It should ensure that all rows that were collapsed before filtering are collapsed once the filter is cleared.
1580 lines
59 KiB
1580 lines
59 KiB
"use strict";
describe("Zotero.CollectionTree", function() {
var win, zp, cv, userLibraryID;
before(function* () {
win = yield loadZoteroPane();
zp = win.ZoteroPane;
cv = zp.collectionsView;
userLibraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID;
beforeEach(function () {
// TODO: Add a selectCollection() function and select a collection instead?
return selectLibrary(win);
after(function () {
describe("#refresh()", function () {
it("should show Duplicate Items and Unfiled Items by default and shouldn't show Retracted Items", function* () {
yield cv.refresh();
assert.ok(cv.getRowIndexByID("D" + userLibraryID));
assert.ok(cv.getRowIndexByID("U" + userLibraryID));
assert.isFalse(cv.getRowIndexByID("R" + userLibraryID));
it("shouldn't show virtual collections if hidden", function* () {
Zotero.Prefs.set('duplicateLibraries', `{"${userLibraryID}": false}`);
Zotero.Prefs.set('unfiledLibraries', `{"${userLibraryID}": false}`);
Zotero.Prefs.set('retractedLibraries', `{"${userLibraryID}": false}`);
yield cv.refresh();
assert.isFalse(cv.getRowIndexByID("D" + userLibraryID));
assert.isFalse(cv.getRowIndexByID("U" + userLibraryID));
assert.isFalse(cv.getRowIndexByID("R" + userLibraryID));
it("should maintain open state of group", function* () {
var group1 = yield createGroup();
var group2 = yield createGroup();
var group1Row = cv.getRowIndexByID(group1.treeViewID);
var group2Row = cv.getRowIndexByID(group2.treeViewID);
// Open group 1 and close group 2
if (!cv.isContainerOpen(group1Row)) {
yield cv.toggleOpenState(group1Row);
if (cv.isContainerOpen(group2Row)) {
yield cv.toggleOpenState(group2Row);
// #_saveOpenStates is debounced
yield Zotero.Promise.delay(500);
group1Row = cv.getRowIndexByID(group1.treeViewID);
group2Row = cv.getRowIndexByID(group2.treeViewID);
yield cv.refresh();
// Group rows shouldn't have changed
assert.equal(cv.getRowIndexByID(group1.treeViewID), group1Row);
assert.equal(cv.getRowIndexByID(group2.treeViewID), group2Row);
// Group open states shouldn't have changed
it("should update associated item tree view", function* () {
var collection = yield createDataObject('collection');
var item = yield createDataObject('item', { collections: [collection.id] });
yield cv.reload();
yield cv.selectCollection(collection.id);
yield cv.selectItem(item.id);
describe("collapse/expand", function () {
it("should close and open My Library repeatedly", function* () {
yield cv.selectLibrary(userLibraryID);
var row = cv.selection.focused;
assert.equal(cv.selection.focused, row);
yield cv.expandLibrary(userLibraryID);
assert.equal(cv.selection.focused, row);
assert.equal(cv.selection.focused, row);
yield cv.expandLibrary(userLibraryID);
assert.equal(cv.selection.focused, row);
describe("#expandLibrary()", function () {
var libraryRow, col1, col2, col3;
before(function* () {
yield cv.selectLibrary(userLibraryID);
libraryRow = cv.selection.focused;
beforeEach(function* () {
// My Library
// - A
// - B
// - C
col1 = yield createDataObject('collection');
col2 = yield createDataObject('collection', { parentID: col1.id });
col3 = yield createDataObject('collection', { parentID: col2.id });
it("should open a library and respect stored container state", function* () {
// Collapse B
yield cv.toggleOpenState(cv.getRowIndexByID(col2.treeViewID));
// #_saveOpenStates is debounced
yield Zotero.Promise.delay(500);
// Close and reopen library
yield cv.toggleOpenState(libraryRow);
yield cv.expandLibrary(userLibraryID);
it("should open a library and all subcollections in recursive mode", function* () {
yield cv.toggleOpenState(cv.getRowIndexByID(col2.treeViewID));
// #_saveOpenStates is debounced
yield Zotero.Promise.delay(500);
// Close and reopen library
yield cv.toggleOpenState(libraryRow);
yield cv.expandLibrary(userLibraryID, true);
it("should open a group and show top-level collections", function* () {
var group = yield createGroup();
var libraryID = group.libraryID;
var col1 = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID });
var col2 = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID });
var col3 = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID });
var col4 = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID, parentID: col1.id });
var col5 = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID, parentID: col4.id });
// Close everything
yield Zotero.Promise.all([col4, col1, group]
.map(o => cv.toggleOpenState(cv.getRowIndexByID(o.treeViewID), false)));
yield cv.expandLibrary(libraryID);
describe("#expandToCollection()", function () {
it("should expand a collection to a subcollection", function* () {
var collection1 = yield createDataObject('collection');
var collection2 = createUnsavedDataObject('collection');
collection2.parentID = collection1.id;
yield collection2.saveTx({
skipSelect: true
var row = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collection1.id);
yield cv.expandToCollection(collection2.id);
// Make sure parent row position hasn't changed
assert.equal(cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collection1.id), row);
// Parent should have been opened
describe("#selectByID()", function () {
it("should select the trash", function* () {
yield cv.selectByID("T1");
var row = cv.selection.focused;
var treeRow = cv.getRow(row);
assert.equal(treeRow.ref.libraryID, userLibraryID);
describe("#selectWait()", function () {
it("shouldn't hang if row is already selected", function* () {
var row = cv.getRowIndexByID("T" + userLibraryID);
yield cv.selectWait(row);
yield Zotero.Promise.delay(50);
yield cv.selectWait(row);
describe("#notify()", function () {
it("should select a new collection", function* () {
// Create collection
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "Select new collection";
var id = yield collection.saveTx();
// New collection should be selected
var selected = cv.getSelectedCollection(true);
assert.equal(selected, id);
it("shouldn't select a new collection if skipNotifier is passed", function* () {
// Create collection with skipNotifier flag
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "No select on skipNotifier";
var id = yield collection.saveTx({
skipNotifier: true
// Library should still be selected
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedLibraryID(), userLibraryID);
it("shouldn't select a new collection if skipSelect is passed", function* () {
// Create collection with skipSelect flag
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "No select on skipSelect";
var id = yield collection.saveTx({
skipSelect: true
// Library should still be selected
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedLibraryID(), userLibraryID);
it("shouldn't select a modified collection", function* () {
// Create collection
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "No select on modify";
var id = yield collection.saveTx();
yield selectLibrary(win);
collection.name = "No select on modify 2";
yield collection.saveTx();
// Modified collection should not be selected
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedLibraryID(), userLibraryID);
it("should maintain selection on a selected modified collection", function* () {
// Create collection
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "Reselect on modify";
var id = yield collection.saveTx();
var selected = cv.getSelectedCollection(true);
assert.equal(selected, id);
collection.name = "Reselect on modify 2";
yield collection.saveTx();
// Modified collection should still be selected
selected = cv.getSelectedCollection(true);
assert.equal(selected, id);
describe(".deleted selection", function () {
for (let objectType of ['collection', 'search']) {
it(`should select next row when ${objectType} is moved to trash`, async function () {
var ran = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
var o1 = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "AAA" });
var o2 = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "BBB" });
var o3 = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "CCC" });
await cv.selectByID(o2.treeViewID);
o2.deleted = true;
await o2.saveTx();
assert.equal(zp.getCollectionTreeRow().ref.id, o3.id);
it(`should maintain selection on ${objectType} when row above is moved to trash`, async function () {
var ran = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
var o1 = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "AAA" });
var o2 = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "BBB" });
var o3 = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "CCC" });
assert.equal(zp.getCollectionTreeRow().ref.id, o3.id);
o1.deleted = true;
await o1.saveTx();
assert.equal(zp.getCollectionTreeRow().ref.id, o3.id);
it(`should maintain selection on trash when ${objectType} is restored`, async function () {
var o = await createDataObject(objectType, { deleted: true });
await cv.selectByID("T1");
o.deleted = false;
await o.saveTx();
// Row should have been added back
assert.isAbove(cv.getRowIndexByID(o.treeViewID), 0);
for (let objectType of ['collection', 'search']) {
it(`should select next row when ${objectType} is erased`, async function () {
var ran = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
var o1 = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "AAA" });
var o2 = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "BBB" });
var o3 = await createDataObject(objectType, { name: ran + "CCC" });
await cv.selectByID(o2.treeViewID);
await o2.eraseTx();
assert.equal(zp.getCollectionTreeRow().ref.id, o3.id);
it("should update the editability of the current view", function* () {
var group = yield createGroup({
editable: false,
filesEditable: false
yield cv.selectLibrary(group.libraryID);
yield waitForItemsLoad(win);
var cmd = win.document.getElementById('cmd_zotero_newStandaloneNote');
assert.isTrue(cmd.getAttribute('disabled') == 'true');
group.editable = true;
yield group.saveTx();
assert.isFalse(cmd.getAttribute('disabled') == 'true');
it("should re-sort a modified collection", function* () {
var prefix = Zotero.Utilities.randomString() + " ";
var collectionA = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: prefix + "A" });
var collectionB = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: prefix + "B" });
var aRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collectionA.id);
var aRowOriginal = aRow;
var bRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collectionB.id);
assert.equal(bRow, aRow + 1);
collectionA.name = prefix + "C";
yield collectionA.saveTx();
var aRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collectionA.id);
var bRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collectionB.id);
assert.equal(bRow, aRowOriginal);
assert.equal(aRow, bRow + 1);
it("should re-sort a modified search", function* () {
var prefix = Zotero.Utilities.randomString() + " ";
var searchA = yield createDataObject('search', { name: prefix + "A" });
var searchB = yield createDataObject('search', { name: prefix + "B" });
var aRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("S" + searchA.id);
var aRowOriginal = aRow;
var bRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("S" + searchB.id);
assert.equal(bRow, aRow + 1);
searchA.name = prefix + "C";
yield searchA.saveTx();
var aRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("S" + searchA.id);
var bRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("S" + searchB.id);
assert.equal(bRow, aRowOriginal);
assert.equal(aRow, bRow + 1);
it("should add collection after parent's subcollection and before non-sibling", function* () {
var c0 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "Test" });
var rootRow = cv.getRowIndexByID(c0.treeViewID);
var c1 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "1", parentID: c0.id });
var c2 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "2", parentID: c0.id });
var c3 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "3", parentID: c1.id });
var c4 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "4", parentID: c3.id });
var c5 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "5", parentID: c1.id });
assert.equal(cv.getRowIndexByID(c1.treeViewID), rootRow + 1);
assert.isAbove(cv.getRowIndexByID(c1.treeViewID), cv.getRowIndexByID(c0.treeViewID));
assert.isAbove(cv.getRowIndexByID(c2.treeViewID), cv.getRowIndexByID(c0.treeViewID));
assert.isAbove(cv.getRowIndexByID(c3.treeViewID), cv.getRowIndexByID(c1.treeViewID));
assert.isAbove(cv.getRowIndexByID(c5.treeViewID), cv.getRowIndexByID(c1.treeViewID));
assert.isBelow(cv.getRowIndexByID(c5.treeViewID), cv.getRowIndexByID(c2.treeViewID));
assert.equal(cv.getRowIndexByID(c4.treeViewID), cv.getRowIndexByID(c3.treeViewID) + 1);
it("should add multiple collections", function* () {
var col1, col2;
yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(async function () {
col1 = createUnsavedDataObject('collection');
col2 = createUnsavedDataObject('collection');
await col1.save();
await col2.save();
var aRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + col1.id);
var bRow = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + col2.id);
assert.isAbove(aRow, 0);
assert.isAbove(bRow, 0);
// skipSelect is implied for multiple collections, so library should still be selected
assert.equal(cv.selection.focused, 0);
it("shouldn't refresh the items list when a collection is modified", function* () {
var collection = yield createDataObject('collection');
yield waitForItemsLoad(win);
var itemsView = zp.itemsView;
collection.name = "New Name";
yield collection.saveTx();
yield waitForItemsLoad(win);
assert.equal(zp.itemsView, itemsView);
it("should add a saved search after collections", function* () {
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "Test";
var collectionID = yield collection.saveTx();
var search = new Zotero.Search;
search.name = "A Test Search";
search.addCondition('title', 'contains', 'test');
var searchID = yield search.saveTx();
var collectionRow = cv._rowMap["C" + collectionID];
var searchRow = cv._rowMap["S" + searchID];
var duplicatesRow = cv._rowMap["D" + userLibraryID];
var unfiledRow = cv._rowMap["U" + userLibraryID];
assert.isAbove(searchRow, collectionRow);
// If there's a duplicates row or an unfiled row, add before those.
// Otherwise, add before the trash
if (duplicatesRow !== undefined) {
assert.isBelow(searchRow, duplicatesRow);
else if (unfiledRow !== undefined) {
assert.isBelow(searchRow, unfiledRow);
else {
var trashRow = cv._rowMap["T" + userLibraryID];
assert.isBelow(searchRow, trashRow);
it("shouldn't select a new group", function* () {
var group = yield createGroup();
// Library should still be selected
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedLibraryID(), userLibraryID);
it("should remove a group and all children", function* () {
// Make sure Group Libraries separator and header exist already,
// since otherwise they'll interfere with the count
yield getGroup();
var originalRowCount = cv._rows.length;
var group = yield createGroup();
yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group.libraryID });
var c = yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group.libraryID });
yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group.libraryID, parentID: c.id });
yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group.libraryID });
yield createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group.libraryID });
// Group, collections, Duplicates, Unfiled, and trash
assert.equal(cv._rows.length, originalRowCount + 9);
// Select group
yield cv.selectLibrary(group.libraryID);
yield waitForItemsLoad(win);
var spy = sinon.spy(cv, "refresh");
try {
yield group.eraseTx();
assert.equal(cv._rows.length, originalRowCount);
// Make sure the tree wasn't refreshed
finally {
it("should select a new feed", function* () {
var feed = yield createFeed();
// Feed should be selected
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedLibraryID(), feed.id);
it("shouldn't select a new feed with skipSelect: true", function* () {
var feed = yield createFeed({
saveOptions: {
skipSelect: true
// Library should still be selected
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedLibraryID(), userLibraryID);
it("should remove deleted feed", function* () {
var feed = yield createFeed();
yield cv.selectLibrary(feed.libraryID);
var id = feed.treeViewID;
let promise = waitForCollectionTree(win);
yield win.ZoteroPane.deleteSelectedCollection();
yield promise;
it("should not reload tree upon feed update", async function () {
var feed = await createFeed();
await cv.selectLibrary(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID);
try {
var reloadSpy = sinon.spy(cv, 'reload');
// A set of notifier calls when a feed update is running
Zotero.debug(feed.id, 2);
await Zotero.Notifier.trigger('statusChanged', 'feed', feed.id);
await Zotero.Notifier.trigger('modify', 'feed', feed.id);
await Zotero.Notifier.trigger('unreadCountUpdated', 'feed', feed.id);
await Zotero.Notifier.trigger('statusChanged', 'feed', feed.id);
} finally {
describe("#selectItem()", function () {
it("should switch to library root if item isn't in collection", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item');
var collection = await createDataObject('collection');
await cv.selectItem(item.id);
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
assert.equal(cv.selection.focused, 0);
assert.sameMembers(zp.itemsView.getSelectedItems(), [item]);
describe("#selectItems()", function () {
it("should switch to library root if at least one item isn't in the current collection", async function () {
var collection = await createDataObject('collection');
var item1 = await createDataObject('item', { collections: [collection.id] });
var item2 = await createDataObject('item');
await cv.selectItems([item1.id, item2.id]);
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
assert.equal(cv.selection.focused, 0);
assert.sameMembers(zp.itemsView.getSelectedItems(true), [item1.id, item2.id]);
describe("#onDrop()", function () {
* Simulate a drag and drop
* @param {String} type - 'item' or 'collection'
* @param {String|Object} targetRow - Tree row id (e.g., "L123"), or { row, orient }
* @param {Integer[]} collectionIDs
* @param {Promise} [promise] - If a promise is provided, it will be waited for and its
* value returned after the drag. Otherwise, an 'add' event will be waited for, and
* an object with 'ids' and 'extraData' will be returned.
var onDrop = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (objectType, targetRow, ids, promise, action = 'copy') {
if (typeof targetRow == 'string') {
var row = cv.getRowIndexByID(targetRow);
var orient = 0;
else {
var { row, orient } = targetRow;
Zotero.DragDrop.currentDragSource = objectType == "item" && zp.itemsView.collectionTreeRow;
if (!promise) {
promise = waitForNotifierEvent("add", objectType);
yield cv.onDrop({
persist: () => 0,
target: {ownerDocument: {defaultView: win}},
dataTransfer: {
dropEffect: action,
effectAllowed: action,
types: {
contains: function (type) {
return type == `zotero/${objectType}`;
getData: function (type) {
if (type == `zotero/${objectType}`) {
return ids.join(",");
}, row);
// Add observer to wait for add
var result = yield promise;
Zotero.DragDrop.currentDragSource = null;
return result;
var canDrop = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (type, targetRowID, ids) {
var row = cv.getRowIndexByID(targetRowID);
var dt = {
dropEffect: 'copy',
effectAllowed: 'copy',
types: {
contains: function (type) {
return type == `zotero/${type}`;
getData: function (type) {
if (type == `zotero/${type}`) {
return ids.join(",");
var canDrop = cv.canDropCheck(row, 0, dt);
if (canDrop) {
canDrop = yield cv.canDropCheckAsync(row, 0, dt);
return canDrop;
describe("with items", function () {
it("should add an item to a collection", function* () {
var collection = yield createDataObject('collection', false, { skipSelect: true });
var item = yield createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true });
// Add observer to wait for collection add
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
var observerID = Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver({
notify: function (event, type, ids, extraData) {
if (type == 'collection-item' && event == 'add'
&& ids[0] == collection.id + "-" + item.id) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 'collection-item', 'test');
yield onDrop('item', 'C' + collection.id, [item.id], deferred.promise);
yield cv.selectCollection(collection.id);
yield waitForItemsLoad(win);
var itemsView = win.ZoteroPane.itemsView;
assert.equal(itemsView.rowCount, 1);
var treeRow = itemsView.getRow(0);
assert.equal(treeRow.ref.id, item.id);
it("should move an item from one collection to another", function* () {
var collection1 = yield createDataObject('collection');
yield waitForItemsLoad(win);
var collection2 = yield createDataObject('collection', false, { skipSelect: true });
var item = yield createDataObject('item', { collections: [collection1.id] });
// Add observer to wait for collection add
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
var observerID = Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver({
notify: function (event, type, ids, extraData) {
if (type == 'collection-item' && event == 'add'
&& ids[0] == collection2.id + "-" + item.id) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 'collection-item', 'test');
let promise = zp.itemsView.waitForSelect();
yield onDrop('item', 'C' + collection2.id, [item.id], deferred.promise, 'move');
yield promise;
// Source collection should be empty
assert.equal(zp.itemsView.rowCount, 0);
yield cv.selectCollection(collection2.id);
yield waitForItemsLoad(win);
// Target collection should have item
assert.equal(zp.itemsView.rowCount, 1);
var treeRow = zp.itemsView.getRow(0);
assert.equal(treeRow.ref.id, item.id);
describe("My Publications", function () {
function getItemModifyPromise(item) {
// Add observer to wait for item modification
return new Zotero.Promise((resolve) => {
var observerID = Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver({
notify: function (event, type, ids, extraData) {
if (type == 'item' && event == 'modify' && ids[0] == item.id) {
}, 'item', 'test');
function acceptItemsWithoutFiles(win) {
var doc = win.document;
doc.getElementById('confirm-authorship-checkbox').checked = true;
var wizard = doc.getElementById('publications-dialog-wizard');
if (!doc.getElementById('include-files').disabled) {
throw new Error("Include Files checkbox isn't disabled");
function acceptItemsWithFiles(win) {
var doc = win.document;
doc.getElementById('include-files').checked = true;
doc.getElementById('confirm-authorship-checkbox').checked = true;
var wizard = doc.getElementById('publications-dialog-wizard');
if (doc.getElementById('include-files').disabled) {
throw new Error("Include Files checkbox shouldn't be disabled");
it("should add an item to My Publications", async function () {
// Remove other items in My Publications
var s = new Zotero.Search();
s.addCondition('libraryID', 'is', Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID);
s.addCondition('publications', 'true');
var ids = await s.search();
await Zotero.Items.erase(ids);
var item = await createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true });
var libraryID = item.libraryID;
var itemModifyPromise = getItemModifyPromise(item);
var winPromise = waitForWindow('chrome://zotero/content/publicationsDialog.xhtml')
var dropPromise = onDrop('item', 'P' + libraryID, [item.id], itemModifyPromise);
acceptItemsWithoutFiles(await winPromise);
await dropPromise;
// Select publications and check for item
await cv.selectByID("P" + libraryID);
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
var itemsView = win.ZoteroPane.itemsView
assert.equal(itemsView.rowCount, 1);
var treeRow = itemsView.getRow(0);
assert.equal(treeRow.ref.id, item.id);
it("should add an item with a file attachment to My Publications", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true });
var attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentItemID: item.id });
var libraryID = item.libraryID;
var itemModifyPromise = getItemModifyPromise(item);
var winPromise = waitForWindow('chrome://zotero/content/publicationsDialog.xhtml')
var dropPromise = onDrop('item', 'P' + libraryID, [item.id], itemModifyPromise);
acceptItemsWithFiles(await winPromise);
await dropPromise;
// File attachment should be in My Publications
it("should add an item with a linked URL attachment to My Publications", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true });
var attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.linkFromURL({
parentItemID: item.id,
title: 'Test',
url: '',
contentType: 'text/html'
var libraryID = item.libraryID;
var itemModifyPromise = getItemModifyPromise(item);
var winPromise = waitForWindow('chrome://zotero/content/publicationsDialog.xhtml')
var dropPromise = onDrop('item', 'P' + libraryID, [item.id], itemModifyPromise);
acceptItemsWithoutFiles(await winPromise);
await dropPromise;
// Link attachment should be in My Publications
it("shouldn't add linked file attachment to My Publications", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true });
var attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.linkFromFile({
parentItemID: item.id,
title: 'Test',
file: OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'test.png'),
contentType: 'image/png'
var libraryID = item.libraryID;
var itemModifyPromise = getItemModifyPromise(item);
var winPromise = waitForWindow('chrome://zotero/content/publicationsDialog.xhtml')
var dropPromise = onDrop('item', 'P' + libraryID, [item.id], itemModifyPromise);
acceptItemsWithoutFiles(await winPromise);
await dropPromise;
// Linked URL attachment shouldn't be in My Publications
it("should copy an item with a PDF attachment containing annotations to a group", async function () {
await Zotero.Users.setCurrentUserID(1);
await Zotero.Users.setName(1, 'Name');
var group = await createGroup();
var item = await createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true });
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: item.id
var annotation = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment);
var ids = (await onDrop('item', 'L' + group.libraryID, [item.id])).ids;
await cv.selectLibrary(group.libraryID);
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
// Check parent
var itemsView = win.ZoteroPane.itemsView;
assert.equal(itemsView.rowCount, 1);
var treeRow = itemsView.getRow(0);
assert.equal(treeRow.ref.libraryID, group.libraryID);
assert.equal(treeRow.ref.id, ids[0]);
// New item should link back to original
var linked = await item.getLinkedItem(group.libraryID);
assert.equal(linked.id, treeRow.ref.id);
// Check attachment
assert.equal(itemsView.rowCount, 2);
treeRow = itemsView.getRow(1);
assert.equal(treeRow.ref.id, ids[1]);
// New attachment should link back to original
linked = await attachment.getLinkedItem(group.libraryID);
assert.equal(linked.id, treeRow.ref.id);
// Check annotation
var groupAttachment = Zotero.Items.get(treeRow.ref.id);
var annotations = groupAttachment.getAnnotations();
assert.lengthOf(annotations, 1);
return group.eraseTx();
it("should copy a group item with a PDF attachment containing annotations to the personal library", async function () {
await Zotero.Users.setCurrentUserID(1);
await Zotero.Users.setName(1, 'Name 1');
await Zotero.Users.setName(12345, 'Name 2');
var group = await createGroup();
await cv.selectLibrary(group.libraryID);
var groupItem = await createDataObject('item', { libraryID: group.libraryID });
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: groupItem.id
var annotation = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment);
await annotation.saveTx();
var ids = (await onDrop('item', 'L1', [groupItem.id])).ids;
var newItem = Zotero.Items.get(ids[0]);
// Check annotation
var newAttachment = Zotero.Items.get(newItem.getAttachments())[0];
var annotations = newAttachment.getAnnotations();
assert.lengthOf(annotations, 1);
return group.eraseTx();
it("should copy a standalone attachment to a group", async function () {
await Zotero.Users.setCurrentUserID(1);
await Zotero.Users.setName(1, 'Name 1');
await Zotero.Users.setName(12345, 'Name 2');
var group = await createGroup();
var item = await importPDFAttachment();
var ids = (await onDrop('item', 'L' + group.libraryID, [item.id])).ids;
var newItem = Zotero.Items.get(ids[0]);
assert.equal(newItem.libraryID, group.libraryID);
return group.eraseTx();
it("should not copy an item or its attachment to a group twice", function* () {
var group = yield getGroup();
var itemTitle = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
var item = yield createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true });
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var attachment = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
file: file,
parentItemID: item.id
var attachmentTitle = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
attachment.setField('title', attachmentTitle);
yield attachment.saveTx();
yield onDrop('item', 'L' + group.libraryID, [item.id]);
assert.isFalse(yield canDrop('item', 'L' + group.libraryID, [item.id]));
it("should copy an item from a read-only group to an editable group", async function () {
var group1 = await createGroup();
var item = await createDataObject('item', { libraryID: group1.libraryID });
group1.editable = false;
await group1.saveTx();
var group2 = await createGroup();
await cv.selectLibrary(group1.libraryID);
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
await onDrop('item', 'L' + group2.libraryID, [item.id]);
assert.isFalse(await item.getLinkedItem(group2.libraryID));
// New collection should link back to original
assert.ok(await item.getLinkedItem(group2.libraryID, true));
await group1.eraseTx();
await group2.eraseTx();
it("should ignore a linked, trashed item when re-dragging an item to a group", async function () {
var group = await getGroup();
var collection = await createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group.libraryID });
var item = await createDataObject('item', false, { skipSelect: true });
await onDrop('item', 'L' + group.libraryID, [item.id]);
var droppedItem = await item.getLinkedItem(group.libraryID);
droppedItem.deleted = true;
await droppedItem.saveTx();
await onDrop('item', 'L' + group.libraryID, [item.id]);
var linkedItem = await item.getLinkedItem(group.libraryID);
assert.notEqual(linkedItem, droppedItem);
describe("with collections", function () {
it("should make a subcollection top-level", function* () {
var collection1 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "A" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collection2 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "C" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collection3 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "D" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collection4 = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "B", parentKey: collection2.key });
var colIndex1 = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collection1.id);
var colIndex2 = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collection2.id);
var colIndex3 = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collection3.id);
var colIndex4 = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collection4.id);
// Add observer to wait for collection add
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
var observerID = Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver({
notify: function (event, type, ids, extraData) {
if (type == 'collection' && event == 'modify' && ids[0] == collection4.id) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
}, 'collection', 'test');
yield onDrop(
row: 0,
orient: 1
var newColIndex1 = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collection1.id);
var newColIndex2 = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collection2.id);
var newColIndex3 = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collection3.id);
var newColIndex4 = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collection4.id);
assert.equal(newColIndex1, colIndex1);
assert.isBelow(newColIndex4, newColIndex2);
assert.isBelow(newColIndex2, newColIndex3);
assert.equal(cv.getRow(newColIndex4).level, cv.getRow(newColIndex1).level);
it("should move a subcollection and its subcollection down under another collection", function* () {
var collectionA = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "A" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collectionB = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "B", parentKey: collectionA.key });
var collectionC = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "C", parentKey: collectionB.key });
var collectionD = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "D" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collectionE = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "E" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collectionF = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "F" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collectionG = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "G", parentKey: collectionD.key });
var collectionH = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "H", parentKey: collectionG.key });
var colIndexA = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionA.id);
var colIndexB = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionB.id);
var colIndexC = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionC.id);
var colIndexD = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionD.id);
var colIndexE = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionE.id);
var colIndexF = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionF.id);
var colIndexG = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionG.id);
var colIndexH = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionH.id);
yield cv.selectCollection(collectionG.id);
// Add observer to wait for collection add
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
var observerID = Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver({
notify: function (event, type, ids, extraData) {
if (type == 'collection' && event == 'modify' && ids[0] == collectionG.id) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
}, 'collection', 'test');
yield onDrop(
row: colIndexE,
orient: 0
var newColIndexA = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionA.id);
var newColIndexB = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionB.id);
var newColIndexC = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionC.id);
var newColIndexD = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionD.id);
var newColIndexE = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionE.id);
var newColIndexF = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionF.id);
var newColIndexG = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionG.id);
var newColIndexH = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionH.id);
assert.equal(newColIndexE, newColIndexG - 1);
assert.equal(newColIndexG, newColIndexH - 1);
// TODO: Check deeper subcollection open states
it("should move a subcollection and its subcollection up under another collection", function* () {
var collectionA = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "A" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collectionB = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "B", parentKey: collectionA.key });
var collectionC = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "C", parentKey: collectionB.key });
var collectionD = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "D" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collectionE = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "E" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collectionF = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "F" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collectionG = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "G", parentKey: collectionE.key });
var collectionH = yield createDataObject('collection', { name: "H", parentKey: collectionG.key });
var colIndexA = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionA.id);
var colIndexB = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionB.id);
var colIndexC = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionC.id);
var colIndexD = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionD.id);
var colIndexE = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionE.id);
var colIndexF = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionF.id);
var colIndexG = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionG.id);
var colIndexH = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionH.id);
yield cv.selectCollection(collectionG.id);
// Add observer to wait for collection add
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
var observerID = Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver({
notify: function (event, type, ids, extraData) {
if (type == 'collection' && event == 'modify' && ids[0] == collectionG.id) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
}, 'collection', 'test');
yield onDrop(
row: colIndexD,
orient: 0
var newColIndexA = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionA.id);
var newColIndexB = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionB.id);
var newColIndexC = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionC.id);
var newColIndexD = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionD.id);
var newColIndexE = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionE.id);
var newColIndexF = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionF.id);
var newColIndexG = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionG.id);
var newColIndexH = cv.getRowIndexByID('C' + collectionH.id);
assert.equal(newColIndexD, newColIndexG - 1);
assert.equal(newColIndexG, newColIndexH - 1);
// TODO: Check deeper subcollection open states
it("should copy a collection and its subcollection to another library", async function () {
var group = await createGroup();
var collectionA = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "A" }, { skipSelect: true });
var collectionB = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "B", parentKey: collectionA.key });
var itemA = await createDataObject('item', { collections: [collectionA.key] }, { skipSelect: true });
var itemB = await createDataObject('item', { collections: [collectionB.key] }, { skipSelect: true });
await cv.selectCollection(collectionA.id);
// Add observer to wait for collection add
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
var observerID = Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver({
notify: function (event, type, ids, extraData) {
if (type == 'collection' && event == 'modify' && ids.includes(collectionB.id)) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
}, 'collection', 'test');
await onDrop(
'L' + group.libraryID,
var pred = Zotero.Relations.linkedObjectPredicate;
var newCollectionA = await Zotero.URI.getURICollection(collectionA.getRelations()[pred][0]);
var newCollectionB = await Zotero.URI.getURICollection(collectionB.getRelations()[pred][0]);
var newItemA = await Zotero.URI.getURIItem(itemA.getRelations()[pred][0]);
var newItemB = await Zotero.URI.getURIItem(itemB.getRelations()[pred][0]);
assert.equal(newCollectionA.libraryID, group.libraryID);
assert.equal(newCollectionB.libraryID, group.libraryID);
assert.equal(newCollectionB.parentID, newCollectionA.id);
assert.equal(newItemA.libraryID, group.libraryID);
assert.equal(newItemB.libraryID, group.libraryID);
it("should copy a collection from a read-only group to another group", async function () {
var group1 = await createGroup();
var collection = await createDataObject('collection', { libraryID: group1.libraryID });
var item = await createDataObject('item', { libraryID: group1.libraryID, collections: [collection.id] });
group1.editable = false;
await group1.saveTx();
var group2 = await createGroup();
await cv.selectCollection(collection.id);
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
await onDrop('collection', 'L' + group2.libraryID, [collection.id]);
assert.isFalse(await collection.getLinkedCollection(group2.libraryID));
// New collection should link back to original
assert.ok(await collection.getLinkedCollection(group2.libraryID, true));
assert.isFalse(await item.getLinkedItem(group2.libraryID));
// New item should link back to original
assert.ok(await item.getLinkedItem(group2.libraryID, true));
await group1.eraseTx();
await group2.eraseTx();
describe("with feed items", function () {
const httpdPort = 16214;
var httpd;
before(async function () {
httpd = new HttpServer();
after(async function () {
await new Promise(resolve => httpd.stop(resolve));
it("should add a translated feed item retrieved from a URL", function* () {
// Serve the feed entry webpage via localhost
const urlPath = "/journalArticle-single.html";
const url = `http://localhost:${httpdPort}` + urlPath;
getTestDataDirectory().path, 'metadata', 'journalArticle-single.html'
var feed = yield createFeed();
var collection = yield createDataObject('collection', false, { skipSelect: true });
var feedItem = yield createDataObject('feedItem', {libraryID: feed.libraryID}, { skipSelect: true });
feedItem.setField('url', url);
yield feedItem.saveTx();
var translateFn = sinon.spy(feedItem, 'translate');
// Add observer to wait for collection add
var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
var itemIds;
var ids = (yield onDrop('item', 'C' + collection.id, [feedItem.id])).ids;
// Check that the translated item was the one that was created after drag
var item;
yield translateFn.returnValues[0].then(function(i) {
item = i;
assert.equal(item.id, ids[0]);
yield cv.selectCollection(collection.id);
yield waitForItemsLoad(win);
var itemsView = win.ZoteroPane.itemsView;
assert.equal(itemsView.rowCount, 1);
var treeRow = itemsView.getRow(0);
assert.equal(treeRow.ref.id, item.id);
describe("Feeds pseudo-library", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
for (let feed of Zotero.Feeds.getAll()) {
await feed.eraseTx();
it("should contain feed items from all feeds", async function () {
let feed1 = await createFeed();
let feed2 = await createFeed();
let feedItem1 = await createDataObject('feedItem', { libraryID: feed1.libraryID }, { skipSelect: true });
let feedItem2 = await createDataObject('feedItem', { libraryID: feed2.libraryID }, { skipSelect: true });
await cv.selectFeeds();
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
let itemsView = zp.itemsView;
assert.equal(itemsView.rowCount, 2);
assert.equal(itemsView.getRow(0).ref.id, feedItem2.id);
assert.equal(itemsView.getRow(1).ref.id, feedItem1.id);
it("should be filterable", async function () {
let feed1 = await createFeed();
let feed2 = await createFeed();
let feedItem1 = await createDataObject('feedItem', { libraryID: feed1.libraryID, setTitle: true }, { skipSelect: true });
let feedItem2 = await createDataObject('feedItem', { libraryID: feed2.libraryID, setTitle: true }, { skipSelect: true });
await cv.selectFeeds();
await waitForItemsLoad(win);
var quickSearch = win.document.getElementById('zotero-tb-search-textbox');
quickSearch.value = feedItem1.getField('title');
let itemsView = zp.itemsView;
await itemsView._refreshPromise;
assert.equal(itemsView.rowCount, 1);
assert.equal(itemsView.getRow(0).ref.id, feedItem1.id);
it("should be bold if any feed items are unread", async function () {
let feed1 = await createFeed();
let feed2 = await createFeed();
let feedItem1 = await createDataObject('feedItem', { libraryID: feed1.libraryID, setTitle: true }, { skipSelect: true });
let feedItem2 = await createDataObject('feedItem', { libraryID: feed2.libraryID, setTitle: true }, { skipSelect: true });
await feedItem1.toggleRead(true);
// Unread count is automatically updated on feed refresh, but we need to do it manually here
await feed1.updateUnreadCount();
await feed2.updateUnreadCount();
assert.equal(cv.getRow(cv.getRowIndexByID('F1')).ref.unreadCount, 1);
assert.lengthOf(win.document.querySelectorAll('#zotero-collections-tree .row.unread'), 2);
describe("#setFilter()", function () {
var collection1, collection2, collection3, collection4, collection5, collection6, collection7, collection8;
var search1, search2, feed1, feed2;
var allRows = [];
let keyboardClick = (key) => {
return new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
key: key,
code: key,
bubbles: true,
before(async function () {
// Delete all previously added collections, feeds, searches
for (let col of Zotero.Collections.getByLibrary(userLibraryID)) {
await col.eraseTx();
await clearFeeds();
for (let s of Zotero.Searches.getByLibrary(userLibraryID)) {
await s.eraseTx();
// Display the collection search bar
// Do not hide the search panel on blur
win.document.getElementById("zotero-collections-search").removeEventListener('blur', zp.hideCollectionSearch);
feed1 = await createFeed({ name: "feed_1 " });
feed2 = await createFeed({ name: "feed_2" });
collection1 = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "collection_level_one", libraryID: userLibraryID });
collection2 = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "collection_level_two_1", parentID: collection1.id, libraryID: userLibraryID });
collection3 = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "collection_level_two_2", parentID: collection1.id, libraryID: userLibraryID });
collection4 = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "collection_level_three_1", parentID: collection2.id, libraryID: userLibraryID });
collection5 = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "collection_level_three_11", parentID: collection2.id, libraryID: userLibraryID });
collection6 = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "collection_level_one_1", libraryID: userLibraryID });
collection7 = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "collection_level_two_21", parentID: collection6.id, libraryID: userLibraryID });
collection8 = await createDataObject('collection', { name: "collection_level_two_22", parentID: collection6.id, libraryID: userLibraryID });
search1 = await createDataObject('search', { name: "search_1", libraryID: userLibraryID });
search2 = await createDataObject('search', { name: "search_2", libraryID: userLibraryID });
allRows = [feed1, feed2, collection1, collection2, collection3, collection4, collection5, collection6, collection7, collection8, search1, search2];
beforeEach(async function () {
// Empty filter and let it settle
await cv.setFilter("");
after(async function () {
await cv.setFilter("");
for (let type of ['collection', 'search', 'feed']) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func
it(`should show only ${type} matching the filter`, async function () {
await cv.setFilter(type);
let displayedRowNames = cv._rows.filter(row => row.type == type).map(row => row.getName());
let expectedRowNames = allRows.filter(row => row.name.includes(type)).map(row => row.name);
assert.sameMembers(displayedRowNames, expectedRowNames);
it('should show non-passing entries whose children pass the filter', async function () {
await cv.setFilter("three");
let displayedRowNames = cv._rows.filter(row => row.type == "collection").map(row => row.ref.name);
let expectedNames = [
assert.sameMembers(displayedRowNames, expectedNames);
it('should not move focus from selected collection during filtering', async function () {
await cv.selectByID("C" + collection5.id);
await cv.setFilter("three");
let focusedRow = cv.getRow(cv.selection.focused);
assert.equal(focusedRow.id, "C" + collection5.id);
await cv.setFilter("two");
focusedRow = cv.getRow(cv.selection.focused);
assert.equal(focusedRow.id, "C" + collection5.id);
it('should collapse collections collapsed before filtering', async function () {
// Collapse top level collections 1 and 6
for (let c of [collection1, collection6]) {
let index = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + c.id);
let row = cv.getRow(index);
if (row.isOpen) {
await cv.toggleOpenState(index);
await cv.setFilter(collection5.name);
// Collection 1 and 2 have a matching child, so they are opened
let colOneRow = cv.getRow(cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collection1.id));
let colTwoRow = cv.getRow(cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collection2.id));
// Collection 6 has no matches, it is filtered out
let colSixRowIndex = cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collection6.id);
// Empty the filter
await cv.setFilter("");
// Collection 1 and 6 should remain collapsed as before filtering
colOneRow = cv.getRow(cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collection1.id));
let colSixRow = cv.getRow(cv.getRowIndexByID("C" + collection6.id));
for (let type of ['collection', 'search']) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func
it(`should only hide ${type} if it's renamed to not match the filter`, async function () {
await cv.setFilter(type);
let objectToSelect = type == 'collection' ? collection5 : search2;
objectToSelect.name += "_updated";
await objectToSelect.saveTx();
let displayedRowNames = cv._rows.map(row => row.getName());
assert.include(displayedRowNames, objectToSelect.name);
objectToSelect.name = "not_matching_filter";
await objectToSelect.saveTx();
displayedRowNames = cv._rows.map(row => row.getName());
assert.notInclude(displayedRowNames, objectToSelect.name);
for (let type of ['collection', 'search']) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func
it(`should only add ${type} if its name matches the filter`, async function () {
await cv.setFilter(type);
let newCollection = await createDataObject(type, { name: `new_${type}`, libraryID: userLibraryID });
let displayedRowNames = cv._rows.map(row => row.ref.name);
assert.include(displayedRowNames, newCollection.name);
newCollection = await createDataObject(type, { name: `not_passing_${type.substring(1)}`, libraryID: userLibraryID });
displayedRowNames = cv._rows.map(row => row.ref.name);
assert.notInclude(displayedRowNames, newCollection.name);
it(`should focus selected collection on Enter if it matches filter`, async function () {
await cv.selectByID(`C${collection3.id}`);
win.document.getElementById("zotero-collections-search").value = "_2";
await cv.setFilter("_2");
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedCollection(true), collection3.id);
assert.equal(win.document.activeElement.id, 'collection-tree');
it(`should focus first matching collection on Enter if selected collection does not match filter`, async function () {
await cv.selectByID(`C${collection2.id}`);
win.document.getElementById("zotero-collections-search").value = "_2";
await cv.setFilter("_2");
// Wait for the selection to go through
await Zotero.Promise.delay(100);
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedCollection(true), collection3.id);
assert.equal(win.document.activeElement.id, 'collection-tree');
it(`should not move focus from collection filter on Enter if no rows pass the filter`, async function () {
await cv.selectByID(`C${collection3.id}`);
win.document.getElementById("zotero-collections-search").value = "Not matching anything";
await cv.setFilter("Not matching anything");
assert.equal(win.document.activeElement.id, 'zotero-collections-search');
it(`should skip context rows on arrow up/down`, async function () {
await cv.selectByID(`C${collection2.id}`);
await cv.setFilter("_2");
await cv.focusFirstMatchingRow();
// Skip collection6 that does not match on the way up and down
for (let col of [collection3, collection7, collection8]) {
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedCollection(true), col.id);
await cv.focusNextMatchingRow(cv.selection.focused);
await cv.selectByID(`C${collection8.id}`);
for (let col of [collection8, collection7, collection3]) {
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedCollection(true), col.id);
await cv.focusNextMatchingRow(cv.selection.focused, true);
it(`should clear filter on Escape from collectionTree`, async function () {
await cv.selectByID(`C${collection2.id}`);
let colTree = win.document.getElementById('collection-tree');
await cv.setFilter("_2");
assert.equal(cv._filter, "");
assert.equal(cv.getSelectedCollection(true), collection2.id);