describe("PDF Recognition", function() { var win; before(function* () { if (Zotero.automatedTest) this.skip(); // TODO: Mock services this.timeout(60000); // Load Zotero pane and install PDF tools yield Zotero.Promise.all([ loadZoteroPane().then(w => win = w) ]); }); beforeEach(function* () { yield selectLibrary(win); }); afterEach(function() { for(let win of getWindows("chrome://zotero/content/recognizePDFDialog.xul")) { win.close(); } Zotero.RecognizePDF.cancel(); }); after(function() { if (win) { win.close(); } }); it("should recognize a PDF", async function () { this.timeout(30000); // Import the PDF var testdir = getTestDataDirectory(); testdir.append("recognizePDF_test_GS.pdf"); var attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file: testdir }); // Recognize the PDF win.ZoteroPane.recognizeSelected(); var addedIDs = await waitForItemEvent("add"); var modifiedIDs = await waitForItemEvent("modify"); assert.lengthOf(addedIDs, 1); var item = Zotero.Items.get(addedIDs[0]); assert.equal(item.getField("title"), "Scaling study of an improved fermion action on quenched lattices"); assert.lengthOf(modifiedIDs, 2); // Wait for status to show as complete var progressWindow = getWindows("chrome://zotero/content/recognizePDFDialog.xul")[0]; var completeStr = Zotero.getString("recognizePDF.complete.label"); while (progressWindow.document.getElementById("label").value != completeStr) { await Zotero.Promise.delay(20); } // The file should have been renamed assert.equal( attachment.attachmentFilename, Zotero.Attachments.getFileBaseNameFromItem(item) + '.pdf' ); }); it("should put new item in same collection", async function () { this.timeout(30000); // Import the PDF var testdir = getTestDataDirectory(); testdir.append("recognizePDF_test_GS.pdf"); var collection = await createDataObject('collection'); var attachment = await Zotero.Attachments.importFromFile({ file: testdir, collections: [] }); win.ZoteroPane.recognizeSelected(); var addedIDs = await waitForItemEvent("add"); var modifiedIDs = await waitForItemEvent("modify"); assert.lengthOf(addedIDs, 1); var item = Zotero.Items.get(addedIDs[0]); assert.lengthOf(modifiedIDs, 2); // Wait for status to show as complete var progressWindow = getWindows("chrome://zotero/content/recognizePDFDialog.xul")[0]; var completeStr = Zotero.getString("recognizePDF.complete.label"); while (progressWindow.document.getElementById("label").value != completeStr) { await Zotero.Promise.delay(20); } assert.isTrue(collection.hasItem(; }); });