"use strict"; describe("Note Editor", function () { var win, zp; before(function* () { win = yield loadZoteroPane(); zp = win.ZoteroPane; }); after(function () { win.close(); }); describe("Tags box", function () { it("should open new row for editing if no tags", function* () { var note = yield createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note' }); var noteEditor = win.document.getElementById('zotero-note-editor'); var linksBox = noteEditor._id('links-box'); linksBox.tagsClick(); var tagsBox = linksBox.id('tagsPopup').firstChild; var tagRows = tagsBox.id('tagRows'); assert.equal(tagRows.childNodes.length, 1); }); it("should only open one new row for editing", function* () { var note = yield createDataObject('item', { itemType: 'note' }); var noteEditor = win.document.getElementById('zotero-note-editor'); var linksBox = noteEditor._id('links-box'); linksBox.tagsClick(); // Close and reopen linksBox.id('tagsPopup').hidePopup(); linksBox.tagsClick(); // Should still be only one empty row var tagsBox = linksBox.id('tagsPopup').firstChild; var tagRows = tagsBox.id('tagRows'); assert.equal(tagRows.childNodes.length, 1); }); it("should show tags in alphabetical order", function* () { var note = new Zotero.Item('note'); note.addTag('B'); yield note.saveTx(); note.addTag('A'); note.addTag('C'); yield note.saveTx(); var noteEditor = win.document.getElementById('zotero-note-editor'); var linksBox = noteEditor._id('links-box'); assert.equal(linksBox.id('tags').summary, "A, B, C"); }); }); });