Tom Najdek 14bf3184bb Fixes and tweaks to make tests work with babelized code
* Use mocha, chai & sinon from the npm. As of sinon 2.0
  sinon-as-promised is no longer required so it is removed
* Tweak code to re-use the same loader with the same environment
  throghout the code
* Introduce browserify step for testing tools that only provide
  node-compatible libraries (sinon, chai-as-promised)
* Introduce copy step for test data to resolve multiple issues with
  tests depending on files not being symlinks
* Re-introduce custom implementation of setTimeout to resolve issues
  with few tests
* Re-introduce custom Bluebird Promises config & monkey patch
2017-06-01 11:36:16 -04:00

53 lines
1.6 KiB

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