"use strict"; describe("Connector Server", function () { Components.utils.import("resource://zotero-unit/httpd.js"); var win, connectorServerPath, testServerPath, httpd; var testServerPort = 16213; before(function* () { this.timeout(20000); Zotero.Prefs.set("httpServer.enabled", true); yield resetDB({ thisArg: this, skipBundledFiles: true }); yield Zotero.Translators.init(); win = yield loadZoteroPane(); connectorServerPath = '' + Zotero.Prefs.get('httpServer.port'); }); beforeEach(function () { // Alternate ports to prevent exceptions not catchable in JS testServerPort += (testServerPort & 1) ? 1 : -1; testServerPath = '' + testServerPort; httpd = new HttpServer(); httpd.start(testServerPort); }); afterEach(function* () { var defer = new Zotero.Promise.defer(); httpd.stop(() => defer.resolve()); yield defer.promise; }); after(function () { win.close(); }); describe('/connector/getTranslatorCode', function() { it('should respond with translator code', function* () { var code = 'function detectWeb() {}\nfunction doImport() {}'; var translator = buildDummyTranslator(4, code); sinon.stub(Zotero.Translators, 'get').returns(translator); var response = yield Zotero.HTTP.request( 'POST', connectorServerPath + "/connector/getTranslatorCode", { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ translatorID: "dummy-translator", }) } ); assert.isTrue(Zotero.Translators.get.calledWith('dummy-translator')); let translatorCode = yield translator.getCode(); assert.equal(response.response, translatorCode); Zotero.Translators.get.restore(); }) }); describe("/connector/detect", function() { it("should return relevant translators with proxies", function* () { var code = 'function detectWeb() {return "newspaperArticle";}\nfunction doWeb() {}'; var translator = buildDummyTranslator("web", code, {target: "https://www.example.com/.*"}); sinon.stub(Zotero.Translators, 'getAllForType').resolves([translator]); var response = yield Zotero.HTTP.request( 'POST', connectorServerPath + "/connector/detect", { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ uri: "https://www-example-com.proxy.example.com/article", html: "<head><title>Owl</title></head><body><p>🦉</p></body>" }) } ); assert.equal(JSON.parse(response.response)[0].proxy.scheme, 'https://%h.proxy.example.com/%p'); Zotero.Translators.getAllForType.restore(); }); }); describe("/connector/saveItems", function () { // TODO: Test cookies it("should save a translated item to the current selected collection", function* () { var collection = yield createDataObject('collection'); yield waitForItemsLoad(win); var body = { items: [ { itemType: "newspaperArticle", title: "Title", creators: [ { firstName: "First", lastName: "Last", creatorType: "author" } ], attachments: [ { title: "Attachment", url: `${testServerPath}/attachment`, mimeType: "text/html" } ] } ], uri: "http://example.com" }; httpd.registerPathHandler( "/attachment", { handle: function (request, response) { response.setStatusLine(null, 200, "OK"); response.write("<html><head><title>Title</title><body>Body</body></html>"); } } ); var promise = waitForItemEvent('add'); var reqPromise = Zotero.HTTP.request( 'POST', connectorServerPath + "/connector/saveItems", { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify(body) } ); // Check parent item var ids = yield promise; assert.lengthOf(ids, 1); var item = Zotero.Items.get(ids[0]); assert.equal(Zotero.ItemTypes.getName(item.itemTypeID), 'newspaperArticle'); assert.isTrue(collection.hasItem(item.id)); // Check attachment promise = waitForItemEvent('add'); ids = yield promise; assert.lengthOf(ids, 1); item = Zotero.Items.get(ids[0]); assert.isTrue(item.isImportedAttachment()); // Wait until indexing is done yield waitForItemEvent('refresh'); var req = yield reqPromise; assert.equal(req.status, 201); }); it("should save to My Library if read-only library is selected", function* () { var group = yield createGroup({ editable: false }); yield selectLibrary(win, group.libraryID); yield waitForItemsLoad(win); var body = { items: [ { itemType: "newspaperArticle", title: "Title", creators: [ { firstName: "First", lastName: "Last", creatorType: "author" } ], attachments: [] } ], uri: "http://example.com" }; var promise = waitForItemEvent('add'); var req = yield Zotero.HTTP.request( 'POST', connectorServerPath + "/connector/saveItems", { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify(body) } ); // Check item var ids = yield promise; assert.lengthOf(ids, 1); var item = Zotero.Items.get(ids[0]); assert.equal(Zotero.ItemTypes.getName(item.itemTypeID), 'newspaperArticle'); // Item should've been saved to My Library assert.equal(item.libraryID, Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); // My Library should've been selected assert.equal( win.ZoteroPane.collectionsView.getSelectedLibraryID(), Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID ); }); it("should use the provided proxy to deproxify item url", function* () { yield selectLibrary(win, Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); yield waitForItemsLoad(win); var body = { items: [ { itemType: "newspaperArticle", title: "Title", creators: [ { firstName: "First", lastName: "Last", creatorType: "author" } ], attachments: [], url: "https://www-example-com.proxy.example.com/path" } ], uri: "https://www-example-com.proxy.example.com/path", proxy: {scheme: 'https://%h.proxy.example.com/%p', dotsToHyphens: true} }; var promise = waitForItemEvent('add'); var req = yield Zotero.HTTP.request( 'POST', connectorServerPath + "/connector/saveItems", { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify(body) } ); // Check item var ids = yield promise; assert.lengthOf(ids, 1); var item = Zotero.Items.get(ids[0]); assert.equal(item.getField('url'), 'https://www.example.com/path'); }); }); describe("/connector/saveSnapshot", function () { // TEMP: Wait for indexing to complete, which happens after a 1-second delay, after a 201 has // been returned to the connector. Would be better to make sure indexing has completed. afterEach(function* () { yield Zotero.Promise.delay(1050); }); it("should save a webpage item and snapshot to the current selected collection", function* () { var collection = yield createDataObject('collection'); yield waitForItemsLoad(win); // saveSnapshot saves parent and child before returning var ids1, ids2; var promise = waitForItemEvent('add').then(function (ids) { ids1 = ids; return waitForItemEvent('add').then(function (ids) { ids2 = ids; }); }); yield Zotero.HTTP.request( 'POST', connectorServerPath + "/connector/saveSnapshot", { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ url: "http://example.com", html: "<html><head><title>Title</title><body>Body</body></html>" }) } ); assert.isTrue(promise.isFulfilled()); // Check parent item assert.lengthOf(ids1, 1); var item = Zotero.Items.get(ids1[0]); assert.equal(Zotero.ItemTypes.getName(item.itemTypeID), 'webpage'); assert.isTrue(collection.hasItem(item.id)); assert.equal(item.getField('title'), 'Title'); // Check attachment assert.lengthOf(ids2, 1); item = Zotero.Items.get(ids2[0]); assert.isTrue(item.isImportedAttachment()); assert.equal(item.getField('title'), 'Title'); }); it("should save a PDF to the current selected collection", function* () { var collection = yield createDataObject('collection'); yield waitForItemsLoad(win); var file = getTestDataDirectory(); file.append('test.pdf'); httpd.registerFile("/test.pdf", file); var ids; var promise = waitForItemEvent('add'); yield Zotero.HTTP.request( 'POST', connectorServerPath + "/connector/saveSnapshot", { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ url: testServerPath + "/test.pdf", pdf: true }) } ); var ids = yield promise; assert.lengthOf(ids, 1); var item = Zotero.Items.get(ids[0]); assert.isTrue(item.isImportedAttachment()); assert.equal(item.attachmentContentType, 'application/pdf'); assert.isTrue(collection.hasItem(item.id)); }); it("should save a webpage item to My Library if a read-only library is selected", function* () { var group = yield createGroup({ editable: false }); yield selectLibrary(win, group.libraryID); yield waitForItemsLoad(win); // saveSnapshot saves parent and child before returning var ids1, ids2; var promise = waitForItemEvent('add').then(function (ids) { ids1 = ids; return waitForItemEvent('add').then(function (ids) { ids2 = ids; }); }); yield Zotero.HTTP.request( 'POST', connectorServerPath + "/connector/saveSnapshot", { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ url: "http://example.com", html: "<html><head><title>Title</title><body>Body</body></html>" }) } ); assert.isTrue(promise.isFulfilled()); // Check parent item assert.lengthOf(ids1, 1); var item = Zotero.Items.get(ids1[0]); assert.equal(Zotero.ItemTypes.getName(item.itemTypeID), 'webpage'); assert.equal(item.getField('title'), 'Title'); assert.equal(item.libraryID, Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); // Item should've been saved to My Library assert.equal(item.libraryID, Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); // My Library should've been selected assert.equal( win.ZoteroPane.collectionsView.getSelectedLibraryID(), Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID ); }); }); describe("/connector/savePage", function() { // TEMP: Wait for indexing to complete, which happens after a 1-second delay, after a 201 has // been returned to the connector. Would be better to make sure indexing has completed. afterEach(function* () { yield Zotero.Promise.delay(1050); }); it("should return 500 if no translator available for page", function* () { var xmlhttp = yield Zotero.HTTP.request( 'POST', connectorServerPath + "/connector/savePage", { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ uri: "http://example.com", html: "<html><head><title>Title</title><body>Body</body></html>" }), successCodes: false } ); assert.equal(xmlhttp.status, 500); }); it("should translate a page if translators are available", function* () { var html = Zotero.File.getContentsFromURL(getTestDataUrl('coins.html')); var promise = waitForItemEvent('add'); var xmlhttp = yield Zotero.HTTP.request( 'POST', connectorServerPath + "/connector/savePage", { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ uri: "https://example.com/test", html }), successCodes: false } ); let ids = yield promise; var item = Zotero.Items.get(ids[0]); var title = "Test Page"; assert.equal(JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText).items[0].title, title); assert.equal(item.getField('title'), title); assert.equal(xmlhttp.status, 201); }); }); describe('/connector/installStyle', function() { var endpoint; before(function() { endpoint = connectorServerPath + "/connector/installStyle"; }); it('should reject styles with invalid text', function* () { var error = yield getPromiseError(Zotero.HTTP.request( 'POST', endpoint, { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: '{}' } )); assert.instanceOf(error, Zotero.HTTP.UnexpectedStatusException); assert.equal(error.xmlhttp.status, 400); assert.equal(error.xmlhttp.responseText, Zotero.getString("styles.installError", "(null)")); }); it('should import a style with application/vnd.citationstyles.style+xml content-type', function* () { sinon.stub(Zotero.Styles, 'install', function(style) { var parser = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/domparser;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMParser), doc = parser.parseFromString(style, "application/xml"); return Zotero.Promise.resolve( Zotero.Utilities.xpathText(doc, '/csl:style/csl:info[1]/csl:title[1]', Zotero.Styles.ns) ); }); var style = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <style xmlns="http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl" version="1.0" default-locale="de-DE"> <info> <title>Test1</title> <id>http://www.example.com/test2</id> <link href="http://www.zotero.org/styles/cell" rel="independent-parent"/> </info> </style> `; var response = yield Zotero.HTTP.request( 'POST', endpoint, { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/vnd.citationstyles.style+xml" }, body: style } ); assert.equal(response.status, 201); assert.equal(response.response, JSON.stringify({name: 'Test1'})); Zotero.Styles.install.restore(); }); }); describe('/connector/import', function() { var endpoint; before(function() { endpoint = connectorServerPath + "/connector/import"; }); it('should reject resources that do not contain import data', function* () { var error = yield getPromiseError(Zotero.HTTP.request( 'POST', endpoint, { headers: { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }, body: 'Owl' } )); assert.instanceOf(error, Zotero.HTTP.UnexpectedStatusException); assert.equal(error.xmlhttp.status, 400); }); it('should import resources (BibTeX)', function* () { var resource = `@book{test1, title={Test1}, author={Owl}, year={1000}, publisher={Curly Braces Publishing} }`; var response = yield Zotero.HTTP.request( 'POST', endpoint, { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-bibtex" }, body: resource } ); assert.equal(response.status, 201); assert.equal(JSON.parse(response.responseText)[0].title, 'Test1'); }); }); });