adjusts the Google Books translator to work with the latest revision of the site renames the MODS translator to just MODS, because "Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS)" was too long for the export dialog
588 lines
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// Scholar for Firefox Ingester
// Utilities based on code taken from Piggy Bank 2.1.1 (BSD-licensed)
// This code is licensed according to the GPL
Scholar.Ingester = new Object();
Scholar.Ingester.createHiddenBrowser = function(myWindow) {
// Create a hidden browser
var newHiddenBrowser = myWindow.document.createElement("browser");
var windows = myWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("window");
Scholar.debug("created hidden browser");
return newHiddenBrowser;
Scholar.Ingester.deleteHiddenBrowser = function(myBrowser) {
// Delete a hidden browser
delete myBrowser;
Scholar.debug("deleted hidden browser");
* Operates the ingester given only a URL
* url - URL to scrape
* complete - callback function to be executed if page grab completes
* (will be passed document object; obj.items contains array of
* *unsaved* items scraped; empty array indicates unscrapable page)
* error - callback function to be executed if an error occurred loading page
* myWindow - optional argument indicating window to attach a dialog to. if no
* window is given, Firefox Scholar uses the hidden DOM window and
* will simply avoid scraping multiple pages
Scholar.Ingester.ingestURL = function(url, complete, error, myWindow) {
var isHidden = false;
if(!myWindow) {
var myWindow = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/appShellService;1"]
var isHidden = true;
var succeeded = function(browser) {
var myDoc = new Scholar.Ingester.Document(browser, myWindow, isHidden);
if(myDoc.retrieveTranslator()) {
myDoc.scrapePage(function(myDoc) {
} else {
var failed = function() {
Scholar.debug("Scholar.Ingester.ingestURL: could not ingest "+url);
Scholar.Utilities.HTTP.processDocuments(null, [ url ], succeeded, function() {}, failed, true);
// Scholar.Ingester.ProxyMonitor
// A singleton for recognizing EZProxies and converting URLs such that databases
// will work from outside them. Unfortunately, this only works with the ($495)
// EZProxy software. If there are open source alternatives, we should support
// them too.
* Precompile proxy regexps
Scholar.Ingester.ProxyMonitor = new function() {
var _ezProxyRe = new RegExp();
_ezProxyRe.compile("\\?(?:.+&)?(url|qurl)=([^&]+)", "i");
/*var _hostRe = new RegExp();
var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
var on = false;
var _mapFromProxy = null;
var _mapToProxy = null;
this.init = init;
this.proxyToProper = proxyToProper;
this.properToProxy = properToProxy;
this.observe = observe;
function init() {
if(!on) {
var observerService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]
observerService.addObserver(this, "http-on-examine-response", false);
on = true;
function observe(channel) {
if(channel.getResponseHeader("Server") == "EZproxy") {
// We're connected to an EZproxy
if(channel.responseStatus != "302") {
// We should be able to scrape the URL out of this
var m = _ezProxyRe.exec(channel.URI.spec);
if(!m) {
// Found URL
var variable = m[1];
var properURL = m[2];
if(variable.toLowerCase() == "qurl") {
properURL = unescape(properURL);
var properURI = _parseURL(properURL);
if(!properURI) {
// Get the new URL
var newURL = channel.getResponseHeader("Location");
if(!newURL) {
var newURI = _parseURL(newURL);
if(!newURI) {
if(channel.URI.host == newURI.host && channel.URI.port != newURI.port) {
// Different ports but the same server means EZproxy active
Scholar.debug("EZProxy: host "+newURI.hostPort+" is really "+properURI.hostPort);
// Initialize variables here so people who never use EZProxies
// don't get the (very very minor) speed hit
if(!_mapFromProxy) {
_mapFromProxy = new Object();
_mapToProxy = new Object();
_mapFromProxy[newURI.hostPort] = properURI.hostPort;
_mapToProxy[properURI.hostPort] = newURI.hostPort;
* Returns a page's proper url, adjusting for proxying
function proxyToProper(url) {
if(_mapFromProxy) {
// EZProxy detection is active
var uri = _parseURL(url);
if(uri && _mapFromProxy[uri.hostPort]) {
url = url.replace(uri.hostPort, _mapFromProxy[uri.hostPort]);
Scholar.debug("EZProxy: proper url is "+url);
return url;
* Returns a page's proxied url from the proper url
function properToProxy(url) {
if(_mapToProxy) {
// EZProxy detection is active
var uri = _parseURL(url);
if(uri && _mapToProxy[uri.hostPort]) {
// Actually need to map
url = url.replace(uri.hostPort, _mapToProxy[uri.hostPort]);
Scholar.debug("EZProxy: proxied url is "+url);
return url;
* Parses a url into components (hostPort, port, host, and spec)
function _parseURL(url) {
// create an nsIURI (not sure if this is faster than the regular
// expression, but it's at least more kosher)
var uri = ioService.newURI(url, null, null);
return uri;
// Scholar.Ingester.Model
// Scholar.Ingester.Model, an object representing an RDF data model with
// methods to add to that model. In Piggy Bank, this was implemented in Java,
// but seeing as we don't really want an enormous web server running with FS,
// but we don't actually need that, so it's much simpler.
// The Java version of this class can be viewed at
// http://simile.mit.edu/repository/piggy-bank/trunk/src/java/edu/mit/simile/piggyBank/WorkingModel.java
Scholar.Ingester.Model = function() {
this.data = new Object();
// Piggy Bank provides a fourth argument, one that determines if the third
// argument is a literal or an RDF URI. Since our ontologies are
// sufficiently restricted, we have no chance of confusing a literal and an
// RDF URI and thus this is unnecessary.
Scholar.Ingester.Model.prototype.addStatement = function(uri, rdfUri, literal) {
if(!this.data[uri]) this.data[uri] = new Object();
if(!this.data[uri][rdfUri]) {
this.data[uri][rdfUri] = new Array();
Scholar.debug(rdfUri+" for "+uri+" is "+literal);
// Additional functions added for compatibility purposes only
// No idea if any scraper actually uses these, but just in case, they're
// implemented so as not to throw an exception
Scholar.Ingester.Model.prototype.addTag = function() {}
Scholar.Ingester.Model.prototype.getRepository = function() {}
Scholar.Ingester.Model.prototype.detachRepository = function() {}
// Scholar.Ingester.Document
* eventually, all ingesting will be part of a unified API in Scholar.Translate.
* until then, Scholar.Ingester.Document reigns supreme.
* Public properties:
* browser - browser window object of document
* model - data model for semantic scrapers
* scraper - best scraper to use to scrape page
* items - items returned after page is scraped
* window - window, for creating new hidden browsers
* url - url, as passed through proxy system
* type - type of item that will be scraped (set after retrieveScraper() is
* called)
* Private properties:
* _sandbox - sandbox for code execution
* _scrapeCallback - callback function to be executed when scraping is complete
// Public Scholar.Ingester.Document methods
* Constructor for Document object
Scholar.Ingester.Document = function(myBrowser, myWindow, isHidden) {
this.browser = myBrowser;
this.window = myWindow;
this.isHidden = isHidden;
this.scraper = this.type = null;
this.model = new Scholar.Ingester.Model();
// Create separate URL to account for proxies
this.url = Scholar.Ingester.ProxyMonitor.proxyToProper(this.browser.contentDocument.location.href);
if(this.url != this.browser.contentDocument.location.href) {
this.proxiedURL = true;
this.items = new Array();
* Retrieves the best scraper to scrape a given page
Scholar.Ingester.Document.prototype.retrieveScraper = function() {
Scholar.debug("Retrieving scrapers for "+this.url);
var sql = 'SELECT * FROM translators WHERE type = 3 ORDER BY target IS NULL ASC';
var scrapers = Scholar.DB.query(sql);
for(var i=0; i<scrapers.length; i++) {
var currentScraper = scrapers[i];
if(this.canScrape(currentScraper)) {
this.scraper = currentScraper;
Scholar.debug("Found scraper "+this.scraper.label);
return true;
return false;
* Check to see if _scraper_ can scrape this document
Scholar.Ingester.Document.prototype.canScrape = function(currentScraper) {
var canScrape = false;
// Test with regular expression
// If this is slow, we could preload all scrapers and compile regular
// expressions, so each check will be faster
if(currentScraper.target) {
var regularExpression = new RegExp(currentScraper.target, "i");
if(regularExpression.test(this.url)) {
canScrape = true;
// Test with JavaScript if available and didn't have a regular expression or
// passed regular expression test
if((!currentScraper.target || canScrape)
&& currentScraper.detectCode) {
Scholar.debug("Checking detectCode");
var scraperSandbox = this._sandbox;
try {
canScrape = Components.utils.evalInSandbox("(function(){\n" +
currentScraper.detectCode +
"\n})()", scraperSandbox);
} catch(e) {
Scholar.debug(e+' in detectCode for '+currentScraper.label);
return false;
// detectCode returns text type
if(canScrape.toString() != "") {
this.type = canScrape;
} else {
this.type = "website";
return canScrape;
* Populate model with semantic data regarding this page using _scraper_
* Callback will be executed once scraping is complete
Scholar.Ingester.Document.prototype.scrapePage = function(callback) {
if(callback) {
this._scrapeCallback = callback;
Scholar.debug("Scraping "+this.url);
var scraperSandbox = this._sandbox;
try {
var returnValue = Components.utils.evalInSandbox("(function(){\n" +
this.scraper.code +
"\n})()", scraperSandbox);
} catch(e) {
Scholar.debug(e+' in code for '+this.scraper.label);
// If synchronous, call _scrapePageComplete();
if(!this._waitForCompletion) {
Scholar.debug("is asynch");
// Private Scholar.Ingester.Document methods
* Piggy Bank/FS offers four objects to JavaScript scrapers
* browser - the object representing the open browser window containing the
* document to be processes
* doc - the DOM (basically just browser.contentDocument)
* model - the object representing the RDF model of data to be returned
* (see Scholar.Ingester.Model)
* utilities - a set of utilities for making certain tasks easier
* (see Scholar.Utilities);
* Piggy Bank/FS also offers two functions to simplify asynchronous requests
* (these will only be available for scraping, and not for scrape detection)
* wait() - called on asynchronous requests so that Piggy Bank/FS will not
* automatically return at the end of code execution
* done() - when wait() is called, Piggy Bank/FS will wait for this
* function before returning
* Called when scraping (synchronous or asynchronous) is complete
Scholar.Ingester.Document.prototype._scrapePageComplete = function(returnValue) {
if(this._scrapeCallback) {
this._scrapeCallback(this, returnValue);
// Get us ready for another scrape
delete this.model;
delete this.items;
this.model = new Scholar.Ingester.Model();
this.items = new Array();
this._waitForCompletion = false;
// This is perhaps a bit paranoid, but we need to get the model redone anyway
* Generates a sandbox for scraping/scraper detection
Scholar.Ingester.Document.prototype._generateSandbox = function() {
this._sandbox = new Components.utils.Sandbox(this.browser.contentDocument.location.href);
this._sandbox.browser = this.browser;
this._sandbox.doc = this.browser.contentDocument;
this._sandbox.url = this.url;
this._sandbox.utilities = new Scholar.Utilities.Ingester(this.window, this.proxiedURL, this.isHidden);
this._sandbox.utilities.HTTPUtilities = new Scholar.Utilities.Ingester.HTTPUtilities(this.proxiedURL);
this._sandbox.window = this.window;
this._sandbox.model = this.model;
this._sandbox.XPathResult = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult;
this._sandbox.MARC_Record = Scholar.Ingester.MARC_Record;
this._sandbox.MARC_Record.prototype = new Scholar.Ingester.MARC_Record();
var me = this;
this._sandbox.wait = function(){ me._waitForCompletion = true; };
this._sandbox.done = function(){ me._scrapePageComplete(); };
Scholar.Ingester.Document.prototype._associateRDF = function(rdfUri, field, uri, item, typeID) {
var fieldID;
if(fieldID = Scholar.ItemFields.getID(field)) {
if(this.model.data[uri][rdfUri] && Scholar.ItemFields.isValidForType(fieldID, typeID)) {
item.setField(field, this.model.data[uri][rdfUri][0]);
} else {
Scholar.debug("discarded scraper " + field + " data: not valid for item type "+typeID);
} else {
Scholar.debug("discarded scraper " + field + " data: no field in database");
* Add data ingested using RDF to database
* (Ontologies are hard-coded until we have a real way of dealing with them)
Scholar.Ingester.Document.prototype._updateDatabase = function() {
Scholar.debug("doing updating");
var prefixRDF = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#';
var prefixDC = 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/';
var prefixDCMI = 'http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/';
var prefixDummy = 'http://chnm.gmu.edu/firefox-scholar/';
// Call number fields, in order of preference
var callNumbers = new Array("LCC", "DDC", "UDC", "NLM", "NAL", "CN");
try {
for(var uri in this.model.data) {
// Get typeID, defaulting to "website"
try {
var type = this.model.data[uri][prefixRDF + 'type'][0].substr(prefixDummy.length);
var typeID = Scholar.ItemTypes.getID(type);
} catch(ex) {
var typeID = Scholar.ItemTypes.getID("website")
var newItem = Scholar.Items.getNewItemByType(typeID);
// Handle source and title
newItem.setField("source", uri);
if(this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'title']) {
newItem.setField("title", this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'title'][0]);
// Handle creators and contributors
var creatorIndex = 0;
if(this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'creator']) {
for(i in this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'creator']) {
var creator = this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'creator'][i];
var spaceIndex = creator.lastIndexOf(" ");
var lastName = creator.substring(spaceIndex+1, creator.length);
var firstName = creator.substring(0, spaceIndex);
newItem.setCreator(creatorIndex, firstName, lastName, 1);
if(this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'contributor']) {
for(i in this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'contributor']) {
var creator = this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'contributor'][i];
var spaceIndex = creator.lastIndexOf(" ");
var lastName = creator.substring(spaceIndex+1, creator.length);
var firstName = creator.substring(0, spaceIndex);
newItem.setCreator(creatorIndex, firstName, lastName, 2);
if(this.model.data[uri][prefixDummy + 'corporateCreator']) {
for(i in this.model.data[uri][prefixDummy + 'corporateCreator']) {
newItem.setCreator(creatorIndex, null, this.model.data[uri][prefixDummy + 'corporateCreator'][i], 1);
if(this.model.data[uri][prefixDummy + 'corporateContributor']) {
for(i in this.model.data[uri][prefixDummy + 'corporateContributor']) {
newItem.setCreator(creatorIndex, null, this.model.data[uri][prefixDummy + 'corporateContributor'][i], 2);
if(this.model.data[uri][prefixDummy + 'editor']) {
for(i in this.model.data[uri][prefixDummy + 'editor']) {
newItem.setCreator(creatorIndex, null, this.model.data[uri][prefixDummy + 'editor'][i], 3);
// Handle years, extracting from date if necessary
if(Scholar.ItemFields.isValidForType(Scholar.ItemFields.getID("year"), typeID)) {
if(this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'year']) {
newItem.setField("year", this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'year'][0]);
} else if(this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'date'] && this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'date'][0].length >= 4) {
var ISORe = /^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$/
if(ISORe.test(this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'date'][0])) {
newItem.setField("year", this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'date'][0].substr(0, 4));
} else {
var m;
var yearRe = /[0-9]{4}$/;
if(m = yearRe.exec(this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'date'][0])) {
newItem.setField("year", m[0]);
// Handle ISBNs/ISSNs/Call Numbers
if(this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'identifier']) {
var oldIndex = -1;
var needISSN = Scholar.ItemFields.isValidForType(Scholar.ItemFields.getID("ISSN"), typeID);
var needISBN = Scholar.ItemFields.isValidForType(Scholar.ItemFields.getID("ISBN"), typeID);
for(i in this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'identifier']) {
prefix = this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'identifier'][i].substr(0, this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'identifier'][i].indexOf(" "));
if(needISSN && prefix == 'ISSN') {
newItem.setField("ISSN", this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'identifier'][i].substring(5));
needISSN = false;
if(needISBN && prefix == 'ISBN') {
newItem.setField("ISBN", this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'identifier'][i].substring(5));
needISBN = false;
var newIndex = Scholar.arraySearch(prefix, callNumbers);
if(newIndex && newIndex > oldIndex) {
oldIndex = newIndex;
var callNumber = this.model.data[uri][prefixDC + 'identifier'][i].substring(prefix.length+1);
if(callNumber) {
newItem.setField("callNumber", callNumber);
this._associateRDF(prefixDummy + 'publication', "publication", uri, newItem, typeID);
this._associateRDF(prefixDummy + 'volume', "volume", uri, newItem, typeID);
this._associateRDF(prefixDummy + 'number', "number", uri, newItem, typeID);
this._associateRDF(prefixDummy + 'pages', "pages", uri, newItem, typeID);
this._associateRDF(prefixDC + 'publisher', "publisher", uri, newItem, typeID);
this._associateRDF(prefixDC + 'date', "date", uri, newItem, typeID);
this._associateRDF(prefixDC + 'hasVersion', "edition", uri, newItem, typeID);
this._associateRDF(prefixDummy + 'series', "series", uri, newItem, typeID);
this._associateRDF(prefixDummy + 'place', "place", uri, newItem, typeID);
} catch(ex) {
Scholar.debug('Error in Scholar.Ingester.Document._updateDatabase: '+ex);
} |