{ "translatorID": "05d07af9-105a-4572-99f6-a8e231c0daef", "label": "COinS", "creator": "Simon Kornblith", "target": "", "minVersion": "2.2", "maxVersion": "", "priority": 300, "inRepository": true, "translatorType": 4, "browserSupport": "gcs", "lastUpdated": "2011-07-01 05:16:13" } function detectWeb(doc, url) { var spanTags = doc.getElementsByTagName("span"); var encounteredType = false; // This and the x: prefix in the XPath are to work around an issue with pages // served as application/xhtml+xml // // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Introduction_to_using_XPath_in_JavaScript#Implementing_a_default_namespace_for_XML_documents function nsResolver() { return 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'; } var spans = doc.evaluate('//x:span[contains(@class, " Z3988") or contains(@class, "Z3988 ") or @class="Z3988"][@title]', doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var span; while(span = spans.iterateNext()) { // determine if it's a valid type var item = new Zotero.Item; var success = Zotero.Utilities.parseContextObject(span.title, item); if(item.itemType) { if(encounteredType) { return "multiple"; } else { encounteredType = item.itemType; } } } return encounteredType; } // used to retrieve next COinS object when asynchronously parsing COinS objects // on a page function retrieveNextCOinS(needFullItems, newItems, couldUseFullItems, doc) { if(needFullItems.length) { var item = needFullItems.shift(); Zotero.debug("looking up contextObject"); var search = Zotero.loadTranslator("search"); search.setHandler("itemDone", function(obj, item) { newItems.push(item); }); search.setHandler("done", function() { retrieveNextCOinS(needFullItems, newItems, couldUseFullItems, doc); }); search.setSearch(item); // look for translators search.getTranslators(function(translators) { if(translators.length) { search.setTranslator(translators); search.translate(); } else { retrieveNextCOinS(needFullItems, newItems, couldUseFullItems, doc); } }); } else { completeCOinS(newItems, couldUseFullItems, doc); Zotero.done(); } } // saves all COinS objects function completeCOinS(newItems, couldUseFullItems, doc) { if(newItems.length > 1) { var selectArray = new Array(newItems.length); for(var i in newItems) { selectArray[i] = newItems[i].title; } Zotero.selectItems(selectArray, function (selectArray) { var useIndices = new Array(); for(var i in selectArray) { useIndices.push(i); } completeItems(newItems, useIndices, couldUseFullItems); }); } else if(newItems.length) { completeItems(newItems, [0], couldUseFullItems); } } function completeItems(newItems, useIndices, couldUseFullItems, doc) { if(!useIndices.length) { return; } var i = useIndices.shift(); // grab full item if the COinS was missing an author if(couldUseFullItems[i]) { Zotero.debug("looking up contextObject"); var search = Zotero.loadTranslator("search"); var firstItem = false; search.setHandler("itemDone", function(obj, newItem) { if(!firstItem) { // add doc as attachment newItem.attachments.push({document:doc}); newItem.complete(); firstItem = true; } }); search.setHandler("done", function(obj) { // if we didn't find anything, use what we had before (even if it // lacks the creator) if(!firstItem) { newItems[i].complete(); } // call next completeItems(newItems, useIndices, couldUseFullItems); }); search.setSearch(newItems[i]); var translators = search.getTranslators(function(translators) { if(translators.length) { search.setTranslator(translators); search.translate(); } else { // add doc as attachment newItems[i].attachments.push({document:doc}); newItems[i].complete(); // call next completeItems(newItems, useIndices, couldUseFullItems); } }); } else { // add doc as attachment newItems[i].attachments.push({document:doc}); newItems[i].complete(); // call next completeItems(newItems, useIndices, couldUseFullItems); } } function doWeb(doc, url) { var newItems = new Array(); var needFullItems = new Array(); var couldUseFullItems = new Array(); // See note in detectWeb() function nsResolver() { return 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'; } var spans = doc.evaluate('//x:span[contains(@class, " Z3988") or contains(@class, "Z3988 ") or @class="Z3988"][@title]', doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var span; while(span = spans.iterateNext()) { var spanTitle = span.title; var newItem = new Zotero.Item(); newItem.repository = false; // do not save repository if(Zotero.Utilities.parseContextObject(spanTitle, newItem)) { if(newItem.title) { if(!newItem.creators.length) { // if we have a title but little other identifying // information, say we'll get full item later newItem.contextObject = spanTitle; couldUseFullItems[newItems.length] = true; } // title and creators are minimum data to avoid looking up newItems.push(newItem); } else { // retrieve full item newItem.contextObject = spanTitle; needFullItems.push(newItem); } } } Zotero.debug(needFullItems); if(needFullItems.length) { // retrieve full items asynchronously Zotero.wait(); retrieveNextCOinS(needFullItems, newItems, couldUseFullItems, doc); } else { completeCOinS(newItems, couldUseFullItems, doc); } } /** BEGIN TEST CASES **/ var testCases = [ { "type": "web", "url": "http://www.husdal.com/2011/06/19/disruptions-in-supply-networks/", "items": [ { "itemType": "journalArticle", "creators": [ { "firstName": "Phil", "lastName": "Greening", "creatorType": "author" }, { "firstName": "Christine", "lastName": "Rutherford", "creatorType": "author" } ], "notes": [], "tags": [], "seeAlso": [], "attachments": [ {} ], "publicationTitle": "International Journal of Logistics Management", "title": "Disruptions and supply networks: a multi-level, multi-theoretical relational perspective", "date": "2011", "volume": "22", "issue": "1", "pages": "104-126", "libraryCatalog": false, "shortTitle": "Disruptions and supply networks" } ] }, { "type": "web", "url": "http://gamblershouse.wordpress.com/2011/06/19/the-view-from-dolores/", "items": "multiple" }, { "type": "web", "url": "http://www.hubmed.org/display.cgi?uids=21665052", "items": [ { "itemType": "journalArticle", "creators": [ { "creatorType": "author", "firstName": "Hui-Wen Vivian", "lastName": "Tang" } ], "notes": [], "tags": [], "seeAlso": [], "attachments": [ {} ], "publicationTitle": "Evaluation and Program Planning", "volume": "34", "ISSN": "01497189", "date": "11/2011", "pages": "343-352", "DOI": "10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2011.04.002", "url": "http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0149718911000449", "title": "Optimizing an immersion ESL curriculum using analytic hierarchy process", "libraryCatalog": "CrossRef" } ] } ] /** END TEST CASES **/