/* Zotero Copyright (C) 2006 Center for History and New Media, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA http://chnm.gmu.edu/ */ var itemsView; var collectionsView; var io; function doLoad() { io = window.arguments[0]; collectionsView = new Scholar.CollectionTreeView(); document.getElementById('collections-tree').view = collectionsView; // move to center of screen window.sizeToContent() window.moveTo( (self.screen.width-window.innerWidth)/2, (self.screen.height-window.innerHeight)/2 ); } function doUnload() { collectionsView.unregister(); if(itemsView) itemsView.unregister(); } function onCollectionSelected() { if(itemsView) itemsView.unregister(); if(collectionsView.selection.count == 1 && collectionsView.selection.currentIndex != -1) { var collection = collectionsView._getItemAtRow(collectionsView.selection.currentIndex); collection.setSearch(''); itemsView = new Scholar.ItemTreeView(collection); document.getElementById('items-tree').view = itemsView; } } function onItemSelected() { } function doAccept() { var start = new Object(); var end = new Object(); io.dataOut = new Array(); for(var i = 0, rangeCount = itemsView.selection.getRangeCount(); i < rangeCount; i++) { itemsView.selection.getRangeAt(i,start,end); for(var j = start.value; j <= end.value; j++) { io.dataOut.push(itemsView._getItemAtRow(j).ref.getID()); } } }