- Make scraperJavaScript run on reload again, because it makes debugging easier - There's not actually a memory leak in the proxyMonitor code.
374 lines
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374 lines
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// Scholar for Firefox Ingester Browser Functions
// Based on code taken from Greasemonkey and PiggyBank
// This code is licensed according to the GPL
// Scholar_Ingester_Interface
// Class to interface with the browser when ingesting data
Scholar_Ingester_Interface = function() {}
// Public Scholar_Ingester_Interface methods
* Initialize some variables and prepare event listeners for when chrome is done
* loading
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.init = function() {
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browsers = new Array();
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browserDocuments = new Object();
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browserUris = new Array();
window.addEventListener("load", Scholar_Ingester_Interface.chromeLoad, false);
window.addEventListener("unload", Scholar_Ingester_Interface.chromeUnload, false);
* When chrome loads, register our event handlers with the appropriate interfaces
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.chromeLoad = function() {
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabBrowser = document.getElementById("content");
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.appContent = document.getElementById("appcontent");
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.statusImage = document.getElementById("scholar-status-image");
// this gives us onLocationChange, for updating when tabs are switched/created
// this is for pageshow, for updating the status of the book icon
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.contentLoad, true);
* When chrome unloads, delete our document objects and remove our listeners
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.chromeUnload = function() {
delete Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browserDocuments;
* Scrapes a page (called when the capture icon is clicked)
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.scrapeThisPage = function() {
var documentObject = Scholar_Ingester_Interface._getDocument(Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabBrowser.selectedBrowser);
if(documentObject.scraper) {
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.scrapeProgress = new Scholar_Ingester_Interface.Progress(window, Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentDocument, Scholar.getString("ingester.scraping"));
* Updates the status of the capture icon to reflect the scrapability or lack
* thereof of the current page
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.updateStatus = function() {
var documentObject = Scholar_Ingester_Interface._getDocument(Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabBrowser.selectedBrowser);
if(documentObject && documentObject.scraper) {
//Scholar_Ingester_Interface.statusImage.src = "chrome://scholar/skin/treeitem-"+TYPE+".png";
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.statusImage.hidden = false;
} else {
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.statusImage.hidden = true;
* An event handler called when a new document is loaded. Creates a new document
* object, and updates the status of the capture icon
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.contentLoad = function(event) {
if (event.originalTarget instanceof HTMLDocument) {
// Stolen off the Mozilla extension developer's website, a routine to
// determine the root document loaded from a frameset
if (event.originalTarget.defaultView.frameElement) {
var doc = event.originalTarget;
while (doc.defaultView.frameElement) {
// Frame within a tab was loaded. doc is the root document of the frameset
} else {
var doc = event.originalTarget;
// Page was loaded. doc is the document that loaded.
// Figure out what browser this contentDocument is associated with
var browser;
for(var i=0; i<Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabBrowser.browsers.length; i++) {
if(doc == Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabBrowser.browsers[i].contentDocument) {
browser = Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabBrowser.browsers[i];
if(!browser) {
Scholar.debug("Could not find browser!");
* Dummy event handlers for all the events we don't care about
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.Listener = function() {}
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.Listener.onStatusChange = function() {}
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.Listener.onSecurityChange = function() {}
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.Listener.onProgressChange = function() {}
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.Listener.onStateChange = function() {}
* onLocationChange is called when tabs are switched. Use it to retrieve the
* appropriate status indicator for the current tab, and to free useless objects
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.Listener.onLocationChange = function(progressObject) {
var browsers = Scholar_Ingester_Interface.tabBrowser.browsers;
// Remove document object of any browser that no longer exists
for (var i = 0; i < Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browsers.length; i++) {
var browser = Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browsers[i];
var exists = false;
for (var j = 0; j < browsers.length; j++) {
if (browser == browsers[j]) {
exists = true;
if (!exists) {
// To execute if document object does not exist
// Private Scholar.Ingester.Document methods
* Gets a document object given a browser window object
* NOTE: Browser objects are associated with document objects via keys generated
* from the time the browser object is opened. I'm not sure if this is the
* appropriate mechanism for handling this, but it's what PiggyBank used and it
* appears to work.
Scholar_Ingester_Interface._getDocument = function(browser) {
try {
var key = browser.getAttribute("scholar-key");
if(Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browserDocuments[key]) {
return Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browserDocuments[key];
} finally {}
return false;
* Creates a new document object for a browser window object, attempts to
* retrieve appropriate scraper
Scholar_Ingester_Interface._setDocument = function(browser) {
try {
var key = browser.getAttribute("scholar-key");
} finally {
if(!key) {
var key = (new Date()).getTime();
browser.setAttribute("scholar-key", key);
// Only re-load the scraper if it's a new document
//if(Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browserUris[key] != browser.contentDocument.location.href) {
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browserUris[key] = browser.contentDocument.location.href;
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browserDocuments[key] = new Scholar.Ingester.Document(browser, window);
* Deletes the document object associated with a given browser window object
Scholar_Ingester_Interface._deleteDocument = function(browser) {
try {
var key = browser.getAttribute("scholar-key");
if(Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browserDocuments[key]) {
delete Scholar_Ingester_Interface.browserDocuments[key];
return true;
} finally {}
return false;
* Callback to be executed when scraping is complete
Scholar_Ingester_Interface._finishScraping = function(obj, returnValue) {
if(obj.items.length) {
try { // Encased in a try block to fix a as-of-yet unresolved issue
var item1 = obj.items[0];
var fields = Scholar.ItemFields.getItemTypeFields(item1.getField("itemTypeID"));
// Display title and creators
var titleLabel = Scholar.getString("itemFields.title") + ":"
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.scrapeProgress.addResult(titleLabel, item1.getField("title"));
var creators = item1.numCreators();
if(creators) {
for(var i=0; i<creators; i++) {
var creator = item1.getCreator(i);
var label = Scholar.getString("creatorTypes."+Scholar.CreatorTypes.getName(creator.creatorTypeID)) + ":";
var data = creator.firstName + ' ' + creator.lastName;
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.scrapeProgress.addResult(label, data);
// Add additional fields for display
for(i in fields) {
var data = item1.getField(fields[i]);
if(data) {
var name = Scholar.ItemFields.getName(fields[i]);
if(name != "source") {
var label = Scholar.getString("itemFields."+ name) + ":";
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.scrapeProgress.addResult(label, data);
} catch(ex) {
// Save items
for(i in obj.items) {
setTimeout(function() { Scholar_Ingester_Interface.scrapeProgress.fade() }, 2000);
} else if(returnValue) {
} else {
setTimeout(function() { Scholar_Ingester_Interface.scrapeProgress.fade() }, 2000);
// Scholar.Ingester.Progress
// Handles the display of a div showing progress in scraping
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.Progress = function(myWindow, myDocument, headline) {
this.window = myWindow;
this.document = myDocument;
this.div = this.document.createElement('div');
this.div.style.MozOpacity = '.9';
this.div.style.position = 'fixed';
this.div.style.right = '20px';
this.div.style.top = '20px';
this.div.style.width = '200px';
this.div.style.height = '150px';
this.div.style.backgroundColor = '#7eadd9'
this.div.style.color = '#000';
this.div.style.padding = '5px';
this.div.style.fontFamily = 'Arial, Geneva, Helvetica';
this.div.style.overflow = 'hidden';
this.div.id = 'firefoxScholarProgressDiv';
this.headlineP = this.document.createElement("div");
this.headlineP.style.textAlign = 'center';
this.headlineP.style.fontSize = '22px';
this.headlineP.style.marginBottom = '5px';
if(!headline) {
headline = ' ';
var headlineNode = this.document.createTextNode(headline);
this.bodyP = this.document.createElement("div");
this.table = this.document.createElement("table");
this.table.style.borderCollapse = 'collapse';
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.Progress.prototype.changeHeadline = function(headline) {
var headlineNode = this.document.createTextNode(headline);
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.Progress.prototype.addResult = function(label, data) {
var labelNode = this.document.createTextNode(label);
var dataNode = this.document.createTextNode(data);
var tr = this.document.createElement("tr");
var labelTd = this.document.createElement("td");
labelTd.style.fontSize = '10px';
labelTd.style.width = '60px';
var dataTd = this.document.createElement("td");
dataTd.style.fontSize = '10px';
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.Progress.prototype.addDescription = function(description) {
var descriptionNode = this.document.createTextNode(description);
var tr = this.document.createElement("tr");
var descriptionTd = this.document.createElement("td");
descriptionTd.style.fontSize = '10px';
descriptionTd.style.colspan = '2';
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.Progress.prototype.fade = function() {
// Icky, icky hack to keep objects
var me = this;
this._fader = function() {
if(me.div.style.MozOpacity <= 0) {
me.div.style.display = 'none';
} else {
me.div.style.MozOpacity -= .1;
setTimeout(me._fader, 100);
// Begin fade
Scholar_Ingester_Interface.Progress.prototype.kill = function() {
this.div.style.display = 'none';