addresses #214, add footnote support to word integration - the third icon on the Zotero Word toolbar is now reserved for "Document Options," which, for now, means on the selection of styles - the Document Options window will, for now, appear the first time you create a citation. the default style probably belongs in the Scholar preferences window. - you can now generate citations in both footnote and in-text citation formats. you can't yet switch between them on the fly, but that should be coming soon... - Ibid is not yet implemented. again, coming soon.
469 lines
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469 lines
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// Scholar for Firefox Ingester Browser Functions
// Based on code taken from Greasemonkey and PiggyBank
// This code is licensed according to the GPL
// Scholar_Ingester_Interface
// Class to interface with the browser when ingesting data
var Scholar_Ingester_Interface = function() {}
// Public Scholar_Ingester_Interface methods
* Initialize some variables and prepare event listeners for when chrome is done
* loading
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.init = function() {
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browserData = new Object();
Scholar_Ingester_Interface._scrapePopupShowing = false;
window.addEventListener("load", Scholar_Ingester_Interface.chromeLoad, false);
window.addEventListener("unload", Scholar_Ingester_Interface.chromeUnload, false);
* When chrome loads, register our event handlers with the appropriate interfaces
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.chromeLoad = function() {
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabBrowser = document.getElementById("content");
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.appContent = document.getElementById("appcontent");
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.statusImage = document.getElementById("scholar-status-image");
// this gives us onLocationChange, for updating when tabs are switched/created
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabClose, false);
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabSelect, false);
// this is for pageshow, for updating the status of the book icon
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.contentLoad, true);
* When chrome unloads, delete our document objects and remove our listeners
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.chromeUnload = function() {
delete Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browserData;
* Scrapes a page (called when the capture icon is clicked); takes a collection
* ID as the argument
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.scrapeThisPage = function(saveLocation) {
var browser = Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabBrowser.selectedBrowser;
var data = Scholar_Ingester_Interface._getData(browser);
if(data.translators && data.translators.length) {
if(saveLocation) {
saveLocation = Scholar.Collections.get(saveLocation);
} else { // save to currently selected collection, if a collection is selected
try {
saveLocation = ScholarPane.getSelectedCollection();
} catch(e) {}
var translate = new Scholar.Translate("web");
// use first translator available
translate.setHandler("select", Scholar_Ingester_Interface._selectItems);
translate.setHandler("itemDone", function(obj, item) { Scholar_Ingester_Interface._itemDone(obj, item, saveLocation) });
translate.setHandler("done", function(obj, item) { Scholar_Ingester_Interface._finishScraping(obj, item, saveLocation) });
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.searchFrames = function(rootDoc, searchDoc) {
for each(var frame in rootDoc.frames) {
if(frame.document == searchDoc ||
(frame.document.frames && searchFrames(frame, searchDoc))) {
return true;
return false;
* An event handler called when a new document is loaded. Creates a new document
* object, and updates the status of the capture icon
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.contentLoad = function(event) {
if(event.originalTarget instanceof HTMLDocument) {
var doc = event.originalTarget;
var rootDoc = doc;
// get the appropriate root document to check which browser we're on
while(rootDoc.defaultView.frameElement) {
rootDoc = rootDoc.defaultView.frameElement.ownerDocument;
// Figure out what browser this contentDocument is associated with
var browser;
for(var i=0; i<Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabBrowser.browsers.length; i++) {
if(rootDoc == Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabBrowser.browsers[i].contentDocument) {
browser = Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabBrowser.browsers[i];
if(!browser) {
// get data object
var data = Scholar_Ingester_Interface._getData(browser);
// if there's already a scrapable page in the browser window, and it's
// still there, ensure it is actually part of the page, then return
if(data.translators && data.translators.length && data.document.location) {
if(Scholar_Ingester_Interface.searchFrames(rootDoc, data.document)) {
} else {
data.document = null;
// get translators
var translate = new Scholar.Translate("web");
data.translators = translate.getTranslators();
// update status
if(Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabBrowser.selectedBrowser == browser) {
// add document
if(data.translators && data.translators.length) {
data.document = doc;
* called when a tab is closed
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabClose = function(event) {
// To execute if document object does not exist
* called when a tab is switched
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabSelect = function(event) {
var data = Scholar_Ingester_Interface._getData(Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabBrowser.selectedBrowser);
// Make sure scrape progress is gone
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.hidePopup = function(collectionID) {
Scholar_Ingester_Interface._scrapePopupShowing = false;
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.showPopup = function(collectionID, parentElement) {
if(Scholar_Ingester_Interface._scrapePopupShowing && parentElement.hasChildNodes()) {
return false; // Don't dynamically reload popups that are already showing
Scholar_Ingester_Interface._scrapePopupShowing = true;
while(parentElement.hasChildNodes()) {
if(collectionID == null) { // show library
var newItem = document.createElement("menuitem");
newItem.setAttribute("label", Scholar.getString("pane.collections.library"));
newItem.setAttribute("class", "menuitem-iconic scholar-scrape-popup-library");
newItem.setAttribute("oncommand", 'Scholar_Ingester_Interface.scrapeThisPage()');
var childrenList = Scholar.getCollections(collectionID);
for(var i = 0; i < childrenList.length; i++) {
if(childrenList[i].hasChildCollections()) {
var newItem = document.createElement("menu");
var subMenu = document.createElement("menupopup");
subMenu.setAttribute("onpopupshowing", 'Scholar_Ingester_Interface.showPopup("'+childrenList[i].getID()+'", this)');
newItem.setAttribute("class", "menu-iconic scholar-scrape-popup-collection");
} else {
var newItem = document.createElement("menuitem");
newItem.setAttribute("class", "menuitem-iconic scholar-scrape-popup-collection");
newItem.setAttribute("label", childrenList[i].getName());
newItem.setAttribute("oncommand", 'Scholar_Ingester_Interface.scrapeThisPage("'+childrenList[i].getID()+'")');
return true;
// Private Scholar_Ingester_Interface methods
* Gets a data object given a browser window object
* NOTE: Browser objects are associated with document objects via keys generated
* from the time the browser object is opened. I'm not sure if this is the
* appropriate mechanism for handling this, but it's what PiggyBank used and it
* appears to work.
* Currently, the data object contains only one property: "translators," which
* is an array of translators that should work with the given page as returned
* from Scholar.Translate.getTranslator()
Scholar_Ingester_Interface._getData = function(browser) {
try {
var key = browser.getAttribute("scholar-key");
if(Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browserData[key]) {
return Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browserData[key];
} finally {
if(!key) {
var key = (new Date()).getTime();
browser.setAttribute("scholar-key", key);
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browserData[key] = new Array();
return Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browserData[key];
return false;
* Deletes the document object associated with a given browser window object
Scholar_Ingester_Interface._deleteData = function(browser) {
try {
var key = browser.getAttribute("scholar-key");
if(Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browserData[key]) {
delete Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browserData[key];
return true;
} finally {}
return false;
* Updates the status of the capture icon to reflect the scrapability or lack
* thereof of the current page
Scholar_Ingester_Interface._updateStatus = function(data) {
if(data.translators && data.translators.length) {
var itemType = data.translators[0].itemType;
if(itemType == "multiple") {
// Use folder icon for multiple types, for now
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.statusImage.src = "chrome://scholar/skin/treesource-collection.png";
} else {
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.statusImage.src = "chrome://scholar/skin/treeitem-"+itemType+".png";
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.statusImage.hidden = false;
} else {
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.statusImage.hidden = true;
* Callback to be executed when an item has been finished
Scholar_Ingester_Interface._itemDone = function(obj, item, collection) {
var title = item.getField("title");
var icon = "chrome://scholar/skin/treeitem-"+Scholar.ItemTypes.getName(item.getField("itemTypeID"))+".png"
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.Progress.addLines([title], [icon]);
// add item to collection, if one was specified
if(collection) {
* called when a user is supposed to select items
Scholar_Ingester_Interface._selectItems = function(obj, itemList) {
// this is kinda ugly, mozillazine made me do it! honest!
var io = { dataIn:itemList, dataOut:null }
var newDialog = window.openDialog("chrome://scholar/content/ingester/selectitems.xul",
"_blank","chrome,modal,centerscreen,resizable=yes", io);
if(!io.dataOut) { // user selected no items, so kill the progress indicatior
return io.dataOut;
* Callback to be executed when scraping is complete
Scholar_Ingester_Interface._finishScraping = function(obj, returnValue, collection) {
if(!returnValue) {
if(collection) {
// notify about modified items
Scholar.Notifier.trigger("modify", "collection", collection.getID());
// Scholar.Ingester.Progress
// Handles the display of a div showing progress in scraping
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.Progress = new function() {
var _windowLoaded = false;
var _windowLoading = false;
// keep track of all of these things in case they're called before we're
// done loading the progress window
var _loadDescription = null;
var _loadLines = new Array();
var _loadIcons = new Array();
var _loadHeadline = Scholar.getString("ingester.scraping");
this.show = show;
this.changeHeadline = changeHeadline;
this.addLines = addLines;
this.addDescription = addDescription;
this.fade = fade;
this.kill = kill;
function show() {
if(_windowLoading || _windowLoaded) { // already loading or loaded
return false;
_progressWindow = window.openDialog("chrome://scholar/chrome/ingester/progress.xul",
"", "chrome,dialog=no,titlebar=no,popup=yes");
_progressWindow.addEventListener("load", _onWindowLoaded, false);
_windowLoading = true;
return true;
function changeHeadline(headline) {
if(_windowLoaded) {
_progressWindow.document.getElementById("scholar-progress-text-headline").value = headline;
} else {
_loadHeadline = headline;
function addLines(label, icon) {
if(_windowLoaded) {
for(i in label) {
var newLabel = _progressWindow.document.createElement("label");
newLabel.setAttribute("class", "scholar-progress-item-label");
newLabel.setAttribute("crop", "end");
newLabel.setAttribute("value", label[i]);
var newImage = _progressWindow.document.createElement("image");
newImage.setAttribute("class", "scholar-progress-item-icon");
newImage.setAttribute("src", icon[i]);
var newHB = _progressWindow.document.createElement("hbox");
newHB.setAttribute("class", "scholar-progress-item-hbox");
newHB.setAttribute("valign", "center");
} else {
_loadLines = _loadLines.concat(label);
_loadIcons = _loadIcons.concat(icon);
function addDescription(text) {
if(_windowLoaded) {
var newHB = _progressWindow.document.createElement("hbox");
newHB.setAttribute("class", "scholar-progress-item-hbox");
var newDescription = _progressWindow.document.createElement("description");
newDescription.setAttribute("class", "scholar-progress-description");
var newText = _progressWindow.document.createTextNode(text);
} else {
_loadDescription = text;
function fade() {
if(_windowLoaded || _windowLoading) {
setTimeout(_timeout, 2500);
function kill() {
_windowLoaded = false;
_windowLoading = false;
try {
} catch(ex) {}
function _onWindowLoaded() {
_windowLoading = false;
_windowLoaded = true;
// do things we delayed because the winodw was loading
addLines(_loadLines, _loadIcons);
if(_loadDescription) {
// reset parameters
_loadDescription = null;
_loadLines = new Array();
_loadIcons = new Array();
_loadHeadline = Scholar.getString("ingester.scraping")
function _move() {
window.screenX + window.outerWidth - _progressWindow.outerWidth - 30,
window.screenY + window.outerHeight - _progressWindow.outerHeight
function _timeout() {
kill(); // could check to see if we're really supposed to fade yet
// (in case multiple scrapers are operating at once)