const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const colors = require('colors/safe'); const green =; const blue =; const yellow = colors.yellow; const isWindows = /^win/.test(process.platform); const ROOT = path.resolve(__dirname, '..'); const NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV; function onError(err) { console.log('\u0007'); //🔔 console.log('Error:'), err); } function onSuccess(result) { var msg = `${green('Success:')} ${blue(`[${result.action}]`)} ${result.count} files processed`; if (result.totalCount) { msg += ` | ${result.totalCount} checked`; } msg += ` [${yellow(`${result.processingTime.toFixed(2)}ms`)}]`; console.log(msg); } function onProgress(sourcefile, outfile, operation) { if ('isError' in global && global.isError) { return; } if (NODE_ENV == 'debug') { console.log(`${`[${operation}]`)} ${sourcefile} -> ${outfile}`); } else { console.log(`${`[${operation}]`)} ${sourcefile}`); } } async function getSignatures() { let signaturesFile = path.resolve(ROOT, '.signatures.json'); var signatures = {}; try { signatures = await fs.readJson(signaturesFile); } catch (_) { // if signatures files doesn't exist, return empty object instead } return signatures; } async function writeSignatures(signatures) { let signaturesFile = path.resolve(ROOT, '.signatures.json'); NODE_ENV == 'debug' && console.log('writing signatures to .signatures.json'); await fs.outputJson(signaturesFile, signatures); } async function recursivelyRemoveEmptyDirsUp(dirsSeen, invalidDirsCount = 0, removedDirsCount = 0) { const newDirsSeen = new Set(); for (let dir of dirsSeen) { try { // check if dir from signatures exists in source await fs.access(dir, fs.constants.F_OK); } catch (_) { invalidDirsCount++; NODE_ENV == 'debug' && console.log(`Dir ${dir} found in signatures but not in src, deleting from build`); try { await fs.remove(path.join('build', dir)); const parentDir = path.dirname(dir); if (!dirsSeen.has(parentDir) && parentDir !== ROOT) { newDirsSeen.add(path.dirname(dir)); } removedDirsCount++; } catch (_) { // dir wasn't in the build either } } } if (newDirsSeen.size) { return recursivelyRemoveEmptyDirsUp(newDirsSeen, invalidDirsCount, removedDirsCount); } return { invalidDirsCount, removedDirsCount }; } async function cleanUp(signatures) { const t1 =; let dirsSeen = new Set(); var removedCount = 0, invalidCount = 0; for (let f of Object.keys(signatures)) { let dir = path.dirname(f); dirsSeen.add(dir); try { // check if file from signatures exists in source await fs.access(f, fs.constants.F_OK); } catch (_) { invalidCount++; NODE_ENV == 'debug' && console.log(`File ${f} found in signatures but not in src, deleting from build`); try { await fs.remove(path.join('build', f)); removedCount++; } catch (_) { // file wasn't in the build either } delete signatures[f]; } } const { invalidDirsCount, removedDirsCount } = await recursivelyRemoveEmptyDirsUp(dirsSeen); invalidCount += invalidDirsCount; removedCount += removedDirsCount; const t2 =; return { action: 'cleanup', count: removedCount, totalCount: invalidCount, processingTime: t2 - t1 }; } async function getFileSignature(file) { let stats = await fs.stat(file); return { mode: stats.mode, mtime: stats.mtimeMs || stats.mtime.getTime(), isDirectory: stats.isDirectory(), isFile: stats.isFile() }; } function compareSignatures(a, b) { return typeof a === 'object' && typeof b === 'object' && a !== null && b !== null && ['mode', 'mtime', 'isDirectory', 'isFile'].reduce((acc, k) => { return acc ? k in a && k in b && a[k] == b[k] : false; }, true); } function getPathRelativeTo(f, dirName) { return path.relative(path.join(ROOT, dirName), path.join(ROOT, f)); } const formatDirsForMatcher = (dirs) => { return dirs.length > 1 ? `{${dirs.join(',')}}` : dirs[0]; }; function comparePaths(actualPath, testedPath) { // compare paths after normalizing os-specific path separator return path.normalize(actualPath) === path.normalize(testedPath); } function debounce(func, timeout = 200) { let timer; return (...args) => { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(() => func.apply(this, args), timeout); }; } const envCheckTrue = env => !!(env && (parseInt(env) || env === true || env === "true")); module.exports = { cleanUp, comparePaths, compareSignatures, debounce, envCheckTrue, formatDirsForMatcher, getFileSignature, getPathRelativeTo, getSignatures, isWindows, onError, onProgress, onSuccess, writeSignatures, };