", "chrome://zotero/content/standalone/basicViewer.xhtml");
// We need these to get the save dialog working with contentAreaUtils.js
pref("browser.download.useDownloadDir", false);
pref("browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting", false);
pref("browser.download.folderList", 1);
// Don't show add-on selection dialog
pref("extensions.shownSelectionUI", true);
pref("extensions.autoDisableScope", 11);
pref("network.protocol-handler.expose-all", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.expose.zotero", true);
pref("network.protocol-handler.expose.http", true);
pref("network.protocol-handler.expose.https", true);
// Never go offline
pref("offline.autoDetect", false);
pref("network.manage-offline-status", false);
// Without this, we will throw up dialogs if asked to translate strange pages
pref("browser.xul.error_pages.enabled", true);
// Without this, scripts may decide to open popups
pref("dom.disable_open_during_load", true);
// Don't show security warning. The "warn_viewing_mixed" warning just lets the user know that some
// page elements were loaded over an insecure connection. This doesn't matter if all we're doing is
// scraping the page, since we don't provide any information to the site.
pref("security.warn_viewing_mixed", false);
// Preferences for add-on discovery
pref("extensions.getAddons.cache.enabled", false);
//pref("extensions.getAddons.maxResults", 15);
//pref("extensions.getAddons.get.url", "https://services.addons.mozilla.org/%LOCALE%/%APP%/api/%API_VERSION%/search/guid:%IDS%?src=thunderbird&appOS=%OS%&appVersion=%VERSION%&tMain=%TIME_MAIN%&tFirstPaint=%TIME_FIRST_PAINT%&tSessionRestored=%TIME_SESSION_RESTORED%");
//pref("extensions.getAddons.search.browseURL", "https://addons.mozilla.org/%LOCALE%/%APP%/search?q=%TERMS%");
//pref("extensions.getAddons.search.url", "https://services.addons.mozilla.org/%LOCALE%/%APP%/api/%API_VERSION%/search/%TERMS%/all/%MAX_RESULTS%/%OS%/%VERSION%?src=thunderbird");
//pref("extensions.webservice.discoverURL", "https://www.zotero.org/support/plugins");
// Check Windows certificate store for custom CAs
pref("security.enterprise_roots.enabled", true);
// Disable add-on signature checking with unbranded Firefox build
pref("xpinstall.signatures.required", false);
// Allow legacy extensions (though this might not be necessary)
pref("extensions.legacy.enabled", true);
// Allow installing XPIs from any host
pref("xpinstall.whitelist.required", false);
// Allow installing XPIs when using a custom CA
pref("extensions.install.requireBuiltInCerts", false);
pref("extensions.update.requireBuiltInCerts", false);
// Don't connect to the Mozilla extensions blocklist
pref("extensions.blocklist.enabled", false);
// Avoid warning in console when opening Tools -> Add-ons
pref("extensions.getAddons.link.url", "");
// Disable places
pref("places.history.enabled", false);
// Probably not used, but prevent an error in the console
pref("app.support.baseURL", "https://www.zotero.org/support/");
// Disable Telemetry, Health Report, error reporting, and remote settings
pref("toolkit.telemetry.unified", false);
pref("toolkit.telemetry.enabled", false);
pref("datareporting.policy.dataSubmissionEnabled", false);
pref("toolkit.crashreporter.enabled", false);
pref("extensions.remoteSettings.disabled", true);
pref("extensions.update.url", "");
// Don't try to load the "Get Add-ons" tab on first load of Add-ons window
pref("extensions.ui.lastCategory", "addons://list/extension");
/** The below is imported from https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XULRunner/Application_Update **/
// Whether or not app updates are enabled
pref("app.update.enabled", true);
// This preference turns on app.update.mode and allows automatic download and
// install to take place. We use a separate boolean toggle for this to make
// the UI easier to construct.
pref("app.update.auto", true);
// Defines how the Application Update Service notifies the user about updates:
// AUM Set to: Minor Releases: Major Releases:
// 0 download no prompt download no prompt
// 1 download no prompt download no prompt if no incompatibilities
// 2 download no prompt prompt
// See chart in nsUpdateService.js.in for more details
pref("app.update.mode", 2);
// If set to true, the Update Service will present no UI for any event.
pref("app.update.silent", false);
// URL user can browse to manually if for some reason all update installation
// attempts fail.
pref("app.update.url.manual", "https://www.zotero.org/download");
// A default value for the "More information about this update" link
// supplied in the "An update is available" page of the update wizard.
pref("app.update.url.details", "https://www.zotero.org/support/changelog");
// User-settable override to app.update.url for testing purposes.
//pref("app.update.url.override", "");
// Interval: Time between checks for a new version (in seconds)
// default=1 day
pref("app.update.interval", 86400);
// Interval: Time before prompting the user to download a new version that
// is available (in seconds) default=1 day
pref("app.update.nagTimer.download", 86400);
// Interval: Time before prompting the user to restart to install the latest
// download (in seconds) default=30 minutes
pref("app.update.nagTimer.restart", 1800);
// The minimum delay in seconds for the timer to fire.
// default=2 minutes
pref("app.update.timerMinimumDelay", 120);
// Whether or not we show a dialog box informing the user that the update was
// successfully applied. This is off in Firefox by default since we show a
// upgrade start page instead! Other apps may wish to show this UI, and supply
// a whatsNewURL field in their brand.properties that contains a link to a page
// which tells users what's new in this new update.
// This needs to be disabled since it makes us error out on update for some
// unknown reason
pref("app.update.showInstalledUI", false);
// 0 = suppress prompting for incompatibilities if there are updates available
// to newer versions of installed addons that resolve them.
// 1 = suppress prompting for incompatibilities only if there are VersionInfo
// updates available to installed addons that resolve them, not newer
// versions.
pref("app.update.incompatible.mode", 0);
// update channel for this build
pref("app.update.channel", "default");
// This should probably not be a preference that's used in toolkit....
pref("browser.preferences.instantApply", false);
// Allow elements to be displayed full-screen
pref("full-screen-api.enabled", true);
// Allow chrome access in DevTools
// This enables the input field in the Browser Console tool
pref("devtools.chrome.enabled", true);
// Default mousewheel action with Alt/Option is History Back/Forward in Firefox
// We don't have History navigation and users want to scroll the tree with Option
// key held down
pref("mousewheel.with_alt.action", 1);
// Use the system print dialog instead of the new tab-based print dialog in Firefox
pref("print.prefer_system_dialog", true);