Passing unformatted = true to Item#getField() now returns a bidi control character-less result, and we use that in Reader#updateTitle() and getFileBaseNameFromItem() to prevent bidi control characters from showing up in filenames and window titles (the former everywhere, the latter on Windows only). We also strip bidi control characters in getValidFileName() to be extra safe.
2938 lines
94 KiB
2938 lines
94 KiB
"use strict";
describe("Zotero.Item", function () {
describe("#getField()", function () {
it("should return an empty string for valid unset fields on unsaved items", function () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
assert.strictEqual(item.getField('rights'), "");
it("should return an empty string for valid unset fields on unsaved items after setting on another field", function () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
item.setField('title', 'foo');
assert.strictEqual(item.getField('rights'), "");
it("should return an empty string for invalid unset fields on unsaved items after setting on another field", function () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
item.setField('title', 'foo');
assert.strictEqual(item.getField('invalid'), "");
it("should return a firstCreator for an unsaved item", function* () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
firstName: "A",
lastName: "B",
creatorType: "author"
firstName: "C",
lastName: "D",
creatorType: "editor"
assert.equal(item.getField('firstCreator'), "B");
it("should return a multi-author firstCreator for an unsaved item", async function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
firstName: "A",
lastName: "B",
creatorType: "author"
firstName: "C",
lastName: "D",
creatorType: "author"
Zotero.getString('general.andJoiner', ['\u2068B\u2069', '\u2068D\u2069'])
it("should strip bidi isolates from firstCreator when unformatted = true", async function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
firstName: "A",
lastName: "B",
creatorType: "author"
firstName: "C",
lastName: "D",
creatorType: "author"
// Test unsaved - uses getFirstCreatorFromData()'s omitBidiIsolates option
item.getField('firstCreator', /* unformatted */ true),
Zotero.getString('general.andJoiner', ['B', 'D'])
await item.saveTx();
// Test saved - implemented in getField()
item.getField('firstCreator', /* unformatted */ true),
Zotero.getString('general.andJoiner', ['B', 'D'])
describe("#setField", function () {
it("should throw an error if item type isn't set", function () {
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.throws(() => item.setField('title', 'test'), "Item type must be set before setting field data");
it("should mark a field as changed", function () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
item.setField('title', 'Foo');
it("should save an integer as a string", function* () {
var val = 1234;
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
item.setField('numPages', val);
yield item.saveTx();
assert.strictEqual(item.getField('numPages'), "" + val);
// Setting again as string shouldn't register a change
assert.isFalse(item.setField('numPages', "" + val));
// Value should be TEXT in the DB
var sql = "SELECT TYPEOF(value) FROM itemData JOIN itemDataValues USING (valueID) "
+ "WHERE itemID=? AND fieldID=?";
var type = yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync(sql, [item.id, Zotero.ItemFields.getID('numPages')]);
assert.equal(type, 'text');
it("should save integer 0 as a string", function* () {
var val = 0;
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
item.setField('numPages', val);
yield item.saveTx();
assert.strictEqual(item.getField('numPages'), "" + val);
// Setting again as string shouldn't register a change
assert.isFalse(item.setField('numPages', "" + val));
it('should clear an existing field when ""/null/false is passed', function* () {
var field = 'title';
var val = 'foo';
var fieldID = Zotero.ItemFields.getID(field);
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
item.setField(field, val);
yield item.saveTx();
item.setField(field, "");
// Reset to original value
yield item.reload();
assert.equal(item.getField(field), val);
// false
item.setField(field, false);
// Reset to original value
yield item.reload();
assert.equal(item.getField(field), val);
// null
item.setField(field, null);
yield item.saveTx();
assert.equal(item.getField(field), "");
it('should clear a field set to "0" when a ""/null/false is passed', function* () {
var field = 'title';
var val = "0";
var fieldID = Zotero.ItemFields.getID(field);
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
item.setField(field, val);
yield item.saveTx();
assert.strictEqual(item.getField(field), val);
// ""
item.setField(field, "");
// Reset to original value
yield item.reload();
assert.strictEqual(item.getField(field), val);
// False
item.setField(field, false);
// Reset to original value
yield item.reload();
assert.strictEqual(item.getField(field), val);
// null
item.setField(field, null);
yield item.saveTx();
assert.strictEqual(item.getField(field), "");
it("should throw if value is undefined", function () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
assert.throws(() => item.setField('title'), "'title' value cannot be undefined");
it("should not mark an empty field set to an empty string as changed", function () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
item.setField('url', '');
it("should save version as object version", function* () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
item.setField("version", 1);
var id = yield item.saveTx();
item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id);
assert.equal(item.getField("version"), 1);
assert.equal(item.version, 1);
it("should save versionNumber for computerProgram", function* () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('computerProgram');
item.setField("versionNumber", "1.0");
var id = yield item.saveTx();
item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id);
assert.equal(item.getField("versionNumber"), "1.0");
it("should accept ISO 8601 dates", function* () {
var fields = {
accessDate: "2015-06-07T20:56:00Z",
dateAdded: "2015-06-07T20:57:00Z",
dateModified: "2015-06-07T20:58:00Z",
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
for (let i in fields) {
item.setField(i, fields[i]);
assert.equal(item.getField('accessDate'), '2015-06-07 20:56:00');
assert.equal(item.dateAdded, '2015-06-07 20:57:00');
assert.equal(item.dateModified, '2015-06-07 20:58:00');
it("should accept SQL dates", function* () {
var fields = {
accessDate: "2015-06-07 20:56:00",
dateAdded: "2015-06-07 20:57:00",
dateModified: "2015-06-07 20:58:00",
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
for (let i in fields) {
item.setField(i, fields[i]);
item.getField(i, fields[i]);
it("should accept SQL accessDate without time", function* () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
var date = "2017-04-05";
item.setField("accessDate", date);
assert.strictEqual(item.getField('accessDate'), date);
it("should ignore unknown accessDate values", function* () {
var fields = {
accessDate: "foo"
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
for (let i in fields) {
item.setField(i, fields[i]);
assert.strictEqual(item.getField('accessDate'), '');
describe("#dateAdded", function () {
it("should use current time if value was not given for a new item", function* () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
var id = yield item.saveTx();
item = Zotero.Items.get(id);
assert.closeTo(Zotero.Date.sqlToDate(item.dateAdded, true).getTime(), Date.now(), 2000);
it("should use given value for a new item", function* () {
var dateAdded = "2015-05-05 17:18:12";
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
item.dateAdded = dateAdded;
var id = yield item.saveTx();
item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id);
assert.equal(item.dateAdded, dateAdded);
describe("#dateModified", function () {
it("should use given value for a new item", function* () {
var dateModified = "2015-05-05 17:18:12";
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
item.dateModified = dateModified;
var id = yield item.saveTx();
assert.equal(item.dateModified, dateModified);
item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id);
assert.equal(item.dateModified, dateModified);
it("should use given value when skipDateModifiedUpdate is set for a new item", function* () {
var dateModified = "2015-05-05 17:18:12";
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
item.dateModified = dateModified;
var id = yield item.saveTx({
skipDateModifiedUpdate: true
assert.equal(item.dateModified, dateModified);
item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id);
assert.equal(item.dateModified, dateModified);
it("should use current time if value was not given for an existing item", function* () {
var dateModified = "2015-05-05 17:18:12";
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
item.dateModified = dateModified;
var id = yield item.saveTx();
item = Zotero.Items.get(id);
// Save again without changing Date Modified
item.setField('title', 'Test');
yield item.saveTx()
assert.closeTo(Zotero.Date.sqlToDate(item.dateModified, true).getTime(), Date.now(), 2000);
it("should use current time if the existing value was given for an existing item", function* () {
var dateModified = "2015-05-05 17:18:12";
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
item.dateModified = dateModified;
var id = yield item.saveTx();
item = Zotero.Items.get(id);
// Set Date Modified to existing value
item.setField('title', 'Test');
item.dateModified = dateModified;
yield item.saveTx()
assert.closeTo(Zotero.Date.sqlToDate(item.dateModified, true).getTime(), Date.now(), 2000);
it("should use current time if value is not given when skipDateModifiedUpdate is set for a new item", function* () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
var id = yield item.saveTx({
skipDateModifiedUpdate: true
item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id);
assert.closeTo(Zotero.Date.sqlToDate(item.dateModified, true).getTime(), Date.now(), 2000);
it("should keep original value when skipDateModifiedUpdate is set for an existing item", function* () {
var dateModified = "2015-05-05 17:18:12";
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
item.dateModified = dateModified;
var id = yield item.saveTx();
item = Zotero.Items.get(id);
// Resave with skipDateModifiedUpdate
item.setField('title', 'Test');
yield item.saveTx({
skipDateModifiedUpdate: true
assert.equal(item.dateModified, dateModified);
describe("#inPublications", function () {
it("should add item to publications table", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
item.inPublications = true;
yield item.saveTx();
(yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync(
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM publicationsItems WHERE itemID=?", item.id)),
it("should be set to false after save", function* () {
var collection = yield createDataObject('collection');
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
item.inPublications = false;
yield item.saveTx();
item.inPublications = false;
yield item.saveTx();
(yield Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync(
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM publicationsItems WHERE itemID=?", item.id)),
it("should be invalid for linked-file attachments", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item', { inPublications: true });
var attachment = yield Zotero.Attachments.linkFromFile({
file: OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'test.png'),
parentItemID: item.id
attachment.inPublications = true;
var e = yield getPromiseError(attachment.saveTx());
assert.include(e.message, "Linked-file attachments cannot be added to My Publications");
it("should be invalid for group library items", function* () {
var group = yield getGroup();
var item = yield createDataObject('item', { libraryID: group.libraryID });
item.inPublications = true;
var e = yield getPromiseError(item.saveTx());
assert.equal(e.message, "Only items in user libraries can be added to My Publications");
describe("#parentID", function () {
it("should create a child note", function* () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
var parentItemID = yield item.saveTx();
item = new Zotero.Item('note');
item.parentID = parentItemID;
var childItemID = yield item.saveTx();
item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(childItemID);
assert.equal(item.parentID, parentItemID);
it("should not be settable to item itself", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note' });
item.parentID = item.id;
var e = await getPromiseError(item.saveTx());
assert.equal(e.message, "Item cannot be set as parent of itself");
describe("#parentKey", function () {
it("should be false for an unsaved attachment", function () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
it("should be false on an unsaved non-attachment item", function () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
it("should not be marked as changed setting to false on an unsaved item", function () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
item.attachmentLinkMode = 'linked_url';
item.parentKey = false;
it("should not mark item as changed if false and no existing parent", function* () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
item.attachmentLinkMode = 'linked_url';
item.url = "https://www.zotero.org/";
var id = yield item.saveTx();
item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id);
item.parentKey = false;
it("should not be marked as changed after a save", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item');
var attachment = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
attachment.attachmentLinkMode = 'linked_url';
await attachment.saveTx();
attachment.parentKey = item.key;
await attachment.saveTx();
it("should move a top-level note under another item", function* () {
var noteItem = new Zotero.Item('note');
var id = yield noteItem.saveTx()
noteItem = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id);
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
id = yield item.saveTx();
var { libraryID, key } = Zotero.Items.getLibraryAndKeyFromID(id);
noteItem.parentKey = key;
yield noteItem.saveTx();
it("should remove top-level item from collections when moving it under another item", function* () {
// Create a collection
var collection = new Zotero.Collection;
collection.name = "Test";
var collectionID = yield collection.saveTx();
// Create a top-level note and add it to a collection
var noteItem = new Zotero.Item('note');
var id = yield noteItem.saveTx()
noteItem = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id);
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
id = yield item.saveTx();
var { libraryID, key } = Zotero.Items.getLibraryAndKeyFromID(id);
noteItem.parentKey = key;
yield noteItem.saveTx();
it("should not be settable to item itself", async function () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('note');
item.libraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID;
item.key = Zotero.DataObjectUtilities.generateKey();
item.parentKey = item.key;
var e = await getPromiseError(item.saveTx());
assert.equal(e.message, "Item cannot be set as parent of itself");
describe("#topLevelItem", function () {
it("should return self for top-level item", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item');
assert.equal(item, item.topLevelItem);
it("should return parent item for note", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item');
var note = await createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentItemID: item.id });
assert.equal(item, note.topLevelItem);
it("should return top-level item for annotation", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item');
var attachment = await importPDFAttachment(item);
var annotation = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment);
assert.equal(item, annotation.topLevelItem);
describe("#getCreators()", function () {
it("should update after creators are removed", function* () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
creatorType: "author",
name: "A"
yield item.saveTx();
assert.lengthOf(item.getCreators(), 1);
yield item.saveTx();
assert.lengthOf(item.getCreators(), 0);
describe("#setCreators()", function () {
it("should accept an array of creators in API JSON format", function* () {
var creators = [
firstName: "First",
lastName: "Last",
creatorType: "author"
name: "Test Name",
creatorType: "editor"
var item = new Zotero.Item("journalArticle");
var id = yield item.saveTx();
item = Zotero.Items.get(id);
assert.sameDeepMembers(item.getCreatorsJSON(), creators);
it("should accept an array of creators in internal format", function* () {
var creators = [
firstName: "First",
lastName: "Last",
fieldMode: 0,
creatorTypeID: Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID('author')
firstName: "",
lastName: "Test Name",
fieldMode: 1,
creatorTypeID: Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID('editor')
var item = new Zotero.Item("journalArticle");
var id = yield item.saveTx();
item = Zotero.Items.get(id);
assert.sameDeepMembers(item.getCreators(), creators);
it("should clear creators if empty array passed", function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
firstName: "First",
lastName: "Last",
fieldMode: 0,
creatorTypeID: Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID('author')
assert.lengthOf(item.getCreators(), 1);
assert.lengthOf(item.getCreators(), 0);
it("should switch to primary creator type if unknown type given", function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'book' });
firstName: "First",
lastName: "Last",
creatorType: "unknown"
assert.equal(item.getCreators()[0].creatorTypeID, Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID('author'));
it("should switch to primary creator type on invalid creator type for a given item type", function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'book' });
firstName: "First",
lastName: "Last",
creatorType: "interviewee"
assert.equal(item.getCreators()[0].creatorTypeID, Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID('author'));
it("should throw on unknown creator type in strict mode", function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'book' });
var f = () => {
firstName: "First",
lastName: "Last",
creatorType: "unknown"
strict: true
assert.throws(f, /^Unknown creator type/);
it("should throw on invalid creator type for a given item type in strict mode", function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'book' });
var f = () => {
firstName: "First",
lastName: "Last",
creatorType: "interviewee"
strict: true
assert.throws(f, /^Invalid creator type/);
describe("#setCollections()", function () {
it("should add a collection with an all-numeric key", async function () {
var col = new Zotero.Collection();
col.libraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID;
col.key = '23456789';
await col.loadPrimaryData();
col.name = 'Test';
var id = await col.saveTx();
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
await item.saveTx();
describe("#numAttachments()", function () {
it("should include child attachments", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
var attachment = yield importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentID: item.id });
assert.equal(item.numAttachments(), 1);
it("shouldn't include trashed child attachments by default", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
yield importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentID: item.id });
var attachment = yield importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentID: item.id });
attachment.deleted = true;
yield attachment.saveTx();
assert.equal(item.numAttachments(), 1);
it("should include trashed child attachments if includeTrashed=true", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
yield importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentID: item.id });
var attachment = yield importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentID: item.id });
attachment.deleted = true;
yield attachment.saveTx();
assert.equal(item.numAttachments(true), 2);
describe("#getAttachments()", function () {
it("#should return child attachments", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
var attachment = new Zotero.Item("attachment");
attachment.parentID = item.id;
attachment.attachmentLinkMode = Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_FILE;
yield attachment.saveTx();
var attachments = item.getAttachments();
assert.lengthOf(attachments, 1);
assert.equal(attachments[0], attachment.id);
it("should return child attachments sorted alphabetically", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item');
var titles = ['B', 'C', 'A'];
var attachments = [];
for (let title of titles) {
let attachment = new Zotero.Item("attachment");
attachment.attachmentLinkMode = 'linked_url';
attachment.parentID = item.id;
attachment.setField('title', title);
await attachment.saveTx();
attachments = item.getAttachments().map(id => Zotero.Items.get(id));
assert.equal(attachments[0].getField('title'), 'A');
assert.equal(attachments[1].getField('title'), 'B');
assert.equal(attachments[2].getField('title'), 'C');
it("should return re-sorted child attachments after one is modified", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item');
var titles = ['B', 'C', 'A'];
var attachments = [];
for (let title of titles) {
let attachment = new Zotero.Item("attachment");
attachment.attachmentLinkMode = 'linked_url';
attachment.parentID = item.id;
attachment.setField('title', title);
await attachment.saveTx();
attachments[0].setField('title', 'D');
await attachments[0].saveTx();
attachments = item.getAttachments().map(id => Zotero.Items.get(id));
assert.equal(attachments[0].getField('title'), 'A');
assert.equal(attachments[1].getField('title'), 'C');
assert.equal(attachments[2].getField('title'), 'D');
it("#should ignore trashed child attachments by default", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
var attachment = new Zotero.Item("attachment");
attachment.parentID = item.id;
attachment.attachmentLinkMode = Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_FILE;
attachment.deleted = true;
yield attachment.saveTx();
var attachments = item.getAttachments();
assert.lengthOf(attachments, 0);
it("#should include trashed child attachments if includeTrashed=true", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
var attachment = new Zotero.Item("attachment");
attachment.parentID = item.id;
attachment.attachmentLinkMode = Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_FILE;
attachment.deleted = true;
yield attachment.saveTx();
var attachments = item.getAttachments(true);
assert.lengthOf(attachments, 1);
assert.equal(attachments[0], attachment.id);
it("should update after an attachment is moved to the trash", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item');
var attachment = new Zotero.Item("attachment");
attachment.parentID = item.id;
attachment.attachmentLinkMode = Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_FILE;
await attachment.saveTx();
// Attachment should show up initially
var attachments = item.getAttachments();
assert.lengthOf(attachments, 1);
assert.equal(attachments[0], attachment.id);
// Move attachment to trash
attachment.deleted = true;
await attachment.saveTx();
// Attachment should not show up without includeTrashed=true
attachments = item.getAttachments();
assert.lengthOf(attachments, 0);
it("#should return an empty array for an item with no attachments", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
assert.lengthOf(item.getAttachments(), 0);
it("should update after an attachment is moved to another item", function* () {
var item1 = yield createDataObject('item');
var item2 = yield createDataObject('item');
var item3 = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
item3.parentID = item1.id;
item3.attachmentLinkMode = 'linked_url';
item3.setField('url', 'http://example.com');
yield item3.saveTx();
assert.lengthOf(item1.getAttachments(), 1);
assert.lengthOf(item2.getAttachments(), 0);
item3.parentID = item2.id;
yield item3.saveTx();
assert.lengthOf(item1.getAttachments(), 0);
assert.lengthOf(item2.getAttachments(), 1);
describe("#numNotes()", function () {
it("should include child notes", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
yield createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentID: item.id });
yield createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentID: item.id });
assert.equal(item.numNotes(), 2);
it("shouldn't include trashed child notes by default", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
yield createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentID: item.id });
yield createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentID: item.id, deleted: true });
assert.equal(item.numNotes(), 1);
it("should include trashed child notes with includeTrashed", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
yield createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentID: item.id });
yield createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentID: item.id, deleted: true });
assert.equal(item.numNotes(true), 2);
it("should include child attachment notes with includeEmbedded", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
yield createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentID: item.id });
var attachment = yield importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentID: item.id });
yield attachment.saveTx();
yield item.loadDataType('childItems');
assert.equal(item.numNotes(false, true), 2);
it("shouldn't include empty child attachment notes with includeEmbedded", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
yield createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentID: item.id });
var attachment = yield importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentID: item.id });
assert.equal(item.numNotes(false, true), 1);
// TODO: Fix numNotes(false, true) updating after child attachment note is added or removed
describe("#getNotes()", function () {
it("#should return child notes", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
var note = new Zotero.Item("note");
note.parentID = item.id;
yield note.saveTx();
var notes = item.getNotes();
assert.lengthOf(notes, 1);
assert.equal(notes[0], note.id);
it("#should ignore trashed child notes by default", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
var note = new Zotero.Item("note");
note.parentID = item.id;
note.deleted = true;
yield note.saveTx();
var notes = item.getNotes();
assert.lengthOf(notes, 0);
it("#should include trashed child notes if includeTrashed=true", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
var note = new Zotero.Item("note");
note.parentID = item.id;
note.deleted = true;
yield note.saveTx();
var notes = item.getNotes(true);
assert.lengthOf(notes, 1);
assert.equal(notes[0], note.id);
it("#should return an empty array for an item with no notes", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
assert.lengthOf(item.getNotes(), 0);
it("should update after a note is moved to another item", function* () {
var item1 = yield createDataObject('item');
var item2 = yield createDataObject('item');
var item3 = yield createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentID: item1.id });
assert.lengthOf(item1.getNotes(), 1);
assert.lengthOf(item2.getNotes(), 0);
item3.parentID = item2.id;
yield item3.saveTx();
assert.lengthOf(item1.getNotes(), 0);
assert.lengthOf(item2.getNotes(), 1);
describe("#getFilePath()", function () {
it("should return the absolute path for an embedded image", async function () {
var note = await createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note' });
var path = OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'test.png');
var imageData = await Zotero.File.getBinaryContentsAsync(path);
var array = new Uint8Array(imageData.length);
for (let i = 0; i < imageData.length; i++) {
array[i] = imageData.charCodeAt(i);
var blob = new Blob([array], { type: 'image/png' });
var attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.importEmbeddedImage({
parentItemID: note.id
var storageDir = Zotero.getStorageDirectory().path;
OS.Path.join(storageDir, attachment.key, 'image.png'),
describe("#attachmentCharset", function () {
it("should get and set a value", function* () {
var charset = 'utf-8';
var item = new Zotero.Item("attachment");
item.attachmentLinkMode = Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_FILE;
item.attachmentCharset = charset;
var itemID = yield item.saveTx();
assert.equal(item.attachmentCharset, charset);
item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(itemID);
assert.equal(item.attachmentCharset, charset);
it("should not allow a numerical value", function* () {
var charset = 1;
var item = new Zotero.Item("attachment");
try {
item.attachmentCharset = charset;
catch (e) {
assert.equal(e.message, "Character set must be a string")
assert.fail("Numerical charset was allowed");
it("should not be marked as changed if not changed", function* () {
var charset = 'utf-8';
var item = new Zotero.Item("attachment");
item.attachmentLinkMode = Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_FILE;
item.attachmentCharset = charset;
var itemID = yield item.saveTx();
item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(itemID);
// Set charset to same value
item.attachmentCharset = charset
describe("#attachmentFilename", function () {
afterEach(function () {
Zotero.Prefs.set('saveRelativeAttachmentPath', false)
it("should get and set a filename for a stored file", function* () {
var filename = "test.txt";
// Create parent item
var item = new Zotero.Item("book");
var parentItemID = yield item.saveTx();
// Create attachment item
var item = new Zotero.Item("attachment");
item.attachmentLinkMode = Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_FILE;
item.parentID = parentItemID;
var itemID = yield item.saveTx();
// Should be empty when unset
assert.equal(item.attachmentFilename, '');
// Set filename
item.attachmentFilename = filename;
yield item.saveTx();
item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(itemID);
// Check filename
assert.equal(item.attachmentFilename, filename);
// Check full path
var file = Zotero.Attachments.getStorageDirectory(item);
assert.equal(item.getFilePath(), file.path);
it("should get a filename for a base-dir-relative file", function () {
var dir = getTestDataDirectory().path;
Zotero.Prefs.set('saveRelativeAttachmentPath', true)
Zotero.Prefs.set('baseAttachmentPath', dir)
var file = OS.Path.join(dir, 'test.png');
var item = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
item.attachmentLinkMode = 'linked_file';
item.attachmentPath = file;
assert.equal(item.attachmentFilename, 'test.png');
it("should get a filename for a base-dir-relative file in a subdirectory", function () {
var dir = getTestDataDirectory().path;
var baseDir = OS.Path.dirname(dir);
Zotero.Prefs.set('saveRelativeAttachmentPath', true)
Zotero.Prefs.set('baseAttachmentPath', baseDir)
var file = OS.Path.join(dir, 'test.png');
var item = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
item.attachmentLinkMode = 'linked_file';
item.attachmentPath = file;
assert.equal(item.attachmentFilename, 'test.png');
describe("#attachmentPath", function () {
afterEach(function () {
Zotero.Prefs.set('saveRelativeAttachmentPath', false)
it("should return an absolute path for a linked attachment", function* () {
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var item = yield Zotero.Attachments.linkFromFile({ file });
assert.equal(item.attachmentPath, file.path);
it("should return a prefixed path for an imported file", function* () {
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var item = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file });
assert.equal(item.attachmentPath, "storage:test.png");
it("should set a prefixed relative path for a path within the defined base directory", function* () {
var dir = getTestDataDirectory().path;
var baseDir = OS.Path.dirname(dir);
Zotero.Prefs.set('saveRelativeAttachmentPath', true)
Zotero.Prefs.set('baseAttachmentPath', baseDir)
var file = OS.Path.join(dir, 'test.png');
var item = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
item.attachmentLinkMode = 'linked_file';
item.attachmentPath = file;
assert.equal(item.attachmentPath, "attachments:data/test.png");
it("should return a prefixed path for a linked attachment within the defined base directory", function* () {
var dir = getTestDataDirectory().path;
var baseDir = OS.Path.dirname(dir);
Zotero.Prefs.set('saveRelativeAttachmentPath', true)
Zotero.Prefs.set('baseAttachmentPath', baseDir)
var file = OS.Path.join(dir, 'test.png');
var item = yield Zotero.Attachments.linkFromFile({
file: Zotero.File.pathToFile(file)
assert.equal(item.attachmentPath, "attachments:data/test.png");
describe("#renameAttachmentFile()", function () {
it("should rename an attached file", function* () {
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var item = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
file: file
var newName = 'test2.png';
yield item.renameAttachmentFile(newName);
assert.equal(item.attachmentFilename, newName);
var path = yield item.getFilePathAsync();
assert.equal(OS.Path.basename(path), newName)
yield OS.File.exists(path);
// File should be flagged for upload
// DEBUG: Is this necessary?
assert.equal(item.attachmentSyncState, Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.SYNC_STATE_TO_UPLOAD);
// Only relevant on a case-insensitive filesystem
it("should rename an attached file with a case-only change (Mac)", async function () {
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var item = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
file: file
var newName = 'Test.png';
await item.renameAttachmentFile(newName);
assert.equal(item.attachmentFilename, newName);
var path = await item.getFilePathAsync();
assert.equal(OS.Path.basename(path), newName)
await OS.File.exists(path);
it("should rename a linked file", function* () {
var filename = 'test.png';
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var tmpDir = yield getTempDirectory();
var tmpFile = OS.Path.join(tmpDir, filename);
yield OS.File.copy(file.path, tmpFile);
var item = yield Zotero.Attachments.linkFromFile({
file: tmpFile
var newName = 'test2.png';
yield assert.eventually.isTrue(item.renameAttachmentFile(newName));
assert.equal(item.attachmentFilename, newName);
var path = yield item.getFilePathAsync();
assert.equal(OS.Path.basename(path), newName)
yield OS.File.exists(path);
describe("#getBestAttachmentState()", function () {
it("should cache state for an existing file", function* () {
var parentItem = yield createDataObject('item');
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var childItem = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: parentItem.id
yield parentItem.getBestAttachmentState();
{ type: 'other', exists: true }
it("should cache state for a missing file", function* () {
var parentItem = yield createDataObject('item');
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var childItem = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({
parentItemID: parentItem.id
let path = yield childItem.getFilePathAsync();
yield OS.File.remove(path);
yield parentItem.getBestAttachmentState();
{ type: 'other', exists: false }
it("should cache state for a standalone attachment", async function () {
var standaloneAttachment = await importPDFAttachment();
await standaloneAttachment.getBestAttachmentState();
{ type: 'pdf', exists: true }
describe("#fileExists()", function () {
it("should cache state for an existing file", function* () {
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var item = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file });
yield item.fileExists();
assert.equal(item.fileExistsCached(), true);
it("should cache state for a missing file", function* () {
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var item = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file });
let path = yield item.getFilePathAsync();
yield OS.File.remove(path);
yield item.fileExists();
assert.equal(item.fileExistsCached(), false);
describe("#relinkAttachmentFile", function () {
it("should copy a file elsewhere into the storage directory", function* () {
var filename = 'test.png';
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var tmpDir = yield getTempDirectory();
var tmpFile = OS.Path.join(tmpDir, filename);
yield OS.File.copy(file.path, tmpFile);
file = OS.Path.join(tmpDir, filename);
var item = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file });
let path = yield item.getFilePathAsync();
yield OS.File.remove(path);
yield OS.File.removeEmptyDir(OS.Path.dirname(path));
assert.isFalse(yield item.fileExists());
yield item.relinkAttachmentFile(file);
assert.isTrue(yield item.fileExists());
assert.isTrue(yield OS.File.exists(tmpFile));
it("should handle normalized filenames", function* () {
var item = yield importFileAttachment('test.png');
var path = yield item.getFilePathAsync();
var dir = OS.Path.dirname(path);
var filename = 'tést.pdf'.normalize('NFKD');
// Make sure we're actually testing something -- the test string should be differently
// normalized from what's done in getValidFileName
assert.notEqual(filename, Zotero.File.getValidFileName(filename));
var newPath = OS.Path.join(dir, filename);
yield OS.File.move(path, newPath);
assert.isFalse(yield item.fileExists());
yield item.relinkAttachmentFile(newPath);
assert.isTrue(yield item.fileExists());
describe("#attachmentLastProcessedModificationTime", function () {
it("should save time in milliseconds", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item');
var attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf', { parentID: item.id });
var mtime = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
attachment.attachmentLastProcessedModificationTime = mtime;
await attachment.saveTx();
assert.equal(attachment.attachmentLastProcessedModificationTime, mtime);
var sql = "SELECT lastProcessedModificationTime FROM itemAttachments WHERE itemID=?";
var dbmtime = await Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync(sql, attachment.id);
assert.equal(mtime, dbmtime);
describe("Attachment Page Index", function () {
describe("#getAttachmentLastPageIndex()", function () {
it("should get the page index", async function () {
var attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf');
await attachment.setAttachmentLastPageIndex(2);
assert.equal(2, attachment.getAttachmentLastPageIndex());
it("should throw an error if called on a regular item", async function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
() => item.getAttachmentLastPageIndex(),
"getAttachmentLastPageIndex() can only be called on file attachments"
it("should discard invalid page index", async function () {
var attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf');
var id = attachment._getLastPageIndexSettingKey();
await Zotero.SyncedSettings.set(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID, id, '"1"');
it("should be cleared when item is deleted", async function () {
var attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf');
await attachment.setAttachmentLastPageIndex(2);
var id = attachment._getLastPageIndexSettingKey();
assert.equal(2, Zotero.SyncedSettings.get(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID, id));
await attachment.eraseTx();
assert.isNull(Zotero.SyncedSettings.get(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID, id));
describe("Annotations", function () {
var item;
var attachment;
before(async function () {
item = await createDataObject('item');
attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf', { parentID: item.id });
describe("#annotationType", function () {
it("should throw an invalid-data error if unknown type", function () {
var a = new Zotero.Item('annotation');
try {
a.annotationType = 'foo';
catch (e) {
assert.equal(e.name, 'ZoteroInvalidDataError');
assert.equal(e.message, "Unknown annotation type 'foo'");
assert.fail("Invalid annotationType should throw");
describe("#annotationText", function () {
it("should not be changeable", async function () {
var a = new Zotero.Item('annotation');
a.annotationType = 'highlight';
assert.doesNotThrow(() => a.annotationType = 'highlight');
assert.throws(() => a.annotationType = 'note');
describe("#annotationText", function () {
it("should only be allowed for highlights", async function () {
var a = new Zotero.Item('annotation');
a.annotationType = 'highlight';
assert.doesNotThrow(() => a.annotationText = "This is highlighted text.");
a = new Zotero.Item('annotation');
a.annotationType = 'note';
assert.throws(() => a.annotationText = "This is highlighted text.");
a = new Zotero.Item('annotation');
a.annotationType = 'image';
assert.throws(() => a.annotationText = "This is highlighted text.");
describe("#annotationComment", function () {
it("should not mark object without comment as changed if empty string", async function () {
var annotation = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment, { comment: "" });
annotation.annotationComment = "";
it("should clear existing value when empty string is passed", async function () {
var annotation = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment);
annotation.annotationComment = "";
describe("#saveTx()", function () {
it("should save a highlight annotation", async function () {
var annotation = new Zotero.Item('annotation');
annotation.parentID = attachment.id;
annotation.annotationType = 'highlight';
annotation.annotationText = "This is highlighted text.";
annotation.annotationColor = "#ffff66";
annotation.annotationSortIndex = '00015|002431|00000';
annotation.annotationPosition = JSON.stringify({
pageIndex: 123,
rects: [
[314.4, 412.8, 556.2, 609.6]
await annotation.saveTx();
it("should assign a default color", async function () {
var annotation = new Zotero.Item('annotation');
annotation.parentID = attachment.id;
annotation.annotationType = 'highlight';
annotation.annotationText = "This is highlighted text.";
annotation.annotationSortIndex = '00015|002431|00000';
annotation.annotationPosition = JSON.stringify({
pageIndex: 123,
rects: [
[314.4, 412.8, 556.2, 609.6]
await annotation.saveTx();
assert.equal(annotation.annotationColor, '#ffd400');
it("should save a note annotation", async function () {
var annotation = new Zotero.Item('annotation');
annotation.parentID = attachment.id;
annotation.annotationType = 'note';
annotation.annotationComment = "This is a comment.";
annotation.annotationSortIndex = '00015|002431|00000';
annotation.annotationPosition = JSON.stringify({
pageIndex: 123,
rects: [
[314.4, 412.8, 556.2, 609.6]
await annotation.saveTx();
it("should save an image annotation", async function () {
// Create a Blob from a PNG
var path = OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'test.png');
var imageData = await Zotero.File.getBinaryContentsAsync(path);
var array = new Uint8Array(imageData.length);
for (let i = 0; i < imageData.length; i++) {
array[i] = imageData.charCodeAt(i);
var annotation = new Zotero.Item('annotation');
annotation.parentID = attachment.id;
annotation.annotationType = 'image';
annotation.annotationSortIndex = '00015|002431|00000';
annotation.annotationPosition = JSON.stringify({
pageIndex: 123,
rects: [
[314.4, 412.8, 556.2, 609.6]
width: 1,
height: 1
await annotation.saveTx();
var blob = new Blob([array], { type: 'image/png' });
await Zotero.Annotations.saveCacheImage(annotation, blob);
var imagePath = Zotero.Annotations.getCacheImagePath(annotation);
assert.equal(OS.Path.basename(imagePath), annotation.key + '.png');
await Zotero.File.getBinaryContentsAsync(imagePath),
it("should remove cached image for an annotation item when position changes", async function () {
var attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf');
var annotation = await createAnnotation('image', attachment);
// Get Blob from file and attach it
var blob = await getImageBlob();
var file = await Zotero.Annotations.saveCacheImage(annotation, blob);
assert.isTrue(await OS.File.exists(file));
var position = JSON.parse(annotation.annotationPosition);
position.rects[0][0] = position.rects[0][0] + 1;
annotation.annotationPosition = JSON.stringify(position);
await annotation.saveTx();
assert.isFalse(await OS.File.exists(file));
describe("#getAnnotations()", function () {
var item;
var attachment;
var annotation1;
var annotation2;
before(async function () {
item = await createDataObject('item');
attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf', { parentID: item.id });
annotation1 = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment);
annotation2 = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment);
annotation2.deleted = true;
await annotation2.saveTx();
after(async function () {
await annotation2.eraseTx();
it("should return annotations not in trash", async function () {
var items = attachment.getAnnotations();
assert.sameMembers(items, [annotation1]);
it("should return annotations in trash if includeTrashed=true", async function () {
var items = attachment.getAnnotations(true);
assert.sameMembers(items, [annotation1, annotation2]);
describe("#hasEmbeddedAnnotations()", function () {
it("should recognize a highlight annotation", async function () {
let attachment = await importFileAttachment('duplicatesMerge_annotated_1.pdf');
assert.isTrue(await attachment.hasEmbeddedAnnotations());
it("should recognize a strikeout annotation", async function () {
let attachment = await importFileAttachment('duplicatesMerge_annotated_2.pdf');
assert.isTrue(await attachment.hasEmbeddedAnnotations());
it("should not recognize a link annotation", async function () {
let attachment = await importFileAttachment('duplicatesMerge_notAnnotated.pdf');
assert.isFalse(await attachment.hasEmbeddedAnnotations());
describe("#isEditable()", function () {
var group;
var groupAttachment;
var groupAnnotation1;
var groupAnnotation2;
var groupAnnotation3;
before(async function () {
await Zotero.Users.setCurrentUserID(1);
await Zotero.Users.setName(1, 'Abc');
await Zotero.Users.setName(12345, 'Def');
group = await createGroup();
groupAttachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf', { libraryID: group.libraryID });
groupAnnotation1 = await createAnnotation('highlight', groupAttachment);
groupAnnotation2 = await createAnnotation('highlight', groupAttachment, { createdByUserID: Zotero.Users.getCurrentUserID() });
groupAnnotation3 = await createAnnotation('highlight', groupAttachment, { createdByUserID: 12345 });
describe("'edit'", function () {
it("should return true for personal library annotation", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item');
var attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf', { parentID: item.id });
var annotation = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment);
it("should return true for group annotation created locally", async function () {
it("should return true for group annotation created by current user elsewhere", async function () {
it("should return false for annotations created by another user", async function () {
it("shouldn't allow editing of group annotation owned by another user", async function () {
var annotation = await createAnnotation('image', groupAttachment, { createdByUserID: 12345 });
annotation.annotationComment = 'foobar';
var e = await getPromiseError(annotation.saveTx());
assert.include(e.message, "Cannot edit item");
describe("'erase'", function () {
it("should return true for annotations created by another user", async function () {
it("should allow deletion of group annotation owned by another user", async function () {
var annotation = await createAnnotation('image', groupAttachment, { createdByUserID: 12345 });
await annotation.eraseTx();
describe("#setTags", function () {
it("should save an array of tags in API JSON format", function* () {
var tags = [
tag: "A"
tag: "B"
var item = new Zotero.Item('journalArticle');
var id = yield item.saveTx();
item = Zotero.Items.get(id);
assert.sameDeepMembers(item.getTags(tags), tags);
it("shouldn't mark item as changed if tags haven't changed", function* () {
var tags = [
tag: "A"
tag: "B"
var item = new Zotero.Item('journalArticle');
var id = yield item.saveTx();
item = Zotero.Items.get(id);
it("should remove an existing tag", function* () {
var tags = [
tag: "A"
tag: "B"
var item = new Zotero.Item('journalArticle');
var id = yield item.saveTx();
item = Zotero.Items.get(id);
yield item.saveTx();
assert.sameDeepMembers(item.getTags(tags), tags.slice(0));
describe("#addTag", function () {
it("should add a tag", function* () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
yield item.saveTx();
var tags = item.getTags();
assert.deepEqual(tags, [{ tag: 'a' }]);
it("should add two tags", function* () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
yield item.saveTx();
var tags = item.getTags();
assert.sameDeepMembers(tags, [{ tag: 'a' }, { tag: 'b' }]);
it("should add two tags of different types", function* () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
item.addTag('b', 1);
yield item.saveTx();
var tags = item.getTags();
assert.sameDeepMembers(tags, [{ tag: 'a' }, { tag: 'b', type: 1 }]);
it("should add a tag to an existing item", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
yield item.saveTx();
var tags = item.getTags();
assert.deepEqual(tags, [{ tag: 'a' }]);
it("should add two tags to an existing item", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
yield item.saveTx();
var tags = item.getTags();
assert.sameDeepMembers(tags, [{ tag: 'a' }, { tag: 'b' }]);
// Relations and related items
describe("#addRelatedItem", function () {
it("should add a dc:relation relation to an item", function* () {
var item1 = yield createDataObject('item');
var item2 = yield createDataObject('item');
yield item1.saveTx();
var rels = item1.getRelationsByPredicate(Zotero.Relations.relatedItemPredicate);
assert.lengthOf(rels, 1);
assert.equal(rels[0], Zotero.URI.getItemURI(item2));
it("should allow an unsaved item to be related to an item in the user library", function* () {
var item1 = yield createDataObject('item');
var item2 = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
yield item2.saveTx();
var rels = item2.getRelationsByPredicate(Zotero.Relations.relatedItemPredicate);
assert.lengthOf(rels, 1);
assert.equal(rels[0], Zotero.URI.getItemURI(item1));
it("should throw an error for a relation in a different library", function* () {
var group = yield getGroup();
var item1 = yield createDataObject('item');
var item2 = yield createDataObject('item', { libraryID: group.libraryID });
try {
catch (e) {
assert.equal(e.message, "Cannot relate item to an item in a different library");
assert.fail("addRelatedItem() allowed for an item in a different library");
describe("#save()", function () {
it("should throw an error for an empty item without an item type", function* () {
var item = new Zotero.Item;
var e = yield getPromiseError(item.saveTx());
assert.equal(e.message, "Item type must be set before saving");
describe("saving a child item", function () {
it("should throw an error if a new note is the child of another note", async function () {
var note1 = await createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note' });
var note2 = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentID: note1.id });
var e = await getPromiseError(note2.saveTx());
assert.include(e.message, "must be a regular item");
it("should throw an error if a new imported_file attachment is the child of a note", async function () {
var note = await createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note' });
var e = await getPromiseError(importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentItemID: note.id }));
assert.include(e.message, "must be a regular item");
it("should throw an error if a new note is the child of another attachment", async function () {
var attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.png');
var note = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentID: attachment.id });
var e = await getPromiseError(note.saveTx());
assert.include(e.message, "must be a regular item");
it("should throw an error if an existing note is set as a child of another note", async function () {
var note1 = await createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note' });
var note2 = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note' });
await note2.saveTx();
note2.parentID = note1.id;
var e = await getPromiseError(note2.saveTx());
assert.include(e.message, "must be a regular item");
it("should reload child items for parent items", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
var attachment = yield importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentItemID: item.id });
var note1 = new Zotero.Item('note');
note1.parentItemID = item.id;
yield note1.saveTx();
var note2 = new Zotero.Item('note');
note2.parentItemID = item.id;
yield note2.saveTx();
assert.lengthOf(item.getAttachments(), 1);
assert.lengthOf(item.getNotes(), 2);
note2.parentItemID = null;
yield note2.saveTx();
assert.lengthOf(item.getAttachments(), 1);
assert.lengthOf(item.getNotes(), 1);
// Make sure we're updating annotations rather than replacing and triggering ON DELETE CASCADE
it("should update attachment without deleting child annotations", async function () {
var attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf');
var annotation = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment);
var annotationIDs = await Zotero.DB.columnQueryAsync(
"SELECT itemID FROM itemAnnotations WHERE parentItemID=?", attachment.id
assert.lengthOf(annotationIDs, 1);
attachment.attachmentLastProcessedModificationTime = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
await attachment.saveTx();
annotationIDs = await Zotero.DB.columnQueryAsync(
"SELECT itemID FROM itemAnnotations WHERE parentItemID=?", attachment.id
assert.lengthOf(annotationIDs, 1);
it("should set username as name if not set for library item", async function () {
await Zotero.Users.setCurrentUserID(1);
var username = Zotero.Utilities.randomString();
await Zotero.Users.setCurrentUsername(username);
await Zotero.DB.queryAsync("DELETE FROM users");
var group = await createGroup();
var libraryID = group.libraryID;
var item = await createDataObject('item', { libraryID });
assert.equal(Zotero.Users.getCurrentName(), username);
describe("#_eraseData()", function () {
it("should remove relations pointing to this item", function* () {
var item1 = yield createDataObject('item');
var item2 = yield createDataObject('item');
yield item1.saveTx();
yield item2.saveTx();
yield item1.eraseTx();
assert.lengthOf(item2.relatedItems, 0);
yield assert.eventually.equal(
Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM itemRelations WHERE itemID=?", item2.id),
it("should remove an item in a collection in a read-only library with 'skipEditCheck'", async function () {
var group = await createGroup();
var libraryID = group.libraryID;
var collection = await createDataObject('collection', { libraryID });
var item = await createDataObject('item', { libraryID, collections: [collection.id] });
group.editable = false;
await group.save();
await item.eraseTx({
skipEditCheck: true
it("should remove cached image for an annotation item", async function () {
var attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf');
var annotation = await createAnnotation('image', attachment);
// Get Blob from file and attach it
var path = OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'test.png');
var imageData = await Zotero.File.getBinaryContentsAsync(path);
var array = new Uint8Array(imageData.length);
for (let i = 0; i < imageData.length; i++) {
array[i] = imageData.charCodeAt(i);
var blob = new Blob([array], { type: 'image/png' });
var file = await Zotero.Annotations.saveCacheImage(annotation, blob);
assert.isTrue(await OS.File.exists(file));
await annotation.eraseTx();
assert.isFalse(await OS.File.exists(file));
describe("#multiDiff", function () {
it("should return set of alternatives for differing fields in other items", function* () {
var type = 'item';
var dates = ['2016-03-08 17:44:45'];
var accessDates = ['2016-03-08T18:44:45Z'];
var urls = ['http://www.example.com', 'http://example.net'];
var obj1 = createUnsavedDataObject(type);
obj1.setField('date', '2016-03-07 12:34:56'); // different in 1 and 3, not in 2
obj1.setField('url', 'http://example.com'); // different in all three
obj1.setField('title', 'Test'); // only in 1
var obj2 = createUnsavedDataObject(type);
obj2.setField('url', urls[0]);
obj2.setField('accessDate', accessDates[0]); // only in 2
var obj3 = createUnsavedDataObject(type);
obj3.setField('date', dates[0]);
obj3.setField('url', urls[1]);
var alternatives = obj1.multiDiff([obj2, obj3]);
assert.sameMembers(Object.keys(alternatives), ['url', 'date', 'accessDate']);
assert.sameMembers(alternatives.url, urls);
assert.sameMembers(alternatives.date, dates);
assert.sameMembers(alternatives.accessDate, accessDates);
describe("#clone()", function () {
// TODO: Expand to other data
it("should copy creators", function* () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
firstName: "A",
lastName: "Test",
creatorType: 'author'
yield item.saveTx();
var newItem = item.clone();
assert.sameDeepMembers(item.getCreators(), newItem.getCreators());
it("shouldn't copy linked-item relation", async function () {
var group = await getGroup();
var groupItem = await createDataObject('item', { libraryID: group.libraryID });
var item = await createDataObject('item');
await item.addLinkedItem(groupItem);
assert.equal(await item.getLinkedItem(group.libraryID), groupItem);
var newItem = item.clone();
it("should clone an annotation item", async function () {
var attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf');
var annotation = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment);
var newAnnotation = annotation.clone();
var fields = Object.keys(annotation.toJSON())
.filter(field => field.startsWith('annotation'));
assert.isAbove(fields.length, 0);
for (let field of fields) {
assert.equal(annotation[field], newAnnotation[field], field);
describe("#moveToLibrary()", function () {
it("should move items from My Library to a filesEditable group", async function () {
var group = await createGroup();
var item = await createDataObject('item');
var attachment1 = await importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentID: item.id });
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var attachment2 = await Zotero.Attachments.linkFromFile({
parentItemID: item.id
var note = await createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentID: item.id });
var originalIDs = [item.id, attachment1.id, attachment2.id, note.id];
var originalAttachmentFile = attachment1.getFilePath();
var originalAttachmentHash = await attachment1.attachmentHash
assert.isTrue(await OS.File.exists(originalAttachmentFile));
var newItem = await item.moveToLibrary(group.libraryID);
// Old items and file should be gone
assert.isTrue(originalIDs.every(id => !Zotero.Items.get(id)));
assert.isFalse(await OS.File.exists(originalAttachmentFile));
// New items and stored file should exist; linked file should be gone
assert.equal(newItem.libraryID, group.libraryID);
assert.lengthOf(newItem.getAttachments(), 1);
var newAttachment = Zotero.Items.get(newItem.getAttachments()[0]);
assert.equal(await newAttachment.attachmentHash, originalAttachmentHash);
assert.lengthOf(newItem.getNotes(), 1);
it("should move items from My Library to a non-filesEditable group", async function () {
var group = await createGroup({
filesEditable: false
var item = await createDataObject('item');
var attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.png', { parentID: item.id });
var originalIDs = [item.id, attachment.id];
var originalAttachmentFile = attachment.getFilePath();
var originalAttachmentHash = await attachment.attachmentHash
assert.isTrue(await OS.File.exists(originalAttachmentFile));
var newItem = await item.moveToLibrary(group.libraryID);
// Old items and file should be gone
assert.isTrue(originalIDs.every(id => !Zotero.Items.get(id)));
assert.isFalse(await OS.File.exists(originalAttachmentFile));
// Parent should exist, but attachment should not
assert.equal(newItem.libraryID, group.libraryID);
assert.lengthOf(newItem.getAttachments(), 0);
describe("#toJSON()", function () {
describe("default mode", function () {
it("should output only fields with values", function* () {
var itemType = "book";
var title = "Test";
var item = new Zotero.Item(itemType);
item.setField("title", title);
var id = yield item.saveTx();
item = Zotero.Items.get(id);
var json = item.toJSON();
assert.equal(json.itemType, itemType);
assert.equal(json.title, title);
describe("Attachments", function () {
it.skip("should output attachment fields from file", function* () {
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var item = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file });
yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(function* () {
yield Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.setSyncedModificationTime(
item.id, new Date().getTime()
yield Zotero.Sync.Storage.Local.setSyncedHash(
item.id, 'b32e33f529942d73bea4ed112310f804'
var json = item.toJSON();
assert.equal(json.linkMode, 'imported_file');
assert.equal(json.filename, 'test.png');
assert.equal(json.mtime, (yield item.attachmentModificationTime));
assert.equal(json.md5, (yield item.attachmentHash));
it("should omit storage values with .skipStorageProperties", function* () {
var file = getTestDataDirectory();
var item = yield Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file });
item.attachmentSyncedModificationTime = new Date().getTime();
item.attachmentSyncedHash = 'b32e33f529942d73bea4ed112310f804';
yield item.saveTx({ skipAll: true });
var json = item.toJSON({
skipStorageProperties: true
it("should output synced storage values with .syncedStorageProperties", function* () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
item.attachmentLinkMode = 'imported_file';
item.fileName = 'test.txt';
yield item.saveTx();
var mtime = new Date().getTime();
var md5 = 'b32e33f529942d73bea4ed112310f804';
item.attachmentSyncedModificationTime = mtime;
item.attachmentSyncedHash = md5;
yield item.saveTx({ skipAll: true });
var json = item.toJSON({
syncedStorageProperties: true
assert.equal(json.mtime, mtime);
assert.equal(json.md5, md5);
it.skip("should output unset storage properties as null", function* () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
item.attachmentLinkMode = 'imported_file';
item.fileName = 'test.txt';
var id = yield item.saveTx();
var json = item.toJSON();
it("shouldn't include filename, path, or PDF properties for linked_url attachments", function* () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
item.attachmentLinkMode = 'linked_url';
item.url = "https://www.zotero.org/";
var json = item.toJSON();
assert.notProperty(json, "filename");
assert.notProperty(json, "path");
it("shouldn't include various properties on embedded-image attachments", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note' });
var attachment = await createEmbeddedImage(item);
var json = attachment.toJSON();
assert.notProperty(json, 'title');
assert.notProperty(json, 'url');
assert.notProperty(json, 'accessDate');
assert.notProperty(json, 'tags');
assert.notProperty(json, 'collections');
assert.notProperty(json, 'relations');
assert.notProperty(json, 'note');
assert.notProperty(json, 'charset');
assert.notProperty(json, 'path');
describe("Annotations", function () {
var attachment;
before(async function () {
attachment = await importFileAttachment('test.pdf');
it("should output highlight annotation", async function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject(
'item', { itemType: 'annotation', parentKey: attachment.key }
item.annotationType = 'highlight';
item.annotationText = "This is an <b>extracted</b> text with rich-text\nAnd a new line";
item.annotationComment = "This is a comment with <i>rich-text</i>\nAnd a new line";
item.annotationColor = "#ffec00";
item.annotationPageLabel = "15";
item.annotationSortIndex = "00015|002431|00000";
item.annotationPosition = JSON.stringify({
"pageIndex": 1,
"rects": [
[231.284, 402.126, 293.107, 410.142],
[54.222, 392.164, 293.107, 400.18],
[54.222, 382.201, 293.107, 390.217],
[54.222, 372.238, 293.107, 380.254],
[54.222, 362.276, 273.955, 370.292]
var json = item.toJSON();
for (let prop of ['Type', 'Text', 'Comment', 'Color', 'PageLabel', 'SortIndex']) {
let name = 'annotation' + prop;
assert.propertyVal(json, name, item[name]);
assert.deepEqual(json.annotationPosition, item.annotationPosition);
assert.notProperty(json, 'collections');
assert.notProperty(json, 'annotationIsExternal');
it("should include Mendeley annotation relation", async function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject(
'item', { itemType: 'annotation', parentKey: attachment.key }
item.annotationType = 'highlight';
item.annotationText = "Foo";
item.annotationComment = "";
item.annotationColor = "#ffec00";
item.annotationPageLabel = "15";
item.annotationSortIndex = "00015|002431|00000";
item.annotationPosition = JSON.stringify({
"pageIndex": 1,
"rects": [
[231.284, 402.126, 293.107, 410.142]
'mendeleyDB:annotationUUID': '13e4ec18-f49a-47fb-93f6-fda915d3a1c2'
var json = item.toJSON();
describe("#annotationIsExternal", function () {
it("should be false if not set", async function () {
var item = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment);
it("should be true if set", async function () {
var item = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment, { isExternal: true });
it("should prevent changing of annotationIsExternal on existing item", async function () {
var item = await createAnnotation('highlight', attachment);
assert.throws(() => {
item.annotationIsExternal = true;
}, "Cannot change annotationIsExternal");
it("should include inPublications=true for items in My Publications", function* () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
item.inPublications = true;
var json = item.toJSON();
assert.propertyVal(json, "inPublications", true);
it("shouldn't include inPublications for items not in My Publications in patch mode", function* () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item');
var json = item.toJSON();
assert.notProperty(json, "inPublications");
it("should include inPublications=false for personal-library items not in My Publications in full mode", async function () {
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { libraryID: Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID });
var json = item.toJSON({ mode: 'full' });
assert.property(json, "inPublications", false);
it("shouldn't include inPublications=false for group items not in My Publications in full mode", function* () {
var group = yield getGroup();
var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item', { libraryID: group.libraryID });
var json = item.toJSON({ mode: 'full' });
assert.notProperty(json, "inPublications");
describe("'full' mode", function () {
it("should output all fields", function* () {
var itemType = "book";
var title = "Test";
var item = new Zotero.Item(itemType);
item.setField("title", title);
var id = yield item.saveTx();
item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id);
var json = item.toJSON({ mode: 'full' });
assert.equal(json.title, title);
assert.equal(json.date, "");
assert.equal(json.numPages, "");
describe("'patch' mode", function () {
it("should output only fields that differ", function* () {
var itemType = "book";
var title = "Test";
var date = "2015-05-12";
var item = new Zotero.Item(itemType);
item.setField("title", title);
var id = yield item.saveTx();
item = yield Zotero.Items.getAsync(id);
var patchBase = item.toJSON();
item.setField("date", date);
yield item.saveTx();
var json = item.toJSON({
patchBase: patchBase
assert.equal(json.date, date);
it("should set 'parentItem' to false when cleared", function* () {
var item = yield createDataObject('item');
var note = new Zotero.Item('note');
note.parentID = item.id;
// Create initial JSON with parentItem
var patchBase = note.toJSON();
// Clear parent item and regenerate JSON
note.parentID = false;
var json = note.toJSON({ patchBase });
it("should include relations if related item was removed", function* () {
var item1 = yield createDataObject('item');
var item2 = yield createDataObject('item');
var item3 = yield createDataObject('item');
var item4 = yield createDataObject('item');
var relateItems = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (i1, i2) {
yield Zotero.DB.executeTransaction(async function () {
await i1.save({
skipDateModifiedUpdate: true
await i2.save({
skipDateModifiedUpdate: true
yield relateItems(item1, item2);
yield relateItems(item1, item3);
yield relateItems(item1, item4);
var patchBase = item1.toJSON();
yield item1.saveTx();
yield item2.saveTx();
var json = item1.toJSON({ patchBase });
assert.sameMembers(json.relations['dc:relation'], item1.getRelations()['dc:relation']);
it("shouldn't clear storage properties from original in .skipStorageProperties mode", function* () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
item.attachmentLinkMode = 'imported_file';
item.attachmentFilename = 'test.txt';
item.attachmentContentType = 'text/plain';
item.attachmentCharset = 'utf-8';
item.attachmentSyncedModificationTime = 1234567890000;
item.attachmentSyncedHash = '18d21750c8abd5e3afa8ea89e3dfa570';
var patchBase = item.toJSON({
syncedStorageProperties: true
var json = item.toJSON({
skipStorageProperties: true
assert.equal(json.note, "Test");
assert.notProperty(json, "md5");
assert.notProperty(json, "mtime");
describe("#fromJSON()", function () {
it("should clear missing fields", function* () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
item.setField('title', 'Test');
item.setField('date', '2016');
item.setField('accessDate', '2015-06-07T20:56:00Z');
yield item.saveTx();
var json = item.toJSON();
// Remove fields, which should cause them to be cleared in fromJSON()
delete json.date;
delete json.accessDate;
assert.strictEqual(item.getField('title'), 'Test');
assert.strictEqual(item.getField('date'), '');
assert.strictEqual(item.getField('accessDate'), '');
it("should remove missing creators and change existing", function () {
var item = new Zotero.Item('book');
name: "A",
creatorType: "author"
name: "B",
creatorType: "author"
name: "C",
creatorType: "author"
var json = item.toJSON();
// Remove creators, which should cause them to be cleared in fromJSON()
var newCreators = [
name: "D",
creatorType: "author"
json.creators = newCreators;
assert.sameDeepMembers(item.getCreatorsJSON(), newCreators);
it("should remove item from collection if 'collections' property not provided", function* () {
var collection = yield createDataObject('collection');
// Create standalone attachment in collection
var attachment = yield importFileAttachment('test.png', { collections: [collection.id] });
var item = yield createDataObject('item', { collections: [collection.id] });
var json = attachment.toJSON();
json.path = 'storage:test2.png';
// Add to parent, which implicitly removes from collection
json.parentItem = item.key;
delete json.collections;
yield attachment.saveTx();
it("should remove child item from parent if 'parentKey' property not provided", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item');
var note = await createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note', parentKey: [item.key] });
var json = note.toJSON();
delete json.parentItem;
await note.saveTx();
assert.lengthOf(item.getNotes(), 0);
it("should remove item from My Publications if 'inPublications' property not provided", async function () {
var item = await createDataObject('item', { inPublications: true });
var json = item.toJSON();
delete json.inPublications;
await item.saveTx();
// Not currently following this behavior
/*it("should move valid field in Extra to field if not set", function () {
var doi = '10.1234/abcd';
var json = {
itemType: "journalArticle",
title: "Test",
extra: `DOI: ${doi}`
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.equal(item.getField('DOI'), doi);
assert.equal(item.getField('extra'), '');
it("shouldn't move valid field in Extra to field if also present in JSON", function () {
var doi1 = '10.1234/abcd';
var doi2 = '10.2345/bcde';
var json = {
itemType: "journalArticle",
title: "Test",
DOI: doi1,
extra: `doi: ${doi2}`
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.equal(item.getField('DOI'), doi1);
assert.equal(item.getField('extra'), `doi: ${doi2}`);
it("shouldn't move valid field in Extra to field if already set", function () {
var doi1 = '10.1234/abcd';
var doi2 = '10.2345/bcde';
var json = {
itemType: "journalArticle",
title: "Test",
DOI: doi1,
extra: `doi: ${doi2}`
var item = new Zotero.Item('journalArticle');
item.setField('DOI', doi1);
assert.equal(item.getField('DOI'), doi1);
assert.equal(item.getField('extra'), `doi: ${doi2}`);
it("should use valid CSL type from Extra", function () {
var json = {
itemType: "journalArticle",
pages: "123",
extra: "Type: song"
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.equal(item.itemTypeID, Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('audioRecording'));
// A field valid for the old item type should be moved to Extra
assert.equal(item.getField('extra'), 'Pages: 123');
it("shouldn't convert 'Type: article' from Extra into Document item", function () {
var json = {
itemType: "report",
extra: "Type: article"
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.equal(Zotero.ItemTypes.getName(item.itemTypeID), 'report');
assert.equal(item.getField('extra'), 'Type: article');
it("should ignore creator field in Extra", async function () {
var json = {
itemType: "journalArticle",
extra: "Author: Name"
var item = new Zotero.Item();
assert.lengthOf(item.getCreatorsJSON(), 0);
assert.equal(item.getField('extra'), json.extra);
describe("not-strict mode", function () {
it("should handle Extra in non-strict mode", function () {
var json = {
itemType: "journalArticle",
title: "Test",
extra: "Here's some extra text"
var item = new Zotero.Item();
assert.equal(item.getField('extra'), json.extra);
it("should store unknown fields in Extra", function () {
var json = {
itemType: "journalArticle",
title: "Test",
fooBar: "123",
testField: "test value"
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.equal(item.getField('title'), 'Test');
assert.equal(item.getField('extra'), 'Foo Bar: 123\nTest Field: test value');
it("should replace unknown field in Extra", function () {
var json = {
itemType: "journalArticle",
title: "Test",
foo: "BBB",
extra: "Foo: AAA\nBar: CCC"
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.equal(item.getField('title'), 'Test');
assert.equal(item.getField('extra'), 'Foo: BBB\nBar: CCC');
it("should store invalid-for-type field in Extra", function () {
var json = {
itemType: "journalArticle",
title: "Test",
medium: "123"
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.equal(item.getField('title'), 'Test');
assert.equal(item.getField('extra'), 'Medium: 123');
it("should ignore invalid-for-type base-mapped field if valid-for-type base field is set in Extra", function () {
var json = {
itemType: "document",
publisher: "Foo", // Valid for 'document'
company: "Bar" // Not valid for 'document', but mapped to base field 'publisher'
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.equal(item.getField('publisher'), 'Foo');
assert.equal(item.getField('extra'), '');
it("shouldn't include base field or invalid base-mapped field in Extra if valid base-mapped field is set", function () {
var json = {
itemType: "audioRecording",
publisher: "A", // Base field, which will be overwritten by the valid base-mapped field
label: "B", // Valid base-mapped field, which should be stored
company: "C", // Invalid base-mapped field, which should be ignored
foo: "D" // Invalid other field, which should be added to Extra
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.equal(item.getField('label'), 'B');
assert.equal(item.getField('extra'), 'Foo: D');
it("should remove invalid-for-type base-mapped fields with same values and use base field if not present when storing in Extra", function () {
var json = {
itemType: "artwork",
publisher: "Foo", // Invalid base field
company: "Foo", // Invalid base-mapped field
label: "Foo" // Invaid base-mapped field
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.equal(item.getField('extra'), 'Publisher: Foo');
it("should remove invalid-for-type base-mapped Type fields when storing in Extra", function () {
var json = {
itemType: "document",
reportType: "Foo", // Invalid base-mapped field
websiteType: "Foo" // Invaid base-mapped field
// Confirm that 'type' is still invalid for 'document', in case this changes
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.equal(item.getField('extra'), '');
it("should ignore some redundant fields from RDF translator (temporary)", function () {
var json = {
itemType: "book",
edition: "1",
versionNumber: "1"
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.equal(item.getField('edition'), "1");
assert.equal(item.getField('extra'), '');
json = {
itemType: "presentation",
meetingName: "Foo",
conferenceName: "Foo"
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.equal(item.getField('meetingName'), "Foo");
assert.equal(item.getField('extra'), '');
json = {
itemType: "journalArticle",
publicationTitle: "Foo",
reporter: "Foo"
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.equal(item.getField('publicationTitle'), "Foo");
assert.equal(item.getField('extra'), '');
json = {
itemType: "conferencePaper",
proceedingsTitle: "Foo",
reporter: "Foo"
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.equal(item.getField('proceedingsTitle'), "Foo");
assert.equal(item.getField('extra'), '');
describe("strict mode", function () {
it("should throw on unknown field", function () {
var json = {
itemType: "journalArticle",
title: "Test",
foo: "Bar"
var item = new Zotero.Item;
var f = () => {
item.fromJSON(json, { strict: true });
assert.throws(f, /^Unknown field/);
it("should throw on invalid field for a given item type", function () {
var json = {
itemType: "journalArticle",
title: "Test",
numPages: "123"
var item = new Zotero.Item;
var f = () => {
item.fromJSON(json, { strict: true });
assert.throws(f, /^Invalid field/);
it("should throw on unknown creator type", function () {
var json = {
itemType: "journalArticle",
title: "Test",
creators: [
firstName: "First",
lastName: "Last",
creatorType: "unknown"
var item = new Zotero.Item;
var f = () => {
item.fromJSON(json, { strict: true });
assert.throws(f, /^Unknown creator type/);
it("should throw on invalid creator type for a given item type", function () {
var json = {
itemType: "journalArticle",
title: "Test",
creators: [
firstName: "First",
lastName: "Last",
creatorType: "interviewee"
var item = new Zotero.Item;
var f = () => {
item.fromJSON(json, { strict: true });
assert.throws(f, /^Invalid creator type/);
it("should accept ISO 8601 dates", function* () {
var json = {
itemType: "journalArticle",
accessDate: "2015-06-07T20:56:00Z",
dateAdded: "2015-06-07T20:57:00Z",
dateModified: "2015-06-07T20:58:00Z",
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.equal(item.getField('accessDate'), '2015-06-07 20:56:00');
assert.equal(item.dateAdded, '2015-06-07 20:57:00');
assert.equal(item.dateModified, '2015-06-07 20:58:00');
it("should accept ISO 8601 access date without time", function* () {
var json = {
itemType: "journalArticle",
accessDate: "2015-06-07",
dateAdded: "2015-06-07T20:57:00Z",
dateModified: "2015-06-07T20:58:00Z",
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.equal(item.getField('accessDate'), '2015-06-07');
assert.equal(item.dateAdded, '2015-06-07 20:57:00');
assert.equal(item.dateModified, '2015-06-07 20:58:00');
it("should ignore non–ISO 8601 dates", function* () {
var json = {
itemType: "journalArticle",
accessDate: "2015-06-07 20:56:00",
dateAdded: "2015-06-07 20:57:00",
dateModified: "2015-06-07 20:58:00",
var item = new Zotero.Item;
assert.strictEqual(item.getField('accessDate'), '');
// DEBUG: Should these be null, or empty string like other fields from getField()?
it("should set creators", function* () {
var json = {
itemType: "journalArticle",
creators: [
firstName: "First",
lastName: "Last",
creatorType: "author"
name: "Test Name",
creatorType: "editor"
var item = new Zotero.Item;
var id = yield item.saveTx();
assert.sameDeepMembers(item.getCreatorsJSON(), json.creators);
it("should map a base field to an item-specific field", function* () {
var item = new Zotero.Item("bookSection");
"publicationTitle":"Publication Title"
assert.equal(item.getField("bookTitle"), "Publication Title");
it("should import attachment content type and path", async function () {
var contentType = 'application/pdf';
var path = OS.Path.join(getTestDataDirectory().path, 'test.pdf');
var json = {
itemType: 'attachment',
linkMode: 'linked_file',
var item = new Zotero.Item();
item.libraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID;
item.fromJSON(json, { strict: true });
assert.propertyVal(item, 'attachmentContentType', contentType);
assert.propertyVal(item, 'attachmentPath', path);
it("should import other attachment fields", async function () {
var contentType = 'application/pdf';
var json = {
itemType: 'attachment',
linkMode: 'linked_file',
contentType: 'text/plain',
charset: 'utf-8',
path: 'attachments:test.txt'
var item = new Zotero.Item();
item.libraryID = Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID;
item.fromJSON(json, { strict: true });
assert.propertyVal(item, 'attachmentCharset', 'utf-8');
it("should import annotation fields", async function () {
var attachment = await importPDFAttachment();
var item = new Zotero.Item();
item.libraryID = attachment.libraryID;
var json = {
itemType: "annotation",
parentItem: attachment.key,
annotationType: 'highlight',
annotationText: "This is highlighted text.",
annotationComment: "This is a comment with <i>rich-text</i>\nAnd a new line",
annotationSortIndex: '00015|002431|00000',
annotationPosition: JSON.stringify({
pageIndex: 123,
rects: [
[314.4, 412.8, 556.2, 609.6]
tags: [
tag: "tagA"
item.fromJSON(json, { strict: true });
for (let i in json) {
if (i == 'tags') {
assert.deepEqual(item.getTags(), json[i]);
else if (i == 'parentItem') {
assert.equal(item.parentKey, json[i]);
else {
assert.equal(item[i], json[i]);