abaevbog 2f4a232c41 fx115: fix tooltips for tabs, tabs menu and virtualized table (#3877)
Fix and improve tooltip logic

- fx115: move main html-tooltip outside of the deck, otherwise it only
shows up in the library tab.
- Zotero_Tooltip is not required in the tabs bar and the button of the
tag selector. Setting the tooltip attribute on the closest XUL parent
and adding title attribute makes the tooltip properly appear.
- Remove manual handling of the hover effect from tabs manu. The
hover effect doesn't stick around after drag-drop with fx115 anymore,
so it's not required. And then the usual title attribute works for the
- Set title instead of tooltiptext attribute in tagSelectorList
so that the tooltip appears

After zotero@8e2790e,
the pointer effects don't fire on the actual cells of the table
(only on the parent row), so the tooltips do not appear for the cells.
This is a (hopefully) temporary solution to handle mousemove events over the row
of the table, find the right cell that the mouse is over, and
use Zotero_Tooltip to manually display the tooltip.

Tweaked Zotero_Tooltip to create the fake tooltip and place it into
the DOM. Zotero_Tooltip is also imported by virtualized-table as a module
because one shouldn't have to load it in .xhtml file for every new window
where the virtualized-table is used.
2024-03-30 01:02:08 -04:00

449 lines
15 KiB
Raw Blame History

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general-print = Print
return-or-enter =
[macos] Return
*[other] Enter
menu-print =
.label = { general-print }
menu-density =
.label = Density
add-attachment = Add Attachment
new-note = New Note
menu-add-by-identifier =
.label = Add by Identifier…
menu-add-attachment =
.label = { add-attachment }
menu-add-standalone-file-attachment =
.label = Add File…
menu-add-standalone-linked-file-attachment =
.label = Add Link to File…
menu-add-child-file-attachment =
.label = Attach File…
menu-add-child-linked-file-attachment =
.label = Attach Link to File…
menu-add-child-linked-url-attachment =
.label = Attach Web Link…
menu-new-note =
.label = { new-note }
menu-new-standalone-note =
.label = New Standalone Note
menu-new-item-note =
.label = New Item Note
menu-restoreToLibrary =
.label = Restore to Library
menu-deletePermanently =
.label = Delete Permanently…
zotero-toolbar-tabs-menu =
.tooltiptext = List all tabs
filter-collections = Filter Collections
zotero-collections-search =
.placeholder = { filter-collections }
zotero-collections-search-btn =
.tooltiptext = { filter-collections }
zotero-tabs-menu-filter =
.placeholder = Search Tabs
zotero-tabs-menu-close-button =
.title = Close Tab
toolbar-add-attachment =
.tooltiptext = { add-attachment }
collections-menu-rename-collection =
.label = Rename Collection
collections-menu-edit-saved-search =
.label = Edit Saved Search
item-creator-moveDown =
.label = Move Down
item-creator-moveToTop =
.label = Move to Top
item-creator-moveUp =
.label = Move Up
item-menu-viewAttachment =
.label = Open { $numAttachments ->
[one] { $attachmentType ->
[pdf] PDF
[epub] EPUB
[snapshot] Snapshot
*[other] Attachment
*[other] { $attachmentType ->
[pdf] PDFs
[epub] EPUBs
[snapshot] Snapshots
*[other] Attachments
} {
$openIn ->
[tab] in New Tab
[window] in New Window
*[other] { "" }
item-menu-add-file =
.label = File
item-menu-add-linked-file =
.label = Linked File
item-menu-add-url =
.label = Web Link
view-online = View Online
item-menu-option-view-online =
.label = {view-online}
item-button-view-online =
.tooltiptext = {view-online}
itembox-button-options =
.tooltiptext = Open Context Menu
reader-use-dark-mode-for-content =
.label = Use Dark Mode for Content
update-updates-found-intro-minor = An update for { -app-name } is available:
update-updates-found-desc = It is recommended that you apply this update as soon as possible.
import-window =
.title = Import
import-where-from = Where do you want to import from?
import-online-intro-title = Introduction
import-source-file =
.label = A file (BibTeX, RIS, Zotero RDF, etc.)
import-source-folder =
.label = A folder of PDFs or other files
import-source-online =
.label = { $targetApp } online import
import-options = Options
import-importing = Importing…
import-create-collection =
.label = Place imported collections and items into new collection
import-recreate-structure =
.label = Recreate folder structure as collections
import-fileTypes-header = File Types to Import:
import-fileTypes-pdf =
.label = PDFs
import-fileTypes-other =
.placeholder = Other files by pattern, comma-separated (e.g., *.jpg,*.png)
import-file-handling = File Handling
import-file-handling-store =
.label = Copy files to the { -app-name } storage folder
import-file-handling-link =
.label = Link to files in original location
import-fileHandling-description = Linked files cannot be synced by { -app-name }.
import-online-new =
.label = Download new items only; dont update previously imported items
import-mendeley-username = Username
import-mendeley-password = Password
general-error = Error
file-interface-import-error = An error occurred while trying to import the selected file. Please ensure that the file is valid and try again.
file-interface-import-complete = Import Complete
file-interface-items-were-imported = { $numItems ->
[0] No items were imported
[one] One item was imported
*[other] { $numItems } items were imported
file-interface-items-were-relinked = { $numRelinked ->
[0] No items were relinked
[one] One item was relinked
*[other] { $numRelinked } items were relinked
import-mendeley-encrypted = The selected Mendeley database cannot be read, likely because it is encrypted. See <a data-l10n-name="mendeley-import-kb">How do I import a Mendeley library into Zotero?</a> for more information.
file-interface-import-error-translator = An error occurred importing the selected file with “{ $translator }”. Please ensure that the file is valid and try again.
import-online-intro=In the next step you will be asked to log in to { $targetAppOnline } and grant { -app-name } access. This is necessary to import your { $targetApp } library into { -app-name }.
import-online-intro2={ -app-name } will never see or store your { $targetApp } password.
import-online-form-intro = Please enter your credentials to log in to { $targetAppOnline }. This is necessary to import your { $targetApp } library into { -app-name }.
import-online-wrong-credentials = Login to { $targetApp } failed. Please re-enter credentials and try again.
import-online-blocked-by-plugin = The import cannot continue with { $plugin } installed. Please disable this plugin and try again.
import-online-relink-only =
.label = Relink Mendeley Desktop citations
import-online-relink-kb = More Information
items-table-cell-notes =
.aria-label = { $count ->
[one] { $count } Note
*[other] { $count } Notes
report-error =
.label = Report Error…
rtfScan-wizard =
.title = RTF Scan
rtfScan-introPage-description = { -app-name } can automatically extract and reformat citations and insert a bibliography into RTF files. To get started, choose an RTF file below.
rtfScan-introPage-description2 = To get started, select an RTF input file and an output file below:
rtfScan-input-file = Input File
rtfScan-output-file = Output File
zotero-file-none-selected =
.value = No file selected
zotero-file-choose =
.label = Choose File…
rtfScan-intro-page =
.label = Introduction
rtfScan-scan-page =
.label = Scanning for Citations
rtfScan-scanPage-description = { -app-name } is scanning your document for citations. Please be patient.
rtfScan-citations-page =
.label = Verify Cited Items
rtfScan-citations-page-description = Please review the list of recognized citations below to ensure that { -app-name } has selected the corresponding items correctly. Any unmapped or ambiguous citations must be resolved before proceeding to the next step.
rtfScan-style-page =
.label = Document Formatting
rtfScan-format-page =
.label = Formatting Citations
rtfScan-format-page-description = { -app-name } is processing and formatting your RTF file. Please be patient.
rtfScan-complete-page =
.label = RTF Scan Complete
rtfScan-complete-page-description = Your document has now been scanned and processed. Please ensure that it is formatted correctly.
bibliography-style-label = Citation Style:
bibliography-locale-label = Language:
integration-prefs-displayAs-label = Display Citations As:
integration-prefs-footnotes =
.label = Footnotes
integration-prefs-endnotes =
.label = Endnotes
publications-intro-page =
.label = My Publications
publications-intro = Items you add to My Publications will be shown on your profile page on zotero.org. If you choose to include attached files, they will be made publicly available under the license you specify. Only add work you yourself have created, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them and wish to do so.
publications-include-checkbox-files =
.label = Include files
publications-include-checkbox-notes =
.label = Include notes
publications-include-adjust-at-any-time = You can adjust what to show at any time from the My Publications collection.
publications-intro-authorship =
.label = I created this work.
publications-intro-authorship-files =
.label = I created this work and have the rights to distribute included files.
publications-sharing-page =
.label = Choose how your work may be shared
publications-sharing-keep-rights-field =
.label = Keep the existing Rights field
publications-sharing-keep-rights-field-where-available =
.label = Keep the existing Rights field where available
publications-sharing-text = You can reserve all rights to your work, license it under a Creative Commons license, or dedicate it to the public domain. In all cases, the work will be made publicly available via zotero.org.
publications-sharing-prompt = Would you like to allow your work to be shared by others?
publications-sharing-reserved =
.label = No, only publish my work on zotero.org
publications-sharing-cc =
.label = Yes, under a Creative Commons license
publications-sharing-cc0 =
.label = Yes, and place my work in the public domain
publications-license-page =
.label = Choose a Creative Commons license
publications-choose-license-text = A Creative Commons license allows others to copy and redistribute your work as long as they give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. Additional conditions can be specified below.
publications-choose-license-adaptations-prompt = Allow adaptations of your work to be shared?
publications-choose-license-yes =
.label = Yes
.accesskey = Y
publications-choose-license-no =
.label = No
.accesskey = N
publications-choose-license-sharealike =
.label = Yes, as long as others share alike
.accesskey = S
publications-choose-license-commercial-prompt = Allow commercial uses of your work?
publications-buttons-add-to-my-publications =
.label = Add to My Publications
publications-buttons-next-sharing =
.label = Next: Sharing
publications-buttons-next-choose-license =
.label = Choose a License
licenses-cc-0 = CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
licenses-cc-by = Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
licenses-cc-by-nd = Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
licenses-cc-by-sa = Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
licenses-cc-by-nc = Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
licenses-cc-by-nc-nd = Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
licenses-cc-by-nc-sa = Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
licenses-cc-more-info = Be sure you have read the Creative Commons <a data-l10n-name="license-considerations">Considerations for licensors</a> before placing your work under a CC license. Note that the license you apply cannot be revoked, even if you later choose different terms or cease publishing the work.
licenses-cc0-more-info = Be sure you have read the Creative Commons <a data-l10n-name="license-considerations">CC0 FAQ</a> before applying CC0 to your work. Please note that dedicating your work to the public domain is irreversible, even if you later choose different terms or cease publishing the work.
restart-in-troubleshooting-mode-menuitem =
.label = Restart in Troubleshooting Mode…
.accesskey = T
restart-in-troubleshooting-mode-dialog-title = Restart in Troubleshooting Mode
restart-in-troubleshooting-mode-dialog-description = { -app-name } will restart with all plugins disabled. Some features may not function correctly while Troubleshooting Mode is enabled.
menu-ui-density =
.label = Density
menu-ui-density-comfortable =
.label = Comfortable
menu-ui-density-compact =
.label = Compact
pane-info = Info
pane-abstract = Abstract
pane-attachments = Attachments
pane-notes = Notes
pane-libraries-collections = Libraries and Collections
pane-tags = Tags
pane-related = Related
pane-attachment-info = Attachment Info
pane-attachment-preview = Preview
pane-attachment-annotations = Annotations
pane-header-attachment-associated =
.label = Rename associated file
section-info =
.label = { pane-info }
section-abstract =
.label = { pane-abstract }
section-attachments =
.label = { $count ->
[one] { $count } Attachment
*[other] { $count } Attachments
section-attachment-preview =
.label = { pane-attachment-preview }
section-attachments-annotations =
.label = { $count ->
[one] { $count } Annotation
*[other] { $count } Annotations
section-notes =
.label = { $count ->
[one] { $count } Note
*[other] { $count } Notes
section-libraries-collections =
.label = { pane-libraries-collections }
section-tags =
.label = { $count ->
[one] { $count } Tag
*[other] { $count } Tags
section-related =
.label = { $count } Related
section-attachment-info =
.label = { pane-attachment-info }
sidenav-info =
.tooltiptext = { pane-info }
sidenav-abstract =
.tooltiptext = { pane-abstract }
sidenav-attachments =
.tooltiptext = { pane-attachments }
sidenav-notes =
.tooltiptext = { pane-notes }
sidenav-attachment-info =
.tooltiptext = { pane-attachment-info }
sidenav-attachment-preview =
.tooltiptext = { pane-attachment-preview }
sidenav-attachment-annotations =
.tooltiptext = { pane-attachment-annotations }
sidenav-libraries-collections =
.tooltiptext = { pane-libraries-collections }
sidenav-tags =
.tooltiptext = { pane-tags }
sidenav-related =
.tooltiptext = { pane-related }
sidenav-collapse =
.tooltiptext = Collapse Sidebar
sidenav-expand =
.tooltiptext = Expand Sidebar
pin-section =
.label = Pin Section
unpin-section =
.label = Unpin Section
collapse-other-sections =
.label = Collapse Other Sections
expand-all-sections =
.label = Expand All Sections
abstract-field =
.placeholder = Add abstract…
tagselector-search =
.placeholder = Filter Tags
context-notes-search =
.placeholder = Search Notes
new-collection-dialog =
.title = New Collection
.buttonlabelaccept = Create Collection
new-collection-name = Name:
new-collection-create-in = Create in:
attachment-info-filename = Filename
attachment-info-accessed = Accessed
attachment-info-pages = Pages
attachment-info-modified = Modified
attachment-info-index = Indexed
attachment-info-convert-note =
.label = Migrate to {
$type ->
[standalone] Standalone
[child] Item
*[unknown] New
} Note
.tooltiptext = Adding notes to attachments is no longer supported, but you can edit this note
by migrating it to a separate note.
attachment-preview-placeholder = No attachment to preview
toggle-preview =
.label = {
$type ->
[open] Hide
[collapsed] Show
*[unknown] Toggle
} Attachment Preview
quickformat-aria-bubble = Press Down Arrow to open citation properties.
quickformat-aria-input = Type your search term. Use Down Arrow and Up Arrow to navigate the search results.
quickformat-aria-item = Press { return-or-enter } to select this item. Press Tab to return to the search field.
quickformat-accept =
.tooltiptext = Save edits to this citation