- shift enter on a creator row will add a new empty creator row after focused row. If shift-Enter is on the last creator before "More creators", all creators will be rendered. - fixed encountered glitch where switching the mode of creator would not always update the pref, so next time a new creator row is added, it would not be of correct mode. - fixed encountered bug where a newly added creator row could receive an index of an existing creator that is not rendered ( "More creators" label is displayed). In that case, saving such creator would override an existing creator and erasing that creator would remove invisible creators. - added a few tests for these edge cases - on shift-enter in unsaved creator row that only has whitespace, do nothing, the focus will stay in that row. It will be discarded if the focus leaves it with nothing but whitespace. - fix focus getting lost on shift-enter on an edited creator field after adding just some whitespace. Fixes: #4393 Fixes: #4710
1688 lines
59 KiB
1688 lines
59 KiB
describe("Item pane", function () {
var win, doc, ZoteroPane, Zotero_Tabs, ZoteroContextPane, itemsView;
async function waitForPreviewBoxRender(box) {
let res = await waitForCallback(
() => box._asyncRenderItemID && !box._asyncRendering,
100, 3);
if (res instanceof Error) {
throw res;
return true;
async function waitForPreviewBoxReader(box, itemID) {
let preview = await getBoxPreview(box);
if (!preview) return false;
await waitForPreviewBoxRender(box);
let res = await waitForCallback(
() => preview._reader?.itemID == itemID
&& !preview._isProcessingTask && !preview._lastTask
, 100, 3);
if (res instanceof Error) {
throw res;
await preview._reader._initPromise;
return true;
async function isPreviewDisplayed(box) {
let preview = await getBoxPreview(box);
if (!preview) return false;
return !!(preview.hasPreview
&& win.getComputedStyle(preview).display !== "none");
async function getBoxPreview(box) {
try {
// Since we are lazy loading the preview, should wait for the preview to be initialized
await waitForCallback(
() => !!box._preview
, 10, 0.5);
catch (e) {
// Return false if waitForCallback fails
return false;
return box._preview;
before(function* () {
win = yield loadZoteroPane();
doc = win.document;
ZoteroPane = win.ZoteroPane;
Zotero_Tabs = win.Zotero_Tabs;
ZoteroContextPane = win.ZoteroContextPane;
itemsView = win.ZoteroPane.itemsView;
after(function () {
describe("Item pane header", function () {
let itemData = {
itemType: 'book',
title: 'Birds - A Primer of Ornithology (Teach Yourself Books)',
creators: [{
creatorType: 'author',
lastName: 'Hyde',
firstName: 'George E.'
before(async function () {
await Zotero.Styles.init();
after(function () {
it("should be hidden when set to None mode", async function () {
Zotero.Prefs.set('itemPaneHeader', 'none');
await createDataObject('item', itemData);
assert.equal(doc.querySelector('item-pane-header').clientHeight, 0);
it("should show custom header elements when set to None mode", async function () {
Zotero.Prefs.set('itemPaneHeader', 'none');
// Use feed item toggle button as an example
let feed = await createFeed();
await selectLibrary(win, feed.libraryID);
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
var item = await createDataObject('feedItem', { libraryID: feed.libraryID });
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(item.id);
let feedButton = ZoteroPane.itemPane._itemDetails.querySelector('.feed-item-toggleRead-button');
await selectLibrary(win);
it("should show title when set to Title mode", async function () {
Zotero.Prefs.set('itemPaneHeader', 'title');
let item = await createDataObject('item', itemData);
assert.isFalse(doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .title').hidden);
assert.isTrue(doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .creator-year').hidden);
assert.isTrue(doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .bib-entry').hidden);
assert.equal(doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .title editable-text').value, item.getField('title'));
it("should show title/creator/year when set to Title/Creator/Year mode", async function () {
Zotero.Prefs.set('itemPaneHeader', 'titleCreatorYear');
let item = await createDataObject('item', itemData);
item.setField('date', '1962-05-01');
await item.saveTx();
assert.isTrue(doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .bib-entry').hidden);
assert.isFalse(doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .title').hidden);
assert.isFalse(doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .creator-year').hidden);
assert.equal(doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .title editable-text').value, item.getField('title'));
let creatorYearText = doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .creator-year').textContent;
assert.include(creatorYearText, 'Hyde');
assert.include(creatorYearText, '1962');
it("should show bib entry when set to Bibliography Entry mode", async function () {
Zotero.Prefs.set('itemPaneHeader', 'bibEntry');
Zotero.Prefs.set('itemPaneHeader.bibEntry.style', 'http://www.zotero.org/styles/apa');
await createDataObject('item', itemData);
assert.isFalse(doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .bib-entry').hidden);
assert.isTrue(doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .title').hidden);
assert.isTrue(doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .creator-year').hidden);
let bibEntry = doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .bib-entry').shadowRoot.firstElementChild.textContent;
assert.equal(bibEntry.trim(), 'Hyde, G. E. (n.d.). Birds—A Primer of Ornithology (Teach Yourself Books).');
it("should update bib entry on item change when set to Bibliography Entry mode", async function () {
Zotero.Prefs.set('itemPaneHeader', 'bibEntry');
Zotero.Prefs.set('itemPaneHeader.bibEntry.style', 'http://www.zotero.org/styles/apa');
let item = await createDataObject('item', itemData);
let bibEntryElem = doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .bib-entry').shadowRoot.firstElementChild;
assert.equal(bibEntryElem.textContent.trim(), 'Hyde, G. E. (n.d.). Birds—A Primer of Ornithology (Teach Yourself Books).');
item.setField('date', '1962-05-01');
await item.saveTx();
assert.equal(bibEntryElem.textContent.trim(), 'Hyde, G. E. (1962). Birds—A Primer of Ornithology (Teach Yourself Books).');
creatorType: 'author',
lastName: 'Smith',
firstName: 'John'
await item.saveTx();
assert.equal(bibEntryElem.textContent.trim(), 'Smith, J. (1962). Birds—A Primer of Ornithology (Teach Yourself Books).');
item.setField('title', 'Birds');
await item.saveTx();
assert.equal(bibEntryElem.textContent.trim(), 'Smith, J. (1962). Birds.');
it("should update bib entry on style change when set to Bibliography Entry mode", async function () {
Zotero.Prefs.set('itemPaneHeader', 'bibEntry');
Zotero.Prefs.set('itemPaneHeader.bibEntry.style', 'http://www.zotero.org/styles/apa');
await createDataObject('item', itemData);
let bibEntryElem = doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .bib-entry').shadowRoot.firstElementChild;
assert.equal(bibEntryElem.textContent.trim(), 'Hyde, G. E. (n.d.). Birds—A Primer of Ornithology (Teach Yourself Books).');
Zotero.Prefs.set('itemPaneHeader.bibEntry.style', 'http://www.zotero.org/styles/chicago-author-date');
assert.equal(bibEntryElem.textContent.trim(), 'Hyde, George E. n.d. Birds - A Primer of Ornithology (Teach Yourself Books).');
it("should update bib entry on locale change when set to Bibliography Entry mode", async function () {
Zotero.Prefs.set('itemPaneHeader', 'bibEntry');
Zotero.Prefs.set('itemPaneHeader.bibEntry.style', 'http://www.zotero.org/styles/apa');
await createDataObject('item', itemData);
let bibEntryElem = doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .bib-entry').shadowRoot.firstElementChild;
assert.equal(bibEntryElem.textContent.trim(), 'Hyde, G. E. (n.d.). Birds—A Primer of Ornithology (Teach Yourself Books).');
Zotero.Prefs.set('itemPaneHeader.bibEntry.locale', 'de-DE');
assert.equal(bibEntryElem.textContent.trim(), 'Hyde, G. E. (o. J.). Birds—A Primer of Ornithology (Teach Yourself Books).');
it("should fall back to Title/Creator/Year when citation style is missing", async function () {
Zotero.Prefs.set('itemPaneHeader', 'bibEntry');
Zotero.Prefs.set('itemPaneHeader.bibEntry.style', 'http://www.zotero.org/styles/an-id-that-does-not-match-any-citation-style');
await createDataObject('item', itemData);
assert.isTrue(doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .bib-entry').hidden);
assert.isFalse(doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .title').hidden);
assert.isFalse(doc.querySelector('item-pane-header .creator-year').hidden);
describe("Info pane", function () {
before(async () => {
if (!doc.hasFocus()) {
// editable-text behavior relies on focus, so we first need to bring the window to the front.
// Not required on all platforms. In some cases (e.g. Linux), the window is at the front from the start.
let win = Zotero.getMainWindow();
let activatePromise = new Promise(
resolve => win.addEventListener('activate', resolve, { once: true })
await activatePromise;
it("should place Title after Item Type and before creators", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item');
var itemPane = win.ZoteroPane.itemPane;
var fields = [...itemPane.querySelectorAll('.meta-label')]
.map(x => x.getAttribute('fieldname'));
assert.equal(fields[0], 'itemType');
assert.equal(fields[1], 'title');
it("should refresh on item update", function* () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
var id = yield item.saveTx();
var itemBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-item-box');
var label = itemBox.querySelectorAll('[fieldname="series"]')[1];
assert.equal(label.value, '');
item.setField('series', 'Test');
yield item.saveTx();
label = itemBox.querySelectorAll('[fieldname="series"]')[1];
assert.equal(label.value, 'Test');
yield Zotero.Items.erase(id);
it("should swap creator names", async function () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
firstName: "First",
lastName: "Last",
creatorType: "author"
await item.saveTx();
var itemBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-item-box');
var lastName = itemBox.querySelector('#itembox-field-value-creator-0-lastName');
var parent = lastName.closest(".creator-type-value");
assert.property(parent, 'oncontextmenu');
var menupopup = itemBox.querySelector('#zotero-creator-transform-menu');
// Fake a right-click
doc.popupNode = parent;
parent, "after_start", 0, 0, true, false, new MouseEvent('click', { button: 2 })
var menuitem = menupopup.getElementsByTagName('menuitem')[0];
await waitForItemEvent('modify');
var creator = item.getCreators()[0];
assert.propertyVal(creator, 'firstName', 'Last');
assert.propertyVal(creator, 'lastName', 'First');
it("shouldn't show Swap Names option for single-field mode", async function () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
name: "Name",
creatorType: "author"
await item.saveTx();
var itemBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-item-box');
var label = itemBox.querySelector('#itembox-field-value-creator-0-lastName');
var firstlast = label.closest('.creator-type-value');
firstlast.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('contextmenu', { bubbles: true, button: 2 }));
var menuitem = doc.getElementById('creator-transform-swap-names');
it("should reorder creators", async function () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
lastName: "One",
creatorType: "author"
lastName: "Two",
creatorType: "author"
lastName: "Three",
creatorType: "author"
await item.saveTx();
var itemBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-item-box');
// Move One to the last spot
itemBox.moveCreator(0, null, 3);
await waitForItemEvent('modify');
let thirdLastName = itemBox.querySelector("[fieldname='creator-2-lastName']").value;
assert.equal(thirdLastName, "One");
// Move One to the second spot
itemBox.moveCreator(2, null, 1);
await waitForItemEvent('modify');
let secondLastname = itemBox.querySelector("[fieldname='creator-1-lastName']").value;
assert.equal(secondLastname, "One");
// Move Two down
itemBox.moveCreator(0, 'down');
await waitForItemEvent('modify');
secondLastname = itemBox.querySelector("[fieldname='creator-1-lastName']").value;
let firstLastName = itemBox.querySelector("[fieldname='creator-0-lastName']").value;
assert.equal(secondLastname, "Two");
assert.equal(firstLastName, "One");
// Move Three up
itemBox.moveCreator(2, 'up');
await waitForItemEvent('modify');
secondLastname = itemBox.querySelector("[fieldname='creator-1-lastName']").value;
thirdLastName = itemBox.querySelector("[fieldname='creator-2-lastName']").value;
assert.equal(secondLastname, "Three");
assert.equal(thirdLastName, "Two");
// Note: This issue applies to all context menus in the item box (text transform, name swap),
// though the others aren't tested. This might go away with the XUL->HTML transition.
it.skip("should save open field after changing creator type", function* () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
firstName: "First",
lastName: "Last",
creatorType: "author"
var id = yield item.saveTx();
var itemBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-item-box');
var label = itemBox.querySelector('[fieldname="place"]');
var textbox = itemBox.querySelector('[fieldname="place"]');
textbox.value = "Place";
var menuLabel = itemBox.querySelector('[fieldname="creator-0-typeID"]');
var menupopup = itemBox._creatorTypeMenu;
var menuItems = menupopup.getElementsByTagName('menuitem');
yield waitForItemEvent('modify');
assert.equal(item.getField('place'), 'Place');
assert.equal(Zotero.CreatorTypes.getName(item.getCreators()[0].creatorTypeID), 'contributor');
// Wait for no-op saveTx()
yield Zotero.Promise.delay(1);
it("should accept 'now' for Accessed", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item');
var itemBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-item-box');
var textbox = itemBox.querySelector('[fieldname="accessDate"]');
textbox.value = 'now';
// Blur events don't necessarily trigger if window doesn't have focus
await waitForItemEvent('modify');
Zotero.Date.sqlToDate(item.getField('accessDate'), true).getTime(),
it("should persist fieldMode after hiding a creator name editor", async function () {
let item = new Zotero.Item('book');
name: "First Last",
creatorType: "author",
fieldMode: 1
await item.saveTx();
let itemBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-item-box');
it("should add a new empty creator row on shift-Enter", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item');
lastName: "One",
creatorType: "author"
lastName: "Two",
creatorType: "author"
lastName: "Three",
creatorType: "author"
let promise = waitForItemEvent('modify');
await promise;
var itemBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-item-box');
let creatorLastName = itemBox.querySelector(".creator-type-value editable-text");
// Dispatch shift-Enter event
var shiftEnter = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
key: "Enter",
shiftKey: true,
bubbles: true
// Wait a moment for new row to be added
await Zotero.Promise.delay();
// Make sure an unsaved empty creator row is focused
// Make sure it is added after the existing row
let { position } = itemBox.getCreatorFields(doc.activeElement.closest(".meta-row"));
assert.equal(position, 1);
it("should do nothing on shift-Enter in an empty unsaved row", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item');
lastName: "One",
creatorType: "author"
let promise = waitForItemEvent('modify');
await promise;
var itemBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-item-box');
let creatorLastName = itemBox.querySelector(".creator-type-value editable-text");
// Dispatch shift-Enter event
var shiftEnter = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
key: "Enter",
shiftKey: true,
bubbles: true
// Wait a moment for new row to be added
await Zotero.Promise.delay();
// Make sure an unsaved empty creator row is focused
// Mark current creator input
doc.activeElement.id = "test_creator_row";
// Field with just space should be treated as empty
doc.activeElement.value = " ";
// Dispatch shift-Enter event again
// Make sure we're still on the same field
await Zotero.Promise.delay();
assert.equal(doc.activeElement.id, "test_creator_row");
it("should display all creators on shift-Enter on last visible creator", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item');
const creatorsCount = 10;
let creatorsArr = [];
let i = 0;
// Add many creators so that some of them are not rendered
while (i < creatorsCount) {
i += 1;
creatorsArr.push({ lastName: "Creator " + i, creatorType: "author" });
await waitForItemEvent('modify');
var itemBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-item-box');
let moreCreatorsLabel = itemBox.querySelector("#more-creators-label");
let lastVisibleCreator = moreCreatorsLabel.closest(".meta-row").previousElementSibling;
let lastVisibleCreatorsPosition = itemBox.getCreatorFields(lastVisibleCreator).position;
// Dispatch shift-Enter on the last visible creator row
let creatorLastName = lastVisibleCreator.querySelector("editable-text");
var shiftEnter = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
key: "Enter",
shiftKey: true,
bubbles: true
await Zotero.Promise.delay();
// Make sure a new creator row is focused
// Make sure it is located after the last focused row
let { position } = itemBox.getCreatorFields(doc.activeElement.closest(".meta-row"));
assert.equal(position, lastVisibleCreatorsPosition + 1);
// Make sure all other creator rows were rendered
let creators = [...itemBox.querySelectorAll(".creator-type-value")];
assert.equal(creators.length, creatorsCount + 1);
it("should not delete invisible creators on Escape on unsaved creator", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item');
const creatorsCount = 10;
let creatorsArr = [];
let i = 0;
// Add many creators so that some of them are not rendered
while (i < creatorsCount) {
i += 1;
creatorsArr.push({ lastName: "Creator " + i, creatorType: "author" });
await waitForItemEvent('modify');
var itemBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-item-box');
// Add a new empty creator row
await Zotero.Promise.delay();
// Press Escape
var escape = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
key: "Escape",
bubbles: true
await Zotero.Promise.delay();
// Make sure the creator count has not changed and "More creators" label is still there
let creators = [...itemBox.querySelectorAll(".creator-type-value")];
assert.equal(creators.length, itemBox._initialVisibleCreators);
assert.equal(item.numCreators(), creatorsCount);
it("should switch creator type and update pref", async function () {
let item = await createDataObject('item');
name: "First Last",
creatorType: "author",
fieldMode: 1
// Begin with 'single' creator mode
Zotero.Prefs.set('lastCreatorFieldMode', 1);
let modifyPromise = waitForItemEvent('modify');
await modifyPromise;
var itemBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-editpane-item-box');
// Click on the button to switch type to dual
let switchTypeBtn = itemBox.querySelector(".zotero-clicky-switch-type");
assert.equal(switchTypeBtn.getAttribute("type"), "single");
modifyPromise = waitForItemEvent('modify');
await modifyPromise;
// Make sure the button was updated and the names are displayed in two separate fields
switchTypeBtn = itemBox.querySelector(".zotero-clicky-switch-type");
assert.equal(switchTypeBtn.getAttribute("type"), "dual");
let [lastName, firstName] = [...itemBox.querySelectorAll(".creator-name-box editable-text")];
assert.equal(lastName.value, "Last");
assert.equal(firstName.value, "First");
assert.equal(Zotero.Prefs.get('lastCreatorFieldMode'), '0');
// Make sure if a new row is added, it is of type dual
await Zotero.Promise.delay();
let newCreatorRow = doc.activeElement.closest(".meta-row");
let fieldMode = newCreatorRow.querySelector("editable-text").getAttribute("fieldMode");
assert.equal(fieldMode, "0");
describe("Libraries and collections pane", function () {
var item, collectionParent, collectionChild, section;
// Fresh setup of an item belonging to 2 collections - parent and child - for each test
beforeEach(async function () {
collectionParent = await createDataObject('collection');
collectionChild = await createDataObject('collection', { parentID: collectionParent.id });
item = await createDataObject('item', { collections: [collectionParent.id, collectionChild.id] });
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(item.id);
section = ZoteroPane.itemPane._itemDetails.getPane("libraries-collections");
it("should update collection's name after rename", async function () {
collectionChild.name = "Updated collection name";
await waitForNotifierEvent('modify', 'collection');
let collectionRow = section.querySelector(`.row[data-id="C${collectionChild.id}"]`);
assert.equal(collectionRow.innerText, collectionChild.name);
it("should remove collection that has been trashed", async function () {
collectionChild.deleted = true;
await waitForNotifierEvent('trash', 'collection');
let rowIDs = [...section.querySelectorAll(".row")].map(node => node.dataset.id);
assert.deepEqual(rowIDs, [`L${item.libraryID}`, `C${collectionParent.id}`]);
it("should bring back collection restored from trash", async function () {
collectionChild.deleted = true;
await waitForNotifierEvent('trash', 'collection');
// Make sure the collection is actually gone
let rowIDs = [...section.querySelectorAll(".row")].map(node => node.dataset.id);
assert.deepEqual(rowIDs, [`L${item.libraryID}`, `C${collectionParent.id}`]);
// Restore the collection from trash
collectionChild.deleted = false;
await waitForNotifierEvent('modify', 'collection');
// The collection row should appear again
rowIDs = [...section.querySelectorAll(".row")].map(node => node.dataset.id);
assert.deepEqual(rowIDs, [`L${item.libraryID}`, `C${collectionParent.id}`, `C${collectionChild.id}`]);
describe("Attachments pane", function () {
let paneID = "attachments";
beforeEach(function () {
Zotero.Prefs.set("panes.attachments.open", true);
Zotero.Prefs.set("showAttachmentPreview", true);
afterEach(function () {
it("should show attachments pane in library for regular item", async function () {
// Regular item: show
let attachmentsBox = ZoteroPane.itemPane._itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
let item = new Zotero.Item('book');
await item.saveTx();
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(item.id);
// Child attachment: hide
let file = getTestDataDirectory();
let attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: item.id
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(attachment.id);
// Standalone attachment: hide
let attachment1 = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf');
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(attachment1.id);
it("should not show attachments pane preview in reader best-matched attachment item", async function () {
let item = new Zotero.Item('book');
let file = getTestDataDirectory();
await item.saveTx();
let attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: item.id
await ZoteroPane.viewItems([attachment]);
let tabID = Zotero_Tabs.selectedID;
ZoteroContextPane.splitter.setAttribute("state", "open");
let itemDetails = ZoteroContextPane.context._getItemContext(tabID);
let attachmentsBox = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
await waitForScrollToPane(itemDetails, paneID);
assert.isFalse(await isPreviewDisplayed(attachmentsBox));
it("should not show attachments pane in reader standalone attachment item", async function () {
let attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf');
await ZoteroPane.viewItems([attachment]);
let tabID = Zotero_Tabs.selectedID;
let itemDetails = ZoteroContextPane.context._getItemContext(tabID);
let attachmentsBox = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
it("should show attachments pane preview in reader non-best-matched attachment item", async function () {
let item = new Zotero.Item('book');
let file = getTestDataDirectory();
await item.saveTx();
await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: item.id
await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: item.id
let bestAttachments = await item.getBestAttachments();
await ZoteroPane.viewItems([bestAttachments[1]]);
// Ensure context pane is open
ZoteroContextPane.splitter.setAttribute("state", "open");
await waitForFrame();
let tabID = Zotero_Tabs.selectedID;
let itemDetails = ZoteroContextPane.context._getItemContext(tabID);
let attachmentsBox = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
await waitForScrollToPane(itemDetails, paneID);
await waitForPreviewBoxRender(attachmentsBox);
assert.isTrue(await isPreviewDisplayed(attachmentsBox));
it("should not render attachments pane preview when show preview is disabled", async function () {
Zotero.Prefs.set("showAttachmentPreview", false);
let itemDetails = ZoteroPane.itemPane._itemDetails;
let attachmentsBox = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
let item = new Zotero.Item('book');
await item.saveTx();
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(item.id);
await waitForScrollToPane(itemDetails, paneID);
assert.isFalse(await isPreviewDisplayed(attachmentsBox));
it("should only render after attachments pane becomes visible", async function () {
// Resize to very small height to ensure the attachment box is not in view
let height = doc.documentElement.clientHeight;
win.resizeTo(null, 100);
let itemDetails = ZoteroPane.itemPane._itemDetails;
let attachmentsBox = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
let preview = attachmentsBox.previewElem;
// Force discard previous preview
await preview.discard(true);
let item = new Zotero.Item('book');
await item.saveTx();
let file = getTestDataDirectory();
await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: item.id
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(item.id);
// Do not use _isAlreadyRendered, since that changes the render flag state
assert.equal(attachmentsBox._syncRenderItemID, item.id);
assert.notEqual(attachmentsBox._asyncRenderItemID, item.id);
assert.isFalse(await isPreviewDisplayed(attachmentsBox));
await waitForScrollToPane(itemDetails, paneID);
await waitForPreviewBoxRender(attachmentsBox);
// TEMP: wait for a bit to ensure the preview is rendered?
await Zotero.Promise.delay(100);
assert.equal(attachmentsBox._syncRenderItemID, item.id);
assert.equal(attachmentsBox._asyncRenderItemID, item.id);
assert.isTrue(await isPreviewDisplayed(attachmentsBox));
win.resizeTo(null, height);
it("should update attachments pane when attachments changed", async function () {
// https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/113632/zotero-7-beta-pdf-attachment-preview-and-annotations-not-refreshed-after-adding-annotations
let itemDetails = ZoteroPane.itemPane._itemDetails;
let attachmentsBox = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
let preview = attachmentsBox.previewElem;
// Force discard previous preview
await preview.discard(true);
// Pin the pane to ensure it's rendered
itemDetails.pinnedPane = paneID;
let item = new Zotero.Item('book');
await item.saveTx();
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(item.id);
assert.isTrue(await waitForPreviewBoxRender(attachmentsBox));
// No preview
assert.isFalse(await isPreviewDisplayed(attachmentsBox));
// No row
assert.equal(attachmentsBox.querySelectorAll("attachment-row").length, 0);
// Add an attachment
let file = getTestDataDirectory();
let _attachment1 = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: item.id
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(item.id);
await itemDetails._renderPromise;
await waitForPreviewBoxRender(attachmentsBox);
// Image preview for item with image attachment
assert.isTrue(await isPreviewDisplayed(attachmentsBox));
assert.equal(preview.previewType, "image");
// 1 row
assert.equal(attachmentsBox.querySelectorAll("attachment-row").length, 1);
// Add an PDF attachment, which will be best match and update the preview
file = getTestDataDirectory();
let attachment2 = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: item.id
await waitForPreviewBoxReader(attachmentsBox, attachment2.id);
await Zotero.Promise.delay(100);
// PDF preview
assert.isTrue(await isPreviewDisplayed(attachmentsBox));
assert.equal(preview.previewType, "pdf");
// 2 rows
assert.equal(attachmentsBox.querySelectorAll("attachment-row").length, 2);
// Simulate an extra 'add' event on the attachment - still 2 rows
attachmentsBox.notify('add', 'item', [attachment2.id]);
assert.equal(attachmentsBox.querySelectorAll("attachment-row").length, 2);
// Created annotations should be update in preview and attachment row
let annotation = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment2);
await Zotero.Promise.delay(100);
// Annotation updated in preview reader
let readerAnnotation
= preview._reader._internalReader._annotationManager._annotations.find(
a => a.libraryID === annotation.libraryID && a.id === annotation.key
assert.equal(attachmentsBox.querySelectorAll("attachment-row").length, 2);
let attachmentRow = attachmentsBox.querySelector(`attachment-row[attachment-id="${attachment2.id}"]`);
// 1 annotation
assert.equal(attachmentRow._annotationButton.querySelector('.label').textContent, "1");
// Deleted annotations should be removed from preview and attachment row
await annotation.eraseTx();
await Zotero.Promise.delay(100);
// Annotation removed from preview reader
= preview._reader._internalReader._annotationManager._annotations.find(
a => a.libraryID === annotation.libraryID && a.id === annotation.key
// Row might be recreated
attachmentRow = attachmentsBox.querySelector(`attachment-row[attachment-id="${attachment2.id}"]`);
// 0 annotation
assert.equal(attachmentRow._annotationButton.querySelector('.label').textContent, "0");
// Delete attachment
await attachment2.eraseTx();
await Zotero.Promise.delay(100);
// Image preview for item with image attachment
assert.isTrue(await isPreviewDisplayed(attachmentsBox));
assert.equal(preview.previewType, "image");
// 1 row
assert.equal(attachmentsBox.querySelectorAll("attachment-row").length, 1);
// The corresponding row should be removed
attachmentRow = attachmentsBox.querySelector(`attachment-row[attachment-id="${attachment2.id}"]`);
// Unpin
itemDetails.pinnedPane = "";
it("should keep attachments pane preview status after switching tab", async function () {
// https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/113658/zotero-7-beta-preview-appearing-in-the-item-pane-of-the-pdf-tab
let item = new Zotero.Item('book');
let file = getTestDataDirectory();
await item.saveTx();
let attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: item.id
// Open reader
await ZoteroPane.viewItems([attachment]);
let tabID = Zotero_Tabs.selectedID;
await Zotero.Reader.getByTabID(tabID)._waitForReader();
// Ensure context pane is open
ZoteroContextPane.splitter.setAttribute("state", "open");
await waitForFrame();
let itemDetails = ZoteroContextPane.context._getItemContext(tabID);
let attachmentsBox = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
await waitForScrollToPane(itemDetails, paneID);
assert.isFalse(await isPreviewDisplayed(attachmentsBox));
// Select library tab
let libraryItemDetails = ZoteroPane.itemPane._itemDetails;
let libraryAttachmentsBox = libraryItemDetails.getPane(paneID);
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(item.id);
await waitForScrollToPane(libraryItemDetails, paneID);
// Collapse section
libraryAttachmentsBox.querySelector('collapsible-section > .head').click();
await Zotero.Promise.delay(50);
// Open section
libraryAttachmentsBox.querySelector('collapsible-section > .head').click();
await Zotero.Promise.delay(50);
// Select reader tab
// Make sure the preview status is not changed in reader
assert.isFalse(await isPreviewDisplayed(attachmentsBox));
* This test is essential to ensure the proper functioning of the sync/async rendering,
* scrolling handler, and pinning mechanism of ItemDetails.
* AttachmentsBox serves as a good example since it involves both sync and async rendering.
* If this test fails, it is not recommended to add timeouts as a quick fix.
it("should keep attachments pane status after changing selection", async function () {
let itemDetails = ZoteroPane.itemPane._itemDetails;
let attachmentsBox = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
let preview = attachmentsBox.previewElem;
// Pin the pane to avoid always scrolling to the section
itemDetails.pinnedPane = paneID;
// item with attachment (1 annotation)
let item1 = new Zotero.Item('book');
await item1.saveTx();
let file = getTestDataDirectory();
let attachment1 = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: item1.id
let annotation = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment1);
await itemDetails._renderPromise;
await waitForPreviewBoxReader(attachmentsBox, attachment1.id);
let readerAnnotation
= preview._reader._internalReader._annotationManager._annotations.find(
a => a.libraryID === annotation.libraryID && a.id === annotation.key
assert.equal(attachmentsBox.querySelectorAll("attachment-row").length, 1);
let attachmentRow = attachmentsBox.querySelector(`attachment-row[attachment-id="${attachment1.id}"]`);
// 1 annotation
assert.equal(attachmentRow._annotationButton.querySelector('.label').textContent, "1");
// item with attachment (no annotation)
let item2 = new Zotero.Item('book');
await item2.saveTx();
file = getTestDataDirectory();
let attachment2 = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: item2.id
// Select item with attachment (no annotation)
await itemDetails._renderPromise;
await waitForPreviewBoxReader(attachmentsBox, attachment2.id);
= preview._reader._internalReader._annotationManager._annotations.find(
a => a.libraryID === annotation.libraryID && a.id === annotation.key
assert.equal(attachmentsBox.querySelectorAll("attachment-row").length, 1);
attachmentRow = attachmentsBox.querySelector(`attachment-row[attachment-id="${attachment2.id}"]`);
// 0 annotation
assert.equal(attachmentRow._annotationButton.querySelector('.label').textContent, "0");
let item3 = new Zotero.Item('book');
await item3.saveTx();
// Select item without attachment
await itemDetails._renderPromise;
assert.equal(attachmentsBox.querySelectorAll("attachment-row").length, 0);
// Again, select item with attachment (1 annotation)
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(item1.id);
await itemDetails._renderPromise;
await waitForPreviewBoxReader(attachmentsBox, attachment1.id);
= preview._reader._internalReader._annotationManager._annotations.find(
a => a.libraryID === annotation.libraryID && a.id === annotation.key
assert.equal(attachmentsBox.querySelectorAll("attachment-row").length, 1);
attachmentRow = attachmentsBox.querySelector(`attachment-row[attachment-id="${attachment1.id}"]`);
// 1 annotation
assert.equal(attachmentRow._annotationButton.querySelector('.label').textContent, "1");
// Unpin
itemDetails.pinnedPane = "";
it("should open attachment on clicking attachment row", async function () {
let itemDetails = ZoteroPane.itemPane._itemDetails;
let attachmentsBox = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
let item = new Zotero.Item('book');
await item.saveTx();
let file = getTestDataDirectory();
let attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: item.id
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(item.id);
await waitForScrollToPane(itemDetails, paneID);
await waitForPreviewBoxRender(attachmentsBox);
let attachmentRow = attachmentsBox.querySelector(`attachment-row[attachment-id="${attachment.id}"]`);
await Zotero.Promise.delay(100);
let reader = await Zotero.Reader.getByTabID(Zotero_Tabs.selectedID);
// Should open attachment
assert.equal(reader.itemID, attachment.id);
it("should select attachment on clicking annotation button of attachment row", async function () {
let itemDetails = ZoteroPane.itemPane._itemDetails;
let attachmentsBox = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
let item = new Zotero.Item('book');
await item.saveTx();
let file = getTestDataDirectory();
let attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: item.id
let _annotation = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment);
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(item.id);
await waitForScrollToPane(itemDetails, paneID);
await waitForPreviewBoxRender(attachmentsBox);
let attachmentRow = attachmentsBox.querySelector(`attachment-row[attachment-id="${attachment.id}"]`);
await Zotero.Promise.delay(100);
// Should select attachment
assert.equal(ZoteroPane.getSelectedItems(true)[0], attachment.id);
it("should open attachment on double-clicking attachments pane preview", async function () {
let itemDetails = ZoteroPane.itemPane._itemDetails;
let attachmentsBox = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
let preview = attachmentsBox.previewElem;
let item = new Zotero.Item('book');
await item.saveTx();
let file = getTestDataDirectory();
let attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: item.id
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(item.id);
await waitForScrollToPane(itemDetails, paneID);
await waitForPreviewBoxRender(attachmentsBox);
let event = new MouseEvent('dblclick', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
view: window
await Zotero.Promise.delay(100);
let reader = await Zotero.Reader.getByTabID(Zotero_Tabs.selectedID);
// Should open attachment
assert.equal(reader.itemID, attachment.id);
it("should render preview robustly after making dense calls to render and discard", async function () {
let itemDetails = ZoteroPane.itemPane._itemDetails;
let attachmentsBox = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
let preview = attachmentsBox.previewElem;
// Pin the pane to avoid always scrolling to the section
itemDetails.pinnedPane = paneID;
// item with attachment
let item1 = new Zotero.Item('book');
await item1.saveTx();
let file1 = getTestDataDirectory();
let attachment1 = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
file: file1,
parentItemID: item1.id
let item2 = new Zotero.Item('book');
await item2.saveTx();
let file2 = getTestDataDirectory();
let attachment2 = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
file: file2,
parentItemID: item2.id
let selectionMap = [item1.id, item2.id];
// Repeat render/discard multiple times
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(selectionMap[i % 2]);
// No await, since the render/discard may be triggered at any time in actual usage
// Wait for the last render/discard task to finish
await waitForCallback(() => !preview._isRendering && !preview._isDiscarding
&& !preview._isProcessingTask && !preview._isWaitingForTask
&& !preview._lastTask);
// Should be able to render the correct preview
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(item1.id);
await waitForPreviewBoxReader(attachmentsBox, attachment1.id);
assert.isTrue(await isPreviewDisplayed(attachmentsBox));
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(item2.id);
await waitForPreviewBoxReader(attachmentsBox, attachment2.id);
assert.isTrue(await isPreviewDisplayed(attachmentsBox));
itemDetails.pinnedPane = "";
it("should not load preview iframe before becoming visible", async function () {
let itemDetails = ZoteroPane.itemPane._itemDetails;
let attachmentsBox = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
// Resize to very small height to ensure the attachment box is not in view
let height = doc.documentElement.clientHeight;
win.resizeTo(null, 100);
// Remove any existing preview to ensure the test is valid
attachmentsBox._preview = null;
let item = await createDataObject('item');
await importFileAttachment('test.pdf', { parentID: item.id });
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(item.id);
await waitForScrollToPane(itemDetails, paneID);
await waitForPreviewBoxRender(attachmentsBox);
assert.exists(await getBoxPreview(attachmentsBox));
win.resizeTo(null, height);
it("should discard attachments pane preview after becoming invisible", async function () {
let itemDetails = ZoteroPane.itemPane._itemDetails;
let attachmentsBox = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
// Resize to very small height to ensure the attachment box is not in view
let height = doc.documentElement.clientHeight;
win.resizeTo(null, 100);
const discardTimeout = 50;
// Temporarily set discard timeout to 100ms for testing
let currentDiscardTimeout = attachmentsBox._discardPreviewTimeout;
attachmentsBox._discardPreviewTimeout = discardTimeout;
let item = await createDataObject('item');
await importFileAttachment('test.pdf', { parentID: item.id });
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(item.id);
await waitForScrollToPane(itemDetails, paneID);
await waitForPreviewBoxRender(attachmentsBox);
// Scroll the attachments pane out of view
await waitForScrollToPane(itemDetails, 'info');
// Wait a bit for the preview to be discarded
await Zotero.Promise.delay(discardTimeout + 100);
win.resizeTo(null, height);
attachmentsBox._discardPreviewTimeout = currentDiscardTimeout;
describe("Notes pane", function () {
it("should refresh on child note change", function* () {
var item;
var note1;
var note2;
yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(async function () {
item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
await item.save();
note1 = new Zotero.Item('note');
note1.parentID = item.id;
await note1.save();
note2 = new Zotero.Item('note');
note2.parentID = item.id;
await note2.save();
var body = doc.querySelector('#zotero-editpane-notes .body');
// Wait for note list to update
do {
yield Zotero.Promise.delay(1);
while (body.querySelectorAll('.row .label').length !== 2);
// Update note text
yield note2.saveTx();
// Wait for note list to update
do {
yield Zotero.Promise.delay(1);
while ([...body.querySelectorAll('.row .label')].every(label => label.textContent != 'C'));
it("should refresh on child note trash", function* () {
var item;
var note1;
var note2;
yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(async function () {
item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
await item.save();
note1 = new Zotero.Item('note');
note1.parentID = item.id;
await note1.save();
note2 = new Zotero.Item('note');
note2.parentID = item.id;
await note2.save();
var body = doc.querySelector('#zotero-editpane-notes .body');
// Wait for note list to update
do {
yield Zotero.Promise.delay(1);
while (body.querySelectorAll('.row .label').length !== 2);
// Click "-" in first note
var promise = waitForDialog();
yield promise;
// Wait for note list to update
do {
yield Zotero.Promise.delay(1);
while (body.querySelectorAll('.row .label').length !== 1);
it("should refresh on child note delete", function* () {
var item;
var note1;
var note2;
yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(async function () {
item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
await item.save();
note1 = new Zotero.Item('note');
note1.parentID = item.id;
await note1.save();
note2 = new Zotero.Item('note');
note2.parentID = item.id;
await note2.save();
var body = doc.querySelector('#zotero-editpane-notes .body');
// Wait for note list to update
do {
yield Zotero.Promise.delay(1);
while (body.querySelectorAll('.row .label').length !== 2);
yield note2.eraseTx();
// Wait for note list to update
do {
yield Zotero.Promise.delay(1);
while (body.querySelectorAll('.row .label').length !== 1);
describe("Attachment pane", function () {
let paneID = "attachment-info";
beforeEach(function () {
Zotero.Prefs.set("panes.attachment-info.open", true);
Zotero.Prefs.set("showAttachmentPreview", true);
afterEach(function () {
it("should refresh on file rename", async function () {
let file = getTestDataDirectory();
let item = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
file: file
let newName = 'test2.png';
let itemBox = doc.getElementById('zotero-attachment-box');
let label = itemBox._id('fileName');
let promise = waitForDOMAttributes(label, 'value', (newValue) => {
return newValue === newName;
await item.renameAttachmentFile(newName);
await promise;
assert.equal(label.value, newName);
it("should update on attachment title change", async function () {
let file = getTestDataDirectory();
let item = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file });
let newTitle = 'New Title';
let paneHeader = doc.getElementById('zotero-item-pane-header');
let label = paneHeader.titleField;
let promise = Promise.all([
waitForDOMAttributes(label, 'value', (newValue) => {
return newValue === newTitle;
item.setField('title', newTitle);
await item.saveTx();
await promise;
// Wait for section to finish rendering
let box = ZoteroPane.itemPane._itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
await waitForPreviewBoxRender(box);
assert.equal(label.value, newTitle);
it("should show attachment pane in library for attachment item", async function () {
// Regular item: hide
let itemDetails = ZoteroPane.itemPane._itemDetails;
let box = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
// TEMP: Force abort any pending renders
box._preview = null;
let item = new Zotero.Item('book');
await item.saveTx();
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(item.id);
await waitForScrollToPane(itemDetails, paneID);
// Child attachment: show
let file = getTestDataDirectory();
let attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: item.id
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(attachment.id);
await waitForScrollToPane(itemDetails, paneID);
await waitForPreviewBoxReader(box, attachment.id);
await Zotero.Promise.delay(100);
assert.isTrue(await isPreviewDisplayed(box));
// Standalone attachment: show
let attachment1 = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf');
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(attachment1.id);
await waitForScrollToPane(itemDetails, paneID);
await waitForPreviewBoxReader(box, attachment1.id);
await Zotero.Promise.delay(100);
assert.isTrue(await isPreviewDisplayed(box));
it("should show attachment pane without preview in reader for standalone attachment item", async function () {
// Attachment item with parent item: hide
let item = new Zotero.Item('book');
let file = getTestDataDirectory();
await item.saveTx();
let attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: item.id
await ZoteroPane.viewItems([attachment]);
let tabID = Zotero_Tabs.selectedID;
let itemDetails = ZoteroContextPane.context._getItemContext(tabID);
let box = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
// Standalone attachment item: show
attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf');
await ZoteroPane.viewItems([attachment]);
tabID = Zotero_Tabs.selectedID;
itemDetails = ZoteroContextPane.context._getItemContext(tabID);
box = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
await waitForScrollToPane(itemDetails, paneID);
// No preview
assert.isFalse(await isPreviewDisplayed(box));
it("should only show attachment note container when exists", async function () {
let itemDetails = ZoteroPane.itemPane._itemDetails;
let box = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
let noteContainer = box._id("note-container");
let noteEditor = box._id('attachment-note-editor');
// Hide note container by default
let attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf');
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(attachment.id);
await itemDetails._renderPromise;
await waitForScrollToPane(itemDetails, paneID);
await waitForPreviewBoxRender(box);
// Add attachment note
let itemModifyPromise = waitForItemEvent("modify");
await attachment.saveTx();
await itemModifyPromise;
await waitForPreviewBoxRender(box);
// Should show note container
// Should be readonly
assert.equal(noteEditor.mode, "view");
it("should discard attachment pane preview after becoming invisible", async function () {
let itemDetails = ZoteroPane.itemPane._itemDetails;
let attachmentBox = itemDetails.getPane(paneID);
const discardTimeout = 50;
// Temporarily set discard timeout to 100ms for testing
let currentDiscardTimeout = attachmentBox._discardPreviewTimeout;
attachmentBox._discardPreviewTimeout = discardTimeout;
let item = await createDataObject('item');
let attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf', { parentID: item.id });
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(attachment.id);
await waitForScrollToPane(itemDetails, paneID);
await waitForPreviewBoxRender(attachmentBox);
// Select a regular item to hide the attachment pane
await ZoteroPane.selectItem(item.id);
// Wait a bit for the preview to be discarded
await Zotero.Promise.delay(discardTimeout + 100);
attachmentBox._discardPreviewTimeout = currentDiscardTimeout;
describe("Note editor", function () {
it("should refresh on note update", function* () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('note');
var id = yield item.saveTx();
var noteEditor = doc.getElementById('zotero-note-editor');
// Wait for the editor
yield new Zotero.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
noteEditor.onInit(() => resolve());
assert.equal(noteEditor._editorInstance._iframeWindow.wrappedJSObject.getDataSync(), null);
yield item.saveTx();
// Wait for asynchronous editor update
do {
yield Zotero.Promise.delay(10);
} while (
!/<div data-schema-version=".*"><p>Test<\/p><\/div>/.test(
noteEditor._editorInstance._iframeWindow.wrappedJSObject.getDataSync().html.replace(/\n/g, '')
describe("Feed buttons", function() {
describe("Mark as Read/Unread", function() {
it("should change an item from unread to read", async function () {
var feed = await createFeed();
await select(win, feed);
var item = await createDataObject('feedItem', { libraryID: feed.libraryID });
// Skip timed mark-as-read
var stub = sinon.stub(win.ZoteroPane, 'startItemReadTimeout');
await select(win, item);
// Click "Mark as Read"
var promise = waitForItemEvent('modify');
var button = ZoteroPane.itemPane.getCurrentPane().querySelector('.feed-item-toggleRead-button');
assert.equal(button.label, Zotero.getString('pane.item.markAsRead'));
var ids = await promise;
assert.sameMembers(ids, [item.id]);
// Button is re-created
button = ZoteroPane.itemPane.getCurrentPane().querySelector('.feed-item-toggleRead-button');
assert.equal(button.label, Zotero.getString('pane.item.markAsUnread'));
it("should update label when state of an item changes", function* () {
let feed = yield createFeed();
yield selectLibrary(win, feed.libraryID);
yield waitForItemsLoad(win);
var stub = sinon.stub(win.ZoteroPane, 'startItemReadTimeout');
var item = yield createDataObject('feedItem', { libraryID: feed.libraryID });
// Skip timed mark-as-read
item.isRead = true;
yield item.saveTx();
let button = ZoteroPane.itemPane.getCurrentPane().querySelector('.feed-item-toggleRead-button');
assert.equal(button.label, Zotero.getString('pane.item.markAsUnread'));
yield item.toggleRead(false);
// Button is re-created
button = ZoteroPane.itemPane.getCurrentPane().querySelector('.feed-item-toggleRead-button');
assert.equal(button.label, Zotero.getString('pane.item.markAsRead'));
describe("Duplicates Merge pane", function () {
// Same as test in itemsTest, but via UI, which makes a copy via toJSON()/fromJSON()
it("should transfer merge-tracking relations when merging two pairs into one item", async function () {
var item1 = await createDataObject('item', { title: 'A' });
var item2 = await createDataObject('item', { title: 'B' });
var item3 = await createDataObject('item', { title: 'C' });
var item4 = await createDataObject('item', { title: 'D' });
var uris = [item2, item3, item4].map(item => Zotero.URI.getItemURI(item));
var p;
var zp = win.ZoteroPane;
await zp.selectItems([item1.id, item2.id]);
p = waitForItemEvent('modify');
await p;
await zp.selectItems([item3.id, item4.id]);
p = waitForItemEvent('modify');
await p;
await zp.selectItems([item1.id, item3.id]);
p = waitForItemEvent('modify');
await p;
// Remaining item should include all other URIs