"use strict"; describe("Zotero.ItemTreeView", function() { var win, zp, itemsView, existingItemID; // Load Zotero pane and select library before(function* () { win = yield loadZoteroPane(); zp = win.ZoteroPane; var item = new Zotero.Item('book'); existingItemID = yield item.saveTx(); }); beforeEach(function* () { yield zp.collectionsView.selectLibrary(); yield waitForItemsLoad(win) itemsView = zp.itemsView; }) after(function () { win.close(); }); it("shouldn't show items in trash", function* () { var item = yield createDataObject('item', { title: "foo" }); var itemID = item.id; item.deleted = true; yield item.saveTx(); assert.notOk(itemsView.getRowIndexByID(itemID)); }) describe("#selectItem()", function () { /** * Make sure that selectItem() doesn't hang if the pane's item-select handler is never * triggered due to the item already being selected */ it("should return if item is already selected", function* () { yield itemsView.selectItem(existingItemID); var selected = itemsView.getSelectedItems(true); assert.lengthOf(selected, 1); assert.equal(selected[0], existingItemID); yield itemsView.selectItem(existingItemID); selected = itemsView.getSelectedItems(true); assert.lengthOf(selected, 1); assert.equal(selected[0], existingItemID); }); }) describe("#notify()", function () { beforeEach(function () { sinon.spy(win.ZoteroPane, "itemSelected"); }) afterEach(function () { win.ZoteroPane.itemSelected.restore(); }) it("should select a new item", function* () { itemsView.selection.clearSelection(); assert.lengthOf(itemsView.getSelectedItems(), 0); assert.equal(win.ZoteroPane.itemSelected.callCount, 1); // Create item var item = new Zotero.Item('book'); var id = yield item.saveTx(); // New item should be selected var selected = itemsView.getSelectedItems(); assert.lengthOf(selected, 1); assert.equal(selected[0].id, id); // Item should have been selected once assert.equal(win.ZoteroPane.itemSelected.callCount, 2); assert.ok(win.ZoteroPane.itemSelected.returnValues[1].value()); }); it("shouldn't select a new item if skipNotifier is passed", function* () { // Select existing item yield itemsView.selectItem(existingItemID); var selected = itemsView.getSelectedItems(true); assert.lengthOf(selected, 1); assert.equal(selected[0], existingItemID); // Reset call count on spy win.ZoteroPane.itemSelected.reset(); // Create item with skipNotifier flag var item = new Zotero.Item('book'); var id = yield item.saveTx({ skipNotifier: true }); // No select events should have occurred assert.equal(win.ZoteroPane.itemSelected.callCount, 0); // Existing item should still be selected selected = itemsView.getSelectedItems(true); assert.lengthOf(selected, 1); assert.equal(selected[0], existingItemID); }); it("shouldn't select a new item if skipSelect is passed", function* () { // Select existing item yield itemsView.selectItem(existingItemID); var selected = itemsView.getSelectedItems(true); assert.lengthOf(selected, 1); assert.equal(selected[0], existingItemID); // Reset call count on spy win.ZoteroPane.itemSelected.reset(); // Create item with skipSelect flag var item = new Zotero.Item('book'); var id = yield item.saveTx({ skipSelect: true }); // itemSelected should have been called once (from 'selectEventsSuppressed = false' // in notify()) as a no-op assert.equal(win.ZoteroPane.itemSelected.callCount, 1); assert.isFalse(win.ZoteroPane.itemSelected.returnValues[0].value()); // Existing item should still be selected selected = itemsView.getSelectedItems(true); assert.lengthOf(selected, 1); assert.equal(selected[0], existingItemID); }); it("shouldn't change selection outside of trash if new trashed item is created with skipSelect", function* () { yield selectLibrary(win); yield waitForItemsLoad(win); itemsView.selection.clearSelection(); var item = createUnsavedDataObject('item'); item.deleted = true; var id = yield item.saveTx({ skipSelect: true }); // Nothing should be selected var selected = itemsView.getSelectedItems(true); assert.lengthOf(selected, 0); }) it("shouldn't select a modified item", function* () { // Create item var item = new Zotero.Item('book'); var id = yield item.saveTx(); itemsView.selection.clearSelection(); assert.lengthOf(itemsView.getSelectedItems(), 0); // Reset call count on spy win.ZoteroPane.itemSelected.reset(); // Modify item item.setField('title', 'no select on modify'); yield item.saveTx(); // itemSelected should have been called once (from 'selectEventsSuppressed = false' // in notify()) as a no-op assert.equal(win.ZoteroPane.itemSelected.callCount, 1); assert.isFalse(win.ZoteroPane.itemSelected.returnValues[0].value()); // Modified item should not be selected assert.lengthOf(itemsView.getSelectedItems(), 0); }); it("should maintain selection on a selected modified item", function* () { // Create item var item = new Zotero.Item('book'); var id = yield item.saveTx(); yield itemsView.selectItem(id); var selected = itemsView.getSelectedItems(true); assert.lengthOf(selected, 1); assert.equal(selected[0], id); // Reset call count on spy win.ZoteroPane.itemSelected.reset(); // Modify item item.setField('title', 'maintain selection on modify'); yield item.saveTx(); // itemSelected should have been called once (from 'selectEventsSuppressed = false' // in notify()) as a no-op assert.equal(win.ZoteroPane.itemSelected.callCount, 1); assert.isFalse(win.ZoteroPane.itemSelected.returnValues[0].value()); // Modified item should still be selected selected = itemsView.getSelectedItems(true); assert.lengthOf(selected, 1); assert.equal(selected[0], id); }); it("should reselect the same row when an item is removed", function* () { var collection = yield createDataObject('collection'); yield waitForItemsLoad(win); itemsView = zp.itemsView; var items = []; var num = 10; for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) { let item = createUnsavedDataObject('item'); item.addToCollection(collection.id); yield item.saveTx(); items.push(item); } yield Zotero.Promise.delay(2000); assert.equal(itemsView.rowCount, num); // Select the third item in the list itemsView.selection.select(2); var treeRow = itemsView.getRow(2); yield treeRow.ref.eraseTx(); // Selection should stay on third row assert.equal(itemsView.selection.currentIndex, 2); yield Zotero.Items.erase(items.map(item => item.id)); }) }) describe("#drop()", function () { it("should create a top-level attachment when a file is dragged", function* () { var file = getTestDataDirectory(); file.append('test.png'); var deferred = Zotero.Promise.defer(); itemsView.addEventListener('select', () => deferred.resolve()); itemsView.drop(0, -1, { dropEffect: 'copy', effectAllowed: 'copy', types: { contains: function (type) { return type == 'application/x-moz-file'; } }, mozItemCount: 1, mozGetDataAt: function (type, i) { if (type == 'application/x-moz-file' && i == 0) { return file; } } }) yield deferred.promise; var items = itemsView.getSelectedItems(); var path = yield items[0].getFilePathAsync(); assert.equal( (yield Zotero.File.getBinaryContentsAsync(path)), (yield Zotero.File.getBinaryContentsAsync(file)) ); }) }); })