Scholar.Integration = new function() { var _contentLengthRe = /[\r\n]Content-Length: *([0-9]+)/i; var _XMLRe = /<\?[^>]+\?>/; this.ns = ""; this.init = init; this.handleHeader = handleHeader; this.handleEnvelope = handleEnvelope; /* * initializes a very rudimentary web server used for SOAP RPC */ function init() { // start listening on socket var sock = Components.classes[";1"]; serv = sock.createInstance(); serv = serv.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIServerSocket); // bind to a random port on loopback only serv.init(50001, true, -1); serv.asyncListen(Scholar.Integration.SocketListener); Scholar.debug("Integration HTTP server listening on"+serv.port); } /* * handles an HTTP request */ function handleHeader(header) { // get first line of request (all we care about for now) var method = header.substr(0, header.indexOf(" ")); if(!method) { return _generateResponse("400 Bad Request"); } if(method != "POST") { return _generateResponse("501 Method Not Implemented"); } else { // parse content length var m = _contentLengthRe.exec(header); if(!m) { return _generateResponse("400 Bad Request"); } else { return parseInt(m[1]); } } } /* * handles a SOAP envelope */ function handleEnvelope(envelope) { Scholar.debug("Integration: SOAP Request\n"+envelope); envelope = envelope.replace(_XMLRe, ""); var env = new Namespace(""); var xml = new XML(envelope); var request = xml.env::Body.children()[0]; if(request.namespace() != this.ns) { Scholar.debug("Integration: SOAP method not supported: invalid namespace"); } else { var name = request.localName(); if(Scholar.Integration.SOAP[name]) { if(request.input.length()) { // split apart passed parameters (same colon-escaped format // as we pass) var input = request.input.toString(); var vars = new Array(); vars[0] = ""; var i = 0; colonIndex = input.indexOf(":"); while(colonIndex != -1) { if(input[colonIndex+1] == ":") { // escaped vars[i] += input.substr(0, colonIndex+1); input = input.substr(colonIndex+2); } else { // not escaped vars[i] += input.substr(0, colonIndex); i++; vars[i] = ""; input = input.substr(colonIndex+1); } colonIndex = input.indexOf(":"); } vars[i] += input; } else { var vars = null; } // execute request var output = Scholar.Integration.SOAP[name](vars); // ugh: we can't use real SOAP, since AppleScript VBA can't pass // objects, so implode arrays if(!output) { output = ""; } if(typeof(output) == "object") { for(var i in output) { if(typeof(output[i]) == "string") { output[i] = output[i].replace(/:/g, "::"); } } output = output.join(":"); } // create envelope var responseEnvelope = {output} ; var response = responseEnvelope.toXMLString(); Scholar.debug("Integration: SOAP Response\n"+response); // return OK return _generateResponse("200 OK", 'text/xml; charset="utf-8"', response); } else { Scholar.debug("Integration: SOAP method not supported"); } } } /* * generates the response to an HTTP request */ function _generateResponse(status, contentType, body) { var response = "HTTP/1.0 "+status+"\r\n"; if(body) { if(contentType) { response += "Content-Type: "+contentType+"\r\n"; } response += "Content-Length: "+body.length+"\r\n\r\n"+body; } else { response += "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n" } return response; } } Scholar.Integration.SocketListener = new function() { this.onSocketAccepted = onSocketAccepted; /* * called when a socket is opened */ function onSocketAccepted(socket, transport) { // get an input stream var iStream = transport.openInputStream(0, 0, 0); var oStream = transport.openOutputStream(0, 0, 0); var dataListener = new Scholar.Integration.DataListener(iStream, oStream); var pump = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIInputStreamPump); pump.init(iStream, -1, -1, 0, 0, false); pump.asyncRead(dataListener, null); } } /* * handles the actual acquisition of data */ Scholar.Integration.DataListener = function(iStream, oStream) { this.header = ""; this.headerFinished = false; this.body = ""; this.bodyLength = 0; this.iStream = iStream; this.oStream = oStream; this.sStream = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream); this.sStream.init(iStream); this.foundReturn = false; } /* * called when a request begins (although the request should have begun before * the DataListener was generated) */ Scholar.Integration.DataListener.prototype.onStartRequest = function(request, context) {} /* * called when a request stops */ Scholar.Integration.DataListener.prototype.onStopRequest = function(request, context, status) { this.iStream.close(); this.oStream.close(); } /* * called when new data is available */ Scholar.Integration.DataListener.prototype.onDataAvailable = function(request, context, inputStream, offset, count) { var readData =; if(this.headerFinished) { // reading body this.body += readData; // check to see if data is done this._bodyData(); } else { // reading header // see if there's a magic double return var lineBreakIndex = readData.indexOf("\r\n\r\n"); if(lineBreakIndex != -1) { if(lineBreakIndex != 0) { this.header += readData.substr(0, lineBreakIndex+4); this.body = readData.substr(lineBreakIndex+4); } this._headerFinished(); return; } var lineBreakIndex = readData.indexOf("\n\n"); if(lineBreakIndex != -1) { if(lineBreakIndex != 0) { this.header += readData.substr(0, lineBreakIndex+2); this.body = readData.substr(lineBreakIndex+2); } this._headerFinished(); return; } if(this.header && this.header[this.header.length-1] == "\n" && (readData[0] == "\n" || readData[0] == "\r")) { if(readData.length > 1 && readData[1] == "\n") { this.header += readData.substr(0, 2); this.body = readData.substr(2); } else { this.header += readData[0]; this.body = readData.substr(1); } this._headerFinished(); return; } this.header += readData; } } /* * processes an HTTP header and decides what to do */ Scholar.Integration.DataListener.prototype._headerFinished = function() { this.headerFinished = true; var output = Scholar.Integration.handleHeader(this.header); if(typeof(output) == "number") { this.bodyLength = output; // check to see if data is done this._bodyData(); } else { this._requestFinished(output); } } /* * checks to see if Content-Length bytes of body have been read and, if they * have, processes the body */ Scholar.Integration.DataListener.prototype._bodyData = function() { if(this.body.length >= this.bodyLength) { if(this.body.length > this.bodyLength) { // truncate this.body = this.body.substr(0, this.bodyLength); } var output = Scholar.Integration.handleEnvelope(this.body); this._requestFinished(output); } } /* * returns HTTP data from a request */ Scholar.Integration.DataListener.prototype._requestFinished = function(response) { // close input stream this.iStream.close(); // write response this.oStream.write(response, response.length); // close output stream this.oStream.close(); } Scholar.Integration.SOAP = new function() { this.init = init; this.update = update; this.restoreSession = restoreSession; this.setDocPrefs = setDocPrefs; var _sessions = new Array(); var window; function init() { window = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAppShellService) .hiddenDOMWindow; } /* * generates a new citation for a given item * ACCEPTS: sessionID, bibliographyMode, citationMode(, fieldIndex, fieldName)+ * RETURNS: bibliography(, fieldIndex, fieldRename, fieldContent)+ */ function update(vars) { if(!_sessions[vars[0]]) { return "ERROR:sessionExpired"; } var session = _sessions[vars[0]]; var returnString = ""; var bibliographyMode = vars[1]; var citationMode = vars[2]; var style = Scholar.Cite.getStyle(session.styleID); var encounteredItem = new Object(); var newField = new Object(); var regenerate = new Object(); var newFieldArrayIndex = vars.indexOf("X", 2); if(newFieldArrayIndex != -1) { var newFieldIndex = vars[newFieldArrayIndex-1]; // get items var io = {dataIn: null, dataOut: null}; window.openDialog('chrome://scholar/content/selectItemsDialog.xul','', 'chrome,popup,modal',io); if(io.dataOut) { // cancel was not pressed var field = (io.dataOut.join(","))+"_"+Scholar.randomString(); // set so that itemID works vars[newFieldArrayIndex] = field; // set so that field name will get changed newField[newFieldIndex] = field; } else { vars[newFieldArrayIndex] = "!"; newField[newFieldIndex] = "!"; } } var regenerateItemList = _inspectCitationPairs(vars, 3, session, style, encounteredItem, newField, regenerate, (citationMode == "all")); if(!regenerateItemList) { // if we're not already regenerating the item list, ensure no // citations have been deleted for(var i in session.encounteredItem) { if(!encounteredItem[i]) { regenerateItemList = true; } } } var output = new Array(); if(regenerateItemList || bibliographyMode == "true") { Scholar.debug("Integration: Regenerating Item List"); // need to re-process items var items = new Array(); for(var i in encounteredItem) { items.push(Scholar.Items.get(i)); } style.preprocessItems(items); // EBNF: bibliography-data if(bibliographyMode != "false") { output.push(style.createBibliography(items, "Integration")); } else { output.push("!"); } } else { // EBNF: bibliography-data output.push("!"); } // state which citations to update // EBNF: citation-output-triple for(var i in regenerate) { // EBNF: citation-index output.push(i); if(regenerate[i] === false) { // if marked for deletion, delete output.push("!"); output.push("!"); } else if(regenerate[i] === true) { // if marked for name change, change name output.push(newField[i]); output.push("!"); } else { // EBNF: citation-field if(newField[i]) { output.push(newField[i]); } else { output.push("!"); } // EBNF: citation-data var items = Scholar.Items.get(regenerate[i][0]); output.push(style.createCitation(items, regenerate[i][1], "Integration")); } } session.encounteredItem = encounteredItem; return output; } /* * restores a session, given all citations * ACCEPTS: styleID(, fieldIndex, fieldName)+ * RETURNS: sessionID */ function restoreSession(vars) { var sessionID = Scholar.randomString(); var session = _generateSession(sessionID); session.styleID = vars[0]; var style = Scholar.Cite.getStyle(session.styleID); var encounteredItem = new Object(); var newField = new Object(); var regenerate = new Object(); _inspectCitationPairs(vars, 1, session, style); return [sessionID]; } /* * sets document preferences * ACCEPTS: (sessionID)? * RETURNS: sessionID, styleID, style-class */ function setDocPrefs(vars) { var io = new Object(); if(!vars || !vars[0] || vars[0] == "!") { // no session ID; generate a new one var sessionID = Scholar.randomString(); var session = _generateSession(sessionID); } else { // session ID exists var sessionID = vars[0]; Scholar.debug(vars.toSource()); var session = _sessions[sessionID]; var originalStyle = session.styleID; = originalStyle; } window.openDialog('chrome://scholar/content/integrationDocPrefs.xul','', 'chrome,popup,modal',io); session.styleID =; var style = Scholar.Cite.getStyle(; return [sessionID,, style.class]; } /* * inspects citation pairs to determine which are in need of an update * * vars - the set of variables * * startIndex - the place in the set of variables at which the citations * begin * * session - the session variable (see _generateSession()) * * encounteredItem - an object representing whether a given item ID has been * encountered, in the format itemID => true * * newField - an object representing whether a given field needs to be * renamed, in the format fieldIndex => newFieldName * * regenerate - an object representing whether the contents of a given field * need to be modified, in the format: * index => [[itemID1, itemID2], ([format1, format2] | "2")] * formats are as follows: * 1 => first occurance of a given item. use full citation. * 2 => item occurred directly previously. use ibid. (never * used as an array, only a single item) * 3 => subsequent entry. */ function _inspectCitationPairs(vars, startIndex, session, style, encounteredItem, newField, regenerate, regenerateAll) { var newItemFound = false; var encounteredField = new Object();// keep track of field names, to see // if there are duplicates if(!encounteredItem) { encounteredItem = new Object(); } var lastItemIDString = null; var index, field, lastItemID, itemIDs, itemID, itemSetValue; for(var i=startIndex; i